Preparing for childbirth briefly. Getting ready for childbirth. What symptoms indicate the imminent birth of a child

When there are several hours left before the baby arrives, and the contractions become incredibly painful, unprepared women in labor begin to panic. Once on the delivery table, such mothers cross their legs and do not listen to the prompts of the obstetrician, without thinking about what terrible consequences this can lead to.

In women unprepared for childbirth, especially those pregnant with their first child, the birth canal is often damaged, and babies are born with birth injuries. In this regard, physical training is the key to the health of the mother and the newborn. It is important to know that the psychological aspects are equally important, because successful childbirth depends on the mood of the expectant mother and her ability to control her actions.

Psychological nuances of preparing for childbirth

Some believe that the main condition for a full-fledged birth is the preparation of your body. This is an erroneous opinion, since the course and result of childbirth directly depends on the moral state of the woman in labor, her ability to relax in time and keep her emotions under control.

It has been proven that a woman who has attended courses that prepare for upcoming motherhood copes more easily with pain during contractions and responds more adequately to the demands of medical personnel. In addition, children in this case do not receive birth trauma.

The level of readiness of the woman in labor

Each woman in her own way relates to the upcoming event:

  • women expecting their first child are afraid of the unknown;
  • multiparous are afraid of already experienced pain.

The psychologist must find out how prepared the pregnant woman is mentally, and if necessary, support the woman, dispelling all her doubts and prejudices. There are 3 levels of prenatal psychological readiness: low, medium and high.

Low requires immediate help from a psychologist, is characterized by the following negative emotions on the part of the woman in labor:

  • excitement, intensifying every day;
  • constant fear of dying during childbirth or losing a child;
  • expectation of labor pains;
  • dislike for the father of the child, sometimes for the baby;
  • disregard for the advice of medical personnel.

The average level does not need emergency help, since the expectant mother perceives the upcoming birth relatively calmly:

  • optimistic mood for childbirth;
  • constant doubts about a favorable outcome;
  • lack of confidence in their abilities;
  • susceptibility to other people's tragic stories of childbirth, projecting such situations onto oneself.

A woman with a high level of psychological readiness does not need the help of a psychologist and is looking forward to the birth of a baby. For her, the main thing is to maintain such a mood in the hospital. High level signs:

  • every day brings happiness to the expectant mother;
  • daily physical training: teaching proper breathing, self-massage, etc.;
  • implementation of all recommendations of the midwife;
  • genuine joy in every little thing.

In addition, in the latter case, the woman plans to take all the burden on herself, facilitating the birth process for the baby, and is set to breastfeed.

How to deal with fear

Optimistic women also worry about everything going well and worry about everything. How to deal with emerging fear? It is enough to know and follow the following recommendations of a psychologist:

  1. Take your mind off worrying thoughts. Be more outdoors, preferably where babies walk, watch instructive videos about caring for newborns.
  2. A pregnant woman has a lot of free time, especially in the last month. It is not surprising that a woman may have new hobbies (for example, knitting or origami), which bring a lot of positive emotions.
  3. Do exercise, yoga, gymnastics. In a sports woman, the production of endorphin, the hormone of happiness and a natural antidepressant, increases.
  4. Understand the intricacies of absolute relaxation. To do this, you can listen to relaxing music, inhale aromatic oils, sign up for massage sessions, relax in nature, etc. The main thing is to allocate time for relaxation.
  5. Follow your whims. The whims of a pregnant woman are the requirements of the baby, which should be fulfilled. You should not restrain your impulses, because the joy experienced by the mother is transmitted to the child.

Physical training

In order for the body to withstand the enormous load during childbirth, physical preparation is important. Due to the fact that the internal organs of the future woman in labor work for two, the immune system weakens, the hormonal background changes, which leads to disorders. To support the work of the body and reduce the load as much as possible, a woman needs to try.

Exercises and gymnastics for pregnant women

There are special exercises that help prepare the body for childbirth. They can be performed under the guidance of a midwife or on your own. Gymnastics is simple to perform, but effective against muscle spasms with concomitant pain, promotes rapid delivery without additional complications:

  1. As a warm-up - walking in place. Runs for 1 minute.
  2. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, stretch your arms forward, your back should be straight. Performing slow half-squats, raise and lower your hands (to the beat). Follow your breath. (10 tricks)
  3. Extend your arms to the sides. Leaning forward, take turns touching your toes with them. Do it at an average pace. (12 tricks)
  4. Bend the torso slightly, stretch the arms at the seams. Slowly tilt your head, relax your arms and shoulders. After 5 seconds, stand straight and bend your back a little. (8 reps)
  5. Stretch your arms to the sides, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending over, turn the torso to the right, while touching the toes of the left foot with the right hand, to the left - the toes of the right foot. After completing 10 repetitions, take the starting position and relax. (4 passes)
  6. Tilt the body to the right, raise the left hand above the head, bring the right hand behind the back. When the side of the slope changes, the hands change places. Perform at an average pace. (12 reps)
  7. Put your feet together, straighten your back, stretch your arms at the seams. Tilt the body to the left and right, while sliding your hands along the sides and not tearing them off. Follow your breath. (10 reps)
  8. Do some breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose 10 times and exhale through your mouth.

Breathing training

Proper breathing improves blood circulation, gas exchange, relaxes the uterus and soothes. For a noticeable effect, the exercises must be performed daily. A pregnant woman should listen to inner feelings. As more oxygen enters the brain, dizziness may occur. Breathing algorithm:

  1. Breathe rhythmically. Getting ready for the upcoming fight. Inhale (5 s) - hold the breath for 3 s - exhale (5 s) - hold the breath for 3 s.
  2. To relax between contractions, breathe with your diaphragm. By placing a hand on the chest, you can control the fluctuations of the abdomen and chest. Inhale deeply for 3 seconds, moving the diaphragm. The stomach should stick out. Exhale through your mouth for 3 seconds. Then repeat.
  3. To restore breathing after a contraction, breathe from the chest. Hands at the sides, slightly above the waist. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, and exhale even more slowly through your mouth, making your lips whistle.
  4. To relieve pain during contractions, doggy breathing is suitable. Stick out your tongue and breathe deeply.

How to prepare the birth canal?

There are sets of exercises designed for a specific muscle group. To avoid tears, you need to prepare the vagina for childbirth by increasing muscle tone.

You can do the following exercises:

  1. Sit down with legs wide apart, stay in this position for 7 s. Slowly get up and stand for a while. Do 5 repetitions.
  2. Sitting on your haunches, take the straight leg to the side, and transfer the weight of the body to the second. Stretch your arms out in front of you to help you keep your balance. Do 5 repetitions.
  3. Standing on joined knees, slowly roll back and sit on your heels.

By regularly performing Kegel training exercises, the future woman in labor will be able to strengthen the perineal area and prevent possible tears. During execution, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • exercises are recommended to be performed on a hard surface, alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • after the number of repetitions reaches 50 times, you can proceed to the next stage (maximum tension and muscle retention, slow relaxation with pauses);
  • a week after the start of classes, you should strain-relax the muscle quickly.

Breast preparation

Often, women in labor with unprepared breasts already in the hospital begin to have difficulties with feeding the baby. Microcracks appear on the nipples, the breast loses elasticity, is covered with stretch marks. To eliminate these problems, the exercises are performed in the following algorithm:

  1. Keeping your hands in front of your chest, each alternately toss a small ball. Do not change hand position.
  2. Standing on all fours, bend your elbows. Then sharply straighten your arms and legs.
  3. Standing facing the wall, rest your hands on it (at shoulder level). Perform 15 push-ups.
  4. Arms spread out to the sides shoulder-width apart. Make “scissors” with sharp swings with your hands.
  5. Straight arms to the sides. Do "scissors", but behind your back, trying not to bend your arms.

Each exercise should be done at least five times. Daily exercises will help to maintain the shape of the breast after childbirth and provide the child with healthy mother's milk without additional complications during lactation.

When is additional preparation of the cervix necessary for childbirth?

According to statistics, about 17% of women expecting their first child and 3.5% of multiparous women during natural childbirth experience difficulties with the opening of the uterus. If the woman in labor has endocrine system disorders (obesity, diabetes), the cervix needs additional preparation. Also, special training is necessary if the following factors arise:

  1. Hormonal changes take place in the body. Estrogen, which is responsible for the full functioning of the ovaries, is produced in insufficient quantities, respectively, the cervix does not have time to prepare for childbirth.
  2. Tumors and scars in the uterus. As a rule, women over 35 are at risk.
  3. Much less often, such factors as anemia, gynecological diseases in an advanced stage, which led to a decrease in the elasticity of the birth canal, become the cause.
  4. genetic predisposition.

If these risk factors occur, the cervix needs special procedures, which are recommended to start from the first weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, ruptures of the perineum, birth canal, injury and even death of the baby may occur. If the baby is ready to be born and the uterus has not opened, surgery may be needed to save the baby's life.

Proper nutrition in the third trimester

Preparation for natural childbirth includes a special diet. In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to correctly compose a menu, because the birth process can begin at any time. Basic rules of the diet:

  1. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber will help to avoid postpartum complications such as hemorrhoids. Preference should be given to apples, pears, plums and broccoli, completely abandoning flour.
  2. It is necessary to abandon allergenic foods (honey, nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate). Due to the fact that childbirth can begin rapidly, the baby's face can be strewn with prints of "mother's sweets."

Special preparatory courses

Attending courses for pregnant women will be useful, because competent preparation for childbirth is the key to a positive result. The instructors teach breathing exercises, body control techniques and explain how to make the birth easier for the baby. Psychologists help to overcome fears, setting up for childbirth without pain.

When it comes to partner childbirth, you can attend courses with the father of the child. Experts say that communication with the same frightened women has a positive effect on the condition of the future woman in labor. The woman becomes more confident, fears gradually disappear. Video courses do not give such results.

Methods of preparation for childbirth (Grantley Dick-Read, Lamaza, R. Bradley, M. Auden)

There are many ways to prepare for childbirth. Each includes 3 key aspects:

  • breath;
  • relaxation;
  • positive attitude.

The methods are similar to each other, but have some differences. The most popular include:

  1. The Grantley Dick-Read method prepares for a gentle natural birth. To do this, you need to overcome fear, since it is he who provokes physical stress, which increases pain during delivery.
  2. Preparation according to the Lamaz method is quite in demand and gives a tangible result. The bottom line is that the future woman in labor studies and performs certain techniques for a long time, improving so much that she is able to control labor pain.
  3. R. Bradley's method teaches you to listen to the body during natural childbirth and interact with it. The methodology is based on diet, physical and spiritual exercises. On a subconscious level, the expectant mother must be aware that childbirth is not a terrible pain, but a physiological process. Gradually, she calms down, gaining confidence in her abilities.
  4. M. Auden's method teaches a woman to respond freely for the development of intuition. She tries her hand at creativity, looking for her favorite pastime. The author of the technique is sure that developed intuition helps to speed up and simplify the birth process, in addition, he promotes vertical childbirth.

What to take with you to the hospital?

For a trip to the maternity hospital, the expectant mother needs to prepare in advance. The standard list for which you need to collect includes the following items:

  • money and documents (passport, insurance, exchange card, birth certificate);
  • phone, charger;
  • rubber slippers;
  • 2 nursing bras;
  • 2 bathrobes;
  • comb, elastic band;
  • baby soap, toothpaste with a brush, towel;
  • dishes;
  • drinking water without gas;
  • prenatal, postnatal and breast pads;
  • disposable diapers and underwear;
  • wet wipes for mom and separately for baby;
  • cream "Bepanten";
  • diapers No. 1, if the estimated weight of the newborn is not too small;
  • thin and flannel diapers, undershirts, sliders, hats, socks, mittens so that the baby does not scratch himself, etc .;
  • large towel;
  • children's hygiene products (powder, ear sticks);
  • pacifier, bottles with nipples.

In anticipation of the birth of her baby, the future mother must do everything in her power so that the process of giving birth to a baby leaves only positive emotions for both her and the baby. To do this, it is important to properly organize the preparation for childbirth, since in many ways it is on how ready a woman in labor is for labor that her positive outcome depends. On the pages of this article we will talk about how to properly your body (, chest, muscles).

Preparing the body for childbirth

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, the mother's body is rebuilt in anticipation of labor. The last month of pregnancy presents expectant mothers with a number of new sensations that indicate approaching. Such sensations appear approximately 2 to 4 weeks before the birth, although for some they may appear only a few hours before the onset of labor.

I must say that some women do not experience any discomfort before childbirth, which absolutely does not mean that their body is not preparing for the appearance of the baby. And the thing is that the body of each woman is individual. So what should a woman experience before childbirth?

Firstly, throughout the ninth month, an active restructuring begins to occur in the body, characterized by the fact that the child begins to descend into the pelvic area. At the same time, for most expectant mothers, such unpleasant as shortness of breath disappear. However, the baby's head, located near the bladder, provokes frequent urination in the mother.

Often, in women, a few weeks before childbirth, milky white vaginal cavities are observed, which are abundant. In some cases, bleeding may also be mixed with them. This phenomenon is associated with the so-called "opening" of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance directly to the cervix. So, the consistency of the cork is different: from viscous and up to dense or sticky. In the event that spotting appeared three to four days before the birth, you should not worry. The main thing is that mucus predominates in such secretions, and not. If there is more blood than mucus, while the blood is bright red, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For many women, the fetal bladder ruptures before the onset of labor. When the waters break, labor can begin both in a few minutes and in a few hours. If we talk about the cervix, then, firstly, it becomes thinner, and secondly, it opens up to one or two centimeters.

All of these signs are "harbingers" of childbirth, but it is impossible to accurately establish the exact beginning of the process itself from them. So, in some women, such signs appear a few days before childbirth, while in others - a few weeks. In any case, in the last month before giving birth, the expectant mother should have more rest, preparing for the appearance of her crumbs.

3. Regular performance of Kegel exercises, which provide active compression-relaxation of the muscles of the perineum, which increases blood flow, thereby increasing the elasticity of the connective tissue of the vagina. In addition, a set of Kegel exercises is a prevention, as well as prolapse of the internal organs and flabbiness of the vagina.

4. Carrying out perineal massage using natural fatty oils saturated with vitamin E.

Massage consists of three exercises:

  1. Simultaneous circular movements (stroking) of the chest with the hands, and the areola and the nipple itself cannot be touched. Enough three - four strokes in one approach.
  2. Strokes of both glands, carried out in the direction from above and to the nipple, and then from both sides and from below. It is important that the actions are simultaneous. For one approach, 3 - 4 such strokes are done.
  3. Pressing on the mammary gland, for which it is necessary to lift and support the right breast with the right hand, while pressing is made from above (with the left hand) (no more than 4 times in one approach). The movements made should be as soft and gentle as possible, they should not cause pain. Similar actions are carried out with the left breast.
If we talk about minimizing the possibility of stretch marks, then you can not do without physical activity: for example, simple exercises will help keep the chest seductive and elastic. But at the same time, it should be remembered that an absolute contraindication for any physical activity is a threat, therefore, before starting the exercises, you should consult a gynecologist.

Basic exercises:

  • A small ball is taken in hand. Hands rise up to the level of the chest. Alternately with the left and right hands, the ball is thrown up and caught.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to bend your arms, and then straighten both arms and legs at the same time.
  • Standing facing the wall and resting your palms on it at shoulder level, you need to do 10-15 push-ups.
  • Hands at shoulder level are spread apart. Then swing movements are made with the hands, while the hands are crossed in front of them (for example, the left hand, then the right hand alternately appears on top).
  • The arms are spread apart, after which three strokes are made back with strictly straight arms. Hands are lowered to the starting position.
During the exercises, you need to carefully listen to your feelings: for example, if discomfort appears, all classes stop. If physical activity is tolerated with ease, then each exercise can be repeated five times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 15.

With the help of such gymnastics, you can, firstly, maintain the shape of the chest, and secondly, prepare the muscles of the hands for the upcoming loads, that is, for carrying your baby.

Preparing the nipples for childbirth

Individual structural features of the mammary glands play a huge role in the process. Some women have breasts that are ideal for breastfeeding, while others may have underdeveloped or retracted nipples. It also happens that the nipple outwardly seems quite normal, but in the process of pressing it is drawn into the border of the halo.

How to determine if there will be problems when applying the baby to the breast? A simple test will help in this, which consists in gently but strongly squeezing the opposite edges of the halo with the thumb and forefinger. In the event that the nipple is pulled inward or becomes flat, it will be quite difficult for the baby to grab it.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to perform a number of simple exercises, for example, stretch the nipple and twist it to the right and left. Such actions will help to stretch the nipple somewhat, not to mention the fact that during such manipulations the nipples will become less sensitive, which means that the mother will not experience pain when feeding the baby (and she will not be afraid of cracks).

If the nipples are flat or inverted, you can resort to using a special nipple shape corrector or breast shields (these devices are placed on top of the nipple and worn daily, first for 10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes a day). After giving birth, shields and correctors are allowed to be worn for 30 minutes (maximum of an hour) before feeding, which will help to give the nipple a more elongated shape.

Important: before any manipulations with the breast, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor, since self-stimulation of the nipples can provoke premature birth.

A frequent problem of breastfeeding mothers is the appearance of stretch marks and cracks on the nipples, the latter causing severe pain during feeding. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to prepare the nipples for feeding during pregnancy.

To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • take a contrast shower that massages the nipples,
  • do not wash nipples with soap (it is better to use shower gel),
  • rub your chest with a terry towel after a shower,
  • take daily air baths for the chest (in other words, walk more with a fully open chest),
  • wear a special bra for nursing mothers, which has detachable cups.
I must say that in the last months of pregnancy, colostrum is often released from the nipples, which should not be washed off immediately, on the contrary, it is necessary to rub it over the nipple, as well as the halo (this will help soften the nipple and heal the cracks that have appeared). If, during breastfeeding, the nipples are very cracked, it is recommended to use special healing creams.

In order to avoid discomfort and disorders associated with the spinal region, it is recommended to wear a bandage from the second half of pregnancy (the selection of the bandage and the determination of the duration of its wearing is carried out exclusively by the gynecologist).

It is very important to choose the right bandage, which should not put pressure on the stomach or press down on the vessels, not to mention the fact that this device should not hamper the movements of the child. If the bandage interferes, leaving behind red stripes on the abdomen, a larger model should be selected.

By following such simple tips, strictly following the doctor's recommendations during pregnancy and during childbirth, you can minimize or completely eliminate complications such as perineal tears, stretch marks and cracks.

The period of pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for a woman, not only in the physical, but also in the psychological aspect. Throughout all 9 months she copes with various ailments, often visits a doctor and at the same time she should not forget about her family. With the approach of childbirth, a woman begins to worry about the fear of a new stage in her life. This time must be spent with benefit both for yourself and for the unborn child. How to prepare your body for childbirth, we will analyze in this article!

How to properly prepare for childbirth

Anxiety and fear accompanies almost every woman throughout pregnancy and to a greater extent in the later stages. This phenomenon is normal, especially for those who are going to become a mother for the first time. Even though childbirth is a natural process, it is very complex and responsible. In order for it to be as safe as possible for both the woman and the baby, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

Preparation for childbirth consists of several parts that are equally important for the proper course of pregnancy and for the upcoming process of childbirth. The expectant mother should know how each stage goes, the correct response to them, as well as the consequences of any reactions. Therefore, a woman needs to prepare for childbirth both physically and psychologically, as well as learn breathing techniques.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Usually the most difficult time for a woman is the expectation of her first child. During this period, the expectant mother feels psychological discomfort. It manifests itself as follows:

  • Instability of the emotional background associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Revision of life values. This is due to the psychological processes of waiting for a new status and responsibility for the baby.
  • Fears and phobias associated with childbirth. Expectant mothers are afraid of pain during contractions, unprofessionalism of medical staff, ignorance of newborn care and other issues.

Some experiences of a woman are justified, but some of them arise due to excessive suspiciousness. To maintain psychological balance, a pregnant woman should learn to isolate real reasons for fear from the total number of worries. It is for this that preliminary psychological preparation for childbirth is needed.

Help to cope with the psychological problems of preparing for childbirth:

  1. Birth preparation courses where a woman will not only have a good time, but will also be able to say goodbye to the myths about pregnancy and childbirth that cause anxiety. At the same time, you can choose courses with a specific focus, for example, in preparation for natural childbirth, childbirth in water, etc. It is best to attend courses for both parents, as well as providing training in practical skills for caring for an infant.
  2. Reading books and articles on the psychological preparation for childbirth and on problems associated with the course of pregnancy. Thanks to them, you can learn the correct behavior during childbirth, as well as breathing techniques.
  3. A positive attitude will help you avoid panic in difficult situations. Hobbies, outdoor walks, good music will help for this.
  4. Visualization and autotraining. In difficult moments, such motivation as the birth of a healthy child will help. To date, you can choose the appropriate psychological technique associated with concentration or, conversely, relaxation and stress relief. You can choose the right one yourself or consult with a specialist.

The most common fear in pregnant women is the fear of the birth process itself. Such anxiety is associated with a fear of severe pain, as well as with the unknown. You can calm yourself down by the fact that almost all women go through this and endure pain. The less experiences, the easier the process of childbirth.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Throughout pregnancy, a woman needs to physically prepare for childbirth, which will help the body cope with the load in their process. To do this, you should perform a set of general strengthening exercises. You can sign up for special courses for pregnant women, where classes will be held together with a trainer, or you can do gymnastics on your own at home.

In late pregnancy, you need to know postures that help improve blood circulation in the lower torso, as well as reduce pain. One of these body positions: feet brought together rise as close to the body as possible. This position increases blood circulation in the lower body and improves pelvic flexibility, which is very beneficial for childbirth.

For pain in the lower extremities or a feeling of fatigue, it is useful to lie on your back, raising your legs above the level of the body. This helps not only to relax, but also to take the child the correct position in the uterus. Another way to change the position of the child is the pose on all fours. In this position, blood flow to the internal organs increases, as the pressure of the fetus decreases. It also contributes to the coup of the child.

It is useful to do half-squats. To do this, you need to stand at a distance of 60 cm from the wall and squat with a straight back in such a way as if there is an invisible chair. Half squats are repeated 20 times.

If a woman plans to breastfeed a baby, then it is necessary to prepare the nipples for this process, especially if they are flat. To do this, from the 28th week, a massage is carried out, while you need to grab the nipple with your thumb and forefinger and thus make retracting rubbing movements.

You can pre-learn self-massage. Special courses will help you find out the location of anesthesia points to influence them during childbirth.

Before childbirth, it is useful to do exercises for the perineum to prevent it from tearing during childbirth. This may be the well-known Kegel exercise or some others:

  • Stand sideways to the back of a chair, leaning on it with your hands. Raise your leg up as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  • Get on knees joined together. Slowly roll back, sitting on your heels.
  • Walk in single file around the house.
  • Sit cross-legged in front of you.
  • Sit down slowly on legs wide apart. Stay in this position for a few seconds and bounce. Get up slowly and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Try to do more household chores while squatting.

Breathing exercises to prepare for childbirth

A pregnant woman should know that in the first stage of childbirth it is necessary to be relaxed and calm. The relaxed walls of the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor do not resist, which helps the baby to gently pass through the birth canal for each uterine contraction. With tension, the circular muscles of the uterus contract, which leads it to increased work. Because of this, less oxygen enters the uterine tissue, which leads to increased pain during contractions.

To reduce pain, you need to learn how to rest in between contractions. To do this, starting from 20 weeks, you can begin to master relaxing auto-training. These exercises should be done daily.

For this, a comfortable position is taken lying down or sitting in a chair, quiet music is turned on. With your eyes closed, you need to move on to calm breathing. Inhalation is carried out through the nose, while the stomach is slightly inflated, exhalation through the mouth, with it the stomach is deflated. The exhalation must be calm and slightly longer than the inhalation. During such a training, you need to imagine the unborn child, you can even mentally talk to him.

Proper breathing during childbirth can help ensure that there is no need for medical intervention.

Contractions at the beginning of the birth process are weak and infrequent, so at this time there is no need for special breathing. With increased pain, you need to choose a comfortable sitting position with legs spread. The more a woman can relax, the better it will open the cervix.

In this case, you need to count: inhalation is done at the expense of 3 with inflating the stomach, exhalation - at the expense of 7 with deflating the stomach. Such breathing continues for a minute, during which time with this account it will be possible to take 6 breaths and exhalations.

Over time, the contractions will become more frequent and lengthen in time, the intervals between them will be reduced, and the pain will increase. Breathing should be even deeper and slower. Inhalation is carried out at the expense of 3, exhalation - at the expense of 10. For a minute, 4 such inhalations and exhalations will be obtained. Such breathing must be trained in advance. In order to make such a long exhalation, you should train gradually.

  1. The first stage of labor ends with the full opening of the cervix, while contractions occur after 20-30 seconds and last about 2 minutes, the pain is severe. During this period, frequent shallow breathing is suitable. When exercising, you can breathe in quickly through your nose and also quickly exhale through your mouth. You can also breathe only through the nose or only through the mouth. It is necessary to breathe in this way for a minute, while slight dizziness may occur.
  2. For the second stage of labor, a woman needs to practice holding her breath. During childbirth, you will have to not only hold your breath for up to half a minute, but also push. During training, you need to inhale sharply and deeply through your mouth, hold your breath, open your mouth a little and slightly strain your perineum, after which a calm exhalation is made through your mouth. Breathing for attempts should be trained gradually, starting with holding the air for 10 seconds and subsequently reaching up to 30 seconds. In total, 3 such approaches are performed.

In preparation for childbirth in late pregnancy, breathing exercises should be carried out daily for 20-30 minutes.

Preparing for childbirth: procedure

After the contractions have begun, it is necessary to act in accordance with the following plan:

startedcramping pains - it is necessary to compare 3 contractions in a row and the duration of the intervals between them. If the intervals between contractions do not have the same time interval of no more than 10 minutes, they are training. In the case of irregular contractions with long intervals and in the absence of pain, a reasonable solution would be to stay at home and wait until the interval between contractions decreases. You should continue your usual lifestyle: eat, go for walks, get enough sleep, take a bath, collect packages for the hospital. During contractions, practice proper breathing.

Verification of documents- an identity card and its photocopy, a medical insurance policy and a photocopy of the policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate (if any), a VHI policy (in the case of paid childbirth).

The success of any responsible event to a large extent depends on how carefully the preparations for it were carried out.

Childbirth, as a process that requires an unprecedented mobilization from a woman of all the resources of her body, both physical and psycho-emotional, is no exception.

The main character in the delivery room is the woman in labor, and in order to adequately fulfill her task, helping the little man to be born, the expectant mother must properly prepare for childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman should at least get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits her on the day of delivery and the early postpartum period, and, ideally, before the onset of day X, learn to control her body, breathing and control her emotions.

During the long nine-month period of expectation, a woman can do a lot to help her body safely survive childbirth, recover from childbirth, and prepare for lactation.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Often, women, having learned about their pregnancy, sharply limit even household physical activity, and generally refuse to visit gyms.

So, active sports should be abandoned only in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy - a period of increased risk of spontaneous abortion of the fetus. And at a later date, even strength training is not forbidden, of course, in agreement with the observing doctor.

The optimal choice for expectant mothers is special classes in groups for pregnant women, which exist on the basis of many institutions that provide honey. accompaniment of pregnancy, as well as at some fitness centers.

As a rule, classes in such groups include a complex of sports areas specifically for expectant mothers:

  • Gymnastics for pregnant women based on exercises from Pilates, yoga, including the use of sports equipment: light dumbbells, fitballs, shock absorbers, etc.

Regular performance of special exercises has a beneficial effect on the condition of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, helps to strengthen the muscular corset, work out the muscles of the press and the pelvic floor, improve blood circulation in the lower body. The expectant mother learns to "hear" her body and control it. In addition, some exercises help the fetus to take the correct presentation in the uterus.

  • Classes in the pool: swimming, diving, water aerobics for pregnant women.

In addition to the fact that water has a healing property to relieve the emotional stress of the bather, to "lighten" thoughts, which is important for a pregnant woman, the body in the water becomes as if weightless. This allows you to visit the pool even.

Classes in the water for expectant mothers, as a rule, include stretching complexes, breathing exercises, and a tonic load. Pregnant women can practice in the water almost until the very birth, of course, choosing exercises according to the gestational age.

  • Breathing exercises for pregnant women, the popularity of which has been growing exponentially in recent years, as it has been proven that the use of special breathing techniques during childbirth greatly facilitates their course and increases the likelihood of their favorable outcome.

Performing breathing exercises improves the quality of blood flow, both for the woman herself and for her unborn baby. The development of breathing techniques and their use in childbirth alleviates the pain of the period of contractions, increases the productivity of attempts, minimizes the suffering of the fetus from hypoxia during the passage of the birth canal, etc.

In addition to periodic training, the expectant mother should in no case neglect daily walks in the fresh air at a leisurely pace, the implementation of everyday household routine. Of course, any physical activity must be approved by the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Preparation of the birth canal for childbirth

In the process of overcoming the birth canal by the fetus at birth, the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum of the mother experience an enormous load from the pressure of the fetus, often do not withstand and are injured - torn. Or there is a need for surgical intervention - dissection of the perineum.

In this case, childbirth seems even more painful, and mechanical damage to organs complicates the postpartum recovery of the woman in labor. In addition, the difficulty in moving the baby through the birth canal entails the risk of birth injuries for the newborn.

  • Perineal massage with vegetable oils, which has a beneficial effect on tissue elasticity, which can be performed already from the 20th week of pregnancy if the pregnancy is uncomplicated. It is advisable to give the procedure about 1 - 3 minutes daily or at least three days a week.

The massage technique is simple, the expectant mother may well cope on her own, or involve a partner or specially trained personnel in the performance. Oil for the procedure can be purchased fortified, offered by different manufacturers, but ordinary vegetable oil is also suitable.

  • Special exercises that train the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Exercises, proposed by obstetrician Arnold Kegel, are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vagina and can significantly reduce the risk of ruptures in childbirth. And also contribute to the speedy postpartum recovery of organs directly involved in the birth process.

Regular (ideally, even at the stage of pregnancy planning) performing Kegel exercises allows you to avoid the troubles typical for expectant mothers associated with a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, for example, urinary incontinence, problems with stools, etc.

And also, since the anus is also involved in the course of classes, reduce the risk of developing postpartum hemorrhoids.

Both perineal massage and Kegel exercises are possible and beneficial for the expectant mother only if these procedures are approved for her by the observing obstetrician.

Breast preparation before childbirth

The World Health Organization insists that the ideal food for a baby from the moment he is born and for at least six months is his mother's breast milk.

However, often young mothers refuse breastfeeding (HB) due to the appearance of painful cracks on the nipples, discomfort in the chest during the rush of milk, etc.

In order for the lactation period not to be overshadowed by such troubles, it will be useful for the expectant mother to bring the breast into “working condition” before childbirth, that is, “harden” the nipples.

The following procedures will help with this:

  • daily contrast chest shower, completed with cool water;
  • rubbing the nipples with a coarse cloth;
  • coarse liners in a bra.

Most often, young mothers experience pain during breastfeeding due to improper attachment of their newborn crumbs to the breast. Therefore, it is advisable to study the application technique, options for the positions of mother and baby during feedings in advance. It does not hurt to take with you to the hospital a quick-healing ointment that is compatible with breastfeeding.

In addition, in some women, the nipples seem to be retracted, and this can make it difficult to attach the baby to the breast. Special breast pads will help the expectant mother to solve this problem after childbirth. And during pregnancy, you can develop nipples with a special massage - pulling them out by hand, as well as prenatal "testing" the breast pump on yourself.

If possible, after giving birth, a woman can use the services of breastfeeding specialists who will help overcome any problems that prevent the establishment of a wonderful "milk" connection between mother and child.

In order for the breast not to lose its attractiveness after gestation and lactation, a woman can turn to special exercises, the implementation of which allows you to keep your chest muscles in good shape.

It should be borne in mind that active preparation for breastfeeding can begin no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy, since breast stimulation can also stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Psychological prenatal preparation will help to overcome the fears and anxieties that future mothers visit during pregnancy, especially shortly before the expected date of birth.

Its essential components are:

  • Informing the future parent about the stages of the birth process. Each stage of childbirth requires a certain behavior from the woman in labor.

Understanding what physical sensations she will consistently experience from the beginning of the first contractions to the birth of the placenta and how to act in this case will help the woman giving birth to correctly perceive the commands of the medical staff in the course of labor.

In this case, the consciousness of the woman in labor is focused on cooperation with the medical staff for the benefit of the baby being born, which significantly dulls the perception of pain.

  • Professional psychological support.

As a rule, specialists-psychologists work on the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman at the courses of future parents. They will teach you how to direct your thoughts in the right direction and not panic during childbirth.

For example, as often as possible, mentally visualize the birth process with your participation in all details, while pain in contractions should be tolerable, attempts productive, and the newborn baby will immediately fall to his mother's breast. The expectant mother should remember the feeling of happiness, warmth and love that will certainly await her after a successful delivery.

  • Get ready for a painless birth.

There are techniques developed by honored obstetricians, following the recommendations of which the expectant mother will be able to prepare for childbirth, as a natural process.

Prenatal preparation according to methodological materials will help a woman in childbirth “breathe” pain, refrain from premature attempts and, controlling her mind, not fall into a panic, but maintain a positive attitude.

  • "Rehearsal" of the birth process.

And, more precisely, breathing techniques at different stages of the birth process. It will be reborn into a habit in advance and the woman in labor will be able to easily reproduce the desired type of breathing in childbirth at the command of her assistant or focusing on her own feelings. In addition, many times the rehearsed action loses its "spooky" color.

  • Measures to organize a comfortable environment in the delivery room.

For example, the presence of an assistant from among close people who will be present at the birth (the so-called partner birth), if the expectant mother deems it necessary. As well as the use of non-standard still technical methods of delivery: childbirth in water; vertical childbirth, childbirth "squatting", etc.

A significant condition for the peace of mind of the expectant mother is the trust in the doctor, who will control the course of the birth process. Therefore, before going to the birth, it is advisable for the expectant mother to choose an institution where her baby is destined to be born.

Choosing a maternity hospital and an obstetrician for childbirth

Since 2006, with the introduction of the birth certificate, a pregnant woman has been given the state-provided right to choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician who will conduct her birth. Provided that there will be places in the chosen maternity hospital, and the desired obstetrician will be on duty on the day of birth.

A birth certificate is issued to a pregnant woman at the municipal antenatal clinic at the place of registration for a period of 30 weeks. From now on, the certificate, along with a passport, an exchange card, a compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS, should be carried by the expectant mother until the very birth.

Of course, in the event of an emergency admission to a maternity hospital without a birth certificate, even if the woman did not issue it, if she has other required documents, the certificate’s tear-off coupon will be filled in at the maternity hospital and the problem will be solved.

If the expectant mother was observed during pregnancy in a specialized institution on a commercial basis and also concludes a contract for the conduct of childbirth, then a birth certificate in the maternity hospital will not be required from her.

Commercial delivery services are currently provided by almost all maternity institutions in our country. The terms of the contract in each maternity hospital may vary, but, as a rule, a “paid” woman in labor can count on the guaranteed presence of an obstetrician chosen by her at the birth, whose name is entered in the contract, a separate maternity ward, the use of anesthesia during childbirth, conditions for increased comfort of stay in the postpartum period, etc.

In this case, the newly-made mother may only need the third coupon of the birth certificate to be reimbursed at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund for medical services in a children's clinic when observing a child in infancy.

If the woman in labor does not have an exchange card, where the results of mandatory tests are entered, then she can be accepted for childbirth only in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital or in the observation. In this case, there can be no question of the right to choose, even for a fee.

In addition, the choice of a maternity hospital for a future mother can greatly limit her history, on the basis of which the doctor observing the pregnancy will recommend to tune in to a maternity hospital that accepts women in labor with certain problems.

As well as unpredictable developments, for example, rapid labor, when the only reasonable way out may be to go to the nearest maternity ward. Or the ambulance called during the fights may refuse to travel around the city, getting to the desired institution, but simply deliver the woman giving birth to the territorial maternity hospital.

But even if everything did not go according to plan, the most important thing for the expectant mother at this moment is not to waste energy on conflicts and worries, but to focus on the upcoming joint work with honey. staff who will definitely do everything possible to give birth to the most long-awaited and most beloved baby in the world.

Childbirth is a serious and crucial moment in a woman's life, requiring her to exert all her moral and physical strength. Of course, over thousands of years, nature has developed the optimal mechanism for restructuring the body for childbirth. First of all, it concerns changes in the amount and composition of hormones. But we must remember that modern man does not live according to the laws of nature, but according to the laws of civilization. Therefore, in practice, a woman is far from always ready for childbirth - from the moral, physical or material side.

This situation can be corrected if the lack of readiness for childbirth is corrected with the help of preliminary measures. Preparing for childbirth will be helpful whether you are going to have a natural birth or have a caesarean section.

Physical exercise

Physical preparation for childbirth should be carried out throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It consists of exercises that strengthen the body as a whole and in particular those of its systems that are directly responsible for the process of childbearing. Physical activity stimulates proper blood circulation and prevents weight gain.

The optimal set of gymnastic exercises should be suggested by a doctor or trainer in preparation for childbirth. According to the purpose, the exercises are divided into:

  • Restorative
  • Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and perineum
  • chest exercises

However, it should be remembered that in late pregnancy it is better to avoid serious physical exertion, as they can lead to premature birth.

Proper nutrition

The body of the child is formed from those substances that come to him from the mother. Therefore, what you eat will serve as material for the body of your baby. Therefore, it is extremely important during pregnancy to monitor your diet, its composition and balance. Here are some simple rules that pregnant women should follow:

  • Exclude from the diet fried, fatty and too high-calorie foods, offal, smoked meats
  • Eat more vegetable oil, preferably olive, fiber, and sea fish containing omega-3 acids
  • Eat at least 4 times a day, but little by little
  • A month before giving birth, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, kefir, dried fruits in the diet

Psychological preparation

Childbirth is a serious test, not only physically, but also morally. And therefore, all efforts to physically prepare for them will be useless if the woman does not tune in psychologically. This is especially true for women giving birth for the first time.

All information about childbirth should be studied, first of all, about their medical and physiological aspects. If you know well all the nuances of the process of childbearing, then in this case it will be easier for you to prepare for various circumstances, including unforeseen ones. Therefore, awareness is also an important preparation for childbirth. And the main thing you need to know well is that contractions, attempts and pain during childbirth are the natural physiological behavior of the body. As practice shows, painful sensations are much better tolerated if a woman is mentally prepared for them.

Preparing for childbirth also means creating a positive emotional state. Yes, childbirth can be dangerous, but in the vast majority of cases, they pass without complications. It is better not to listen to the prejudices or opinions of acquaintances who had problems during childbirth, but to read the stories of childbirth with a happy ending or listen to the advice of doctors.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital

Any, even an insignificant detail, can affect the outcome of childbirth. Therefore, it is better to take measures that will help avoid surprises in advance. Of great importance is how much a woman is psychologically ready for the very process of childbirth and how aware she is of it. The material aspect plays a less important role - are things ready for the hospital and can they be taken with you to the hospital during contractions. Although this seems very important for a woman whose psycho-emotional state is very aggravated due to hormonal levels.

In order for a woman to go into childbirth with confidence, she must necessarily know in advance about the following:

  • How to recognize that labor itself has begun
  • When can you go to the hospital
  • What list of documents may be needed in the maternity hospital
  • What things to pack in advance so that when determining regular contractions, you don’t have to look for anything rushing around the house
  • What behavior should be during contractions and attempts
  • What manipulations can be performed by health workers during childbirth
  • How can you help yourself to reduce the pain during the birth process

There is one great way to prepare for childbirth, but you will have to work hard on it if you don’t want to forget something or do something wrong because of your own shortcomings. The way is to make a short and informative cheat sheet for yourself.

It is better to make such a cheat sheet in several copies and place it in different places, for example: one in your purse, another on the refrigerator, the third with your husband. In it, you need to describe all situations in the generic process and indicate the actions that need to be taken in a particular case. Information for the plan can be obtained from records from pregnancy courses or literature sold in bookstores and available on the Internet. In order for the information in the cheat sheet to be exhaustive, when preparing an answer to a particular question, you need to imagine that the situation is unfolding at the moment and write down all the questions that have arisen. According to them, you need to find complete information and write it down in a cheat sheet.

Action plan (example)

The cheat sheet should be clear, contain only important information. Having written a cheat sheet, you need to re-read it and throw out the excess.

The stomach hurts a lot, the head hurts, there is red discharge, feeling unwell

  • Urgently call an ambulance.
  • Take things with you to the hospital.

Leaking water

  • Get dressed, use a sterile pad, call an ambulance and lie down before she arrives.
  • Call your mom or husband.

The appearance of contractions

  • Compare the intervals between contractions: real contractions are regular and felt at least every 10 minutes.
  • If the contractions are not regular and they come less often than real ones, the general state of health is normal, then you can stay at home and observe the sensations, while doing the usual things.
  • Check the bag to the hospital - things for childbirth (your own, husband - in case of partner childbirth), documents for hospitalization.

The appearance of regular contractions with an interval of 10 minutes or less

  • Get dressed and call an ambulance.
  • Call your mom or husband.
  • Do not forget to take things and documents.
  • Breathe calmly during contractions.
  • You can lie down and walk. You can only sit on the ball, not on a hard surface.
  • Do not eat or drink much.

Severe pain during contractions

  • During the fight itself: relax, take a comfortable position, massage, apply pain relief methods.
  • Try to rest as much as possible between contractions. You can consult with your doctor and midwife about the correct behavior and the possibility of medical pain relief.


  • Call a doctor and do not push without permission, breathe through the contraction like a dog.
  • Listen to the doctor's instructions and do what he says, not what you want!
  • At the command to “push”: while the fight lasts, push 3 times, before trying, take a deep breath and hold your breath, push “down”, and not “in the head”.
  • Rest and breathe between contractions.

In addition, it will be useful to sketch out in advance a list of natural pain relief techniques, possible relaxing massages, and which breathing method to use at what point.