What hairstyle to hide a long nose. How to hide a big nose: haircuts

There's nothing to be ashamed of if you have a big nose, but if it makes you feel a little self-conscious, there are visual tricks and techniques you can use to help hide your problem. Contouring and other beauty tricks are some of the most common tricks, but to maximize the effect, consider hair and accessories as well.


Part 1


Use a tonic. Start your contouring process with a light toner to make your complexion glow from within.

  • It is absolutely necessary to start applying makeup with a preliminary cleansing of the skin of the face.
  • Contouring is a makeup technique that plays with the natural shadows of your face. Depending on how you apply contours, certain areas of your face may look smaller or larger. By applying outlines using the steps listed here, you can make your nose appear smaller.

Even out your complexion with your usual foundation. If you don't already have a foundation that you use regularly, choose one that best matches your natural skin tone. Apply it all over the face, including the nose.

Apply dark foundation on the sides of the nose. Choose a foundation that is one or two shades darker than yours. natural color skin. Apply this foundation on the sides of the nose, blending well.

  • If your nose is not only large, but also long, you should also apply a dark tonal foundation to the tip of the nose.
  • The most important part of contouring is the shading process. Use a brush or sponge to carefully blend this dark shade into your foundation. natural color. When finished, the dark base should look like a natural shadow, not makeup.
  • Use a lighter color on the bridge of your nose. Choose a third foundation one shade lighter than your natural tone. Apply this foundation to the top of the nose, starting at the eyes and ending just in front of the tip of the nose and nostrils.

    • This foundation highlights the center line of the nose by painting "shadows" created by your dark base more efficient.
    • As before, you need to mix this foundation with your natural and more dark shades as carefully as possible. The transitions between shades should be seamless and look natural.
  • Apply translucent powder on the sides of the nose. Pick up a loose matte powder and apply it on both sides of your nose.

    • This loose powder can help cover up any lines or imperfections created by applying foundation, allowing your makeup to look more natural.
    • Make sure you use matte powder. Shimmer powder draws a lot of attention to the area it's being applied on, so putting it on your nose will only accentuate it more.

    Part 2

    Additional cosmetic tricks
    1. Highlight your eyes or lips. One of best ways to hide your nose is to highlight another part of the face. Bold eye makeup or bold lip color will draw viewers' attention to your eyes or lips more than any other part of your face, including your nose.

      • If you decide to accentuate your eyes, make them pop art with dark eyeliner and mascara. Bright and bold eyeshadow is also great for evening make-up, but you should avoid them in daytime makeup.
      • If you prefer to accentuate your lips, use bright bold lipstick colors. Also, lipstick with a little gloss or lip gloss is perfect for you.
      • Do not highlight both eyes and lips at the same time. Application heavy makeup for eyes and lips can easily overload your face.
    2. Subtly emphasize your cheekbones. You can balance your nose by making your cheekbones more prominent, in addition to your prominent lips or eyes.

      • Choose a blush one or two shades darker than your natural skin tone and apply it to the apples of your cheeks. IN this case Shimmer blushes work very well as they accentuate the skin more than matte blushes.
      • Alternatively, you can also apply a light bronzer along your cheekbones to make them glow and stand out more.
    3. Avoid glitter on your skin. In particular, this applies to your nose. Glitter catches the eye and draws more attention to facial features, so glitter on the nose will make it look even bigger.

      • The most important thing to do is to keep as much sebum balance as possible. Use a gentle cleanser on your nose every morning and evening. Rough detergents can really irritate the skin and cause it to produce more sebum. During the day, blot your skin with paper or cosmetic matting wipes to remove excess oil from your nose.
      • When applying any makeup to your nose, use matte makeup instead of shimmery ones.

    Part 3

    1. Grow your hair. Medium and long hairstyles are generally better than short ones. Short hairstyles frame the face and highlight the nose, which can visually enlarge it even more. Medium and long haircuts will balance your facial features and make them look smaller.

    2. Cut your hair in layers. Straight, edgy hairstyles create more even vertical lines and emphasize the largest straight line on the face - the nose. So cut your hair in layers instead of making it soft and round.

      • All layered haircuts are better than sharp and straight ones, but in this case, feathered haircuts are the best of the best. Its texture is especially soft and wavy, so it the best way balance your facial features.
    3. Add waves or curls. In general, adding waves and curves separates your hair into separate sections and balances out any harsh lines on your face. The bridge of the nose is the longest and most prominent straight line on your face.

      • Use a diffuser, curler or curling iron to make your hair wavy.
    4. Avoid neat ponytails. Smooth, tight ponytails can make your facial features appear sharper and tougher. As a result, your nose will appear even larger.

      • When you put your hair back in a ponytail or up-do style, give it a slightly messy look. Gather your hair at the crown and release a few strands to frame your face in gentle curls.
    5. Make a side parting The center part will be right above your nose, widening the straight line of your nose and drawing more attention to a specific part of your face.

      • Unlike the central part, the side part compensates for the lines of your face, smoothing them out and making the nose less prominent.
    6. Play with bangs. It can help hide a big nose, but you should generally avoid coarse bangs with sharp corners. Straight lines will only draw more attention to the straight line of your nose.

      • When cutting your bangs, consider a curved bang that will smooth out the angles on your face, or consider thin bangs that will also soften the lines on your face.
  • If necessary, hide some imperfections of the face, hair great helpers. Shortcomings, especially visible ones, give rise to a lot of complexes in us. Protruding ears, square face, big nose, double chin strongly affect self-esteem.

    Fashion is changing and requirements for female attractiveness become tougher. Choosing the right hairstyle is quite difficult, especially if you are far from the world. hairdressing and appearance style. Of course, a competent stylist can choose the right hairstyle that would hide flaws and emphasize advantages. But how often do we refer to them?

    Hairstyle options that make facial imperfections less noticeable

    There are many options for haircuts and hairstyles that hide the flaws in appearance. It is also possible to achieve good result at correct styling hair.

    Hair styling and volume

    It should be noted right away that short haircuts are not the best option hide facial flaws. Haircuts such as bob or bob will not be able to hide a big nose. Rather, these hairstyles, on the contrary, emphasize this flaw in the face, drawing attention to it. But if you are a supporter short haircuts, a big nose is not a reason to refuse them. With proper styling, you can achieve good results. To visually reduce a large nose, you need to give the hairstyle a good proportional volume, paying considerable attention to the back of the head.

    The presence of a voluminous nose is well hidden by multi-layer elongated haircuts, such as a cascade. They add volume to the hairstyle, emphasizing the eyes and lips.

    Various kinds of curls and curls will only help you. They not only make the hairstyle voluminous, but also smooth facial features, giving them femininity.

    Wavy and curled hair is easy to make on curlers or a curling iron, but with the help of foam and a hair dryer you can achieve wet effect. This method of hair styling well distracts from the nose and noticeably decorates their owner.

    Bouffant, as a method of adding volume, is also very convenient.

    What to Avoid

    Avoid smooth, straight styling, they focus on irregular facial features.

    Owners of a large nose should not do collected hairstyles, as they will reveal to the public all the flaws of the face. Various ponytails, shells, a braid and slicked back hairstyles will make the nose stand out a lot.

    If you need to stab the curls up, then you should do it a little differently. Collect curls from all sides and stab them with hairpins, but without pulling. Hair should lie freely, this will add volume to the hairstyle. Release a few small strands near the face, they will outline it and soften the features. Thanks to this styling, the emphasis on the nose will not fall.

    A little about bangs

    The selection of bangs should be taken seriously. Not every bang can hide a big nose.

    Shortened, straight, smooth bangs will only emphasize imperfect facial features. But oblique or hanging on its side will be very handy.

    Hair length and color

    As for the length of the hair, the most optimal will be the average length. Long strands very handy when creating various hairstyles.

    One way to draw attention away from the nose is toning the strands. Coloring focuses on the hair, distracting from the flaws of the face.

    When choosing a hair color, preference should be given to light brown and light tones. Since the black color emphasizes the flaws.

    There are many ways to hide facial flaws with hair. Well-chosen hairstyle combined with the right make-up can not only hide a big nose, but also noticeably change the appearance.

    With a little practice, your girlfriends, with perfect features, will take attractiveness lessons from you.

    These tips will greatly help girls who are about to get married. This is probably the only day in her life when a girl should look as impressive as possible. The miss on this day should not be 100%. So after choosing wedding dress in St. Petersburg, you should carefully consider your makeup and hairstyle. It is better if you entrust this to a professional, but knowing the basics yourself is simply necessary. Suddenly your stylist messes something up.

    Complexes, complexes, complexes…. This time, the "culprit" - a big nose. More precisely, not the nose, but its “unsatisfactory” length. You could have a rhinoplasty, but you don't want to involve, on the face of it, "the work of unnaturalness." That's right, let "reality" remain. If not all, then at least some (very significant and important) of its "elements".

    Does the girl have a big nose? - Remember your hair! Well, about everything that is connected with it. Bangs - forget it, as it, covering the forehead, focuses the attention of others on your nose. But if you don’t like yourself without a bang, you should choose one that, to a lesser extent, will “remind” you, and everyone else, of “nasal dimensions”.

    What to do? How to hide a big nose? - Hairstyle.

    H for example, these types of bangs:

    E that “six” of bangs, more or less, will suit you, but it’s better not to touch them at all. Especially the following:

    1. Long.
    2. Ladder.
    3. French.
    4. Thick.
    5. Smooth.
    6. Round.
    7. Straight.

    E These bangs will, on purpose, make (visually) your nose longer. So why climb on the rampage," if you can "get around" the trouble, in the form of bangs?

    Visually reduce your nose - hairstyle volume. It is on him that you need to focus your close attention because it will hide your big nose. Before you figure out the volume, please tell me: are you thin or plump? This question is not asked for the sake of "pun" or something else. It was asked in order to clarify one very important nuance, which will help reduce the "length" of the nose. If you consider yourself to be a large woman, the volume of the hairstyle should fully comply with your constitution, that is, not be very “small”. Are you skinny? Then the same volume will suit you (small). The most optimal combination is a long nose and hair of medium length and longer. Do you feel the "competitive spirit"? For example, I get the feeling that the length of the nose and the length of the hair, in a sense, "compete" with each other. You have to make sure that the hair becomes the "winners". "Consolation prize", for the loser's nose - his beautiful appearance.

    How to hide a big nose? What to do with the nose? - Makeup.

    If your nose has “grown” in width, apply on its “back”, light tone al cream. The "wings" of the nose should be made darker than the color of the skin. If your nose is large, by itself, then, on the tip of the nose, you should apply dark tone, and on the bridge of the nose - light (to the "nasal" tip). Or, perhaps, you need to try, put a little powder on the wings of the nose. One of the options is yours.

    "Shift" all the accents to "something else." You can paint your lips with very bright lipstick, you can dye your hair an ultra-custom color, you can get a tattoo in the most “shocking” and noticeable place, you can wear clothes that will “distract” human gazes from any of your facial features. If you are the “queen” of long hair, let it down! They will "cope" with the task of hiding your nose, under their "wave". If you do not like "hair promiscuity", try combing your hair over your cheeks and forehead.

    Lift, using styling products, the hair that is at the crown. These funds are somewhere in your locker, in the corner of the top shelf. Right behind the souvenirs. You were in a bad mood, so you “put them in” there. It was necessary to "recoup" something.

    Hair, along the facial contour, arrange so that they "rest" very close to the nose. Are you ticklish? This "way" will not tickle your nose. He will be pleased that now they don’t “stare” at him like they did recently.

    Comedians and thrill-seekers would advise walking naked. Well, yes, no one will notice your long nose, but law enforcement agencies can see your nakedness. Here, then, you will remain "with a nose", literally and figuratively.

    A woman with a big nose. Inferiority complex?

    In general, you can not torment your nose. Leave everything as it is, and be proud that you have such a nose, and not someone else. There is no other nose like yours. Look for the positive in it:

    1. A big nosenot a defect but what nature gave you. Tell her " Thanks a lot”, because she “spent” her “natural” time on you, without regret, for free.
    2. A big nose does not interfere with eating, sleeping, dreaming, thinking, jumping, dressing, washing, watching your favorite movies, enjoying music…. It does not interfere with action and inaction.
    3. A big nose does not grow and will never grow. He will forever be himself. Isn't that a reason to rejoice?
    4. You can be proud of your big nose! Not everyone has it, and not everyone "goes" with it. And you - just right. Your sizer. Of course, you will now begin to challenge this opinion. There is no need to convince you: you and your reflection know better whether there is a “rational drop” in this or not.

    But what if it is a nose of this size that will bring you happiness? Think of omens and coincidences. You can "refer" to the past. Previously, in ancient times, they were very proud of the presence of such a “luxurious” nose on their faces.

    Now, of course, the fashion is different. But let's remember one important point: not everyone follows what is fashionable; many choose comfort and practicality. What is the practicality of a large nose? That it "absorbs" more microbes and harmful substances that "haunt" the nasal cavity.

    IN Are you, after reading this, going to continue not to love your nose? And do you feel sorry for him? In that case, be true to weapons such as:

    1. Correct and "tricky" makeup.
    2. Well-chosen hairstyle.
    3. "Saturated" lips.
    4. Bright hair color.
    5. Memorable makeup.
    6. Extraordinary clothing style.

    Let it comfort you, at least a little, that you are not alone: many people live with a big nose. They live and rejoice in the fact that they have it at all. It's so wonderful to feel floral fragrances, inhale Fresh air, play with nostrils, the "freedom" of the breeze ... Life without a nose is impossible to imagine. If it is possible, then such a terrible picture emerges that one wants to speak out loud and not about it.

    But…. With your nose, you have the right to do whatever you want. The only thing that needs to be added: with the help of piercing, on the nose, attention, from the size of the nose, is not abstracted in any way.

    To be continued:


    You can hide the shortcomings of a long nose with foundation or powder of several shades. To do this, on the nasal septum between the nostrils, apply powder or cream a couple of tones darker than the main background of the face, to the very tip of the nose.

    On the bridge of the nose to mask a long nose, you need to apply powder or foundation. The transition from the light tone of the bridge of the nose to the dark tip must be made smooth. To do this, it is advisable to use a special sponge for applying tonal foundation.

    In addition, hairstyles can visually reduce the length of the nose, the main lines of which go to the back of the head.

    Owners of a long nose should either wear a bang that can visually shorten the nose, or abandon it altogether. As a rule, the bangs cover the forehead, thereby reducing the open part of the face, and therefore highlighting the long nose. To hide a long nose, women can wear oblique, short, torn, asymmetrical bangs, as well as tucked to the side.


    • long nose what to do

    There are very few women who are satisfied with their appearance. Someone is not satisfied with a sharp chin, someone has prominent cheekbones, and someone suffers from a large or wide one. Do not rush to extremes and immediately go under the surgeon's knife. There are painless effective ways. You can try to beat your apparent flaw with the right makeup, hairstyle and accessories.


    You should start with . You can correct the shape of the nose with the help of tonal means. different shades. Apply foundation all over your face base color, that is, the one that is as close as possible to your complexion. Pick up one cream and one cream half a tone darker than the main one. All creams should create a matte velvety surface of the skin.

    So, you can visually change the wide bridge of the nose by applying a light tone to the back, and a darker one to the wings of the nose. Blend thoroughly so that there are no borders. To do this, use a damp sponge.

    If you think that your nose is too long, then apply foundation on the bridge of your nose light color and a darker cream on the tip of the nose. You can hide the tip of the nose when applying blush on the cheekbones. With the same blush, slightly touch the tip. Only use warm colors: bronze and orange, but in no case pink and mother-of-pearl.

    Do you think your nose is too big? Apply dark foundation all over the nose and blend to create smooth transition from one tone to another.

    The shape of the eyebrows has a great influence on the perception of the shape of the nose. For large noses, don't pluck too much, just as don't leave them too thick. Ideally, the shape of the eyebrows should be semi-circular with a slight bend or kink.

    At short hair volume is created at the back of the head, and removed from the face. Remember that bangs in your hairstyle should not be in any case. The exception is asymmetrical and very short bangs. Visually reduce the size of the nose dark blond or blonde hair. If you are a burning brunette, then sneak into a blonde and check it out for yourself.

    No matter how much you worry about the shape of your nose, know that this perception of yours is purely subjective and does not reflect the real assessment of your appearance.


    • hairstyles with big nose

    Own external ness not always happy girls. I want to be irresistible and attract the attention of men, and natural beauty rather than ugly facial features. But you look in the mirror and state a fact: wide nose spoils all your charm. Do not rush to get upset, most women successfully solve this problem with the help of various "cunning" tricks.


    Most radical way resorted to to change the shape of the nose is rhinoplasty. You will solve the problem once and, but first consider all the positive and negative consequences his determination. Is your nose too wide to risk your health?

    Try adjusting the width of your nose with decorative cosmetics. Take foundation and powder in two shades. One should be a tone darker than your skin, the second should be a tone lighter. You will need these shades to correct the contour of the nose. First, you need to apply foundation on your face. After that, take a thin brush six to seven millimeters wide. The bristle of the brush should be short and soft. Next, take a dark powder and apply it with a brush in even lines on the sides of the nose. The dark line begins in a slight curve from the eyebrow, then turns into a straight line along the nose and ends on its wings.
    Next, with dark powder on the wings of the nose, draw a triangle, which should touch the drawn line. This way you will darken the wider part of the nose. With a brush with light powder, draw a line along the center of the nose - it goes from the forehead to the tip of the nose.
    Carefully blend all the applied lines so that there are no clear boundaries between the shades of the powder.

    To distract attention from a wide, in your opinion, nose, you should draw it to another part of the face - either to the lips, or to the eyes, and, possibly, to both at the same time. Apply lipstick brighter or, if you have large facial features, use mascara and shadows in shades that suit you to make your eyes more expressive. In this case bright colors lipstick should be avoided.

    Visually narrow the bridge of the nose moderately dark shadows on inner corner eyes.

    If you have a wide nose, avoid hairstyles with bangs. Your appearance will be spoiled by straight bangs, as well as even, round, thick and bangs. Medium length hair is best for you. If the haircut is short, try to make it more voluminous at the back of the head and do not cover your face with hair. Lift your hair at the crown with styling products.

    Order glasses in the original frame. You might want darker frames with narrow bezels and sharp corners. interesting shape frames in this case will also shift the focus from your nose to your eyes.

    Extraordinary style of clothing will also divert attention from the wide nose.

    A long nose is not always such a terrible problem as it seems to its owners. Firstly, it is a highlight that distinguishes it from the rest. Secondly, this feature can be played up in such a way that some excess length will be practically not noticeable.


    Not so long ago, glasses came into fashion. And if earlier many were embarrassed to wear them, preferring contact lenses, now even the owners healthy eyes strive to decorate the face with this accessory. To correct a long nose perfect solution. Go to the optician and try on the frames various forms. Choose two or three that suit you best. Please note that they must be different color and go with any outfit. Then you will not only hide your little feature, but also gain a new one. stylish look.

    Unlike glasses, bright accessories - neckerchiefs, collars, large jewelry, have always been and will be fashionable. They are only a little color solution and invoice. Use all this arsenal to divert attention from a long nose. Wear large earrings or a natural heavy necklace. Tie a scarf or stole with an eye-catching pattern around your neck. In this way, you will switch the views of others from your face to stylish additions to your outfit.

    Adjust the length of the nose with . To do this, apply foundation at the tip of a darker shade than the one you usually use. Carefully blend the borders between the colors. Powder a little. Highlight your eyes with two to three coats of mascara. Or take a lip gloss and give them volume. All this will divert attention from the middle part of the face.

    Choose the right headgear. All kinds of caps and hats hide a long nose best of all. Get a few so that you can combine them with other outfits and change them depending on the season.

    Make bangs. If such a haircut suits you, it will help balance facial features, hide a long nose. The bangs should be straight, covering the entire forehead and ending along the line of the eyebrows.


    Remember that most often problems in appearance are noticeable only to yourself. And everyone else just ignores them. Be friendly an open person. Then your little defect will be perceived only as a piquant feature.

    Bangs give the face a special zest. But it also happens that you want to radically change your image and create new hairstyle removing hair from forehead. In this case, for some time it will be necessary to stab the bangs so as not to lose their attractiveness. It is quite easy to do this.

    How to remove bangs with accessories

    First of all, you will need a variety of accessories with which you will have to fix your hair. It can be a variety of bandages, headbands, invisible, hairpins, ribbons and elastic bands.

    Happy owners thick hair they can beautifully put the bangs back and stab it with invisibility, having previously applied mousse or gel to the hair. This will fix the hair and prevent it from falling apart. Place the invisibles crosswise, diagonally or parallel to each other. For girls with wide cheekbones, you can visually correct the shape of the face if you comb the bangs before styling and sprinkle it with varnish.

    A beautiful hairpin will make it interesting to remove bangs to anyone solemn event. Comb your hair back, spray with varnish and fix beautiful hairpins with rhinestones. Overflows of stones will attract everyone's attention to you.

    If your dream is to grow bangs, then you will need quite long time to the required length. At the same time, you need to try not to spoil your image with a careless regrown bang. Headbands and hairbands will come to your aid. Pay attention to the color and style of these accessories - they should be in harmony with your clothes.

    If combed back hair does not suit you, then you can part the hair on both sides of the face and fasten. Romantic image can be created by curling the bangs and laying it in a wave at the temples, securing it with hairpins.

    How to remove bangs with braids

    Probably the most interesting way to remove bangs is a pigtail. It allows you to save time, at the same time giving a special charm to a woman of any age. To do this, you will need a small elastic band, varnish and a comb with rare teeth. Weaving methods can be very different. To begin with, the hair must be carefully combed, then grab a strand from the side of the main part of the hair, and then from the bangs. It turns out that one strand will consist of hair from bangs, the second, located in the center, from hair 1 cm above the bangs and the bangs itself, and the third from long hair. Next, weave a pigtail, while adding hair alternately on the right and left sides to the second strand. After the hair from the bangs ends, the weaving ends and is fixed with an elastic band. It remains to weave the resulting pigtail into the hair and sprinkle it with varnish.

    can weave french braid, the strands are superimposed on the left and right. For hair in bohemian style continue weaving even after the hair from the bangs is over.

    The bangs, removed with the help of a pigtail around the head, look very feminine. True, this the way is fine only for those with long hair. Weave start on one side of the head, moving from ear to ear. At the same time, weave the bangs into the braid, and leave the rest of the hair loose.

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    Properly selected cosmetics can hide various skin defects - dark spots, pimples and even scars. Makeup will help correct other imperfections, such as a nose that is too long or plump cheeks. The right combination of corrector, powder and various foundation creams can work miracles.

    You will need

    • - Foundation;
    • - the basis;
    • - proofreader;
    • - powder;
    • - brushes and applicators;
    • - bronzer.


    Before applying makeup, cleanse your skin with an alcohol-free toner. If the skin is rough and uneven, you can lightly treat it with an exfoliant, but if you have acne, you should not clean it. Apply a make-up base all over your face - it will even out the relief and prevent the foundation from sinking into the pores.

    From different types bases choose matting, made on the basis of silicones. The redness of the face will help to hide the base with a slight greenish tint, and an earthy dull suitable for skin pale lilac base.

    On top of the foundation, apply a foundation that perfectly matches the tone of your skin. Too dark a cream will emphasize imperfections, and too light will turn the face into a mask. Apply foundation sponge, as if driving it. Cream consumption will increase, but this method will provide you beautiful skin natural look.

    Cover under eye circles and fine lines with concealer beige shade. Carefully drive it into the skin so that the boundaries of the application of the product are invisible. The concealer should be slightly lighter than the foundation. However, too light agent if it doesn't work, it will turn you into a panda.

    Reddened areas - acne marks, broken capillaries - treat with a yellowish tint corrector. This tone will hide the redness. scars and dark spots You can't hide it with a regular corrector. For them, use a thick dermatological paste. It does not clog pores, but requires very careful application and good shading.

    To fix the result, go over the face with a puff with loose translucent powder. Brush off the excess with a flat brush-fan. For skin prone to shine, mattifying powder is suitable, and small wrinkles will mask the product with reflective particles.

    If there are inflammations on the cheeks, discard red and pink blush- they only emphasize defects. Instead, the cheekbones can be marked with a matte bronzer or tan-colored powder. Bronzer will help and visually change the proportions of the face. For example, a stripe drawn at the roots of the hair will help reduce an overly high forehead, and a stroke along the bridge of the nose will shorten an overly long nose. To prevent the face from looking patchy, carefully rub the strokes and fix the makeup with a transparent loose powder.

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    Helpful advice

    Be careful with corrective makeup if you have a photo or video shoot. Bright flashes may reveal some of the remedies and strange white spots will appear on the face.

    Quite often, women are unhappy with their nose shape and are ready to resort to the most radical methods of correcting it. The current cosmetology and medicine offer many ways to solve this problem. It can be as simple special technique make-up, and surgery.


    Sculpting. This is a special technique for applying makeup. On the parts of the face that need to be visually reduced, a darkening base for makeup, blush or dark powder is applied, and on the parts of the face that need to be emphasized, a special brightening agent is applied or. That is, if you need to correct a wide nose, then you need to apply a darkening agent on its wings, and brighten its top. dark powder you also need to hide the long tip and hump.

    Another, also not too radical method Correcting the shape of the nose is an exercise for the muscles of the face. American cosmetologist Caroll Maggio developed a whole range of exercises. Some of them, according to the author, will help you shorten or narrow your nose. In her book Aerobics for the Skin and Muscles of the Face, you can find all the exercises with detailed illustrations.

    Another way to correct the shape of the nose is injections of collagen fillers. The procedure is quite simple, it is performed under local anesthesia and lasts only a few minutes. The filler is injected under the skin with a syringe, and due to this, the shape of the nose changes. For example, to hide the hump, the filler is injected above and below it, the skin rises to the level of the hump, and it becomes almost invisible. The disadvantage of this procedure is its fragility, since after 12-18 months the filler is completely absorbed, and the injections have to be repeated again. Also, this method cannot reduce the size of the nose or change the shape of the nostrils.

    The most radical way is rhinoplasty - correcting the shape of the nose with the help of surgical intervention. The surgeon removes bone tissue and creates new forms of the nose, then the cartilage tissue is removed. A plaster or gauze bandage is applied to the nose after the operation for at least a week. Approximate results of the operation can be assessed only after 15-20 days, when swelling disappears from the face. You will be able to see the final result only after a year.

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    Most girls are dissatisfied with their appearance to one degree or another. Some are complex because of small eyes, others would like to have plump lips, others dream of a neat upturned nose. However, today many of the fair sex have learned to apply makeup so masterfully that such shortcomings seem to them only unpleasant trifles. If you have a really wide, long or just large nose, then a regular foundation can help in its correction.

    Helpful Hints

    Probably, there is no such person who would not feel dissatisfaction at certain periods of his life. (more-less) with their appearance. Usually in adolescence, many are faced with an irresistible desire to improve something in themselves.

    And if you are the kind of person who has never been particularly worried about his appearance, then you are just lucky. Most people stare in the mirror for hours, thinking about how wonderful it would be if the nose and ears were a little smaller, the eyes a little larger, the lips fuller, and so on.

    However, it is worth knowing that in experiences related to one's appearance, there is nothing reprehensible. After all, no one is perfect, and therefore it is worth learning to turn a blind eye to some of your shortcomings.

    But what to do if you are categorically not ready to put up with the most prominent (in every sense of the word!) Part of your face - too big or just too long nose?

    Big nose - nose shape correction

    There is a way out - and for this it is not necessary to go under the knife

    If you are not satisfied with the shape of the eyes or eyebrows, the color of the skin or the shape of the ears is embarrassing, there are many ways to correct the situation. AND we are talking not only about plastic surgerythe most fundamental solution.

    Many shortcomings can be eliminated with good makeup; big ears are quite possible to hide under long hair; cosmetics (or even ordinary Sunglasses) will allow you to hide the imperfection of your eyes from others.

    People who are ready to fight the injustice of nature, which rewarded them with a very large nose, there are also several ways to fix this shortcoming. We bring to your attention a dozen very useful tricks to make your big nose look smaller.

    Yoga for the nose

    Perhaps the very idea of ​​yoga for the nose seems strange, but certain exercises that can change the shape of this part of the body do exist. Yoga for the nose uses the technique of inhaling and exhaling.

    There are many such exercises. Becoming less popular fitness to correct the shape of the nose. On the net you can find a lot of interesting and proven techniques offered by a variety of people.

    On this moment We bring to your attention one of the most effective and popular exercises from the arsenal of yoga for the nose. This exercise will shorten and narrow the tip of the nose somewhat.

    1. index finger hands lightly press the tip of the nose so that the nasal passages narrow slightly.

    2. Breathe in through your mouth.

    3. Exhale forcefully through your nose.

    Repeat this exercise for ten times. Exhale with force, but without excessive fanaticism, not to the point of dizziness. It is enough to perform three approaches a day. It will take time to see certain changes, but it is worth it.

    Of course, in order to achieve results with the help of such exercises, a certain patience is needed. You should not strain too much, as by doing so you will rather stress the muscles than change the shape of the nose in a short time.

    Contour makeup for the nose

    Use shadows that are two shades darker than your complexion. Apply two strips of shadow on both sides of the bridge of the nose, moving from top to bottom, to the wings of the nose. Then apply a shadow that is one to two shades lighter than your skin, in the middle of the bridge of your nose, from top to bottom.

    If your nose tip is too wide, this light strip should not be carried all the way to the tip. Then it is necessary to shade the borders of the strips so that they completely merge. That's all - contour makeup ready for the nose!

    Reducing the distance between the eyebrows

    With this technique, you will ensure that the distance between your eyebrows will appear smaller than it really is. Why is it necessary? This will create the visual sensation that your nose looks somewhat narrower.

    In order to achieve this result, it is recommended to use eyebrow powder. Of course, it is necessary that the color of the powder is combined with natural color your eyebrow. And, if you don't overdo it in "pulling" the eyebrows together, your nose will actually seem thinner.

    Long nose - how to deal with it?

    Use highlighter to make your nose look shorter

    To make your nose look shorter, use a nose highlighter (facial highlighter). It must be applied to the bridge of the nose exactly to its middle (from top to bottom, in the center of the bridge of the nose). This will give the desired effect (though not pronounced).

    By the way, there is another way, from the opposite, as they say. To do this, you need to darken lower part tip of the nose with shadows. Then you need to blend the shadows so that the tip of the nose does not attract excessive attention unnatural tone.

    Use lipstick

    Using bright or deep shades of lipstick is another little secret that will visually change the shape of your nose. No, of course, nothing will happen to the nose itself - it will be as big or small, narrow or wide.

    However bright colors Lipsticks will draw the maximum attention of others to your lips. Use purple, red lipstick. Good distraction blue or orange shades. However, a lot depends on your individual skin tone.

    Use different accessories

    Start wearing eye-catching earrings, necklaces or necklaces more often. Even glasses! If you choose these accessories correctly, they will somewhat distract the attention of others from your face and the imperfect nuances of your nose.

    But the use of jewelry directly for the nose (all sorts of "snails", "carnations", earrings and rings) with large sizes this body is highly undesirable. This will only emphasize its imperfection, and even actually lead to some increase in size.

    Use the correct viewing angle

    Our face looks different depending on where you look at it from. Check it out yourself! Take several photos of your face (actually, a selfie) from different angles. And decide for yourself From what angle does your nose look prettier?.

    Once you manage to find that perfect angle, you will look much more attractive in your selfies and group photos. And if we turn to the possibilities that numerous photo editors offer ...

    Why not? Your goal is to make your nose look better. In the photographs, including. Therefore, feel free to use applications that you can download directly to your smartphone - they are very simple and easy to use.

    And then you will be able to "fix" not only the shape of the nose! Your face will become more proportional; skin color will improve significantly; eyes will become more expressive. True, only in the photographs ...

    We correct the nose cosmetically

    Pick the right hairstyle

    Some hairstyles make an imperfect nose look even more imperfect. What can I say: enough big bangs or tight " ponytail» may even normal nose visually turn it into "outstanding".

    You need to avoid appropriate haircuts or similar hair styling. For example, if your hair is styled in such a way that there is a parting in the middle, this also makes your nose a central part that attracts attention.