Hair color for green eyes: shades options. Hair color that matches green eyes

In the Middle Ages, the owners of green eyes were considered witches, healers. Endowed with a special magnetism, even today they attract with a magical color scheme. Emerald, olive, marsh combine play of gray, hazel, blue. When choosing a hair color for green eyes, there are many factors to consider. The natural color type matters, as well as the structure of the curls. Simple recommendations will create a harmonious, holistic image.

Features of green eyes

Green-eyed girls often belong to warm color types, contrasting appearance is much less common. The owners of this shade predominantly have fair skin with a golden undertone or freckles. The cold milky-porcelain tone is an exception, characteristic of bright azure green eyes.


  1. You can use the whole palette of red, red colors.
  2. Under different lighting, the color of the iris changes.
  3. Appearance looks harmonious even in the absence of makeup.
  4. Experiments in staining for 7–8 transitions are allowed.
  5. Modern techniques of balayage, shatush, ombre look great.
  6. You can safely apply color toning in bright turquoise, pink, peach, cherry tones.

Advice. To visually look younger, it is enough to use natural shades, both for coloring curls and in makeup with a warm undertone.


  1. It is important to monitor the condition of the hair, curls are prone to porosity, brittleness, and require regular care.
  2. Throughout the year, it is necessary to protect the skin with UV filters; owners of green eyes often have freckles and age spots.
  3. Cardinally white and blue-black do not fit, it is better to dwell on intermediate options.
  4. It is also necessary to pay attention to the brow arches - it is important to choose the right color for the new shade of curls - the lack of shape or too light hairs will break the magic of the color of the iris.
  5. To create a harmonious image, green-eyed girls should carefully monitor their facial tone. Any redness looks painful, so the color should be flawlessly even without transitions, spots. For makeup, it is better to use shadows in one palette with a smooth gradient. Avoid black eyeliners in favor of brown ones with a creamy texture.

Choice according to eye color

For grey-green eyes:

  • owners usually have naturally light curls, fair skin with a bronze undertone;
  • warm blond will become the prerogative, you can choose mother-of-pearl sand, wheat;
  • it is also worth paying attention to the palette of copper, red, rosewood;
  • milk chocolate, walnut, caramel are suitable for brown-haired women;
  • fair-haired beauties can use ashy, light brown shades, only in the case of flawless skin with a slight tan, otherwise the external data will lose its expressiveness;
  • black and blue-black will definitely be a losing option.

For dark greens with brown undertones:

  • indoors they are often confused with brown, and only in natural light can one notice overflows of olive, marsh, khaki;
  • girls have long dark eyelashes, arched eyebrows, hair is thick and voluminous;
  • stylists recommend using shades of light brown, wheat, walnut, dark amber, cognac;
  • bleached strands and platinum blond look unnatural, all skin imperfections appear;
  • owners of light skin with a pink undertone will suit rich chocolate, red shades;
  • those who want to become brunettes pay attention to chestnut, cognac colors, avoid black with blue and plum notes.

For light greens:

  • girls need to carefully choose a color: they often have light or olive skin, the color of hair, skin, eyes can merge, so you should add intensity to the colors;
  • it is preferable to use tinting dyes, maximum change color by 1-2 transitions;
  • the most harmonious caramel shades, mahogany, cappuccino;
  • the whole warm palette of blond is suitable - pearl, platinum, sand;
  • if the owners of light green eyes have dark eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be dyed in chocolate, cognac, plum palette.

For green-azure:

  • a similar shade of green is very rare, striking a bright, unnatural color, like the coastal waters of tropical islands;
  • girls have swarthy or bronze skin, while light skin is covered with a slight golden blush;
  • bright saturated tones will go - pearl, mother-of-pearl, Scandinavian blond, rosewood, dark chocolate, burgundy, plum;
  • you should avoid the natural range of light brown, chestnut, copper, amber, milk chocolate;
  • white and black are definitely losing colors for green eyes - they will add age, highlight imperfections, age-related skin changes.

The choice depending on the type of appearance

The combination of eye shade, skin color and curls are the main factors for determining the color type. Given the peculiarities of color, it is easy to determine the optimal shade of hair, revealing the depth of the green iris.


  • belongs to the cold type: girls have a contrasting bright appearance, the iris of the eyes occurs from green-brown to swamp-olive, green-azure with blue splashes is also possible;
  • beautiful deep chestnut looks great in combination with dark skin;
  • an unusual iris with mother-of-pearl tints should be used for a blond with perfect milky-porcelain skin;
  • ultra black with blue or burgundy hues will visually make you older, facial features may fade against such a background;
  • a rich palette of chocolate, cognac will be successful, golden, copper tones should be avoided.


  • girls with light green, marsh-nutty, olive eyes naturally have transparent skin with a slight bronze tint;
  • thin, often porous hair requires careful selection of products: soft dyes should be used, bleaching procedures should be avoided;
  • suitable pastel colors in eye makeup, as well as peach-pink lipstick;
  • the ideal hair color will be a sunny and sandy blond, you should avoid light brown and ashy tones, they will make the external data faded and inexpressive;
  • golden, copper colors, caramel, alder, walnut, amber are suitable.

Advice. Spring girls for those who want to experiment with new colors should pay attention to the strawberry, peach and coral range.


  • have gray-green or green-blue eyes, hair - from light blond to chestnut;
  • dark, saturated shades should be avoided, black, dark chocolate, cognac, walnut, plum will not work;
  • a cold blond palette is preferable - Scandinavian, pearl, ash, light blond;
  • to get a richer shade, choose alder, cappuccino, milk chocolate;
  • all warm colors will be unsuccessful - copper, golden, wheat, rosewood, burgundy.


  • there are predominantly marsh, olive, dark green, as well as green-brown eyes;
  • in the curls there are necessarily overflows of gold and copper, the optimal palette is red, fiery;
  • shades of burgundy, rosewood, bitter and milk chocolate are suitable for fair-skinned girls;
  • bronze, iris, amber will bring you closer to blond, ideal for green-eyed Autumn with freckles and a light tan;
  • cognac, chestnut and are suitable only for Summer with his naturally ashy strands.
  • When changing the color of curls, it is important to choose a new tone for the eyebrows, it can duplicate with an average intensity of hair pigment saturation, for light strands pick up 1-2 darker.
  • Green-eyed girls can use a multifaceted palette of blonde, red and chocolate. Shades of gold and shades of fiery flame will help to emphasize the bewitching magic of the iris. After changing the color, it is important not to forget about caring procedures to maintain the luxurious radiance of healthy curls.

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Owners of green eyes are very lucky, because this color is relatively rare. Green-eyed women were often compared with sorceresses and witches, and that's all, because it is these ladies who can boast of excellent intuition or even psychic abilities. Hair has always been a kind of halo or frame for the face, but not every shade can effectively emphasize the unique color of green eyes.

A red-haired beast with coquettish freckles is the most familiar image for green-eyed girls. You can even call it a classic. No one will argue with the fact that such a combination is very advantageous for a girl who, if desired and able to use her charms, can transform from a little witch into a vulnerable innocent princess.

Red-haired young ladies should take into account the tone of their face, because the lighter the skin tone, the less bright the curls should be. If the hair is too dark, then the pallor of the face will appear painful, and this does not look seductive at all.

Professional hairdressers often offer to do it by choosing red and red for a combination. Such an image turns out to be bright, suitable for burning perky natures.

What about those who do not want to follow patterns or just decided to change? Theoretically, any hair color can suit green-eyed women, but in order to achieve a more advantageous eye / hair contrast, you need to follow these tips:

  1. More mystery can be achieved if repainted in a dark color. The benefit of options from the dark palette of the sea.
  2. Red or copper hair color obliges the girl to master the art of makeup. But against the background of this shade, all the flaws of the skin become noticeable, but red truth can successfully emphasize green eyes.
  3. Black or plum shades will definitely add visual age., although against their background the eyes will be very alluring.
  4. If a girl cannot boast of the ideal condition of her facial skin, then you need to try light colors. The danger of this palette lies only in the fact that if you make a mistake with a shade, you can visually “discolor” your face. Therefore, you should not try to become too light, it is better to use one of the modern types of staining and play with the combination of colors. For example, a tandem of light brown and copper tones is very suitable for green-eyed women.
  5. The ombre technique looks very impressive. A good option for green eyes is chestnut roots, smoothly flowing into golden tips. The burning ends of red tones will look no less impressive, and the length can be both dark and light.
  6. Green eyes of a light tone look great against the background of highlighting, where the main color is light brown.
  7. If green eyes are slightly muted or dull, then bright hair can complement the overall picture. It is permissible to repaint in black, blue or dark brown.
  8. If the green-eyed woman has very light curls by nature, then a platinum or wheat version will do. It is better to forget about the existence of discoloration.

Do not forget that today there are many coloring techniques, for example, white, shatush, highlighting, coloring, ombre, which play on shades in one / two tones. What color would not fall on the choice of a green-eyed beauty, natural warm tones would be preferable.

But you need to focus not only on the eyes, no less important point is the skin. If you do not take into account this factor, you can not guess a little with the image. So:

  1. For perfect beauty, owners of olive (yellowish) skin will look good with dark hair. No blond and flashy colors, otherwise the image will be too unnatural. Chestnut, brown (you can dark), plum, black and even burgundy will be good.
  2. Fair-skinned ladies, of course, will suit copper hair color., as well as warm golden, dark red, honey. Black and brown would also be appropriate.
  3. Natural darks (or after a tanning bed) are in harmony with rich chocolate / brown curls, regardless of the dark palette or light.

A successful combination is 100% success in everything!

This shade is not very common, but those who are lucky can consider the following hair color options:

  • honey;
  • light brown;
  • medium chestnut;
  • dark red;
  • gold.

Tones close to red will be appropriate. The above palette is also suitable for those who have grassy eyes.

Brown curls will be an excellent combination. The red palette is completely inappropriate.

When green has a clear grayish tint, the following hair color can successfully complement it:

  • brown neutral;
  • black;
  • platinum blonde;

One thing can be said that experiments with dyeing hair in red colors are unlikely to please with the result.

Girls with brown-green eyes are divided into 2 types - autumn and winter.

The girl "autumn" looks good with the following hair color:

  • bright / fiery red;
  • copper;
  • chestnut;
  • warm brown.

The darker the shade of the eyes, the darker the curls should be.

The girl "winter" will suit:

  • deep brown;
  • black;
  • bold redhead.

If there are a lot of yellow specks in the rim of green eyes, then a good hair color will be:

  • chestnut;
  • copper red;
  • red palette.

Dots are not only yellow, but also orange.

Makeup is a delicate matter, it can both decorate and disfigure. Depending on the skin and shade of hair, make-up made in the following colors will be successful:

  1. Lilac, golden, purple shades are suitable for green-eyed brunettes with white skin. Marsh colors look good. Blush - mostly pink. Lipstick - natural, pink, caramel, and for the evening - red.
  2. On a brunette with dark skin, peach delicate blush is good. Shadows - beige, coffee, sand, deep yellowish shades. Lipstick - beige or pink.
  3. Blondes can safely use olive shades, chocolate / cappuccino color, gold, gray, green. A gray eyeliner is suitable for a cold type, and brown for a warm type. Blush - pink or natural beige. Evening makeup will be beautiful with pink or red lipstick, shadows - gold, plum, shiny. It will be beautiful with a feathered short arrow, but not on pink shadows, otherwise the effect of sore eyes will be created.
  4. Turquoise, coffee, cherry, amber shadows look good on brown-haired women. Blush - brown or beige tones. Lipstick - pink or violet, although, in general, almost all colors suit brown-haired women. The green pencil looks interesting. It should be noted that pink and blue shadows look vulgar, it is advisable to exclude them.
  5. The following shades are suitable for red-haired ladies: green, cappuccino, lilac, honey, caramel, apricot shades. Using brown shadows, choose a tone lighter than the color of the hair. Mascara - any, except for blue and other unnatural shades. Lipstick - light for the day, dark for evening events. Blush - beige (darker tone) or brown, which, again, should be a tone lighter than hair. Shadows for ceremonial evening make-up - bronze, plum, copper, brown.

In general, I would like to finally give practical advice - in order to find your individual style, you need to take the time and experiment with a decorative palette, then flawless makeup is guaranteed. It doesn’t matter what shade of a lady’s green eyes, the main thing is that they glow with happiness!

As it turned out, choosing a hair color that will not only look advantageous, but also emphasize, is not entirely easy. The same applies to the choice of hair color for gray-green eyes, the bottomless beauty of which can charm every man.

It is important not to forget that there are types of appearance, from which you should build on when choosing the right shade.

What hair color is perfect for gray-green eyes?

First of all, it is worth noting the aforementioned types, or rather the color types of appearance. In most cases, the gray-green color of the beauties with the appearance of the "Summer" type. At the same time, their skin is light and with a slight pinkish, olive tint. Eggplant shades, muted and silver-ashy tones will suit them.

"Autumn" is not only women of fashion with brown, but also with gray-green eyes. Warm apricot or ivory skin tone. Their ideal color is copper, light brown with a golden sheen, chocolate, dark brown with a red sheen.

If we forget about color types and start only from eye color, we get the following:

  1. Light gray-green eyes are in harmony with the blond. By the way, Hollywood star Charlize Theron loves platinum, sandy blonde. The red color will help emphasize the passionate nature. And any image will be remembered by a caramel shade or the color of milk chocolate. No less popular in the fashion industry is wheat color. True, it looks best on young ladies with fair skin.
  2. Dark gray-green eyes and copper shades of hair can bring more attractiveness and charm to the image of any girl. In addition, copper curls look great on the owner of fair skin. But, if you want to repaint in a darker color, then stylists recommend paying attention to chocolate, chestnut beauty. Moreover, it is not necessary to paint curls in one color. Nobody forbids opting for highlighting, in which part of the hair will be highlighted. This technology will give the hair a spectacular shine.

What unusual hair color goes with gray-green eyes?

Color the tips, make an ombre, coloring - eggplant, soft pink, gray-violet, lilac, pearl gray, red, cherry, raspberry, blue, blue, lavender will become an extravagant fashionable color for gray-green eyes.

Most green-eyed women are beauties of a warm type. Of course, girls of contrasting appearance are sometimes born, but this happens extremely rarely.

A typical green-eyed woman is the owner of fair skin with a golden undertone (less often, a scattering of freckles). On rare occasions, green eyes shine in a milky-porcelain face. If so, then the color of such eyes has an azure undertone.

What color can a green eye be painted?

First of all - in a copper-red or chestnut shade. True, not any of them will suit you, because the eyes of each girl have different saturation and tone. In addition, skin tone plays an important role.

Skin with golden undertones, irises with orange or yellow dots: your option is warm colors. You will be beautiful with reddish, golden, red hair.

Bright, grassy eye color: in addition to reddish shades, darker ones are also suitable for you - light brown, light chestnut, medium chestnut, dark red. By the way, blond hair will decorate you too. For example: golden or honey blonde.

The skin is pinkish, cold, and the eyes are grayish-marsh, or chameleons, shimmering brown: you have a cold type of appearance, which means that the redhead that goes with most green-eyed people will not suit you. But neutral colors (black tulip, neutral brown) are just right for you! Well, if you want lighter hair, look at the wheat, platinum or ashy shade.

In general, most green-eyed women (especially warm ones) should not bleach their hair, chasing the image of Marilyn Monroe. White blond or even light red hair can give the face of such a girl an unhealthy pallor. It is better to paint in a dark color, it will favorably emphasize the eyes.

Grey-green eyes and hair color

Most likely, you have natural blond hair and bronzed, but fair skin. Stylists advise to decorate your appearance:

warm blond (wheat or sandy with a pearlescent sheen);

color from a red or copper palette;

if you are young and follow fashion, "try on" the color rosewood.

Sometimes girls with gray-green eyes are born with other shades of hair. In this case, other colors will suit them.

Owners of light brown hair will suit different shades of light brown (but only if their skin is flawless and slightly tanned), as well as ashy strands.

Brown-haired women will suit caramel, nutty, and also the color of milk chocolate.

In any case, you should not “try on” black for green-gray eyes (including black to blue).

Dark green eyes that shimmer with hazel

It is these people who are called chameleons: on a sunny street, they seem to be khaki, to others marsh, to others olive, and in a dimly lit apartment, most people say that they are just brown.

But as a rule, such eyes come with thick, lush hair, beautifully defined eyebrows and eyelashes, which do not even need mascara.

The following hair dyes are suitable for you:

light brown (all shades),






If you are the owner of a light, pinkish skin, then you can afford a rich red, chocolate tone.

Well, very blond hair (platinum and other blonde options) will not suit your appearance - not only will the hair look unnatural, like someone else's wig, but also the color will highlight all the flaws on the face. Also, another “extreme” - plum and black tones will not decorate you.

Light green eyes and your hair color

Your case is considered difficult, as the owners of such eyes often have olive or fair skin and a neutral appearance in which the shade of hair, eyes and skin merge. Your task is to decorate yourself with a catchy hair color. For example:

buy a tonic that allows you to change your native color by 1-2 tones;

you can afford blond (but warm colors - sand, platinum, pearl);

from fashionable ones, cappuccino, mahogany, caramel are suitable for you;

and if you have dark eyebrows and eyelashes, dark colors will suit them - plum, cognac, chocolate.

Azure green eyes: your hair color

This rare color is very bright and so cosmic that many don't believe it's real. As a rule, its owners can boast of bronze or dark skin (or light, but with a golden blush).

Many noticeable, saturated colors will suit this appearance:



dark chocolate color,


pink tree,


blond scandinavian type.

As for taboo shades, these include milk chocolate, amber, copper, chestnut, light brown (all natural shades). Also, girls with azure eyes are contraindicated in two extremes - black and white hair. They will give the appearance of extra years, and they will not hide skin flaws.

The choice of paint for green eyes by color type

Cold winter color type: bright, contrasting appearance

There are winter girls with marsh, olive, hazel-green eyes. Also, their iris can cast blue and azure.

Here are the colors for you:

deep chestnut (if the skin is dark),

mother-of-pearl iris (if on the contrary, it is porcelain),

rich cognac, chocolate (for any skin).

As for black (in its pure form or with burgundy, blue tones), do not buy it - it will age. Also, warm copper, golden colors will not suit you.

warm spring color

Transparent skin (with a delicate bronze undertone), olive, hazel-marsh, light green eyes. The hair of such girls is often thin and delicate, ammonia paints are not suitable for them, you need to look for natural compounds. Also, do not “play” with discoloration for a long time.

Your colors:

sandy and sunny blond,

copper, golden palette,

amber, walnut, alder, caramel.

Ashy, light brown colors are not yours, they will turn you into a “gray mouse”.

It is better to combine them with pink-peach lipstick and pastel shadows.

Cold summer color type

The hair of such women can be from chestnut to light blond. The eyes have a blue or gray undertone.

Your hair colors:

from light - light blond, ash, pearl, Scandinavian blond,

from dark ones - milk chocolate, cappuccino, alder.

As you might guess, warm shades (gold, copper, wheat, burgundy) are not yours. Also, do not settle for rich, dark colors (bitter chocolate, plum, cognac).

Warm autumn color type

With this appearance, the eyes can be with a brown undertone, as well as olive, swamp or dark green.

The best shades of hair:

all representatives of the copper and golden palette (ideally - fiery, red colors),

if the skin is light, then: milk, dark chocolate, burgundy, rosewood,

if you have an unobtrusive tan and freckles, then: light amber, iris, bronze,

from dark ones, you can “try on” caramel, chestnut and cognac.

Taboo shades are considered black, light brown, ashy and white. Against their background, your warm skin will look not charming, but ridiculous.

Many poets in their works sing of the eyes, their depth, beauty, radiance. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul. Scientists who know a lot about the eyes admire this miracle of nature. By the color of the eyes, one can determine the character traits of a person, his mood. People are interested in the question of what color shades of the eyes exist. They depend on the pigmentation of the iris and how it is distributed in their anterior layer. There are 8 colors in total. These are gray, blue, green, brown, blue, amber, marsh and black. Taking into account them, a person selects items of clothing, accessories, hair color.

People with green eyes, green-eyed people

Hair color for gray eyes

Ladies with gray eyes are called lucky, as they have a different color. Nature also took a direct part in creating the image and rewarded most of the gray-eyed fair sex with light strands. But there are exceptions. Skin, face and hair of dark color are harmoniously combined and create a unique bewitching image. Some women dream of changing themselves beyond recognition and choose a rich color for their hair. Hair color for gray eyes should be selected, taking into account age and skin color type. Professionals recommend not to rush to extremes and listen to their advice.

  • Girls should not choose black. He will emphasize the shortcomings on the face, "add" age. The pale skin inherent in blondes will look sickly, and the eyes will lose their luster.
  • To emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes, their radiance will help the color of chocolate. A swarthy face is perfectly combined with it, the expressiveness of the eyes is emphasized.
  • A light and swarthy face, gray eyes are in harmony with the colors of cognac and nut shades. The expressiveness of the eyes should be emphasized with makeup.
  • Gray eyes look stylish and impressive in combination with red hair, which is very fashionable this season. Chestnut tones look especially original if there are reddish blotches on the iris.

If the skin has problem areas, a pronounced white hair color for gray eyes is best avoided. In addition, this combination looks very tasteless. Light brown paint and all its shades go to gray eyes. If a woman has gray eyes, then her type is cold, it is better for her to choose a natural light brown color. Ladies with a warm type will suit deep blond tones. If the face is pale, it is recommended to focus on pearl or ashy paint. It is suitable for women of any age, emphasizes the eyes and masks wrinkles and irregularities on the skin of the face. Professionals will help you choose the most suitable palette of colors.

Character of a man with gray eyes

Hair color for gray-blue eyes

For blue eyes, there are practically no restrictions in choosing a color palette. Before choosing a paint, you should consider what shade the skin is. If the girl has a rich tan and bright pupils, it is better to color her natural strands with more saturated tones. There are three types of skin: cold, warm and neutral. In the first case, chestnut, copper and golden hair color is suitable. If the skin has a warm color, it is better to choose colors of ashy and sandy tones. If women with blue eyes have neutral skin, you should make your choice in favor of colors of golden and light brown tones. The advice of professionals will never be superfluous.

  • It is necessary to select the color of the paint, taking into account the length of the strands. For short haircuts, the coloring composition should be saturated tones. If a girl has long hair, highlighting and coloring will be an ideal option for painting. The hairstyle looks spectacular and emphasizes the expressiveness of the eyes.
  • The stunning combination of black hair and blue eyes is admirable. It best emphasizes the beauty of the eyes. Black color is suitable for women who consider their facial features to be inexpressive. But you should not buy black paint for melancholic natures and owners of yellowish teeth. It is recommended to choose warmer tones of black paint.
  • Blue eyes and white hair are the dream of many girls and men. This combination is considered a classic. Light blonde should be chosen by women whose skin has a warm tone and a natural blush. Otherwise, this combination makes the image of an impregnable cold woman.
  • For lovers of red colors, you need to carefully select them. If a girl has white skin and gray-blue eyes, it is better to direct your gaze to rich, thick tones of red.
  • Cute, unobtrusive gray-blue eyes with brown hair look. They are suitable for calm, flexible and harmonious natures. Kohler "chestnut" pleasantly sets off the eyes and attracts men's looks.
  • For a unique female image, golden and chestnut colors are suitable. Red hair looks spectacular.

Properly selected makeup in natural tones will help to complete the image.

Interesting facts about blue and gray-blue eyes

Green eyes and hair color

Mysterious, mysterious green eyes beckon and attract others with their magic. When painting, the owners of such eyes need to pay attention to the saturation of natural strands, the color type and the recommendations of stylists.

Green eyes come in warm and cool shades. For any of them, there are optimal coloring mixtures. Warm-toned green eyes have brown, red, yellow blotches on the iris. Ladies with eyes of such colors are chestnut and light brown colors. If a woman has deep dark eyes, the best option for her would be the color of chocolate, copper, chestnut. Dark chestnut and rich blond color also suits them.

Stylists advise ladies with a warm type of green eyes to use highlighting and coloring. You should not choose pearl, ashy and black colors for painting.

Eyes with a cold tint have a marsh tint. On the iris there are dark green, gray, brown dots. Chestnut, honey, bright red color is ideal for them. If your strands are light, then it is recommended to use ashy, pearl and platinum paint. For dark-haired women, chocolate, black, brown and chestnut paint is suitable. For eye makeup, shades of silver, olive, gray, lilac are considered the best. It is not recommended to use white and light brown paint.

How to choose the right hair color?