Syndrome of increased neurological excitability in newborns. Increased emotional excitability in children: what parents need to know


One of the most famous and widespread disorders nervous system- Syndrome of increased nervous excitability. The number of patients suffering from this disease is increasing year by year. They suffer regardless of gender, age, professional affiliation, etc. However, psychologists are sure that boys and male teenagers are at risk.

Excitability of the nervous system: symptoms and causes of the disease

People who suffer from the syndrome hyperexcitability, can be calculated from the following outward signs:

The muscles of the face are asymmetrical;
The movement of the eyeballs are disturbed;
Failures in the spatial orientation of a person;
These people are characterized by absent-mindedness and disorganization in movements and expression of thoughts;
Patients often complain of headaches;
A psychotherapist quickly detects intellectual development disorders in such a person;


There are several reasons that cause increased excitability of the nervous system in an adult:

Incorrect (unbalanced) nutrition;
Overwork as a result of improper work and rest. Particularly strongly affects the occurrence of constant lack of sleep;
The desire to do several things at the same time, etc.

It is noted that three-quarters of the patients are residents of large cities.

The nervous system of the younger generation is too unstable to drastic changes and heavy loads. The flow of information that daily falls on the child at home, at school and on the street has a particularly negative effect on her. The load that is considered normal in modern school, conflicts in the family and adherence to gadgets. The heaviest damage to the child's nervous system is caused by computer games.

Prevention of the syndrome of nervous excitability

First of all, it is worth noting that any problems can arise in life, but alcohol and drugs have never become a way out of the situation. The only thing they lead to is the aggravation of troubles and the emergence of new ones. So, the following methods can become the prevention of the syndrome of nervous excitability:

If you have been dreaming of doing any sport for a long time, start today. Sign up for a class or just start with morning runs. You will see how after a few days of classes your mood will improve, and many problems that seemed insoluble will recede into the background;
Walks. Make it a rule - do not run from work to the bus, but walk a couple of stops on foot. No time for stupidity? Don't lie! Free yourself this half an hour. It is especially good to walk in the park or through the forest. Go out on weekends to nature in order to just get some fresh air;

Get rid of computer addiction. Often, running home from work, we again find ourselves at the computer. We can even spend weekends with a gadget. Force yourself to give up gadgets at home. Take care of the house, bake a cake, do something useful, just stay away from the computer. This dependence quickly disappears, as soon as the body understands how good it is without a “blue screen” or a tablet;
Negative information from the outside should be kept to a minimum. Try to protect yourself from negative emotions caused by criminal news bulletins, stories about problems in the country's economy, political instability, terrible diseases, etc.;
Restore your normal work and rest schedule. An adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably 8. At the same time, it is necessary that there is enough time not only for work and sleep, but also for good rest - hobbies, sports, communication with family and friends, etc .;
Have a good rest on weekends. Try not to burden yourself with different responsibilities on weekends. Say "no" to those who are trying to burden you with extra work and make you spend precious minutes on yourself. Go out with your family, spend more time with those you really love, get positive emotions;
Protect yourself from. Try to exclude from life those who do not bring joy into it. and acquaintances, have fun and try to listen to your heart, and not succumb to despondency.

It requires the intervention of doctors only if it disturbs the patient himself. In most situations, it is corrected independently.

Measures to combat nervous excitability

If you feel that your efforts to restore the nervous system do not lead to any noticeable results, consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a survey, prescribe tests, make a diagnosis. Only according to the results of the examination, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Never listen to friends and acquaintances who "had the same symptoms and took this or that drug." Without a recommendation and, it is impossible to take antidepressants or tranquilizers.

However, in traditional medicine for elimination nervous tension used valerian root, motherwort flowers, plantain leaves, hawthorn berries, etc. These mild and harmless antidepressants can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. In addition, they will not harm health, and will not negative influence on the human psyche. They can be taken both separately and in combination. From the dried components prepare infusions on alcohol or decoctions on water. Currently, tablets and capsules of valerian, motherwort, etc. are being produced. In addition, there are many herbal preparations that are used to relieve nervous tension, but for proper treatment you should consult your doctor.

Depending on the severity, causes and course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following groups of drugs to the patient:

Sedative (suppressive consciousness) drugs;
Cardiological (heart) drugs;
metabolic agents;
Homeopathic preparations;
Vitamins and drugs that weaken menopausal manifestations in women.

Glycine is considered one of the most common drugs for nervous excitability. This metabolic agent improves the functioning of the brain, positively affects its performance, eliminates emotional and mental stress. The drug helps well in situations close to critical (stressful). These include exams, conflicts in the family, etc. The drug restores sleep patterns, eliminating insomnia. Reception of Glycine contributes to the normalization of mood. An important factor is that this drug does not belong to the group of narcotic drugs, does not cause addiction and dependence. In addition, Glycine is prescribed for both children and adolescents, and adults. The doctor chooses a regimen for taking the drug individually. There is one contraindication to taking the drug - allergic reactions for component funds.

To prepare it, you need to take the components in the following proportions:

Calendula (dried flowers) - 0.5 stack;
Oregano (twigs with dried flowers) - 0.5 stack;
Common tansy (dried flowers and twigs) - 2 tsp;
Boiling water - 1 l.

Herbs must be thoroughly mixed and steamed in boiling water. Cover the container warm cloth and let it brew for 1 hour. Strain the product and bring the amount of decoction to the original 1 liter. Take 100 g in the morning and evening for 20 days.

March 22, 2014

Doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of patients diagnosed with "Increased Nervous Excitability Syndrome" is increasing exponentially and very soon may become a serious problem on a global scale. Any person, regardless of age and gender, is susceptible to this disorder of the nervous system, although adolescents and male children suffer from nervous excitability more often than others. What causes the disorder and can it be dealt with? In this article, we will answer all your questions.

Symptoms of the disease

Individuals with this disorder are easily identified by external signs: by the asymmetry of the muscles of the face, impaired movement of the eyeballs, poor orientation in space and time, as well as awkwardness and lack of concentration. In addition, the patient complains of persistent headaches, and an experienced doctor may note a slight delay. intellectual development. However, the main symptom of nervous excitability is insomnia. At the same time, one can speak of insomnia only when a person does not fall asleep for 3-4 hours, constantly turns from side to side, in an attempt to find comfortable position. In addition, with insomnia, a person can wake up in the middle of the night and not close his eyes until morning.

Causes of the disease

This disorder occurs in adults and children. In adults, this disease develops against the background of constant stress, a frantic pace of life, lack of adequate rest, and especially lack of sleep. As a rule, in 80% of cases, residents of megacities suffer from this disorder. Children are mostly susceptible to this disease, since their nervous system is not yet sufficiently stable and cannot cope with the huge amount of information received. The disease is aggravated by exorbitant workloads in educational institutions, a turbulent situation within the family and, of course, many hours of sitting in front of the TV and at the computer. Computer games have a particularly negative effect on the psyche. In addition to emotional and mental factors, suspicious character traits can provoke increased nervous excitability. Moreover, in most cases, the doctor finds both of these causes in the patient.

Treatment of the disease

To combat this disorder modern medicine manufactures many drugs. The most popular medicines, such as or extract, are plant-based. In addition, an experienced specialist, depending on gender, age, and the cause of the nervous breakdown, may recommend one of the following medications:

  • sedatives in capsules and drops Barboval or;
  • cardiological drug Tricardin;
  • metabolic agent;
  • homeopathic preparations Calm and Cardioic;
  • nootropic drug;
  • anticlimacteric agent Klimadinon;
  • vitamin preparation with metabolic action Magnefar B6.

You can fight the syndrome of increased nervous excitability and folk methods. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of flowers and leaves of calendula. To prepare the product, you need to take 2 tbsp. dry flowers of calendula and oregano, as well as 1 tbsp. tansy. After mixing the herbs, they need to be poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour. You need to take the remedy for ½ cup 2 r / day for three weeks.

Disease prevention

Increased nervous excitability is not a diagnosis that requires serious medical treatment. This is only a minor disorder requiring correction, including through the normalization of life. To do this, you need to adjust the sleep pattern, which means going to bed in certain time and sleep at least 8 hours a day. In addition, you should avoid worries and stress, reduce the time spent at the computer and regularly take walks in nature. Peace and tranquility to you!

A child, what it is fraught with, is there at least something good in it, and what should parents of such children do, read on the site.

Each child has a different degree of emotional excitability. The Polish psychologist Kazimir Dabrowski studied in detail the issue of increased emotional excitability in a child. In this article we will talk about what is hyperexcitability syndrome in children and how parents can relieve the excitability of the child.

Children attend kindergartens educational establishments and their emotionality is influenced by their educators, teachers, classmates. Emotional excitability may turn out to be a syndrome that needs to be treated.

Emotional overexcitability is perhaps the most significant of the five excitations (intellectual, sensual, psychomotor overexcitability, and imaginative overexcitability) identified by Kazimierz Dabrowski, a Polish psychologist who followed how differently behaved people in Poland during the Second World War. Some people could commit acts of unheard of cruelty, while others risked their own lives to save others.

His observations were later formulated in the Positive Disintegration Theory. Excessive excitability, sometimes called supersensitivity, is part of the theory.

What is excessive emotional excitability?

Emotional hypersensitivity is most common among gifted children. They have the strongest emotional reactions to various events and experiences.

Children with this trait tend to have great emotional depth. They develop strong affections to people, places and things. Because of their emotional intensity, they are often accused of over-expressing emotions or over-dramatic and strong reactions to anything. However, all their emotions are real. For such children, the anthill seems like a huge mountain.

Emotional hypersensitivity also manifests itself in excessive concern for others. They may worry about a crying child nearby or for a friend of their own age because of some kind of trouble that happened to him.

These children not only sympathize with people, but also have special treatment to animals. They often become vegetarians in young age, because they cannot reconcile themselves to eating a living being.

Children do not outgrow this feature, so emotional sensitivity accompanies the child into adulthood.

Positive in hyperexcitability

Children with excessive emotional excitability feel and perceive those things that others may miss or not notice. Their understanding of the world is built in such a way as to provide them with a depth of appreciation. They often turn to friends and acquaintances for help and advice because of the strong bonds they build.

Because of the intensity of their feelings and empathy for others, these children usually develop very strong friendships. Their feelings for friends are very deep, which is why they always remain in the ranks of the most devoted friends.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity are more likely than other children to be aware of their own feelings, which allows them to create very touching works of art in any form: written, musical, acting or artistic.

Negative in increased excitability in a child

Those who have emotional hypersensitivity have a strong empathy for people, but little empathy for themselves. They are very self-critical and they have a strong sense of responsibility even for those things that they were not entrusted with.

This self-criticism and sense of responsibility can create anxiety, guilt, and a sense of failure. The anxiety they have may interfere with simple tasks or chores, even homework. They may develop psychosomatic symptoms such as stomach pain or bouts of depression.

Depression in people with excessive emotional excitability is existential, that is, they are concerned about problems that relate to basic life issues: death, poverty, war, illness, etc. Attacks of depression may occur after some specific event or stimulus, but often occur and spontaneously.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity take time to get used to and adjust to changes. New situations or environments may cause a child to experience new wave anxiety. They may be shy and avoid social activities.

What can a parent do to relieve emotional excitability in a child?

The most important step for parents of an emotionally sensitive child is to accept all of their feelings, no matter how strong. Perhaps the first impulse will be to try to get the child to stop overreacting and make a big deal out of molehills. But remember, for such a child, a fly is really the size of an elephant.

Also, don't underestimate or ignore the child's feelings. For example, don't tell him that he's too sensitive and that everything will be fine. The child was not born so sensitive on purpose not to please you. And he is unlikely to believe that everything will be fine only if you say so. You can't know for sure, can you?

Listen to what your child says to you without comment or judgment. Sometimes he simply wants to be understood, and not lectured or stuffed with advice, and even more so - he does not want to hear condemnation. This rule applies especially to little boys, because they are often considered less emotional than girls. And it just so happens that children with hypersensitivity really suffer, moreover, boys. Avoid being criticized for being sensitive and overprotective of the outside world. Neither the first nor the second will help.

In the first part, you learned what CNS PPP is and what is the role of a pediatric neurologist in the treatment this disease. And one of the syndromes of this disorder is muscular dystonia syndrome.

Here I will focus on the syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability. This is a fairly common syndrome in children aged 1-4 months. This syndrome manifests itself in the excitability of the child, shuddering, scattering of pens, trembling of the chin, screaming without apparent reason, sleep disturbance. Such disorders are most often associated with somatic rather than neurological disorders.

A child may cry and worry for many reasons. Young children often have intestinal colic. After the 1st month, pediatricians and pediatric neurologists recommend that the child be given vitamin D, the lack of which can cause arousal. Children can get sick colds may overheat or overcool. The child may cry because he is hungry. And there is even such evidence that children may experience spontaneous unreasonable screaming. The experience of the pediatrician is very important here, and if necessary, consultation pediatric neurologist and possibly a surgeon or other specialist. I am often approached with such complaints to exclude promotion intracranial pressure The child has.

Indeed, there is an increase in intracranial pressure in children, but, firstly, it is very rare, and secondly, contrary to generally accepted opinion, with an increase in intracranial pressure, children are lethargic and drowsy, and not excitable. Does an adult scream when he has a headache? No. But when the stomach hurts, both children and adults will worry and scream. Many more argue that if the child does not sleep well, then this is a sign of increased intracranial pressure. A newborn baby has a naturally immature nervous system. They often have sleep disturbances.

Children are not formed The biological clock" (sleep-wakefulness). They may confuse day with night, they may sleep for 15 minutes during the day, and so on. Clearly, such a "biological clock" in children is formed only after 3 years. Experienced pediatric neurologists explain all this to parents at an appointment in the office or when they call home.

In connection with this immaturity of the central nervous system, children may even experience seizures. And they can be caused by a violation of the metabolism of microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium), a lack of vitamin B6, etc.

Speaking about the immaturity of the nervous system of newborns, I immediately want to tell you about another syndrome: the syndrome of vegetative-visceral disorders. Often, to make it clearer to people, pediatric neurologists in Moscow tell the child's parents that this is VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) in children under the age of 1. This syndrome is characterized by "marbling of the skin" of the child, possibly "blue" upper lip, sweating of the arms and legs (although this can also be observed with a lack of vitamin D), "blue" feet, regurgitation and other disorders. I notice that such children react to weather changes, more often to precipitation (snow or rain) or strong wind. Such autonomic disorders do not require drug treatment, but decrease and then completely disappear with age.

of a newborn child during examination in response to various stimuli (sound, touch, changes in body position), as well as spontaneously irritated high-pitched cry, motor restlessness, shudders, tremor of the limbs, chin trembling, Moro reflex. Muscle tone is often increased, and when excited, tilting the head back, extension of the lower extremities, and spontaneous Babinski's syndrome can be noted. Movements in the limbs can be large-scaled. Attempts to calm the child are ineffective in case of damage to the central nervous system, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, pain syndrome in drug withdrawal syndrome. Such newborns sleep little, often lie with open eyes, feeding them is difficult.

It should be noted that in the syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability, there may be a decrease muscle tone, inhibition of reflexes in newborns, and with the syndrome of CNS depression, shudders and tremors of the extremities can be observed in response to various stimuli.

Convulsive syndrome. It manifests itself as a variety of paroxysmal phenomena in its phenomenology. When diagnosing a convulsive syndrome, the classification of seizures in newborns proposed by J.J. Vblpe (1995) is used:

Focal clonic convulsions.

Multifocal clonic seizures.

Tonic convulsions.

Myoclonic spasms.

Minimal seizures (convulsive equivalents).

Focal clonic convulsions - repetitive rhythmic (1 - 3 per second) twitching of half of the face, limbs on one side. The distribution of seizures by hemitype indicates a damaged hemisphere (hematoma, contusion, ischemic stroke, malformation). On the side of convulsions, there may be phenomena of hemiparesis. In children with focal clonic convulsions, a reaction to external stimuli in the form of a grimace, crying, and movements in the limbs is often preserved. Focal clonic convulsions can also occur with metabolic disorders, infections. In these cases, the presence of even minor rare convulsive twitches of the limbs, mimic muscles on the opposite side contributes to the identification of a focus of diffuse brain damage.

Multifocal clonic seizures occur predominantly in full-term newborns. There are rhythmic twitches of the right, then the left limbs, mimic muscles, which indicates the defeat of both hemispheres of the brain. A similar type of seizures can be observed with metabolic disorders, hypoxic and infectious lesions of the brain, and malformations of its development.

Tonic convulsions suggest the presence of a focus of convulsive activity in the brain stem regions. More often they are observed in premature infants, since a sufficient degree of maturation of the motor cortex is necessary for the implementation of clonic seizures. Tonic convulsions already in the first day of life are often observed in newborns with severe hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, as well as with hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia.

Myoclonic convulsions - sudden, non-rhythmic, exciting various muscle groups of shuddering in the limbs. These convulsions can be observed in newborns with anomalies in the development of the brain, with severe damage to the central nervous system of hypoxic or infectious origin, with congenital metabolic disorders.

Minimal seizures are manifested in the form of ocular paroxysmal phenomena (tonic or vertical deviation of the eyeballs with or without nystagmus twitches, eye opening, paroxysmal pupillary dilation), eyelid twitching, oral automatism phenomena (sucking, chewing, protrusion, tongue trembling), paroxysmal movements of a swimmer in the upper limbs and movements of a cyclist in the lower limbs, general fading, changes in the rhythm of breathing (apnea, tachypnea). Apnea of ​​convulsive origin is usually combined with other phenomena of minimal seizures.

When interpreting some motor phenomena in newborns, it often becomes necessary to differentiate them from convulsions. In newborns with increased neuro-reflex excitability during the examination, a spontaneous Moro reflex, tremor of the extremities, lower jaw, clonus of the feet, legs, myoclonic shudders with sharp sounds are noted. When excited, tonic postures with flexion of the upper and extension of the lower extremities can be observed. In newborns with CNS depression syndrome, manifestations of disinhibition of subcortical formations of the brain stem are possible, in connection with which attacks are observed.

various phenomena of oral automatism, and in stupor and coma - tonic decortication and decerebrate postures. Unlike true convulsions, these postures can be induced during examination by tactile, pain, and proprioceptive (eg, lowering of the mandible) stimuli. At the same time, when the position of the limb changes, the tonic tension in it disappears, which is not observed with true convulsions. Often, anticonvulsant therapy is ineffective in the treatment of such motor phenomena.

Syndrome of intracranial hypertension. The detection of a tense, fulfilled and even bulging large fontanel in a newborn indicates an increase in intracranial pressure. In this case, a divergence of the sutures of the skull is possible, and with persistent intracranial hypertension, an excessive increase in the circumference of the head (hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome). Along with cranial signs of intracranial hypertension, the following disorders are often detected in newborns: lethargy or hyperexcitability, regurgitation, irregular breathing with apnea, yawning, a tendency to bradycardia, hyperesthesia of the head on palpation, increased tone of the neck extensors, revitalization of tendon reflexes. Such a clinic accompanies intracranial hypertension caused by impaired liquorodynamics (increased secretion of cerebrospinal fluid, blocks of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways). Cranial signs of intracranial hypertension may appear with cerebral edema of hypoxic-ischemic, infectious-toxic genesis. At the same time, newborns have depression of the central nervous system (stupor, coma), convulsions. A tense large fontanelle, divergence of sutures during intracranial hemorrhages are accompanied by different neurological symptoms, which depends on the underlying disease, against which the hemorrhage occurred, on the massiveness and localization of the latter.

Such signs of intracranial hypertension as a symptom of the setting sun, paresis of the VI pair of cranial nerves, hypertonicity of the extensors of the trunk and extremities, spastic tendon reflexes are late symptoms persistent intracranial hypertension. Signs of intracranial hypertension in full-term newborns who have suffered severe asphyxia appear on the 2nd - 3rd day of life. The probability of diagnosing intracranial hemorrhage (subdural hematoma, massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular and intracerebral hemorrhage), meningoencephalitis, congenital hydrocephalus increases if signs of intracranial hypertension appear in a newborn on the first day of life or at the end of the first week.

Examination of newborns with intracranial hypertension includes ultrasound scanning of the brain, lumbar puncture for suspected CNS infection. During a lumbar puncture, the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid is measured, which normally does not exceed 90 mm of water. (cerebrospinal fluid flows out at a rate of 1 drop per second), and with intracranial hypertension it increases up to 150 mm of water. with t. and more.

Even in the presence of obvious signs of intracranial hypertension in newborns, it is extremely rare to find swelling of the optic discs in the fundus.