Design report in the senior group. The value of constructive activity for preschool children. From the experience of the educator. Innovative experience on the theme

The purpose of our work was to create conditions for the development of constructive skills, which contributed to the solution of the following tasks:

Development of constructive thinking;

Creation of conditions for the formation of a prerequisite for creativity;

Creation of conditions for cooperation in joint activities.



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Report on constructive activity in the senior group for the 2012-2013 academic year The purpose of our work was to create conditions for the development of constructive skills, which contributed to the solution of the following tasks: - Development of constructive thinking; - Creation of conditions for the formation of a prerequisite for creativity; - Creation of conditions for cooperation in joint activities;

The necessary conditions were created for work: the Design Bureau center, where the child takes the first steps towards mastering the amazing art of design, the Architect album (which presents geometric shapes in three projections), various types of wooden, metal, plastic, magnetic constructors , graphic models by which children learn to build objects.

Subject to the implementation of systematic training, the use of various methods aimed at developing not only constructive skills and abilities, but also valuable qualities of the child's personality, his mental abilities.

In the process of constructive activity, children are given the opportunity to choose various materials for construction, all conditions for interests and fruitful activity are created. In order to develop fine motor skills, we used various techniques: - Transfer to paper; - Transfer to colored paper with subsequent cutting. The most difficult stage is the older age, since it is necessary to teach how to read the design drawings presented in three projections, and to teach in advance, to think about the concept of a future building.

The most important thing is that children should be interested in GCD, and this contributes to the successful assimilation of the material. In our work, we applied a student-centered approach to children. Each child has his own temperament and character that develops on the basis. Such manifestations as mobility and slowness, fatigue and performance, uncertainty in behavior are directly determined by the peculiarities of the child's nervous system and other innate qualities. We built our work in such a way as to stimulate the development of everyone in accordance with their age characteristics, but also with individual manifestations of character, will, and thinking.

During the year, 20 design GCD were carried out. During the year, on excursions, during targeted walks, they introduced children to new buildings, to the architectural features of structures. This gave the children material for the creative display of the surrounding life in the game. This work is carried out systematically and we can already say about the results: Children are able to plan, design according to schemes, drawings; Children are able to think technically; Children are able to work collectively (in subgroups, in pairs); Children are able to fantasize creatively Children are able to apply acquired knowledge and skills in independent activities.

Parents of pupils are our first assistants in organizing and creating an environment for the development of curiosity and cognitive interests in children. However, to achieve effective results in the education of valuable personality traits in children is possible only in close cooperation with the family. The family has great opportunities for the consistent development of a child's interest in learning. Parents and older family members are well aware of the characteristics of the child, can influence his feelings, lay the foundation for a positive attitude towards certain stereotypes of reality. The imitation of children is known, so they are easily "infected" with those interests that are characteristic of their parents. At the parent meeting, they were introduced to the field of knowledge - constructive activity. We told parents about our plans to teach children how to construct. The result was the interest of parents. They helped to acquire material: designers, made various drawings and diagrams.

Thus, having mastered the knowledge on the development of constructive actions, we share our experience with colleagues. Conducted a seminar on the topic: "The development of constructive skills for the development of independence and creativity of preschoolers." A card index of games and exercises was compiled to develop constructive activities for preschool children. We conducted monitoring on cognitive activity (construction) in September, the indicators were as follows: 1.6 points, most of the components are not sufficiently developed. In January it was 2 points, individual components are not developed. And in May, the final monitoring was carried out such indicators: 3 points, corresponds to age. We have achieved the set goals. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna
Job title: dow teacher
Educational institution: MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key"
Locality: Tyva Republic, Kyzyl city
Material name: Innovative experience
Subject:"Development of constructive abilities and technical creativity through organized classes in construction and robotics"
Publication date: 18.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Innovative experience on the topic:

"Development of constructive abilities and

technical creativity through

organized design classes and

Completed by: Teacher MADOU No. 1 Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna, Kyzyl, 2016

application of innovative pedagogical technologies for the development of cognitive research and constructive activities, technical creativity of preschoolers 4-6 years old through the use of legoconstruction and robotics in the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The main idea and novelty of technology.
The main idea and novelty is
that the educational developmental technology I proposed reflects a conceptually new approach in the field of introducing preschoolers to constructive activities and technical creativity, ensuring their active, proactive and independent involvement in activities and stimulating cognitive activity.
development of cognitive-research, constructive activities and technical creativity of the child by means of lego constructors and robotics.

research is the formation of intellectual and personal qualities of preschool children, technical abilities, design skills, education of a creative and purposeful personality, able to independently set tasks and find original solutions.
- the process of development of logical thinking, the development of cognitive research, constructive activities and technical creativity of the child through legoconstructors and robotics.
 Development of individual abilities of the child;  To develop preschoolers' interest in modeling and design, to stimulate children's scientific and technical creativity.  To form spatial thinking, the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features, main parts, establish a connection between their purpose and structure.  To develop the ability to apply their knowledge in the design and assembly of structures.  Develop operations of logical thinking,  Develop children's cognitive activity, imagination, fantasy and creative initiative;
 Develop fine and gross motor skills, orientation in space;  Develop dialogic and monologue speech, expand vocabulary.  To improve the communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams, distribution of responsibilities;  Development of outlook and culture;  To form the prerequisites for learning activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work.
Length of experience
 The duration of work on experience covers the period from 2014 to 2016 and includes 3 stages:
Distribution of activities

between participants in the pedagogical process (stages of implementation)

Activities of teachers


educational institution




parents like


1. Stage of express diagnostics.
Selection of diagnostic methods and techniques aimed at identifying the formation of preferences in children for constructive activities and technical creativity. Monitoring. Participation in a diagnostic examination. Parental consent to diagnose children. Processing of monitoring results. - Study results.
2. Stage of development and implementation of technology
Development of technology for the development of cognitive-research and constructive activities, technical creativity through legoconstruction and robotics. Introduction, - Familiarization with technology. Offer your ideas in this direction.
ideas proposed by parents in the content of the technology.
3. Stage of planning future activities

Activities of teachers


educational institution

The activities of the parents

as assistants


Joint discussion of the level of preparation for the forthcoming activity: - choice of topic, purpose, taking into account the developed approximate long-term planning; - selection of methods, techniques and content of the material; - determination of the place and time of educational activities; - preparation of practical material (preparation of visual, didactic, handouts in the form of diagrams, models, creation of computer slides, programs, etc.); - identification of technological features in the construction of the educational process for the development of "cognitive - research and constructive activities, technical creativity through legoconstruction and robotics". - organization of the educational process by the teacher, coordination, practical assistance, control, adjustment at the practical stage. Adopt a position of partnership.
4. Practical stage

Activities of teachers

preschool educational


Children activities


parents like

Activities for the development of cognitive-research and constructive activities, technical creativity through legoconstruction and robotics among preschoolers are built in the following sequence: stage 1 and p. Stage 2. Motivation for upcoming activities. To attract the interest and attention of preschoolers to the upcoming activities, a different range of methodological techniques is used, for example: a game and a surprise moment (the appearance of some fairy-tale hero at a younger preschool age and guessing riddles at a senior preschool age), creating problem situations, taking a position of partnership and active participant as an assistant.
which arouse interest in the child and a state of joyful expectation of what awaits him ahead. Stage 3. Analysis of the constructed modeling objects: a) highlighting and naming the main details in the constructed object (the degree of detail may be different, it depends on how the child knows the terminology: highlighting the main objects and their details and highlighting only the main objects. To determine the details of one object, you can use such a game technique as "Hunting for details", when children are invited to name and describe the details of the main object. And also at this stage, a method is used - a conversation that contributes to the analysis of buildings, descriptive characteristics of objects. These techniques and methods are aimed at enhancing the cognitive, research and constructive activities of children preschool age (At the same time, the teacher must show keen interest and emotionally respond to the answers of children); b) constructive modeling of the main objects (children are invited to carefully look at the graphic objects presented in front of him and choose exactly the one with which he will produce simulations); c) highlighting and naming secondary objects (you can use the same techniques and methods as when highlighting the main objects; e) connecting the main and secondary objects to build a plot (invite the children to connect, and then simulate the plot. The teacher here needs to:  bring preschoolers to brief discussions.They should be arranged in the following order: first it is said what will be connected to what, what parts are used, then why - analytical reasoning: why so, and not otherwise, what happens if you change the sequence of attaching parts  if the child finds it difficult to find the interrelationships between objects can, with additional questions, push him to a certain choice of objects;
f) completion of the construction of an object, plot (after establishing the relationship between the main and secondary objects, the teacher offers the children to independently build, create, any thematic plot they like). Stage 4. Presentation of the constructed object, plot (at this stage, you can use such techniques as; fantasy technique, independent communicative presentation; techniques "Pride" and "Chance", where each child gets a chance to be in the center of everyone's attention and demonstrate his building, the object used in the general plot, while receiving universal approval). Stage 6 Inventing by children a descriptive story for a building, object, plot (this stage involves both the development of communicative competence and the disclosure of the creative imagination of preschoolers).
5. Stage of reflection

Activities of teachers




Children activities


parents like

Getting feedback. Conclusions “Tell me about what was done”, “What caused the difficulty”, “What did you do to solve the difficulties that arise”, “What feelings are you overwhelmed now”. Reflection begins with the concentration of children on the emotional aspect, the feelings that they experienced in the process and as a result of the activity. Your suggestions and comments.
The content of the work

Senior group

preparatory group
1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the details of the Lego constructor, to distinguish and name them. 2. Introduce children to the Lego Dakta constructor, its details. Compare it to Lego Duplo. 3. Continue to teach children to consider objects and samples, analyze finished buildings; identify essential features in different structures, group them according to the similarity of the main features, understand that the differences in features in shape and size depend on the purpose of the objects; to cultivate the ability to show creativity and ingenuity in work; learn to plan the stages of creating a building. 4. Continue to teach children to work collectively. 5. To teach mentally, to change the spatial position of the constructed object, its parts, details, to imagine what position they will take after the change. 6. Learn to analyze the conditions for the functioning of a future structure, establish a sequence and, on the basis of this, create an image of an object. 7. Teach children to design according to the scheme proposed by adults and build a scheme for the future design. 8. Learn to design according to the conditions set by adults, the plot of the game. 9. Understand what an algorithm, rhythm is, 1. Formation of interest in constructive activities. 2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the details of the Lego constructor Duplo and Dakta, name them. 3. Continue to learn to highlight both general and individual features when considering diagrams, illustrations, photographs, highlight the main parts of the subject and determine their shape. 4. Learn to observe symmetry and proportions in parts of buildings, determine them by eye and select the appropriate material. 5. Teach children to imagine what their building will be like, what details are best used to create it, and in what sequence to act. 6. Continue to teach how to work in a team, build collective buildings. 7. Continue introducing children to architecture and the work of architects. 8. Learn to build a building according to plan. 9. Learn to build buildings according to a photograph, a diagram. 10. Continue to learn how to build buildings according to given conditions, complex and diverse buildings with architectural details.
rhythmic pattern. The symbol for an algorithm is a record. 10. Learn to design according to plan, independently select a topic, select material and design method. 11. Give the concept of a set and what is symmetry. 12. Learn to work in pairs. 13. Continue to place the building on the board, build collective buildings. 14. Learn to convey the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters using the Lego duplo (dakta) constructor 15. Give an idea about architecture, who architects are, what they do. 16. Develop constructive imagination, thinking, memory, attention. 11. Learn to establish a relationship between the shape of an object and its purpose. 12. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the concept of algorithm, rhythm, rhythmic pattern. 13. Continue to teach children to work in pairs. 14. Continue to teach children to place a building on a board, to build collective buildings. 15. Continue to teach children to convey the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters by means of the Lego-hollow, Lego-dact constructor. 16. Learn to mentally change the spatial position of an object, its parts. 17. Learn to create moving structures, find simple technical solutions. 18. continue to teach children a variety of options for fastening Lego elements together. 19. Continue to teach to talk about your building. 20. Develop imagination and creativity, the ability to use your designs in the game. WAYS TO CHECK KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND SKILLS.
A pedagogical assessment of the child's activity is carried out through conversations and observations of the constructive activities of children, the productivity of this activity, and their preferences when choosing activities during the day according to the presented approximate criteria by age.
The expected result of the educational course (approximate

criteria for pedagogical diagnostics)
Wake up


Basic program Preschool component 1 2 3 Know To have an idea about architecture, to know who architects are, what they do. Understand what an algorithm, rhythm, rhythmic pattern is. The symbol for an algorithm is a record. Generalized ideas about constructed objects (bridges: railway, pedestrian; buildings: residential, schools, theaters Be able to distinguish and name the details of a Lego constructor (Lego Duplo, Lego Dacta) Understand what symmetry is and be able to alternate colors in your buildings. distinguish and name the details of Lego constructor (lego duplo, lego-dacta) Can mentally change the spatial position of an object and its parts. location in space (mosaic) Distinguish geometric shapes, regardless of their color and location, be able to combine
Own generalized design methods (combinatorics, removing unnecessary, etc.) Independently and creatively implement their own ideas in designing from different materials. Design according to a given scheme and build the scheme of the future design itself. To be able to mentally change the spatial position of the constructed object, its parts, details, imagine what position they will take after the change. Be able to analyze the conditions for the functioning of the future structure, establish the sequence of their implementation and, on the basis of this, create an image of the object (a bridge across the river for pedestrians of a certain width) in groups and couples. Be able to place the building on the board, build collective figures in color and shape. To be able to convey the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters by means of the Lego duplo (dakta) designer. To be able to use Lego buildings in theatrical games, role-playing games. Create moving structures and find simple technical solutions.
the buildings. Be able to talk about your building. Be able to follow the teacher's instructions. Be able to create a plot composition on the board. As a product, as noted above, a program was presented for the development of research and constructive activities, technical creativity of preschoolers 4-6 years old through the use of group equipment and robotics, which can be integrated into the general educational program of a city preschool educational institution. This work experience was used by teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents of pupils, teachers of additional education for children. Lego technology is interesting because, based on integrative principles, it allows to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives of the process of education of preschoolers. LEGO design is not only a practical creative activity, but also the development of mental abilities, which is manifested in other types of activity: speech, and grey, visual. It is also the upbringing of a socially active person with a high degree of freedom of thought, the development of independence, the ability of children to solve any problems creatively. Lego technology, no doubt, claims to be called interactive pedagogical technology, as it stimulates the cognitive activity of preschoolers. The use of the technology of educational legoconstruction and robotics in preschool educational institutions is relevant:  the use of Lego - a constructor is an excellent tool for the intellectual development of preschoolers, which ensures the integration of various types of children's activities (and playing, communicative, cognitive-research, constructive, self-service and elementary household work , motor),
 The basis of educational activities using Lego technology is the game - the leading type of children's activity. Lego - allows you to learn by playing and learning in the game.  The use of Lego technology in preschool educational institutions allows raising the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.  Lego technology is a means of developmental education, stimulates the cognitive activity of preschoolers, contributes to the education of a socially active person with a high degree of freedom of thinking, the development of independence, purposefulness, and the ability to solve any problems creatively.  Lego technology combines elements of the game with experimentation, and, consequently, activates the mental and speech activity of preschoolers. In a preschool educational institution, lego constructors were used earlier, but more often in the independent activities of children and bore the character of plot construction. The idea to make legoconstruction a guided, rather than spontaneous, process arose with the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, because having studied the demands of modern society for a formed personality from the first stage of preschool education, we thought about the relevance of using it in educational educational pro cess of technol ogy and educational legoconstruction and robotics. Through the use of legoconstructors, it is possible to effectively solve educational problems implemented in kindergarten in accordance with the exemplary general educational program of the preschool educational institution, both in the invariant and in the variable part formed by the participants in the educational process, because the program allows you to optimally combine the basic content of education and priority areas in the work of preschool educational institutions. Legotechnology can be introduced into the educational process and successfully integrated with other educational areas "Cognitive", "Speech", "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Physical". In the process of LEGO construction, preschoolers develop mathematical abilities by counting parts, blocks, fasteners, calculating the required number of parts, their shape, color, length. Children get acquainted with such spatial indicators as symmetry and asymmetry, orientation in space. In addition, construction is closely related to the sensory and intellectual development of the child: visual acuity is improved, the perception of color, shape, size is improved, thought processes (analysis, synthesis, classification) are successfully developing.
Light construction also develops communication skills, activating the mental and speech activity of preschoolers. Older preschoolers are happy to talk about their buildings, pronounce the sequence of their actions, evaluate this or that constructive situation. They perform tasks that require the activation of mental activity, for example, to complete the building according to a given attribute or conditions (“Fill the space”, “Guess whose part I am?”, “Relive your model” and others). Speech situations that arise in the process of creating buildings and playing with them contribute to the development of children's speech, which serves as one of the most important means of human activity, and for the future student is the key to successful schooling. Many learning tasks are solved: vocabulary expands, communication skills develop, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions improves. In my opinion, one of the main opportunities in legoconstruction is to teach children to work effectively together. Today, the joint development of knowledge and the development of skills, the interactive nature of interaction are in demand like never before. In group activities, children can not only communicate, but also exchange tips on mounting methods, details, or even combine their models to create a larger structure. It is important to organize the conditions under which participants in joint activities could solve emerging problems by communicating and consulting with each other, as well as learning from their mistakes. At the same time, preschoolers develop social skills: independence, initiative, responsibility, mutual understanding, which are necessary when interacting with other children. Lego building classes help preschoolers enter the world of social experience. Children develop a single and holistic view of the objective and social world. The lesson plan includes such topics as "Animals", "Urban and rural buildings", "Furniture", "Toys", "Transport", "Ships explore the Universe", "Journey to a fairy tale" and others. On the days of calendar holidays, thematic exhibitions are organized in the children's creativity corner, in which the work of children attending additional classes in LEGO construction is invariably presented. Being engaged in legoconstruction during joint educational activities during the day, children acquire the skills of a work culture: they learn to keep order in the workplace, distribute time and effort during
making models (each lesson has its own topic) and, therefore, plan activities. In legoconstruction, the formation and development of artistic and aesthetic skills can be easily achieved by designing and transforming ready-made models, when not only a designer, but also paper, pencils, and other materials can be used to create a holistic image. Due to its versatility, the LEGO constructor is the most preferred educational material that allows you to diversify the learning process of preschoolers. This is reflected in project activities. The word "project" successfully fit into the system of work of our kindergarten, where children have the opportunity to show their individuality, to realize creative ideas in the framework of joint parent projects in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning of the preschool educational institution. The purpose of such events is to arouse in parents the desire to participate with the child in thematic design, to give them the opportunity to gain skills in interacting with children on the basis of cooperation and equal relations. And in this situation, the LEGO constructor acts as a universal material, working with which gives the same pleasure to both children and adults. Also, at the end of the school year, leisure activities are held in the kindergarten, where children, together with their parents, take part in the construction of a LEGO town with streets, parks, and playgrounds. Joint creative activity “on an equal footing” has a great developmental potential: it gives adults the opportunity to understand the interests and discover the talents of their child, establish mutual understanding, and feel each of the participants their importance in the common cause. So, legoconstruction and robotics make it possible to introduce information technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions, help preschoolers to master the elements of computer literacy, skills and abilities to work with modern technical means. In a relaxed game, children develop easily and comprehensively, they develop cognitive interest, creativity, observation, which contributes to the formation of a creative personality.


aimed at the efficiency of this process:
- the introduction of educational legoconstruction in joint educational activities (GCD), in sensitive moments, in independent activities during the day; - organization of a developing space conducive to constructive activities with various types of lego constructors in independent activities during the day; - optional work in this direction, aimed at the development of intellectual potential through the development of constructive activities and technical creativity; The main part is presented by me by the following technological chain of actions:





aimed at the development, implementation and implementation of developing technology: 1st action Focus on
, this is a resource for an effective process of interaction between a teacher and preschoolers in the field of constructive activity and technical creativity, aimed at developing cognitive motivation, intellectual capabilities of a preschooler through legoconstruction and robotics.

Methods and techniques
used to implement the technology: n
(use of ICT-technologies, watching fragments of animated and educational films, educational presentations, viewing diagrams, tables, illustrations, collecting photographic materials, didactic games, organizing exhibitions, personal example of adults).
(reading fiction, riddles, proverbs¸ moments of reflection, problematic issues and situations, conversations, discussions, situation modeling)
(game situations, elementary search activities (experiments with buildings), playing around the building, modeling the situation, competitions, physical minutes. 2nd step Creation of pedagogical conditions in the preschool educational institution, the so-called "Smart Environment", contributing to the increase
m o t i v a c and i
meet the above needs. 3rd act


teacher with children includes the following positions: 1. An analytical report of the teacher, on his readiness to expand the boundaries of the innovative space for interaction with children in the field of constructive activities and technical creativity. 2. Characteristics of interaction (where the semantic chain of activities is built: what do we do? - what do we do? - for whom? - why? - with whom together?). 3. Organization of the process of interaction between a teacher and pupils, which is determined by conceptually new approaches, psychological and pedagogical principles and stages of activity:
Conceptual Approaches
Activity approach

this is the approach

in the center of which is the activity of the child (the child does not receive knowledge in finished form, but obtains it himself in the process of activity). This approach also involves a different range and change of the methods used, methods of training and development (graphic modeling method, comparison method, methods of drawing up buildings according to the scheme, building on the basis of the model, fantasizing techniques, etc.).
The result of the educational LEGO technology I proposed

are the following advantages:
 preschoolers have a high interest in constructive activities  development of cognitive mental processes: memory, logic, creative and spatial thinking, imagination.  Development of speech, communicative competence of preschoolers and socialization.  The development of personal qualities, represented by the target guidelines for the Federal State Educational Standard: children have become active, emotional, proactive, inquisitive and independent.  Ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend one's point of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning.  Ability to work on a project in a team, effectively distribute responsibilities, confidently build simple models or a building, according to the scheme and without instructions.  Expanding horizons, has an idea about the city and its infrastructure; types of buildings (residential, offices, one-story, multi-story, skyscrapers), farms (garden, garden and pets), expanded understanding of railway, air and water transport, their features, etc. Showing interest in the traditions and regional characteristics of their small homeland and your country. Pupils of institutions
The following indicators have been achieved:
the level of readiness of pupils for school will increase (the proportion of children with high and above average levels of development of cognitive processes has increased by 10-15%), indicators of the development of integrative qualities of pupils have improved (the proportion of children with a high and above average level of development of integrative qualities has increased by 10 -15%), communicative and social skills (the proportion of children with high and above average levels of development of communicative and social skills increased by 10-15%), the indicator of formation of volitionality and motor skills among preschoolers improved (the proportion of children with high and above average levels of development of voluntariness , motor skills and coordination increased by 10-15%). Children and parents have formed interests and preferences for research and constructive activities, technical creativity (the number of children and parents who prefer research activities and technical creativity has increased to 85% compared to the baseline.  Thus, the improvement of indicators in the group due to the use of the proposed system of work with preschoolers on cognitive research and constructive activities, technical creativity of preschoolers 4-6 years old through the use of legoconstruction and robotics.Stable, systematic work in this direction has increased the level of development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age. The results of my work indicate: Children have become more active, proactive, able to make independent decisions, to create new images based on experience and to find their own original solutions. Children began to compare more, engage in creativity more actively, acquired an original way of thinking. They showed a keen interest in knowledge.

An effective means of developing the creative potential of preschoolers, according to scientists, are productive activities, in particular manual labor and design.
In my work practice, this provision has found convincing confirmation. The systematic, systematic and consistent organization of classes in manual labor and design has brought tangible results in the form of real products of children's creativity, as well as positive dynamics of diagnostic results for all indicators of the artistic and creative development of preschool children.



Creative report on the topic:

"The development of children's creative abilities through

design and manual labor"

Educator: Melnikova N.V.

“Creativity doesn’t come to children by some sort of intuition. Creativity must be taught. Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Creativity in the broadest sense is an activity aimed at obtaining something new. Therefore, the main indicator of creativity is the novelty of its result, which is of an objective nature, since something that did not exist before is being created.

The development of children's creativity is a hot topic of modern pedagogy and psychology, which today is associated with the preparation of the younger generation for independent living, artistic, aesthetic and labor education, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in society.

Domestic psychologists and teachers - L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Podyakova, N.A. Vetlugin - proved: the creative abilities of children are already manifested at preschool age. Since preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person.

It is generally recognized that this is the period of the birth of a personality, the initial disclosure of the child's creative powers, the formation of the foundations of individuality (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.)

The development of the creative abilities of preschoolers occurs in the conditions of a particular activity when mastering its socially developed means (B.G. Ananiev, C.J1. Rubinshtein, M.N. Skatkin). However, this is best facilitated by the practical activities of children, including manual labor and design. (E.Ya. Belyaeva, N.M. Konysheva, T.V. Kutsakova, T.V. Panteleeva, D.V. Sergeeva, etc.). The activity of the child is distinguished by great emotional involvement, the desire to seek and try out different solutions many times, enjoying this, sometimes much more than achieving the final result.

Making crafts from various materials (paper, threads, pieces of leather and fabric, leaves, fruits of plants, etc.) fully meets the needs, interests and abilities of preschool children. Such work, due to its accessibility, high efficiency and expediency, allows the child to directly implement his plans, improve, create and see the final product.

Confirmation of this is a lot of original crafts and designs made by preschoolers. Eastern wisdom says: "All great things are made by slow imperceptible growth." The first steps, movements, efforts are especially important. They determine a lot in the future.

We must educate our children inquisitiveness, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy - that is, qualities that find vivid expression in the work of children.

According to the "Concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level)", one of the goals of preschool education is "the formation of a creative personality capable of independently determining the ways of its activity." These tasks are solved in design and in manual labor.

As a result of her practical activities at the initial stage, she encountered problems associated with the underdevelopment of fine motor skills, which is primarily due to the age characteristics of children and the low level of development of imagination, attention, curiosity, they are not developed enough, there is no pronounced interest in knowing the world around and inability to creatively perform the simplest tasks. As studies by L. S. Vygotsky show, the imagination of children is poorer than that of an adult, which is associated with insufficient personal experience. No matter how the child had material for the imagination, and this led to uninteresting, often very stereotyped activities. The way out of this situation became possible as a result of the search for more effective means and methods and the expansion of the child's experience for the creative development of children. To this end, for several years I have been working in depth on the topic "Developing the creative abilities of children through design and manual labor."

Target my work: To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers through construction and manual labor.

Those. based on the creation of a subject-developing space that meets the requirements of a modern preschool institution; the use of design and manual labor for the general preparation of the child for life, for the development of the most general mental properties and abilities inherent in people: the ability to accurately perceive the surrounding objective world, understand its features, highlight the essential properties of objects, establish connections and dependencies between them, express their attitude to the environment, plan their actions, coordinate them with the actions of other people, predict their results, manage their attention and behavior, be creative, etc.

All this prompted me to form tasks:

Teach kids how to make their own handmade products

from various materials.

To develop and improve the creative abilities of children, the originality of the approach to solving problems;

Improve fine motor skills of the hands;

Cultivate accuracy, independence, perseverance, desire

get involved in creative activities.

Stages of work:

Preparatory stage.Determination of goals, objectives, study of psychological and pedagogical literature, questioning of parents in order to identify knowledge about the creative development of children and how much parents accept, participate in this development, observation of the educational field "Artistic creativity" (Hand labor, design).

Main stage. Implementation of tasks. At this stage, a system of measures aimed at increasing the level of development of the creative abilities of children was implemented - this is individual work with children, collective work, as well as work with the parents of pupils.

The final stage. Determining the effectiveness of activities.

I used the following principles in my work:

1. From simple to complex.

2. Systematic work.

3. The principle of thematic cycles.

4. Individual approach.

5. Ways of organizing activities: observations, excursions, game problem situations.

In this work, I used research methods:

Study and analysis of literature on the research problem,

observation, conversation,

activity product analysis method,


Areas of work.

Development of creative abilities

Artistic and aesthetic development

cognitive development

“The desire to create and fantasize can arise only with the expansion of children's knowledge about the vast world around them ....”

(S.I. Merzlyakov)

She built the methodology of her work in such a way that the children formed:

creative activity,




The condition that ensures the completeness of the development of activity, the child and his personality, is the creation of a center for manual labor and design, i.e. creation of a subject-developing environment. Therefore, I designed a corner of creativity. At the same time, she took into account that the corner requires an appropriate organization: aesthetically thoughtful, accessible, safe. It is necessary to have not only the materials themselves, but also samples that children use in free activities. I took into account that in the corner there should be a sufficient supply of relevant materials.

In the corner there are many different types of constructor (large builder, small builder, Lego plastic constructor of different sizes, metal and wooden constructor, paper of different colors and textures, waste material (boxes, matchboxes, etc.), natural material ( cones, walnut shells, etc.) Through actions with various materials, in the process of performing various operations, using various methods and techniques, children learn to aesthetically comprehend the images of familiar objects, convey them in constructive activities, emphasizing the beauty and color of the external appearance in converted form.

In my work, I used various teaching methods and techniques.

Visual (teacher showing, example, help, drawings, illustrations, diagrams), verbal (explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings), practical (independent and joint performance of crafts).

I also built the pedagogical process on the methods of organizing activities: observations, excursions, game problem situations.

Designing from sand, snow, from building material and from various parts of designers, making colorful crafts from paper, cardboard (origami, paper rolling, weaving, paper-plastic, etc.), natural materials, decorations from beads, buttons, sewing, embroidery - fun and rewarding activities for preschoolers. Sensual experience, which is gained directly in practical, transformative activity, is more valuable. The child rejoices that the toy he made with his own hands works (the spinner spins in the wind), the craft made from waste material (planet) is exhibited at the general exhibition of the kindergarten, etc.

Starting work with the middle group, she outlined a work plan for the development of children's creative abilities through design and manual labor.

For a systematic and consistent work on design and manual labor, she developed long-term planning, which reflects the principle of working on ready-made samples to gradual complication: according to diagrams, verbal descriptions and creative work.

The main form of work is classes in subgroups once a week: middle group (20 minutes), senior group (25 minutes), preparatory (30 minutes). Individual work is expected in free time and in the evening, aimed at solving specific problems.

The structure and content of long-term lesson plans show that preschoolers enter the multifaceted world of creative activity. The work of preschoolers is concentrated on the implementation of various creative tasks, both individual and collective. The purpose of the classes is to systematize, deepen, generalize the child's personal experience: in mastering new ways of action, in understanding the connections and dependencies that are hidden from children in everyday affairs and require special conditions and guidance from the teacher for mastering. Preschoolers master the basic forms of various types of design, work with waste and natural materials, origami art, various ways of making crafts, and also get acquainted with the rich traditions of folk and applied arts.

To make the classes more interesting, and the learning was easy and imperceptible for children, I used the motivation of children's activities, which can be of two types:

Personal interest motivation, creating toys, crafts

for myself, for my own use.

The motivation for communicating with an adult is quite significant and attractive for children, since they want to be close to an adult and willingly help him in everything.

Engaging in manual labor and design helps: to interest children in the manufacture of crafts from various materials;


Learn to listen to verbal instructions;

Learn to take consistent actions;

Develop the ability to control subtle movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain;

Improve spatial imagination and the ability to mentally operate with three-dimensional objects;

Introduce in practice with the basic geometric concepts, shapes and bodies;

Develop confidence in their strengths and abilities;

Influence the formation of independence, self-esteem;

Help develop the first drawing skills;

Stimulate the development of memory;

Learn to concentrate

They interest children in the manufacture of crafts from various materials, contribute to the identification of constructive and creative abilities;

Develop creativity and research skills;

They bring up perseverance, accuracy, careful attitude to the product of activity and material;

Contribute to the formation of good feelings for loved ones;

Form artistic taste;

Improve speech and communication skills.

Construction and manual labor in their free time contributes to the consolidation of acquired skills and abilities in children, as well as the acquisition of new ones through systematic exercises. Children learn to find ways to solve problems on their own.

For the education of independence, the development of their creative abilities of children used games both in direct educational activities and in free time such as "Tangram" (from a square), "Vietnamese game" (from a circle), "Columbus egg", "Amazing triangle", aimed at creating flat images of objects, animals, of people. Lively and imaginative can be a game of matches, counting sticks. Animals, little men, houses, trees made of matches, counting sticks easily change the position of their components, transform into each other. Sets of geometric shapes in games can replace substitute items (corks from plastic bottles, matchboxes, boxes of sweets, etc.) These games for a child open up new opportunities for independent activity, the number of items can be limited, maybe not, and not strictly a given scheme (sequence of actions), which stimulates an active independent search for ways to implement the idea and allows you to combine parts in various combinations, develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities. To facilitate memorization of the sequence of making crafts, we used games : “What does it look like?”, “Add detail”, “What is missing?” and so on. In the course of independent play activity, children first learned according to a model, then according to verbal instructions, according to diagrams, and later, according to their own imagination, to build buildings from building material, various types of constructors (metal and plastic on bolts and nuts, LEGO, mosaics, etc.). .d.). In manual labor classes, preschoolers folded “dogs”, “crocodiles”, “cockerels” out of paper, wove rugs, made furniture, aircraft, embroidered napkins, sewed on buttons, etc. Problem situations were created in such a way that the child himself wanted to make something to solve the game task assigned to him. When playing, discussing crafts, children not only learned to work according to the model and show, but also memorized the sequence of actions, which allowed them to create crafts in a group and at home in independent play activities.

Played an important rolerelationship with specialists.

An integrated approach allows optimizing artistic education in preschool educational institutions, improving the quality characteristics of images created by children. The integration of types of artistic design and aesthetic activities in preschool age has a natural character. Peculiarities of the age do not allow building the creative design activity of children without reinforcing it with words, plastic movement, and playing. Due to age characteristics, children are easily included in the game, being carried away by an invented way, action. Designing and manual labor allows you to integrate the content and forms of educational work with children (training sessions, independent activities, games, etc.)

Gives a positive effectintegration of educational areasThe integration of educational areas allows you to realize the child's creative potential, develops communication skills, cognitive activity, develops such thought processes as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, forms the ability to perceive the external properties of the objective world: size, color, shape, spatial and dimensional relationships.

The child strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote its further development. The fuller and more varied the children's activity, the more it is significant for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities are realized and the first creative manifestations.

Parents are also involved in the process of designing and manual labor so that creative work can continue at home. Family work in this direction was carried out through such forms as consultations: "The development of constructive abilities in preschoolers", "What a child should know and be able to do at this age", "How to develop children's creativity", "The significance of origami in the development of a child" and advice "How to creatively develop a child”, “Creating conditions for organizing labor and independent activities of children at home and in kindergarten”, recommendations “What parents can do together with their children at home”. A survey of parents was conducted in order to determine the level of readiness to carry out the process of familiarization with designing among older preschoolers based on existing knowledge and professional skills and in order to assess the knowledge and skills of parents in order to organize work to develop interest in designing from natural material among older preschoolers.

She organized the contests "Christmas Bazaar", "Valenki", the purpose of which is to create a festive atmosphere, strengthen the ties between the kindergarten and the family, encourage parents to joint creative activities with children, develop the creative abilities of children and apply them in everyday life the acquired skills and abilities of constructive activity. Parents take an active part in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, they practice joint preparation and holding of holidays, the manufacture of attributes, costumes, joint creative exhibitions of children and parents: “We are from a fairy tale”, “Our mothers can do everything”, “Flowers with their own hands”, “Gifts autumn", "Gifts of autumn".

At the parent meeting on the topic “Our children are talents”, she held a workshop for parents on the topic “Home workshop (natural crafts)”. In conclusion, parents and children made handicrafts from natural materials. At the parent meeting on the theme “Family is the key to happiness”, children, together with their parents, completed the tasks “Lay out the figure” (from geometric shapes), “Build a house” (from the module), the purpose of which was to encourage parents and children to creative self-expression. At the parent meeting "Create and Make" she spoke about children's creativity and its development at preschool age. In conclusion, the parents completed the collective work “Fish in the Pond”. At the parent meeting on the topic "Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age", parents performed work from natural material (dry leaves), the purpose of which was the development of creative imagination.

To implement the tasks and monitor the results of efficiency, a diagnostic system was used (L.V. Kutsakova), which contains tasks aimed at developing children's creativity and stimulating the creative abilities of children.

Criteria for the quality of the child's mastery of design and manual labor:

Has an idea about the material from which the craft is made. Proficient in working with various materials. Independently determines the sequence of work. Able to independently analyze crafts. Uses his constructive solutions in the process of work. Takes into account brightness, originality when doing crafts. Does the job as intended. Knows how to choose the material corresponding to the given design and methods of fastening, connecting parts. Shows the level of imagination and fantasy. Uses a variety of manual labor methods.

Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, it can be concluded that preschoolers have mastered the ability to perform tasks in the exact sequence, acquired practical skills, independence in solving creative problems, flexibility of thinking (they improve crafts and find new uses for them), have learned to aesthetically and neatly design work. , fine motor skills of the hand have been improved, the skills and abilities of working with various materials, devices and tools have been formed, they have replenished the active dictionary.

In general, summing up the work done, I want to note that the system for developing the creative abilities of preschool children through design and manual labor is an exceptional opportunity for developing, creative manual labor, in pedagogical work with preschoolers, allows developing the ability of pupils to create an original product, products, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities are independently applied, to show deviations from the model, showing individuality, art, to develop children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, to express their point of view on the surrounding reality

Based on my personal experience, I have developedrecommendations for educators:

Have available in the group the necessary and diverse materials for construction and manual labor. To create conditions for creative search in design: to acquaint children with works of art. Expand the types of materials and tools.

Create situations that encourage preschoolers to invent, invent, create. Act according to the principle of step-by-step learning. Training should take place in the form of a game. In working with children, good advice, help, support are very important, but not imposing one's opinion. An individual approach is of great importance.


Alekseevskaya, N. A. Magic scissors [Text] series “Through the game - to perfection” / M .: “List”, 1998. 192 p.

Bogateeva, Z. A. Motifs of folk ornaments in children's applications [Text]: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / M .: Education, 1986.-206 p.

Bogateeva, Z. A. Wonderful paper crafts [Text]: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / M .: Education, 1993.-206 p.

Gulyants, E.K. What can be done from natural material [Text] / E.K. Gulyants, I.Ya. Basik. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983. – 175 p.

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Kuznetsova, E. M. Artistic modeling and design [Text] / E. M. Kuznetsova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. 113 p.

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Ryabkova, I. A. Artistic and creative activity of origami [Text]: thematic, plot, game activities with children 5-7 years old. - I. A. Ryabkova, O. A. Dyurlyukova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.-95 p.

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Sokolova, S. V. origami for preschoolers. [Text]: Methodological guide for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - press. 2010. - 64 p.

Shaydurova, N.V. Learning to make postcards [Text]: Teaching aid for teachers. SPb.: LLC "Publishing House - Press", 2010.- 48.

Motrena Romanova
Report on the work of the Lego-designing circle "Lego-Club" in the senior group

Constructors Lego today irreplaceable materials for occupations in preschool institutions.

In pedagogy Lego-technology is interesting because, based on integrated principles, it combines elements of the game and experimentation. Games Lego here they act as a way of researching and orienting the child in the real world.

To achieve goals Lego club work design tasks:

To develop in preschoolers an interest in modeling and design.

To form spatial thinking, the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features.

To develop cognitive activity, imagination and fantasy, creative initiative, independence.

Develop speech, expand vocabulary.

Develop fine motor skills, memory, attention

My Lego work designing began with self-education, attended open shows on lego construction studied literature on lego construction, took courses in lego design and robotics in 2016.

In progress lego During construction, children actively develop mathematical abilities, as a result of counting parts, blocks, fastenings, calculating the required number of parts, their shape, color, length. Children get acquainted with such spatial indicators as symmetry and asymmetry, orientation in space. In addition, design is closely related to sensory and intellectual development. child: visual acuity improves, perception of color, shape, size, thought processes develop successfully (analysis, synthesis, classification).

By the age of six, our children are already able to conceive a rather complex structure, name it and practically create it.

Early in class mug used a constructor already familiar to children Lego"Hollow" for children to be interested tried set problematic tasks aimed at developing imagination and creativity.

In the classroom, she gave an unfinished structure and asked the children to complete it, offered design according to conditions: For example, build a house for a farmer. Then I used the educational kit Lego"My First Story" and constructor Lego education.

Classes for lego- construction help children enter the world of social experience. Children develop a single and holistic view of the objective and social world. To lesson plan mug, includes topics such as "Animals", "Furniture Items", "Toys", "Transport", "Ships", "Journey to a fairy tale" and others. In the corner of children's creativity, thematic exhibitions are organized, in which children's work attending classes on Lego construction.

Pursuing lego construction during joint and independent educational activities during the day, children acquire cultural skills labor: learn to keep order on workplace, allocate time and effort in the manufacture of models (each lesson has its own theme) and therefore plan activities.

Thus, according to the results circle work this year, we can conclude that my pupils have learned to analyze constructive activity, to correlate the real design with the scheme, and these are the planned results of mastering the program by children.

Related publications:

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development Section: Constructive and modeling activity Topic: "Legogorod" Purpose: Consolidation.


Summary of Lego design in the senior group "Ostrich" Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Pinocchio" Summary of lego design senior group

Alexandra Tolmacheva
Report on the work of the circle on Lego design "Lego-master" in the senior group

Report on the work of the circle on lego design"LEGO MASTER"

V senior group"Pearl" educator Tolmacheva A.N. for 2016 - 2017 academic year. G.


“Development of cognitive research, constructive activities and technical creativity through legoconstruction and robotics»

Lego constructors today irreplaceable materials for occupations in preschool institutions.

In pedagogy Lego-technology is interesting because, based on integrated principles, it combines elements of the game and experimentation. Games Lego here they act as a way of researching and orienting the child in the real world.

To achieve goals the work of the circle on LEGO design were delivered tasks:

1. Set problem tasks for children aimed at developing imagination and creativity. Encourage independent activity construction by your own design.

2. Learn to analyze building samples. Help children form a holistically dissected idea of constructed object. Develop the ability to establish associative relationships.

3. Cultivate children's skill work together, offer collective work.

4. Familiarize yourself with surrounding the world with simulations from Lego constructor,

My Lego construction work was carried out on the following directions:

Self-education (attending seminars, round tables, open screenings, studying literature on lego construction); completed courses in lego construction and robotics in 2016

Organization and conduct of classes interest mug« LEGO Master» aimed at developing logical thinking, creativity, communication skills and expanding the horizons of children

- counseling kindergarten teachers for use in the classroom Lego constructors(on this topic "The development of children's creativity construction» ).

Conducting an open lesson with elements legoconstruction.

Through the use Lego constructors we effectively solved the educational tasks implemented in kindergarten in accordance with the exemplary general educational program of the preschool educational institution, both in the invariant and in the variable part formed by the participants in the educational process, since the program allows you to optimally combine the basic content of education and priority areas in the work of the preschool educational institution.

Also lego technology is actively introduced into the educational process and successfully integrated with other educational areas "Cognitive", "Speech", "Social - communicative", "Artistic - aesthetic", "Physical".

In progress lego construction children actively develop mathematical abilities, as a result of counting parts, blocks, fastenings, calculating the required number of parts, their shape, color, length. Children get acquainted with such spatial indicators as symmetry and asymmetry, orientation in space. Besides, construction closely related to sensory and intellectual development child: visual acuity improves, perception of color, shape, size, thought processes develop successfully (analysis, synthesis, classification).

By the age of six, our children are already able to conceive a rather complex construction, name it and practically create it.

First in class mug used already familiar to children Lego"Hollow" for children to be interested tried set problematic tasks aimed at developing imagination and creativity.

In the classroom gave unfinished construction and asked the children to finish building, offered design according to conditions: For example, build a house for a farmer.

I'm currently using the educational set Lego"My First Story", And constructor Lego education.

Classes for Lego construction help children enter the world of social experience. Children develop a single and holistic view of the objective and social world. To lesson plan mug, includes topics such as "Animals", "Furniture Items", "Toys", "Transport", "Ships", "Journey to a fairy tale" and others. In the corner of children's creativity, thematic exhibitions are organized, in which children's work attending classes on Lego construction.

Pursuing lego construction during joint and independent educational activities during the day, children acquire cultural skills labor: learn to keep order on workplace, allocate time and effort in the manufacture of models (each lesson has its own theme) and therefore plan activities.

In the future I plan to use the data constructors for the ability to tell and invent your own stories, which are ideal for exploring a huge number of topics. Children come up with a story based on the scenery in the form of 5 double-sided cards that serve as a background for the story being told.

Children will create full-fledged fairy tales or describe a specific scene in a story. The set can also be used for free creativity.

Thus, according to the results circle work this year, we can conclude that my pupils have learned to analyze constructive activity, correlate the real design with diagram, and these are the planned results of mastering the program by children!

Related publications:

Abstract of a lesson on Lego design in the senior group Purpose: to teach children to individual design Program content: To learn to build according to the proposed schemes, instructions, taking into account.

Abstract of a Lego-design lesson in the middle group "A beautiful yard for Lego-men" Summary of Lego-designing classes in the middle group. Educator: Malakhova A.I. Educational area: cognitive development.

Master class "Game exercises and didactic games using the Lego constructor in the work of a speech therapist" MADOU Kindergarten No. 15 "Krepysh" of the Municipal District Uchalinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan Master class "Game exercises and.

Master class "Using Lego construction in educational work with preschoolers" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 17" Zhuravlik "Master class.

Master class on Lego design "Horse" Administration of the city district of Saransk Department of Education of the MU "Information and Methodological Center" Master class on productive activities.