Emotional background during pregnancy. Why pregnant women should not be nervous

The news of the upcoming motherhood evokes a number of conflicting feelings: at first it can embrace delight, then doubts and anxiety. A pregnant woman may be overcome by fears about whether she can cope with the role of a mother, how her usual way of life will change now, whether her partner is ready for the changes that are taking place, in the end, how the birth will go.

In addition to such thoughts, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness appear. Feelings, tastes and preferences change. Physical ailments, low self-esteem, depressed mood, irritability, even rage are far from complete list sensations that can overcome a woman. It is not surprising that in such a state, even the slightest reason can cause tears.


Pregnant women are characterized by sentimentality, anxiety, suggestibility and resentment. But the reason for these feelings is not only in fears for the future, but also in hormones. Namely: hCG, estrogen, relaxin, oxytocin, prostaglandin, cortisone, prolactin and placental lactogen - being catalysts for the necessary physical processes, they can have a huge impact on the emotional background.

But the biggest impact on mental condition pregnant women have adrenaline, norepinephrine and endorphins. These hormones are responsible for increasing the heart rate. Endorphins, moreover, are natural painkillers, their level gradually increases and reaches its maximum by the time of childbirth.


Hormones are a common but not the only cause of sudden tears in the eyes of a pregnant woman. Doctors say that about 10-12% of expectant mothers suffer from real depression, and the same percentage is overtaken by postpartum depression. The symptoms are the same - fatigue, anxious thoughts, sadness, tears. But with hormonal surges, at least from time to time, hormones of joy will also appear, and that the mood will periodically improve, and laughter will follow tears. And in the event that such a depressed state lasts more than 2 weeks, without being replaced by positive emotions, perhaps it makes sense to contact a specialist. A similar problem can be solved together with a psychotherapist, possibly with the help of antidepressants, which can only be used with the approval of a gynecologist.

It is impossible to predict exactly how the pregnancy will go emotionally. Much here depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, if during PMS a woman experienced apathy, self-pity and a desire to cry, then with a high degree of probability we can say that this will happen again during pregnancy.

The main thing to remember is that tantrums and outbursts of rage cause excessive release of adrenaline and spasms of blood vessels in the uterus, which negatively affects the baby. Mom's feelings and emotions can affect the development of the child's nervous system and even leave an imprint of pain in the brain cells. Therefore, despite the hormonal fluctuations, it makes sense to take emotions under control and try to cope with the negative, for the sake of the health of your baby.

9 months of pregnancy are the happiest and at the same time stressful and exciting for a woman. Avoiding nervousness and breakdowns at such a time becomes difficult. The ability to cope with emotions and listen to your body will take some time and understanding from loved ones.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. Others will not be able to notice them from the outside, but a woman feels everything on the inner level. changing hormonal background, attitude towards oneself and others, well-being and general perception of the world. It has been repeatedly noted that the closest people - the husband or relatives - feel the strongest changes in the character and behavior of a woman. It is believed that in this way a woman instinctively tries to prepare her husband and loved ones for the birth of a baby. Prepare for, without sleep and some difficulties.

The most nervous during pregnancy are the first and third trimesters. In the first, a woman still does not fully understand what is happening with her body, which, in turn, is controlled by hormones and instincts. A woman at this time cannot reflect on the changes in the body, but can only take them for granted, hence the extra nervousness and irritability. Some of the changes are not entirely clear. are changing taste preferences, favorite smells can become disgusting, toxicosis begins to manifest itself. All these changes sometimes baffle and make you nervous and worried. Many women themselves cannot understand where nervousness and irritation come from. Why a loving and caring woman is ready to trample everything in her path in an instant.

The cause of increased nervousness may be the lack of confidence in tomorrow. When the pregnancy is complicated or there are life circumstances that frighten the mother, it is difficult to remain calm. A woman can ask many questions about her future life, the relationship of a father to a child, financial problems.

A woman can also be nervous physically discomfort. They intensify with the approach of childbirth. The uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, increasing the load on the legs and spine. It gets hard to move and commit simple steps. The woman may feel helpless. The approaching birth makes you worry about the birth process, the well-being of the baby and life after his birth.

The doctors came to the conclusion that increased nervousness expectant mother leads to the strongest jumps in the level of hormones in the body of both the woman herself and her baby. Therefore, it is worth learning to hear yourself, your baby and loved ones and not expose the unborn child to unnecessary shocks.

A constantly changing mood is one of the complexities of a woman's nature. Unstable emotional background, sudden depression or hyperactivity - all this is associated with two cycles that govern the fair sex.


Feminine state and mood directly depend not only on the events taking place in life, but also on the physiological (menstrual) and lunar cycles. Representatives of the weaker sex react quite strongly to new moons, full moons and eclipses, and are also dependent on hormonal changes during menstruation and ovulation.

A woman who is due in the near future, in most cases, has a very unstable mood. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, and the spiritual aspect of what is happening. After all, menstruation suggests that in this cycle the egg died, without giving a new life. The female nature is arranged in such a way that the desire to become a mother is constantly present at a subconscious level. That is why women during menstruation are too easily irritated, lose their temper and often cry.

Ovulation in this case is perceived as a potential opportunity to give this new life. Usually during ovulation (somewhere in the middle menstrual cycle) women look especially good, their mood rises, they seem to glow from the inside. Accordingly, the closer the day of the beginning of menstruation, the more depressed the woman becomes, the closer ovulation, the more cheerful she is.

Women react differently to lunar cycles. It depends on individual characteristics, energy portrait, the position of the moon in the horoscope. However, some general trends can still be identified. So, for example, the fair sex experience an upsurge and positive emotions and a growing moon, respectively, a breakdown and depression occur on the new moon.

There are also special days which are called Ekadashi. This word in the Hindu calendar refers to the eleventh day after the new moon or full moon. From the point of view of religion, Ekadashi is the best day for fasting and spiritual purification, but for women it is a difficult day, full of quarrels, irritations, misunderstandings and tears. At this time, it is better to leave a woman alone, alone with her experiences. This makes it much easier to survive such a difficult day.

Do not assume that mood swings are a trait female character. It must be understood that these are completely objective processes caused by the characteristics of the female body. And understanding the causes and timing of emotional "emissions" helps the woman herself and her loved ones to experience such periods much easier.

The feeling of a woman who finds out that she is expecting a baby is unforgettable. Now, it would seem, it remains to calmly and happily expect the appearance of the baby. But time is running bringing both joy and sorrow. And any little thing can bring the expectant mother to tears. In this case, not only she herself suffers, but also those close to her. How to understand pregnant wife?


Sometimes it starts to seem to you that your wife has been changed. She gets angry, then cries for any reason. He delves into himself, into your behavior, arranges quarrels from scratch. In general, he will always find a reason for resentment in the environment or in the behavior of other people. Believe me, this is the situation for many couples who are expecting a baby. Try to understand that the expectant mother herself is not happy with her whims. It's just that the hormonal background of a woman changes during the time. This causes an increased susceptibility to external factors. This means that the behavior of the spouse is not at all spoiled character. Remember: everything expressed in the hearts, with tears and bitterness, is dictated not by her consciousness, but by hormones. After a while, the wife will calm down and will be ashamed herself hurtful words. Step on male pride for the peace of the family, hug the future mother and say that you still love her.

A pregnant woman needs increased attention and care. Not getting this (in her opinion), she. And insults turn into quarrels. Be interested in the well-being of your wife, help more around the house. Ask your spouse about pregnancy, stroke your tummy more often, talk with your baby. This will help awaken fatherly feelings and affection for the child. It will be easier for you to understand the expectant mother.

It would be wrong to attribute everything to the hormonal background. Sometimes a woman just doesn't get enough maternal care. Offended and scandalous, not wanting to grow up, in this way she tries to attract the attention of her husband, to find this concern from him. Talk to your wife. The experiences of a woman cause discomfort not only to her and loved ones, but also to the child. Go to an appointment with a psychologist together to help your spouse understand yourself, make the waiting time for the baby joyful and happy.


  • how to understand pregnancy

Misunderstandings often arise between members of the same family. It is the joint overcoming of difficulties that is an indicator of a strong alliance. Pregnancy is a period that is best experienced together.


Frequent mood swings during pregnancy can really piss you off. Often, relatives in despair begin to think that it is simply impossible to understand a pregnant woman. And this is true, moreover: often a pregnant woman does not understand herself. Hormonal changes in her body no longer depend on her, and she, like those around her, does not understand that simple things have become complicated, you want to cry all day from a trifling problem, and sometimes being close to someone is so annoying. Hormonal surges in the body resemble transitional age: I also want everything at once, but in the case of pregnancy, this is aggravated by poor health and, often, toxicosis.

It will be easier if the attitude towards the pregnant woman on the part of the man is adequate. The option “not to be taken seriously and tenderly fulfill every request” is just as bad as the requirements to behave as before. A woman carrying a child, more than ever wants to feel complete family and society, and her condition during this period makes this impossible. Her life is no longer her own. It is not easy for a future mother to come to terms with such a paradox and get used to it. Her body is no longer suitable for long walks and long trips, which she most likely loved so much before pregnancy. After another quarrel with her husband, she cannot relax with a friend over a glass of wine. It is the woman who bears the responsibility for her own and other people's life for the coming years. She herself wanted this, and yet, getting used to all this at once is hardly possible.

For herself healthy woman pregnancy will still be a difficult test and is unlikely to pass without a hitch. A man should remember himself during the period of illness: the sensations are similar, only the burden of responsibility is greater. Lower back pain, a growing uncomfortable stomach, toxicosis, swelling - all this together will not add to anyone a good mood and cheerfulness. If you remember all this when communicating, it will be even easier to understand a pregnant woman. A woman is afraid of the upcoming birth, and who would not be afraid? You should not assume that the program for bearing and childbearing is built into female body default. This has nothing to do with reality. The psyche of a woman is just as unprepared for childbirth as the psyche of a man, and if he just tries to imagine how this process happens to him, perhaps all the misunderstandings will end there.


  • How to Understand a Pregnant Wife in 2019

Nine months of a woman's pregnancy is a special period not only for her, but also for her loved ones. This is a happy, joyful time, everyone is preparing for the birth of a child. But troubles, stresses and health problems of the pregnant woman also happen during this period. A husband should support and take care of his wife, be gentle and affectionate.


Your wife is now responsible for two lives, you should be her reliable support and assistant in any business. Take on some of the responsibilities of your beloved woman around the house. Do not allow your wife to carry weights, because this threatens with a miscarriage. Buy products yourself according to the list that your spouse will give you.

Late dates especially dangerous. You will have to wash the floors yourself and hang up wet clothes. Consult with the doctor who observes your wife, ask what is allowed and recommended for her, and what is strictly prohibited. Watch how the pregnant woman follows the instructions, because a woman, due to mood instability during these months, can be capricious and refuse to monitor her health.

The girl "in position" is especially sensitive to everything beautiful and romantic. Give her flowers every day, buy cute trinkets. Arrange joint evenings rest with healthy wholesome food, walks on fresh air and watching a new movie on a comfortable sofa.

Some women during this period are dissatisfied with excessive guardianship, while others complain of a lack of attention. In this matter, be guided by your spouse, it is impossible to give a single recommendation. The mood of a pregnant woman can change several times in a minute.

Pay attention to the unborn child. Place your hand on your wife's bulging tummy more often and say something affectionate to the baby. Doctors have long proven that the baby hears the voice and feels the touch of the father. Your wife will be incredibly pleased with your attention and care for her and your child.

Please your wife with compliments, because pregnant women do not feel very confident and are afraid of rivals. Do not stay late at work and do not give any reason for jealousy. Hormonal changes in a woman's body can lead to severe depression and stress if she suspects betrayal and betrayal on your part.

Sex with a pregnant wife will only bring benefits if there are no special instructions from the attending physician. A woman will feel much more confident if you keep the rhythm. sexual life and you will not get tired of whispering to your beloved how beautiful and desirable she is.

Do not succumb to the provocations and tantrums of your wife, do not get angry. It is better to calmly and affectionately develop all her fears and concerns. Be logical and reasonable, speak confidently with your spouse and do not raise your tone.

Crying or laughing hysterically, in any case, hug her gently and tell her how much you love her. If your wife wakes you up at night and asks you to bring a cake with smoked fish or pineapple with salt, run to the store and buy strawberries and grilled chicken just in case.


  • Pregnant wife: relationship features
  • how to communicate with pregnant women

Pregnancy is a special, very important stage in the life of a woman preparing to become a mother. She is both happy, realizing that a new life has arisen inside her, and worries: is the development of the fetus normal, are there any complications. Sometimes a woman experiences a strong fear of childbirth: what if it will be unbearably painful? On top of that mixed in toxicosis, feeling unwell, frequent mood swings, whims, tears. In a word, the husband of a pregnant woman has a difficult life.

You should reassure your wife, inspire her with confidence that everything will go well, that your baby will be born on time, strong and healthy. In no case should you even jokingly laugh at her deteriorating appearance, like: “It used to be a chick, now it’s a donut”! or: “Oh, you are my plump one!” It's hard to imagine a worse mistake. Pregnant women are already cruelly complex about a blurry figure, and such words can drive them into deep depression. On the contrary, it is necessary in every possible way to make it clear to your wife that she is still the most beautiful, beloved and desired for you.

Of course, it is necessary to protect the pregnant woman from excessive physical activity, stress, unnecessary risks. You should take on at least part of the household chores, not allow your wife to lift or carry heavy things. It is also desirable for you, if possible, to accompany your wife to work and meet. And, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the house has a comfortable, benevolent psychological environment. You should not talk about the sad, discuss some tragic events. Contacts with people annoying wife should be reduced to a minimum.

Breathless. All these fears have no medical basis, and, therefore, they can be considered highly dubious.

But in ancient times they firmly believed in this - they grew their hair, braiding it into a thick braid. After marriage, this braid was divided into two parts, which meant that a woman passes part of her life force to her children. Therefore, in Rus', hair was not cut, because it meant a change in one's fate, often not in better side. married women they wrapped their hair around their heads and hid it from prying eyes under kokoshniks and scarves. During sleep, a long and thick braid could cover, protecting him from the cold. It was believed that health depends on the length and condition of the hair. And these days, long and shiny hair indicate that the woman is in good health.

The opinion of hairdressers on this matter is quite understandable - it does not make sense to change your hairstyle. Hair won't fit in new hairstyle, and if you decide to tint them even more, then the color may turn out to be the most unexpected. All this is due to a change in the hormonal background, which disrupts the structure of the hair - they can not only respond inadequately to dyeing, but also begin to curl if they were previously straight, and vice versa. During the gestation period, only the ends of the hair make sense, trimming them.

Another explanation that women should have long hair, is the opinion of midwives. Immediately there are changes in the subcutaneous layer associated with the production of melanin - yellow-brown spots may remain on the face. To prevent this from happening, some midwives still force women in labor to rub their faces with their own, and when they cannot do this, they perform all the movements on their own.

Expecting a baby is a joyful time in the life of every woman. At first glance, it should only call pleasant emotions but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Most pregnant women are familiar with the state when tears suddenly appear in their eyes or, conversely, at the most inopportune moment, they suddenly want to laugh for no reason. During pregnancy, unusual sensitivity and vulnerability, tearfulness and increased resentment may appear. Frequent mood swings, increased emotionality, irritability are symptoms with which future parents seek help from psychologists. Let's look at the reasons for the ongoing changes in the mood of a pregnant woman.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

First of all, you should pay attention to your psychological state before pregnancy. Let's explain why: the central nervous system affects the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones necessary for pregnancy and childbearing. Majority modern women lead a very active lifestyle before pregnancy, work a lot and for a long time, spend a lot of time at the computer, have little rest, often do not get enough sleep. All this leads to great stress on the nervous system, which, in turn, can lead to hormonal and psychological problems.

Doctors believe that a woman who is going to become a mother, at least 3-6 months before pregnancy, needs to minimize the psychological burden on her body. It is necessary to devote more time to proper rest, be sure to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours a day). In addition to all this, you can not create a stressful situation for the body (actively lose weight, abruptly start intensive sports, etc.).

Mood changes during pregnancy

Continuous mood swings during pregnancy are often associated with a variety of changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Most often this is felt in the first months of pregnancy. After all, your body needs to adapt to change. A woman may feel fatigue, drowsiness, irritability. Particularly susceptible to these conditions are those who "did not bypass" toxicosis. Sudden attacks of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, physical ailments do not add Have a good mood. There is a feeling of own helplessness, irritability, anxiety, a feeling of misunderstanding on the part of others.

It is important to understand that such a state is natural. Of course, this will not make it easier, but you will understand that you are not alone - all pregnant women are subject to "emotional storms".

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman undergoes not only physiological, but also psychological changes: gradually getting used to the role of mother. At this moment, it may seem to a woman that others do not understand her, they are not attentive enough to her new state.

Svetlana says:

At the beginning of my pregnancy, it seemed to me that my husband was completely uninterested in my condition and did not understand how lonely I was now. I wanted to either cry from resentment, or scream at the whole house. My husband did not understand what was happening to me, and I did not understand how to deal with it ...

The period of pregnancy can give a new spark to family relationships, and may, on the contrary, give rise to a complete misunderstanding. It is at this moment that it is more important than ever for a woman to receive support from a loved one. But it should be understood that a man in this moment harder to understand your condition. As a rule, he has no idea how the baby develops, and about the changes taking place inside your body. Do not be upset and do not reproach him for insensitivity, give him time to realize himself as a “pregnant dad”. Unobtrusively enlighten him. Talk to him about the changes happening to you (both physical and mental). Other possible reason experiences associated with the woman herself.

Anna says:

This was my first pregnancy. The child was very welcome. But for the first few months the thought did not let go of me: “How will my life develop further? What will happen to my career, which has just begun to take shape? Can I be a good mother to my baby?

Such questions can cause a feeling of irritability, insecurity, fatigue. It takes time to realize and accept your new state. In the middle of pregnancy emotional excitability occurs much less frequently than in the first trimester. Minor physical ailments have passed, toxicosis has receded, it's time to enjoy your new sensations. It is at this time that most pregnant women experience a creative and physical upsurge. Peace, tranquility, slowness characterize this period of pregnancy.

At this time, your figure changes, the tummy becomes visible to others. Someone was waiting for this moment, someone is worried about their increasing size. This concern is understandable, because any woman wants to be beautiful.

At the same time, fears related to the health and development of the unborn baby may arise. They are experienced in one way or another by absolutely all pregnant women. At the heart of these fears, as a rule, are the stories of "kind" girlfriends or relatives, or the sad experience of friends. Against the background of these fears, tearfulness, irritability, and sometimes even depressive states occur.

In the last, third, trimester of pregnancy, your emotions may again be "on top". The reason for this is rapid fatigue, plus the approaching birth. More often than before, there may be anxiety associated with childbirth. Increased anxiety during this period occurs in almost all pregnant women. It is important here that you are prepared for childbirth and for meeting the baby. Of course, it is very good if you attended special classes. For successful delivery and postpartum recovery, the preliminary psychological preparation of a woman during pregnancy is very important. She gives not only knowledge, but also confidence in the success of her new role - the role of the mother. The main goal of the psychological preparation of a pregnant woman is just to solve all the problems that prevent the expectant mother from enjoying the state of pregnancy. But if you have not attended such classes, it does not matter. The main thing is your attitude to the meeting, the desire to see the baby, to help him be born. As a rule, immediately before the very birth, anxiety passes.

During this period, many pregnant women experience the so-called "narrowing of interests." Everything that is not connected with pregnancy or with a child is practically of no interest. Relatives should know this and not be surprised that conversations about a future vacation or about buying new equipment do not cause any emotions, but a conversation about the benefits or harms of diapers, on the contrary, is infinitely long. This increases the activity aimed at preparing for childbirth and motherhood. Buying clothes for the baby, choosing a maternity hospital, choosing assistants who will come after childbirth, preparing an apartment ... That is why this period is sometimes called the “nest-building period”.

How to beat a bad mood during pregnancy?

  • During this period, it is very important that you have the opportunity to rest during the day. It is no coincidence that in Japan, maternity leave is given in the first months of pregnancy, as they are considered the most difficult for a woman. It is important to understand that mood swings are a natural part of pregnancy. The main thing - do not let a bad mood become the basis of your day. And then it will definitely pass.
  • Keep a sense of humor - it will always help you cope with a bad mood.
  • Start learning relaxation techniques. It can be auto-training, swimming. If there are no medical contraindications, a relaxing back or foot massage that your spouse can do is very effective.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible. Dosed physical exercises will also be useful.
  • Try to do everything possible to cheer up: meet people you like, do something that fascinates you. Look for the beautiful parts of life and enjoy them.
  • Don't be afraid to let your emotions out. If tears "do not let go" of you, do not worry - cry to your health.
  • The main thing - do not drive resentment, gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul. Since ancient times, in Rus', a pregnant woman was advised to cry, complain to relatives, so as not to harbor a grudge. But the relatives of the pregnant woman were supposed to protect her from any troubles, it was not allowed to scold her or arrange quarrels in her presence.
  • Try to be patient and “wait out” this time, because communication with the baby is ahead - the happiest moments in the life of every woman. Remember: Bad mood not forever, it will soon pass.
  • Remember that your doctor is closely monitoring your child's development. If, in spite of everything, you do not let go of the feeling of anxiety, tell the doctor about it, let him tell you in more detail about the condition of your baby. Talk to other future and already held mothers - and you will understand that your fears are in vain.
  • Be sure to remind yourself that developing baby your positive attitude. Try to worry less about trifles, maintain positive emotions in yourself. To do this, you can listen to soothing music, communicate more with nature.
  • Remember: anxiety and small fears of childbirth are natural.
  • Try not to focus on the fact that you are tired, that you want to give birth as soon as possible, etc.
  • great way getting rid of anxiety before childbirth is preparation for them. Repeat relaxation techniques, breathing exercises. Prepare a dowry for the baby. In other words, do specific things.

Fears during pregnancy

Anxiety is not so dangerous if we are talking not about a constant bad mood, an obsessive, painful feeling or insomnia. For most pregnant women, anxiety is a temporary condition that they can overcome on their own or with the help of their loved ones.

If you observe a constant depressed mood in yourself, which is also accompanied by insomnia, loss or decrease in appetite, physical weakness, melancholy, apathy, a feeling of hopelessness, then these are already signs of depression. Depression is not a harmless condition - it's a disease. Prolonged depression definitely needs treatment. In women, the appearance depressive states may be due to hormonal changes in the body. This is what causes emotional changes, i.e. changes in mood and feelings.

In medicine, there are such concepts as " premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression. While the former requires little or no medical supervision, postpartum depression almost always requires medical care. Therefore, you need to remember that in cases where you cannot cope with anxiety or fear on your own, if bad thoughts do not leave you day or night, do not hesitate to seek qualified help. In all cases emotional instability behavior can and should be worked on. Bad mood can be overcome by activity, creativity. In very confusing situations, a psychologist will come to the rescue, but first of all, you need the support of your family and friends.

It is important to understand that the emotional anxiety of a woman who is expecting the birth of a child is completely natural, but excessive anxiety is harmful, because. the baby is going through with you. A violent emotional reaction does not harm the child, but experiences without a reason do not bring any benefit. The most common reason that gives rise to anxiety or fear in the expectant mother is the lack of knowledge about how pregnancy proceeds, what happens during childbirth. But all this can be easily removed. Ask questions to your doctor and psychologist, read special literature, talk to women who have already given birth. Learn to relax and calm down. Switch your attention from any disturbing thoughts - this will allow you to get positive emotions. You need to learn not to react to troubles and enjoy life. Pregnancy is a time when you can afford not to react to small life problems. The main thing is your desire to be happy and enjoy these unique, wonderful nine months of waiting for your baby.

Much in the body of a woman during the period of bearing a child changes. New taste preferences and dislike for previously adored dishes appear, smells are more acute, mood changes more often. Some women become forgetful, confused, others aggressive and nervous. There is a category of those who often cry. Oddities in the form of tearfulness are regarded by husbands ambiguously ...

Why do expectant mothers often cry

In the body of any person, a hormone is responsible for the release of tears. But in women, its number is several times greater than in men. Therefore, they tend to cry more often than the stronger sex. Sometimes from the side it seems that they are crying for no reason.

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes in the female body. And this is especially noticeable just in the early stages of bearing a child. Hormonal changes are manifested by dejection, resentment, and sometimes tearfulness. After all, the functioning of the nervous system is also disrupted. A woman is offended more often than before, becomes vulnerable, painfully perceives what she would not have paid attention to before. Also, the weakening of the nervous system is manifested by rapid fatigue, drowsiness, memory impairment.

Experts believe that such a condition of a woman during pregnancy is quite normal. After all, in this way the body of the expectant mother is protected from stressful situations. Psychologists say that crying and grievances that spill out are much more useful than hidden ones hidden deep in the heart. It is better to speak out and cry than to wear, as they say, a stone for the soul.

Also, frequent tearfulness may be associated with depression experienced by pregnant women in the early stages. After all, a woman’s pregnancy is not always desired and planned, which means that you have to change plans, give up a lot. And the woman's relatives do not always share her desire to have a baby. What is left for a pregnant woman to do in an atmosphere of misunderstanding, loneliness and problems at work? Cry to make it easier.

Crying is good

Nature has made sure that the human body can heal itself. And one of these recovery mechanisms are emotions and tears. A common person, who shares his problems with loved ones, receives great spiritual relief. Even useful advice he will not hear from the interlocutor. Crying is necessary to relieve tension in stressful situations. Therefore, crying is sometimes useful in order not to accumulate negative emotions in oneself.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, do not hold back tears. They help eliminate anger, resentment, rage. That is, the negative will not accumulate, which is also unhealthy displayed on the baby.

How to calm your nerves and cry less

All is well in moderation. And if the expectant mother is upset for the slightest reason, her tears turn into tantrums, then this cannot be called useful. Depressing thoughts, rapid and palpitations of the heart can adversely affect the health of the child.

Therefore, we must pull ourselves together and do not forget about the responsibility for a new life in our hearts. To maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, it is worth following these recommendations:

  1. Observe the diet and sleep. You need to go to bed at the same time, eat 4-5 times a day, eat foods rich in magnesium (fish, nuts, bananas).
  2. Rest properly. You need to find 10-15 minutes a day to lie on the couch, completely relax by turning on pleasant and calm music. A calm mode of exhalation and inhalation will help to enrich the tissues with oxygen.
  3. Hobby. Embroidery, drawing, decoupage, quilling - today there are a lot of interesting and useful activities that will distract you from negative thoughts and create a good mood.
  4. Aromatherapy. Sessions are used essential oils mint, lavender, lemon balm. You can turn on the aroma lamp in the room an hour before bedtime. It is also recommended to put a couple of drops of such oils on a pillow or behind the ears.
  5. Walks in the open air. It is better to walk in the park, away from the crowds. The body will be saturated with oxygen, the blood will circulate more actively through the body, contemplation of the pleasant will give a good mood.
  6. You can drink tea with lemon balm or mint at night, motherwort infusion. The nervous system rests during sleep. And herbs will help her become stronger.