Leave-in hair cream. Eight Leave-Ins I've Had Hair Cream Smoothing Leave-In

Recently, indelible formulations in the form of sprays, conditioners, ampoules and just serums have become especially popular among hair care products. Manufacturers of all leading corporations are trying to produce such cosmetic products.

Important. When choosing a leave-in care product, you should pay attention to its purpose. If your curls are colored or brittle, then choose a product for this type.

Three functions of leave-in care

Why is indelible hair care so interesting? The fact is that today the issue of protecting our curls from external influences is becoming very important.

This is what it provides:

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Hydration.
  3. Protection.

And these three components are the main functions of the indelible products, their real "calling card".

Function What is
Nutrition for split ends and damaged strands. Leave-in products in the form of gels and serums make the strands more manageable and shiny, a leave-in hair mask can get rid of the problem of split ends. The longer these funds remain on the head, the greater the effect will be.
Protection of strands from negative external influences. Leave-in products protect curls from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, they contain UV filters. Such protection will help maintain color saturation after staining. Special preparations that are part of the serum will protect during hot styling with a hairdryer or tongs.
Moisturizing hair. Leave-in serums, leave-in hair balms, sprays and hair creams that contain intensive ingredients prevent possible dryness and electrification of your hair, which is very important in winter. The composition of such funds usually includes extracts of chamomile, algae, aloe vera, green tea, as well as wheat proteins and various vitamins.

Types of drugs

Everyone wants to find the best leave-in hair product for themselves. But this question is individual and depends on your body, on how it reacts to various compounds.

Some people need a leave-in hair cream to improve the general condition of their hair, while others need to use a regular leave-in oil for the ends of their hair.


The use of balms in the care of curls is an important point. You need to be able to choose exactly the balm that suits you, benefits. And here you should not rely on the fact that the price is high. Sometimes it's better to buy a decent product and get the desired result.

The leave-in hair balm is especially suitable for thin and oily hair. When choosing a good product and applying it in accordance with the instructions, you can very quickly feel that your hair has become elastic and voluminous, healthy and shiny.


One of the most effective remedies is a leave-in hair serum. The main components of serums are natural and essential oils, trace elements, vitamins. The complex effect of these components on the scalp enhances blood circulation and, accordingly, improves the nutrition of the hair roots.

Serums are produced:

  • in various modification;
  • for different types of hair.

Let's consider some of them:

Name Compound Action Instructions for use
Nourishing serum for split ends "Floresan". Nettle extract, silicone additives, keratin, currant and birch extracts. Serum prevents stratification and strengthens the very structure of the hair, revitalizes them. It is applied to slightly damp hair, gently distributed along their entire length, especially carefully on the tips.
Night serum - growth activator "Floresan". Nicotinic acid, pepper extract, D-panthenol, glycine. Strengthens roots, activates growth and restores hair along its entire length. Apply at bedtime to slightly damp or dry hair, distributing along their entire length.
Serum "PHARMAKSIL". Extracts of grape seeds, kanang oil and shiitake mushrooms. Serum fights hair loss. Apply to clean hair, shaking before use.
Serum "Burdock". Extracts of burdock, nettle and pepper. Against baldness. It is sprayed evenly on a clean head, especially in the root area. The scalp after applying the serum should be massaged for about 2-3 minutes.

Important. After buying any type of serum, you must carefully read the instructions and when using try not to deviate from its recommendations. Pay special attention to the moment how often you can apply this drug.


These drugs are the most popular. They include not only silicones, which are designed to protect the ends of the hair, but also valuable oils obtained from natural products. They give the hair an excellent shine and silky softness.

Important. Oil can only be applied to the curls themselves, starting from the tips and further, distributing along the entire length. But it is necessary to ensure that it does not get on the scalp, as then it can block the access of nutrients to the root bulb.

The silicones in these preparations are safe, their effectiveness and safety has been tested during development and proven in practice for more than a decade. It is they who are able to create that thin film on the surface of each hair, which protects them, but at the same time quietly passes air.

Advice. When choosing the right oil, it should be noted that oils with medium viscosity are suitable for hard hair, and liquid oils are suitable for thin and weightless hair.

Home air conditioners

You can make your own oil and use it as a leave-in conditioner for hair and split ends. We present you two options for such tools that are easy to prepare with your own hands at home.

Leave-In Conditioner #1:

Stages Manufacturing instructions
Preparation of components. We will need 0.5 cups of jojoba oil, coconut oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, sweet almond oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, rosemary oil - 6-7 drops.
Thermal part of the process. We mix all the oils in a heat-resistant jar, excluding rosemary oil, heat the mixture in a water bath, stirring slightly, achieving a uniform composition. Remove from the bath, let cool.
The final stage of manufacturing with your own hands. Add drops of rosemary oil to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

Leave-In Conditioner #2:

Stages Manufacturing instructions
Preparation of components. We will need one glass of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of a mixture of jojoba, almond and coconut oils, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flax seeds, rosemary or ylang-ylang oil - 4-6 drops.
Manufacturing. Seeds pour boiling water, stirring every 5 minutes, wait for the appearance of mucus. We dissolve the essential oil in jojoba oil or another, which we took. Mixed oils are added to the infusion of flax when it cools down. Then mix thoroughly.
Application. The curls are separated by a straight parting. Each side of them is wetted with conditioner, carefully distributed along the entire length.
Use. Take a little of the resulting mixture and rub it between the palms, apply with your fingers to the ends of the hair.
Recommendations. The composition can be stored for no more than a week in the refrigerator.


The amazing properties of products that belong to the category of indelible can really turn your curls into real royal curls. The three care functions that they have taken on are actually the "calling card" of great care.

We hope that the materials and videos in this article will allow you to believe that hair care is worth entrusting to these wonderful products.


Is it possible to make a leave-in hair product at home? And there are a lot of chemicals in hair creams ((


Polina Ermolaeva

Well, I don’t know about leave-in products, but whatever problem you have with your hair, effective products are clay masks, you can buy them in a pharmacy. I buy white clay and put another 15 drops of lundenilone edixir there and put it on for 15 minutes. hair became stronger, shiny, stopped falling out and splitting. the most amazing tool

Aleinik Elena

I didn’t quite understand what an “indelible” is, what a “remedy” is (for what, for treatment, for coloring?). But long-lasting paints are made by me and my friends at home from natural products. At first, without experience, it didn’t work out, then we’ll shift it, then we won’t report it, we almost abandoned this business. But then we got involved and now we are even experimenting - it’s still natural, we won’t burn our hair, we won’t dry it out.


and what, what a lot of chemistry? you look what you eat, where you live,
finally remember that you have been using this chemistry for 23 years - and nothing, alive and practically healthy
and at the same time not a terrible, half-bald monster covered with huge boils in any way

So normal is household chemicals, from which the hair feels quite good

But, if you are impenetrable and a victim of TV, then please

Here is found for hair growth
4. Ivy leaf mask
Boil 1 tablespoon of ivy leaves for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Cool, strain. Rub into the scalp daily. Do not wash off!!.. Course - 1 month.

mask on birch leaves

This is an indelible mask made from a decoction of birch leaves. Brew one tablespoon of leaves with boiling water and let it brew for two hours, then strain the broth through several layers of gauze. After each hair wash, rub the herbal mask into the hair roots.

Colored hair care:
Leave-in mask for the night: take a pinch of crushed calamus root, burdock, calendula officinalis flowers and hop cones. Mix, brew a liter of boiling water. Wet your head at night without rinsing.

And remember
natural herbs are much more likely to be allergens than chemistry)))

Oksana Vorobieva

there is no harm in Lash Lush. Need to try.
Right on their website, under any product, you can ask what kind of indelible hair products are there. Answer.
For example cream Lush "Custard". Might fit. On the site in the section "hair styling products" creams and sprays for hair.
or hair tip conditioner Lush "R&B"
For split ends, there are many products that do not wash off, such as a drop of oil-wax something to distribute at the ends of the hair. These are in many companies with real natural cosmetics (and not like Agafia). For such a remedy does not require preservatives. Nothing can breed in oil and wax. By the way, it helps a lot.
But liquids such as creams require preservatives. For the liquid is the environment for the development of bacteria. Therefore, natural creams are always much more expensive. Although their value is not in the absence of harmful preservatives, of course. Or make a homemade cream - from several days to a month compositions.
But natural tonics, including for hair stored for a year, are also enough, although it seems to be liquid.
There is a composition of homemade cream for the ends of the hair from the section. Hair creams are usually for this problem. Stored for a month. Taken from the Recommend ru, there is a complete infa.
Cream recipe:
1.5 teaspoons coconut oil
1.5 teaspoons shea butter
1 teaspoon beeswax
10 ml almond oil
10 ml olive oil
14 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.
You MUST apply:
1) on wet hair, (because it is very poorly absorbed from dry hair and they may look greasy)
quite a bit, I apply about the size of a pea on hair below the shoulder blades. "

Irina Steshina

conditioner balm 1 tablespoon
jojoba oil half a teaspoon
150 ml water
mix the balm and oil, then add water, put in the microwave for a minute, so that the mixture warms up and stir so that there are no lumps
pour it into a spray bottle and voila
on damp hair after shampooing, avoiding the roots

Leave-in cream for hair restoration - has it found its use in the care of bleached, dry hair? Our long and strange history

Once upon a time in the Far Far Away Kingdom I had a cream for curly hair from SunSilk - and it was so good that when it was taken out of production and removed from store shelves, I suffered, and with me a good half of the curly population. But time passed, everything was forgotten, the hair became lighter and dried out ... and suddenly I found this cream on ozone! My joy knew no bounds. So much so that I grabbed two packages at once and waited with enthusiasm for the package.


Finally, the cherished jars were with me. I immediately smeared my hair greasy ... and was horrified. The hair didn't look like anything acceptable at all. "Well, I used it wrong," I thought.

And so the story of domestication began ... because I already had TWO jars of the product on my shelf!

The first was used without enthusiasm, because, although I applied many times less cream than the first time, there was still "something not right."

But by the beginning of using the second one, something turned upside down in my mind, and I learned how to extract Just the right amount of cream!


Actually, that's what the manufacturer promises.

The unique formula of the cream with the Nutri-Oil complex deeply nourishes the hair, eliminating the effects of damage received in 1 year in just two weeks. For weakened and damaged hair.

Well, here, of course, lies. The composition of the cream is more than silicone, which means that we are talking exclusively about the cosmetic effect, it is not necessary to count on recovery.


My attitude to this cream was very ambiguous, until, as I wrote above, I learned how to use it correctly. And correctly (in my case) like this: squeeze out small pea cream and apply to damp hair. Wait until dry. All!

I do not reinvent the wheel and do not discover anything new, but the most important thing that I realized during use is that moderation is very important, otherwise the hair will look greasy or just stick out in tows in different directions. And this is where I ran into the main problem...


The cream is enclosed in a bright, positive orange barrel with a dispenser. And this dispenser somehow does not dose. More precisely doses, but not so. In short, in order to contrive and squeeze out a little cream, I had to train, and I always take it out barely breathing, so that God forbid I don’t shake it again. And if I succeeded, then the result will be excellent, definitely!

Consumption, despite the lack of a dispenser, minimal. One jar was enough for me for 4 months of regular use.


As a result, I see shiny hairs. They are soft, pleasant to the touch, smell delicious, lie well (I can’t give a higher rating to my hair yet). The cream pacifies frizz, masks the tips and adds shine. But apply, of course, only from the middle of the length - otherwise it will deprive the volume. I don't suffer from lack of volume, but even my fluffy hair can get slicked back.

I must say right away that I am not the happy owner of the most luxurious hair - my hair dry, porous and curly, repeatedly clarified and very thinned. Therefore, the result obtained from the cream, unfortunately, is currently as close to the ideal as possible. Well, someday I will still grow thick and beautiful hair.

The cream will not visually add hair density, but will create a feeling of well-groomed. And I really don't need more from him.

Price: I bought it on ozone for 220 rubles, but after a while I found it there for 80 rubles. - It's a little embarrassing, but oh well.

Conclusion: cream advise. But only neat and patient young ladies with fluffy hair. It will help make hair shiny and tame them. It is especially good for curls. Even better - "cool" curls.

As far as I know, you can't get it in regular stores. Well, whether it is worth looking for it, of course, you decide.

Thank you very much for reading!


Dessert for my hair + photo

Frequent styling, blow-drying, straighteners, curling irons, curlers - make our hair especially beautiful, but seriously spoil it.
Therefore they need special care .
But, often, such care takes a lot of time.
Sunsilk is ready to solve such a problem: it has produced a lightweight hair cream that contains unique formula with Nutri-Oil Complex , which deeply nourishes the hair, in just 2 weeks, eliminating the effects of damage received in 1 year.

I have already purchased a similar cream for hair volume.
I bought this cream for 80 rubles , 200 ml.
I rarely style my hair, although lately I have been winding more and more on curlers. But prevention never hurt anyone!
I apply this cream on dry hair. If I make curlers, then I use it instead of hair mousse. Cream very good fixes hair.
If you overexposed the curlers, or fell asleep with a wet head, or just the hairstyle was "wrinkled" in a strange way - This cream will help you - He smoothes his hair.

After the cream, the hair is extremely soft, obedient . Appears golden glitter .
Tips "soldered" and moistened .
Hair absolutely not greasy and they don't look like icicles.
Cream no need to rinse - applied and went, which saves a lot of time.
At the cream pleasant aroma .

I have been using the cream for almost a week, I can not say that I have identified any changes for the better. But my hair loves this cream!


Super budget cream for curls! (Result photo)

Advantages: the hair is soft, light, does not weigh down the hair, inexpensive, indelible, moisturizes the tips

Flaws: pretty hard to find for sale

Hi all! My name is Sveta, I am a happy owner of naturally curly hair :)

You know from my previous reviews that I can't live without leave-in products for my curls) This review will be about Sunsilk's very budget hair cream - recovery program.

To begin with, this is my very first product that I used 5 years ago, I liked it precisely because it made my hair soft and prevented split ends. But he suddenly disappeared from store shelves, it soon turned out that for some reason he was taken out of production.

A few years later, I again saw it on sale (and it is valid until 2017)) and without hesitation bought 2 vials at once, because its price is only 90 rubles per 200 ml.

Let's consider it in more detail, why do all curls like it so much

-consistency and color- light watery white cream, easily distributed through the hair;

-smell- sugary candy, but it suits me, it becomes pleasant on dried hair.

-action - perfectly detangles, moisturizes curly hair, forms curls, gives a healthy, well-groomed look, does not make it greasy, but if you go too far with it, you can get strands glued, devoid of shine.

My application: on towel-dried hair, I apply a small amount of cream (avoiding the area at the roots) until completely absorbed, I form strands, combing my hair with my fingers (instead of a comb - super) and squeezing them up and down. I dry naturally or with a diffuser.

The next morning I can touch up my hair by spraying with water from a spray bottle and apply a little of this cream.

That's actually all :) this cream is no worse than the more expensive one from prof. Moroccanoil ranges

All beautiful curls!


Leave-in hair cream for four (+ photo of hair after)

Advantages: hair is easy to comb, instant cosmetic effect, does not make hair greasy, does not weigh hair down, excellent design, adds shine, smoothes hair, convenient packaging

Flaws: fluffy tips

I must say right away that the review will be picky, because recently my hair has been bleached, which means it is thin, dry and brittle. Hair literally requires active care, but there is not always enough time for oil masks, and my only salvation is good indelible products.

This time, my choice fell on this bb for hair, which promises not only easy combing of hair, but also care, restoration, as well as prevention of brittleness and section of hair. In fact, I can say the following: you need quite a lot of funds in order to distribute them well and evenly through the hair (for my length to the chest - about 6 clicks).

The product itself is thick, creamy, but very odorous. It smells like some kind of perfume, very concentrated, but the smell on the hair quickly disappears. After drying, the hair does not become noticeably softer, but the shine is added. Of the pluses, I can also highlight the fact that the hair with this cream is a little heavier and does not become very electrified, while it does not get greasy faster. Otherwise, this is the usual duty hair cream for those who neglect masks.


The most reliable thermal protection Masthead under ironing Thermo-active care cream Absolut repair cellular composition ❤

Advantages: pleasant smell, economical, effective

⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜ good ☀✴ ⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜

I am writing about my must-have - a cream from Loreal.

I straighten my hair often. After numerous daily experiments with ironing products, my preference was given to this cream. So far he is number 1 for me.

Sprays usually contain alcohol in quantities enough to dry out my hair. There was an experiment with a more expensive Loreal Kerastase product - I didn’t understand what I was paying for (addition: There is an effect. Glues the ends on dead hair. Natural - by)

⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜ Impression ⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈⚜✧⚜❈⚜❈

Absolute repair I am completely satisfied. Gives shine, hair when straightened with an iron

  • do not spoil
  • stop fluffing,
  • do not stick
  • remain soft - do not stick out like wires (like from the black matrix spray o_o).

The cream does not "treat" the hair, there is no accumulation - the silicones in the composition give only a cosmetic effect. I have used similar creams. Loreal Force Vector, Loreal Liss Unlimited- the same positive impressions.


aqua/water*cyclopentasiloxane*propylene glycol*dimethiconol*triethanolamine*peg/ppg-17/18 dimeticone*phenoxyetanol*carbomer*behentrimonium chloride*polyquaternium-4*potato starch modified*hydroxypropyl guar*methylparaben*amodimethicone*cetyl alcohol*quaternium-87 *behentrimonium methosulfate...

Conclusion. The most effective tool for use under ironing. Hope my review was helpful

Free Sample Service: My Experience

✴✵✶✷✸✹✺✻✼✽✾❀❁❃✴✵✶✷✸✹✺ Thanks for reading! ✺✻✼✽✾❀❁❃✴✵✶✷✸✹✺✻✼✽✾❀❁❃

Leave-in hair cream is a special product designed to give hair a certain shape, restore, nourish, preserve color. The action of the cream is stronger than balm, mask, foam. If you need instant results, you just need to use cream products.

A girl with thick curly hair dreams of straightening them, making them obedient. The owner of even thin hair dreams of a lush head of hair. Beauties dream of attractive, neat curls. And absolutely everyone wants to have shiny, shiny, healthy hair. Indelible hair cream embodies all desires into reality.

Variety in action:

  1. Giving volume to thin hair;
  2. Smoothing strands;
  3. Recovery after dyeing, perm;
  4. Curly hair effect;
  5. Neat curls;
  6. From split ends;
  7. Shine of dyed hair;
  8. UV protection.

Using creams with different effects, you can change your style and hairstyle every time. All desires are easily translated into reality. Each cream hair product is aimed at restoring, eliminating split ends.

How to choose a remedy

Oily sheen, sticky hairs, lack of volume are side effects from low-quality products. A good cream should have the following characteristics:

  • Soft effect. Hair under the action of the cream should not be hard, unnatural. The cream should give softness, silkiness, shine.
  • Ease. A weighting effect is a sign of poor-quality products or an improperly selected product. The wrong composition will harm the hair, will not give the desired result.
  • No oily sheen. Fat on the hair appears due to increased work of the sebaceous glands. If this happens, then the remedy acts adversely on the skin, hair follicles. This often happens with the wrong choice of cream. The greasy consistency is only for extremely dry, lifeless hair. In other cases, you get the effect of heavy, sticky strands.
  • Protection. The cream creates a protective sheath around each hair. It resists ultraviolet rays, wind, high, low temperature.

When choosing a tool, you must be guided by the following aspects:

  • hair type;
  • Desired result;
  • The composition of the cream;
  • Best before date;
  • Brand.

It is impossible to determine in appearance whether the cream will meet all quality criteria. Usually women draw information from reviews on forums on the Internet. Even the most famous brand can have errors. The best expert is not a manufacturer who promises the best effect, but a buyer who confirms it!

The best cream, according to women

In today's world, there is no shortage of hair care products. This is the main difficulty - it is difficult to decide on choice. Value for money always comes first. According to women, deserve attention:

L'oreal Elsev

The manufacturer introduced a whole series of creams to obtain a different effect.

  1. Smoothing;
  2. Radiance, nutrition and shine;
  3. Anti-breakage with omega-keratins;
  4. Radiance and brilliance;
  5. Instant care against brittleness with ceramides;
  6. Cream-gel care;
  7. Full recovery;
  8. Blonde.

Products are produced in containers of 150, 200 ml. Price 250-360 rubles. You can find it in any cosmetics store, order it online.

The tool has a light texture, does not weigh down the hair, protects, restores. Smells good, gives softness, silkiness. Quickly restores, nourishes, provides a healthy glow, shine.


“I use the cream Full Recovery 5. It has a very oily texture, it is difficult to squeeze out. Very little is used for 1 application. Restores or not, it's hard to say. But I use it all the time because of other effects - smooth, obedient, radiant hair. Well combed, soft to the touch. Easy to do styling. For long hair, often subjected to dyeing, heat treatment, what you need.

Sunsilk Co-Creations Lush Volume

The cream gives volume to even the thinnest hair. The patch lasts a long time. Can be used on dry, damp hair, drying with a hair dryer. Gives smoothness, radiance, healthy shine. In the composition of plant extracts, oils, currant essence, vines, coconut pulp. As well as silicones, synthetic components within acceptable limits. Products can be found in any department of cosmetics. The average price is 100 rubles.


“I use the cream occasionally, for special occasions. Holds hair well, gives volume by 2-3 times. From thin hair, a stunning head of hair is obtained. Applied to wet, dry hair, the effect is the same. Laying lasts almost a whole week. The tool does not pollute the hair, does not weigh down. But a significant disadvantage is the presence of silicones, synthetic components. This is the only reason I don't use this cream all the time. For special occasions - the best way to create a lush hairstyle.

Gliss Kur

The manufacturer produces several cream products for
restoration, giving volume, obtaining the effect of curly hair, to create neat curls, protection from frost, sun. Shining blond deserves special attention. The cream restores the structure of bleached hair, restores shine, a healthy glow. BB cream is suitable for all hair types. Gives softness, silkiness, ease of combing. Apply to dry, damp hair. Suitable for frequent use. It has a thick texture and spreads well through the hair. Cosmetics are common. There are no difficulties with the purchase. Cost - 340 rubles.


“Great product for blondes. Returns a healthy shine, gives the desired shape after the first application. Hair looks shiny and attractive. It holds volume well, you can do any styling. Protects from ultraviolet rays, retains color. It spreads easily, but increases the drying time of the hair if applied to damp hair. It is economically spent. The price matches the quality."

Curl Cream Keune

A product for curly hair, with a perm, to create elastic, perfect curls. Leave-in cream provides an excellent styling effect and cares for hair. The drug quickly fixes the curls in the desired position, gives weightlessness, lightness, shine. Contains organic oils and vitamins. It has a pleasant smell, it is well distributed through the hair. To create the desired effect, dry your hair with a towel, apply cream, dry with a hairdryer, pulling the curls down. The tool belongs to professional, elite cosmetics. It is difficult to find in a regular cosmetic store. Usually ordered online. The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 150 ml is 1200 rubles.


“For me, this is the perfect tool that I have been looking for for a long time. The hair is naturally curly. An untidy shock on the head unbalances, affects the nerves. The hairdresser advised me to buy this cream. It is expensive, but I bought it and did not regret it. Makes curls neat, light and shiny. Everything the manufacturer claims is true.

Leave-in hair cream with your own hands

To return the hair to a healthy look, radiance, to give smoothness, you can prepare the product yourself at home.

Recovery, nutrition, elimination of split ends
The cream is suitable for all types of hair, including curly. As a basis, beeswax is taken - 1 teaspoon.

Oils needed for cooking:

Melt solid base oils, wax in a water bath. When the mass has cooled down a bit, add the essential oil. You will get a thick yellow consistency. Use on clean, damp hair. Apply to the tips and 43-4 cm above. Treatment of the roots, the entire length, should be avoided, since the cream is rather oily. After drying, the ends of the hair look flawless. The hairstyle looks neat and stylish. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.


“In terms of effectiveness, the product is no different from expensive products. It is necessary to use according to the rules - only on the ends of the hair. The result is amazing. For each application, very little money is required, it is spent sparingly, it lasts for a long time. Completely natural composition, without silicones, synthetic components.

Leave-in hair cream allows you to get the desired effect instantly. The result will not keep you waiting. Can be used permanently or periodically for special occasions. Can be used instead of gel, styling lotion. Spectacular hairstyle lasts 24 hours.

With improper use, the hair sticks together, a greasy sheen appears, and volume disappears. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. Since the constant presence of silicones, synthetic ingredients harm the hair.

For owners of dry hair and lifeless curls, a nourishing hair cream is needed, the search for the perfect cosmetic turns into a real quest. Autumn is the best time to change summer care for a more intense one.

Moisturizing hair cream based on 100% natural ingredients. Designed to prevent drying and brittle hair.

Manufacturer: UK

Thick, creamy texture, quite oily to the touch, the cream is packed in a small black jar. The used plastic jar can be returned to the store for recycling. The cream has a lemon-yellow color, with a sharp citrus smell. 100% natural ingredients and completely safe synthetic substances.

The product is made by hand, it is desirable to store in a cool place without access to sunlight. Has a limited shelf life.

  • Oat milk. Renews cells, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Avocado oil. Nourishes, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Jojoba oil. Acts as a natural liquid wax.
  • Virgin coconut oil. Enriched with lauric acid, accelerates metabolic processes in the skin.

Volume: 100 ml.

Price: about 1100 rubles.

Cream Cocochoco Intensive

Cocochoco Intensive Cream is a cream for quick hydration of hair suffering from brittleness. It is also intended for resuscitation of dyed hair. Thickens hair, highlights curls.

Manufacturer: Israel

Completely white, dense cream with a slight sweetish-sour smell. The smell is unobtrusive. Packed in a transparent tube with a convenient dispenser.

The cream is designed for damaged hair. After applying the product, the hair does not lose volume. Can be used as a rinse-off or leave-on. The cream can be used as a hair mask. The duration of drying of the hair after washing increases, confirming the undoubted result of moisturizing the hair.

  • Water.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Prevents moisture loss, treats every hair.
  • Amodimethicone. Helps to preserve the pigment of dyed and uncolored hair, promotes the restoration of hair scales.
  • Conditioning emulsifier. The only emulsifier
  • D-Panthenol. Treats diseases of the dermis of the head.
  • hydrolyzed wheat proteins. Provide protein to hair follicles, stimulate the production of keratin,
  • Green tea leaf extract. Normalizes blood flow in the capillaries, saturates the skin with oxygen.
  • Olive extract. Nourishes hair and skin with moisture and oils.

All other unspecified components in the list have practically no effect, since the lower the component in the list on the package, the less it is in the product itself. There are more than 30 components in total. Most of them are of inorganic origin.

Volume: 150 ml.

Price: about 1100 rubles.

Moroccanoil Hydrating Styling Gream

Moroccanoil Hydrating Styling Gream - A leave-in cream that conditions while maintaining the natural look of the hair. Designed to be used with a hair dryer. Provides perfect looking hair the next day.

Manufacturer: Israel

Presented for sale in two volumes 75 ml, 300 ml. Packaging design 75 ml bottle with dispenser, 300 ml plastic tube without dispenser with screw cap. The cream has a dense mass of apricot color, has a light aroma of argan. The smell of the cream practically does not remain on the hair.

The product thickens the hair, moisturizes and eliminates static, even during the day it is easy to comb, does not pollute the roots.

Argan oil- active substance. Restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates oily sheen, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, reanimates the hair follicles, returns shine to the hair. Also added vitamins A and C.

Volume: 75 ml./300 ml.

Price: 991 rubles / 2256 rubles.

Egomania for volume and styling with ginger and cocoa butter

Pros and cons of Egomania

The task of the Egomania product is aimed not only to provide rich nutrition to the hair, but also to give pleasure to the procedure. The natural components of the cream have a healing effect on the scalp and hair. And also on a subconscious level, relax the body as a whole.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Presented for sale in a volume of 100 ml. The packaging design leaves much to be desired compared to the Israeli options, the packaging is noticeably inferior. Pink plastic bottle with pump. The dispenser is not adjusted properly. The cream is thick, milky white, like whipped butter. Does not inspire confidence. It has an oriental aroma, justifies its name "Aphrodisiac". In general, the smell is pleasant.

The product is necessary for hair after dyeing and chemical waving. Does not stick together and nourishes the hair well, protecting it from hot styling.

  • Argan oil. Provides vitamin A and C, fills the scales inside the hair.
  • Cacao butter. Enhances the action of the components, softens the hair.
  • Almond oil. Stimulates the growth of hair follicles, gives flexibility to the hair,
  • Pomegranate extract. Improves skin blood flow, is a natural antiseptic, nourishes curls, facilitates combing.
  • Ginger root extract. Contains iron, phosphorus, salts, essential oils, vitamins.

Despite the poor appearance of the packaging and the greasy consistency, the product successfully copes with the tasks assigned to it.

Volume: 100 ml.

Price: 400-450 r.

The basis of the cream was an extract of algae, which instantly fills the hair with nutrients. Protects from sun rays. The product is used as a base for oil-based cosmetics.

Manufacturer: France

The packaging of the cream is golden in color, the box is wrapped in a film. The container containing the cream is made of heavy glass with a silver lid. It is pleasant to hold a container in your hands and apply the contents to your hair. The base of the product is thick, delicate and non-sticky. Available in two volumes 50 ml and 180 ml. The consistency of the cream is concentrated, enough with a couple of drops. The smell is practically not felt.

The cream is quickly absorbed, making the hair elastic, the effect is especially noticeable on curly hair. The product smoothes hair scales, protects against thermal effects, does not weigh down, but an excess of the product will lead to a greasy effect on the hair. Helps reduce hair breakage and split ends.

  • D-Panthenol. Treats the epidermis of the head, envelops each hair with a film without weighing them down, protects against UV rays, increases the thickness by 10%.
  • propylene glycol. Softens the skin, facilitates combing.
  • Marine Collagen. Reduces the electrification of hair, increases density, moisturizes, increases volume.
  • Lemon acid. Narrows pores, stopping hair loss, softens water. Helps keep hair clean for longer.

Silicones. Solder scales, create only a temporary effect of smoothness.

Volume: 500ml. / 1000 ml.

Price: 1045 p. / 1540 rubles

Cream Lebel IAU cream melt repair

Aromacream tones, nourishes each hair with moisture, gives shine and radiance. Infuses hair with a long-lasting fragrance. Consists of natural extracts.

Manufacturer: Japan.

The rich and dense texture of the cream is an advantage in use. It has a yellowish color and a subtle, but very pleasant aroma. The product is packaged in a bright red tube with a flip-top lid and a small opening for easy application.

The cream moisturizes not only the hair structure. Removes dryness and static. After the first application, the hair becomes smoother, fragrant with a persistent aroma even a few days after application.

  • Honey essence. Moisturizes and nourishes, stops hair loss, stimulates hair growth.
  • Pimanthes extract. Increases the moisturizing properties of the product, antioxidant
  • complex of cell membranes. They provide additional adhesion of the product to the damaged hair cuticle, making them more full and shiny.

Cons: price.

Volume: 200 ml.

Price: 1800 r.

Kerastase Elixir Ultime Beautifying Oil Cream

Nourishes each hair, reconstructs damaged scales. Kerastase Elixir Ultime Beautifying Oil Cream moisturizes and revitalizes hair. The main component of the cream is the precious oil of the White Flower, which nourishes and protects the surface of the hair.

Manufacturer: France.

The cream is packaged in a golden tube with a hinged lid. The product itself is dense, milky in color with micro-glitters. The smell of the product is pleasant, light, floral. When applied to the hair, it absorbs very quickly without feeling sticky.

  • White flower extract. Moisturizes and nourishes, relieves inflammation, strengthens hair.
  • Oil complex. Nourishes and envelops every hair.
  • Extract from natural starch. Acts as a natural conditioner.
  • Pomegranate extract. Nourishing with moisture, gives softness.
  • UV filters. Protect from sunburn.

Silicone. Gives hair a temporary silky effect, but actually draws moisture out of them.

Volume: 180 ml.

Price: 2450 r.

The most demanded category of hair creams is volumizing products. The best effect is given by preparations that lift the hair at the roots. From this, the hairstyle looks more magnificent, without losing naturalness. The effect of increasing the volume of hair provide various cosmetics:

  • cream mousses;
  • cream-gels;
  • conditioner creams.

One popular tool in this category is OSiS+ Upload. This cosmetic preparation of a professional series from a German manufacturer provides several effects:

  • lack of sticking of hair with their subsequent easy combing;
  • natural shine;
  • root volume;
  • obedience of strands;
  • fixation of medium strength.

Proper use of volumizers includes several stages:

  • applying cream on the palms;
  • distribution of the drug along the entire length of the hair;
  • creating the desired hairstyle.

If you intend to use a hair dryer, the product is applied to slightly damp hair. The composition of the cream includes components of protection against aggressive environmental influences, oils, vitamins.
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Children's hair creams

It has a higher degree of safety, since it contains mainly natural ingredients. This led to the demand for these drugs in order to restore the structure, nutrition and hydration of the hair, adult men and women.

One of the popular products in this series is children's hair balm. It is created on the basis of a unique formula and is designed to care for fine hair.

The balm ensures their obedience and easy combing after shampooing. The composition of the cosmetic product includes:

  • organic extracts of Siberian herbs: violets, geraniums, evenings;
  • Asian yarrow extract;
  • natural essential oils (including Siberian cedar);
  • extracts of wild herbs.

Mode of application simple: it is applied to damp hair after shampooing. With regular use for the same purposes by adults, there is a healing effect for brittle and damaged hair.