The negative impact of pets on human health. The impact of pets on human life and health

The impact of pets on human health- this is the ability of pets to heal and have a beneficial effect on people.


Currently, many people are confident that pets have a positive effect on the human body as a whole, his psyche and health. Moreover, pets are able to make their owner a little happier - this is a fact proven by scientists.

The impact of cats on human health

Cats are the most common pets in city apartments and country houses. These wonderful furry creatures can take off nervous tension and lower blood pressure. In addition, they contribute to the prevention of myocardial infarction, hypertension and stroke; in practice, there have been cases when cats cured a person from these serious diseases.

The purring of cats is called ultrasound therapy. It is believed that the sounds they make help a person relax after a hard day's work, relieve tension, get rid of depression. Purring also helps speed up wound healing and increase bone density. Cats have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases internal organs, and also relieve pain in radiculitis, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

To get rid of spasms, a person needs only 5 minutes to stroke a four-legged friend. Dog saliva contains the natural antibiotic lysozyme, which has a positive effect on the healing of wounds, burns and scratches. The wool of these pets also has miraculous properties, for example, woolen belts save a person from diseases of the joints.

Treatment with dogs is called canistherapy. Scientists say that communication with dogs helps to cope with neurosis, hysteria and psychasthenia, so these animals are often brought to psychiatric hospitals and children's rehabilitation centers.

The impact of aquarium fish on human health

Looking at the courtyard world, watching the swimming fish, a person calms down, relaxes and restores strength. It is believed that observing the inhabitants of the aquarium has a positive effect on vision.

There are opinions and confirmed facts that aquariums installed in the bedroom have a beneficial effect on people with asthma, bronchitis and some colds- thanks to evaporation, water fills dry air with moisture, and it becomes easier for a person to breathe.

Useful habits of pets

Some habits of pets are not always pleasant for the owner, but you should not scold and punish them for this, because they want to show that something is wrong with your body. It happens that cats mark the territory in a place where it is absolutely impossible to do this, for example, on clothes or shoes. This does not always happen due to the harmfulness of the cat, more often it indicates that the person already has or is just starting to have problems with the legs or other parts of the body. By marking things and shoes, the cat "neutralizes" the negative energy that comes from them.

Often cats crumple certain parts of the body with their paws, this indicates that there are some disturbed energy flows in this place, that is, it is prone to disease. Also, animals can climb a person and lie on a certain part of the body, at this moment the pet takes all the negative energy on itself, processing it. It happens that adopting some human diseases, animals die.

Cooperation between animals and people

People are not only consumers of the ability of animals to treat and create Have a good mood but also givers of love and fellowship. The owner, caring for the pet, "gives" part of himself. In fact, there is an exchange of spiritual energy of a person with physical energy animals.

Animals that treat their owners and do not receive warmth, affection and love in return get sick and die quickly. Close contact between a person and an animal contributes to the pet becoming a part of the family in which he lives, which means that he externally and internally begins to look like his master.

There are approximately 6.3 million cats and 6.5 million dogs in the UK. In America, their number is almost ten times higher: about sixty million cats and fifty-five million dogs. And how many cats and dogs live in Russia can hardly be counted. But there is still Guinea pigs, pet birds, hamsters, tame rats, mice, hedgehogs, turtles, monkeys, snakes. And all this squealing, jumping, crawling, and squeaking living creatures live side by side with us, sharing food and shelter with us.
Behind Lately much has been written scientific works which is beneficial. However, according to some experts, the proximity of the animal energy next to the human energy is undesirable, since the lower organization of the animal can attract dark spirits, low entities into the house.

So, the question arises: “Do animals in the house increase our protection or is it still a violation of the energy balance?”.
There are many inexplicable facts in the interaction of the energy components of an animal and a person. For example, most veterinarians note in animals similar symptoms the diseases that their owner may suffer from. But when the owner gets better, the animal continues to get sick. Regarding this, there are suggestions that pets take away negative energy from us, as if “pumping” it onto themselves.

Bioenergy scientists have discovered that our pets are wonderful conductors of external energy and are able to reflect the energy state of their owners. They are also able not only to warn their owners about possible danger, but by their actions and behavior they can tell us about the future.

Cats and dogs are able to perfectly feel with what energy and what thoughts a person comes into the house. Sometimes it happens that cats themselves ask to kneel to visitors; and sometimes you can’t even force them, and if you try, you can’t avoid sharp claws. And the arrival of beloved friends and relatives of the cat, too, may well be aware. In advance, long before the doorbell rings, cats begin to prepare for the upcoming visit: they smooth out their fur with their paws and wash themselves. So the sign that the cat is washing up is justified - it means that good guests will come. The cat has a heightened sense for upcoming visits. But dogs can also sit and look out the window for hours, waiting for the person they want to see, but this feeling is not developed in them, since dogs have a stronger attachment to the owner. Here they recognize the owner at a great distance and even know the time when he plans to come home.

And when in the evenings, after a busy working day, the owner comes home and is met by a sincerely rejoicing and wagging tail friend, then the lips themselves spread into a smile. Moreover, he can nod his head to his loved ones. Having fallen ill, it seems to many that a cat sitting at its side is able to take away the pain. And the owners of the breed of naked Chinese dogs “use” them in their bed as a heating pad (the body temperature of such dogs is about forty degrees Celsius). One owner of such a dog once said that even medicines did not help her sick grandson: his sleep was disturbing and short, he often woke up during the night. However, as soon as a “Chinese woman” appeared in the house, everything changed dramatically. The dog sat down at the boy's feet, and the disturbing nights were gone.

Fluffy cats (Siberian, Persian) perfectly treat women's ailments, sitting on the laps of their hostesses and clinging to their stomachs. Special studies have allowed doctors to conclude that post-infarction rehabilitation is more successful in those patients who have pets. At first, it was attributed to the daily walk of dog owners. However, studies have made it clear that the percentage of recoveries is just as high in owners of other kinds of living creatures: parrots, cats, fish.

By monitoring the health of patients, scientists have found that contact with pets, impact of pets on humans creates energy balance, the pulse rate and blood pressure return to normal, agitation and tension decrease. People who have pets at home tend to be more balanced. It has been found that by stroking your pet, a person can experience not only spiritual, but also physical comfort.

Psychotherapists have long found out that a five-minute admiration for aquarium fish can relieve stress and fatigue in the same way as a twenty-minute massage or an hour-long swim in the pool.

So it turns out that pets are not only just true friends, but also gentle healers. True, the methods of animal therapy have not yet been recognized by official medicine, and psychotherapists and doctors of other specialties are skeptical about the methods of treatment and healing with the help of pets, but this has been known for a very long time.

The extinction of some and the appearance of other animal species occurs at the entrance of evolution, with a change climatic conditions, landscapes, as a result of competitive relationships. Under natural conditions, this process is slow. According to the calculations of D. Fisher 11976), before the appearance of man on Earth, the average life expectancy of birds was about 2 million years, mammals - about 600 thousand years. Man hastened the death of many species. He noticeably influenced animals already in the Paleolithic, more than 250 thousand years ago, when he mastered fire. Its first victims were large animals. In Europe, as early as 100,000 years ago, man contributed to the extinction of the forest elephant, forest clump, giant deer, woolly rhinoceros, and mammoth. IN North America about 3 thousand years ago, apparently not without human influence, the mastodon, giant llama, black-toothed cat, and huge stork died out. The island fauna turned out to be the most vulnerable. Before the arrival of Europeans in New Zealand, the Maori, local residents, exterminated more than 20 species of huge moa birds. Early period The destruction of animals by man has been called by archaeologists the "Pleistocene overfishing". Since 1600, the extinction of species has been documented. Since that time, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 94 species (1.09%) of birds and 63 species (1.48%) of mammals have become extinct on Earth. The death of more than 75% of mammal species and 86% of birds from the above number is associated with human activities.

Human economic activity greatly affects animals, causing an increase in the number of some, a decrease in the populations of others, and the extinction of others. Human impact on animals can be direct or indirect.

Direct impact (persecution, extermination and resettlement) is experienced mainly by game animals, which are hunted for the sake of fur, meat, fat, etc. As a result, their numbers decrease, and some species disappear.

To combat pests of agricultural and forest plants, the relocation of animals from other areas is widely practiced. At the same time, it is not uncommon for settlers to have a negative impact on the new habitat. For example, the mongoose, brought to the Antilles to control rodents, began to harm birds nesting on the ground and became a distributor of rabies. In many countries and on the continents, with the active or passive participation of man, new species of animals were brought and acclimatized. They began to play important role in the life of local nature and man. Especially many new species were brought to Australia, New Zealand and oceanic islands during the period of mass migration of Europeans to these then uninhabited countries. In New Zealand, with its poor fauna, 31 species of birds, 34 species of mammals, several species of fish imported from Europe, Asia, Australia, America, and Polynesia have taken root.

In the former Soviet republics, work was carried out to acclimatize more than 137 species of animals. According to incomplete data, 10 species of insects, 5 species of fish and 5 species of mammals have been introduced into the fauna.

The unintentional, accidental dispersal of animals has especially intensified in connection with the development of transport, delivering them to various regions of the globe. For example, when inspecting aircraft at airports in the United States and Hawaii in 1952-1961. 50 thousand species of insects were discovered. A special quarantine service has been introduced in commercial ports to prevent the accidental import of animals.

The direct impact of man on animals should include their death from chemical substances used for pest control Agriculture and weeds. In this case, not only pests often die, but also animals useful to humans. Numerous facts of poisoning of fish and other animals by fertilizers and toxic substances of sewage discharged by industrial and household enterprises should be attributed to the same cases.

Indirect human impact on animals is associated with changes in habitat (during deforestation, plowing steppes, draining swamps, building dams, building cities, villages, roads) and vegetation (as a result of pollution of the atmosphere, water, soil, etc.), when the natural landscapes and living conditions of animals are being radically transformed.

Some species in the changed environment find favorable conditions for themselves and expand their range. House and field sparrows, for example, along with the advancement of agriculture to the north and east of the forest zone, penetrated the tundra and reached the Pacific coast. Following deforestation, the appearance of fields and meadows, the ranges of the lark, lapwing, starling, and rook moved to the north, to the taiga zone.

Influenced economic activity new anthropogenic landscapes with specific fauna emerged. The urbanized territories occupied by cities and industrial agglomerations are the most changed. Some species of animals have found favorable conditions in anthropogenic landscapes. Even in the taiga zone, house and field sparrows, village and city swallows, jackdaws, rooks, house mice, gray rats, and some types of insects began to be found. The fauna of anthropogenic landscapes has a small number of species and a high density of animal populations.

Most species of animals, not adapted to the conditions changed by man, move to new places or die. With the deterioration of living conditions under the influence of human economic activities, many types of natural landscapes reduce their numbers. Baibak (Marmota bobak), a typical inhabitant of the virgin steppes, in the past was widespread in the steppe regions of the European part of Russia. As the steppes were shattered, its numbers decreased, and now it has survived only in certain areas. Together with the marmot, the shelduck duck, which nested in the marmot's burrows, disappeared from the steppes, and now has lost its nesting sites. Cultivation of land also had a negative impact on other indigenous inhabitants of the virgin steppe - bustards and little bustards. In the past, they were numerous in the steppes of Europe, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Transbaikalia and the Amur region, now they are preserved in small numbers only in Kazakhstan and in the south of Western Siberia. molting and wintering of waterfowl caused a sharp decline in their species. The negative impact of humans on animals is on the rise. To date, approximately 150 species and subspecies of birds have disappeared in the world. According to the IUCN, one species (or subspecies) of vertebrates dies each year. The danger of extinction threatens more than 600 species of birds and about 120 species of mammals, many species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mollusks, and insects.

Animal therapy, or animal therapy (animal therapy) is a positive effect of animals on human health. Since ancient times, people have intuitively guessed the beneficial effects of animals on humans. For example, in Ancient Greece It was believed that the god of healing Asclepius appeared to sick people in the form of a dog and licked their wounds. In Christianity, the saints were depicted together with their faithful companions - dogs, which, according to legend, cured their owners.

But in Ancient Egypt it was believed that cats not only participate in the recovery of a person, but also have supernatural powers. Therefore, they were treated like gods. And here independent method Animal therapy became a treatment only in the middle of the 20th century.

Today, the positive influence of animals on the human body is recognized World Organization healthcare.

How do animals influence us?

Watch yourself. When you iron cat or a dog, what's going on with you? It becomes easier for you to communicate with those who are with you at this moment, you calm down, thoughts line up in certain order, unpleasant emotions disappear. These are observations. But from the point of view of physiology, muscle tension is relieved in a person, digestion improves, pressure decreases, many people feel pleasantly dream .

Why is this happening? All animals are bioenergetics. They are sensitive to negative energy that comes from your thoughts or your diseased organs. In addition, they know how to transform it into a positive one. Therefore, when you feel bad, bleak thoughts overcome, your stomach or head hurts, our faithful friends will definitely react. They press against the sore spot, lift up, purr, coo, dry tears with their tongue, make them laugh, distract.

There are even specialized centers in which specially trained animals, not pets of the patient, “work”. In addition to direct communication with animals, such centers use pictures, toys, stories about animals, films with their participation, etc.

What are the types of zootherapy?

1. Canistherapy

This is the scientific name for therapy with the help of contacts with dogs.

A dog is a social, active, friendly and loyal creature. And because dogs are very good at helping children with a delay mental development, with delayed motor development, autistic children, children with Down syndrome, children with cerebral palsy. In such children, when communicating with four-legged friends memory improves , emotional and mental spheres develop.

Dogs are motivating. Therefore, for example, children with speech and hearing impairments are taught to talk in the presence of dogs. Children with cerebral palsy learn motor movements easier and easier if there are dogs nearby.

Dogs relieve the stress of the owner, save from headaches , provide psychological support and even help to think better. It will be easier for you to write a text, prepare for exams, make repairs if your four-legged friend is nearby.

Especially sensitive sense of smell of dogs helps them to determine the location of human malignant tumors, helps to predict the patient's epileptic seizure in 20 minutes. By the way, dogs save their owners from physical injury during epileptic seizures. When an attack occurs, they expose themselves under a falling person so that he does not hit.

2. Felinotherapy

The positive impact of animals on humans

In other words, therapy through contact with cats.

English therapists working with mentally retarded children found that cats are able to the best way influence people with mental illness , heart problems and brain damage. In the presence of cats, people with mental disabilities become more relaxed, calm, it becomes easier to talk with them, to teach them something. Communication with cats well helps in treatment depression , schizophrenia, neurosis, mania and drug addiction.

Cats do not even need to be specially trained, in fact, they do nothing unusual. If they like a person, they rub against his legs, jump on his knees, fawn, purr, lick his hands, and this is how they achieve reciprocal tenderness.

By the way, cat's purring speeds up the process of tissue regeneration. In particular, the condition of the bone (bones become stronger) and epithelial (wounds heal quickly) tissues improve.

Cats also help in the treatment of hypertension, heart attack, rheumatism, stomach ulcers, gastritis , influenza and pneumonia. They save from loneliness, relieve joint and headaches, treat internal diseases.

By the way, if you notice that the cat is too obsessively caressing you, jumping on your knees - if possible, do not chase her. Thus, it not only shows good relations to you, but also signals - your body is in danger of failure, it's time to act!

3 more types of zootherapy

3. Dolphin therapy

The positive impact of animals on humans

Recommended for people with mental retardation, emotional development, as well as people who have suffered mental trauma as a result of extreme situations(military actions, accidents, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.).

Dolphins are sociable, intelligent, treat people well, and especially love children. The mechanism of therapy is based on the impact of the animal on the human biofield. It only seems from the side that the dolphin is just playing with the child. In fact, he tests his body with ultrasounds. If everything is fine with the child, the dolphin quietly clicks; if the baby is sick, the dolphin purrs.

In the process of emotional and tactile impact of a dolphin on a person, the biofield of the latter is corrected, and he becomes better. In other words, the dolphin to some extent shares its energy with the person and, accordingly, the animal gets tired. After the session, dolphins usually swim away to rest in the far corner of the oceanarium.

Indications for therapy: cerebral palsy, childhood autism, Down syndrome, attention deficit disorder hyperactivity , disorders of the central nervous system, disorders of memory, speech, hearing, reactive depression.

Contraindications: epilepsy, oncology, acute infectious diseases.

4. Hippotherapy

The positive impact of animals on humans


The diversity of the animal world has a different effect on. For example, for many herbivorous representatives of various orders, the green parts are food. Grasses, trees and shrubs could not for a long time remain defenseless and have developed various mechanisms to resist such treatment. Some plants eventually acquired a specific taste that is unpleasant for animals (for example, those herbs that humans use today as spices). Others have become simply poisonous. Still others preferred to acquire protection - that make it difficult for animals to access their green parts.

For some plants, representatives of the fauna have become faithful assistants in the reproduction and dispersal of their seeds. The plants had to get bright colors with sweet nectar to attract pollinating insects (and in some cases birds). Birds eat the berries of plants (they also had to be made palatable in the course of evolution), after which the seeds contained in them are carried over distances, leaving along with excrement. Therefore, the berries of plants, as a rule, are bright - red, black, blue. Green color would be simply invisible against the backdrop of foliage. Some plants have acquired special devices - thorns, or made their seeds sticky so that, clinging to animal hair, also around the world.

Animals are able to create a favorable environment. Ants, rain and small animals regularly enrich the soil with organic matter, loosen it and make it more comfortable for herbs, bushes and trees to grow in this place. And through the holes left by insects and rodents in the soil, water freely enters the roots of plants, nourishing them. Therefore, plant and animal organisms are in close cooperation with each other.

Not everyone realizes that houseplants not only saturate the air with oxygen and purify it, but also have curious properties. Therefore, when choosing the next flower pot, find out all the information about it.


Cacti are able to collect the energy of the surrounding space, returning it back. That is why they are recommended to be acquired by cheerful and balanced people. It is advisable to buy cacti during the growing moon and be sure to buy two identical ones at once. Well, if between two plants, there is a small one. Thus, this combination will restore and maintain the harmony of family relationships.

Sansevera is a seemingly familiar plant. But not many people know that she cleans work and living quarters from. Sansevier with long and big leaves, which stands near the student's workplace or improves thought processes and increases the attention of the student.

Monstera is recognized as an active absorber negative energy. It effectively eliminates the consequences of quarrels, especially between loved ones. Also, this plant can often be found in office premises, shops, clinics, where it feels great.

Violets are a favorite plant of many housewives. They grow profusely and well which exhibit sincere concern and love for everyone in the house. Violets promote communication, protect the family from conflicts, and calm the nerves. They harmonize family relationships, driven out of the house negative energy, encourage people to vigorous activity. Violets bring joy, happiness and peace to the house. It is believed that this plant must be bought with, since each shade is responsible for a certain harmonization of the sphere of life.

The fat woman is not just among the people of money. Many breed it to attract prosperity to the house. When planting a fat woman, a coin is placed on the bottom of the pot, and under the pallet paper bill. It is in this case that it is assumed that Money Tree will be active.

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ABOUT positive influence Animals have been known to people since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians deified cats, considering them not only the wisest animals, but also animal healers. Christians depicted their saints together with dogs, which, in their opinion, were able to influence a person with their bioenergetic field and neutralize negative thoughts and feelings. The influence of animals on humans is called zootherapy.


Therapy when interacting with dogs canistherapy. Communication with dogs is useful with developmental delay, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy. Dogs are friendly, sociable, kind. Communicating with them, sick children forget about pain for a while, receive the attention they need, psychological support. With constant contact with dogs, an adult will be less prone to depression, fatigue, and apathy. The dog can become real and true friend lonely person. Caring for a dog is not that difficult, so having such a friend at home is a true happiness.

Another type of animal therapy is hippotherapy, in other words, horseback riding. Horseback riding is good for physical development: installed correct breathing, increases the tone of the system, activates muscular system. In addition, attention increases, memory develops. Hippotherapy is useful for children with cerebral palsy, developmental delay, epilepsy. Communication with horses and caring for them energizes, relieves bad mood, give positive attitude to perceive reality.

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In addition to protecting the soil from erosion and improving its structure, plants can be used as green manure by observing crop rotation and not letting the land be empty in winter period. Green manure plants will not only enrich the soil with all the necessary substances, but will also assist in the fight against pests and weeds.

The effect of vegetation cover on soil can only be assessed positive side. Despite the fact that the soil is a nutrient medium for the plants themselves, they nevertheless also enrich it with various organic compounds, depending on their chemical composition. If there are negative moments, then it is on the conscience of human hands. When crop rotation is not observed during the cultivation of various crops, pesticides are introduced, the top layer is destroyed by the rough mechanical action of labor tools, all this eventually leads to soil depletion.

The positive effect of plants on the soil

Plants play a significant role in structuring soils, which directly affects their fertility. Plants with a well-developed root system have the most beneficial effect in this regard. The dense vegetation cover of ravines and slopes prevents their destruction (gully erosion), and green plantings along the perimeter of arable fields protect the soil from wind erosion.

Vegetation can be adjusted chemical composition soil. So, yellow alfalfa will help to release excess salt in the soil, and you can enrich sandy soils with lupine crops. Most a large number of perennial grasses leave behind organic matter, because the remains of dead plants are found both in the thickness and on the surface.

Clover and alfalfa are especially valuable, as they are rich in protein and symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria settle on their roots, which enrich the soil with nitrogen. These grasses form a dense continuous carpet on the surface, which makes it possible to avoid water and wind erosion of the soil. In order to form a fertile soil structure, vast areas are sometimes artificially sown with alfalfa for haymaking or livestock grazing, which also allows solving the problem of forage for decades.

Green manure plants - the basis of organic farming

Such plants that can affect the restoration of soil fertility are called green manure. Any vegetation improves soil properties, but preference should be given to legumes and cereals: peas, beans, beans, rye, buckwheat, rapeseed. Most green manure plants are sown under plowing the soil. Legumes are good because they can be used as a food plant, forage and as an organic fertilizer. In addition, beans reduce the acidity of the soil.

Lupine, which was already mentioned above, is also good for lands with hyperacidity. It accumulates nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in the soil and is the best predecessor for planting strawberries. If lupine is recommended for sandy soils, then buckwheat and rapeseed can improve the heavy dense structure with their branched root systems. Rapeseed also fills the soil with sulfur and has bactericidal properties. Mustard and rapeseed are cruciferous, so you do not need to sow beets and cabbage after them. But as a precursor of potatoes, mustard will save the crop from the wrecking of the wireworm. Rye is good because it will never allow weeds to grow in its crops.

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