Single mothers: three stories from life. An inspirational story: from a single mother to a happy mother of a large full-fledged family

What a woman wants, God wants.

French proverb

What would life be like if we believed that the answer to the question “What is my purpose” can be largely reflected in our desires, if they are pure and true. Maybe the voice of our desires is the voice of the Lord, with which he tells us about his will!? I am incredibly lucky from time to time to meet people on my way who have proven by their own experience that a person is given much more than just “go with the flow, it doesn’t matter if it moves in your direction.”

I met Xenia at the Marathon of Femininity. I, like hundreds of other girls, was touched and inspired by the story of her life, and this inspiration is still with me. Ksenia, having risked changing everything in accordance with her own vision and desire, as a result came to a life much better than she had, to the one she dreamed of, to the one she certainly deserves. We also deserve the life of our dreams, so let's absorb such stories with gratitude and keep them carefully, like the most expensive pearls, knowing that everything that maybe in this world, maybe for us!


My life can be divided into several periods.

The first is "nothing special". She lived like everyone else: school, colleges, institutes, work, parties. Everything was spinning and spinning automatic, I didn’t really think about high and far.

The second is capoeira (Brazilian martial art combining martial arts, dance, acrobatics, music and songs). Capoeira liberated me, gave me a good physical shape, many friends, trips abroad, Portuguese language, culture and the game itself.

The next period is twins. Running and playing, I suddenly gave birth to twins. Relations with their father did not work out, and I was alone throughout the pregnancy and the next 2.5 years. To say it was difficult is an understatement. I lived with my wonderful parents, they helped as best they could, but my mother and I constantly quarreled because of different views on life and for the upbringing of children.

I didn’t have anything, as it seemed to me - neither a husband, nor a stable job (only freelance), almost all my friends disappeared, there was only eternal fatigue and two lumps to whom I could not give what they needed in full measure - love, care, attention. I was a robot. It was at that moment that I "hooked" on spiritual literature, which saved me from despondency and depression. I became a vegetarian, cleansed my body from the inside and began to cleanse in thoughts. I understood very clearly how I want to live, I began to dream and think about how to change my life. Spending a lot of timealone, alone with myself, I learned to hear and feel exactly my desires.

Do not think with your head, but listen with your heart. She painted her future life in colors - her husband, a bunch of children, travel, her house, her beloved business and sea-oceans, and palm trees, and coconuts, and a bunch of friends, and a sea of ​​sun. In general, I was not shy in my dreams.

The next step was to act. I realized that the very first thing to start with is to leave. Where there is sea and sun. Then I will come to life and continue to conjure over my life. I began to sort out places - where. Before that I was only in Europe. My English then was theoretical, with a conversational barrier, I did not speak fluently. I thought about our south, so that not so scary, I thought about Turkey, because I was in Istanbul many times and I liked it there. I wanted warmth, sea, sun and freedom for yourself and your children. At one fine moment, I realized that I would fly to India - the country of my dreams. I dreamed about her for a couple of years, but she was just a distant dream and nothing more. I sat all day on the forum of that places where I wanted to, and suddenly I found people there who help to get used to the place, help to find housing and in general -
tell about life in a paradise place in all details. They also helped to find a kindergarten for babies and in general everything You can, and I am eternally grateful to them for that.

I bought a ticket and realized that there was no way back. Either stay and exist here, or take risks and live, breathe, fly there. Of course, everyone was shocked, but I didn't care. I was driven by something invisible. No, I don't vote heard)) But some kind of force made me believe and act that way.

I flew alone with the kids. It was hard, the flight was throughout the night. One of the babies cried for a very long time, the passengers of the plane cursed, but I only had India in my head. Iiii... I was met! On the way to the hotel, in the car, two hours later I could hold back smiles, smiled from the top of my head! Palm trees, ocean, air, heat, smells, freedom!
At the hotel I was met by two real Moscow boys, but "cleaned" by India to the bone. They helped me with everything! We found a house, took it to a kindergarten - it was open, under palm trees, the children were wild, but kind and cheerful. Very everything is heartfelt and warm. Later, I found a friend in the kindergarten who offered me a job sewing costumes for her collection (I fashion designer by profession), also continued to design on the Internet, and her parents helped a little with money.

This was the beginning of my period “India. resurrection of me." I transformed in a couple of weeks from a tired sleepy chicken into an Indian beauty. I began to breathe deeply, cleanse, relax! And wait... wait for Him and strongly, strongly believe.

Despite the fact that there were many interesting fans, again some force made us wait. Wait for something real, pure and bright. And not in vain. A clean and bright Frenchman flew right to the place where I lived on that moment. I settled in the neighborhood and began my next period called "The New Family".

We have traveled to India, Nepal, Thailand and Malaysia all together. Merged with each other from the first touch and still.

Now I am 30 years old. Over the past three years, I managed to get married, find a father for my twins (they are now real French women), give birth to another child, visit a bunch of countries, learn two languages, find a favorite thing (I started drawing again!) and figure out which way to conjure further. But now everyone is together with the family and in a clear head.

How did I manage to do all this?

first step there was the ocean and the beach of India, which cleansed my body and soul every day. This is completely my place. I soaked and poured into him with all her being.

Second- this is an understanding of how I want to live, and trust in this world, that is, complete faith that it will be so.

Third is life in the present moment. Without past and future. This solves a lot of problems.

And another important point is courage. Better to do and regret than not to do and regret. Courage every day usually it was she who brought me to the top in business.

And now ... great things are waiting for us :) My husband and I are flying to India again so that our second common child will be born. Give birth to I will be back in India, again at home on the ocean with a golden midwife and husband. But that's another story.)

We dream of our land, a house, a garden, an eco-village, and a lot of other things. But we have already found the most important thing. This is our big and happy family. I love them more than anything!

About vegetarianism I haven't eaten meat for five or six years. For the first two years, I was completely devoted to this cause, and whenever I asked about it, indulged in stories about how useful and tasty it is, and about lofty things in general. Later I caught myself thinking that I do not control my food, but it controls me. What, looking at meat or fish, I don't eat it not because I don't want to, but because I'm a vegetarian and I can't. This is what I understood as I stood stove, where the fish steamed. And I thought: but I can now take and eat a piece, and the world will not collapse, and all the fish of the planet will not come out of the seas to punish me. But I'm a vegetarian. And then I realized, that I do not agree that the fish control me, and ate a piece. And I felt so relieved! I realized that I can eat, but I can do not eat. And since then I have not eaten meat and fish, but already simply because I do not feel like it. And sometimes you want, or rather, not sometimes, but only during pregnancy. And I eat listening to my body. I do not think now about what is useful and what is harmful. Only I hear and feel. Just like in any other business. And everything turns out, and everything is ho-ro-sho!

I also want to think about the path of a person for happiness. Before you drop everything and rush to heavenly paradise, you need, like me I think this paradise to imagine. Not the paradise that others have, not the ocean with a palm tree from the picture, but your own own. I write that India saved me, but perhaps someone will come there and see drunken cows on the beach, vulgar Indians, a lot of dirt and terrible food... and thinks I'm crazy))) Or, breaking into a trip with a child, he will see that the child does not want this at all, but wants his school and friends and will be sick all the time because of this. In general, I mean that you need to look for your own. Understand what you want. Only you. Do not listen to anyone and do not copy.

An apartment in the city center or a house on the lake or river, or the sea and a bungalow, or live on the highest floor skyscraper, or ... Draw it in your head or on paper, paint and introduce. And after that, start acting, little by little, but acting. Then everything will roll like a snowball.

As they say, the hardest thing is to take the first step.
This all sounds trite, but still I want to focus on this. No need to want something "like someone else." Only your own.

Good luck to you!

Recorded by Anna POLYN.

Boris recently shared a new story with me. The topic is very controversial, controversial, like two sides of the same coin. Boris and I would like to know your opinion. Please share with us after reading, we will be very grateful. Irina.

Single mother's story

Wagon, coupe, the road is long, the rhythmic sound of wheels.

There are five people in the compartment, a young married couple, me and a mother with her son.

It's cold outside, but it's warm and cozy inside.

The conductor tries to warm the icy bodies and souls of her passengers.

I'm on the top shelf. I don’t feel like sleeping, I lie quietly watching how the young wife of her husband twists ropes, then give her this, then another, then this is not so for her, then another is not like that.

Then the young mother spoke, as if addressing no one.

“I’m thinking like a woman, if you believe the Bible, then the Holy Spirit is also Kobelino.

After all, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus from the Holy Spirit, apparently there was no worthy man in Israel for this. Knowing the purpose women- to conceive, endure, give birth and raise a child, she did it.

And if it didn’t work out to do all this married? What then?

Here I am, in girls, waiting for the prince, the captain of a schooner with scarlet sails.

But they are not and are not, well, neither princes nor captains go through my village.

And the years go on and on, now over thirty, but there is no dear, blood soul next to me. There is a dog, a cat on the farm, but this is not at all the same. Lord, there is no one to kiss, I kissed the pillow and watered it with woman's tears. The cat used to come to me, purring, trying, sorry, don’t cry, they say, so, under her murmur, a simple song, she fell asleep.

But, apparently, God heard my prayers, I hear, somehow in the fall, a car is slipping near the house. The motor howls hysterically, like me at night, into the pillow.

I could not stand it, got up, got dressed, turned on the light, put on tea, rejoicing that I had baked a pile of pancakes in the evening. I began to wait.

I wait and wait, but the driver does not come.

I went out onto the porch, I looked at the attempts of the car and the driver to get out of the puddle.

Finally, the cab opened, the driver changed into boots and stepped into a puddle. Then he walked around the car and walked towards me.

- Hostess, good night, - he began the conversation, - Is there a tractor in the village?

- Yes, but the tractor driver is drunk, - I answered, - you won’t get it. In the morning you let him hangover, that's when he will pull you out.

“Hostess, can you spend the night at your place, otherwise it’s the second day behind the wheel, I want to straighten my body, take a break from the steering wheel,” he asked.

“Come in, it’s not a pity,” I answered, letting him into the house.

Lord, how pleasantly the strong, overworked body of a man smells - the protector, the breadwinner, the head of the family, but the perfume of all France is no match for this smell. I, like a sponge, absorbed him, and he magically transformed me, elevating me to the status of a GODDESS.

It was as if I was filled with the juice of desire, I feel my lips became brighter, my eyes sparkled, my breasts became elastic, my nipples were about to pierce my blouse.

As if in a fog, admiring, I watched this magic: how HE takes off his shoes, puts on slippers, carefully washes his hands, snorting, washes his face, neck and chest, wipes himself, combs his hair.

It was a long time ago, but I remember everything about him: his every gesture, posture, gait, facial expressions, smile, accent in conversation. It was a discovery for me that HE does everything like a man, thoroughly. The verified strength and reliability of the defender lives in HIS every movement. Here it is, that “stone wall” that will protect and give a woman happiness.

Now I gladly notice all this in the habits of my son.

She offered him dinner. He willingly agreed. I warmed up borscht, a cutlet with a side dish, and served pancakes with jam for tea. What a pleasure to watch the beloved man eat.

He ate with gusto, generously praising my dishes. I am straight, lit up with happiness.

Chatting about some trifles, she cleared the dishes.

He went out on the porch to smoke, and I made a bed for him. They went to sleep.

And I can't sleep, I try to hear his breathing.

Before the eyes of a vision stands his hot strong body, she herself, already, became chilly.

Finally, gathering her courage, she went and dived under the covers to him. Well, then I remember strong, hot hugs, a state of delight in every cell of our bodies and blissful languor, the bliss of giving all of myself. Then he hugged me and fell asleep, and I happily lay quietly on his arm, in prayer asking God to give me a son. By morning, I was already sure, I felt that I would have everything.

In the morning I fed him breakfast. He thanked me, and I thanked him and we parted.

Within a week I felt the sprout of a new life in me, I even began to talk with him, to eat what he wants, what is healthy.

Lord, what a happiness it is to grow a new human, giving every minute unforgettable sensations .

I gave birth easily, without complications, as we agreed: he shrank - and I relaxed.

The doctor congratulated me on the hero, put him on my stomach, pushed him in the heel and ordered: "Crawl to the tit."

And he crawled, clumsily, smacking his lips funny, twirling his head, feeling for the nipple. Persistent, found the same, clung, took the first sip. Lord, what a bliss to feel like a child sucks milk. And then other joys followed: the first MOM, the first step, mastering the potty, the first tooth, the first ME.

There lies, snoring a little man, the sun of my life, my happiness, God's gift, a reminder of that magical night. And I don't need anything else. I have fulfilled my most secret mission in life, I am MOM.

I gratefully accepted the seed, created a new sprout, and caring for it manifests a divine purpose in my life. I am not an empty flower. My life has become brimming with the joy of giving, love and happiness.

How many years have passed, and I still thank God for the meeting, for the night of love, I ask for health, success for my night guest and wisdom for his wife.

If I hear someone calling a man a dog, I already cringe. It's not fair, it's not right.

Only a proprietress brought up in Christianity, who has not experienced the woman's loneliness, who has not known the severity of unclaimed LOVE, TENDERNESS and TENDERING, can speak like that, and she says something out of fear of losing a male protector, a support in life, from a feeling hidden in her that She did not give all the marital heat to her husband, she did not manage to solder her family with this heat.

I, probably, like many mothers who raise children alone without dads, from the phrase single mom becomes somehow uncomfortable. Now there are many women who have acquired this status. Some got married, gave birth to a child and were soon left without a husband. Others were left without a beloved man, after a positive pregnancy test.

Many stories, one ending. You are a single mother. One of the main axioms says - "Only a woman needs a child," therefore, when you give birth and have a husband, do not reassure yourself that this is forever. Alimony, in the future, as an argument is very unconvincing. Unfortunately, in our country the law is on the side of men. And therefore, if the ex-husband once a month transferred you a ridiculous amount in the form of alimony, no one will pursue him. He listed something. And it doesn’t matter what his child will eat, how to dress, what he will buy medicines for, and teach this baby. This is the mercantile side of the issue. But the whole world now rests on it.

Very often I heard - "Why do you breed poverty?". And I always thought that you would never get into this situation. After all, today you are a successful specialist with a high salary, who is valued and respected at work. And then the following happens in your life.

You got pregnant and went on maternity leave. And they safely forgot about you at work, and they were not going to remember in 1.5–3 years. But you come back, because you have to feed the child, pay for the garden, buy clothes and so on down the list. And you were no longer expected.

And you, with a highly paid specialist, quickly become a burden with sick leaves and a small child in your arms. Income is reduced by several times. They constantly threaten to fire you, tell you off at planning meetings. The appearance of a twitchy, worn-out mother annoys everyone. Nobody wants to associate with unsuccessful people. But, in their opinion, you are “unsuccessful”, if only because you were left alone. There is simply no one to protect you. How to survive as a single mother?

And here comes the realization that you just do not know how to live on. You grab onto any job, hack, your brain is looking for something else to do, how and where to make money. Where to get money? And very often your efforts do not give the expected increase in money. But it definitely leads to a nervous breakdown. It's good if you are stopped by the first ambulance driving away from your door. Here on the threshold appear despair, panic. And behind them is the disease, because nervous strain will make itself felt sooner or later.

And then you got sick. You can't go to the hospital or spend as much time on treatment as needed. There is no one to replace you. There is no way to just relax for a day or two. Naturally, there is no money for medicines and vitamins. And if the child is small, then there is no way to even lie down just for a couple of hours. The future of you and your child remains without any guarantee for tomorrow. Even if everything was fine before the birth of your daughter or son. You can only rely on yourself. You have no insurance, no guarantees. Fear begins to drive you into a deep depression.

This is where you should stop and start breathing evenly, deeply and calmly. Salvation from irreparable acts will be your baby or baby. Your child needs you. For him, you are a support and support. And when your child smiles at you with gratitude, pulls his arms towards you, hugs you and says, “Mom, I love you.” All fears and sorrows will recede, and you will begin to understand the real meaning of your whole life.

His successes, his first funny phrases. So he learned to sit, talk, here is the first tooth, he learned to walk and so on. But children are not always smiling and obedient. And they are not all right. And sometimes a transitional age, tantrums, whims. And you're stuck again. Always and everywhere you will be constantly haunted by questions: “What to do?”, “How to live on?”.

Raising a child alone is very difficult. And although everyone says - "God gave the child, he will help put him on his feet", but

It didn't get any easier for any of the mothers. And it's good if your parents or friends with girlfriends are able to help you. Don't turn down anyone's help. And be grateful for everything, even if it seems to you now that they are doing very little, but they help you survive now or close another gap in your budget.

And although now society is modern, but do not forget you will always and for everyone remain a single mother, something so unacceptable to society. You will always be under the close supervision of neighbors, kindergarten teachers, other parents, teachers at school. Very often you will be discussed behind your back. How are you dressed, how is your child dressed. Don't buy into the smiles of others. They are false 90% of the time.

You will be angry at the father of the child. It's okay to be angry, but don't take your anger out on your child. A quarrel with a child will lead to even more depression, and it will only make it worse for him. Don't take your hurt out on the little man. He is definitely not to blame for this, even if outwardly he is a complete copy of his dad and in character too. This will not help you one hundred percent, and will lead to alienation of the child from you.

The child will begin to strive in search of a "good" father. And one fine day, God forbid, he will go looking for him. Therefore, it is better for the child to know who his own father is. Whether he is good or bad, he will draw his own conclusions in the future. And believe me, he will do them absolutely correctly, without your intervention.

All these problems are difficult, complex, but can be solved with time. Sometimes you have to live from hand to mouth, without new clothes, visits to solariums, fitness clubs, restaurants, cinemas.

But many new and positive things have entered our life. Your baby teaches you to live again, to see the world in a new way, from a different position.

You are given the opportunity to educate him, raise him, teach him something, give something, extend your family, etc. The opportunity to grow up, stop being an ordinary consumer, give back to the world the loan you received with interest from your parents. Many things take on a completely different value for you. It's great to be a mom and learn to give your human warmth. This is often the main realization of a woman.

You begin to perceive the world in a completely different way. Otherwise, the word “Love” sounds to you. You will learn a new real meaning of this concept. Love is the ability to give everything you have without expecting anything in return.

Letting go, even knowing that it is likely that they will not return to you. You forgive all hurtful words, sleepless nights, whims. You are learning forgiveness. The world takes on other, more saturated colors. In men, you will learn to value reliability, readiness to help. You will learn to see the real virtues of a man. And where you saw flaws before, you will see virtues.

There is a misconception that a single mother will throw herself on anyone's neck. It is quite difficult for a woman who was left alone with a child to find a mate again. Having created our own small family (me and a child), we carefully look at who to let in and who not. And very often we are not in a hurry to find a husband. After all, we already know the difference between promises, words and deeds.

Every day that passes is a small victory. We are becoming much more creative. How to make a new thing out of an old thing, how to cook a delicious dinner out of nothing. Our thought process often finds a way out of difficult situations faster than women without children. After all, we often need to be in several places at the same time, doing several things at the same time. We rarely watch TV shows and feature films, more often cartoons.

The understanding comes that an ideal figure is not a guarantee of happiness, but a guarantee of health. Now we want to look attractive not only in the eyes of men, but also of our child. We are finally growing up. Infantilism disappears, rose-colored glasses. We are learning to make serious decisions, on which the future of our beloved man now depends. There is a serious deep transformation of the personality as a whole. A lot of things now recede far into the background, and something moves forward and becomes important.

In our time, such a social status as a "single mother" does not surprise anyone. Unless the older generation will look at you reproachfully and even with some kind of disgust. But what about us? What should we do if, by the will of fate, we were left completely alone in our arms with a baby, many without any moral and material support?

I'm not going to lie, the pregnancy didn't go smoothly. Constant mental anguish, talking behind your back, some ridicule from friends. All this left an imprint on my well-being and a couple of times I was taken to the hospital with threats of a miscarriage ...

On July 21, 2013, at the 36th week, 48 cm tall and weighing only 2.5 kg, my baby was born by caesarean section.

The first three months of life passed in a constant change of hospitals, wards, days of staying at home flashed by and again hospitals. But here we were discharged healthy and happy!

I must say that I live with my parents and younger sister, so I managed to avoid complete loneliness. My mother works 6 days a week, from Monday to Sunday, and on Tuesday she has a day off. My father is disabled, for a long time he was listed as a disabled non-working group, but not so long ago he was given a working group, so until my daughter was a year old he was at the labor exchange. The younger sister studies at the institute in absentia, officially works. You will say that what is there to think about how to survive, and the mother works, and the father receives a pension, and the sister, therefore, is not deprived of money. But no, it's not that simple. Well-being is interrupted by the fact that the sister pays for her studies at the institute herself, does not take money from her parents, but she herself does not really strive to help in everyday life financially. My father's entire pension, about 8,000 rubles, is spent on loans that every average family in the country has for the most necessary needs. And, finally, my mother's salary, about 20 thousand rubles, pays for utilities and provides us with a supply of food for a month.

With my higher education in regional studies and five years of experience as a waitress, the state generously pays me 4,234 rubles. Not thick, agree? And some have even less. And I sincerely do not understand HOW such an amount will help a single mother to feed, clothe, put on shoes and all that, a child? I am not a timid person, I immediately began to figure out where and how to earn at least a penny in order to provide my child with everything necessary. And since my baby is still breastfed to this day, I can’t go anywhere. And leave the baby with no one ...

And then a wonderful idea came to my mind. I posted an ad on Avito that I was looking for a nanny job in my territory. They periodically called me, but when they found out that I had a 3-month-old daughter, they politely refused the services, but I did not despair. Someone preferred in the nanny exclusively persons of Slavic appearance, in which it is difficult for me, a purebred Tatar, to argue. Someone - ladies of a more mature age. The situation was complicated by the fact that with a height of 159 cm, a weight of 40 kg, I look at my 23 at a maximum of 16. The good news is that thanks to such heredity, my mother at 44 looks at 30, and my aunt at 55 looks at 35.

Literally two months later, I did find a job. It would be more accurate to say that she found me. A woman called, happy, simple, sociable, and she urgently needed a nanny. The presence of my daughter did not bother her in any way, but even made her happy - it’s more fun together, and the child develops better, which I later convinced myself. The situation was tilted in my direction by the fact that we lived relatively close, practically on neighboring streets, but, as is often the case, we did not know each other at all. She needed a nanny for literally three working days a week, I immediately agreed, as it was convenient for me. After all, with a child up to a year old, you need to go to weighing every month, get vaccinated, etc., and having a weekend in the middle of the week completely suited me. The pay for the work was relatively small - 1,200 rubles a week, that is, for three days a week. Let's calculate, In a month it comes out to about 4,800, plus 4,234 generously allocated by the state, the total comes out to 9,034 rubles. Agree, already something. Many loves manage to live on less.

Honestly, the girl I sat with was a difficult child. At the age of three, she could not eat herself, she constantly hiccupped and pooped in her pants, constantly whined and was extremely short in development. I justified this by saying that my parents had no time to devote enough time to her, so they paid for their love with gifts. But I stocked up on patience and Novopassit and for 6 months I could not complain about life. Thanks to this part-time job, I was able to buy my daughter a walker, a high chair, a swimming pool, a stroller, a play tent, clothes, toys, dishes and other children's accessories.

Svetlana, 28 years old:

Anton and I dated for four years, got married, had a son. The first six months everything was great, and then I began to notice that something strange was happening to my husband. Although it may have started even earlier, I was just so absorbed in my son that I didn’t notice much. It seemed that the husband had cooled down to the child, he did not even take him in his arms. He cooled down to me, even went to sleep in another room so that the child would not wake him up. A few months later, I found out that he had a mistress. She called me herself and told me everything.

I was in shock, I was madly in love with my husband. I was sure that we would live together for many years and we would have more children. And all of a sudden, it's like your whole life is upside down. I almost lost my mind. Saved the child. Taking care of him gave me strength and I survived. The husband did not lie - he packed his things and left, as he said, to his beloved woman. True, he returned six months later. Tried to forgive, tried to live together. But I could not live with a man whom I no longer trust. Yeah, he didn't try too hard either. Now my son is four years old, my husband lives alone, I am also alone. The child is very drawn to him, but I don’t notice especially paternal feelings from my ex-husband.

Christina, 23 years old:

At the age of 17, I fell madly in love, we immediately began to live together. I got pregnant almost immediately, my boyfriend was against the child at first, but he said he loves, offered to sign. He was 27 years old, he seemed to me very mature and experienced. A son was born in a rented apartment. My husband was wildly annoyed by children's crying, he yelled at me, at the child, disappeared somewhere for days, but at least he brought money home. So they lived for six months, quarreled, reconciled. Then he started having problems at work, he began to bring home less money, it got to the point that he lived from hand to mouth. However, he did not lose weight, and once he even went on a business trip for a week, he returned tanned, satisfied. As it turned out later, he was vacationing with his mistress in Turkey. I depended on him, what should I do? And she loved him. But after he began to raise his hand against me, she packed her things and left for her parents.

They accepted me and treated me with understanding, for which I will always be grateful to them. And her husband never showed up. Yes, my child does not have a father, but he grows up in an atmosphere of love and comfort, he is my happy baby. And no matter how difficult and lonely it was, I am convinced that it is better to be alone than with the husband that I had.

Alexandra, 36 years old:

There was true love in my life, but the beloved died. For me, he was the ideal, and all the other men that I had after him ... no, they were not bad, but they were not the same. I did not want to associate my life with any of them. But I always dreamed of a child. I got pregnant at 32, as they say, for myself. The biological father of my child is my foreign friend, he was sympathetic to my proposal. So I became a mother. It is not hard for me financially, over the years of work I have saved up a lot of money, besides, I have my own business, which works great without me. My daughter is my happiness, and I will do everything to become the best mother in the world for her.