Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy. We use natural oils against stretch marks during pregnancy. Photo Gallery: Solid Vegetable Oils Allowed During Pregnancy

Many women are familiar with the problem of stretch marks after pregnancy. However, thanks to a special selection of medicines, it is possible to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin. In order to understand how to act, we will analyze the causes of such damage, find out which oils help to cope with scarring on the skin and consider the precautions for using them.

Features and Benefits

The reasons for the appearance of damage to the dermis during pregnancy are very different. It is common for the female body to adapt to external circumstances or internal factors of irritation. The skin has a protective function, due to which, under adverse conditions, it takes a hit on itself. The epithelium can easily stretch - this is due to the collagen fibers inside the skin.

When the constrictions are too sharp and large, the skin cannot cope with the load and then the inner layers can collapse, as a result of which stretch marks are formed - scars that are saturated with microleaks, brightening over time.

The main reason for the appearance of such injuries is, of course, the increasing load on the abdomen. From a strong constriction, microscopic damage appears on the skin of the abdomen. This is not the norm, but due to certain factors.

The most common:

  • changes in the hormonal structure of the female body. During pregnancy, progesterone is actively produced, which stops the production of collagen and elastic fibers. At the same time, the skin integument sharply loses its elasticity and becomes too thin, due to which damage to the skin easily occurs;
  • heredity. At the DNA level, such indicators as the properties of the skin, the predisposition of the dermis to wrinkles, and the rate of aging of the body are laid down. It is inherited from older generations. This also includes the elasticity of the skin, and the possibility of stretch marks on the surface of the dermis.

But in addition to internal mechanisms that a person cannot control, there are external factors:

  • a sharp weight gain;
  • lack of a healthy diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • age from 30 years.

In this case, an integrated approach to improving your body helps to avoid stretch marks. This applies to changing nutrition, maintaining the activity of the body, obtaining the entire spectrum of vitamins for the skin.

A well-known fact: the epidermis receives vitamins and microelements at the very last turn, so it must be nourished with additional oil masks.

Features of oils that cope with stretch marks:

  • 100% natural base needed during pregnancy;
  • natural composition without additional chemical compounds;
  • softness of action;
  • nice smell;
  • availability.

Benefits that should be emphasized: thanks to the completely natural composition, the oils can be used everywhere. Side effects occur only with individual intolerance to the components. However, vitamins and minerals act naturally on the skin, activating internal reserves, which contributes to its recovery.

Types and properties

Oils are the perfect remedy for any kind of skin damage. The main criterion when choosing a concentrate for pregnant girls is the naturalness of the composition.

Common natural stretch marks helpers:

  • sunflower oil is the most sought after product in the world. Used for food and cosmetic purposes. For the body, this is a great natural relief for dryness. The plant extract contains oleic acid in large quantities, which affects the regenerating functions of cells and restores the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis;

  • almond concentrate is the safest way to take care of your skin. A whole vitamin complex in the composition promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, regulates water-salt metabolism in cells and strengthens protective functions. Due to this, the appearance of stretch marks is minimized. Linseed, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn and sesame oil have the same effect;

  • palm and coconut extract- able to reduce stretch marks that have already appeared, as safe as possible for mothers. The huge content of vitamin E in their composition protects the structure from subsequent damage. The skin is smoothed and acquires uniformity and a healthy color;

  • peach ether- able to nourish the skin with essential trace elements and vitamins. Due to which the skin becomes radiant and able to support heavy loads;

  • jojoba extract - volatile compounds in the composition are able to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, maximally supporting fat metabolism inside the cells. With the help of such a tool, you can provide first aid to damaged skin;

  • apricot oil - tones and restores the internal protective mechanisms of the skin. Due to the hypoallergenic composition, it can also be used by young children and expectant mothers. Suitable for any type of epidermis. Also, ether is often used in the basis of cosmetics and perfume compositions - it is a natural preservative and contains vitamins that are necessary for the elasticity of the dermis;

  • cocoa- base oil, like coconut oil, has a huge amount of minerals and fatty acids. Penetrating into the epithelium, the elements help to restore all its layers in the shortest possible time;

  • Argan oil - the best way to fight stretch marks. The oil composition of such a concentrate breaks all records in terms of the number of useful properties. The skin becomes moisturized, saturated with nutrients, protected from external influences. In addition, the oil has a brightening effect - stretch marks become colorless, and with regular use of the oil, they disappear;

  • wheat germ extract- is able to restore skin radiance and supports the nutrition of dermal cells with beriberi;

  • avocado oil- is the champion in the amount of fatty acids, which is so necessary for a girl during pregnancy;

  • walnut extract can promote the healing of microcracks, it is absolutely safe for daily use;

  • Shea Butter- has a pleasant smell, can remove dry skin and restore elasticity. With frequent use, it will help prevent the appearance of cracks and stretch marks on the skin.

  • cedar extract and pomace from grape seed - able to boost immunity. Means affect not only the skin, but also the general condition of the body. Volatile substances in the composition can soothe irritated dermis and relieve stress from the body.

Also, expectant mothers can use essential oils:

  • wheat germ;
  • black cumin;
  • rosewood;
  • sandalwood;
  • orange. The extract is one of the components when wrapping or masks.

Volatile esters that should not be used during pregnancy and lactation:

  • ginger;
  • mint extract;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • nutmeg concentrate;
  • Cedar oil;
  • oregano.

Separate cosmetic oils can also be used to maintain skin tone. For expectant mothers, special solutions are produced, which are obtained in a natural way from natural ingredients. For skin care with stretch marks for pregnant women, the following products are recommended:

  • Weleda oil- manufacturers tried to ensure that the complex of vitamins penetrated immediately into the skin after application, thus creating the preparation of the epithelium for heavy loads. Physiological changes can affect the skin with stretch marks, and thanks to the almond extract and wheat germ oil included in the composition, the product can be used as a prophylaxis against stretch marks;

  • Johnson's Baby- accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, tones and saturates the dermis with moisture. Natural oils can be added to the lotion and used as a base for masks.

How can I apply

In order for oil extracts to act as efficiently as possible during pregnancy, without negative consequences, you can use little tricks:

  • apply concentrates in a circular motion, gently rubbing them into problem areas of the dermis. In the thigh area, you can use the drainage effect - lightly pinch and pat the skin;
  • use natural type oils daily, but compounds with esters twice a week;
  • when buying a remedy for stretch marks - check your body for allergic reactions. To do this, before applying to problem areas of the body - drop the mixture on the wrist, then wait 12 hours. If after this time there is no redness or itching, then the remedy can be easily applied. When choosing, you should focus on individual preferences;
  • purchased and opened body creams and bottles of oils are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than two months.

Homemade body creams based on natural oils should be used within a few days, or use dark bottles with a sealed lid - this way the shelf life can be extended to several weeks.

Oils can be used not only as a basis for creams. For example, there are other unusual uses:

  • compresses on areas of skin damage. This method helps to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen in a short time. Safe during pregnancy;
  • taking baths with oil extracts prevent stretch marks and nourish the dermis. In this case, the whole body receives hydration and protection from negative effects;
  • wraps help to prevent skin aging at the internal levels. This method is also used to prevent beriberi.

How to DIY

The preparation of special means for getting rid of stretch marks can be done at home. The main thing is to follow a small list of rules:

  • you can not use metal dishes in which there will be oils, since esters are oxidized when interacting with iron oxide;
  • for proper mixing, it is necessary to first combine the esters of oils, and only then mix the base;
  • it is necessary to mix the oils until a homogeneous consistency;
  • the final mixture should be stored in a refrigerator in a glass container;
  • you should check the expiration date of the product - if there is an unpleasant smell, the oil can no longer be used.

For the first solution for stretch marks you will need:

  • olive oil - 25 ml;
  • lavender extract - 5 ml;
  • orange tree ether - 5 ml;
  • geranium oil concentrate - 5 ml.

This composition has antiseptic properties. It must be rubbed into the skin daily, without washing off after. The mixture is able to regenerate skin cells, turn on energy exchange within the dermis, and eliminate stretch marks.

The second oil composition may include:

  • castor oil - 25 ml;
  • orange extract - 5 ml;
  • neroli oil - 10 ml;
  • lavender ether - 5 ml.

This tool can be rubbed into the skin along the massage lines, as well as added to the bath and compresses. In the latter case, the effect of eliminating stretch marks is achieved after two or three applications.

More about oils for stretch marks and a video recipe below.

Rating of the best

In addition to homemade oils, which are used as anti-stretch marks, cosmetic preparations from various companies can be used.

The top 5 safest and most effective oils include:

  • Bio oil, which breaks sales records in 11 countries. A remedy based on African oils really helps - stretch marks gently disappear, and the epithelium is renewed.

  • Johnson's Baby suitable for delicate skin that has already suffered from all kinds of scars and needs gentle care. Thanks to its hypoallergenic form, the oil easily penetrates inside and restores damaged skin areas.

  • Emulsion Frei has proven to be an excellent remedy for stretch marks. For example, this oil can be used from the third month of pregnancy in order to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Thanks to jojoba extract, chamomile ether and wheat germ concentrate, it creates an excellent basis for nourishing and restoring the skin.

  • Another excellent composition is presented by the company HiPP. The product includes several effective oils - jojoba, almond and sea buckthorn, which prevent stretching of the epidermis. The emulsion must be applied from the second month of pregnancy.

  • Stretch Mark Remedy Bubchen presented on the market in large bottles. The composition includes jojoba, almond and rosehip oils, which restore the elasticity of the dermis, eliminate stretch marks and small scars on the skin. The mixture can be used for dehydration of the epithelium and its peeling. Initially, the brand was developed for children.

The skin of pregnant women is subject to strong stretching, and therefore the likelihood of stretch marks in pregnant women is very high.

But general recipes for fighting stretch marks are not suitable for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. Women's skin during this period requires particularly careful care. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right means for stretch marks.

Natural fatty and essential oils- an excellent tool for moisturizing the skin, increasing its firmness, elasticity and preventing stretch marks. For pregnant The main advantage of using fatty and essential oils is their 100% naturalness.

However, pregnant women should still use oils very carefully, following a number of important recommendations.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

For the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs during pregnancy, additional hydration is required.

During the first trimester, when it is especially important to protect the developing baby from the influence of chemistry, natural oils are almost the only remedy that can be used to combat stretch marks. Wheat germ oil and jojoba oil are best. You can also use olive oil.

Stretch marks in pregnant women most often formed in the second trimester. From this time you can start using a special cream or gel for stretch marks. But even during this period, the oil can serve as an excellent protection against stretch marks or as an addition to the cream.

What oils should pregnant women use for stretch marks?

To combat stretch marks, pregnant women can use fatty oils in their pure form (wheat germ and jojoba oils are best) or add essential oils to them.

Essential oils of lavender, neroli, and orange are especially popular during pregnancy.

Oil recipes for stretch marks during pregnancy:

  • 4 table. spoons of olive oil
  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of orange.
  • 40 ml vegetable oil (olive, sesame, almond or peach);
  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 1 drop of neroli;
  • drop of orange.

For the treatment and prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, the prepared mixture must be applied daily to the skin of problem areas.

If the prepared mixture is enough for more than one use, you can pour it into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator for one to three months. If the smell of oils becomes unpleasant, it is better to discard the mixture.

Massage for stretch marks during pregnancy

Around the second trimester of pregnancy, start massaging daily to prevent stretch marks. After applying the prepared oil for stretch marks, the recipes of which are given above, lightly massage the thighs and chest with light tingling movements.

A special massage mixture for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy:

  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba fatty oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of essential orange oil;

As soon as the breasts begin to enlarge, use this mixture to gently massage them.

Baths with essential oils

You can add a mixture of oils to a warm bath. The bath will perfectly help the expectant mother to relax, relieve stress and provide contact with deep penetration of oils into the heated skin of the whole body. When oils are added directly to water, they will settle on the surface. In order for the particles of oils to be evenly distributed throughout the entire water column, it is necessary to mix them with 30-60 g of foam or bath salts, honey, milk).

1 drop of essential oil per 20 liters of water is added to the bath.

Pregnancy bath oil recipe for stretch marks:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of fatty oil of wheat germ;
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 drop neroli essential oil.

Let the skin dry naturally after the bath, without a towel.

It is important to remember that you can take a bath during pregnancy strictly at a water temperature of no more than 38 ° C. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes 1-2 times a week.


Compresses are especially good for treating local areas of skin prone to stretch marks. It is especially convenient to use them to combat stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

Stretch mark oil recipe for compresses during pregnancy

  • 2 drops of lavender oil;
  • 1 drop of geranium oil;
  • 1 drop of petite grain oil;

Dilute the prepared mixture in 200 ml of water at room temperature. Soak a gauze pad in water and apply a compress to the problem area. Moisten a gauze pad in this mixture and apply a compress to the problem area for 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times a week.

Precautions During Pregnancy

Essential oils should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy. The amount of essential oil in the finished mixture for pregnant women should not exceed 1% (for 2 table bases - 4 drops of essential oil).

Absolutely unacceptable for pregnant women essential oils that can stimulate menstruation or cause uterine contractions:

  • basil;
  • oregano;
  • ginger;
  • cedar;
  • cinnamon;
  • chamomile;
  • nutmeg;
  • mint;
  • juniper;
  • parsley;
  • sagebrush;
  • rose;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • fennel;
  • sage.

Some oils photo-toxic. They can damage the skin when exposed to the sun. This is especially true for citrus essential oils. Do not use bergamot, fennel, lemon and lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit oil before going out into the bright sun.

Oil for postpartum stretch marks

After childbirth, a number of prohibitions on the use of oils from stretch marks are removed. You can use a mixture of oils of 2% concentration (for 2 tablespoons of the base - 5-8 drops of essential oil). In addition, the ban on the use of royal oil - roses - is lifted. This is very important, because it is rose oil that perfectly removes scars, evens out the relief and color of the skin, rejuvenates and tones it.

Essential oils of lavender, geranium, orange, patchouli, mint and cloves, diluted in the base oil, are actively used for stretch marks after pregnancy. They actively fight stretch marks, improve the relief and color of the skin, increase its elasticity.

Oil recipes for stretch marks after childbirth:

  • 9 table. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 table. a spoonful of wheat germ oil;
  • 10-15 drops of rose or patchouli essential oil
  • 30 ml of macadamia fatty oil;
  • 4 drops of rosemary essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 2 drops of clove essential oil.

Treatments with oils against stretch marks after childbirth

Continue to massage problem areas to prevent stretch marks (including the stomach), using special oils after childbirth, the recipes of which are described above.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 16 minutes


One of the most "popular" reasons for the formation of stretch marks in women is, as you know, pregnancy. Stretch marks usually appear in the second trimester of pregnancy (in most expectant mothers or after childbirth due to severe stretching of the skin.

However, it should be understood that the appearance of stretch marks is most often associated with genetic characteristics (not all expectant mothers are prone to stretch marks), and with proper personal care, these ugly “scars” can be completely avoided.

How to choose a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy correctly?

In the process of bearing a child with a mother's body, significant changes occur, many of which create the basis for the appearance of "scars".

Stretch marks - or, as they are called in medicine, striae - in essence, these are tissue ruptures(namely, collagen fibers with elastin) that appear in the form of stripes on the skin. They can be of different lengths, depths and widths, have a pink or red color.

Over time, striae acquire a blue tint, then turn white, and then remain in the form of scars - or, at small sizes, become almost invisible.

The main areas of manifestation of stretch marks are the abdomen, chest and thighs with buttocks.

There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks, but the main one remains genetic disposition.

In addition, the following factors influence the formation of striae:

  • High dryness of the skin.
  • Rapid weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss.
  • Hormonal "jumps".
  • Prolonged stretching of the skin.
  • A small amount of elastin fibers with collagen. The older the expectant mother, the higher the risk of striae.
  • Moisture level. The more intensely hydrated collagen fibers, the higher their elasticity and the lower the risk of stretch marks.
  • Medications taken.
  • The age of the expectant mother.

Many manufacturers promise naive mothers a 100% result after applying a cream for stretch marks. But it should be understood that no cream gives such guarantees if you are genetically disposed to the appearance of stretch marks.

However, a woman is quite capable of reducing the risk of their occurrence, or at least reducing the intensity.

Stretch mark cream - how does it work?

With prolonged stretching of the skin, the degree of hydration of the dermal layer of the skin. After all, the usefulness of hydration of collagen fibers and, of course, elastin will depend on the presence of moisture in the dermis. Minimal hydration leads to a loss of elasticity and, consequently, to the risk of fiber rupture.

The goal of stretch marks is…

  1. Intense skin hydration.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  3. Preservation of moisture in the skin.
  4. Increasing elasticity, softness and firmness of the skin.

The composition of the cream for stretch marks - what should it be?

Naturally, first of all, it should include components whose task is to intense skin hydration, its deep saturation with moisture and retention of this moisture in the dermis.

  • natural oils - one of the most popular components of the cream. Oils perfectly penetrate the intercellular substance, but only to the depth of the epidermis (note - they cannot penetrate through the water at the basal layer, not having the ability to dissolve). Oils increase the hydrophobic layer, protect against moisture evaporation, retain water in the dermis, and increase the number of cells in the epidermis.
  • Glycerin and silicones. Components that have properties similar to oils, however, are not able to nourish the skin. In addition, prolonged use of a cream with silicones can lead to certain unpleasant consequences.
  • Vitamins. They are necessary in creams to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, accelerate the maturation of new cells, increase the hydrophobic properties of the epidermis due to its thickening.
  • Hyaluronic acid. A component that works to increase hydration.
  • hydrolyzed proteins. They also work in the epidermis to retain moisture.
  • Retinol *** . Needed to stimulate skin regeneration, improve the weakened epidermis, activate the synthesis of components that are responsible for improving skin elasticity.
  • plant extracts. Safe and effective components with different properties.
  • Essential oils. Needed to increase skin elasticity and metabolism, nutrition, care. For example, jojoba or shea butter, wheat germ oil or apricot kernels.
  • Elastin with collagen. One of the most important components responsible for tissue elasticity.
  • Algae extracts. Needed to enhance the regeneration of weakened or damaged areas of the skin, to nourish it, to speed up metabolic processes.
  • Antioxidants.

*** It is worth noting that there is two types of retinol: fat-soluble vitamin A - and water-soluble provitamin A, a carotenoid .

If a person receives a fat-soluble vitamin from animal products, from which it is immediately absorbed by the body, then the carotenoid supplied with vegetables, fruits and herbs is absorbed only after it has been processed in the human gastrointestinal tract and converted into ready-made vitamin A.

Therefore, an overdose of vitamin A is possible only when it is consumed in a fat-soluble form, and in the case of a carotenoid, an overdose is almost impossible - the body absorbs it as much as required, and no more.

An overdose of this vitamin is especially likely if a pregnant woman consumes it in the form of a pharmacy oil solution - or when using cosmetics containing pure vitamin A, retinol, for a long time.

Why is retinol dangerous during pregnancy?

  1. Teratogenic effect on the internal organs of the fetus - kidneys, liver, heart. A child can be born with a pathology of the development of these organs.
  2. Negative effect on the central nervous system and fetal brain.
  3. It causes pathologies in the development of the limbs of the child.
  4. An excess of vitamin A leads to improper development of the genital organs of the unborn child.
  5. Chronic overdose of vitamin A causes vitamin D deficiency.

But it should also be understood that fears of overdosing on vitamin A should not lead to the other extreme - complete exclusion of it from the diet of a pregnant woman. The lack of this vitamin entails even more serious consequences for the mother and unborn child.

Exit one- take vitamin A only with food, focusing on freshly cooked and raw vegetables and fruits. Any vitamin intake should be coordinated with a doctor. During pregnancy, it is better not to use cosmetics containing pure retinol - look for carotenoids on pregnancy labels, but not retinol . Trust only products that have been certified by buying them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

It is worth remembering that the daily intake of vitamin A for a pregnant woman is 2500-3200 IU. It is on this norm that you need to rely on when choosing a menu and vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Cream for stretch marks - the rules of competent choice:

  • Hypoallergenic formula! One of the most important selection rules is the absence of "harmful chemistry" in your cream. That is, the absence of parabens, fragrances and dyes, as well as, preferably, silicones. Remember that the components of the product can penetrate the bloodstream and be transmitted to the baby.
  • Cream for use after childbirth or during pregnancy? These are 2 different groups of funds with different composition - warning stretch marks or masking them. The first remedies are used during pregnancy to significantly increase the elasticity of the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. After childbirth, the skin should return to its original state. And the second option should help reduce the intensity of stretch marks that have arisen after childbirth, make them less noticeable, and lighten. In addition, there are universal means used in both periods.
  • Allergy test. This is a mandatory measure to avoid the unpleasant consequences associated with individual intolerance to the components. First, smell the cream and apply a drop of the product to the sensitive area of ​​​​the skin. If there is no negative reaction, use it.
  • Best before date. Naturally, it should not be violated.
  • period of use. Read the instructions carefully! If the cream is intended for use after childbirth, then it does not make sense to use it during pregnancy (and vice versa). The specific period of use is also important - for example, "only from the 2nd trimester until delivery."
  • Harm to the components of the cream for the fetus. Everyone knows that the organs of the crumbs in the womb are formed at different periods of pregnancy. And the action of specific components of cosmetics can be dangerous for the health of the baby and its development. In particular, some essential oils can cause serious problems with their constant use (this applies to creams, massages, baths and body wraps). Read the ingredients and follow the instructions. In addition, it is important to consult your doctor in a timely manner about the use of a particular remedy.
  • Ordinary cream during pregnancy or a special remedy for stretch marks? A traditional moisturizer for an expectant mother is, of course, better than nothing (as long as it has a safe composition). But cream for stretch marks does not just moisturize the skin - it helps to increase its elasticity and protects against the weakening of collagen fibers. The choice is obvious.

10 best creams for preventing stretch marks in pregnant women

The products created for the prevention of stretch marks are now almost littered with the shelves of cosmetic stores.

How to choose "the one", your tool that will really help?

  1. Consider the condition of your skin, age, the presence of allergies to specific components.
  2. Examine the composition of the cream - the presence of useful components (their order in the composition list; the closer to the top of the list - the greater the percentage of the component in the composition), the presence of harmful components, the presence of components responsible for the strength of collagen fibers.
  3. Study the reviews of expectant mothers on the selected cream.
  4. Find a sample of the product - do an allergy test.
  5. Appreciate the smell of the cream. It may be too intense, and you use it every day throughout your pregnancy.
  6. Read the instructions! If you are pregnant - look for a cream used during pregnancy, and not after childbirth, otherwise you simply cannot evaluate its effectiveness.

And, of course, consult your doctor!

Your attention - the most effective remedies for stretch marks in the opinion of future and already held mothers:

Sanosan cream

Cream Mama comfort

Pomegranate emulsion Hendel`s Garden

Avent Cream

Vichy Cream

Cream Clearvin

Of course, the list of funds in this TOP-10 is not exhaustive - there are other effective creams.

Every woman in her life at least once met with such a problem as stretch marks. These small, winding lightning-like scars that appear during hormonal changes in the body. In a woman's life, such a restructuring necessarily occurs at least twice - during adolescence and during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is possible to completely get rid of stretch marks only by surgery, but at the same time, no one prevents you from using stretch mark oils at home in various combinations to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks and make existing ones less noticeable.

Stretch marks: causes and mechanism of appearance

Stretch marks, better known in medicine as "stretch marks", have appeared in women throughout the history of mankind, being an integral aspect of growing up. But striae are not "stretch marks" in the common sense of the term, since from an anatomical point of view, these are real tears in the skin. They appear due to the fact that during a rapid mass gain, or rather an increase in volume, the skin simply does not have time to gradually stretch. As a result, local breaks in the skin, which later begin to gradually regenerate.

Stretch marks are actual tears in the skin.

First, the gaps are filled with connective tissue rich in capillaries, causing stretch marks to acquire a characteristic red-pink or purple hue. At this stage, stretch marks will be especially noticeable in owners of aristocratic pale skin. But over time (for each woman it is individual), stretch marks will acquire a white tint, which is characteristic of the scarring process. The final stage of stretch marks is white scars that are not amenable to tanning (the reason is the absence of melanin pigment in the scars), which, on the contrary, will now be more noticeable in tanned young ladies.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and its main barrier, and therefore must be well stretched. And it is. But with age, or simply from lack of nutrition, the skin receives insufficient moisture, becoming less elastic, less pliable and prone to breaks.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, since in the first and second trimester the uterus rapidly increases in size, and the skin is not able to stretch and adjust at such a fast pace. Not the last role is played by the change in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Significantly increases the amount of hormones progesterone and estrogen, which reduce the production of elastin and collagen. Elastin, as the name implies, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its ability to stretch. Collagen is also responsible for the density of the skin, and the smaller this indicator, the easier it is for tears to appear in the thickness of the skin.

In addition to the hormonal background, the appearance of stretch marks is greatly influenced by heredity. If your mother had stretch marks easily during pregnancy, then with almost one hundred percent probability you will get them just as easily and there is no way to avoid this. Stretch marks also depend on many other factors - smoking, the age of the woman, her diet, physical activity, and others. Everything that directly or indirectly affects the condition of the skin also affects the likelihood of stretch marks. The better the skin is hydrated (inside and out), the less they will be. Everything is simple.

Oil - a panacea for stretch marks?

As we have said, stretch marks have accompanied women throughout the history of human development since time immemorial. But how did our mothers and grandmothers cope with this problem, not having access to a huge list of all kinds of cosmetic and pharmacy products that are now so easily accessible to us? A variety of infusions, masks from the simplest products were used, but oils were considered the most effective. The choice was small, but tested for centuries. As oils for stretch marks during pregnancy, olive, corn and, of course, sunflower oil were used.

There are many types of oils for stretch marks.

Today, the choice provided by pharmacy and cosmetic companies is much larger and more diverse. However, choose your oil responsibly, and don't fall for simple marketing traps like a pretty label or an unusually shaped bottle. We are only interested in the content. Remember that "oils" is the name of a whole group of products that have a similar consistency and some common characteristics, but each type of oil has its own individual properties. It is based on the properties of the oil that you should make your choice, since for one pregnant woman the oil may not be suitable for her skin type, and for another it will become a panacea for stretch marks.

Essential oils

Essential oils differ from other types of oils in the speed of exposure, since these oils begin to reveal their properties on the skin 15-20 seconds after application. However, stretch marks are not ordinary skin, but deformed, so any oils will have an effect far from immediately. But it is worth stocking up on patience, determination and self-discipline, as the result will be in your pocket. Any effect on the skin is achieved through regular and prolonged use of the product, whether it is an oil, serum or a simple cream.

The speed and effectiveness of the effect of the oil depends on many factors, but the main ones are the age of the woman and the age of the stretch marks. The older the stretch marks are, the more difficult it is to deal with them. Young stretch marks are usually lilac or pink, and the older they are, the whiter they are. If stretch marks are still young, then their visibility can be reduced in less than six months. Adult stretch marks are difficult to treat, so be prepared that your work on them will take at least a year.

If at one time (before pregnancy) you did not care about moisturizing and nourishing your skin well, then most likely you will have to deal with stretch marks. It is much easier to prevent a problem before it occurs than to deal with its consequences. Stretch marks are no exception. However, if you notice the appearance of stretch marks in time, then at an early stage the fight against them will be much easier and more effective than after 6-7 months.

The struggle will consist of both internal and external influences. If we talk about the internal, then try to change your diet, excluding starchy, sweet and fatty foods from it, since rapid weight gain is a guarantee of stretch marks. Start taking vitamins if you have not taken them before, after consulting with your doctor. External influence will consist in the use of oils and creams in order to improve skin turgor and nourish it. Below we will introduce you the three most effective oils and their main properties in the fight against skin imperfections.

Rose oil:

  • eliminates inflammation on the skin;
  • eliminates peeling on the skin;
  • has a strong disinfecting property;
  • quickly regenerates tissues;
  • Due to the pleasant smell, it helps in the fight against stress.

rose oil

orange oil:

  • eliminates headache, joint and muscle pain;
  • increases immunity and exhibits antiseptic properties;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • eliminates small inflammations on the skin and regenerates it.

orange oil

Neroli oil:

  • tones and rejuvenates the skin;
  • increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, restoring the hydrolipidic mantle;
  • accelerates the regeneration of existing cells;
  • accelerates the growth of new cells;
  • enhances skin immunity.

Neroli oil

Some oils are used in their original form, but most are used as an additive to the base oil, thus increasing the effectiveness of the mixture several times over. In addition to butter, you can take any body cream, lotion or even natural products as a basis - yogurt, honey, kefir. Such mixtures are prepared at the rate of 4-5 drops of essential oil per 8-10 ml of the main product. Also, do not forget that some essential oils can cause burns if used in an unchanged (pure) form. Therefore, we advise you to use this type of oils in the form of an additive to the rest.

Always do an allergy test before using any oil. Apply one drop of oil to the inside of your elbows and rub in with your fingertips. If after 12 hours there has been no change, this oil is right for you. If any hyperemia (redness) appears in the application area, do not use this oil anymore.

natural oils

Natural oils, unlike essential oils, can be safely used in their pure form, without fear of getting burned. Also, an undoubted advantage is the absence of dyes, preservatives and artificial flavors, without which it is impossible to imagine modern creams. Natural oils are similar in composition to sebum, which is secreted by our skin for protection. For this reason, the skin will perceive and absorb this particular type of oil much better. Importantly, almost all natural oils are hypoallergenic and will not cause an inflammatory skin reaction.

Of the natural oils, the most famous is olive oil, as it can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife. This oil can be used not only for culinary purposes, but also to eliminate stretch marks. One of the main substances in olive oil is oleic acid, which has an effect on stretch marks, vitaminizing the skin, improving its turgor and elasticity.

Olive oil - the most common and affordable

Coconut oil is increasingly spreading throughout our cosmetic markets, when in the West it has long been effectively used in cosmetology not only by doctors, but also by expectant mothers just at home. The oil contains a large set of vitamins that will be beneficial to the skin. But we are interested in vitamin E, since it is he who slows down the process of fluid loss by the skin, without forming edema. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become soft, velvety and smooth.

Coconut oil for stretch marks is gaining popularity in recent years.

Apricot oil is not as well known as olive and coconut oil, but professional cosmetologists always have it in their kit. This oil is hypoallergenic, and therefore can be freely used by women who are prone to allergic reactions. The oil moisturizes the skin well, nourishes with vitamins and improves its tone. Due to all this, the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, and regeneration increases several times.

Apricot oil is used for stretch marks by professional cosmetologists

How to make the most effective use of oils for stretch marks?

When using any product, be it a cream or an oil, we ask ourselves the question “how to get the effect as soon as possible?”. Alas, this effect is cumulative, and therefore only regular use of the product will bear fruit. This is due to the fact that the skin goes through only one renewal cycle per month, or more precisely, in 27 days. That is why you will notice the first visible effect not earlier than this period, after your skin is completely renewed and gets rid of dead cells. By the way, you can help her with this by using special scrubs or simply by rubbing yourself well with a washcloth. However, do not overdo it, as it is very easy to damage the skin, but recovery can take up to 1-2 weeks.

You can also help the skin with a little stimulation of blood circulation. Apply the selected oil to the stretch mark area and do a little massage, the techniques of which can be found in abundance on the Internet. If you do not want to burden yourself with such an activity, then a couple of minutes of light tweaks will be enough.

Do not forget about the importance of internal factors.

The effectiveness of any oil for stretch marks will increase if, at the same time as using it, you increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates in your diet - cereals, cereals, etc.

Make the norm for yourself a little physical activity, as even a simple morning exercise for 3-4 minutes will significantly increase your metabolism and improve skin tone.

Apply oils after water procedures (bath, shower), making a light massage. It is extremely important to allow the skin to dry on its own after such saturation, otherwise you will simply wipe the oil off the skin.

Use oil compresses on the chest area and wraps on the thigh area. Thermal stimulation will help the oil to better penetrate the skin and reveal its regenerating properties.

And remember that any fight against skin imperfections is a long and laborious process, and therefore be prepared for the lack of quick visible results. However, your efforts will certainly be rewarded with admiration in the eyes of your couple and, most importantly, your love for yourself!

Many women during pregnancy face the problem of stretch marks in the abdomen, chest and thighs. If you do not want to be one of them, you need to find an effective tool that will help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. The most popular and effective way is to use special oils. Which oil for stretch marks during pregnancy to choose?

Suitable oils for the expectant mother

It turns out that even our grandmothers tried to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. To do this, they used natural vegetable oils, among which are:

  1. sunflower;
  2. linen; olive;
  3. corn.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry has reached out to young mothers and offered them a wide range of skin care products.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. An increase in the volume of the abdomen, chest, a powerful hormonal surge - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. As a result of this, with insufficient care for it, unattractive stripes - striae - may appear.

The problem is that not every tool can be used during this period. In order not to harm either mother or baby, it must be not only effective, but also safe.

Use of natural oils

Various natural oils have been used to prevent stretch marks on the skin for many centuries. Most often, expectant mothers choose:

  • Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Due to its high content of oleic acid, it is recognized as an ideal remedy that penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes the cells with vitamins and minerals. In addition to rubbing the oil into the skin of those places where stretch marks most often appear, it is recommended to take it orally;

Olive oil is an excellent salad dressing. And the vitamin E contained in it makes the skin smooth, supple and elastic.

  • Sea buckthorn oil is the champion in the content of carotene, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and vegetable fats, which give the skin elasticity and help avoid stretch marks;
  • Almond oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B included in its composition contribute to the production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin smooth and elastic. Its regular use will not only strengthen the skin, but also restore the water-lipid balance, which is often disturbed due to the action of pregnancy hormones;
  • Coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy not only helps to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, but also fights skin defects that have already appeared. Vitamin E contained in it protects cells from damage, so that the skin relief becomes even;
  • Apricot oil has tonic and regenerating properties. It is absolutely safe and can be used for newborns and pregnant women, regardless of their skin type.

The product stimulates the natural hydration of the skin, maintaining its elasticity. For its production, apricot kernels are used, which contain vitamins A, C and F, so this oil is often used in cosmetology as the basis for balms and creams.

Use of cosmetic oils

The cosmetic industry today has learned to extract useful substances from plant materials that effectively and safely care for the skin. In pharmacies today you can find a huge amount of all kinds of cosmetics (creams, lotions, oils), which promise the maximum effect in the fight against stretch marks. We recommend that you opt for oils, as their composition is as close to natural as possible.

"Weleda" oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  1. It effectively nourishes the skin, toning it and preparing it for the loads that are associated with natural changes in the body in pregnant women;
  2. The product is based on plant components obtained from wheat germ, almond fruits and arnica flowers;
  3. Its substances quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and restore the natural metabolism in the cells. The drug fights various skin defects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Oil "Johnsons Baby" from stretch marks during pregnancy

  • The tool has a powerful stimulating and tonic effect;
  • With regular use, the skin becomes smooth and supple;
  • It can be combined with other natural vegetable fats, for which they are mixed in equal proportions.

Essential oils

It is impossible to use essential oils in their pure form, as they can cause burns, and some of them are completely contraindicated during pregnancy. But a few drops of such a product, mixed with a cream or body lotion, increase the effectiveness of the latter. To do this, 2-5 drops of the essential oil of your choice will be enough for 1 tablespoon of the base.

You can also take kefir, natural yogurt or honey as a basis if you are not allergic to it. By adding it to seaweed or clay, you can get an excellent mask.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, it is recommended to use the following essential oils:

  1. Orange - vitamins A, B and C, which are part of it, stimulate cell regeneration;
  2. Ylang-ylang - promotes cell regeneration;
  3. Anise - restores the normal balance of the skin;
  4. Pink - has a moisturizing effect and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  5. Sandalwood - relieves flabbiness of the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  6. Juniper - stimulates blood circulation, tones skin cells and reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

What to avoid expectant mothers

In addition to a chemical burn at the site of application, some types of essential oils can have a negative effect on a woman and her unborn child. For example, they can lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and contribute to premature birth or miscarriage (related article: Uterine tone >>>). To prevent this from happening, avoid using the following oils:

  • nutmeg;
  • basil;
  • sagebrush;
  • ginger;
  • sage;
  • fennel;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • oyster;
  • rosemary;
  • cedar.

The most effective oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

There are a lot of natural remedies to combat stretch marks, but we still recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  1. Almond. It not only prevents the appearance of new ones, but effectively fights existing defects. Suitable for self-use or for making mixtures (perfect with lavender);
  2. Calendula. Great for use as a base. It has a softening and regenerating effect on skin cells. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use it from the very beginning of pregnancy. Pairs well with almond;
  3. cocoa beans. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of amino acids and triglycerides, it perfectly restores damaged skin. And fatty and essential acids support it in a normal state. This remedy is so effective for stretch marks that it does not require the use of additional components.
  4. Melissa. Evens out skin tone, prevents stretch marks and relieves itching that can result from damaged skin fibers (Article