How to get rid of cystitis during pregnancy. What is the danger of cystitis during pregnancy, the correct treatment

This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder that occurs or worsens during gestation. Manifested by frequent painful urination, heaviness or pain above the pubis, clouding of urine, in severe cases - low-grade fever, weakness, and other signs of general intoxication. It is diagnosed on the basis of data from a general analysis and bacterial examination of urine, ultrasound, cystoscopy. For treatment, penicillin, cephalosporin, nitrofuran antibiotics, drugs from the group of phosphonic acid derivatives, uroantiseptics are used.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

Inflammation of the mucous layer of the bladder is the basis for antibiotic therapy with drugs to which the pathogen is sensitive. The duration of the course of active drug treatment of cystitis, according to the recommendations of urologists, is 3-7 days. In the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, antibacterial agents are taken within 3-5 days. A pregnant woman is prescribed antibiotics with a uroseptic effect without toxic effects on the fetus:

  • Semi-synthetic penicillins. Acid-resistant broad-spectrum preparations have a bactericidal effect on most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including E. coli, the most common causative agent of cystitis. Combinations of penicillins with clavulanic acid, which inhibits β-lactamase, are even more effective.
  • Cephalosporins. The bactericidal effect of semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotics is due to a violation of the synthesis of the bacterial wall of most infectious agents that cause cystitis. The 2nd generation drugs are resistant to the action of β-lactamases, which cause resistance of the microbial flora, which increases the therapeutic efficacy of drugs.
  • Nitrofurans. Due to the inhibition of the synthesis of RNA, DNA, proteins, disruption of the formation of cell membranes, inhibition of aerobic metabolism, antibiotics of this group have a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on a wide range of microbial agents that cause urinary tract infections. Microorganisms rarely develop resistance to nitrofurans.
  • Phosphonic acid derivatives. Due to the inhibition of the initial stage of the formation of peptidoglycans of the bacterial cell membrane, the reproduction of pathogens of cystitis is inhibited. Violate the adhesion of infectious effects to the epithelium of the bladder. They have a wide spectrum of action, do not have a mutagenic or genotoxic effect.

An alternative to general antibacterial therapy with semi-synthetic and synthetic antibiotics is the instillation of antimicrobial solutions directly into the bladder. Local treatment is combined with taking decoctions of diuretic herbs and uroantiseptics, which have a complex anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, analgesic, antibacterial, diuretic effect. Pregnant women who have had cystitis are recommended natural childbirth. Caesarean section is performed only for obstetric indications.

Forecast and prevention

With timely diagnosis and an adequate treatment regimen, the prognosis for the pregnant woman and the fetus is favorable. Patients suffering from chronic cystitis, when planning pregnancy, are shown early sanitation of the urogenital tract, treatment of bacterial vaginosis and genital infections. To prevent the development or exacerbation of the inflammatory process during the gestation period, early registration in the antenatal clinic with regular urinalysis, the exclusion of hypothermia, the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid (in the absence of contraindications), regular emptying of the bladder, refusal of alcohol, spicy, sour, salty , spicy, fried, marinated. When conducting postpartum catheterization, it is important to strictly observe the requirements of asepsis.


1. Urinary tract infections in pregnant women: current recommendations for diagnosis and treatment/ Arkhipov E.V., Sigitova O.N.// Bulletin of modern clinical medicine. - 2016 - V.9, issue. 6.

2. Topical issues of diagnosis and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria and acute cystitis in pregnant women/ Lokshin KL// Effective pharmacotherapy. - 2014 - No. 32.

3. Urinary tract infections in pregnant women: modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment/ Peresada OA// Medical news. – 2012.

4. Infection of the urinary tract during pregnancy / Kaptilny VA / / Archive of obstetrics and gynecology. V.F. Snegirev. – 2015.

Cystitis always has clearly defined symptoms that cannot be confused with anything. If you constantly want to go to the toilet, urination in small quantities, but frequent - you need to pay attention to this.

Just constant urges without other characteristic signs ─ this does not mean that a woman is sick with cystitis.

The reason may be the cold temperature of the house, frequent hypothermia or heavy drinking. Cystitis is characterized by pain that covers the lower abdomen. Often the disease is determined by a deceptive desire to go to the toilet in the absence of fluid in the bladder.

A pregnant woman especially monitors her health, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the fetus.

The appearance of several symptoms indicating that pathological processes are occurring with the bladder forces you to immediately be examined by a doctor.

Even if the symptoms are not clearly expressed, an extra health check will not hurt. Moreover, in the early stages it is much easier to treat any disease, and it takes less time.

If cystitis is started, nausea and vomiting may occur. Such symptoms are observed in healthy women during pregnancy, so these phenomena should not be considered a defining symptom. Knowing how cystitis affects pregnancy will make you want to start intensive therapy and be cured to the end.

Is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy? At first glance, the disease is not too serious, but it creates a lot of trouble and inconvenience.

Constant urge without the ability to urinate can irritate a woman, which is dangerous during pregnancy.

Pain, blood in the urine and other symptoms lead to tears, worsen mood. It is better for pregnant women to avoid such a condition, since stress on the nervous system negatively affects the child.

Suspicious women constantly run to the doctor, which during pregnancy can prevent many dangerous diseases, maintain health and start treatment at the earliest stages. Such behavior should not seem strange, since such an approach gives more chances for timely treatment and full recovery.


acute form

During pregnancy, it has bright, understandable symptoms that immediately report a violation of the organs. Cystitis during pregnancy, its symptoms may appear immediately after receiving hypothermia, but may appear much later. Cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy is characterized by mild pain in the abdomen in the bladder area, and then other signs can be observed.

Acute cystitis is characterized by such moments:

  • constantly want to go to the toilet, while urine is excreted in very small quantities;
  • , discomfort, pain;
  • urine changes its structure. Its color becomes saturated, dark. Blood cells are observed in the liquid,;
  • often in the lower abdomen there is a pressing sensation;
  • deceptive urge to the toilet;
  • pain in the abdomen - from weak pulling to strong, sharp and constant. Depends on the degree of neglect and the correctness of the treatment;
  • sometimes if the inflammation has penetrated deep into the tissues;
  • after urination there is no sensation that the bladder is completely emptied. Relief does not come, as in a healthy state;
  • general weakness, mood deterioration, decreased performance.

Chronic form

And pregnancy is combined if before that there was an acute form of the disease that was not fully cured, the wrong therapy was used, there was a negligent attitude to the treatment regimen, there was no constancy in taking the necessary medicines.

The chronic form is expressed by the same symptoms as in the acute form, but the signs are not so bright, the pain is muffled. There may be relapses of acute cystitis with a slight periodization. Inflammation spreads to the entire bladder, covers all its walls.

In the period of uncured cystitis, pain may appear, which the woman suppresses with painkillers. This is the wrong approach, since many of these drugs adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

To eliminate the symptoms, you need to start a long, gradual treatment of cystitis in pregnant women. The process is not easy, it can drag on for an indefinite period. But the result will be a full recovery, which is very important. A pregnant woman is anxiously waiting for the next relapse, she is nervous, which is dangerous for both her and the baby.

It is worth taking care of high-quality therapy, even with small symptoms, so that this kind of ailment no longer bothers.

Clinical picture

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy often appears due to the fact that there is a hormonal release of progesterone.

Changes in the organs, some violations of the stability of the hormonal balance can lead to a weakening of the immune system. The bladder slightly loses its elasticity and muscle tone.

It is enough to overcool, catch bacterial vaginosis, catch a cold and get a temperature of 37 and above, as cystitis can wait for a pregnant woman already around the corner. All conditions are quite favorable for the inflammatory process and the spread of infection to begin.

This suggests that during pregnancy, cystitis occurs many times more often than in the normal state of the body. It is at this time that you need to especially take care of yourself, your regime, clothes according to the weather and try not to overwork.

Previously earned chronic cystitis can gain "freedom" during pregnancy and manifest itself in all its glory, and even worse - transform into a more complex form, infect other organs with an infection.

Due to the change in the microflora in the vagina, genitals, and the bladder, there are all conditions for the spread of various bacteria that cause inflammation.

Cystitis can come from a variety of sources. A woman taking drugs that act on the mucous membrane is at risk of getting inflammation of the bladder.

Especially dangerous medicines that have a strong effect and corrosive function must be agreed with a specialist. The risk of taking such pills during pregnancy should be less than the ability to help the body. You need to be careful with doses so as not to cause a negative reaction of the body.

Cystitis can manifest itself on the basis of allergies in women who are more sensitive to certain smells, food or medicines, hygiene products, soaps and other everyday factors.

Especially during pregnancy, you should avoid allergic foods, things and medicines, so as not to cause side effects and not provoke a bladder disease.

Uncomfortable body temperature is the first cause of the disease. Too hot baths, irritating the genitals and producing a burn of the mucous membrane, will lead to inflammation. Especially pregnant women should avoid such baths, since the effect of hot temperature on the baby is highly undesirable.

It is worth removing too short skirts from the wardrobe or refraining from wearing them in autumn and winter. Sitting on tiles, concrete, cold stone, swimming in ice water - all this is contraindicated in order to maintain normal health and protect against cystitis.

It must be remembered that pregnancy activates all the problems and diseases received earlier. And if cystitis occurred before, then there is the possibility of its recurrence in an acute form.

Diagnostic nuances

A good specialist will not prescribe medications for cystitis during pregnancy until the patient undergoes tests, important examinations, so that you can see the whole picture of the disease.

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) occurs in women much more often than in men. In addition, a condition such as pregnancy is often accompanied by this disease. This phenomenon is due to the anatomical structure of the female body and predisposing factors during hormonal changes.

About 10% of expectant mothers face such a problem, especially if they were ill before, and the pathology has become chronic. Acute cystitis during gestation occurs in 1-2% of cases. The question arises as to how to treat inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy, if many drugs in this position are contraindicated.

The infection is carried from the kidneys (ascending path) and the urethra, as well as when carried with blood or lymph from other chronic foci.

Why does cystitis often occur during pregnancy?

An increased risk of developing the disease is associated with the following factors:

  • at the sixth week, the ureter expands;
  • reduces the tone of the bladder;
  • often there is a reverse reflux of urine;
  • the amount of plasma increases, the concentration of urine decreases;
  • compression of the blood vessels by the fetus leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to all organs that are localized in the small pelvis;
  • an increase in estrogen and progesterone contributes to some decrease in immune forces.

All these physiological processes provoke the entry and development of infection in the bladder.

Risk factors for this pathology are:

  • constant hypothermia;
  • fatigue and stress;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sedentary life;
  • constipation;
  • malnutrition;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • anomalies in the structure of the urinary organs.

Signs of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy shows the following symptoms in the acute phase:

  • frequent and unreasonable (imperative) urge to go to the toilet;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • after visiting the toilet, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • in some cases (in severe cases) an increase in temperature;
  • urine becomes cloudy (pyuria), sometimes with blood streaks.

The clinical symptoms of inflammation of the bladder can be varied, and the etiological factor plays a significant role in this. In a chronic process, the severity of symptoms decreases. Sometimes the signs of cystitis resemble another pathology, but in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Cystitis has a number of complications:

  1. In addition to the fact that cystitis causes discomfort in a pregnant woman, in the later stages, its appearance can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.
  1. At the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus usually continues to develop normally, but when it becomes chronic, treatment becomes difficult.
  1. If the infection goes upward, then pyelonephritis may develop. And this disease will affect both the well-being of the mother and the bearing of the fetus.

Definition of cystitis in pregnant women

First, the doctor clarifies the anamnesis, finding out whether such symptoms arose before pregnancy. When did the first signs of the current pathological process appear. After listening to all the patient's complaints and palpation and percussion of the bladder.

After that, general blood and urine tests are prescribed. They can help determine the diagnosis of an erased picture of inflammation of the bladder. But more important studies for inflammation of the bladder are the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky, bacteriological culture. To rule out STIs, PCR is performed.

Of the additional methods used ultrasound, cystoscopy. For adequate treatment, consultation with a urologist or therapist is necessary.

How to help?

If inflammation occurs during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Many drugs during this period are categorically contraindicated, as they can harm the fetus.


The use of antibiotics and antiseptic substances in the presence of an infectious lesion of the bladder is not possible. But to help the expectant mother, there are many natural-based drugs that can be used for this purpose.

Among all the medications that can be used by the expectant mother, monural or amoxiclav should be distinguished. In the complex, cephalosporins are used.

Well helps with the pathology of the bladder kanefron. It is an absolutely natural herbal remedy that helps relieve spasm, and also fights pathogenic microflora and improves urine flow. A well-known and often used uroantiseptic in this condition is phytolysin.

Monural refers to antibacterial agents that should be taken once. This fact is very important for a woman in this position. In addition, this drug has virtually no side effects, and it does not cross the placental barrier.

Doctors prescribe amoxiclav less often, because it can have some undesirable effects. In this case, the doctor takes into account the ratio of the degree of danger of taking the drug to the fetus and the likelihood of possible complications. The same applies to cephalosporins.

There is also such a technique as instillation of the bladder. This allows you to enter medicinal substances under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. In this case, rivanol, medicinal oil or boric acid is injected directly into the inflamed mucous membrane of the bladder. In total, there may be several such procedures for one course of treatment. It is not recommended to do it in the early stages.

Folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies for inflammation of the bladder is not recommended. All herbs contain many active substances, the effect of which on the fetus is poorly understood.


In order to prevent inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy, measures should be taken to prevent it:

  1. Pregnancy should be planned in advance, and before that, go through all the examinations, sanitize foci of chronic infection, bacterial vaginosis and a specific infection of the genital tract, if any.
  1. Legs and lower back must be kept warm. Therefore, in the cold season, you should forget about fashion and wear only warm woolen clothes.
  1. To remove pathogenic microflora from the body and prevent stagnation of urine, you should drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day. If there is no swelling, then the amount of water you drink can be increased.
  1. If constipation occurs, review the diet for their prevention.
  1. You should reduce to a minimum, or completely stop the use of salty, spicy and fried foods. It can irritate mucous membranes.
  1. Not bad in the diet to use cranberry juice, or berries. They are a natural antibiotic and help prevent any inflammatory process caused by pathogenic flora.
  1. Walking, daily exercise and any physical activity will help speed up the metabolism and prevent congestion in the blood, lymphatic fluid and will help remove urine and microbes from the body.
  1. With the development of symptoms of inflammation of the bladder, treatment should be started immediately, so that the process does not become chronic.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process covering the walls of the bladder. It has a predominantly infectious nature, in women it often proceeds chronically. It can worsen in pregnant women for no apparent reason or due to the spread of infectious pathogens from a chronic focus of infection (tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis, pyelonephritis). In some women, cystitis worsens only during pregnancy, and they may find out about their situation earlier than others.

Reasons for the development of cystitis

Experts identify two main causes of the development of cystitis during pregnancy - the presence of a chronic infection and a violation of the urodynamics of the urinary tract. Despite the high prevalence, the inflammatory process in the bladder can provoke intrauterine pathologies, complicate childbirth and increase the risk of developing children with congenital anomalies.

Cystitis during pregnancy develops against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Progesterone begins to be actively produced, which reduces the tone of not only the uterus, but also the bladder and other internal organs. This leads to pelvic-renal reflux and stagnant processes. Concentrated urine is a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammation.

In addition, a high concentration of progesterone and estrogens significantly reduces the resistance of the bladder epithelium to bacteria that are considered opportunistic pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli).

In the second half of pregnancy, the ureter is compressed by an enlarged uterus and dilated ovarian veins. By the end of the gestation period, the urethral sphincter is greatly weakened, which also contributes to the spread of the infection in an ascending way.

Symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women

Cystitis proceeds in and form. Due to a decrease in immunity and other natural changes, even banal hypothermia can provoke a relapse of the inflammatory process.

Most often, the disease worsens against the background of acute respiratory infections: a few days after the development of a respiratory disease, cramps and pain occur. Outside of exacerbation, cystitis during pregnancy occurs with virtually no symptoms. Sometimes women feel discomfort in the urethra, especially after intimacy or forced urinary retention.

Symptoms of an exacerbation of cystitis:

  • discomfort in the abdomen and urethra, burning sensation;
  • severe pain at the beginning and at the end of urination;
  • cloudy urine;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache and other signs of intoxication.

Start treatment at the first symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy. Even if the pain is insignificant and there are no pronounced pains during urination, it is not recommended to refuse the help of a doctor.

Cystitis is in any case an infectious disease, and the infection can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Against the background of cystitis, kidney disease is often exacerbated. In this case, hospitalization of the pregnant woman and serious antibacterial treatment will be required.

Only a qualified specialist knows how to treat cystitis during pregnancy. The doctor must necessarily determine the type of pathogen, examine the bladder, kidneys, while controlling the development of the fetus and preventing the threat of miscarriage against the background of a pronounced infectious process.

Cystitis in the first trimester of pregnancy

Most often, cystitis develops in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is a change in the hormonal background, the tone of the muscles of the internal organs decreases and the immune system is weakened. A woman during this period is prone to infections.

The causative agent of cystitis in early pregnancy is Escherichia coli. It can penetrate the urethra from the perianal region. Also, cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy is caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Provoking factors

  • exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases: colpitis, vulvitis, gardnerellosis, tonsillitis;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • urogenital, venereal infections;
  • development of respiratory viral diseases, including influenza;
  • abuse of spicy food;
  • chronic constipation;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • violation of the microbiocenosis of the vagina, intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • wearing too tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics, squeezing the pelvic area with tight jeans and trousers.

The more of these factors affect the body of a pregnant woman, the higher the risk of developing cystitis.

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before a delay

In some sources, cystitis is called the first sign of pregnancy - the disease is so common in women in position. But experts are skeptical about this.

Unfortunately, there is no other way for a woman to establish pregnancy before a delay. If the inflammatory process in the bladder worsens only during pregnancy, you should be wary and consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment that will prevent the spread of infection and help avoid the threat of miscarriage.

If we consider cystitis as a sign of pregnancy, then only presumptive. In any case, only a gynecologist can determine the exact period (according to the examination and ultrasound). Modern tests can detect pregnancy on the first day of delay, and they should be trusted more than presumptive signs.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

What to do if cystitis occurs suddenly during pregnancy? The first step should be to see a doctor. Make an appointment with a gynecologist, therapist or urologist. At your appointment, tell your doctor about any symptoms that are bothering you.

If the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is carried out by a urologist, he must necessarily take into account the period: in the first trimester, many drugs have a teratogenic effect and it is forbidden to take them. Preference is given to herbal remedies.

Serious medicines for cystitis during pregnancy (antibiotics, hormones) are prescribed strictly according to indications. Before taking any remedy, read the instructions and consult with your doctor. Especially dangerous are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs for cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy, when the placenta does not perform a barrier function in relation to hazardous substances.

In the second trimester, the hematoplacental barrier begins to function, which allows expanding the range of drugs used. The doctor can already prescribe remedies for cystitis during pregnancy from the group of cephalosporins, nitrofurans and aminoglycosides. Additionally, vitamins, antispasmodics, detoxification agents can be prescribed.

How to treat cystitis in early pregnancy

Treatment for cystitis during early pregnancy may include:

  • taking antibiotics (taking into account the identified pathogen);
  • compliance with bed or semi-bed rest;
  • plentiful drink;
  • refusal of heavy dishes, spicy foods, spices;
  • maintaining physical and psycho-emotional peace.

With a sharp increase in temperature, antipyretics must be used. Prolonged fever can complicate pregnancy and lead to miscarriages. Active reproduction of infectious pathogens is accompanied by intoxication, which is also dangerous for the unborn child. A woman needs to drink up to 2.5 liters of warm liquid per day. In case of urinary retention, immediately seek help from specialists.

If the severity of the woman's condition allows, the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is carried out at home. But at the same time, the doctor regularly appoints consultations and additional research. Based on the results of a urinalysis, the effectiveness of the treatment can be determined. But even after recovery, bacteriuria can persist for several months.

Tablets from cystitis during pregnancy

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are most often prescribed during pregnancy in tablets. The dose is selected individually. Usually, experts prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to protect the woman's body from various pathogens.

Most often prescribed, in some cases and. In severe cases, the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is carried out in a hospital, using infusion therapy. All drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician!

Traditional medicine to help a pregnant woman

Alternative treatment for cystitis can only be considered as an addition to standard therapy. Some medicinal plants have antimicrobial activity, relieve inflammation and restore normal urination.

But when choosing a folk method of treatment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy, can increase the tone of the uterus and have a teratogenic effect. Before using a specific prescription, consult a gynecologist.

In the acute period, it is recommended to brew leaves, flowers, horsetail. These herbs are allowed during pregnancy, have diuretic properties and anti-inflammatory effects. Lingonberries increase the resistance of the bladder epithelium to pathogenic microorganisms and can be used to prevent frequent recurrences of urinary tract infections.


Cystitis during pregnancy is a serious disease that requires appropriate treatment. Do not refuse the help of a doctor, follow his recommendations and take care of your health.

Many women have not only good memories, but also troubles associated with pregnancy. This mainly concerns all sorts of different sores that now and then cling to the most inopportune moment. Take at least cystitis. The statistics says that every tenth woman learns about cystitis “on herself” during pregnancy. It's one thing if the expectant mother suffered with this disease long before pregnancy, because, most likely, she had already learned how to treat it, and before getting pregnant, she underwent another course of treatment (for chronic cystitis), and if the disease came on during the period of "interesting provisions”, then the “hardened” mother does not panic, but immediately turns to an experienced specialist and takes appropriate measures with him.

But what about a woman who only now, when a new life is being born in her stomach, suddenly found out what pain is when urinating, frequent urges to go “a little”, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen? Naturally, the first thing to do is panic: what will happen to the child? Why did everything happen? Is it really that terrible cystitis? And how to cure it so as not to harm the child?

The last question is perhaps the most serious, because any treatment during pregnancy is fraught with considerable dangers. This also applies to cystitis, since this disease is treated with antibiotics, and every woman knows about their use during pregnancy. Cystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bladder, caused either by pathogenic microorganisms (E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomonas, mycoplasmas), or provoked by other conditions (weakened immunity, overwork and hypothermia, vaginal dysbiosis and intestinal dysbacteriosis, excessive use of medicinal drugs). That is why the treatment of cystitis is aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked it and, naturally, at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

Most often, women catch cystitis in the early stages of pregnancy. This is because during this period the immunity is depressed so that the rejection of the foreign body, that is, the embryo, does not occur. Therefore, even the slightest hypothermia, non-observance of hygiene rules, rare emptying of the bladder, and even a change in menopausal conditions can cause. As soon as you have the first symptoms, you should not seek advice from “experienced”, as well as grandmothers, neighbors and other “experts”, what kind of grass to drink so that everything stops, as you need the help of a professional, and even a few with a gynecologist and urologist at the head.

We note right away: there may be too many folk remedies for cystitis in your grandmother's arsenal. Take no risks, because you are responsible not only for yourself, but mainly for the little treasure that begins its life inside you. After all, no one knows how your “pregnant brain” will react to winter-loving, cinquefoil, volodushka or cinquefoil. If you still want to try (after all, it helped everyone around!), Then first consult your doctor.

As for the "traditional" treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, serious problems can arise here. Those antibiotics that treat cystitis can cripple your child. And this, alas, is true. The detrimental effect of many antibiotics on the developing fetus has been proven by numerous studies. But it is impossible not to treat cystitis in order to avoid serious complications that will also harm the unborn child. (For example, pyelonephritis, which can develop against the background of untreated cystitis, is much more dangerous for a pregnant woman and even more difficult to treat).

Modern medicine takes care of the health of a pregnant woman and all the time “improves” antibacterial drugs, making them more harmless to the unborn child, but at the same time no less effective for treating a particular sore. During pregnancy, it is important to take a medicine that will act specifically in the bladder - the focus of infection in cystitis. Of all the possible antibiotics for cystitis, pregnant women are allowed to take Monural, and in some cases, doctors still prescribe Amoxiclav and Kanefron. For the treatment of cystitis, a single dose of Monural is enough, and this is a big plus, especially if the woman is in an “interesting position”. Monural has few side effects and does not affect the fetus. However, do not self-medicate and take any medicine strictly as directed by your doctor. As for Amoxiclav, taking it for the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is not always justified and not always safe. Kanefron, with cystitis, is prescribed to relieve spasm. Also, this herbal preparation has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect.

Quite often, for the treatment of cystitis, a pregnant woman is prescribed installations. The procedure is carried out in a hospital, and it consists in the fact that antibacterial compounds (rivanol, boric acid, silver nitrate, medicinal oils) are injected through a catheter directly into the source of infection - the bladder. However, this procedure is dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, and you need to resort to it only as directed by a doctor and under his strict supervision.

The fact that we named these medicines and procedures does not mean at all that we recommend them to treat cystitis. Moreover, we strongly recommend that you do not treat cystitis yourself! What is written in the recipe of your pregnant girlfriend should not become your appointment, since cystitis is different from cystitis, like pregnancy is pregnancy.

If cystitis is suspected in the early stages, then it is quite possible to get rid of it by observing bed rest, a diet (without spicy, fried, pickled and spicy) and a regimen of heavy drinking. And most importantly: take care of yourself from hypothermia and overvoltage! I wish you health and easy pregnancy!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy