Summary of the lesson “Journey to the country of kindness and politeness. Fairy tale about politeness and polite words - teach children to be polite and kind towards each other A short story about polite words

Kristina Shustova
Summary of the lesson "Journey to the country of kindness and politeness"

Target: to promote the moral development of the child's personality.



Introduce children to the concept « kindness» . Form ideas in which it manifests itself.

To form the ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of peers.

Form moral qualities personalities: attentiveness, benevolence, love of neighbor.

Learn to create "picture" (on a tray with semolina) fingers on the mango.


Develop aesthetic perception, enrich children with artistic impressions. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

To develop the desire of children to express their attitude to the environment, to independently find various speech means for this.

Continue to activate the dictionary through usage in speech « polite» words.

Develop a culture of communication.


Bring up benevolent, polite attitude towards others.

Generate a desire to help each other.

Create benevolent environment for development activities.

To cultivate the desire to be friends with surrounding peers and adults.

Develop a culture of communication.

preliminary work:

The cycle of conversations "Who do we call kind, "What is good and what is bad?", « Good deeds and deeds» .

Listening to the songs of V. Shainsky "From a smile", "Friendship", "Together it's fun to walk", V. Ivanova "You, me, and we".

Role-playing games Topics: "family", "hospital".

Didactic games: "Good or bad?", "Explain why not", "What I feel".

Reading fairy tales, stories, poems that talk about good people: "Swan geese", "Morozko", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", A. Barto "Vovka - kind soul» , V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad".

Materials and equipment: music center and projector, melodic recordings, presentation: « Journey to the Land of Politeness and Kindness» , cards with good and bad deeds, trays with semolina, sun patterns with a plasticine base, eyes, spouts, thin tinsel on gold-colored wire, red beads.

The course of educational activities:

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Child: Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting « Good morning.

« Kind morning sun and birds!”

« Kind morning smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, gullible,

Kind morning lasts until evening.

caregiver: Guys, every morning you need to start with a good mood. Let's form a strong and good"chain of friendship" and warmly greet guests and friends.

(All join hands and in unison They say: « Good morning)

caregiver: You feel how your warmth is transferred from palm to palm and kindness. Let's say "magic" words:


"I'm good and kind child,

I wish health to all children, to all people in the world.

caregiver: Look guys at each other. Smile at each other. Let a smile and a good mood be good helpers for us today.

The song sounds "Smile" (performed by L. Gurchenko) Children sit on chairs.

Tell me, guys, when people meet, with what words do they usually begin their communication?

Children: From the word "Hello".


That's right, people begin to get acquainted with the word "hello". This is the most common and at the same time the most important word that begins the communication of people, which characterizes a person as polite and affable.

What does the simple, ordinary word "hello" mean?

Each word has its own secret, the history of its origin. And now we will reveal this secret with you, and find out when this word first appeared.

(Slide 1 cavemen)

In very distant times, when cavemen lived People: they didn't have the words "hello" or "goodbye". But one day they fell ill and could not recover in any way, and the one who was with them instead of a doctor (because there were no real doctors then, said them:

“You get sick because you don’t want each other to be healthy. How can a person be healthy if no one wishes him health? The cavemen became thoughtful and decided to say the word “Hello” to each other when they meet - it means be healthy.

“Hello,” they said to each other and immediately felt better. Since then, people have been greeting each other. That's why they say that the word "hello" is a magic word that can help a person in healing.

Guys today we will do something exciting journey into one unusual magic country. What is the name of this a country try to guess for yourself.

- In this Country people congratulate each other on good luck, console and soothe in trouble, give way to elders, help each other, like to give each other gifts, they say kind and polite words.

- Guys, you probably already guessed what country in question. What is it called?

Children: Country of Politeness and Kindness.

caregiver: Well done boys! Do you want to visit Magic country? I also really want.

Close your eyes soon, friends!

I invite you to my fairy tale!

caregiver: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - you can open your eyes!

Music sounds, opening the curtain, the Fairy appears.

Fairy: Hello guys. Hello guests. I am this fairy good country, in it all the inhabitants kind, polite, good people. The wicked get here kind, angry - affectionate, naughty - obedient. AND The main thing: everyone who falls into my country, want to do good deeds. Do you want?

Guys in our country a magical tree has grown of good. Look. Only one upsets: the tree stands alone. In order to revive it and fruits appear on it, you and I need to fill the magical heart of our tree, your kind hearts. Guys then let's start filling our heart good deeds.

Guys, what is kindness?

What colour kindness?

What do you think, what kindness tastes good?

And if you touch her kindness to the touch?

What kind of weather can be associated kindness?

Fairy: Well done guys, what were interesting unusual statements about kindness. And for this you get your first heart. Here's a little more kindness in our magical land. Guys, look what happened to our tree. It began to blossom.

caregiver: Guys, and you are a lot you know kind words? Now let's check it out.

The game is called "Replace the word kind word»

Wicked - Kind

impolite - polite

Rough - affectionate

Take - give, donate

scold - praise

Lazy - industrious

Greedy - generous

Offend - protect

Disappoint - make happy

sad - happy

Indifferent - caring

slovenly - neat

break - repair

Tear - glue

Screaming - Silent

cowardly - brave

Well done boys. Get a heart. Here's our heart for one more filled with good deeds. (A small heart is placed in a large heart.)

A game "Choose Good Deeds"

caregiver: Guys in front of you are cards with good and bad deeds. Choose any card and explain what you think it is.

Children's answers: ….

Educator, Fairy: Well done guys, you coped with this task. Now I am sure that you know how to distinguish good deeds from bad ones. Here's another heart for you. Look, our tree is blooming more and more.

Physical education minute

caregiver: And now the guys announce a musical break

Magic words.

Words and music by V. V. Skurlatova.

So that become polite,

It is very important for us to know

And always say

magic words

"Hello" at the meeting,

« Good afternoon» And « Good evening»

for help "Thank you" And "Thank you"

For a prank "Sorry"

"Please forgive me"

Well, on "parting"

Say "Goodbye"!

Let's be friends

AND be polite,

Don't offend others

And don't forget:

Chorus (repeated)

Children leave in pairs and sit on chairs Children walk in pairs in a circle, holding hands, the other hand on the belt.

Children turn to each other

Children bow to each other, spreading their arms to the sides

Hands on the belt, turns to the right and left with squats

Clap hands and swirl in pairs "Boat"

"They threaten with a finger, a hand on a shelf"

Children hug each other.

We sit down twice.

Mahi cross to cross with straight arms above the head.

Children hold hands, walk in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other

The children turn to each other.

caregiver: Guys, and you and I continue to fill the magic heart kindness, warmth, tenderness ....

A game "Say a word"

For us, here is the task "Say a word" I will start, and you continue, answer in unison. (Slides with correct answers)

Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (Thank you)

The old stump will turn green when it hears (Good afternoon)

When you are scolded for pranks, you say (I'm sorry)

If a friend is in trouble (help him)

Resolve disputes with words (not fists)

Wherever we are, we say goodbye (Goodbye)

Child polite and developed speaks, meeting (Hello)

Fairy: Well done boys. Here's another heart for you. And our magic tree is getting more and more beautiful.

caregiver: Let's never forget kind, polite words. Let's talk to each other more often. Speak softly, softly, softly. Looking into the eyes of a person and smiling, because, from a smile, a gloomy day becomes brighter.

Music sounds and children sing a song "From a smile".

(Bring out trays of semolina)

Fairy: Guys, look what wonderful trays I have prepared for you. Let's try to draw something good here, Kind, joyful, light. It will be "Painting kindness» .

(Children draw with a finger on a tray with semolina - the sun, grass, flowers, a tree).

Fairy: Well done boys. Your paintings turned out just wonderful, this is because you painted them from good heart. And I want to thank you with one more heart good deeds.

caregiver: Now let's play. You have to be very careful. Listen, do not be distracted, if you agree, then answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends" and if not, shut up.

Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

"WITH Good morning» say firmly?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

Which one of you is in the cramped tram

Giving way to seniors?

Which one of you is silent like a fish

Instead of good"Thank you"

Which one of you is fine

Bag, books and notebooks?

Who to be polite wishes,

Doesn't hurt kids?

Fairy: Well done. Here's another heart for you.

Fairy: Guys, today I want to reveal one more little secret to you. You know that our Earth is illuminated by a great sun.

It shines every day, warming us with its warmth. (The curtain opens and the big sun appears)

But it turns out that there is also a little sun. Maybe you know where it might be?

Children's answers:….

Fairy: correctly it shines in each of us. This little sun with its warmth warms the people who are around us, making them kinder. This sun makes us want to help each other.

caregiver: Guys, I invite you to the tables, where we will now make suns.

(Children make the sun. At this time, we put chocolate hearts in a big heart)

caregiver: Guys, what magical sunny warm suns you have. Let us now tell each other the most sincere, tender, kind, sweet words.

(Children compliment each other)

caregiver: Guys, how many good deeds we have today and good deeds done. Say what you like and remember the most.

Fairy: Guys, how do you love each other, how affectionate gentle you are, kind. And I give you another heart. Look, our magic tree has blossomed. Thanks to your warmth kindness, responsiveness.

Guys, miracles happened not only with our tree of good, but magical transformations took place in our hearts, our hearts turned into sweet hearts. Thanks to you guys. And I would like to treat you to them.

(The fairy treats the guys and thanks the guys.)

Fairy. Thank you guys for being kind, sympathetic, sincere, gentle. For your kind hearts. Stay that way for years to come.

caregiver: Guys, you will go to school soon. Here is my wish for you.

Let the children be friends with each other,

Like birds in the sky

Like grass with a meadow

Like the wind with the sea

Fields with rain

How the sun is friendly

With all of us.

The kids go to the music.

KOU "Poltava boarding school VIII kind"

extracurricular activity

"Journey to the Land of Courtesy"

Polygalova Galina Valentinovna - music teacher

Tarabunova Alena Anatolyevna - primary school teacher


Target: Teaching children the need for cultural behavior.


1. Promote the development of cognitive activity, acting abilities;

2. Contribute to the development of higher mental functions;

3. To develop the artistic and musical speech of students, to instill an interest in reading;

4. Teach children to use polite words in their speech in various situations.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, piano, laptop.

The course of extracurricular activities:

1. Leading . Good afternoon, dear children and adults!(Slide 1)

2. Lead . Hello!

1. Leading . Guys, you got invitation cards.

These tickets are magical, each envelope contains a polite word.

See what polite words you have in your envelopes?

2. Lead . We invite you on a journey through the magical land of Courtesy. We will travel in a basket of balloons.I think that on the way we will be interested.

Guys, before our trip, watch the cartoon "Ignorant" and think about whether you can take the cartoon characters with you?(Slide 2)

( Watching the cartoon "Ignorant").

Guys, which cartoon characters were ignorant?

Have they changed? Should we take them on our trip?

So, today we will visit the City of Greetings, the Sea of ​​Politeness, the Castle of Knightly Manners, and also look into the country of Rudeness.(Slide 3)

1. Leading . Our journey begins. Attention! We are waitingCity of Cheers . (Slide 4)

1 student.

- Good afternoon! - you were told.

- Good afternoon! – you answered.

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness.

2 student.

- Hello! - you tell the person

- Hello! he smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy

And will be healthy for many years.

3 student.

- We want"Bon Voyage!"

- It will be easier to go and go.

Will lead, of course, a good way

Only for something good.

- Thanks guys. What is today's date? Do you know what date November 21st is? No, sorry! November 21 is the international day of greetings!(Slide 5)

Yes, yes, hello.

The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to two American youths, the McCormick brothers, who proposed in 1973 to celebrate a day of friendship and understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world.

And may on this day every person wish good and happiness to relatives and strangers, and, of course, give them his radiant smile. Hello children! Hello people, we love you!

2. Lead . The word "hello" is a very interesting word.(Slide 6) Think about its meaning: "hello" - we wish each other health (health). Therefore, people are pleased to hear this word. People of different nationalities greet each in their own language. Let's listen to how Germans, Kazakhs, Tatars, Ukrainians greet each other.

(Children's answers are heard). -Well done!

1. Leading . So what are the people of the world celebrating today?

What does the word "hello" mean?

2. Lead . And now we have a sea in front of us, which we must cross -"Sea of ​​Courtesy" . (Slide 7)

Guys, what kind of person can be called polite? (Answers of children).(Slide 8) Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased with you. Good manners are those who do not embarrass people. A polite person is always attentive to people. He tries not to harm them, trouble, not to offend others in word or deed. In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness.

1 student.

Gets expensive

Happiness difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How did you help people?

This measure measures

All earthly works.

Maybe grow a tree

Ile cleared the ponds?

Are you building a rocket?

Hydro station? House?

warming up the planet

By your peaceful labor?

Ile under snow powder

Whose life will you save?

Doing good things for people

Be nice yourself.

1. Leading . Many glorious deeds await us, but first of all, we must grow up to be real people - kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite. This must be learned from childhood. The song “If you are polite” will tell you about this.

(Performance of the song "If you are polite").

1. If you are polite and not deaf to conscience,

Give that place to the old woman without protest.

And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,

You will not crackle with a friend like two magpies.

2. If you are polite in your soul, and not out of sight,

You will help a disabled person get on the bus.

And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,

And with grandfather and grandmother, you will not kill them.

3. If you are polite, then in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol will not take forever. And if you are polite to someone who is weaker,

You will be a protector, not shy before the strong.

1. Leading . Let's playgame "Continue the phrase." (Slide 9)

I begin, you continue in unison. Shall we try?

The boy is polite and developed

He speaks at a meeting ... (hello)

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ... (thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

When our elders scold us for pranks,

We say... (please excuse me)

Both France and Denmark

Saying goodbye to everyone, they say ... (goodbye).

- Okay, you've completed this task.

Guys, do you like how cooks cook at school? What is the magic word you say to them? (Answers of children).

2. Lead . From the history of the word "Thank you" (Slide 10)

Do you know where this word came from? In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: “God save you!”

The combination "God save you" turned into a short "thank you." So there was a word familiar to all of us from childhood. Never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Do not regret your thanks!”

1 student.

If by word or deed

Has anyone helped you

Don't be shy loud, bold

Say: "Thank you!"

1. Leading . So , what magic words met us in the sea of ​​Politeness?

2. Leading. We continue our journey. We are going toCastle of knightly manners. (Slide 11)

Knights are brave and courageous people who lived in the Middle Ages. To become a knight, it was necessary to undergo special training. From the age of 7, the parents assigned the boy to an experienced warrior. He was taught to ride, shoot a bow, throw a spear, wield a sword, dance, know the rules of etiquette. But the knight was not only obliged to master the military sciences, but also to act nobly, to protect weak people and the humiliated, to be polite, to treat women nobly.

1 leader. In our time, a knight is called a person who is ready for a feat and self-sacrifice in the name of another. This is a polite, benevolent person, hurrying to the rescue of the weak. He will no doubt stand up for the offended, rush into the burning house, saving the baby. Another custom has come down to our days: take off your gloves when saying hello. Baring his hands, taking off his gloves, the knight thereby demonstrated that he was unarmed. By observing the rules of etiquette today, we show that we respect the interlocutor.

2. Lead . And now I suggest you check who we can be a knight, who is the most polite.

So, the tasks are not for addition, but for the rules of respect.(Slide 12)

Situation 1 . Birthday situation: give a gift in a package. How to take it? (According to etiquette: it is necessary to unpack the package, thank for the gift. SCH If these are sweets, treat all guests).SCH

Situation 2. The two boys collided at the door and couldn't part. Which of them should give way if one is 10 and the other is 9 years old? (who is more polite). SCH

Situation 3 .Petya and Yura hurried to the dining room and ran down two steps. The teacher stood up. The boys ran past, and somewhere from the bottom floor they heard: “Hello, Lidia Ivanovna!” What the teacher answered them, the boys did not hear and were the first to burst into the dining room. (The boys made three mistakes: they don’t run around the school, when they met the teacher, the guys had to stop, they had to greet politely).

Situation 4 . Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Ivan saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: "Hello, Tamara Alekseevna!" What mistake did Ivan make? (He should say hello to everyone).

Guys, you handled the situation well. Listen to poems about polite words.

(Staging of the poem "Polite deed")

It was summer, the birds were singing, Pavlik was riding in the train.

Suddenly, at the Fili station, two girls entered the door.

Modestly stood in a corner and talk on the sidelines

In English.

Pavlik understood: “Foreigners”, this can be seen from the posture,

Maybe they are tourists? For the first time in our country?

And with difficulty he said in English: "Let me

Invite you to the bench, but I myself will stand!

It was summer, the birds sang, two girls in the train

Sat near the window.

“By the way, we are Muscovites,” one smiles.

Pavlik shouted: - How so! So I'm in trouble?

And now he does not drink, he does not eat! Let's sympathize with him:

I gave way to the girls for no reason.

(Yusupov's poem "Forgive me!")

Papa broke the precious vase

Grandmother and mother frowned at once.

But dad was found: he looked into their eyes

And timidly and quietly, “I'm sorry,” he said.

And mom is silent, even smiling.

- We will buy another, there are better ones on sale ...

Sorry!" - it would seem that in it such a thing?

But what a wonderful word!

1. Leading .- Guys, do you know why dad was forgiven so easily? How do you ask for forgiveness?

So what kind of person do we call a knight these days?

We think that brave noble people will never disappear - real knights!

2. Lead.- Guys, now let's rest.

(Physical minute.The game "Polite - impolite" ).

- If I read about a polite act - you clap your hands, when I read about an impolite act - you stomp your feet:

- Say hello at the meeting;

- push and do not apologize;

- whistle, shout, make noise at school;

- to give way to the elders;

- do not get up on the appeal of the teacher;

- help climb the stairs;

- say goodbye, leaving.

1. Leading. We continue our journey. What is politeness, we know, and what is ignorance? How do you think? (Answers of children).

Ignorance is rudeness, rudeness, bad manners. The person who does not observe the rules of decency is an impolite person.

And now we will look in the neighborhood in the country of Rudeness.(Slide 13)

Premiere of the mini-musical "Country of Rudeness"

(music by V. Yudina, lyrics by I. Syrovatkina)


(A room with a large window. For a hundred crowbar sits girl Nastya. Grandmother set the table for breakfast, but Nastya does not eat anything. Half time thrown toys. Near the sofa worth the TV.)


Today is a bad day

Nastya got up very gloomy.

It's hard to brush your teeth!

Mom has to go to work soon

Nastya pouts, grumbles

and yelling at grandma.


I won't eat eggs!

And I won't wash the dishes

And I won't say thank you

I'll lie on the couch!

LEADING(continues to sing):

Ate sticky candy

Messed up the newspaper

She crushed the cat's paw,

did not turn off the water in the bathroom,

Scattered all the toys

And sat down on the pillows.


I won't eat eggs!

And I won't wash the dishes

ANDThank youI will not say,

I'll lie on the couch!

(Sits down on the sofa, putting under herpillow.)

LEADING (sings):

The TV lit up.

appeared on the screen

suddenly some old man,

Jumped to the floor, bowed,

I took a hook from somewhere

And this huge crochet

He caught Nastya, as if in a net,

And dragged somewhere.

Wow, breathtaking!

And then on the ground - boom!

(At this time, from the TV zaet Dwarf with a gray beard, net covers Nastya and drags her away to the other side of the stage.)


(Street. Fence and bench with broken rails, on the wall of the house there are posters with torn edges. Tele background booth and phone without a tube, lilac bush With broken wind kami. Inscription in large letters "COUNTRY OF RUDE".)

NASTYA (looking around):

Oh howit immediately became scary

And where did I get to?

Everything around is completely different

Such an unfamiliar

Dwarf with a gray beard.

DWARF (sings):

Girl,Hi Hi,

I have been waiting for you for six years.

Before you would not have come:

Well behaved.

It's time for me to leave.


You live now in the country



What kind of freak is that?

there's another one coming.

Sharp teeth stick out

The arms are long to the heels.

The eyes are small, evil,

confess, who are they?

(The brutes come out one by one nomu, surround Nastya, looking at they eat it and sing it.)


They are called rude

We live here all the time.

In our fairyland

People are quite happy.

You don't have to be kind here.

And say "thank you".

You can stomp and spit


They are called rude

we live here all the time.

And you are like thattrifle! -

let's beatJustSo!


Well, I do not! After all, I'm Nastya!

I'll try notabyssI,

to live ignorantlyI can

I want andrun away!

Whatfor stupida country?

She is very strange:

The lanterns are broken


Dirty puddles flow

And the trees don't grow!

Wow some citizen

slippeddirectlyinto the dirt.

Hey rude citizen

I will help you not to fall!

Watch out, the puddle is here!


Leave!Co.don't bother me!

Hey nasty girl

Step aside!


How are you, auntie, are not ashamed!

It hurts me to hear this!


Here the child is standingroar,

Nastya to the boygoes.


What happened dearmy?

I'll take you home!


And the child turned.

cunningsmiled a lot

With all the strength of a child

In Nastya with a stonelaunched.


Ay! What a bully you are!



Very ugly boys

Threw books into a pile

And break the withered bush -

Heard onlycrunchy branches.


Hey! After all, this is lilac -

will bloomon a spring day!


Not lilac at all, butsticks,

Useful in a skirmish

in a quarrel, quarrel,fight

in vainare we bullies?

Yes andyou awaystop,

Instantlylet's deal with you!

NASTYA (sings) :

Here nowI understood:

I behaved badly


I'm very on themsimilar.

I don't want to be rude anymore

I don't want those teeth

I don't want to live with them

To meanother on the shoulder.

To peoplesmiled

be goodtried

I'll be good to them

Herewhat a secretFriends!

(Dances, spins, gets to sofa and lies down on it, warehouses waving palms, as during sleep).


Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, everything is mixed up

Spinning awayrushed

INeverything has moved around

Nastya found herself at home!

NASTYA (waking up, no):

Well, a miracle! That's the dream!

Better than any fairy tale!

Of course I fell asleep.

Adventure anywhere!


And behind the windows flashed

Suddenly gray-hairedbeard…

(Performance of the song "Polite Waltz").

1. There will come, friends, a happy time, wonderful days will come.

The guys will be friendly with everyone, they will stop being rude.

There will be no bad children, golden years will come.

And they will never enter the room in galoshes.

2. Let rudeness disappear forever, albeit according to doctors' prescriptions

Medicines for rude children will appear in every pharmacy.

The child spun in his chair, made noise and pestered everyone.

He was prescribed pills. He drank and became polite.

Children will not be rude, they will not bite their nails,

And everyone in the world will love such children.

A fresh wind will blow, violets will bloom.

All the ignorant will disappear, they will disappear forever.

(Artists bow).

1. Leading. Guys, would you like to live in which country - Rudeness or Politeness? Why?

Then let's take an oath of courtesy:(Slide 14)

We swear to be polite.

Always say thank you.

We swear to be kind

And forget laziness and rudeness.

We swear to be polite

Do good deeds!

Summary of the event:

Guys, where have we been today?

- What interesting things did you find out?

Why are polite words in our speech?

-What do you remember most?

2. Lead.- “Becoming polite, tactful and delicate is not so difficult, you just have to want to.”(Slide 15)

So let each of you have a desire to become the most polite guys in school.


1. Lead.- Clap all those who were interested!

Raise your hand if you know something new!

Cover your face with your hands, who was bored!

2. Lead .- Thank you for your attention and activity during our trip! See you soon!

Resources used:


Magazine "Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka", 2009. #7

Handbook of the class teacher grades 1-4

Internet sites: Dreamland

In one kingdom there lived a king with his queen, and they had two daughters, two little princesses, Nika and Lika. Outwardly, the princesses were very similar to each other: pink cheeks, blond curls, but in character they were completely different.

Nika was very polite, she always greeted everyone, saying “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”. And always with a smile.

Lika, on the contrary, did not know polite words at all. Instead of saying “please,” she stamped her foot and demanded: “Bring it and serve it!”. It seemed that she had never heard of "thank you" at all. Yes, and rude to everyone right and left.

The mother queen shook her head and said:

- And what happened? Why are our daughters so different? Like, we bring them up the same way.

But none of the court sages could give her an answer to this question.

Once the princesses Nika and Lika went for a walk in the nearby forest. The weather was wonderful, the birds chirped, butterflies fluttered over the flowers! Lika went ahead, and Nika lingered to look at the bees collecting honey. Lika went out into the clearing and saw that in the middle of it lies a huge Dragon resting.

- Well, go away! I need to get through! the princess said to the dragon in a rough voice.

What, you don't know the magic word? Dragon asked her.

What kind of magic word? Didn't you hear what I told you to move away, - Lika answered.

“Well, rude,” said the Dragon, but moved to let the princess pass.

Lika passed the clearing, and then, turning to him, said:

“I fell apart here, and it requires some other magic words!” Nasty dragon!

Here the Dragon could not stand it and rose to its paws. His head hung over the princess.

“What is this impolite girl?! Instead of saying thank you, she also calls names! Now I'll eat you! I can't stand such rude people! he roared and opened his mouth.

Princess Lika was very afraid that the Dragon would now, indeed, eat her. Suddenly, behind the Dragon, a pleasant thin voice of Princess Nike was heard:

- Hello! Please don't eat my sister. Excuse her.

- It's your sister? Dragon was surprised. - How did it happen that you are such a well-mannered girl, and she is a rude woman?

“I don’t know,” Nick shrugged, “no one in our kingdom can understand this.

Hmm…,” the Dragon scratched the back of his head with his hind paw. “I think I understand what's going on. This happened to one of my cousins. When he was learning to speak, he accidentally lost his polite words and was terribly rude until one Fairy Godmother helped him.

— Maybe you know where this Fairy lives? Nick asked.

- Yes, very close! Beyond the forest! Dragon nodded. "Get on my back." I will quickly drive you to this Good Fairy.

The princesses climbed onto the back of the Dragon, and he flapped his wings and rose into the sky. Princess Lika tried not to even open her mouth. It was not only that the Dragon scared her, but also that she herself was tired of being so rude and ill-mannered. Even if she wanted to say something beautiful, then when she started to speak, she got solid rudeness. She really hoped that the Dragon was right and the Good Fairy could help her.

The Good Fairy, indeed, turned out to be very kind. She listened to the Dragon and Nike and gladly agreed to help poor Lika. The fairy brought her thick magic book, found the right spell in it and cast it, waving her magic wand.

“Thank you,” Lika uttered at once.

- Happened! Happened! - everyone rejoiced.

“No one can help you understand why polite words are sometimes lost,” the Good Fairy explained. - It's good that there is a special spell that helps to return them.

- I'm so glad, I'm so glad! Thank you all friends! I will never be rude again and will be a kind and well-mannered princess,” Lika promised.

And so it happened. Lika became as well-mannered and polite as her sister Nika. And since then they have been great friends with the Dragon, and he often flies to the palace for tea and cakes to the princesses.

Fairy tale for children of senior preschool age: "Country of Politeness"

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department

Description: The author's fairy tale is intended for children of senior preschool age, teachers of preschool institutions, parents.
Purpose of work: The fairy tale introduces children to the culture of communication and makes them want to use polite words in everyday life.
Target: Formation in preschool children of moral and
moral and ethical standards of behavior
1. enrichment of ideas about the rules and ethics of behavior;
2. formation of a positive emotional attitude to the implementation of the rules of conduct;
3. the use of problem situations to consolidate the learned rules of conduct;
4. the use of real life situations to supplement the personal experience of cultural behavior.

In one city there lived a girl Natasha, who was very uneducated and rude. The girl was 5 years old, and she could sit alone in her room for hours on end and play with dolls.
But one day, when the girl was playing as usual, she heard a quiet melody. The music was unusually beautiful and Natasha immediately began to look for where it sounds from? First of all, the girl looked under the bed, but it was dark and quiet there, she looked into the nightstand, but there were tights and socks, then she drew attention to the bookshelf, on which there were a large number of different books. Natasha came closer, and the wonderful music began to sound a little louder. Experiencing a sense of excitement and interest, the girl put down a chair and stood on it and looked at the shelf with multi-colored books. The books were so different thin and thick, high and low, but only one book attracted the attention of a little girl. It was a small, pink book, which lit up with a rainbow glow, it was from there that a quiet and such a fabulous melody was heard. Natasha could not resist and took the book in her hands, and although the girl knew the letters, she still did not know how to read. She wanted to look at the pictures, and without hesitation, she opened the first page.
In an instant, Natasha found herself inside a fairyland. Before her eyes shone in its splendor fairy-tale castle.
- Oh, how did I get here? - thought the girl.
- I wonder who lives in such a beautiful castle?
She headed along the road, along which unusually beautiful flowers bloomed, over which amazing, multi-colored butterflies fluttered. Natasha went inside the castle and saw a large hall that shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow from the sun's rays. A beautiful, young woman sat on a throne of precious stones, who smiled affably at the little guest.

Hello Natasha! - said the stranger.
- Who you are? I don't know you - the girl answered with surprise in her voice.
Of course you don't know me. All the inhabitants of the Earth are familiar with me, but you do not want to hear about me and my children - the woman answered with sadness in her voice.
- I am the Queen - Courtesy! And I invite to visit me in our fairyland only those boys and girls who never utter my magic words. Now your time has come Natasha, I want to introduce you to my beloved children, ”the woman said. The girl turned her head and saw a beautiful garden in which children were playing, what girls and boys were like her, but their clothes were not ordinary, but royal. The queen extended her snow-white hand to Natasha, and together they went out into the marvelous garden.
- Here are my children, meet Natasha. Everyone has their own name. The queen brought Natasha so close that the girl could even see the color of the children's eyes.
- These are my sons, I have 6 of them: prince Thank you, prince Please, prince Hello, prince Excuse me, prince Good night and the smallest prince Be kind.
- These are my daughters, they are also 6: Princess Goodbye, Princess Let me, Princess Thank you, Princess Excuse me, Princess Good morning and the youngest princess Good afternoon.
Natasha had never thought that something like this could happen to her. Natasha really liked the children of the Queen, and she even wanted to play with them.
- Although my children are small, they are great workers, they have been walking around the world for many years, and helping ordinary people in joys and troubles, - the beautiful Queen continued her story.
- Like this? Natasha was surprised.
The Courtesy Queen smiled and extended her hand towards where her children stood.
- But listen. For example, my son Prince Thank you, with his help people thank each other for some services, for help in business.
Or, for example, Prince Hello, with his help, people greet each other on the street, and when they come to visit, the first thing people say is the name of my son. You Natasha managed to offend each of my children. You never said a single polite word. Look how sad they are.
Natasha felt ashamed.
- You see, Natasha, in our magical land, time has no power over age, and although they look like your peers, this is far from being the case. My children and I have been serving people faithfully for many years, with our help it is easier for people to agree among themselves, it is easier to get out of any conflict or difficult situation, with our help wars and bloody battles ended on Earth. The ability to use polite words correctly is a culture of behavior in society. With these words, the Queen ended her story.
Natasha listened to the Queen very carefully. But suddenly a bright butterfly waved its colorful wings, and gracefully sat on a huge, antique clock. Natasha knew the numbers well, but she still did not understand what time the clock shows?
- Is this a real watch? Natasha asked the Queen.
This is the clock - time! You see, they began to go very slowly and may soon stop completely.
- Why? – sincerely surprised girl.
- But because too many people on Earth have become uneducated and rude. They forgot the rules of conduct and words of politeness. And it may happen that someday the clock - time will stop its course, and we will disappear forever - the Queen of Politeness said sadly in her voice.
Natasha felt sorry for the Queen of Politeness and her charming children. And she even wanted to cry from resentment.
- And what needs to be done so that the clock - time begins to walk correctly, and never stops? - with a voice trembling with excitement asked the girl.
- You just need to be polite and well-mannered people. And skillfully use such small, but such important and necessary words, and the Queen pointed her hand at her beautiful children. As soon as 1 ill-mannered child on Earth corrects himself and becomes polite, the clock will go one tick-tock faster. Only in this case we will not disappear not from human speech, not from a fairy-tale land.
- Oh, I understood everything! Natasha exclaimed happily.
- Probably, it's my fault, I didn't say good, polite words. It was because of me that you almost died. I wish I could go home and make things right, but I don't know how I can get back to my mom?
Natasha did not have time to finish the last word, so a warm, light breeze touched her cheeks, and where in the distance such a familiar and at the same time such a beautiful melody began to play. The rainbow sparkled with bright colors and disappeared without a trace. Natasha rubbed her eyes and looked around. She was sitting on the rug again in her room, her favorite dolls lay around.
- I must have fallen asleep and had a wonderful dream? - thought the girl.
The door creaked and Natasha's mother appeared on the threshold.
- Let's go eat my daughter, the soup is ready! She spoke softly and kindly.
Natasha wanted to say, as usual: I don’t want to, I won’t, I’m not hungry, leave me alone, I want to play. But this time the girl was in no hurry to answer. What if it was true, and not a dream, and somewhere far away in a magical land, the clock-time can stop forever? What will happen to the good Queen and her children then? I promised to fix everything. Mom, meanwhile, again called Natasha to dinner. Natasha turned and looked at the bookshelf, her cheeks blushed.
The girl smiled and said: “Okay mommy. Thank you. I am very hungry. And I will eat soup with great pleasure.
And indeed, to the surprise of her mother and grandmother, Natasha ate all the soup and two slices of bread. When the plate was already empty, Natasha told her mother: “Thank you mommy for such a delicious dinner.”
Natasha's mother opened her mouth in surprise: "So dear, good health!" Natasha kissed her mother.
- Mom, tell me, please, what kind of pink book is kept in my room on the shelf?
- This is a children's book, it's called: Lessons of politeness, why did you ask Natasha? Mom answered.
The girl approached her mother, hugged her tightly around the neck and said: “Mommy, this book is magical. Forgive me, please, that I was such an uneducated girl, now I will always say magic words to everyone every day. Now I know how necessary and indispensable they are!”
Natasha felt so light and cheerful, she looked at the bookshelf, on which stood a small, but such an important book. And although she knew all the letters, she still couldn't read, but she knew exactly what each polite word looked like.

Once upon a time Thank you and Please. They lived, did not grieve, were friends with each other. Where one goes, the other follows. Only heard from all sides:
- Thank you!
- Please!
Once in winter, friends went from an ice slide to ride. Thank you first climbed the hill, rolled down and shouts:
- Wow, how cool!
And picks up again.
And Please stands aside - he is afraid, the hill is too high. Thank you rolled down again and shouted again:
- Wow, great!
And the kids are rolling around, ringing with voices.
Please, enviably, I also want to ride, but I'm afraid of heights. And Thank you ran up to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him up the hill.
"Don't, don't drag me, please," Please whimpers.
Forcibly dragged Thank you my friend. They rolled somersault down the hill and into a snowdrift and fell. They wallow, puff, they cannot get out. And the kids are rolling around, pushing each other. Polite words are not visible, but heard from all sides:
- Are you pushing me?
- And what did you put on the tripod for me?
- Now how ladies in the ear!
- I'll punch you in the stomach!
Already all around the boys stopped laughing and began to fight. They beat each other with their hands and feet, kick, bruises and bumps put.
Finally got out of the snowdrift Thank you and Please. The boys saw that polite words returned to them and began to say:
- Thank you for giving me a bump.
- And thank you for the bruise.
- Please!
- Please!
And again everyone began to ride down the hill, only no one else fought.

Tale of greed

It was a long time ago, last spring. Or even earlier? It doesn't matter. A yellow "Gazelle" - a minibus - was driving through the big, big city. Empty ride. A young driver was driving. Angry, no one got into his car. There was reason to be angry - gasoline burns, and the car goes empty. And suddenly he sees an old woman on the side of the road. Waving to him, stop, they say. The young driver slowed down and asked:
- What do you want, grandma?
And the old woman replies:
- Are you going empty?
- Well…
- Gasoline, go, sorry?
- Well…
- I know how to help your grief. Give me a ride across the bridge for free, and I'll make sure that a full cabin will immediately fill up for you.
The driver grinned.
- All right, grandma, sit down. I'll see what you can do.
And then at the next stop, a full car filled with people. The driver rejoices, he counts the money in his mind. And there is still a stop ahead, the people are climbing again, it’s not like sitting anymore - there is nowhere to stand. The young driver thinks: “I’ll drop off my grandmother, there’s nothing to ride for free, there are so many people!” And says:
- Get out, old lady! You take your place! Or pay!
The old lady pleaded:
- I don't have any money! Legs are sick! I won't cross the bridge myself! Bring it on, kitty!
- No! - said, as the young driver cut off.
- Okay, - said the old woman, - I'll get out, only you won't be happy!
And got out.
She turned out to be right. People immediately began to leave the minibus, and some ran away without paying. And the whole day, and the whole evening, a young driver drove around the city alone in his yellow Gazelle. Nobody sat down with him.
And the next day, and a week later, and a month later, an empty minibus drove until the young driver burned all the gasoline stored in the garage.
Now he walks, looking along the roads for an old woman to ask her forgiveness, only where can you find her in a city of a million people. It's your fault, don't be greedy!

In one forest there lived a bear cub. His name was Gosha. And Gosha was a terribly impolite and ill-mannered bear cub. He offended other cubs, took away their toys, was rude to adults, never said polite words.

Once, Aunt Wolverine decided to bake cookies and treat them to all the forest children. She went to the store and bought everything she needed: flour, sugar, eggs, butter and milk. Aunt Wolverine put all her purchases in her bag and went home along the forest path. She walks between the pines and birches, thinks about her own thoughts, and she didn’t notice how the bear cub Gosha ran out to meet her from behind thick bushes. He pushed Auntie Wolverine so hard that her bag even fell out of her hands. Without even apologizing, the bear cub ran on. Auntie Wolverine shook her head and began gathering her things. Then the idea came to her mind how to teach Gosha a lesson.

Aunt Wolverine came home, baked a whole mountain of delicious crumbly cookies and wrote this announcement: “I invite all well-mannered and polite animals to a large clearing, where tonight I will treat them with delicious cookies. Aunt Wolverine.

She hung the announcement on a large oak tree so that everyone could read it. In the evening, all the guys-animals gathered in a large clearing. Who was not there! And bunnies, and squirrels, and foxes, and wolf cubs. The teddy bear Gosha also came. Aunt Wolverine treated all the animals with her delicious crumbly cookies, but she didn’t give Gosha.

Why didn't they give me a cookie! Where is my cookie! I want cookies! - began to demand a teddy bear.

Didn't you read what the ad says? asked Aunt Wolverine. - I invited all well-mannered and polite animals to come to the clearing. And you are impolite and ill-mannered. That's why you didn't get cookies. Maybe you can't read, so you don't understand?

It was insulting to the bear cub Gosha. He asks Aunt Wolverine:

And what needs to be done to be polite, well-mannered and able to read?

You need to go to school, - she answers, - they will teach you everything there.

The next day, Gosha went to school, where real children study. At first they were all very frightened, but the bear cub explained to them that he had come to learn how to be polite and well-mannered. Then the guys allowed him to stay in the classroom. Bear cub Gosha began to go to school every day. He soon learned what it meant to be well-mannered, learned polite words and learned to read.

Once, Aunt Wolverine wanted to treat the animals with cookies again. Again, as before, she walked along the forest path from the store. Then a bear cub Gosha ran out to meet her.

Hello Aunt Wolverine! Maybe it's hard for you? Let me help you carry your bag!

Gosh said.

Aunt Wolverine smiled and allowed the bear cub to help her, and then invited him to come to a large clearing in the evening.

Aunt Wolverine baked delicious cookies. His scent wafted throughout the forest. All the animals were treated by Aunt Wolverine to cookies. And Gosh too. The little bear took the cookies and said to his aunt:

Thank you.

What a polite little bear! - Aunt Wolverine said in response.


Stasik woke up very early, went out onto the porch, stretched out his hands to the sun and said:
"Hello Sunshine! There are so many of you today. You are so sweet and gentle. I love you very very much".
Suddenly, the sun extended a bright beam to Stas, which suddenly turned into a rainbow magic wand - Ray.
Stasik was frightened and almost dropped it.
The ray sparkled cheerfully and iridescently, suddenly the words “Make a wish” appeared on it.
The boy was at first confused, and then blurted out in one breath:
"I want a computer, the latest model, and that it is cool, super-sophisticated."
Stasik quickly entered his room, looked, but there was no computer on the table.
- Ray, why didn't you fulfill my desire, I have been dreaming of a computer for a long time, but my parents don't have the opportunity to buy it?
- Stasik, I would fulfill the request, but you didn’t say the magic word “please”, and without it I can’t fulfill any desire.
- I'm sorry, Luke. Please, please make sure that I have a new, cool computer.
And suddenly Stas saw a computer on the table, however, he did not have time to be happy when he disappeared.
The boy was upset, sad. Tears welled up in my eyes.
- Luchik, why did the computer disappear somewhere? I apologized and said the most magical word "please".
- Stasik, you forgot to thank me and the sun for this magical gift.
- Ray, please return the computer, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will never be so ignorant again.
And then a missing gift appeared on the table. Before Stasik stood a dream come true.
The boy jumped for joy and shouted loudly:
“Ray, thank you very much to you and the sun. I will never forget your kindness."
To this Lucik replied:
"We were glad to make a gift for the fact that you love the sun so much. Every morning you greet him, talk, play with sunbeams, sunbathe. Always be a well-mannered, polite boy and life will often give you, reciprocate kindly .."
Many years passed, Stanislav became a dad, then a grandfather.
He was always polite, he taught this to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Golden words: hello, good morning, thank you, please, excuse me, be kind, goodbye was always in his piggy bank of polite words.
Are you guys polite?
Let the story with Stasik serve as a good lesson in life for you.


    Vasilyeva-Gangnus L. ABC of politeness. St. Petersburg: Childhood-PRESS, 2001.

    Bogoslovskaya N.E., Kupina N.A. cheerful etiquette (textbook for the development of the child's communication skills). - Yekaterinburg: "LITUR", 2002.

    Shipitsyna L.M. etc. The alphabet of communication. M .: "Pedagogy", 1989.

    Shorygina T.A. Polite Tales: Etiquette for Toddlers. - M.: Prometheus; Booklover, 2003.

    Fesyukova L.B. Fairy tale education: For work with preschool children. - M .: LLC Firm AST Publishing House; Kharkov: Folio, 2000.

    Formation of the moral health of preschoolers: Classes, games, exercises / Ed. L.V. Kuznetsova, M.A. Panfilova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.