The dog's hair falls out in places bald patches. Causes of this disease. Prevention and prevention of recurrence

Is your pet's hair falling out?

Well, if the coat has become thin and there are hairless areas on the body, this is really a cause for concern. But you should not panic. Hair loss and thinning of hair in puppies is quite common as a result of several reasons. Let's look at the main causes of hair loss in dogs and how to deal with them ...

There are two groups of reasons why dogs experience hair loss - hormonal and non-hormonal, that is, not associated with impaired function of the endocrine glands. For starters, you should pay attention to how hair falls out. Hair loss caused by hormonal disorders, as a rule, occurs symmetrically. If you observe asymmetric alopecia in different parts of the dog's body, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Hormonal disorders associated with hair loss in dogs

Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) symmetrical loss of hair throughout the body, caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol. Other symptoms include recurrent infections, excessive thirst and urination, and weight gain. The abdomen is slightly enlarged, sagging. In some cases, this condition develops when taking steroid drugs.

Growth hormone disruption accompanied by bilateral symmetrical hair loss, mainly in males. It begins at puberty and is common in certain breeds, including Chow Chows, Airedale Terriers, Boxers, Pomeranians, Poodles, and Dutch Wolf Spitz.

Hyperestrogenism(excess estrogen) occurs in females and males. Against the background of an imbalance of sex hormones, bilateral symmetrical hair loss in the perineum and around the genitals is possible, as well as an increase in the vulva, and in males, swelling of the foreskin.

Hypoestrogenism(estrogen deficiency) is observed in adult spayed females and is characterized by a decrease in the rate of hair growth and thinning of the coat, initially around the vulva, and then throughout the body. At the same time, the skin becomes smooth and soft (like a baby's).

Hypothyroidism a condition characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones. A hypothyroid dog becomes lethargic, gains weight, becomes more susceptible to infections, has dry, brittle hair, and develops patches of hair loss. This is the most common cause of bilateral symmetrical hair loss without itching. The hair begins to fall out first in the neck, chest, sides of the body, back, thighs and upper tail.

Other Diseases and Health Conditions Leading to Hair Loss in Dogs


Most puppies shed between about 3 and 10 months of age, depending on size, breed, and coat type. In some breeds, shedding is very abundant, extreme in comparison with other breeds. For example, Pomeranians are a prime example of this, during the shedding period they become "spotted" due to uneven hair loss.

In adult dogs, shedding occurs seasonally, usually twice a year. I think it is not necessary to say that regular cleaning and care during the molting period is of great importance.

Females, among other things, can molt during the sexual cycle, as well as after childbirth.

Excessive hair loss in dogs can sometimes occur during times of great stress, such as illness, surgery, or other anxiety-provoking circumstances.

Bathing your puppy too often with irritants can also cause thinning hair and dry, flaky skin.

Allergy in dogs

Allergies are actually more common among dogs than most pet owners realize. Allergic reactions can develop to various ingredients (or groups of ingredients) in food or treats. It is not uncommon for an allergy to a food that has been well tolerated for some time, but more often develops after the puppy or dog has been given something new or unusual.

Other common triggers for dog allergies are fleas, seasonal allergens (e.g. pollen, weeds, dust, etc.), and some dogs have "contact allergies" which means they react to whatever they come in contact with. This can be shampoo, topical medications, cleaning products, various materials or fibers, and so on. Regardless of what triggers the allergy, the reaction is generally considered by the owner to be a skin condition. Hair loss, bald patches, excessive licking or scratching (especially on the belly, legs, tail, or muzzle), and rashes can be the result of an allergic reaction.

Black acanthosis mainly seen in dachshunds. Hair loss begins in the dog's armpit, folds and ears. These areas become black in color, become oily to the touch and have an unpleasant odor.

Yeast infections is a fairly common cause of hair loss in puppies. Mostly areas of the body with high skin moisture (armpits, behind the ears, in the folds of the skin) are affected. The most susceptible to the disease are dogs with a lot of "wrinkles", such as the English Bulldog, Shar Pei, etc. In addition to hair loss, the skin becomes oily to the touch and has an unpleasant odor.

Colored mutational alopecia(Blue Doberman Syndrome) is characterized by hair loss all over the body (looks like moth-eaten hair). Papules and pustules may form in the area of ​​hair loss. The disease is recorded not only in Dobermans, but also in other breeds.

Some breeds, such as Shar Pei, Bull Terrier, are more susceptible to demodicosis, especially if their immune system is weakened.

Hair loss begins around the eyelids, lips and corners of the mouth, sometimes on the legs or torso. The size of the hairless areas ranges from a small spot to a circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Usually, many of these small lesions increase in size and merge into a large alopecia. Possible complication of pyoderma. The generalized form of demodicosis, as a rule, is a consequence of immunodeficiency.

Dogs with sarcoptic mange experience severe itching and discomfort. Hair loss can be quite extensive as a result of scratching.

Solar dermatitis(nose like a collie) causes hair loss at the border of the nose and muzzle, can lead to serious ulcers. Dogs with non-pigmented or low-pigmented nasal skin are sick. The development of the disease as a result of autoimmune problems is possible.

squashed callus- gray, hairless, thickened wrinkled skin, usually in the area of ​​​​the elbow joints of the extremities, but similar areas can be located at other pressure points. The reason for such formations is that the dog lies on a hard surface for a long time. Such skin lesions are most noticeable in large breeds.

Ringworm fungal infection. Scaly, crusted, rounded patches ranging in size from 12 to 50 mm in diameter. In the central part of such formations, there is complete hair loss with a red ring on the periphery.

Adenitis of the sebaceous glands observed mainly in poodles, but sometimes recorded in other breeds. The disease is characterized by symmetrical hair loss on the face, head, neck and back. It is possible to develop an infection of the hair follicles.

seborrhea- dandruff of varying severity (dry type, wet, complicated). May develop as a secondary disease.

Vitiligo: Hair loss due to loss of skin pigment. Such areas are most noticeable on the muzzle and head. They are most commonly seen in Rottweilers and Belgian Terriers.

zinc deficiency causes the skin to become hard, scaly, hairless especially on the muzzle, nose, elbows and hocks. Cracking of the crumb on the paws is possible. Arctic and northern breeds of dogs are most sensitive to zinc deficiency.

So, if your pet's hair loss is bothering you, and you're sure it's not just shedding, your best bet is to see a veterinarian. Any disease, even allergies, must be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible. This is always better for the dog and cheaper for you than the "wait and see if it goes away" approach.

Health to you and your pets!
Ph.D. A.G. Klyuchnikov

    Rita Rita: Another problem with the coat of a beloved pet may arise due to worms, my pets had this. The problem was overcome by drontal plus, since then I have been following the prevention and regularly visiting the veterinarian.

    Olka Razumovskaya: Thanks for the information, I'll take it into account. My shag hair started to climb because of the worms. He started to ride on the priest and lost his appetite. I then chased him worms with a drontal plus. These pills have already been tested by more than one dog - they always cope with worms. So they got rid of the worms and the dog stopped climbing, and his appetite returned and he stopped riding on his backside.

    Alla: Good afternoon. In my boy, a German shepherd, the crumbs flowed and became like a comb, on 1 paw the top layer of the crumb cracked and peeled off. Also, pink spots appeared on the lips, which, when changed, increase, then disappear and reappear. Help, what should I do? What could it be from? What treatment is needed? Help, I don't know what to do. Veterinarians, in the country in which we now live, make a helpless gesture.

    Marina Smolyakova: Good afternoon. My puppy has a 2-month-old German Spitz, he has a nose on his face, a small bald spot between the eyes, what could it be?

    Elena Opekun: Hello, I have a similar problem, on the muzzle of a spitz (2.5 months) bald patches, tell me what it is!

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Owners of small breed dogs are worried if the pet gnaws itself, often itches, whines, gets nervous, and cannot sleep well. With constant irritation of the skin, spots, wounds, sores appear on the body, hair often climbs, the animal becomes restless, inflammation forms in various parts of the body.

What to do if the dog has sores on its back, hair falls out, and severe itching completes the negative picture? What factors cause skin lesions? How to properly treat a pet? Veterinarians give helpful advice to owners of small dogs.

Causes of skin lesions

Damage to the epidermis, severe itching, violation of the integrity of the skin, sores, wounds appear not only when attacked by fleas. Biting insects are just one of the reasons for the negative condition that develops in a pet.

Itching, hair loss, sores on the back of a dog - signs:

View a selection of effective treatments for cystitis in dogs, as well as learn about the prevention of the disease.

Probable diseases

Sores on the back and neck in dogs, itchy areas, hair loss are a sign of development:

Other negative signs are added to itching and hair loss:

  • the dog bites into the skin, bite marks fester, turn red, an inflammatory process develops;
  • against the background of fungal infections, peeling, blisters, rashes, weeping areas appear;
  • when scratching, an infection penetrates into the wounds, suppuration appears;
  • the dog does not sleep well, often itches, worries;
  • wool falls out in small and large shreds; white and red spots appear on the body;
  • clotted blood forms in the wounds, the dog peels off the crusts, the inflammation intensifies.

The following symptoms may also appear:

Basic Rules:

Important! Therapy depends on the type of pathology. It is important to identify and eliminate the negative factors that provoke hair loss, the appearance of sores on the back of the dog, skin itching, wounds, peeling, redness.

Additional rules of therapy:

  • be sure to thoroughly clean and wash the bedding; with the development of fungal infections, it is advisable to replace the bed on which the pet is resting. It is important to treat the floor, furniture, all areas that the pet could “visit” with a fungicide. Only thorough disinfection reduces the risk of recurrence;
  • antihistamines are used in the treatment of allergies in dogs. Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin. A veterinary pharmacy sells Allervet solution to eliminate allergic reactions in animals. The duration of the course, the dosage is determined by the veterinarian, taking into account the age and weight of the four-legged friend;
  • with the development of the disease "greasy tail" (increased secretion of fatty secretion from glands located near an important element), it is important to understand the cause of the increased secretion of a thick liquid. Until the results of the tests are ready, during the examination, the treatment consists of treating the problem area with anti-seborrheic shampoos and disinfectants to reduce the risk of inflammation in a dense, oily environment;
  • all skin folds in breeds such as chow chow, french bulldog, pug, must be treated with disinfectant and drying solutions, if sweat accumulates in the recesses, the secret of the sebaceous glands. With severe tissue inflammation, antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
  • the best option is to cut the animal short before starting to eliminate dermatological problems, to facilitate the care of wounds and sores. It will be easier for the veterinarian to treat the affected skin on the back and other areas of the dog. Against the background of fungal infections, it is useful to conduct a therapeutic bath for a pet as prescribed by a veterinarian. With this approach to the treatment of the skin, the fungicide dissolved in water penetrates into all areas on the pet's body.


How to prevent itching, skin lesions, hair loss? It is important to eliminate the factors that provoke irritation and damage to the epidermis.

Note for small dog owners:

How much does a bear type Pomeranian cost, how to choose a puppy and how to raise an obedient pet? We have an answer!

In this article you can see a description of the miniature schnauzer dog breed, as well as learn about the content of the animal.

Go to the address and read about what to do if your dog is poisoned and how to help your four-legged friend.

A few more tips:

Why does a dog have sores on his back and hair falls out? Video about probable skin diseases and methods of their treatment:

Hair loss in animals is not so bad if it happens in small quantities, and the fur coat itself is updated and remains shiny and silky. All "woolen" pets are subject to seasonal molting. However, if a cat's hair falls out in tufts to bald spots or sores appear, then this is already a serious reason to seek help from a veterinarian. Why is this happening? Why do cats get dandruff? And most importantly - what should the owner do?

What are the main causes of hair loss in cats?


It is usually seasonal. But in pets, it may not occur at the same time as in animals living on the street. And this is due to the fact that while the animals living on the street are overgrown with a thick fur coat before winter, absolutely domestic cats begin to shed heavily. And why is this happening? But the heating season begins at home, and the mustache will be hot in a thick fur coat, so it sheds.

Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet

Look into the bowl with your pet? What are you feeding her? If there is food from your table or low-grade food, then why be surprised? Due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, the cat's hair falls out in clumps, its shine disappears. It can even get into tangles in long-haired ones. Be sure to enrich the mustache menu.


An allergic reaction leads to itching, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). The animal begins to itch, combing itself to the point of blood, which only aggravates the situation. With dermatitis, the hair does not receive proper nutrition and falls out. The more neglected the state of the animal, the more its coat thins. An allergy can develop to food, medicines, household chemicals (including care products - shampoos), to the waste products of helminths.


Because of it, the hair does not just fall out. Feeling like she's been cut. And even spots with scales inside appear on the skin.

Hormonal imbalance

It is precisely because of him that the cat's hair falls out in tufts to bald spots, and sores appear on the skin. And it is extremely difficult to confuse such a violation of the hormonal background with the usual seasonal molting. What causes this imbalance?

It is enough for one endocrine (pancreas, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands and others) or gland of mixed secretion (ovaries, testes) to “fail”, as all metabolic processes in the animal’s body are disturbed. In some cases, the owner himself is to blame when he begins to indiscriminately stuff the mustache with various hormonal drugs (anti-inflammatory steroids, or to suppress estrus and estrus, for example). Even a single dacha of such funds can have a deplorable effect on the health of the cat.

solar dermatosis

Especially in white cats, their skin is most sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.


When does inflammation of the hair follicles occur. The hair stops receiving nutrients and falls out.

Sequelae of other diseases

For example, advanced inflammation, problems with the digestive tract, intoxication.

Hair loss at the injection site

The skin thickens, swells, turns red, and the hair falls out in this place, sores appear on the skin.

Stress and nervous tension

There are also mental illnesses in animals, in which the cat begins to gnaw and tear out its own hair in tufts to bald spots, sores and blood.

Autoimmune diseases

In another way, this condition is called nested alopecia. The mustache will not itch, but the hair will really start to fall out in shreds. Most often, alopecia are observed in the neck, head.

Causes of dandruff in cats

Seborrhea can be both primary (the underlying disease) and secondary (a symptom of another disease). An unpleasant odor emanates from the skin of the mustache, they become oily and inflamed. And again, due to the dermatitis that has arisen, the cat's hair begins to fall out in tufts.

What to do if a cat's hair falls out in tufts

First of all, seek help from a veterinarian. To establish the reason why the cat's hair falls out in tufts, he must. Perhaps the animal needs serious treatment, and not just enriching the diet with vitamins (preferably group B), minerals and improving the conditions of maintenance and care (wash, comb out regularly).

If you have any questions - ask in the comments and we will promptly answer them!

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    Faith 23:01 | 13 Feb. 2019

    Hello. I have an elderly cat - 14 years old. Throughout his conscious life he loves water very much: he drinks from the shower, lies in a humid bath when it's hot, and even when he drinks from a bowl, he dips his paws in it for a long time, licking and, as it were, tasting the water. It does not miss a single puddle - it certainly lies on everything wet.
    In the last few days, I began to notice that the cat falls asleep at the bowl at night and the hair on the neck does not have time to dry.
    I tried blotting with paper towels between soaks, changed the bowl, and eventually moved it to a raised platform so that there was no temptation to do so.
    The wool had dried up, but it was matted and began to fall out in small tufts on the skin flake.
    Now there is already a fairly large bald spot. Just skin, no wounds.
    The cat does not show anxiety, does not itch, communicates, eats, goes to the toilet without changes.
    How critical is this situation? And is there any way to improve it.
    In the house, besides us, there is a newborn baby, from whom I still can’t move away.
    I would be grateful for any advice.

    • Daria - veterinarian 00:28 | 15 Feb. 2019

      Hello! And what do you feed? The cat is already old, so you need to carefully monitor his health. First, there may not be enough vitamins. Secondly, to check it for sugar and exclude diabetes (since such a craving for drinking, especially if he pees a lot and often). Thirdly, it is also desirable to check the thyroid gland. Due to the violation of its work, the metabolism is disturbed and the wool is shed. But for your peace of mind, you need to exclude fungal diseases (lichen), especially since the child is at home. Ask neighbors / relatives / friends to help with this (shine a Woods lamp and trichoscopy in any clinic will do). But maybe something is wrong with the cat's diet? Not enough wet food or an unbalanced menu?

      Faith 02:59 | 16 Feb. 2019

      Thanks for the quick response.
      Until recently, she fed NOW dry food, then the cat began to feel sick from it. I don't know, maybe I got a bad batch. But since January 3, they switched to AATU and never had any nausea or diarrhea - the chair is perfect. Moreover, there are not enough teeth anymore and the granules in this food are softer and, according to my subjective feelings, more convenient.
      Wet food - Animonda.
      Plus now I give Viyo a course.
      At first I didn’t even think about lichen, now I’m worried. It is of little consolation that it was precisely that part of the wool that got wet that fell out, and quickly - almost in a day. And further distribution does not go. Just in case, I treated it with chlorhexidine today.
      Is it possible, in your opinion, to call a doctor and conduct a full diagnosis at home?
      Or is a trip to the clinic required?

      Daria - veterinarian 20:36 | 19 Feb. 2019

      Hello! At home, fungal infections can also be excluded (Wood's lamp is not that big, it works from a 220W outlet, so they can bring it with them), we go to the villages ourselves when the situation requires the exclusion of microsporia (one of the types of lichen). Blood for biochemical analysis can also be taken at home. But again, it all depends on the equipment and capabilities of veterinary clinics in your city. Maybe they do not carry out such procedures at home, maybe they are well equipped, then it is better to bring the animal to the clinic so that it can be examined up and down on the spot.

    Tatyana 11:59 | 10 Feb. 2019

    Hello, the cat is 18 years old, fell ill in the fall, almost stopped eating and lost a lot of weight (there was a skeleton with wool). We took them to the veterinarians, as a result, we feed viyo for the elderly in the morning, refuses to eat dry food Hills ID, feed Almo Nature mousses (he refused to eat bags with meat pieces, only licked the broth in them). The cat recovered, became more active and seems to be gaining weight. But there was a problem with the coat, falling off in tufts and a lot of tangles. The veterinarian did not see any allergies or lichen, did not advise anything, did not change the diet. Does he need vitamins? He does not eat dry food at all, only mousse.

  • Thea 02:05 | 21 Sep. 2018

    Hello, the cat's hair began to fall out strongly in the neck area. They took him to the doctor, took a scraping, they did not find anything. The doctor said that perhaps the diet was incorrectly selected. The skin is good, pink, without sores, the only thing that is there are black dots - blackheads.

    • Dasha is a veterinarian 21:14 | 21 Sep. 2018

      Hello! Here you yourself write “perhaps the diet was chosen incorrectly”, but you didn’t write what exactly you feed. When was the last time you drove worms? What is the content? Age? Sterilized or not? Knitted or not? Did you donate blood for biochemistry? Have you been tested for hormones? In particular, the thyroid gland was examined? Did you wear a flea collar? Drops accidentally on the withers did not drip?

      Thea 12:18 | 23 Sep. 2018

      Before that, she fed perfect fit for sterilized, both dry and in bags. Now we have been prescribed royal canin, for domestic and fluffy ones, from tartar and from wool in the intestines. Driven away this month. The cat does not go outside, she is domestic, 8 years old. Sterilized, gave birth once, at the age of 4 years. We will carry blood and hormones only next week to donate.
      With a collar and drops, nothing.

      The doctor also said that if she itchs, then she can be given a zodak, 2 drops. I noticed that one day, I began to scratch my neck a little often, and gave me medicine. Now the wool has stopped climbing, some places are starting to overgrow with fluff. But in the week we will still carry it for tests. I'm certainly not a doctor, but after the zodak there was a feeling that it was an allergy.

      Dasha - veterinarian 23:52 | 23 Sep. 2018

      It remains only to find something. What was the taste of the food? For the future: do not feed wet and dry. Pick one. Sometimes there is a reaction to the fact that both dry and wet interfere (albeit at different time periods of the day). Take it for inspection anyway. Biochemistry and hormones will not be superfluous. Also check your thyroid. And if it works out, then let them look at the pancreas. In older cats, it often does not function properly (it even reaches sugar if treatment is not started on time)

  • good afternoon! the cat began to go bald bald spots on the sides, on the stomach and at the base of the tail, the places of baldness seem to be shaved, there are no sores or scratches, the ears, head, neck are clean, but in the spring the cat had an infected wound, underwent a long treatment: washings, ointments , antibiotics intramuscularly, after that the cat began to lose weight and go bald, fleas appeared, now they have treated fleas and worms, he used to eat both cheap dry food and products “from the table”, they switched to purine van, they began to give vitamins, in the near future we plan to visit the vet clinic , but so far we are very worried, can this clinical picture speak of an infectious disease or is it more likely an allergy and loss of immunity after an illness?

  • Hello! our kitty is 2 and a half, we sterilized her 2 weeks ago, she is domestic and has not given birth before, she ate raw, frozen chicken fillet. How they removed the blanket from her and she began to itch, lick and the hair crawled in shreds in the neck, withers and ears. The doctor said that she was allergic to chicken protein! changed feeding to hypoallergenic royal canin, she does not welcome him very much, we give citrine 1/4 tablet, there is no improvement, she continues to scratch herself! advise how we should be, I looked at the composition, there is also chicken liver, animal fats! maybe we should switch to a happy cat with a rabbit and a duck? we are all frustrated and don't know how to help our pet! we thought we made it easier for her by sterilization, but it turned out to hurt her! help advice please!

  • My cat’s fur will come off in large chunks directly from the skin, the cat is literally becoming bald., now it’s the month of May. I didn’t notice itching. Small hairs are slightly visible on the skin, but this hasn’t happened yet. What could it be?

In dogs, the coat is the first indicator of its health, along with a wet cold nose, good appetite and high activity. And naturally, when a dog's hair falls out, inexperienced pet owners may start to panic. What can this symptom say and, most importantly, what to do in such a situation?

If there is a dog in the house, then part of the worries is caring for her coat. This not only provides an aesthetic and beautiful appearance of the pet, but also allows you to detect signs of excessive hair loss in time. This phenomenon is a reason to visit the veterinarian.

In a healthy dog ​​receiving, hair falls out twice a year - in autumn and spring, due to seasonal molting. In other cases, the loss of coat is a signal that the pet has a health problem.

Experts do not recommend feeding the pet heavily and with a lot of wholesome food during the natural change of wool, trying to prevent molting. Such zeal can cause even greater problems, so everything should be known in moderation.

It is also not advised to use hair growth-stimulating agents without consulting a specialist, since if they are not particularly necessary, the dog's body will receive an “overdose” of substances. In addition, if a pet has serious problems in the body, such therapy will only distract from the search for the real cause of hair loss. Even with the normalization of hair growth, the cause of its loss may remain in the body.

Most often, hair loss is not the only symptom and is accompanied by lethargy, inactivity and hyperemia (redness) of the skin. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the skin.

If we talk about internal disorders, then this may be a failure in the functional activity of the immune system, metabolic processes, a lack of trace elements and vitamins, etc.

Dogs are very emotional creatures and it is impossible to dismiss the fact that the psychological state of the animal can affect the appearance of the coat. Severe hair loss can be due to stressful situations - surgery, trauma, loss of the owner, getting used to a new home. But are there any reasons for a pet to be upset?

Often, representatives of breeds that are more suitable for living in an aviary or on the street and have a thick undercoat have an all-season molt if they live in apartments. Other breeds can also suffer from this, but to a lesser extent.

In addition, dogs intended for the street, in most cases, profusely molt in the spring, at which time they can itch very often, since molting causes itching.

Experts also found that representatives molt much less frequently and less intensively than.

What can we say, the loss of wool by a pet causes certain inconvenience to the owners, especially if we are talking about keeping a dog in an apartment. Is it possible to help the dog during this period and rid yourself of hair in the house?

Preventive measures against hair loss

First of all, the owner must be able to distinguish seasonal shedding from hair loss associated with diseases. If in the first case it is enough to periodically comb out the dog, then in the second one cannot do without a professional examination.

You should not try to self-treat, but it is better to take tests and identify the exact cause of this phenomenon.

If the cause is in an unstable hormonal background, then a special hormone therapy is prescribed. If the coat leaves the pet as a result of malnutrition, then again, the veterinarian will help to correct it. By compiling a complete menu and prescribing, if necessary, vitamin supplements, the doctor will help restore a shiny and beautiful coat to your pet.