What is the feeling of patriotism. Patriotic feelings of modern Russians. Negative feeling of patriotism

The Military Council in Fili is a meeting of Russian military leaders convened by M.I. Kutuzov on September 13 (1), 1812 in the village of Fili near Moscow in the hut of the peasant M. Frolov to decide the fate of Moscow. Barclay de Tolly called for leaving the city to save the army and win the campaign. His main opponent was Bennigsen, who insisted on holding a battle to defend the capital in order to avoid a negative moral impact on the army and society as a whole.1http://www.rian.ru/docs/about/copyright.html.genre historical oil realism canvas artist A.D.Kivhenko "Military Council in Fili" Visualrianrian_photoria News 17 3540 0 1996 462 3336 0 1996 8 3549 4 1996 515 3286 0 1996 257 3110 0 1996 281 3276 0 1996 466 3354 0 1996 2706 0 1996 458 2455 0 1996 0 1996 0 1996 Reproduction of a painting by artist A.D. Kivshenko (1851 - 1895) "Military Council in Fili". Date of creation 1882. State Tretyakov Gallery. The most important moment of the Patriotic War of 1812 is depicted. At the Military Council in Fili, M.I. Kutuzov decided to surrender Moscow to Napoleon's troops. The plot for the picture was the description of the council in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Reproduction of a painting by artist A.D. Kivshenko (1851 - 1895) "Military Council in Fili". Date of creation 1882. State Tretyakov Gallery. The most important moment of the Patriotic War of 1812 is depicted. At the Military Council in Fili, M.I. Kutuzov decided to surrender Moscow to Napoleon's troops. The plot for the painting was the description of the council in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Kivshenko (1851 - 1895) "Military Council in Fili". Date of creation 1882. State Tretyakov Gallery. The most important moment of the Patriotic War of 1812 is depicted. At the Military Council in Fili, M.I. Kutuzov decided to surrender Moscow to Napoleon's troops. The plot for the picture was the description of the council in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Reproduction of the painting by the artist A.D. Kivshenko "Military Council in Fili" /749183966.html/1812_collection/Collection/1812_art/Painting/1812/War and Peace 1812Military Council in Fili. Alexey KivshenkoThe Military Council in Fili is a meeting of Russian military leaders convened by M.I. Kutuzov on September 13 (1), 1812 in the village of Fili near Moscow in the hut of the peasant M. Frolov to decide the fate of Moscow. Barclay de Tolly called for leaving the city to save the army and win the campaign. His main opponent was Bennigsen, who insisted on holding a battle to protect the capital in order to avoid a negative moral impact on the army and society as a whole./authors//

The Military Council in Fili is a meeting of Russian military leaders convened by M.I. Kutuzov on September 13 (1), 1812 in the village of Fili near Moscow in the hut of the peasant M. Frolov to decide the fate of Moscow.

After the battle of Borodino, the Russian army withdrew to Moscow due to heavy losses, and a defensive position was chosen on the Sparrow Hills for a new general battle with Napoleon's troops. On September 1, Russian troops began to take up positions, but a number of generals (M.B. Barclay de Tolly, A.P. Ermolov) and staff officers (colonels K.F. Tol, I. Krosar) reported their opinion to the commander-in-chief M.I. Kutuzov about the unsuitability of the position chosen by General L.L. Bennigsen. Kutuzov brought this issue to the discussion of the military council, convened in the evening of the same date. The council was held in secrecy and no minutes were kept, so the number of participants is unknown (from 10 to 15 people).

It is precisely established from the memoirs and letters of contemporaries that there were: M.I. Kutuzov, M.B. Barclay de Tolly, L.L. Bennigsen, D.S. Dokhturov, A.P. Ermolov, N.N. .P.Konovnitsyn, A.I.Osterman-Tolstoy, K.F.Tol. On the basis of some testimonies of contemporaries, one can only assume that among the participants were M.I. Platov, K.F. Baggovut, F.P. Uvarov, P.S. Kaysarov and V.S. Lanskoy.

Barclay de Tolly was the first to reasonably substantiate the point of view that in the current situation it was necessary to leave the city in order to save the army and win the campaign. His main opponent was Bennigsen, who insisted on holding a battle to protect the capital in order to avoid a negative moral impact on the army and society as a whole. Among the generals, the idea of ​​a counter attack movement against Napoleon's army was also expressed, but, after the criticism expressed, it did not receive support. As a result of the roll-call vote on the first two proposals, the opinions of the council members were divided approximately equally. The final and difficult decision was made by Kutuzov. He ordered to leave the city and save the army for future hostilities, because, in his words, "with the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost yet." The next day, September 2, 1812, the Russian troops, having passed the city, left the capital, retreated along the Ryazan road, and later, having made the Tarutinsky march-maneuver, broke away from the enemy.

The military council in Fili was described by L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace", according to this description, the famous picture was written, which was included in school textbooks.

Reproducing a historical event on his canvas, Alexei Kivshenko (1851-1895) exactly followed the writer. Just like in the novel, the characters are located at the table, the granddaughter of the owner of the hut climbed onto the stove. We see here M. I. Kutuzov, P. S. Kaisarov, P. P. Konovnitsyn, N. N. Raevsky, A. I. Osterman-Tolstoy, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, F. P. Uvarov, D S. Dokhturov, A. P. Ermolov, K. Tolya, and L. L. Bennigsen. All the characters are not only similar in portraiture - the artist managed to convey their state of mind, to show the attitude of each to what is happening. And then to say: the fate of Russia is being decided. Leave Moscow or accept the battle? And the famous Kutuzovsky is about to sound: "With the loss of Moscow, Russia has not yet been lost."
Biographer Kivshenko V. G. Kazantsev wrote that the "Military Council" interested the artist "not with their brilliant uniforms, not with the effect of lighting, but precisely with the desire to reproduce in colors the facial expressions of the participants in this great drama, played out in such a modest setting,<…>the greatness and deep meaning of the moment experienced. "It is not for nothing that this canvas, as mentioned above, has become a textbook - not a single publication, not a single exhibition dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 can do without it. "The picture,<…>sold in Russia in thousands of reproductions, immediately put forward Alexei Danilovich among historical artists and made his name known in Russia, and then abroad. "Written by November 1879, it brought the author the right to a pensioner trip, was repeated for the P. Tretyakov (1882) and made a splash at the Berlin Exhibition (1886).

Today, education is aimed at the comprehensive development of schoolchildren, so that in the future they will grow up not just a good citizen, but a person with a capital letter. However, this process is rather complicated and thorny, since we are all different, and mass education in educational institutions implies a comprehensive “equalization”. Perhaps, once such an approach would have been successful, but with the development of society in the 21st century, it is completely inappropriate. The importance of monitoring the development process should also be emphasized. By itself, a person in the early years of his life is like plasticine. What kind of “shape” the world around him blinds, so he will live. We all understand that at this stage, the development of each can reach a dead end or flow in a completely different direction.

Where are the feelings of children brought up?

Very many psychologists of various qualifications, who are somehow involved in the process of preparing people of student or school age, say that very little time is devoted to the development of feelings. Naturally, the main task of the school lies in the education of children, but the education of the senses is no less important. After all, the child is in the family for a very short period of time. All his development comes down to his life activity in the circle of his peers, a kind of mini-society. In this environment, he must fully cognize those feelings that will be useful to him in the future and which organize him as a person, as a person. Of course, the upbringing of the child's feelings begins at home, this is a kind of basis, but he receives the lion's share of knowledge at school. You need to understand that in the family the baby receives a certain framework for his development, on the basis of which he will continue to build all his relationships, feelings and emotions.

The concept of morality and moral feelings

It is impossible to raise a child without taking into account the world around him. If such a process succeeds, then we will end up with not a person, but a likeness of Mowgli, who will not understand his significance for society. Thus, the whole process of education should be directed to the education of moral feelings.

Many do not understand what exactly this term means. Moreover, not all psychologists can explain its meaning. Moral feelings are a certain number of feelings that are formed on the basis of the interaction of a person and the social environment in which he develops. Such feelings are useful precisely in the context of society. They are formed on the basis of moral habits that emerge from those social norms that exist.

Sense education system

When we talk about it is impossible not to take into account the structure of this concept. After all, a similar level of development of feelings is characteristic of the state. In other words, it is the state that should be interested in educating citizens who will treat their country with respect and thereby influence its political stability. Based on this, we can talk about a system of education of feelings, which consists of several elements: humanism, patriotism, responsibility. All these elements are united by one term - morality. It should be noted that these concepts cannot be considered exclusively in the context of morality. They should all be studied separately in order to bring the most positive result possible.

Education of humanism in man

Education of feelings is impossible without a hierarchy of the basic elements of the moral system. It consists of several levels, which are created in order to streamline the process of educating moral feelings as much as possible. Therefore, the education of humane feelings is the lowest level that will take its place in the entire system of morality. Speaking of humanism, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that a large part of his successful upbringing is played by the family. Until the moment a person enters the social environment, he is in his family. It is there that he receives the basics of his moral development. It should be remembered that at an early age a child is comparable to a sponge. He literally absorbs absolutely everything that his parents teach him. If cruelty is programmed at this stage, it will be cruel in the future. Therefore, the education of feelings in preschoolers is largely based on humanism.

humane feelings

There are many ways to instill in a child humanity as a basic sense of relation to the world as a whole. At its core, humanism is the upbringing of a person who will be loyal and loving towards the people around him. All methods of humane education are based on empathy - the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to feel all the features of his situation.

There are several basic methods for educating humanism in a child, namely:

1) Demonstrate love for the child himself. When a person develops in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect for his rights and feelings, he will not try to humiliate the similar rights and feelings of other people.

2) A very effective method will be the praise of the child for his kind attitude towards the world around him.

3) Intolerance to the child's negative manifestations towards other people or the world around him (animals, plants).

4) Adults need to remember their own behavior around the child, as young children copy them in almost everything.

This list is not exhaustive, and therefore it can be supplemented. But the presented methods are basic.

Raising a sense of patriotism

Patriotic feelings are the second link in the chain of moral education. This level of education is impossible without the participation of the school and the mini-society, in other words, classmates.

Patriotic feelings are the main link between a person and the state. The presence of patriotism in a person indicates his attitude towards the country with which he has a civil connection. The upbringing of this kind of feelings is beneficial for the state, since it is it that is interested in getting people who will obey the existing regulatory framework. The whole political climate of the country as a whole will depend on the level of patriotism.

To date, very little time is devoted to patriotic education. feelings should be taken as a basis, but it exists as an addition to the modern education system. The issue of patriotism is approached only in the graduating classes at the lessons of defending the Fatherland. This method is fundamentally wrong, since the process of training people with patriotic feelings should begin much earlier. To do this, more and more sports and patriotic sections should be opened, where young girls and boys will study in depth the history of their country, engage in traditional sports and will be able to track the political climate of their state.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility

A responsible person will always treat his country with great respect, as well as have humane feelings for the people around him. Responsibility is the ratio of the factor "I can" and "I must". When a person is responsible, he not only understands the significance of his actions, but is also ready to answer for their consequences. But responsibility should develop in a person to the entire process of life. It happens that people can be responsible towards others, but not have this feeling towards their health.

How to develop responsibility?

Responsibility is a social human skill. It is acquired through comprehensive development and education. Parents play a key role in developing responsibility in a child. They lay the foundation of this feeling from an early age. However, in addition to parents, the school, sports sections and other social groups in which the child develops also play an important role. It is for this reason that many psychologists advise sending children to all kinds of circles, because they instill not only special skills, but also other socially useful feelings.


So, the article presented the facts of how social development is useful for a person and his future. The structure of moral development was also shown, which helps to develop the child from the point of view of his social benefit. It has been proven that the education of feelings is possible at the level of the family and school.

One of the main problems of modern Russian society is disunity. Patriotic feelings of Russians in modern conditions can act as a rallying Russian society. The essence is manifested in the willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of the interests of the Motherland.

Basically, people are now motivated for their own personal goals. This position, it seems, can be explained by the lack of a national idea, a public goal, a strategic course in the country. The absence of an idea cementing Russian society leads to its social, national, and religious stratification. Overcoming the current situation on the basis of a recreated, anti-state one will never lead to the exaltation of Russia.

Ideology, whatever it may be, is not able to rally people to belong to the nation; it unites on a political, party basis. The ideologized feeling of patriotism is a feeling of love for the party, which in every possible way contradicts not only the purpose of patriotism, but also its generally accepted understanding as love for the Motherland. An indicator of the level of patriotism can be considered the desire to leave Russia. The majority of Russians, 78%, are satisfied that they were born in Russia, and if they could choose, they would choose it. But at the same time, moving to a permanent place of residence in another country is considered normal or acceptable by 62% of Russians. This confirms the passive patriotic position: a feeling of love for the Motherland and pride in belonging to one's own nation. The need for the practical manifestation of these feelings, according to statistics, is experienced only by 2-7% of Russians.

Why is this happening? To a greater extent, in our opinion, this situation is connected with the strengthening of individualistic feelings and the decrease in collectivism. And also today's bureaucratized and corrupt system of power leaves less and less opportunity for Russians to influence the situation in the country, which results in the desire for personal improvement, and not social improvement. The defense capability of the state is an indicator of patriotism as the readiness of citizens to defend their homeland. Today, only about 40% of high school students are ready to join the Armed Forces in order to defend their Fatherland.

The rest, if they do not try to evade military service, either have not decided, or have firmly decided not to join the army under any circumstances. The current situation of the modern Russian Army will change little, as we believe, its transition to a contract basis.

A professional army is not an army on a contract basis, since it is impossible to buy patriotic feelings, and professionalism in the matter of serving for the benefit of the Fatherland cannot be considered outside of patriotism. Protecting the Fatherland is the duty of every patriot. Naturally, a competent reconstruction of the conditions of army service is necessary.

Most young people learn about the situation in the Army from the media, which also plays a role in the appearance of a negative attitude towards service. Factors in the formation of patriotism The strength of patriotism is manifested in specific historical conditions, and the very patriotic consciousness is brought up over the centuries. Patriotism provides not only knowledge of the history of one's country, but also pride in the past of one's Motherland, but what do we see today? In modern Russia, to a greater extent, they speak negatively about its Soviet past, publicizing only the blunders of the Union period, but completely ignoring all the cultural heritage, scientific achievements of the past era.

This propaganda, which, quite naturally, does not allow the formation of patriotic consciousness. Thus, modern media, as a factor in the formation of public opinion, today are anti-patriotic, if not anti-Russian, in nature. The foreign policy of the state is significant for maintaining the patriotic mood of citizens.

Russia has historically acted as a military-invincible country - a liberator. The current authority of the Russian Federation on the world stage does not allow us to maintain this status. The internal political situation under the prism of patriotism is contradictory: on the one hand, the patriotic mood of Russians, and on the other, the low standard of living. The situation in the country today is such that nothing guarantees a prosperous future, confidence in the future.

The presence of social and legal insecurity, economic instability also have a negative impact on the level of patriotic feelings. The achievements of compatriots in various sports competitions have a special influence on the patriotic mood of Russians. Thus, while watching the course of the Turin Olympiad in 2006, 80% of Russians experienced positive emotions: pride and patriotism (47%), interest (33%). This statistics once again proves that we are used to seeing Russia as a winner, only in this case we can talk about the high patriotism of citizens. Conclusion. 83% of Russians consider themselves patriots, 10% are not ready to call themselves patriots. To be a patriot for 67% of the population of Russia means to love their Motherland, for 32% - to work for the good of their country, for the sake of its prosperity, for 30% - to strive to change the state of affairs in the country for the better, for 27% - to defend their country from any attacks and accusations.

But the manifestation of patriotism today is considered by the majority only as a feeling of love for the Motherland, which, to a lesser extent, is fraught with an activity aspect. The lack of desire to act for the good of one's Motherland, even in the presence of boundless love for it, is not true patriotism. Patriotism as a manifestation of love for the Motherland, involvement in its history, culture, pride in the past, readiness for service and self-sacrifice for the sake of its bright future must be nurtured from childhood.

The patriotic education of Russians today is especially important in connection with the prevailing historical conditions: the collapse of the USSR entailed not only open territorial borders, but also an abundance of information; the formation of a market economy; historical multinationality; spread of mass culture. The most correct, in our opinion, is to consider patriotism as a feeling of love for the Motherland, characterized by a critical view of its reality and activities for the good of one's Fatherland.

Literature 1. Pischulin N.P. Patriotism - in the mirror of sociology / / Government - city - people: informational - analytical collection. - 2003. - No. 3 (164).

2. Lutovinov V.I. Russian Patriotism: History and Modernity // Russian Society. - 2006. - No. 17.

3.www. wciom. ru (All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion).

Sokolova Olga Igorevna student Russian State Social University

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The history of the origin of the concept

The historical source of patriotism is the fixed existence of separate states for centuries and millennia, which forms attachment to their native land, language, and traditions. In the context of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part of public consciousness in the 18th century, reflecting national moments in its development.

Attributing patriotic feelings to other persons, and patriotic overtones to some events, the evaluating person thereby most often gives a positive characteristic.

Ideas about patriotism are associated with love for the motherland, but different people have different ideas about the essence of patriotism. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, while others do not consider themselves as such.

In history, patriotism, as a special feeling, was called various phenomena in social relations. Often replacing the understanding of love for the motherland, for example, with love for the state, etc. This is how the terms appeared:

The Genesis of the Ideas of Patriotism

The concept itself had a different content and was understood in different ways. In antiquity, the term patria ("homeland") was applied to the native city-state, but not to wider communities (such as Hellas, Italy); thus, the term patriota meant an adherent of his city-state, although, for example, a feeling of general Greek patriotism existed at least since the time of the Greco-Persian wars, and in the works of Roman writers of the era of the early Empire one can see a peculiar feeling of Italian patriotism [ ] .

Imperial Rome, in turn, saw Christianity as a threat to imperial patriotism. Despite the fact that Christians preached obedience to the authorities and prayed for the well-being of the empire, they refused to take part in imperial cults, which, according to the emperors, should contribute to the growth of imperial patriotism [ ] .

The preaching of Christianity about the heavenly homeland and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special "people of God" raised doubts about the loyalty of Christians to the earthly fatherland.

But later in the Roman Empire there was a rethinking of the political role of Christianity. After the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire, it began to use Christianity to strengthen the unity of the empire, counteract local nationalism and local paganism, forming ideas about the Christian empire as the earthly homeland of all Christians.

In the Middle Ages, when loyalty to the civil collective gave way to loyalty to the monarch, the term lost its relevance and acquired it again in modern times [ ] .

In the era of the American and French bourgeois revolutions, the concept of "patriotism" was identical to the concept of "nationalism", with a political (non-ethnic) understanding of the nation; for this reason, in France and America at that time, the concept of "patriot" was synonymous with the concept of "revolutionary". The symbols of this revolutionary patriotism are the Declaration of Independence and the Marseillaise. With the advent of the concept of "nationalism", patriotism began to be opposed to nationalism, as a commitment to the country (territory and state) - commitment to the human community (nation) [ ] . However, often these concepts act as synonyms or close in meaning.

Ideas for the synthesis of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

Patriotism is often opposed to cosmopolitanism, as an ideology of global citizenship and "homeland-world", in which "attachment to one's people and Fatherland seems to lose all interest from the point of view of universal ideas" . In particular, such opposition in the USSR during Stalin's time led to a struggle with "rootless" cosmopolitans.

On the other hand, there are ideas of synthesis of cosmopolitanism and patriotism, in which the interests of the homeland and the world, one's people and humanity are understood as subordinate, as the interests of the part and the whole, with the unconditional priority of universal human interests. Thus, the English writer and Christian thinker Clive Staples Lewis wrote: “patriotism is a good quality, much better than the selfishness inherent in an individualist, but universal brotherly love is higher than patriotism, and if they come into conflict with each other, then brotherly love should be preferred”. The modern German philosopher M. Riedel already finds such an approach in Immanuel Kant. Contrary to the neo-Kantians, who focus on the universalist content of Kant's ethics and his idea of ​​creating a world republic and a universal legal and political order, M. Riedel believes that Kant's patriotism and cosmopolitanism are not opposed to each other, but mutually agreed, and Kant sees both in patriotism, so in cosmopolitanism manifestations of love. According to M. Riedel, Kant, in contrast to the universalist cosmopolitanism of the Enlightenment, emphasizes that a person, in accordance with the idea of ​​world citizenship, is involved in both the fatherland and the world, believing that a person, as a citizen of the world and the earth, is a true “cosmopolitan”, in order to “promote the good of everything of the world, must have an inclination to be attached to his country.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, this idea was defended by Vladimir Solovyov, arguing with the neo-Slavophile theory of self-sufficient "cultural-historical types". In an article on cosmopolitanism in the ESBE, Solovyov argued: “just as love for the fatherland does not necessarily contradict attachment to closer social groups, for example, to one's family, so devotion to universal interests does not exclude patriotism. The question is only in the final or highest standard for evaluating this or that moral interest; and, no doubt, the decisive advantage here must belong to the good of the whole of mankind, as including the true good of each part.. On the other hand, Solovyov saw the prospects for patriotism as follows: Idolatry in relation to one's own people, being associated with actual enmity towards strangers, is thereby doomed to inevitable death. (...) Everywhere, consciousness and life are preparing for the assimilation of a new, true idea of ​​patriotism, derived from the essence of the Christian principle: "by virtue of natural love and moral duties to his fatherland to consider its interest and dignity mainly in those higher blessings that do not divide, but unite people and peoples ” .

City on the high bank of the river in perpetual motion. He "floats" past the river. And this is also the feeling of native open spaces inherent in Rus'.

A country is a unity of people, nature and culture.

Nature, spring, homeland, just kindness, 1984

A. A. Terentiev, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the National State Pedagogical University, in his work “Islam and the Problems of Nationalism and Patriotism” points out:

Patriotic behavior presupposes a sincere, conscious service to the common interests of the people, merging with the native people in spirit and body, bringing national conciliar interests to the fore and solving together with them their own private ones, without opposing them to each other. Patriotism is formed, developed, developed at the same time as the tradition and rule of public life in solving the common problems of the ethnos, while serving people more significant than private, common interest.

Islam and the Problems of Nationalism and Patriotism, 2011

Patriotism and religious teachings


Early Christianity The consistent universalism and cosmopolitanism of early Christianity, its preaching of a heavenly homeland as opposed to earthly fatherlands, and the notion of the Christian community as a special "people of God" undermined the very foundations of polis patriotism. Christianity denied any differences not only between the peoples of the empire, but also between the Romans and the "barbarians". The Apostle Paul taught: “If you have risen with Christ, then seek the things above (…) putting on the new<человека>where there is no Greek, no Jew, no circumcision, no uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is everything and in everything "(Colossians 3:11). However, an interpretation of this passage loyal to patriotism was offered by the famous Orthodox missionary Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev: in a parallel, earlier passage of Scripture, the same Apostle Paul says: "For you are all sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus; all of you, in Christ those who have been baptized have put on Christ: there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:27-28). Thus, the fact that differences between people, national and sexual, disappear in Christ does not mean that they disappear between people in earthly life, otherwise the same Apostle Paul would not have emphasized gender differences in a whole series of epistles.

According to the apologetic Epistle to Diognetus attributed to Justin Martyr, “They (Christians) live in their own country, but as strangers (…). For them, every foreign country is a fatherland, and every fatherland is a foreign country. (...) They are on earth, but they are citizens of heaven " The French historian Ernest Renan formulated the position of the early Christians as follows: “The Church is the homeland of the Christian, as the synagogue is the homeland of the Jew; Christian and Jew live in every country as strangers. A Christian hardly recognizes a father or mother. He owes nothing to the empire (…) The Christian does not rejoice in the victories of the empire; he considers public disasters to be the fulfillment of prophecies dooming the world to destruction from barbarians and fire. .

Patriotism is undoubtedly relevant. This is the feeling that makes the people and every person responsible for the life of the country. Without patriotism there is no such responsibility. If I do not think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because the house is not only comfort, it is also the responsibility for the order in it, it is the responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, does not have his own country. And a "man of the world" is the same as a homeless person.

Recall the gospel parable of the prodigal son. The young man left home, and then returned, and his father forgave him, accepted him with love. Usually in this parable they pay attention to how the father acted when he received the prodigal son. But we must not forget that the son, having wandered around the world, returned to his home, because it is impossible for a person to live without his foundations and roots.

<…>It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is as natural to a person as the feeling of love for God. It can be distorted. And humanity throughout its history has more than once distorted the feeling invested by God. But it is.

And here is another very important thing. The feeling of patriotism should in no case be confused with a feeling of hostility towards other peoples. Patriotism in this sense is consonant with Orthodoxy. One of the most important commandments of Christianity: do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. Or, as it sounds in the Orthodox doctrine in the words of Seraphim of Sarov: save yourself, acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved. The same patriotism. Do not destroy in others, but build in yourself. Then others will treat you with respect. I think that today this is the main task of patriots in our country: the creation of our own country.

The well-known Orthodox missionary Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev finds grounds for Christian patriotism in the words of Scripture about the "limits of habitation" established by God for the nations (Acts 17:26).

The "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" says about the ethnic and civic dimension of Christian patriotism: "Christian patriotism is simultaneously manifested in relation to the nation as an ethnic community and as a community of citizens of the state. An Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood, living all over the world. Such love is one of the ways of fulfilling the commandment of God about love for one's neighbor, which includes love for one's family, fellow tribesmen and fellow citizens.

On the other hand, according to [ the significance of the fact? ] of the Orthodox theologian hegumen Peter (Meshcherinov), love for the earthly homeland is not something that expresses the essence of Christian teaching and is mandatory for a Christian. However, the church, at the same time, finding its historical existence on earth, is not an opponent of patriotism, as a healthy and natural feeling of love. At the same time, however, she “does not perceive any natural feeling as a moral given, for a person is a fallen being, and a feeling, even such as love, left to itself, does not leave the state of fall, but in a religious aspect leads to paganism.” Therefore, "patriotism has dignity from a Christian point of view and receives an ecclesiastical meaning if and only if love for the motherland is an active implementation of God's commandments in relation to it."

The modern Christian publicist Dmitry Talantsev believes [ the significance of the fact? ] Patriotism is an anti-Christian heresy. In his opinion, patriotism puts the motherland in the place of God, while "the Christian worldview implies the fight against evil, the upholding of the truth, completely regardless of where, in which country this evil occurs and a departure from the truth."

In the Gospel of John, chapter 15, verses 12 and 13: “This is my commandment, that you love one another, as you love more. These words of Jesus Christ should be interpreted as follows: “so that you love each other so much that you are ready to die for each other, because I also loved you so that further I die for you. There is no longer that love that is so great that the lover sacrifices his soul for friends, as I do now.

Patriotism in states


After 1917 and until the mid-1930s in the USSR, the concept of "patriotism" was of a sharply negative character. The concept of "patriot" was related to such concepts as "bourgeois", or "unfinished contra". At that time, not only individual high-ranking party leaders adhered to such an attitude towards patriotism and patriots, these views were also professed en masse. The persecution of patriotic views found the widest expression in literature, art, science, especially history and education. One of the brightest representatives of this trend was the historian M. N. Pokrovsky. The need to destroy patriotic views in society was explained by the fact that it was patriotism that was a serious ideological obstacle to the creation of a world proletarian state. The idea was promoted that true patriotism is class (proletarian) or international patriotism, which implies the unity of the proletarians of the whole world, regardless of their nationality or state affiliation. And traditional, national patriotism, usually called national patriotism, was declared harmful or even hostile to the cause of the world revolution.

In the late 1960s and early 1980s, in a number of social sciences, especially in philosophical ones, the point of view was significantly developed, according to which patriotism was studied as a phenomenon of social consciousness. Approximately from the mid-80s, the tendency to comprehend patriotism as one of the phenomena of the spiritual life of society began to prevail. In some studies, patriotism was studied in the context of the development of national history, as a manifestation of specific features of the mentality, the psyche of various communities, etc.

Great Britain

  1. Love for home; to old friends, to familiar faces, to familiar sights, smells and sounds.
  2. A special relationship to the past of their country.
  3. A rude belief that one's own country or one's people is really the best.
  4. Your own nation is so much better than everyone else that it is simply obliged to rule over everyone.


According to polls, more and more Russians consider themselves patriots - 69% according to the Levada Center (2013), more than 80% according to the VTsIOM (2014). An example of the rise of patriotic sentiments in society was the holding of the Olympic Games, the annexation of Crimea, the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The formation of patriotism of preschool children and schoolchildren is carried out through the holding of systems of patriotic competitions, socio-political, national and cultural, state holidays, through the work of children's military-patriotic public organizations.

The formation of patriotic feelings of student youth in Russia is carried out within the framework of thematic competitions, as well as through the implementation of specialized shifts within the framework of the All-Russian educational forums "Mashuk", "Seliger", "Tavrida", "Territory of Meanings" on Klyazma", "Swallow", "APR ”, “Biryusa”, “Baltic Artek”, “I-Volga”.

They conduct their activities financed from the state budget (FGBU "Rosvoencenter" and FGBU "Rospatriottsentr"), focused on patriotic work with all age groups.

Public organizations of Russia have been implementing public projects for several years: Pride of Russia, Immortal Regiment, Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Volunteers70, Russian Military Historical Society, Search Movement of Russia, My Country - My Russia, Assembly of Peoples Russia

In the action "Immortal Regiment" in 2015, 13% of young people aged 18 to 24 took part.

An indicator of the state's interest in the patriotic education of citizens is the presence of legal documents that regulate and support the work of state and public organizations in the formation of patriotism:

Documents regulating patriotic education in Russia:

federal laws

  • Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans” (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 1, 2016).
  • Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ (as amended on October 5, 2015) "On military duty and military service."
  • Federal Law of March 13, 1995 N 32-FZ (as amended on December 1, 2014) "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia."
  • Federal constitutional law on the state emblem of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal constitutional law on the national anthem of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal constitutional law on the state flag of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law No. 80-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On Perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” (as amended and supplemented in 2014).
  • Federal Law No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1996 (as amended on November 28, 2015, as amended on December 14, 2015) “On Burial and Funeral Business.”
  • Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 N 4292-1 "On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland" (as amended and supplemented in 2013).
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2006 N 37 "Issues of perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland."

Government Decrees

  • Decree "On approval of the Regulations on the activities of an organization authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to implement intergovernmental agreements on military burials."
  • Decree "On approval of the regulation on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service."
  • Resolution "On military-patriotic youth and children's associations".
  • Decree "Issues of the Interdepartmental Commission for the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service."
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010 N 134-r "The concept of the federal system for preparing citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020."
  • State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020".
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 N 96/134 “On approval of the instructions on the organization of training of citizens of the Russian Federation, initial knowledge in the field of defense and their training on the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions primary professional and secondary professional education and educational points”


In the middle of the 20th century, the formation of patriotism in Japan was assigned to the National Defense Administration (UNO) (after January 9, 2007, the Ministry of Defense of Japan). The education of patriotism was based on the traditional Japanese moral canons, militarism, nationalism [ ] .

Criticism of patriotism


  1. Ethnopsychological dictionary. - M.: MPSI. V. G. KRISKO. 1999. "Patriotism"
  2. Patriotism / M. M. Skibitsky // Otomi - Plaster. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1975. - (Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, v. 19).
  3. Sociological encyclopedia. In 2 vols. T. 1. M .: Thought, 2003. S. 164.
  4. in Brockhaus and Efron contains words about P. as a moral virtue.
  5. An example of public opinion polls shows that the majority of respondents support patriotic slogans.
  6. Ksenia Larina; Viktor Erofeev, Alexey Chadayev. Culture shock: is Russian patriotism a destructive or creative force? (indefinite) . Radio "Echo Moscow" (August 30, 2008). Retrieved 21 July 2014.
  7. A selection of materials on the topic of patriotism on the VTsIOM website.
  8. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: “Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov: “Patriotism is love for one’s own country, and not hatred for a stranger” - Interview with Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov of the Russian Orthodox Church to Boris Klin, Izvestia newspaper, September 12. Among the theses of the interviewee: patriotism is not related to the attitude of a person to the policy of the state, patriotism cannot mean hatred for someone else, patriotism is cultivated with the help of religion, etc.
  9. Information material of VTsIOM. 2006 public opinion poll report on Russian patriotism. In this report, there is no common perception of society about patriotism and patriots.
  10. Explanatory dictionary of social science terms. N. E. Yatsenko. 1999
  11. Semiosis urban patriotism: experience understanding theory and practice (indefinite) . Bulletin of the Ryazan State University. S.A. Yesenin. Retrieved July 9, 2016. Archived from the original on July 9, 2016.
  12. Humanitarian Yearbook (unavailable link) Retrieved 21 July 2014.
  14. Georgy Kurbatov. Evolution of the polis ideology, spiritual and cultural life city (indefinite) . Retrieved November 12, 2012. Archived from the original November 19, 2012.
  15. // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.
  16. "cosmopolitans". Electronic Jewish encyclopedia (unavailable link) Retrieved 21 July 2014.
  17. Political magazine - THE ISSUE - Is possible alternative for Pax Americana?
  18. Universalism human rights and patriotism  (Riedel M.) (indefinite) . "Electronic Library in Philosophy". Retrieved 21 July 2014.
  19. Mezhuev, Boris Creation cosmopolis (indefinite) . Magazine "POLIS". Retrieved 21 July 2014.
  20. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
09But I

What is Patriotism

Patriotism is a term used to describe feelings of love and devotion to one's people, nation, country, or community. By itself, the term patriotism is very broad and ambiguous. It includes a whole host of different feelings, and aspects of which we will discuss below.

What is Patriotism in simple words - a brief definition.

Simply put, patriotism is love for one's country, one's nation and one's culture. As a rule, patriotism includes such main aspects as:

  • Special attachment to one's country;
  • Feeling of personal identification with the country;
  • Special concern for the welfare of the country;
  • Willingness to sacrifice oneself to contribute to the well-being of the country.

In some respects, patriotism is a certain social and moral principle that makes a person feel attached to his country. It evokes a sense of pride in one's nation, country or culture.

The basis and essence of Patriotism.

As it has already become clear from the definition itself, the basis or essence of patriotism is selfless love and affection for one's country.

« But, is it so good, and why is patriotism actually needed?»

The answer to this question is very complex and ambiguous. The fact is that if you rely on the fundamental works of various researchers of this phenomenon, you can find that they are divided into two camps.

Some argue that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon capable of developing and strengthening the state, maintaining and preserving its cultural traditions and customs. Others argue that such attachment to their state and specifically their culture contributes to the development of overly nationalistic and sentiments that do not really fit with.

We will talk about the connection between patriotism and nationalism later, but now we will continue to develop the answer to the question posed above. So, if we ignore the already formed points of view, we can say that all the statements of adherents and opponents of patriotism are right in their own way. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with the very idea of ​​​​love for one's country, but everything should be in moderation and go, so to speak, from the heart. But, history knows a lot of examples when such love for the fatherland mutated into fanaticism under the influence of manipulations with the people's consciousness. Many military and other crimes were often justified by patriotism. Thus, we can say that patriotism, among other things, is also an excellent tool for controlling the masses. So, answering the above question, we can say that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon within reasonable limits, which is necessary for the preservation and development of individual states of nations and cultures.

Patriotism and nationalism - what's the difference.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that these two terms are often used together, and sometimes replace each other, there is a difference between them. The main difference between these terms is that nationalism is love for one's own nation, one's culture, and one's traditions, and patriotism is love for the country as a whole, including the minorities inhabiting it with their own cultural characteristics.

It is worth noting that in real life, these concepts are indeed quite often intertwined, since patriots in most cases are nationalists, although this is not the rule.