How to restore whiteness to faded whites. How to wash a faded item? The most famous and effective ways

Each garment has its own washing rules. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to the fact that things shed. Colored clothes will lose their brightness, and white fabric will take on an undesirable hue. Do not throw away a ruined blouse or faded jeans. Clothes can be saved. How exactly - read our tips.

If you accidentally wash white and colored clothes, white things are covered. The same happens with colored inserts. You can notice that the thing has deteriorated immediately when it dries. At this point, action must be taken. The faster you take on white clothes, the more likely it is to reanimate. You need to wash raw things again, so the colorful pigment will wash out of the material faster.

Special means for restoring white things

Here are some ways to save faded white clothes:

  • If white clothes become gray or yellowish after washing, intensive washing will help. Add a large amount of washing powder to cold water and soak the clothes for 3-4 hours. Wash clothes thoroughly with your hands and repeat until desired result.
  • You can wash it again in the machine. Add plenty of powder, oxygen bleach, and soda ash. Set the high temperature mode.
  • Prepare your whitening paste. Mix a tablespoon of citric acid, the same amount of starch and chopped laundry soap. Add 0.5 tablespoon of salt and grind everything into a pulp. Apply to stains, then launder.
  • ammonia will help. Pour very hot water into the basin, add 100 g of a pharmacy product, stir everything and soak the clothes for 2-3 hours. Rinse 2-3 times until the smell is completely gone.
  • Damaged delicate fabrics are reanimated with hydrogen peroxide. Mix 2 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and the same amount of 3% peroxide. Heat water to 70-75 degrees, soak white things for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • modern means will help - bleach with chlorine, oxygen powder and stain remover. Use them strictly according to the instructions for hand or machine washing. Aggressive substances can damage expensive and delicate items, so test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

Rescue of colored things

It is more difficult to save colored clothes, especially those with a pattern, because the wrong actions will ruin the thing forever. Special preparations of delicate action will come to the rescue:

  • Color restorers. These active chemicals will restore the brightness of the fabric. They have a strong effect, so follow the instructions exactly and follow the dosage.
  • General Purpose Bleach. Helps remove stains without damaging color. For example, Amway and Vanish products and brilliant green.
  • oxygen powders. Choose products marked Color on the packaging so as not to damage the color. Do not soak clothes in them for more than an hour.

It is possible to restore colored fabric with folk methods. Dilute 100 g of ammonia in 5 liters of hot water. Soak the faded item in this solution, then rinse at least 2 times.

You can save clothes by washing them again. Soak clothes in water at 60 degrees, adding a large amount of powder. It is important to wash your clothes while they are still damp.

Washing faded woolen items

If a wool item has faded, it should be reanimated as carefully as possible. May shrink if washed incorrectly. The following actions apply to such material:

  • Prepare a solution of water and 3% peroxide in a ratio of 1 to 8. Soak the clothes for half an hour, then.
  • Boil wool in skeins in soapy water. Add grated laundry soap to a bowl of water. Rinse the wool in warm water, then rinse in a mild vinegar solution.
  • Grind 1 kg of chalk into powder and dissolve in 3 liters of cold water. Place the wool into the solution and stir occasionally. Rinse thoroughly after 15-20 minutes.

Washing angora and viscose

Viscose clothes and angora sweaters are washed in the same way as wool, only they need to be treated a little more delicately. If clothes made from these types of fabric have faded, the following will help:

  • Delicate detergent or washing shampoo.
  • Chopped laundry soap.
  • Chlorine-free bleach for delicate fabrics.

Stain Remedies

If faded spots remain on a white or colored item, oxygen powder or stain remover will help. Today there are many brands of such products, the most famous of which are Vanish Color, Udalix Oxi Ultra, Astonish Oxi Plus, Dylon SOS Color and others.

Apply detergents and stain removers in this way. Wash things with ordinary powder (preferably by hand), treat the stains with a concentrated preparation, then after half an hour or in the car, adding a little shampoo or stain remover to the water. Some products contain aggressive ingredients, so use rubber gloves when washing.

Extreme measures

If the above methods do not help, the problem is solved in a radical way - staining. This can be done using special fabric dyes. The shade of the paint should be half a tone darker than the color of the fabric. Natural fabric with a dense structure is dyed evenly, but with synthetics you will have to suffer. The most famous clothing dyes are Simplicol, Dylon and the classic "blue" that was used to dye jeans.

You can paint a colored thing in this way:

  1. Prepare a container and protect your hands with gloves.
  2. Dissolve the dye, observing the proportions in the instructions.
  3. Heat the basin on fire to 40 degrees, then remove from the stove.
  4. Gently place the item in the water for 15 minutes while stirring the garment.
  5. Rinse the cloth several times until the water runs clear.
  6. The first few times, wash the dyed item separately from other clothes.

It is necessary to select a coloring pigment, taking into account the type of fabric and the condition of the thing. If the clothes are expensive and the fabric is delicate, take them to the dry cleaners.

You can avoid shedding of clothes if you wash them according to the instructions on the tags. Kitchen salt will help keep the color of bright things. Soak fabric in saline solution before hand or machine wash. Also take a look at our tips:

  • Sort your clothes. Colored separately.
  • Observe the temperature regime. Delicate fabrics are not washed in hot water.
  • Buy laundry detergent for colored items. It will not allow the pigment to be washed out of the fabric.
  • Use conditioner. A quality product will give the fabric softness and retain color for a long time.
  • Avoid low quality items. Synthetic clothing from the market is impregnated with an unstable bright dye, which is washed off after the first wash.

If the thing has shed so much that it cannot be reanimated, but it is a pity to throw it away, use a creative approach:

  • Paint the item in a different color.
  • Hide the stain with a patch, sticker or appliqué.
  • Wash denim with chlorine - "boilers" are back in fashion.
  • Increase the number of stains with special textile paint.

It is realistic to save even a hopelessly faded thing if you act immediately and use proven means. Give your favorite clothes a second life, and they will serve you for a long time.

Housewives often ask themselves: if a thing faded during washing, what should be done to reanimate damaged white linen or colored clothes? Most often, this trouble occurs due to the fact that during washing the conditions that are indicated on the special tag attached to the product were not observed. It is not uncommon for a faded thing to be thrown away, however, small household tricks will help at home to restore the former look of your favorite clothes and underwear.

How to wash clothes so they don't shed

To prevent things from becoming faded when washing, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Sort items correctly. Wash black and white separately from all others. Multi-colored clothes, so as not to shed, can be divided according to the following principle: gray can be combined with blue, yellow with orange, red with pink, blue with green. It is impossible to put single-colored products and a canvas with an ornament or print into the drum of the washing machine at the same time.
  2. Linen fabrics can be washed with cotton, silk and synthetics are also compatible, woolen ones require an individual approach.
  3. The right powder is a guarantee that things will not fade after washing. For colored fabrics, powders for whites cannot be used, because. they may contain bleaching granules.
  4. It is important to monitor the temperature of the washing machine. When washing colored laundry, it is better not to use high temperatures and boiling. This can destroy the color of the fabrics.
  5. How to wash embroidery? To prevent the product from shedding, you need to choose a detergent for colored fabrics. It is believed that laundry soap grated and dissolved in water is well suited for this purpose. The temperature of the solution should not exceed 40°C. The embroidery is soaked in soapy water for 30-60 minutes, after which it is washed by hand, without applying great mechanical effort.
  6. After washing, do not fold or hang clean items mixed. Wet fabrics may change color when touched. Video can't be loaded: 15 common laundry mistakes that ruin clothes (

7 ways to remove faded stains from white clothes and underwear

It is more difficult to wash a faded white thing than a colored one, since any stain on it is always in sight. In the arsenal of experienced housewives there are different ways, using which you can bring dyed clothes and linen back to life:

  1. One way to bleach a white blouse or shirt after shedding is a long soak in cold water with plenty of bleaching powder to help restore freshness to these items of clothing. They wash the products with their hands, paying special attention to those places that are painted in a different color.
  2. Cottons and linens, such as towels and faded whites, can be machine washed with plenty of powder and a little soda ash. It is better to choose the highest temperature, and the process can be repeated 2 times.
  3. If things are faded and cannot be washed, whitening paste will help restore their whiteness. To prepare it, you will need improvised means: 1 tbsp. grated laundry soap, potato starch, citric acid and 0.5 tbsp. coarse salt. Mix the ingredients and, adding clean warm water, turn into a liquid slurry. It must be distributed over faded places and left for at least 12 hours. After that, wash the item in the usual way and rinse thoroughly.
  4. If a white thing from a simple fabric has faded, for example, towels, tablecloths, underwear, socks, faded bedding, you can try to bring them back to life by boiling. For this, you need to take a large container so that you can freely place the products and mix them periodically. In the water for boiling, you can add soda ash or drinking soda, shavings of laundry soap, powder for white fabrics. The procedure can last 1-2 hours, after which the products are removed from the heat, allowed to cool and washed in the usual way.
  5. How to bleach faded white things in a solution of ammonia? In a container with a volume of more than 10 liters, hot water and 100 ml of pharmacy ammonia are mixed. Contaminated clothing is placed in the solution and kept for 2-3 hours. After the fabric must be wrung out and washed in a machine with air conditioning to eliminate the pungent ammonia smell. For the time of soaking, it is better to take the thing out into the air or provide constant ventilation in the room.
  6. Craftsmen wash faded white fabrics in a solution of potassium permanganate. Take 0.5 cups of washing powder with a bleaching effect on a bucket of 10 liters and add a few grains of potassium permanganate so that the solution is slightly pink. The fabric is placed in a bucket and covered with a lid for 3-4 hours. The cleaned thing is washed in the usual way.
  7. For effective whitening of white fabrics, it is recommended to use not only folk methods, but also industrial preparations: Whiteness, Domestos, Oxygen, Vanish and others. For high-quality cleaning of a faded product, oxygen-containing products are more suitable. When using them, follow the instructions on the package and use rubber gloves.
  8. Experts recommend that after all procedures for cleaning faded items, rinse them thoroughly to avoid other stains on the fabric. This is especially true for light-colored clothes and underwear.

How to remove faded stains from colored clothes

A faded colored item is easier to get rid of stains than white fabrics. On such clothes, faded stains do not catch the eye too clearly. Ways:

  1. What should I do if a multi-colored item has faded and after washing it has untidy stains? Recovery can be tried with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 tsp to 4 liters of water. ammonia and 2 tbsp. peroxides. Place the cloth in the solution and put on a strong fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 hour. Rinse the cleaned clothes in clean water and air dry.
  2. How to remove faded stains from things with a color print? Ordinary laundry soap will come to the rescue. It is necessary to rub it thickly on the contaminated areas, rub lightly and leave for 2-3 hours. Cleaned clothes can be washed by hand or in a washing machine.
  3. An interesting way to restore black and white clothes with green tea and salt. It is more convenient to use tea bags. Brew several liters of a medium strength drink and soak faded clothes in it. You need to wait 15 minutes and sprinkle white areas with coarse salt. After another 15 minutes, clothes can be washed by hand or in a typewriter.
  4. If the original color of the product cannot be restored, experts recommend decorating the faded parts with embroidery and appliqué or fabric dyes. A cardinal way to restore color to faded things is to repaint them in a different, darker color, which will help hide faded places. Video can't be loaded: 100% RESULTS! IF THE THING SHED OUT! (

How to restore the color of delicate fabrics

If the thing faded during washing, and the fabric of the product is delicate and delicate, you should not use the usual methods of getting rid of extraneous colors. If you don’t have a special stain remover on hand, you can use special homemade recipes:

  1. A faded wool sweater or sweater will help restore ordinary school chalk. It needs to be finely crushed and mixed with water. Place the thing in the resulting solution and stir occasionally for 1 hour. Then the product is rinsed in cool water with the addition of a small amount of table vinegar.
  2. If a silk dress has faded, you can try to remove faded spots with dry mustard. 2 tbsp dilute the powder in 3 liters of warm water and soak the dress for 2 hours. Gently wash it with your hands in warm water and dry it in the open air so that the mustard smell does not remain.
  3. Jackets made of synthetic fabric rarely shed, but if stains appear on the fabric after washing, they can be removed with Aspirin tablets. A package of medication (10 tablets) is crushed and dissolved in 8 liters of warm water. The jacket is immersed in the solution so that it is completely covered with water. It is necessary to withstand the product for 10-12 hours, and then rinse in running water or in a washing machine.

How to wash a parka so that it does not shed? So that the newly washed clothes do not lose their original appearance, they must be properly prepared before washing:

  • detach all removable parts (hood, collar, pockets);
  • all zippers and buttons must be fastened, laces must be tied;
  • turn the jacket inside out - this will help to avoid streaks on the fabric;
  • you need to wash with a soft powder without bleaching granules;
  • to refresh the color when rinsing, you can add a little table salt to the drum of the machine;
  • Dry flat in the air or in a well-ventilated area.

At home, you can try one of the options on how to wash faded things, and if one method does not help, you can use another. In the event that none of the methods proves effective, you need to give the clothes to a professional dry cleaner.

If the item was damaged during washing due to proximity to a shedding fabric, you can try to reanimate it. At the same time, the statute of limitations for divorces and the structure of the fabric play a role. Also, if the question arose of how to remove faded spots, you need to take into account the color of the thing affected by stains. This is a decisive factor that allows you to determine the preferred method for eliminating a defect in clothing.

Divorces on light-colored clothes are more striking, respectively, the stains must be completely removed, otherwise it will be impossible to wear things. Therefore, to remove paint stains, you need to make more efforts and sometimes you even need to repeatedly soak the product in special products. When deciding how to remove faded spots, it is important to select gentle, but effective substances so as not to damage the fabric structure. In the assortment, chemical stain removers are available, and it is also allowed to use folk methods.

Special formulations

Popular substances that can be easily found in household chemical stores:

Tip: To improve the result, it is allowed to repeat the procedure as many times as necessary, but the effectiveness of the compounds used is higher when they are applied immediately after the thing has been damaged.

Folk ways from stains

If a T-shirt has shed, how to remove stains as quickly as possible without wasting time looking for a special product? You can apply one of the popular recipes:

Note: When preparing a multi-component mixture of stains based on citric acid, instead of washing powder, you can add shavings of laundry soap.

Stains on colored items

If the task is how to remove quickly faded stains on clothes made of dyed fabrics, the algorithm of actions most often differs from the principle of bleaching light fabrics. If you choose from special chemicals, you can take the following options as a basis:

  1. Stain removers marked Color(for colored clothes). They are applied to the painted area, guided by the instructions, on average, the duration of the stain soaking does not exceed 15-20 minutes.
  2. Principle of use special powders similar to what is used to affect white fabrics. However, we must not forget that you need to buy funds marked Color.

In the event that none of the compositions helped restore things to their original appearance and the question of how to remove faded stains from colored clothes at home is still relevant, you can repaint the material. To do this, you need to buy paint in highly specialized stores, it is used in accordance with the instructions for a certain type of fabric and taking into account the original shade. If the stain stands out too much, the paint should be purchased a tone darker. But for cases where the thing is unevenly damaged by stains, this method will not work, since stains will be noticeable.

From improvised means you can use alcohol or peroxide. In the first case, a solution is prepared: 2 liters of liquid and no more than 100 ml of medical alcohol. The water is taken warm. Things are soaked in the solution for 2 hours, then rinsed thoroughly. If there is peroxide at home, it is taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. l., add 1/2 tbsp. ordinary washing powder, the resulting mixture is diluted in 2 liters of liquid. The duration of exposure of the solution to the spots in this case is also 2 hours.

If the task is how to remove faded stains from jeans, you can use the folk recipe based on soda, which was described above for white clothes. It is enough to apply a thick soda solution to the damaged area, leave it in this form for 10 minutes, then rinse the thing.

General rules to help avoid staining things

To keep new clothes in perfect condition and keep the color of the product as long as possible, you should use the recommendations:

  • the first and subsequent washings are carried out in accordance with the information on the label;
  • new products should always be washed separately from other things, which will eliminate the risk of accidental staining;
  • many people know that they should not put colored and white linen in the machine or in a container during hand washing at the same time, but not everyone takes into account the material of the product, for example, it has been noticed that synthetics shed more often, so it is recommended to pre-distribute things taking into account the characteristics of the fabric (natural , synthetic).

Additionally, special napkins are offered today, which are laid in the washing machine. They prevent changes in the shade of the fabric. It is also possible to fix the color of the product, for which, after the primary wash, the item is placed in a container with cold water, where a mixture of 1 tbsp was previously added. l. salt and vinegar.

Each hostess faced a situation when white things faded during soaking or washing, acquiring a different, unusual shade. For experienced housewives, this situation is not a problem.

But for many novice keepers of the hearth, the question arises of how to whiten white things at home without resorting to expensive dry cleaners.

Today there are many ways to get rid of this problem. Grayed or faded things can be made snow-white with the help of special chemicals, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Note! These garment care products help to restore the original shine and radiance to white things. They are absolutely safe for an adult, but they are used with caution on the clothes of young children.

Table: a white thing faded: how to whiten with bleaching specialized products.

Bleach type Name Description
containing chlorine "White".
Products containing chlorine are used only for linen and cotton products.

To remove the faded area, the liquid is applied to the stain and left for 10-15 minutes.

It is worth working with such drugs in rubber gloves.

Chlorine can damage the nail plate and corrode the skin on the hands.

Oxygen preparations Vanish.
"Whiteness without bleach".
Oxygen bleaches work by expelling dirt particles from the fabric. They are suitable for all types of matter.

Do not cause an allergic reaction. Used for soaking and washing.

Optics "Belofor".
The product contains microparticles, settling on fabrics that give things a snow-white tint.

White things stained when washed: how to bleach?

If white things are stained during washing, then to eliminate faded stains, apply:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Based on this component, a soaking solution is made. Two liters of water will require two tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Potassium permanganate. A solution of manganese is suitable for children's clothing. It perfectly washes children's clothes, suitable even for clothes for newborns.
  3. Laundry soap. They perfectly wash the gray attributes of the wardrobe, yellowed things. Wash things with laundry soap and put them in a bag for 24 hours. Then they are rinsed with water.
  4. Citric acid with salt. These ingredients restore whiteness.

To prepare a bleaching solution, mix:

  • One glass of grated laundry soap.
  • One tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • One tablespoon of citric acid (you can replace it with lemon juice).
  • One tablespoon of potato starch.

All ingredients are mixed. Laundry is soaked for 24 hours.

How to bleach white things based on the type of fabric?

When removing stains or yellowness from the material, it is worth considering its type.

After all, for each fabric, its own methods are selected:

  1. Cotton or linen clothes you need to bleach with soda, peroxide, aspirin, whiteness, citric acid or chemical bleaches (domestos, whiteness, persol).
  2. Synthetic things bleached only with hydrogen peroxide or laundry soap. Synthetic clothing must not be boiled or boiled.
  3. Woolen, knitted, silk clothes bleached with a special solution.

Cooking method:

  • In a container with 4-5 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of powder, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 4 tablespoons of table salt.
  • In this solution, the attributes of the wardrobe are soaked for 2-3 hours, then rinsed.

If dyed wool doesn't wash like this, try the mustard method. Sprinkle contaminated areas with dry mustard. Leave for 1 hour. Rinse. Add the powder to the resulting mustard water and wash the wardrobe items.

Folk methods

Specialized bleaching agents often destroy the structure of the fabric and cause allergies. Therefore, many prefer to use folk remedies that have been proven over the years.

Note! Not all folk methods can cope with complex molting spots. If one method does not work, it is better to use another method.

Table: folk methods.

The name of the folk way Process description
Boiling with powder This method has been known for many years. Boiling was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. You can boil both colored and white things.

With this method, you can remove yellowed armpits and old washed out stains.

Step-by-step instruction:

Water is collected in a large container and powder is poured.
Laundry is laid out.
The container is put on fire and brought to a boil.
The laundry is “boiled” for an hour, periodically mixed with special wooden tongs.
After that, things are pulled out of the container and rinsed with water.

soaking with soda Soda helps to get rid of yellowness, gives a pristine shade.

Step-by-step instruction:

Five tablespoons of soda and three tablespoons of ammonia are added to a five-liter container.
Clothes are soaked in this solution for 3-4 hours.
Then rinsed with water.

Soaking with hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide perfectly whitens, removes old stains.

Step-by-step instruction:

Four tablespoons of peroxide are added to a container with ten liters of water.
Clothes are soaked in the solution for 60 minutes.
Then it rinses off.

Washing rules

If you want to avoid problems with yellowing, it is worth molting to wash things correctly, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Sorting items of clothing according to the following criteria:

    Color. It is forbidden to wash white clothes with colored wardrobe attributes.
    Textile. Different types of fabrics need different temperatures and washing cycles. For cotton, the maximum temperature is 90 degrees. For synthetics and wool - 40 degrees. For silk and linen - 30 degrees.

  2. Do not use chlorine-based bleach on synthetic items. Chlorine damages the structure of the fabric, it wears out faster.
  3. Always check the drain when starting the washing machine. If it is clogged, then the water will stagnate and stains will appear on things.
  4. After the stain appears, it is better to soak the garment in hot water. But if this is a blood stain, then the wardrobe attribute is soaked in cold water with the addition of laundry soap.
  5. Whiteness during washing is added no more than once every three months. If you use it regularly, the fabric will become thinner.

Important! Hard water affects the quality of the fabric. Therefore, when washing, add emollient special agents.

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Often, young, not yet experienced housewives have an incident - a thing shed during washing, what should I do in such a situation? As a rule, such a problem is caused by an incorrectly set temperature or dyeing clothes getting into the drum of the machine. The review below presents the most effective methods for returning the product to its previous color and answers the question of what to do if the thing suddenly sheds.

How to protect things from molting?

Have you bought a new item and are wondering how to wash it so that it does not shed? The baking soda solution will help fix the color of the fabric. The procedure consists in adding table salt to water (2 tsp should be taken per 1 liter). The solution is mixed well and the product is placed in it. The exposure time should be between 25 and 37 minutes.

This method will help industrial dyes to be well fixed in the fibers of the fabric. Also, choose the right detergent. To do this, choose a package with the designation Color in the store.

Before you put any things in the washing machine, you need to sort them. It should be remembered that white linen must be washed separately from dark or colored linen.

How to wash faded things methods for white products

If your favorite thing faded during washing, what to do in such a situation? Bleaches and stain removers are the best way to remove faded stains. If you prefer store-bought products, pay attention to the packaging marked White.

Oxygen-based bleaches are the most effective. They are much more preferable than those containing chlorine. In addition, they are gentle on the fibers of the fabric and will not harm the skin.


You can return the original whiteness to white things that have lost their color by boiling. A good helper in this will be laundry soap, which must be grated and added to cold water.

For 5 l. half a bar of detergent is sufficient. Bring water to a boil and boil for 35-50 minutes. After that, leave the mixture to cool completely and rinse well.

Washing with home stain remover

Homemade stain remover will help restore the original color of clothes. He copes especially well if the embroidery on faded clothes is completely smeared. This tool will cope with color stains and remove the yellowish tint from the product. Removal of molting takes place in several stages:

  • mix 1 tbsp. l. ordinary salt with 0.5 tsp. citric acid, ammonia and 1/3 bar of laundry soap (it is better to grate it);
  • add 0.5 cups of warm water and stir well so that the composition turns into a paste;
  • apply the mixture with a brush or sponge to faded areas.

After 8-10 hours, gently rub the affected areas and rinse thoroughly.

Soaking with hydrogen peroxide

An excellent improvised stain remover that copes with faded stains no worse than store-bought products is peroxide. For 1.5 liters of water, you will need 50 ml of a pharmaceutical preparation and 0.5 tsp. salt. All components must be well mixed and heated.

Dip the damaged thing into a container with a solution and leave for 40-60 minutes. If the products are not bleached enough after the specified time, then it can be increased to 2-3 hours. This method works well for getting rid of stains on white cuffs and collars.

Soaking with ammonia

An equally effective way to return things to their original whiteness is the use of ammonia, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. This option is also the most budgetary and is suitable for even the most delicate fabrics that are not suitable for processing with aggressive bleach from the store. To return whiteness, if a white thing has shed, you need to do the following:

  • dilute 70 ml of ammonia in boiling water (3 l);
  • put a thing in the solution and soak in it for about 2 hours;
  • after this time, the clothes are thoroughly rinsed.

Since, after rinsing, an unpleasant smell of ammonia remains on the fibers of the fabric, it must be removed. To do this, the product is hung out to dry in the fresh air.

Washing with potassium permanganate

Another way to bleach fabric is to use potassium permanganate. Despite the fact that this tool has a pink color, diluted in a weak concentration, it can restore the original whiteness of the product. To prepare the mixture, you need to add a few crystals of the pharmaceutical preparation to a bucket of very hot water. The mixture should be mixed well, otherwise stains may remain on the fabric.

For the greatest efficiency, you can supplement the solution with grated shavings from laundry soap (70%) or any washing powder. Dip faded clothes into a bucket and keep in it for 3 hours. In order for the effect of the mixture to be even stronger, you need to close the container with a tight lid. After the specified time, the products that have lost their original appearance must be rinsed well.

Since potassium permanganate in combination with detergent makes the fibers of the fabric stiff, you can add fabric softener to the water during the last rinse. Anyone will do (Lenor, Dosia, Cotico, Stork, Eared Nian, etc.). This method can also be used to bleach baby clothes.

Whitening with aspirin

An excellent stain remover that is always on hand is regular aspirin. In order to remove a shedding thing, you need to crush several tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and dilute them with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The amount of aspirin will depend on the size of the damage to the tissue.

Apply the resulting mixture to the stain with a brush or sponge, gently rubbing into it. The acid contained in the tablets will help restore the original color. After 25-30 minutes, the item should be rinsed well. This method is great for removing faded stains from collars and cuffs.

How to restore colored things?

It is much more difficult to restore the original shade of colored products. In this case, you should not only preserve the original appearance of the thing, but also remove the paint from them. To do this, the effective methods listed below will help.


Ammonia (aka ammonia) will help restore fresh color. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • dilute 50 ml. ammonia in 5 liters of warm water;
  • place a damaged item in a container;
  • after 1.5 hours, the product is removed and rinsed well;

Dry the clothes in the fresh air, hanging in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on the linen. Exposure to ultraviolet light can change the original color of your favorite blouse or skirt.


Regular chalk will help to give a fresh look to faded clothes. To do this, it must be crushed and diluted with warm water. The color of the crayon must fully match the color of the damaged item. For 5 liters of liquid, take 100–150 g of chalk.

The linen is soaked in the resulting mixture for about 4–5 hours, after which it is rinsed in water with the addition of a bite (4 tablespoons of essence per 7 liters of liquid). Such an additive will help to fix the color in the fabric for a long time.

dish detergent

Using dish detergent to restore the original shade of colored items is advisable only if the stains are not so pronounced. If the stains are very small, you can use the usual 70% laundry soap.

How to use dishwashing detergent? To do this, wet the shedding things with warm water, apply the detergent composition to the sponge and blot the stains with it. Leave the products in this form for about 3 hours. After that, things need to be rinsed well. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to wash them in a machine with a regular powder.

In addition, you can resort to the help of special stain removers, which are designed to return the previous shade to colored things. As mentioned earlier, they are all labeled Color. The following remedies for faded linen are most effective:

  • ACE Oxi Magic;
  • Vanish color protector
  • Amway PreWash Spray;
  • Astonish OXY PLUS;
  • Sarma Active 5 in 1.

All of the listed products quickly and effectively restore the original color of the linen.

Method for two-tone clothes

What should I do if the old colors are gone on two-tone clothes or stains appear after washing? In this case, you can use the help of green tea. For the procedure, you will need 5 bags, which must be brewed in 4 liters of boiling water. Cool the water slightly and soak the faded product in it. After 2 hours, the item is removed and rinsed well.

Since green tea contains tannins that can stiffen fabrics, it is recommended to use fabric softener on the last rinse.