Major depression is treated or not in pregnant women. Depression during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and treatment

The continuation of life is one of the basic human instincts, so the news of pregnancy is always a happy and joyful event for every woman. The more incredible is the realization that pregnancy becomes an unbearable test for the psyche of a pregnant woman. Medical evidence suggests that depression during pregnancy threatens sensitive natures with a tendency to stress and melancholic mood, unstable personalities.

The presence of symptoms of depression is explained by the presence of an upset mood and an inadequate change of emotions, which creates addiction to the use of alcohol and psychotropic substances. Depression has a negative effect on the psycho-emotional and physiological state of the body, and, consequently, on the decrease normal development baby, so in such cases, contacting a specialist is an emergency.

Depression (if translated, this term means “pressure”, “suppress”) is a mental disorder that has the following characteristics:

  • the predominance of negative emotions;
  • pessimistic moods;
  • decrease in the level of joy;
  • loss of feeling of happiness;
  • feeling of negativity towards others and one's own life.

In a state of depression, there is a certain physical retardation of movements, low self-esteem, with a loss of vital interest and habits.

The human body by nature already has all the conditions for favorable bearing of offspring and the course of pregnancy, but the subconscious mind throws us a bunch of problematic situations. The modern pace of life has brought changes to the physiological process of future motherhood. He consolidated certain social norms, moral and moral foundations, expressed in the status of a woman. A pregnant woman has to experience tremendous external pressure in a new form for her. Unwillingly, she becomes a prisoner of her own experiences, driving it into her head that after the birth of a baby, you can forget about your former habitual life. The birth little man, who is completely dependent, will require a radical change in lifestyle, as well as moral readiness, tolerance and adaptability to a new role.

An important role is played by both moral and physical support of relatives, spouse and other family members. The main causes of depression during pregnancy can be identified:

  • unexpected (unplanned) conception;
  • unpreparedness for major changes;
  • housing problems;
  • financial insecurity;
  • negative from the spouse, relatives;
  • severe form;
  • unstable physical state;
  • unstable psyche;
  • lack of sleep hormones, happiness;
  • endogenous factors;
  • long-term use of sedatives and their overdose;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • previous unsuccessful attempts(, miscarriages, abortions, etc.);
  • increased weakness and fatigue.

Each depression during pregnancy is individual, but it should be borne in mind that it is easily treated with therapy. Depression can be congenital or caused sexual abuse, moral and physical bullying. Pregnant women have close connection neuroendocrine system and emotional background under the pressure of hormonal changes, which explains the increase in depression.

Mood swings, excessive tearfulness, sleep disturbance, anxiety about childbirth, nervousness during pregnancy can serve as signals of depression, and lead to a deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

Depression is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • melancholy;
  • irritability;
  • unwillingness to communicate;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • apathy;
  • suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • heightened sensitivity, the presence of tearfulness.
  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • acute feeling of hunger or lack of appetite;
  • no sense of joy
  • lack of pleasure from life;
  • reduced self-confidence;
  • fear of going out;
  • low self-esteem;
  • constant sleepiness.

The persistence of the bad mood of some pregnant women exacerbates their feelings of helplessness and worthlessness, leading to suicidal thoughts. In the presence of constant symptoms of depression and negative emotions, the lack of awareness of happiness and joy about the uniqueness of the moment of the birth of a new little man, entails the need to contact a psychologist.

"Period of denial" - this is how psychologists call depression during the onset of pregnancy. A new little life already exists, but the woman does not remember this or does not pay attention, because she does not feel it (in the absence of obvious toxicosis or threat).

The very beginning is both the easiest and the most difficult period of pregnancy. The female body begins to rebuild and prepare for “work in a new way”, absolutely all organs of the body undergo changes, including nervous system. Stress about the birth itself, the health of the unborn child, the material component - all this worries a woman in position. Very often, depression in the first trimester of pregnancy is closely related to family strife, the lack of opportunity to do what you love, abrupt rejection from habits (especially bad ones).

Still, depression can be confused with frequent mood swings associated with hormonal changes in the body and hypersensitivity. Most women begin to notice instability in themselves. emotionally at the initial stage of pregnancy. This is just one of several, due to the onset of hormonal changes in the body. Changes in mood, forgetfulness, lethargy, drowsiness, severe fatigue, these are the usual norm. If the mood has a pessimistic side of a protracted nature (more than two weeks), then it is already worth sounding the alarm. If it seems to a woman that everything is bad and there is no light, that it will only get worse and worse, this is what indicates the signs of an upcoming depression.

No one is able to predict the effects of depression on initial stages pregnancy. Foreign scientists and doctors have noticed a pattern in the decline in the development of children growing up in an unstable psycho-emotional environment. They noticed that such children may be underweight, retarded and have sleep disturbances. So the expectant mother should consult a doctor in case of prolonged anxiety.

At this stage of future motherhood, a woman finally feels like she is pregnant. With the advent of awareness, various kinds of thoughts about a radical change in her former life are born in her head. Psychologists called this stage the search for the lost object. Such an object can be the usual work, colleagues and friends, clubs and entertainment, various hobbies and hobbies. Despite the seemingly destruction of the old way of life, many discover new aspects of a changed life - they go to needlework courses, notice the talent of an artist or singer and musician in themselves, and study foreign languages.

We can say that it is the lightest and active period in the life of a pregnant woman. And if the expectant mother during this period is prone to a pessimistic mood and depressive thoughts, she will have to acutely experience negative emotional outbursts. Back and lower back pain, significant weight gain, breast tenderness, discomfort Bladder And frequent urination- all this entails negative thoughts about bearing. The harder the pregnancy is physically, the harder for a woman emotionally, with psychological point vision.

Medical statistics claim that depression during pregnancy is much more common than it is, but in the period after birth. Know that these are different depressions, and they are unrelated. The presence of depression during pregnancy does not mean its automatic transition in the period after the birth of the child.

Depression in early pregnancy is caused by a combination of several negative factors. Internal restructuring and, necessary for bearing offspring, play a decisive role in changing mood. The presence of insomnia leads to the inability to fully relax the body. Material troubles and financial problems, lack of understanding and support in the family, all this can become a kind of manifestation for the unstable psyche of a woman. Add to this the anxiety of the expectant mother herself and we get the maximum level of stress and depression.

With the news of a new emerging life, it is highly desirable for a woman to protect herself from all external negativity. Carefully and deliberately choose to watch even ordinary movies and TV shows. Passion for needlework, knitting, sewing and embroidery can positively affect her emotional state and distract from unnecessary experiences. It must be remembered that often stressful situations lead to poor health of the woman herself and even missed pregnancy and miscarriages.

In psychology, this period has a unique name - depression. Now even the most calm and balanced natures can panic. The approach of childbirth every day, more and more colorfully draws a perspective for a woman surrounded by pots and diapers. The feeling of short-term loneliness, manifested more and more often, leads to a feeling of despondency and hopelessness. The appearance of anger at the husband, with his unchanged life, or the mother-in-law with her eternal advice and long nose. During this period, it is important to allow yourself to be a little weak and be in a bad mood and not be tormented by remorse, but to accept yourself as you are.

The physical condition of a woman recent months undergoes significant changes: big belly, a serious load on the spine, sluggishness, heavy weight. In this state, the expectant mother often feels helpless and useless. A feeling of dependence on others, an imaginary lack of interest on the part of the spouse, all this leads to excessive tearfulness, resentment and irritability.

Often during this period, a woman is attacked by fear of childbirth, which can also cause depression. It is also caused by physical and psychological fatigue accumulated during pregnancy, the presence of overweight, loss of the familiar body and former sexuality, dissatisfaction with oneself, anger and irritation with relatives who "do not understand or support anything."

Strange behavior of pregnant women long term may manifest itself in a desire for uncharacteristic loneliness, a love of long walks in nature, or a diversion to needlework and the preparation of a dowry. It is important at this moment to learn to listen to yourself and your body. If you love and accept yourself in this state, then depression will not bother you. After all, it is so significant to devote your thoughts and strength to yourself before the birth of a child. After all, with the advent of the baby, such an opportunity will not appear soon.

The highest point of manifestation of depression is just the moment before childbirth, in last dates. The girth of the abdomen reaches a maximum, there is no opportunity for a pregnant woman to fully relax. The focus of thought is early birth and the end of all the pain associated with pregnancy. Often this condition is aggravated by the fact that relatives and friends fall asleep with questions of such a plan: who are you waiting for, and when will this happen.

Psychologists say that depression at this stage does not harm the health of the mother and baby. Remember that the stress that the baby will endure during development in the womb can reinforce his failure to solve problems in later life. According to observations, it was revealed that children who have undergone stress develop worse in childhood and lag behind their peers.

You should always remember that the calmer the mother is on the eve of childbirth, the easier the birth itself will be. Spend precious minutes doing what brings you joy and pleasure, and do not transfer emotions to negativity and its manifestations. You will still need strength to meet your baby.

Always remember that pregnancy is not only a euphoria and a holiday for a period of forty weeks, but also a period in which negative thoughts and emotions very often arise. No wonder it is recommended to go to maternity leave on time, without burdening yourself with work before the start of contractions. Without a doubt, the usual way of life helps the expectant mother delay the awareness of a radically changed life.

The presence of the usual work, friends and colleagues, recognition of significance will help to avoid depression for the first time, but at the same time it is necessary to remember about rest, which means it's time to go on vacation and prepare more carefully for motherhood. The sooner you realize that the main worries will still fall on your shoulders, the easier it will be for you to avoid the pressure of a suddenly dropped load.

If depression is not dealt with in time for such a period, then it can develop into hysteria. Strengthening of nervousness will occur due to the huge belly and its own resemblance to a clumsy duck, the inability to get enough sleep from suffocation, or eat well (the child will put pressure on the stomach, and you will suffer from heartburn).

Thoughts of imminent childbirth, like an annoying swarm of flies, will constantly disturb the expectant mother, and any little thing can cause concern about the baby's condition. It is impossible to prepare for all situations, but remember that it is also normal to be nervous. In the ninth month, almost everyone notices the slowness of the passage of time. To help come to terms with the slowly current expectation, courses for pregnant women, walks, hobbies, communication on thematic forums, support for pregnant women and already established mothers, and so on, are called upon.

One of the most serious types of depression is pregnancy-related depression. This grief has a very strong effect on both the physical condition and the psychological health of a woman. After the fertilization of the egg, certain processes are launched in the woman's body that prepare the body for bearing and giving birth to a child. A sudden failure and stop in the development of the embryo leads to the fading of pregnancy, which, in turn, affects the woman’s body as a whole, to the so-called “program failure”.

This loss, especially if the child is long-awaited, turns into real grief, in which a woman often blames only herself. Wild and negative emotions, the pain of despair, misunderstanding, a pessimistic attitude towards the future often lead to thoughts of suicide.

The presence of signs of depression in this situation requires constant monitoring by relatives, their care and participation, and often the help of a specialist in psychology. First, an end to self-flagellation is required. You are not to blame for the death of the baby, because you are not able to influence its development in the womb. Second, you don't have to hold back your emotions. IN this case, with the influx of tears - cry. Third, understand that you need time to recover (mentally, energetically and physically). On average, recovery takes from 3 to 12 months. Fourth, you need to undergo additional examinations to increase self-confidence and eliminate negative factors affecting normal flow pregnancy.

If the fading of pregnancy has led to depression and apathy, the pain and longing from the loss intensify, and the desire to live and continue to decrease further and further, it is urgent to contact a psychologist. He can prescribe a course of relaxation, hypnosis, recommend yoga, su-joki or acupuncture.

To establish the presence of depression, you need to identify the symptoms, and their confirmation. To confirm the diagnosis, two main conditions should be established:

  1. depressed pessimistic daily state, lasting more than two weeks, throughout the day;
  2. lack of life's pleasures and interest with the same duration.

In addition, there may be:

  • sleep disorders;
  • decrease / increase in appetite;
  • energy depletion
  • chronic fatigue;
  • a state of nervous excitement / lethargy;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • failure to make decisions;
  • distraction;
  • hypertrophied sense of guilt;
  • suicidal tendencies.

To diagnose depression, it would be right to contact a specialist psychiatrist, psychologist and obstetrician-gynecologist. Depression can be diagnosed using psychological methods and tools (various tests, surveys). At the initial appointment with a psychotherapist, the form and nature of depression is determined. Also biochemical research blood can detect the presence of genetic markers. Thus, in the early stages, you can find out a woman's predisposition to depression and prevent them.

A prerequisite is that depression in pregnant women is subject to control by a specialist psychologist or psychotherapist. Only a specialist will be able to determine the complexity and form of the disease, which means that he will correctly prescribe therapy. Treatment will be ranked according to the stage of the disease. So, average and light form succumb to the influence of hypnosis and individual-group psychological approach, the processing of fear and doubt by a competent psychologist. These stages are treated without the use of medicines and drugs, by developing the skills of rational-positive thinking.

Antidepressants during pregnancy are already a serious step, and are prescribed only in the following cases:

  • a severe form of depression before conception, and its aggravation after;
  • frequent relapses of the disease;
  • lack of stable remission;
  • depression is asymptomatic.

Psychotropic drugs have the ability to cross the placenta and get into amniotic fluid. Therefore, depression treatment should be started long before pregnancy. The first on the list of drugs to combat depression during pregnancy and before its onset are inhibitors - sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, fluoxetine, venlafaxine.

The use of these drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of heart disease, the development of an umbilical hernia in a child. These drugs are prescribed only in situations where it is impossible to do without them, and the risk of harm to the baby is justified.

The use of antidepressants by women during pregnancy causes the birth of children with problems in the digestive tract. In babies, there is a decrease in the work of the stomach, an increase in heart rate, respiratory failure, trembling, etc.

The selection of the dosage of drugs should occur individually in each case.

  • "Sertraline" - intake per day should not exceed 200 mg. Drink it should be no longer than 3 weeks.
  • "venlafaxine" - start the dose with 75 mg, two doses per day. Also no longer than a couple of weeks. If there is no effect, the dose is increased by 2 times;
  • "paroxetine" - from 10 to 60 mg daily rate. The treatment period is 2-3 weeks;
  • "fluoxetine" - initially 20 mg per day (maximum dose - 80 mg) for 3-4 weeks;
  • "Citalopram" - from 10 to 60 mg per day. The course of treatment reaches 6 months.

We also forget about the side effects of taking such drugs, including: flatulence, hepatitis, hallucinations, drowsiness, panic attacks, convulsions, allergic manifestations, cough, pressure surges,.

Changing the dose in any direction is carried out smoothly and under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment for severe depression during pregnancy is possible with the use of electroconvulsive therapy. This method It consists in the artificial suppression of stress hormones by inducing seizures. An alternative option is to use acupuncture, which has minimum set side effects. Impact on acupuncture points helps to cope with a mental disorder within four to eight weeks.

You can also deal with depression through physical activity. Yoga and other sports give excellent results. The main thing to remember is that the intensity of the loads should be commensurate with the severity of the disease and the individual recommendations of the gynecologist. In addition, the greatest effect is given by classes held in the gym, and not performed alone at home. A significant effect is given by yoga, Pilates, swimming, aerobics.

Do not forget about herbal antidepressants. Their benefits are much more tangible, especially considering that they do not affect the development of the fetus, if there is no individual intolerance. With a mild form of depression, this is the most effective remedy, for example, an infusion of St. John's wort. Nevertheless, the intake of such a plant must be agreed with the attending gynecologist and psychotherapist. Remember that when taking any medicinal herbs, maximum caution must be exercised. St. John's wort is especially incompatible with pharmacological, sedative antidepressants and other drugs.

The quality of this product must also meet the standards, so it is recommended to buy St. John's wort in pharmacies, and not from unverified and dubious herbalists. The recommended dosage of the infusion is up to 300 mg three times a day. In order to properly prepare the decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, dip it into a container with 200 ml of boiled water. Then this container must be boiled for thirty minutes in a water bath.

Practice shows that the development of depression most often occurs in those women in a position who are often criticized by superiors at work or a spouse in the family. They face a heightened misunderstanding of the changed situation. Remember that the condition of the expectant mother requires a special emotional attitude, support, and attention from people close to her who will help to feel positive emotions and bring back the joy of life.

To prevent depression in pregnant women, they need to provide:

  • good rest and healthy sleep;
  • proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber;
  • exciting, useful activities that can bring joy and happiness to the maximum;
  • daily walks;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • obligatory care of their appearance;
  • focusing on positive thoughts and emotions;
  • optimistic attitude;
  • the need for a timely decree;
  • communication with like-minded people (forums and courses to prepare for childbirth);
  • timely referral to a specialist.

The use of fatty polyunsaturated amino acids: docosahexaenoic (DHA / DHA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA / EPA) and Omega-3, which are high in fish, will help prevent and reduce depression, and these acids will also help prevent a number of heart diseases.

Studies show that women are 3 times more likely to be depressed than men. This is largely due to the fact that women are more willing to share their psychological problems with others. However, there is also objective reasons such a state of affairs. They arise from the peculiarities of the functioning of the neuroendocrine system of the female body, which is clearly manifested during pregnancy. This condition even has a well-established name - prenatal depression.

It is worth bearing in mind that depression during pregnancy is not just a bad mood, which can be transient. This is a persistent state of anxiety and pessimism that lasts for several weeks. It is characterized by negative thoughts, a constant feeling of self-doubt and inability to cope with problems. The severity of the condition can also vary. In some women, it can be expressed only in a headache and a decrease in appetite, in others - in obsessive thoughts about suicide.

There are several implicit reasons due to which depression appears during pregnancy. First of all, a depressive state can be before pregnancy. Depression can haunt a woman if the pregnancy is unwanted.
An important role is played by hereditary factors. Objective circumstances can also influence - material problems, stress due to a shift familiar image life, conflicts with loved ones, toxicosis and other complications of pregnancy, etc. Sometimes depression occurs in women whose previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage or ended unsuccessfully for other reasons. However, it often happens that depression occurs for no apparent reason.

Of course, not every pregnant woman suffers from depression. Moreover, during pregnancy, depression in women is slightly less common than in other periods of life. But for expectant mothers, depression is a big health hazard. It has a negative impact on the development of the fetus and can cause various complications, premature birth, the birth of sickly children or children with low birth weight.

Features of prenatal depression in different periods of pregnancy

At various times during pregnancy, depression is usually caused by different reasons and has its own characteristics. The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by changes in behavior and mentality, primarily due to somatic causes - restructuring of the hormonal balance and the work of all organs. But psychological reasons also contribute to the change in the emotional state - the realization of the need to change the way of life, the rejection of certain habits.

The second trimester has a different effect on a woman. The expectant mother begins to understand that her life after the birth of a child will change dramatically. Many familiar life things have to be revised. And not always consciousness is ready to put up with it. Added to this are also negative somatic factors - back pain, weight gain, insomnia, frequent urges to urination.

But the most difficult psychologically is the end of pregnancy. Depression during pregnancy usually manifests itself with full force on later dates. The painful expectation of the moment of the birth of a child, the fears associated with them and the realization of enormous responsibility can make even the most cold-blooded people panic. A woman can for a long time be in a bad mood, angry at a husband, mother-in-law or mother. Objective circumstances also contribute - a large belly makes a woman clumsy, interferes with proper rest, which leads to rapid fatigue.

How to get rid of prenatal depression?

If you find symptoms of depression in yourself, then you need to take them seriously. This condition will not go away on its own, it must be dealt with. And it is quite possible to defeat him. First of all, the family and loved one should surround the expectant mother with care and warmth, make her forget about all her worries. In addition, it is necessary to analyze what objective reasons could lead to this condition, and, if possible, eliminate them. As for a bad mood - a harbinger of depression, there are simple methods that can raise it.

The case is dark

It would seem that pregnant women should glow with joy and happiness. But this is not always the case. Especially often, longing rolls over women on gloomy autumn or winter days. You won’t go for a walk - it’s cold and disgusting on the street, to the store or guests too - for the same reason. It remains to sit at home, within four walls, and they are already quite tired of them during the decree (and how much more will you have to sit after giving birth!). As a result, the mood becomes quite dull. Apathy, weakness, loss of strength appear. Nothing pleases - I just want to sleep and eat (preferably sweet and more), and then sleep again.

If depression occurs in autumn or winter, then it is called seasonal depression. But, fortunately, it rarely comes to real depression. More often than not, it's just a low mood. And it decreases due to the fact that in autumn the content of serotonin in the brain, a biologically active substance that regulates mood, decreases. When serotonin is low, it deteriorates. Moreover, the deficiency of this substance is directly related to the deficiency of light. In October-November, the sun rarely peeps through the sky - it hides behind lead clouds. Days become short, nights become long. We, in fact, find ourselves in the power of eternal darkness. And she does her dark work with our mood.

Add in changeable weather here, and you will understand why expectant mothers feel, to put it mildly, not very good. However, the frills of the weather are not a reason to fall into a real depression: the baby is very dependent on your mood. When mom is sad and sad, he gets nervous. And if a mother “gets stuck” in longing-sadness for a long time, her child can be inherited increased anxiety. So it's time to declare war on the blues. Moreover, it is not such a difficult task.

10 steps to a good mood

Here are simple tips to help you cope with the blues and defeat the negative mental attitude.

Let there be light

If the mood deteriorates due to lack of light, therefore, you need to “brighten” your living space as much as possible. Get up early, walk in the morning and afternoon - so you "catch" more sunlight.

Love to wander before bed? Avoid dark paths, choose well-lit routes. You can go to the city center - an abundance of bright light bulbs and shop windows will "illuminate" not only your path, but also your mood. By the way, at home, too, do not save on light bulbs: poor lighting is dangerous for the human psyche.

Add brightness

wear bright clothes(or at least bright accessories: scarves, hats, bags), make bright screensavers on the screen of your mobile and computer, hang yellow or orange curtains at home - these colors energize and positive, put a vase of citrus fruits in a conspicuous place - tangerines and oranges will “disperse” your spleen not only with their cheerful color, but also aroma.

More activity

Of course, during the "interesting position" you will not famously dance salsa or sweat in gym, but there is an alternative: swimming, walking, yoga for pregnant women. Yes, there - you can be active at home.

Do a general cleaning (just don’t lift heavy things): sort out kitchen drawers, wash dishes to a shine, put things in order in cabinets - there will be no time after childbirth. And all this - under cheerful, incendiary music. You will see - the mood will improve.

Are you pissed off and can't calm down? Iron ... linen. Monotonous hand movements - they took a thing, spread it out, ironed it, folded it, took another one - they have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Rejoice in pregnancy

This will put you back in good spirits. Get in a positive mood. Remember that every day of your current state is a miracle that may never happen again. Go shopping. Buy tiny "baby" things, bottles, a bathtub, diapers - everything you need after childbirth (and don't believe in signs: buying baby clothes is a huge pleasure for the expectant mother). Think over the design of the nursery: sew pillows, curtains, draw a couple of pictures (if you don’t know how, find lessons for beginners on the Internet).

Drop the "anchor"

If you find it difficult to get rid of some gloomy thoughts - you endlessly scroll through them in your head like a broken record - try to stop them using the method of pleasant memories. Sit comfortably, remembering some pleasant episode. Dive into memories. It is important to refresh all the nuances in your memory, as if it happened to you quite recently. Felt in the grip of pleasant emotions

Associate them with some action: touch the watch on your hand, twist wedding ring or touch the earring. This is the psychological "anchor". When despondency or sadness suddenly floods over you again, it is enough to repeat the same action in order to again experience a surge of joy.

Eat good mood food

Some foods increase the production of serotonin. Among them are bananas, chocolate (thirty grams a day will not harm even those who are afraid to get better), citrus fruits, dates. Eat more fish, seafood, various cereals (especially oatmeal) and dairy products. But coffee and tea increase anxiety, it is better to replace them with berry fruit drinks and herbal decoctions - with mint, thyme.

veto negative information

Do not watch the news on TV (there is always a lot of negativity) and do not study it on the Internet. Thrillers, action films, films with a bad ending are banned. If you really watch the "box", then only educational and entertaining programs, comedies, melodramas and programs about raising children.

Don't stay at home

When cats scratch their hearts, I want to hide in a corner and not communicate with anyone. However, such seclusion will only aggravate your condition. On the contrary, go out more often - meet friends, get out to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, rest home (at least for the weekend) or to the country. This will help you switch.

Pamper yourself

Start doing at least three "good things" for yourself every day. For example, make a face mask, eat your favorite ice cream (just don't get carried away), buy a new tunic. It would seem a trifle, but the mood will improve.

Find the good in everything

Is it raining outside the window? But how well you sleep at such moments! Is there a biting wind outside? But how cozy and warm at home with a cup of fragrant tea and under a soft blanket! Replace negative thoughts with positive ones and the blues will subside.

What Not to Do

scold yourself

Say, “I am a future mother, I should be joyful and contented, and not sour with longing!” There is really no point in turning sour - you need to get out of this state. However, you also have the right to sometimes cry and be out of sorts. After all, it is impossible to program yourself for 100% joy.


November is the most depressing month of the year. What if I get depressed too? Our ancestors had no idea about any seasonal blues - in the fall there was a lot of work: they simply had no time to be sad and cry. So you do not allow yourself to be bored, then melancholy will not have a single chance.

Two weeks of sadness

True depression can be suspected only when unpleasant symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Among them are depression, anxiety, drowsiness, apathy, mood swings (for example, it “rolls” stronger in the morning and weaker in the evening, or vice versa), difficulty concentrating, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite (or a constant desire to eat), headaches, fatigue , irritability, indifference to everything that happens.

During pregnancy, depression is still an infrequent occurrence - nature made sure that the expectant mother had enough physical and mental strength to carry the baby.

But if you suspect it is depression, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. Only he can suggest how to get out of this state. Of course, sometimes helpful tips can be obtained from relatives or friends, but they will be based only on personal experience other people, which may be wrong. And the sooner you see a specialist, the greater the chance that depression will not harm your health and the health of your child. Sometimes you can do without drug treatment, but in a severe case, you will have to use antidepressant drugs. Do not be afraid to use medicines, since today drugs have been developed that do not harm the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Pregnancy is the happiest time in every woman's life. The expectant mother is looking forward to the appearance of the baby, prepares undershirts, makes repairs in the apartment, arranges “photo shoots” and many other pleasant things. Unfortunately, according to various studies, from 10 to 15 percent of pregnant women are in a state of depression of varying severity.

Depression (from the Latin word for "suppress") is a mental disorder characterized by the "depressive triad":

  1. Decreased mood and loss of the ability to experience joy.
  2. Thinking disorders (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening).
  3. Motor retardation.

Depression is recognized as the "plague of the twentieth century". At the same time, women are prone to depressive disorders 2-3 times more often than men.

Information During pregnancy, the symptoms of depression are less pronounced, but the consequences can be more serious, because not only the condition of the mother, but also the unborn child is at risk. The "hormonal storm" in the mother's body provides fertile ground for the development of depression.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors for depression in a pregnant woman:

  • Tendency to experiences, emotional instability, character traits.
  • The presence of depressive disorders mental illness from close relatives.
  • Presence of depression before pregnancy.
  • Refusal of previous treatment due to fear of negative effects on the baby.
  • Unwanted pregnancy, doubts about one's strengths and capabilities.
  • Severe pregnancy - threatening miscarriage, severe toxicosis, pathological weight gain.
  • Unfavorable family environment complicated relationship with the child's father, parents, older children.
  • Lack of fulfillment at work, the negative influence of colleagues and superiors.
  • Fear of upcoming changes and difficulties.
  • Fear of pain, fear of childbirth.

Anxiety manifestations

Everyone knows that mood and emotional condition pregnant is changeable. The systems of the female body are reorganized to bear the child, ensure its successful course, the setting of the mother's body for upcoming birth. The nervous system is also completely rebuilt, the so-called "dominant of pregnancy" is formed.

But there are a number of signs that are alarm bells for the expectant mother and her loved ones:

  • feeling of sadness, emptiness, apathy;
  • previously enjoyable activities and hobbies do not bring the same joy;
  • loss of strength, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • inability to concentrate, remember, make a decision;
  • lack of appetite;
  • excessive appetite, "jamming" of experiences;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • sleep disturbance (night awakenings, excessive sleepiness, nightmares);
  • feeling of uselessness, helplessness;
  • unwillingness to communicate with relatives, colleagues, desire for loneliness;
  • thoughts of death or suicide;
  • tearfulness, aggression, irritability;
  • vague pain, not amenable to treatment.

Additionally Depression is suspected if five or more of these symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

Besides simple method, there are a huge number of tables and tests:

  • Beck scale;
  • Zung scale;
  • Hamilton scale;
  • Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale;
  • Self-rating scale of depression and others.

A pregnant woman can pass all these tests on her own, but it is better if a specialist psychologist or psychotherapist helps to do this.

Treatment for depression - do it yourself

Important First of all, a pregnant woman needs the warm and friendly support of family and friends. Do not be afraid to tell your beloved husband, best friend or mother about their worries, ask for help and encouragement.

To cope with the manifestations of depression in a pregnant woman, you can start on your own:

  1. Normalize the regime of the day - try to rest as much as possible, allow yourself an hour and a half daytime sleep, go to bed earlier.
  2. Start pleasant changes in your home - re-paste the wallpaper, plant flowers, order new curtains. Repair and cleaning in the apartment should be a joy, not a burdensome everyday duty.
  3. It is very useful to diversify your life with light physical activity - sign up for yoga, swimming or Pilates courses. These types of loads are completely safe for the expectant mother and child.
  4. Do not forget about yourself - watch your manicure, hair, visit a hairdresser or spa.
  5. Be sure to eat well, even if there is no appetite at all. Fresh vegetables, fruits, must be in the diet of a pregnant woman every day. Do not forget about natural antidepressants:
    • chocolate;
    • bananas;
    • almonds;
    • seafood;
    • green tea.

Non-drug treatments for depression

The next step in the fight against depression in pregnant women may be attending group or individual psychotherapy courses. As practice shows, classes in a group are more effective. Throughout the course, group members support each other, give advice, share their successes.

  • chronic pain syndrome.
  • There is a list of drugs that are relatively safe for the fetus:

    • tricyclic antidepressants: amitriptyline, anafranil;
    • serotonin reuptake inhibitors: fluoxetine, zoloft, paxil.

    Unfortunately, newborns may experience undesirable consequences taking any antidepressants by a pregnant woman:

    • respiratory distress syndrome;
    • convulsive seizures;
    • temperature instability;
    • feeding difficulties;
    • vomit;
    • shiver;
    • nervous excitability;
    • constant crying;
    • drowsiness and others.

    It is possible and necessary to fight depression not only for yourself, but also for your unborn child.

    How to get out of depression during pregnancy? What to do if depression during pregnancy is accompanied by panic attacks? How is depression during pregnancy related to your personality?

    A woman is preparing to become a mother. It would seem that it is difficult to think of a happier time than when you are growing inside of you. new life. Unfortunately, sometimes the expectant mother is faced with symptoms of depression during pregnancy. What to do if your pregnancy is accompanied by depression? What are the causes of this condition and how to deal with depression during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby?

    Of course, in the body of a woman with the onset of pregnancy, serious changes occur - the hormonal background changes. But depression doesn't happen to everyone. In most cases, negative psycho-emotional states are associated with psychological causes. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the exact mechanisms of the structure of our psyche and allows you to accurately determine:

    What are the prerequisites for the occurrence of depression during pregnancy in each case

    Our psyche is built on the principle of pleasure. We receive joy and happiness from life only when we fully realize our innate aspirations, talents and properties. If a woman has a lack of such realization, then she experiences strong frustration, discomfort. Depending on the innate set of vectors (a set of features, desires and properties of the psyche), these can be anxiety or panic attacks, apathy or depression during pregnancy, as well as other negative psycho-emotional states.

    The reasons that depression during pregnancy arose precisely for you lie in the structure of your psyche and directly depend on how implemented your natural properties. To understand how to deal with depression during pregnancy, how to help yourself and not harm your baby, let's look at specific situations that are quite common on pregnancy forums.

    Pregnancy and depression: notes from the forums and a systematic analysis of the situation

    Signs of depression during pregnancy did not appear at the very beginning. The news that I would become a mother was expected - my husband and I planned and prepared for this in advance. The eldest child is already 7 years old, the last time everything went well, and during the second pregnancy I did not expect to face depression at all. In the first trimester, everything went fine: I got registered, changed my diet, began to drink special vitamins, do exercises for pregnant women, etc. There were no signs of depression during pregnancy. And I didn’t quit my job, I have a managerial position. But already starting from the second trimester, irritability and nervousness gradually increased due to the fact that I had to noticeably reduce activity and stay at home more. When the 34th week and, especially, the 36th week went, the signs of depression during pregnancy began to grow like a snowball. I feel locked at home as if in a cage (already gone on maternity leave). And I think with horror that now I will sit in this cage for a very long time, at least the entire period of breastfeeding! And there is no one to blame: the pregnancy is desired and planned, but I don’t know how to deal with depression. Treatment with medicines is excluded, I do not want to harm the child.

    System comment:

    Rational and pragmatic owners really strive to plan their lives, including the time of pregnancy. Being responsible, they usually register early and strive to comply with all doctor's orders. A dexterous and flexible body allows them to remain active and mobile until the very latest dates, to perform the necessary physical exercises.

    Where does depression come from during pregnancy in such a woman, and why similar symptoms arose only during the second pregnancy, if everything went well with the first?

    The fact is that the owners of the skin vector require novelty and change. They are very intolerant of routine and monotony. They like to move a lot and hardly adapt the need to limit themselves in activity.

    It is no coincidence that the author of the letter in the first trimester of pregnancy had no symptoms of depression. The problem grew gradually and manifested itself to the maximum only in the later stages (as the author writes, at 34 weeks and, especially, 36 weeks). This is not surprising: after all, the woman was not only forced to gradually reduce motor activity and stay at home more often. In recent weeks, she went on maternity leave and temporarily lost her social realization, which means so much to ambitious and enterprising owners of the skin vector.

    It is not surprising that the woman felt this loss of realization, which was so significant for herself, during her second pregnancy. Usually, by the time the second child appears, an active and purposeful skin has time to reach serious heights in career growth. And therefore much more acutely feels the difference in the temporary loss of realization. Pregnancy itself is not a reason at all, but during gestation, a woman experiences depression due to the inability to maintain her previous activity.

    It is important to understand that in a strict systemic sense, such a state cannot be called depression during pregnancy. According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, real depression occurs only among the owners of the sound vector. Bad states in the remaining seven vectors (including those with the skin vector) are of a different nature and are associated with certain shortcomings in the implementation of their properties. In leather workers, this can be expressed in severe irritability, fussiness and anger.

    How can a woman cope with her condition and compensate for her dissatisfaction? For short distances, you can use the following tips:

      It is quite possible to fill your desire for novelty by persuading your spouse to update the interior in connection with the upcoming birth of the baby. In addition, shopping itself, choosing new furniture or toys for the nursery will certainly give you pleasure.

      If the type of work you are engaged in implies the ability to do at least part of it remotely, via the Internet, try to keep this opportunity for yourself.

      Get a sling or kangaroo in advance to ensure that you can move around with your baby as soon as you recover from childbirth.

    The successful development of the baby depends entirely on the state of the mother during pregnancy, with depression of any kind, your baby also suffers. Completely normalize your condition and get rid of any negative psycho-emotional states Many people who have been trained in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan have already succeeded:

    What to do when pregnancy occurs during depression

    I just don't believe that all this is really happening to me. The pregnancy was unplanned and occurred during severe depression during which I was under treatment. Constant apathy, saw no point in living. The guy with whom she lived, she put herself out. I got tired of his constant moralizing, I wanted to be alone. I always had interruptions in the cycle, so I didn’t even immediately guess about pregnancy, during depression somehow I didn’t care at all what was happening with the body. Could hardly eat for five days. With the onset of pregnancy, antidepressants had to be discontinued, while the depression worsened. I don’t care how all this affects the child, I don’t fully believe that this is happening to me at all. The only thing I want is to live to 40 weeks, give birth and leave him in the hospital. And then - quietly go out the window ...

    System comment:

    In this case, it is really worth sounding the alarm. With the author of the letter, bad conditions are by no means caused by pregnancy; with severe shortages, a real depression occurs, deep and prolonged.

    Only the owners of the sound vector have their natural desires not connected with the values ​​of the material world. A sound engineer may really not care what to eat or drink, what to wear, and in severe conditions, even with whom to share a bed. The consciousness of a sound engineer is striving to comprehend metaphysical questions: “Why do I live? What is a sense of life?" Not filling his desire to know his Self, to reveal the meaning, the sound engineer experiences an ever deeper depression, is tormented by unbearable pain of the soul, which is really capable of leading him to the completion of suicide. Even pregnancy with such a deep depression, unfortunately, is not able to keep a woman from this.

    Sound shortage suppresses all other desires and aspirations of a person. If a sound woman has already become pregnant during depression, she may indeed be indifferent to the fact that she will soon become a mother. depressive sound woman and without that he perceives his body as something separate, as a heavy burden, beyond the strength of the eternal soul. And pregnancy with depression can also enhance this feeling.

    For a sound engineer with such shortcomings, it is useless to recommend any temporary measures to alleviate the condition. Any delay can really cost a life. And during pregnancy during depression, it is not only about the life of a woman, but also of the unborn child. for those who were already mentally standing on the windowsill - the result of training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Just listen to what these people have to say:

    Depression in early pregnancy: how to cope with panic attacks and feel like a mom

    Help, I don't know what to do! Even at the very beginning, as soon as I found out about the pregnancy, I just had a shock. I am 25 years old, and I have never used contraception at all, I just did not get pregnant. My boyfriend loves me, he immediately dragged me to the registry office to apply, although at first I wanted to get rid of the child, but he dissuaded me. The other would be happy, but I began to have depression during pregnancy in the early stages. Later, in the second trimester, somewhere around the 25th week, panic attacks were added, then for the first time she went to the hospital with the threat of interruption. I can’t imagine myself as a mother, I don’t know what to do. When the 33rd week came, again the threat of failure arose. Now it's 35 weeks, I'm in the hospital and crying all the time. It seems to me that I will die, and maybe both of us with the child. How to survive all this? How to get out of depression during pregnancy?

    System comment:

    Such experiences are familiar to women whom nature has endowed with vectors. In ancient times, such women performed a special role - the day guard of the flock, they did not give birth to children, but accompanied men on hunting and war.

    However, humanity does not stand still, it develops. And today, skin-visual women also become pregnant and become mothers. Although they can really experience difficulties with conception, gestation and independent childbirth. They often complain of symptoms of depression during pregnancy, numerous fears or panic attacks.

    In the case of the author of the letter, it is clear that the pregnancy was preceded by a period of infertility, and depression (more precisely, poor emotional states) arose even in the early stages, in the 1st trimester. The threat of interruption (in this case at 25 weeks, and then at later dates - at 33 weeks and 35 weeks) does not coincidentally go hand in hand with panic attacks. What is their nature?

    The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

    Depression in pregnancy is a mental disorder that occurs in most women during the period of childbearing and is characterized by severe anxiety, moral fatigue and depression for a long time. What are the methods of treatment and prevention this disease can be found in this article.


    This condition does not occur in all women who are in position. Often the cause of this disorder is the presence of a depressive illness even before the onset of pregnancy, as well as the abolition of the medication prescribed by the psychotherapist.

    The onset of depression often occurs when pregnancy was not included in the plans of the expectant mother. Also, experts advise paying attention to the diagnosis of this condition in the next of kin, since a depressive disorder may be associated with a hereditary factor.

    Other causes of depression include various financial problems, stressful situations, unsuccessful pregnancy at various times, severe course(toxicosis, complications).

    And sometimes such a condition in a woman expecting a child can occur without any reason. But it should be noted that any stress and negative emotions can provoke this disorder in a pregnant woman.

    Signs of depression

    Experts identify several signs that characterize the above condition:

    • sleep disorder;
    • disinterest in the outside world;
    • causeless remorse;
    • loss of appetite;
    • fatigue;
    • difficulty concentrating;
    • feeling of anxiety;
    • easy excitability;
    • inhibition of the reaction;
    • frequent migraines;
    • suicidal thoughts.

    Often, most women in the situation have sharp mood swings from joy to apathy. However, a hallmark of a depressive state is prolonged exposure to negative emotions and thoughts, which can worsen significantly over time.

    In some cases, it is quite difficult to self-diagnose depression in a woman who is expecting a child, since some signs may characterize the normal behavior of pregnant women or various physiological ailments, for example, disruption of work thyroid gland. Therefore, with any signs of depression, it is necessary, first of all, to contact a specialist to rule out other health problems.

    Features of prenatal depression in different periods of pregnancy

    Depression may have various reasons and signs at each of the stages of expectation of the child. A woman comes to the realization that her life will change dramatically, and, as a result, the expectant mother may experience fear, tension and anxiety, which, with prolonged exposure to the psyche, can provoke depression.

    On early term there is a restructuring of the body, and this period is characterized by changes in the behavior of a woman, such as irritability, excessive emotionality, depression. This behavior is typical for most expectant mothers. You should be wary when a pregnant woman begins to talk about the meaninglessness of her life, and she develops suicidal tendencies. Most often, in the first trimester, depression occurs against the background of moral unpreparedness for the birth of a child.

    In the second trimester the development of a depressive state is facilitated by natural changes in the body of a woman, lack of sleep, as well as the lack of support from loved ones. Experts note that it is at this stage of the gestational period that the risk of prenatal depression is higher, since the physical and emotional state in the second trimester is more closely related.

    In the third trimester due to physical and moral fatigue, negative thoughts may arise, a woman feels ugly, clumsy. Due to natural changes in the body, a pregnant woman has to almost completely change her lifestyle, which, in turn, is a factor in the occurrence of a depressive state.

    What is the danger of prenatal depression?

    Depression during pregnancy not only has an extremely bad effect on the well-being of a woman, but also negatively affects the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages.

    Experts say that newborns whose mothers were in depressed state in the early months of pregnancy, may be born underweight and developmentally delayed, and have trouble sleeping.

    Also, if for a long time a woman experiences strong negative emotions, increases the risk of spontaneous pathological abortion, complications of the course of this period, as well as a significant deterioration in the well-being of the future mother.

    How to treat depression in a pregnant woman?

    To correct such a disorder, it is necessary to seek the help of a psychotherapist. Often, first of all, the specialist prescribes therapy sessions, in which he finds out the cause of the depressive state, and also, together with the patient, looks for ways to eliminate the negative factor. In some cases, joint therapy with the father of the unborn child is necessary, since it is this approach to treatment that gives faster and more positive results.

    Drug treatment is prescribed only in the absence of a positive effect of treatment with psychotherapy, since most drugs have a negative effect of varying degrees on the development of the fetus. Often, tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Melipramine) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Cipramil) are used for therapy.

    The need for the use of the above drugs, as well as the dosage, can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

    Therapy with Data medications subject to all the recommendations of the doctor does not provoke serious deviations in the development of the child. However, in some cases, the newborn may experience heart palpitations, disruption of the respiratory system, and digestive problems.

    For the treatment of a depressive state in a woman during pregnancy, it is also possible to use electroconvulsive therapy. The essence of the method is the use of electrical discharges that block the effect of the stress hormone on the body. According to studies, this method of treatment does not negative impact How on future mother and on fetal development.

    A lack of vitamins can lead to a depressive state in a woman, so a properly balanced diet and selected supplements will also help normalize the condition.

    Folk recipes

    Additionally, you can use various recipes from traditional medicine, however, it is first necessary to consult with specialists who will select the most effective and, most importantly, harmless means:

    1. Chinese Lemongrass. This remedy helps to improve mood and has sedative properties. For cooking, you need to take 10 g of dried berries of this plant and grind thoroughly. Next, they should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. It can be used instead of tea with the addition of honey or sugar.
    2. Passionflower. This tool has a slight sedative effect, it can be combined in combination with drugs. 1 teaspoon of the above plant must be poured with an incomplete glass of water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then you should drink this infusion during the day.
    1. Carrot juice. Such a vegetable helps not only to reduce anxiety and despondency, but also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and improves elasticity. skin. During pregnancy, you need to drink a glass of fresh carrot every two days, add to food or eat 100 g of raw carrots as a snack.
    2. Aromatherapy. Carrying out such procedures will help to significantly improve the emotional state of a woman in position. The only contraindication to aromatherapy may be the presence severe toxicosis, in which various odors of oils can worsen the condition of a pregnant woman.

    For the above procedure, you only need to select natural oils. Tangerine (improves mood), petitgrain (relieves stress), Ylang-ylang (calms the nervous system), lavender (eliminates insomnia) are perfect.

    Can be used special lamp to fill the home with the aroma you like or add a few drops to the spray bottle. Another way is to use scented pads, which are easy to make yourself or buy in specialty stores. They can be placed in a closet with clothes or arranged in a room.

    1. Massage. For a massage that not only improves mood, but also helps to get rid of fatigue and pain should be used as a base olive oil, adding 1-2 drops of aromatic to it.
    2. Bath . To take a bath, the oil must be dissolved in a small amount of milk and only then added to the water.

    Regularly performing such procedures helps to relieve stress and speed up the healing process.

    How to treat and prevent depression on your own?

    There are several tips that will help not only prevent, but also get rid of depression that has already begun:

    1. In some cases, the appearance of a depressive state is preceded by a lack of light. Women who are expecting a baby should walk more often in sunny weather, avoid dark streets at night, and also take care of good lighting in their home.
    2. Psychologists recommend limiting the presence dark tones in clothes during pregnancy, since such a wardrobe leads to depression. If there is no desire to give up dark tones, you can simply add bright accessories. The same rule applies to the situation in the apartment - a few bright decorations in the room can significantly improve mood.
    3. If there are no contraindications, it is advisable to move a lot. You can sign up for special yoga courses for women in position, go on a short trip. Even just daily walks in the fresh air will help to cope with a depressive state.
    4. Psychologists recommend during pregnancy to set yourself up for positive thinking and enjoy your position. You can think over the design of the room for the unborn child, buy a few pieces of clothing or furniture.
    5. It is necessary to block negative thoughts, since they are the main factor in the development of depression. If you are overwhelmed by unpleasant thoughts or memories, you need to learn how to be distracted.
    6. As you know, delicious food helps to improve mood. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, you can eat more bananas, seafood, oatmeal. Chocolate also helps improve mood.
    7. Need to limit intake negative information. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid frequent viewing of various films and series with a heavy plot and an unhappy ending, as well as news, which often show releases that exacerbate bad news. mental condition pregnant.
    8. The most important thing in the fight against depression is an optimistic view of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to try to find the positive in all the little things. In such an attitude, it is much easier to overcome the above condition.

    Depression during pregnancy (video)

    In this video, a psychotherapist talks about the main causes of depression during pregnancy, as well as methods for dealing with such a disorder.

    With the right therapy, prenatal depression in women responds well to treatment and often does not cause relapses. However, the lack of timely assistance, as well as the support of loved ones in a depressed state, can lead to a complicated course of pregnancy, impaired fetal development, and severe suicidal tendencies.