Lightening hair tones. Features of dark curls. Hair mask with cinnamon for lightening


If your hair is of light shades and has not been previously dyed with chemical dyes, then you can lighten it by a couple of tones with ordinary paint from the store, following the instructions for use. But if you are the owner of dark hair, which is also repeatedly dyed, then you will need a phased lightening. It is better to do this procedure at the hairdresser, who will be able to assess the real condition of your hair and warn about possible negative consequences clarification.

Before the procedure for lightening dark, previously dyed hair, you can carry out a color washing procedure with a special preparation. The essence of this procedure is that the wash releases the chemical dye pigment from the hair structure without touching natural shade. If it is not possible to do a preliminary wash, you can wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo for a week before bleaching - it strongly washes the paint from the hair structure.

The second stage is clarification. Dark hair is better with professional powder in combination with an oxidizing agent. Remember that the higher the percentage of oxidizing agent, the faster it lightens the hair, but it damages them much more at the same time. Therefore, hairdressers often use oxidizing agents with a small percentage, but carry out the clarification procedure several times in a row.

The brightening composition is applied to the hair quickly, wrapping small strands of hair with foil to make the process more effective. If, after the first composition is washed off the hair, the result of clarification has not yet been achieved, a second portion should be applied to the hair. With proper observance of all the subtleties of the process, as a result of bleaching, you should get a light yellow hair color.

The final stage of clarification -. Hair coloring is mandatory after lightening, since the hair after this procedure is empty from the inside, their scales are open. In this state, they will break and look terrible. After painting with gentle ammonia-free paint, the hair is filled from the inside, looks more well-groomed, disappears yellow tint, hair scales close, shine appears.

After the lightening procedure, the hair needs careful care. They need constant nutrition and hydration. Can make masks natural products and use professional hair care and restoration products. Special attention should be given to the tips, as they are overdried the most. Cut off the discolored ends once a month to keep them looking healthy, beautiful and well-groomed.


  • how to lighten dark hair

If your hair are naturally dark or have been dyed dark with permanent paint, then it will be quite difficult for you to turn into a sunny blonde. Ordinary paint is able to lighten only the natural pigment of the hair up to 5-6 tones. If hair too dark, then a bleaching procedure is indispensable.


To lighten hair by 6 tones, you will need a strong blond preparation. The percentage of oxidizing agent is selected based on the structure of your hair. Thin hair lighten with weaker oxides - 3% and 6%. Rigid or previously painted hair costs with the help of stronger oxides - 9% and 12%. When choosing a blond, give preference to trusted companies that guarantee good result.

When lightening hair, apply a blond mixture to hair starting with those hairs that are difficult to bleach - this occipital part. Whiskey should be painted at the last moment. Apply the mixture to hair with a thick brush, evenly distributing the composition over all hair from the roots. The ends are painted much faster, so it makes sense to apply the composition to them at the end of staining.

Hair lightening can take place gradually and unevenly. The oxygen released from the peroxide oxidizes the natural pigment, "etching" it out of the hair structure. As a result hair become empty. Therefore, with strong lightening, the further procedure is so important - it returns color, strength to the hair, and also makes them. During the bleaching process, heat is actively released. In order not to hurt hair, a warming cap should not be placed on the head.

On average, 6 tones takes about an hour. Therefore, so that the composition is not on the hair, do not do it too much.
Checking the result during the procedure itself is quite simple - rinse the composition from the strand of hair and evaluate the degree of lightening. If it does not suit you, cover the strand with the composition again.

The main stages of hair lightening: red - red - red - yellow-red - yellow - light yellow.
When your hair turned yellow or light yellow, you need to finish the procedure and rinse thoroughly hair. Then you should start toning your hair. Hair toning can be done with soft cream paints or tinted shampoos with violet pigments that neutralize the unpleasant yellowness of the hair. You should not keep the tint on your hair for a long time, a few minutes are enough, otherwise you risk getting lilac hair.


Lightening hair by 6 tones is stressful for your hair. Remember that after bleaching, hair needs permanent care: moisturizing and nourishing masks, protective leave-in creams. Only enhanced care will return life shine and beauty to bleached hair.

You should also know that lightening hair by 6 tones is strong. It is better if you seek the help of a professional hairdresser who can choose the type of bleaching agent for your hair structure, as well as carry out a lightening procedure with minimal damage to the hair.


  • lightening by tone

Every woman knows that painting in fiery red, copper, chestnut or black is not at all difficult. But to lighten the strands without damaging them is not an easy task. Since ancient times, lightening has given the beauties a lot of trouble and trouble, under the influence of paint, the hair became stiff, dry and brittle. You can lighten them without damaging them only with the help of harmless natural compounds.


Make your hair beautiful light shade you can use a daily chamomile rinse or a clarifier based on this plant. It is not difficult to prepare a clarifier. Pour 200 g of raw chamomile with two glasses of vodka. Infuse the resulting remedy for a week. Then add the cooled brewed henna to it. Steep the mixture for another two weeks. Then strain the tincture and lubricate her hair every day.

If you want to lighten your hair without damaging it, you can use a homemade honey mask. Wash your hair with a mixture of regular shampoo, pinches of salt and soda. Dry slightly and apply honey along their entire length. Cover your head with a scarf all night, and rinse thoroughly in the morning honey mask warm water. This product is great for brightening hair.

Many people know that lemon is a natural skin lightener, but few people know that it works in the same way on hair. Lubricate them with freshly squeezed lemon juice and go sunbathing. The interaction of sunlight and lemon juice gives great effect natural lighting. Remember that repeated this method can adversely affect the structure of the hair.

To prepare the next bleaching composition for hair, you will need 20 g of chamomile, 20 g of calendula, 4 lemons, 30 g of rhubarb roots, 50 g of honey, 50 g of alcohol and half a liter of vinegar. Mix all these components and cook a clarifier out of them. The resulting composition gives an amazing effect of lightening hair.

You can lighten your hair without damaging it with the help of a clarifier based on high-quality cognac. Mix two tablespoons of this strong drink with raw egg, 50 g of kefir, juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of regular shampoo. Apply the resulting product to the hair and wash it off only after 8-10 hours. Your strands will acquire a beautiful light shade.

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Women are prone to transformations in appearance, especially many people like to change their hair color to another, darker or, conversely, lighter. Some want to become red-haired from a brunette, others just want to lighten their natural color for a few tones. You can do this with hydrogen peroxide.

You will need

  • - a cup (glass, porcelain, wood, plastic);
  • - wooden stick;
  • - cotton swab;
  • - brush;
  • - gloves;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - liquid soap;
  • - ammonium bicarbonate;
  • - hair balm;
  • - shampoo;
  • - comb.


Prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide of the desired concentration. For thick coarse hair, take an 8-12% solution, for thin and sparse hair, 4-8% is enough. The amount of diluted peroxide is also important. For thick long hair, you need to prepare more clarifying mixture. Focus on the following: 50-60 ml for medium length hair.

Now take a porcelain or glass cup, you can use plastic, wooden, the main thing is that it should not be made of metal, which can enter into chemical reaction with hydrogen peroxide. Also prepare a cotton swab, a brush and a wooden stick for mixing the mixture, gloves.

Dilute right amount water based on 30 ml of water 40 ml of peroxide, add 20 g liquid soap and 1 tsp. ammonium bicarbonate. Stir with a wooden stick.

Lubricate the skin around the edge and put a towel or sheet over your shoulders. Comb hair, separate them with a parting. Start applying the brightening mixture. Do it quickly, as it works immediately after contact with the hair, and it may turn out that the strands lighten unevenly.

First, moisturize the back of the head, then quickly spread the brightening mixture over the entire length with a cotton swab or brush, you can use a comb if you have hair short. Just remember that metal objects are prohibited.

After the peroxide is evenly applied to hair wait no more than 30 minutes. You can’t cover your head with polyethylene, and even more so with a towel - you can burn hair. Follow the lightening process, when you get the tone you need, rinse the mixture with warm water. Then apply balm for a couple of minutes and wash your hair.


Can lighten hair special paints sold in cosmetic departments, they do not burn hair as much and are easy to use. It is enough to read the instructions enclosed in the package.

Helpful advice

Since hydrogen peroxide dries your hair, making it brittle, take special care of your hair. Make moisturizing masks, eat right, do not expose to prolonged exposure to the sun.


  • How to lighten dark hair in 2019

Tip 5: How to lighten hair naturally

Light color hair never goes out of fashion, and blondes are always sought after men's hearts. Yes, and the girls themselves seem to have their own golden-haired image easier and more touching.

Along with this, many girls have long been tormented by the question - how to lighten hair with natural means?

Lightening hair with chemicals is harmful. And this is especially noticeable in thin hair which are generally contraindicated chemical exposure. It is known that with the help of vegetable dyes of henna and basma, as well as a decoction of onion peel, rhubarb and oak bark, you can dye your hair in red and dark tones of varying intensity. But what can nature offer us to make hair lighter?

There are such resources, although there are not so many of them. Of course, it will be impossible to become a blonde from a brunette with their help, but it is quite possible to lighten your curls by two or three tones. At the same time, the hair structure will not suffer at all, moreover, such procedures will play the role of a mask and can even strengthen the hair, add shine and improve appearance. Lightening hair with natural remedies can be done quite often without fear of damaging them. From time to time, some cumulative effect will also occur, that is, the curls will gradually become even a little lighter.

by the most known way natural lightening hair is use lemon juice. Squeeze a few lemons and apply evenly to hair. The longer you manage not to wash off the juice, the lighter your hair will be. To enhance the effect, it is good to carry out such a procedure on a sunny day in order to be able to expose your head to the sun. You can combine two things - and a trip to the beach, just spraying your hair with lemon juice from a spray bottle and then going to sunbathe. After 3-4 hours, it is advisable to wash your hair thoroughly, otherwise it may begin to pinch the scalp strongly and the hair will dry out.

Cinnamon mixed with honey brightens curls well. For the brightening mixture, you will need four tablespoons of cinnamon powder, two tablespoons olive oil, half a glass of honey and warm water for dilution. All this mass will need to be smeared on wet hair, insulate and walk like this for about four hours. You can make such a mask even at night: the curls will acquire extraordinary softness and silkiness at the same time as lightening a couple of tones.

Also, many people know the clarifying properties of chamomile. You can use it often, and you only need to keep it for half an hour. 100 grams of dried flowers should be poured with two glasses of water, boiled for five minutes, strained. Add 30 g of glycerin to the decoction. If you do not use all the mixture, you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator for later use.

An even more effective recipe for rhubarb with vinegar. Rhubarb can be bought in the market or in the supermarket. Vinegar is needed only natural, grape or apple. They need to pour rhubarb to cover on top and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting strained composition can also be kept in the refrigerator, warming up a little before use. Before each shampooing, apply it on your head and keep it for half an hour to two hours. For a cumulative effect in the first two weeks, you will have to do this constantly, and then, as needed, only on the roots.

Not everyone is lucky to be a blonde, and becoming one is expensive and unsafe for hair. Therefore, those who like to argue with their nature should still consider whether the game is worth the candle.


There are two types of hair dye - containing and not containing ammonia. The first renders more aggressive impact, penetrating into the hair, destroys the natural pigment, due to which discoloration occurs. Ammonia-free - more gentle, but also stay on the hair for no more than three weeks.

Lightening paints are available in three forms - in the form of powder, cream, oil. Powder ones are the most harmless, therefore they are used mainly for strand dyeing -. Cream and oil are very convenient to use, because they do not flow and take care of the hair at the same time as bleaching.

One of the most popular is Garnier paint (“Garnier”), which contains moisturizing and protecting components - extracts of wheat, jojoba and olive oils. In the paint kit there is a balm that should be applied to the hair after dyeing. This paint has four brightening shades - super brightening, platinum, sand and natural, it is convenient to use, because. it is a cream-gel, and staining takes 20 minutes.

Paint L'oreal ("Loreal") is able to lighten even very dark and White hair, will not give your hair a yellow tint, lasts a long time, unlike Garnier, and at the same time, thanks to essential oils, collagen and wheat proteins, it perfectly cares for your hair during dyeing.

If you want to lighten your hair by four to six tones, use Palette paint (“Palette”). The secret of the gentle effect of this tool is its constituent orange oil. In addition, this paint is distinguished by a rich color palette - thanks to it, you can become gold, silver, pearl and ash blonde.

Wellaton paint ("Wellaton") is distinguished by its durability and ability to paint over gray hair, and its thick consistency makes it easy to apply it to the hair. The composition of the product includes an oxygen base, B5-serum and medicinal oils, as well as special reflective components that protect hair from ultraviolet radiation.

If your own hair color is light enough, but you want to lighten it by two or three shades, use natural remedies- chamomile, lemon, honey, rhubarb, kefir, etc.

Tip 7: Lightening the ends of the hair: how to carry out the procedure

Almost every woman likes to experiment with her appearance. This may relate to the style of clothing, makeup, hairstyle or hair color. Experts are sure that at least once in a lifetime, any representative of the fair sex decided on cardinal changes the color of your hair.

Tip Lightening

Women tend to create their own perfect image. In fact, a change of color can transform any lady beyond recognition, giving her the charm of tenderness when lightening, cold severity when dyeing strands in dark shades and brashness and flirtatiousness when using a red palette. However, if you do not dare to make serious changes, there is an ideal solution - lightening the tips of the strands. Today it is the most demanded service in beauty salons.

Modern technologies used in the process of dyeing hair are quite diverse. They allow you to achieve the most different effects. In case you want the impact chemicals on the hair was more gentle, try to lighten only the ends of the hair.

This technique, which is a type of highlighting, is called "balayage". When dyeing hair using this technique, the paint is applied only to individual small strands, at a fairly large distance from the roots. Colored using this technique, the curls look natural, natural and well-groomed, in addition, they do not need regular tinting.

The balayage technique is a fairly simple yet very effective hair coloring technique. It allows you to refresh the image, avoiding radical changes. Lightening the ends of the hair looks equally beautiful on graduated haircuts and on short hair. Many owners of long hair dye their strands using this technique, which eliminates the need for frequent visits to the hairdresser - it is enough to refresh the color a couple of times a year.

How is this coloring done?

Lightening the ends of your hair is not difficult at all, it can be easily done at home. But still, this procedure is most often carried out by professionals. First of all, the hair is divided into small strands and fixed with elastic bands. Then a special brightening composition is applied to the very tips. In this case, avoid getting paint on the hair in the root area. Quite often on long hair or medium length haircuts, the dyed tips are additionally wrapped in foil.

In the event of a procedure for long strands or on haircuts with a clear contour, the master applies coloring agent using a special brush or just fingers. The use of foil in this case is optional.

When dyeing hair with a chemical wave in balayage technique, the hairdresser folds the thin separated strands into flat curls and clamps, leaving the ends of the hair free, a brightening composition is subsequently applied to them.

The smooth transition of the colored strands looks very natural. But it should be borne in mind that the clarified tips on straight long strands will not look spectacular, this is due to the fact that the border in this case between dyed and uncolored hair will be too clear. Despite all the efforts of the master, the impression of simply regrown roots will be created. Therefore, before dyeing, it is desirable to make a corrective haircut, for example, a cascade or ladder. Balayazh also looks great on wavy curls.

Tip 8: How to lighten dyed hair at home

Many girls like to experiment with hair color. After all, sometimes you really want to change! But many are familiar with the situation when the hair color turned out not quite the same as it seemed! This, of course, is not very pleasant, but you should not immediately get upset and run after expensive washes - after all, it is quite possible to lighten the color by several tones at home using natural masks.

What rules must be followed?

On this moment there are many remedies that can help you with this problem. But first, let's remember the rules that must be followed.

  • In order to prepare a mask for lightening hair, give preference to plastic containers or dishes made of of stainless steel, also take a small strainer, cellophane gloves and of course a hat.
  • Before applying the clarifying mask, wash your hair, dry it a little (they should be damp) and comb it well.
  • In order for the lightening to pass evenly, it is better to apply the mask with a special brush for coloring or with a regular comb.
  • Make sure that you have enough mask for the entire length of your hair so that after application no dark streaks are visible. Girls with thick hair need more mask than those with less hair.
  • After distributing the mask, the hair must be collected in a bun and stabbed with a plastic or wooden hair clip. But never use a metal hair clip!
  • Then put a hat on your head. If suddenly it was not there, you can get by with an ordinary towel. If you are short on time, leave the mask for an hour, but if you want the best result, walk with it for at least 6 hours.
  • After removing the mask, rinse your hair with warm water and your favorite shampoo. If the result does not suit you completely, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, it will enhance the effect!
  • For best results, it is recommended to do the procedure within 2-3 weeks.

Try a variety of masks and you will definitely find one that suits you completely! And fix your hair too.

Masks for lightening hair

On the Internet you can find an incredible number of recipes, but not all are suitable for use, unless of course you want to harm yourself. Before lightening, be sure to determine your hair type, in which case you can easily find a suitable mask recipe for you. And also do not ignore the recommended procedure time.

honey mask

Wash your hair well with a little baking soda. Dry your hair with a towel and gently apply acacia honey. Then put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head with a scarf. Leave the mask on for 8-10 hours. Thanks to this mask, your hair will become healthier and acquire a golden hue.

Mask with lemon for oily and strong hair

Lemon juice is undesirable for owners of dry and weakened hair. The lemon mask is more suitable for people with fat type hair. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and mix in equal proportions with water. Then apply to your hair and leave it like that for a while. Lemon juice, interacting with the sun's rays, will make hair lighter by 1 - 2 tones. Plus, your hair will become shiny and silky.

Mask with lemon for weakened hair

Weakened hair needs gentle lightening. Therefore, when making a mask, add two tablespoons of liquid honey and three tablespoons of cinnamon to the juice of one lemon. Apply this mask to damp hair, but do not rub into the scalp! Cover your head with cellophane and a towel for 40 minutes. Then wash your hair after 3-4 hours. As a result, your hair will become stronger and brighter by 2 tones.

Lemon mask for dark hair

Add chamomile to 500 ml of boiling water and brew. Then pour vinegar (about 500 ml) over the rhubarb and heat it up. Squeeze the juice from four lemons and mix everything. Add 50 grams of liquid honey and alcohol to the resulting solution. Mix everything well and apply on damp hair for half an hour. Then wash your hair with warm water. Dark hair will lighten a little and become healthier.

Chamomile mask

Take 100 grams of chamomile and add to 300 milliliters of boiled water. Stir and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then strain and add 50 milliliters of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mixture to the entire length of the hair and put on a cap. Wait 30 - 40 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo. After such a mask, a brunette can become a brown-haired woman.

Chamomile and nettle mask

In one liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1 tablespoon of nettle. Then brew and strain the decoction. Rinse your hair with this mixture and wrap it in a warm towel for 15-20 minutes. After an hour, rinse your hair with chamomile.

Saffron Chamomile Brightening Mask

Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile and a pinch of saffron. Let the broth stand for about 30 minutes, and then add the juice of one lemon and a couple of drops essential oil lavender. Apply the mixture to your hair for 25 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Mask based on kefir

Our grandmothers were very fond of using kefir in hair care, so there are a lot of recipes with kefir. Here is one of them. Take 50 milliliters of kefir and add to it: the juice of half a lemon, 1 egg, 40 milliliters of cognac and one teaspoon of shampoo. Mix everything well and apply the mixture on your hair. Wrap your hair in cellophane and a towel. After 8 hours, wash off the mask and apply a balm to your hair.

Kefirno - yeast mask for lightening hair

This is a pretty simple recipe. You need to take 1 cup of kefir or yogurt and combine it with 1⁄2 tablespoon of dry brewer's yeast. Then put in a warm place and let stand for an hour. Apply the resulting mask evenly on the hair and leave for about an hour. This mask will cure the hair well and restore its structure.

Onion peel mask

To prepare this recipe, you practically do not spend effort and money. Take onion husks, cover with water, and then boil. Strain this decoction and rinse your hair with it. As a result, your hair will become shiny and copper shade. However this mask has one drawback, after its use an unpleasant odor may remain.

Sour cream mask

To prepare the mask, take citrus zest and ginger, and then fill them with hot water and leave to infuse for a day. Add 200 milliliters of sour cream and a couple of drops of lemon juice to the bowl, and then pour in half of the prepared broth. Stir and apply the resulting solution to your hair. Then put a plastic cap on your head and wrap a towel around it. After washing, rinse your hair with the rest of the solution. After regular use of this mask, the hair will become golden hue and brighten by two tones.

Fruit mask.

This is a very tasty mask. For her, you need to take a banana and eggs. Mix these products with a blender until smooth, and then apply to the hair. Wash your hair with shampoo after an hour.


Thanks to regular use With these masks, your hair will become healthy and noticeably brighter. Of course, you don’t have to wait for an instant result, natural masks will not give it. And yet, if you have patience, you can achieve the desired result! So be beautiful and don't be afraid to experiment!


Woman with white hair looks very extravagant. This girl is hard to miss. But before you decide on such a decisive change in your appearance, you need to think carefully. In addition, with the help of a conventional (even if high-quality clarifier) ​​make hair white not so easy.

You will need

  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - ammonia;
  • - liquid soap;
  • - latex gloves;
  • - a brush for applying the product to the hair;
  • - glassware to dilute the mixture.


Even if your natural color is very light, you will need to lighten them to whiten them. But it is not recommended that they do not acquire a non-aesthetic yellowish tint. It is better to contact a professional who will brighten your hair 4, 5 or 6 tones.

If you choose to lighten hair independently, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide should be adjusted depending on the condition of the hair. For take 4-8% solution, medium thickness - 6-12%, for thick - 8-12%. The solution is prepared at the rate of 50-60 g of peroxide per average length hair and add 5 drops to it ammonia. Add some liquid soap to the mixture. The drug is prepared in a glass or ceramic dish.

Before applying the mixture, the forehead is smeared with cream or petroleum jelly, gloves are put on. The drug is applied to unwashed hair using a synthetic bristle brush. Start from the back of the head, first processing hair, not reaching 2 cm from the roots. Only after desired result is obtained, the product is applied to the hair roots.

Wash off with warm water and a small amount of non-alkaline soap, rinse with acidified water.

If even after this procedure you did not get the desired result, try a blue tonic or blue color. It must be applied to hair for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and rinse hair a solution of vinegar or lemon juice to set the color and add shine to the hair.

Deciding to brighten hair before, you must understand that this color will require constant support. To keep the hairstyle neat look even through

How to lighten strands by one tone at home?

Lightening Products

To change the hue blonde hair chamomile fits. For 3-4 weeks, the usual air conditioner is replaced with a vegetable decoction (2 tablespoons of flowers per liter of boiling water). It doesn't need to be washed off.

Lightening Recipe dark hair:

8 tbsp. l. cinnamon;

4 tbsp. l. hair balm.

Mix the ingredients, apply the mask on the strands, hide under cellophane, leave for a day (up to 8 hours).

The sun is natural and nice way to help lighten hair by one tone. What to do? Every day for 2-3 hours to walk in clear weather with loose hair. For getting quick results lemon juice is applied to the strands.

Lightening shades of curls

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should make sure that there are no allergies to the products used. For this, a drop of the composition is applied to inside wrist or on the skin behind the ear. If redness, itching and other discomfort no, you can start painting.

1. Prepare the mixture in a ceramic, glass or enamel bowl. Metal objects provoke the oxidation of the composition.

2. Apply a rich cream to the neck, forehead and face contour to protect the skin from paint exposure.

3. Distribute the coloring composition along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. To get a uniform shade, you need to do this as quickly as possible.

4. Keep the mixture until the strands get desired color(time depends on the recipe).

5. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

6. Rinse your hair with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice in a ratio of 100:1 (per liter of water 1 tablespoon of acid).

The procedure is repeated 2 times a week until the desired shade is obtained.

How to lighten dyed hair one tone

You can get the paint out following products:

· vegetable oils;

Alkali (soda, for example);

acid (lemon, kefir).

Recipes with soda help to quickly lighten the shade of the strands, but they dry them out a lot. Oils are good for hair, but you will have to wait more than one month to achieve the result. Therefore, it is better to use lemon and dairy products.

kefir - 1 glass;

two egg yolks;

hair balm - 1 tbsp. l.;

· lemon juice.

Mix all products in a bowl and apply to the mask. Wrap the strands in cling film or a shower cap wrapped in a towel. After 2-3 hours, wash off the composition, dry your hair without a hair dryer.

Changing hair color negatively affects their structure and health. Folk methods are not only safe, but also useful for strands. Recipes help to restore hair with a simultaneous change in shade.

Such is the girlish nature - constantly looking for yourself, experimenting with appearance, changing what is given by nature. Changes also affect our hair: a brunette wants to have snow-white hair, a blonde tries to become red or black, a brown-haired woman wants to dye her hair wine-colored, and so on ad infinitum. But many women dream of blond hair, looking at photos of blondes, and wonder how to bleach their hair at home?

How to effectively and quickly lighten hair - instructions

The most effective method for obtaining a light mop is to use peroxide or a special lightening paint. Whatever tool your eyes fall on, you need a clear, practical instruction for action. After all, it is important not only to get what you want, but also to protect your hair to the maximum from negative impact facilities.

Before bleaching, you should not wash your hair for about two or three days - this important condition. What is it for? During this period, a natural layer of fat is formed that protects each hair. The selected bleaching agent is applied with a synthetic bristle brush or a wooden stick wrapped with a cotton pad. You should start from the back of the head, strand by strand moving forward. Another condition is to lubricate the forehead at the roots of the hair. fat cream or vaseline. This will protect the skin from chemical burn.

So that the clarifying composition does not splatter, does not drain from the hair, add a little liquid soap to it, but not shampoo, otherwise the lightening process will slow down. The roots of the hair will lighten the fastest due to the heat released from the scalp. Therefore, take this into account when applying and start from the ends, distributing the product along the length. After waiting until the desired color is obtained, moisten the strands again and apply a clarifying composition to the roots. This way you can achieve an even color.

When the strands have found the desired color, carefully rinse them with water, the temperature of which is comfortable for your head. During light wash massage the head with fingertips. It is better not to use shampoo, replacing it with soap without alkali. When your hair is washed, make a rinse out of water with lemon juice or vinegar and apply to your hair. This will slightly restore the curls, and also neutralize the hydrogen peroxide.

How to lighten dark, blond and highlighted hair

How to bleach hair at home, what to use for this? The following methods are traditionally used:

  • White henna or supra;
  • Folk remedies;
  • Shop paint;
  • Hydroperite;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.


An elementary method for bleaching hair by several tones, which does not require special costs.

  • Method of preparation: you need to crush two tablets of hydroperite with a teaspoon. The resulting powder in a ceramic or glass container dilute with two ampoules of ammonia, a tablespoon of shampoo.
  • Application: Apply the resulting product to the hair, leave for five minutes. After the specified time, thoroughly rinse the head with warm water. Remember that you will not be able to immediately achieve snow-white strands. At first, the hair will give yellowness, so you need to do the procedure again.


The use of peroxide effective method discoloration. Here it is important to follow some rules:

For hard and thick strands, 8-12% peroxide is used, for thin ones - 5%, and for curls of medium thickness - 6% composition;

To enhance the reaction, if the concentration is low, ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate is added. This opens the hair scales and activates the release of hydrogen peroxide.

The composition itself must be diluted in an enameled, porcelain or plastic bowl, and applied with a synthetic brush or plastic comb. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable not to wash your hair so that the natural fat protects the hair from burns. The solution is prepared from 60 g of peroxide, 50 g of water, 40 g of shampoo, three teaspoons of ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate.

Before starting, smear your forehead with a fat cream, protect your hands with gloves and test on the skin behind the ear to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Apply the composition to the entire length of the hair: for owners of blond hair, once is enough, and for brown-haired women, the procedure must be repeated after a while (2-3 weeks). After the head is washed with a caring agent, rinsed with acidified water to stop lightening and smooth out the scales.


Supra or white henna is a chemical bleaching agent for hair. It contains magnesium peroxide, ammonium salt, magnesium oxide.

Method of preparation: for the procedure, supra is poured into a container made of non-metal and filled with an activator, which is usually sold in a kit. The result should be a composition with the consistency of sour cream. If there is no activator, then use 3% or 6% peroxide for dilution. The container should be heated over a candle.

Application: the composition is applied to the hair, lasts for half an hour and is washed off without using shampoo. Next, the hair must be dried and rinsed with acidified water.

Folk remedies for bleaching hair

All chemical bleaching methods injure the hair structure and dry out the curls. The coloring pigment penetrates deep by washing out natural fats and loosening the cuticle. To minimize the damage, home remedies for bleaching come to the rescue.


Lemon juice has a lightening effect due to the incomplete destruction of the pigment by the acid that is part of the fruit. Enhance the effect of direct Sun rays. Pure lemon juice bleaches only individual strands, and not all hair. Because the lemon acid characterized by a pronounced keratolytic property, after using citrus, peeling and dandruff may appear.

Method of preparation: dilute the juice of half a lemon with water in a ratio of one to three, add chamomile decoction at the rate of half a pack per glass of boiling water and two tablespoons of castor or olive oil. Such a recipe will help not only lighten the curls, but also soften the effect of the acid and prevent overdrying.

Application: the mask is kept on the head for two hours.


Honey works as a brightener due to the natural hydrogen peroxide found in the sweet nectar. And peroxide, as we already know, can discolor curls. The release of this substance occurs due to the iron in honey. But the final result depends on the porosity of the hair and how much they absorb honey.

Preparation method: combine honey and olive or Coconut oil in a ratio of two to one. Add half a banana to the mixture and mix with a mixer so that there are no lumps.

Application: the mass is infused for fifteen minutes to release natural hydrogen and applied to the hair for forty minutes.


Another natural remedy for bleaching, cinnamon is considered. To use this spice, make a mixture according to the recipe below.

Method of preparation: Combine 3 tablespoons of cinnamon with three tablespoons of honey diluted with distilled water in a ratio of two to one, 100 ml of conditioner, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 100 ml of olive oil. Leave the mixture for an hour.

Application: Comb damp hair and apply the mixture liberally. Pin up your hair, put on a plastic cap. Leave the mixture for three to eight hours on the head, rinse with shampoo.


Chamomile is a common and easy method for getting light golden hair.

Method of preparation: for this, two tablespoons of dried flowers must be poured with a glass of boiling water. We put the mixture in a steam bath, hold for fifteen minutes.

Application: cool the broth, filter and rinse the hair after shampooing. To improve the effect, add the same amount of fresh or dry nettle to chamomile flowers.


You can try lightening your hair a little. kefir masks. This fermented milk product penetrates the hair scales, washes out the pigment. Due to this, the paint is partially washed off, or the natural color changes slightly.

Are you ready to go to unpleasant, harmful, expensive and dangerous procedures brightening for the sake of your desire to become a little more attractive? Or choose more gentle blonding options? There are two options for lightening: go to the hairdresser or do it yourself at home. How to lighten hair at home, we will now consider.

How to lighten hair at home by 1-2 tones

Application natural dyes based on lemon, chamomile, kefir will allow owners of light blond and red hair to become lighter by 1-2 tones. A radical blonde cannot be achieved, but the hair will look natural and healthy. Naturalness is now in fashion, so we advise you to pay attention to natural dyes.

Professional products used in hairdressing salons are much more effective shop paints. It is not difficult to buy such funds. It is important to choose suitable remedy, which quickly dyes hair in desired shade and at the same time be gentle on the hair.

  • Get some samples professional paints and do a test coloring on a small strand. For high-quality coloring and evaluation, it is better to cut the strand.
  • In addition to assessing the shade, this test strand will allow you to evaluate the durability of the dye: wash and dry the strand after dyeing, and if the shade changes significantly, it is better to choose a more resistant chemical.
  • If you need to lighten immediately by 4-5 tones or more, you should perform this procedure in several steps, the result will be much better.
  • If there are doubts about self-coloring It is better to entrust the procedure to a professional.

How to lighten hair at home using folk remedies

  • Calendula, chamomile (flowers) - 1 tbsp each
  • Apple cider vinegar - 500 grams
  • Rhubarb root - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon - 4 pieces
  • Honey - 3 tbsp.


  1. Grind the rhubarb, pour it with vinegar, set to boil.
  2. As it boils, cook for another quarter of an hour over low heat.
  3. Take two lemons and squeeze the juice out of them.
  4. Add lemon juice, chamomile and calendula to the decoction. Boil for a few more minutes.
  5. After cooling, strain the broth.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemons, mix with honey, add to the broth.


  1. If the hair color needs to be changed to 1-2 shades, one tbsp. dissolve the decoction in 200 grams of water and rinse your hair in it after washing.
  2. For strong staining Rinse your hair with a clean decoction, wash off the paint after half an hour.

The desired color will last a week, so you will have to dye your hair every time before washing your hair. The decoction will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator.

  • Hydrogen peroxide 30% - 50 grams
  • Water - 300 grams
  • Chamomile - 100 grams


  1. Put the water on the fire, bring to a boil, pour the chamomile.
  2. Leave the broth to infuse for 20-30 minutes.
  3. After cooling, strain, pour peroxide.


  1. Wash off the mask after half an hour.
  2. After that, wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  • Glycerin - 50 grams
  • Chamomile - 150 grams
  • Water - 500 grams


  1. Put the water on the fire, bring to a boil and pour in the chamomile.
  2. Leave the broth to infuse for half an hour.
  3. After cooling, strain, add glycerin.


  1. Before washing your hair, apply a decoction to your hair, wrap with a stretch film.
  2. Wash off the mask after 45 minutes.
  3. After that, wash your hair with shampoo as usual.
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Water in a 1:1 ratio with lemon juice


  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon, dilute it with the same amount of water.


  1. Before washing your hair, rinse your hair, apply a mixture of lemon juice on them.
  2. Keep the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Next, rinse your hair with water (temperature 35 degrees).

The resulting color directly depends on the duration of the procedure - the longer you hold the mask, the lighter the hair will be. In addition to lightening, the mask will make the hair look more shiny.

The procedure is suitable for girls with oily light blond and dark blond hair. For dry hair, this method of dyeing is dangerous - it is likely that they will dry out and become brittle.

  • Honey - 50 grams
  • Cinnamon - 50 grams
  • Conditioner - 100 grams



  1. Apply the mask to washed, damp hair along the entire length, do not rub it into the skin.
  2. Leave the mask under the film for half an hour, wrap your head warm scarf.
  3. After half an hour, remove the scarf, leave the mask on your hair for another 2 hours.

After one procedure, the hair will lighten at least one tone. To further change the color, it is recommended to carry out the procedure several more times. In addition to lightening, the mask gives hair shine and strength.

How to lighten hair with cinnamon, you can see in the video.

Clarification with kefir

  • Kefir - 100 grams
  • Egg yolk- 2 pieces
  • Cognac - 60 grams
  • Lemon - half
  • Balm (care product) - 20 grams


  • Make a mixture of all ingredients.


  1. Apply the mixture to your hair.
  2. Wrap your head with a film and wrap a towel on top.
  3. It is advisable to leave the mask on all night, at least seven to eight hours.
  4. After this period, wash off the mask with hair balm.

Kefir mask not only brightens hair, but also improves their appearance.

  • Chamomile flowers - 30 grams
  • Water - 250 grams


  • Boil water, pour boiling water over the flowers, cool and strain. The infusion is stored for no more than a day.


  • Wash your hair, then rinse it with a decoction of chamomile, do not wash off the mask.

The procedure will allow you to lighten your hair by several tones in five procedures. Lightening with chamomile is considered the safest and most effective way clarification.

As you already understood, it will turn out only with the use of professional tools or hydrogen peroxide, but these methods of dyeing are harmful to the hair. However, for burning brunettes and brown-haired women, there is no way out - it will be the only way to lighten up by 8 tones. If the hair is reddish or dark blond, there is alternative solution– clarification with natural dyes that are harmless to health.

During any coloring procedure, there is a risk of ruining the hair or dyeing it in unwanted color. Even experienced craftsmen in expensive salons they can be wrong. But by lightening your hair yourself at home, you can control this process yourself and make some adjustments to it, observing the result.

Try, change, and try to use only lightening products that will not do much harm to your hair.

It doesn’t matter if you are a blonde or a brunette, for sure at least once in your life you wanted to lighten your hair by a tone, and possibly more intensely.

So, there are several main ways of lightening - with the help of folk remedies (do not expect a strong color change here) and with the help of chemicals (here lightening is possible not only by one tone, but until complete discoloration).

As for chemicals, there are currently many different clarifiers. But when using chemicals, you must always be careful, that is, strictly follow all the instructions in the instructions. Eat different types clarifiers - powder and creamy. The latter, as a rule, are more modern and cause less harm to the hair.

Depending on what type your hair belongs to, you need to choose the concentration of the oxidizing agent when lightening. Hairdressers divide hair into 4 groups, 1-3 groups - hair different in structure, but not previously bleached, and group 4 - any hair that has previously been bleached or permed. It is based on the group to which your hair belongs and the concentration of the clarifier will be selected.

If you have chosen to lighten your hair to a tone with the help of chemicals, then it is better to contact a professional, because at home you can choose the wrong concentration or the wrong exposure time.

How to lighten hair to a tone at home?

With minimal risk to the hair, you can safely use various folk methods. Such procedures can be carried out at home, without fear that the hair will be harmed and without fear that after the procedure your hair will become like a yellow washcloth.

For clarification, there are recipes for different masks.

For example, rhubarb masks will be quite effective.

In order to prepare the mask, you need 1.5 cups of chopped rhubarb leaves, as well as a glass of chopped roots. All this must be mixed and pour half a liter of boiling water or white wine into the mixture. Then you need to cool and strain. You can add the juice of half a lemon.
Apply the mask to damp hair and keep for 60 minutes. Thus, the hair will become ashen or pastel shade and become a little lighter.

honey mask.
First you need to rinse your hair with water with a pinch of soda. This procedure is necessary to soften the hair. Then you need to wait until the hair dries a little and apply honey (preferably light) on them. Honey is applied to the entire length. In this case, the head does not need to be insulated, since the reactions of honey slow down during warming. Keep the mask on your hair for a long time - 10 hours. Then rinse with water.
How to lighten hair to a tone with a decoction of chamomile?
Many of us know that chamomile tea is not only a hair strengthening agent, but also an excellent natural brightener. The color of chamomile will help lighten the hair by a tone and give it a healthy shine and a beautiful golden hue. Field chamomile works well. But to achieve the desired results, you need to be able to properly prepare the decoction. To do this, take half a glass of chamomile flowers and pour two glasses of boiled water. You need to infuse the decoction for 30 minutes. Strain after insisting. Wash your hair with this decoction. After that, you need to leave the decoction on your hair for half an hour. Wash off the decoction in the usual way. You can also caress your hair with chamomile decoction after washing. Then you don't need to wash it off. If you repeat this procedure 2 times a week, you can achieve noticeable and sustainable results.

You can also use chamomile tea bags. Brew 5 bags with boiling water, sue, pour the bullet gun. Spray onto your stripes and stay in the sun for 30 minutes.

Lightening hair mask with lemon.
Lemon is a good and effective natural hair lightener. In order to lighten, it will be enough just to wash your hair with lemon water. Lemon water is a mixture of lemon juice and water. Rinsing with lemon should be done 3 times a week.

Marigold flowers with vinegar.
Pour 0.5 cup of water, 0.5 cup of apple cider vinegar into the pan, add dried calendula flowers. Bring to a boil and let cool. Then strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth and pour into a spray bottle. Spray dry hair and let hair dry naturally.

There is another popular folk way hair lightening. Such a mask not only does no harm, it even strengthens the hair. So, we take the following components: 3 tablespoons of vodka or cognac, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, 1 egg, juice of half a lemon, 50 grams of kefir. This mask is enough for thick long hair.
All components must be mixed well. Apply to dry hair. Then you need to cover your head and leave for 8 hours. After 8 hours have passed, rinse your hair and dry it. The effect will be noticeable immediately after the first application. After using such a mask, it is desirable to apply a balm to the hair.