What highlighting will look most beautiful on dark hair. Highlighting on fair hair with dark strands: reverse, color, California. Step by step instructions with photo

How often do girls want to change something in their image, style or hairstyle? With the advent of spring or cold weather, women tend to bring something new into their image. The latest trends and ideas dictated by fashion do not leave the weaker sex indifferent. The most dramatic changes are always associated with the hairstyle. Not only a haircut, but also hair coloring is an important change in appearance.

Not every woman is ready to radically change her usual color, especially if it suits her. But you can always add a twist. This applies to highlighting - gentle coloring of hair strands. This solution is perfect for owners of different hair colors, including light ones.

Highlighting blondes. Who will it suit?

If the decision to change the image is made, then you can proceed to its implementation. Making adjustments to a boring light hair color cannot but please. Thanks to the transitions of shades and the dilution of a solid color with saturated strands, you can achieve the maximum effect. The advantages of highlighting blondes are:

  • refreshes the bow and makes it stylish;
  • gentle action, this type of hair coloring does not affect the roots;
  • the average color renewal period is three months;
  • gives the hairstyle splendor due to the play of light;
  • suitable for long and semi-long hair, certain types of dyeing look great on short haircuts;
  • for women of any age;
  • hides gray hair;
  • you can dye straight hair and curls;
  • often natural-based paints are used.

If the whiteness of the hair was achieved with the use of dyes, then the condition of the strands can be corrected by highlighting. The fact is that the chemical bleaching of the pigment negatively affects the condition of the hair. Hair becomes brittle and thin, the ends often split and do not look the best. For a blonde, highlighting with ammonia-free dyes and improving the general condition of the hairstyle is just what you need to update your look. After the procedure, the hair will be soft and silky, they will acquire their former elasticity and volume.

For women who want to return to their natural color, suitable for blondes. Thanks to this simple method of darkening individual strands, regrown roots will not be evident. The color of staining can be chosen as close as possible to the native. With selective staining, it is easy to switch to another color. Such manipulation can be carried out on blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes.

The shade of highlighting depends on what basis it will lie on. In addition, it is important to choose the color of the strands in accordance with the type of skin. If the main color is cold, then tones of the same type will look most advantageous. Ash, silver, imitation of gray hair or beige shades will emphasize the hairstyle.

Yellow and white can be emphasized favorably by diluting the color with strands of walnut, honey, wheat and chocolate shades. The main thing for any color is that it is the surface highlighting of the hair that looks most natural and attractive. It is better to use darker complex shades.

Bright rainbow colors look only on the hair of young girls, women should not adorn themselves with such shades if they do not prefer bright clothing solutions. It is also worth considering that lilac, pink, blue or gray are quickly washed off, and they will need to be renewed approximately once every two to three weeks. This also applies to the rest of the range of bright flashy colors. The basis for colorful highlighting will perfectly serve as cold shades of blond. The result is excellent.

Dark highlights of blondes

Darkening strands of blond hair gives the image a special zest. Dark curls in white hair is not the choice of every blonde. Although at present such a bow is increasingly gaining popularity among the fair sex. Moreover, many fair-haired celebrities use this coloring method.

Due to the dark tones, the hairstyle seems more structural and clear, these qualities are inherent only in dark shades. The type of hair coloring is called bronding. The bottom line is to color the root zone with a darker shade, and gradually to the ends of the hair it becomes lighter by two tones. The name of the coloring method speaks for itself, the colors are dominated by brown shades on blond hair.

By highlighting blondes in dark tones, you can focus on a certain part of the hairstyle, for example, with a cascading haircut. Bronding looks good on long hair, as it requires a transition from dark roots to lighter tips.

When staining, more than one tone of brown or another shade is used; more often, in the process of staining, masters use a palette of 20 tones. Booking is characterized by a smooth transition of colors. This is how the maximum effect of coloring is achieved - the hair in the hairstyle looks much thicker and more magnificent. In addition, this is a great way to hide gray hair. The procedure can be done infrequently, since its principle is to darken the root zone. So, highlighting the regrown roots of a blonde, if the roots are darker than the main color, can be avoided for several months. This is the most gentle of all types of staining. It is especially suitable for blond hair.

Basal highlighting for blondes (photos of options are presented in the article), is famous for its smooth transition of colors. After staining with this method, you will not want to return to a solid color. Dark strands perfectly shade the skin and eyes.

Light blonding

Unlike the one mentioned above, in the classic version of light coloring, wheat, beige, amber, pearl shades and platinum are used. This method will help make the color even brighter and more refined.


Coloring strands using the American application method implies the presence of two to four colors in the hairstyle. California highlighting is suitable for owners of different types of hair, it looks most advantageous on long hair. The basis is caramel color and all its shades. Styling hair after dyeing is a pleasure, the strands always fall differently and create a completely different effect. In addition to natural shades, bright fashionistas can try bold shades of bright pink or blue flowers.

For blondes, strand highlighting is suitable in that small strands are taken when dyeing, and the colors alternate. Looks very stylish on straight hair. A vivid example of hair highlighting is a photo of blonde Jennifer Aniston.

Reverse staining

This technique is usually used as an addition to an existing stain. Its principle is to apply a dark tone to blond hair, thus diluting a natural or dyed blond. Transitions can be smooth or, conversely, contrast sharp. With such staining, enveloping paints are used that do not contain ammonia.

Red and light strands

To get a spectacular and daring hair, you can use red shades. This solution is suitable for all types of hair, looks perfect with dark skin. The only thing to consider is that the paint should be light red. This combination with a blond will be harmonious.

Highlighting hair on a blonde with light strands resembles the effect of burnt hair. Popular with women of all ages. The colors used are pearl, light blond, platinum and beige. Strands for dyeing can be used large or small. With large staining and color transition, highlighting looks as natural as possible.

Coloring under the bright name "salt and pepper"

This type of coloring appeared relatively recently, but immediately gained unprecedented success with blondes and brunettes of all ages. It is most acceptable for women who have begun to break through gray hair. The staining method involves the use of ashy, gray shades and black. When applying paint, the strands are taken the thinnest, so an almost imperceptible transition of colors is obtained.

The effect of such staining is amazing, in the photo highlighting blondes using the salt and pepper method.

Basal highlighting visually increases the amount of hair and gives them splendor. Strands of different widths are painted along the parting. The result is a smooth color transition, it is as natural as possible. Such coloring can be safely called a classic.


Highlights with regrown roots or ombre is an incredibly fashionable coloring. The technique uses up to four colors. Colors can be natural or ultra-bright. The transition from dark roots to light tips begins at the very end of the strand. Among blondes, this is one of the most beloved types of staining.


The darkening of the roots and its smooth transition to the tips is a characteristic variant of the color overlay with sombra. The transition is so smooth that it looks natural. The peculiarity is that the roots are not much darker than the rest of the hair, and it seems as if the strands are burned out in the sun.


Only certain areas are painted, suitable for short haircuts and semi-long ones. For those girls who do not want to radically change their image, but strive for light colors, coloring is one hundred percent suitable. Usually the coloring composition is applied to the bangs or to the tips. Safe paints with wax are used.

French hair coloring

The color of sun-bleached hair is the result of French highlighting or majimesh. Three to five natural dyes of light colors are used. It differs in safe paints, this is one of the most. The basis of the paint is wax, and the color of the hair after its application does not change dramatically. The effect of burnt strands is created. Blondes after highlighting majimesh look as natural as possible, and the intervention of stylists in the image is almost not noticeable.

Feather dyeing

The advantage of this application is that the services of a hairdresser are not needed. It is quite possible to dye strands with feathers at home. This coloring looks great on short haircuts or semi-long ones. The lightness and simplicity of the image always attracts attention.


The staining technique involves lightening certain areas to a greater extent. It looks incredibly beautiful, styling with balayage is always spectacular. Strands can be lightened in different widths. Among blondes, this hair lightening is very popular.

Staining technique

The main rule when coloring strands is the preservation of their healthy appearance. Only live and healthy hair will look beautiful.

When highlighting, masters often face the problem of burnt hair. If a girl prefers blond, then it is better to go into a light tone gradually, lightening certain areas or strands.

Getting to work, the stylist will immediately assess the condition of the hair. When coloring with different types of highlighting, natural dyes are used that do not harm the hair.

Coloring techniques are different, depending on the chosen style. You can dye your hair with melange, California highlights or French only in the salon. Most of the methods of applying paint involve contacting a specialist.

At home, only strand highlighting is possible. This is the most common lighting. To do this, it is enough to put on a special hat in which there are holes. Through them, stretch strands of equal width and apply a coloring composition. You need to start painting from the back of the head.

Salon work on creating the image of a blonde is quite complicated. So, the majimesh technique requires clarification of only individual strands. Moreover, the transition begins from the root zone or from the middle of the strands. It is very important to apply the paint in such a way that the tips are lighter. To do this, the composition is applied at different time intervals or dyes of different intensities are used.

California highlighting requires a smooth transition of colors. The technique involves coloring the strands in different tones. In order for the result to satisfy, you need to contact the salon or invite a hair coloring master. The complexity of highlighting lies in the transitions of colors, in some techniques their number can be more than ten.

Well-dyed hair will delight you with its bright appearance for a long time.

Light hair care

After dyeing with highlighting, hair needs care. It consists in using shampoos that do not contain harmful substances. Hair balms are also better to use professional ones. Despite the fact that the hair is light, prolonged exposure to the sun can harm them. In no case should you expose your hair to direct sunlight for a long time, visit baths and saunas only in a hat.

Why is it necessary

Blond hair has a special charm. In the salons, masters turn plain boring strands into rich and delicate ones. Adding dark tones creates saturation and fullness of color.

Blondes all over the world prefer toning strands in different shades. Today it remains a stylish and correct solution to transform your image.

In the upcoming season, fine highlighting does not go out of fashion and is still relevant. Glare on light brown hair, smooth transitions of tones emphasize the naturalness and femininity of the image.

Before starting the procedure, you must carefully choose the appropriate shade that would be combined with the color of the skin, eyes. Owners of light brown hair belong to 2 color types: "spring" or "summer". Women of the "spring" type will suit various shades of warm and cold tones. Intermediate shades will also favorably emphasize their femininity.

Small highlights on light brown hair involves the use of different shades

"Summer" women should ensure that the shade of the hair is not warmer than the skin tone. Cold and neutral colors are perfect, but it is undesirable to allow a bright contrast. The winning option is multifaceted complex combinations. For women over forty, platinum or ashy gamma is ideal, which allows you to hide gray hair.

Pros and cons of fine highlighting

Advantages of fine highlighting:

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • the duration of the procedure;
  • difficulty in performing highlighting at home;
  • the condition of the hair will worsen, so the use of special products is mandatory.

What techniques involve highlighting small strands

Specialists have developed many techniques for highlighting small strands:

Fine highlights on dark blond hair - features

Small highlights on light brown hair of a dark shade can be done by pre-lightening the strands. If before the start of the procedure traces of the previous coloring are visible on the hair, the hairdresser achieves an overall uniform shade. For owners of dark blond strands, caramel shades, golden wheat, copper and dark cocoa are perfect.

The most advantageous is the zonal highlighting of the strands. In this case, the paint is applied to single strands of the top layer of hair. The occiput is not touched or subjected to minimal staining. The width of the strands depends on the wishes of the woman herself.

Contrasting highlighting will emphasize the volume of the hairstyle, give the image freshness.

On light blond hair - features

On light blond hair, all highlighting techniques look advantageous, with the exception of the shatush. You can choose different colors: from shades that differ from the main color by 1-2 tones, to contrasting strands.

Owners of light blond curls should emphasize the natural color, so you should pay attention to Californian or French highlights. These techniques focus on the original transition of shades, the depth of the natural hair color.

One of the advantages of fine highlighting on light brown hair is the visual effect of the density and well-groomed hair. This dyeing technique is indispensable for owners of natural thin strands.

Frequent highlighting for short hair - caret, shoulder length

Small highlights on light brown hair of short length are recommended by experts only in salons and hairdressing salons. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to carefully select the tones and areas for staining. But any fantasy can come true.

Frequent highlighting with feathers is considered one of the most common.

At home, the procedure is performed using a special cap. A square made using the glazing technique looks fresh and original. To achieve the desired effect, the coloring mixture is distributed over the hair laid in advance in the form of a hedgehog.

Bright contrasting strands will bring audacity and originality to the image. The emphasis is on one area or on all hair. An elongated bob, long bangs are the most suitable styling for this technique.

Fine highlights for long hair

Fine highlighting on long hair is a long and painstaking process. Masters advise using gentle formulations. Almost any technique will emphasize the beauty of long curls, but Californian, French highlighting, as well as ombre look the most advantageous.

On long hair, fine highlighting creates the effect of naturalness.

There is a feeling that the hair just burned out in the sun. Highlighting of light brown strands at the ends, complemented by toning and coloring, looks very expressive on long curly hair.

The original combination of dark and light tones will create a feminine look. Fine highlighting gives additional volume to thin long hair, and also emphasizes the youth and attractiveness of a woman's face.

Fine highlights on the top layer of hair

Fine highlighting on the top layer of hair is suitable for women with dry or slightly damaged curls. Such highlighting is considered gentle due to the application of a small amount of coloring composition. Accordingly, the hair is the least affected.

For the top layer, in this case, California highlighting or the classic version is selected. The remaining lower part of the hair remains intact.

Rare highlighting with thin strands

Rare highlighting implies a rather extensive scatter of thin strands around the circumference of the head. This technique attracts the attention of others due to clear lines and color contrasts.

Absolutely any shade is suitable as the main color. The main emphasis is achieved by the companion tone. It can be muted or bright. To get a natural look, the strands are dyed in a shade 2-3 tones lighter than the main hair color.

As a rule, such highlighting is done on thick, voluminous hair. This allows you to emphasize the density and beauty of curls. One of the main advantages of rare highlighting is relative harmlessness. A small part of the hair is processed with a coloring composition, which minimizes the negative impact.

Highlighting methods

Experts distinguish the following methods of highlighting, depending on the method of applying the composition:

  1. With foil. The dyed strands are separated from each other with the help of foil, which allows you to create an original combination of several shades on your hair.
  2. With the help of a hat. This method is preferred for use at home and is most suitable for owners of medium to short hair.
  3. Using a comb. The coloring composition is first applied to the comb, and then distributed over the entire length of the hair. Experts recommend using this method in the case when the shades of paint differ by 1-2 tones.
  4. With the help of hands. In this case, the coloring pigment is applied with a special brush or by hand. All hair manipulations are carried out by the master by eye.

Foil technique

The most universal method, widely used not only in salons, but also at home. Necessary tools: foil, container, flat brush, cape.

It is performed as follows:

Hat technique

One of the common options suitable for owners of a short haircut. For the procedure, you will need a cap with small holes and a special hook for pulling individual strands.

The highlighting procedure is as follows:

Toning after fine highlighting

Experts recommend toning after fine highlighting. This will not only even out the color, but also give the hairstyle a well-groomed look.

The easiest way to tone highlighted hair is with a tinted shampoo. It should be applied to damp hair and then washed off. To get a more saturated shade, you need to wait 3-5 minutes. This type of toning does not last long - for 2-3 weeks, after which it is completely washed off.

To obtain a more durable result, you need to use ammonia-free paints. The result will please within 7-9 weeks. It is important that several days should pass between highlighting and toning. During this period, hair that needs rest will be able to recover.

Hair care after highlighting

After the procedure of fine highlighting, the structure of light brown hair changes.

In this case, experts advise to follow the rules for care:

For many seasons, the fashion for fine highlighting has not lost ground. Owners of light brown hair prefer this technique, because it is she who visually gives the hair volume, gives radiance. A woman is instantly transformed, and her hair becomes well-groomed and elegant.

Video about fine highlighting on light brown hair

Fine highlighting with foil at home:

Frequent highlighting, performance features:

Highlighting in 2017 is again at the heights of popularity. But already with more stylish and modern trends and technologies that will certainly come in handy in creating original and fashionable hairstyles for any occasion, images and clothing compositions. See photos of fashionable hair highlights below.

Fashion trends for highlighting hair

In the modern world, highlighting is performed using improvised means.


To do this, the hair is divided into strands, a special agent is applied to them and wrapped in foil, each strand separately. The volume of the strands and their location on the head can be changed, taking into account their length, the oval of the faces and your own desires.

Hairdressing professionals prefer highlighting long hair.

Fitted beanie

It is made of soft material, holes are made on its surface. Small strands are stretched in them, which are covered with paint for a certain time. Medium length hair is perfect for this method.

Comb or brush

The hair is covered with a special agent, a comb or brush evenly distributes it along the entire length.

Master's hands or your own

This staining option can be used in two techniques: glazing or frosting. The first is for short hair. First, they are covered with mousse for fixation, dried with a hairdryer, after which the paint is manually applied evenly to the ends of the strands. The paint is applied in 2-5 approaches.

The second technique is mainly for curly hair. They are moistened with water and dried, in a pose upside down. The paint is applied with fingertips to uncombed and unparted hair.


With the left hand, a strand of 5-6 cm is separated at the roots, the sharp end of the stripper is divided into 4 or 5 parts, they are placed on the striper and a coloring agent is applied. After a certain time, the comb and excess paint are removed.

Types of staining

Zonal. This method involves coloring individual zones, i.e. the upper zones of the hair are dyed, creating a certain contrast of their own color and clarified.

Classic. It involves coloring with uniform strands over the entire surface of the head and the entire length. The color of the strands can be changed by applying toning, while the contrast will be more muted.

Reverse. With this method, the curls are not painted in light colors, but rather in dark ones. Most often, it is used to return from dyed blonde to its natural color.

Soft highlighting method

It is worth talking about gentle highlighting separately, as a harmless and caring hair product, which is quite popular among consumers. Its composition does not contain ammonia and is saturated with useful substances for nourishing and moisturizing hair. Perfect for hair that requires gentle care.

The most fashionable will be the options for the soft method of highlighting hair in 2017:

Balayazh. Suitable for any length, because. only the ends of the strands are subjected to coloring (lightening or coloring in a saturated color).

Magimesh. With it, light hair color will acquire a noticeable shade of honey or wheat.

Highlighting individual parts. Only strands of bangs or in the face area are bleached. The number of strands for highlighting will not be more than 5.

Crazy colors. Strands in the amount of several pieces are discolored and dyed with a special gel in bright colors (green, red, purple, pink, etc.). It does not stay on the hair for a long time, it is washed off 6-9 times after washing the hair.

Highlighting in several tones (multitonal). It is best used for brown or light brown hair to create a play of multi-colored highlights on the strands.

Shatush. Assumes random coloring of the strands, creating a smooth transition from a lighter tone at the ends to a darker one at the roots.

Booking. When stained, the strands acquire shades of blond and golden brown colors that are close to natural.

Choice between ombre and sombre

Although the names of these techniques are very similar, they still have significant differences. Ombre is similar to shatush with its smooth transition of color from one key to another. However, its peculiarity is that there is a fuzzy line between two saturated colors in the middle of the strand.

In this case, the emphasis is on the transition of colors, but in shatush it is not so pronounced. Suitable for dark colored hair.

The sombre technique is not so eye-catching. Classic coloring assumes the natural highlights of color on the strands, as if nature itself has worked on your hair, and not a master and a coloring agent.

The present transition of colors is almost imperceptible, as well as the line between colors. It can be used on light brown and blond hair so that the play of color is noticeable.

Light hair highlights

Highlighting in the technique will help to give expressiveness, brightness and freshness to blond hair: majimesh, crazy colors, sombre.

Light brown hair highlights

Fair-haired beauties can refresh their image in the following ways:

Make a straight parting in your hair, select symmetrical strands from the parting line and discolor them. The number and volume of strands is determined at will. Then, under the strands, place thermal paper with a coloring agent (blondoran).

Select strands at random, step back 5 cm from the roots and apply a coloring solution. No foil or paper is required. Basically, curls are painted near the front zone.

Highlighting dark hair

To pay attention to the beauty and style of dark hair, fashionable accents on strands dyed using techniques will help:

  • shatush. It will create relief and smooth out layers of color.
  • American coloration. Its goal is volume and naturalness. Red color this year is at the peak of popularity. The more colored strands and the number of shades used, the better.
  • Venetian highlighting. For black hair. Highlighting is performed in random order, color transitions look soft and natural.

Photo of fashionable hair highlighting

More recently, the highlighting technique was used exclusively on blond or light brown hair. Today, brunettes actively use all types of highlighting to emphasize their individuality.

There are a lot of techniques and varieties of highlighting for black and dark hair. Let's look at all this diversity and find out if it is possible to perform this technique at home without resorting to the help of a master.

Initially, they began to dye their hair in order to designate a special status, a person's position in society or for sacred purposes.

Basic principles of highlighting on black and dark hair

The specifics of highlighting on black and dark hair

How to do highlighting on black and dark hair at home

It is quite difficult to perform the highlighting technique on black or dark hair. First, you need to determine the thickness, intensity and location of the strands. Secondly, pre-discolor the strands.

If necessary, make tinting the main tone of the hair in the selected color. Determine the appropriate shade of paint for highlighting.

Now that the basic preparation is over, we choose the coloring method, based on how long your hair is. For beginners and owners of medium hair length, the option of highlighting with elastic bands is suitable.

For highlighting short and medium hair convenient to use a special silicone cap. Highlighting for long hair is best done with foil. Let's take a closer look at each of the techniques.

Highlights with hair bands

Highlighting with a silicone cap

Highlighting with foil

In ancient Greece, the sophistication of the image was emphasized by ashy and golden shades of hair. For such staining, flavored powders with a tint effect were used.

Types of highlighting on black and dark hair for different types of hair with a photo

Dark hair is a good basis for highlighting in any color scheme, but only correctly and harmoniously arranged shades will add sophistication and charm to your look. We offer you a selection of photos that will show you what highlighting looks like on black and dark hair.

Highlights on dark hair with bangs

Dark long hair can be shaded with wide strands of cocoa color. The model in the photo has highlights on dark hair with bangs, which makes light brown eyes even more expressive.

Highlighting on dark short hair

The volume and structure of a short haircut will be perfectly emphasized by light highlighting on a natural basis. The photo shows you this option for highlighting on dark short hair.

Frequent highlighting on dark hair

Frequent highlighting on dark hair is perfect for owners of sparse hair, devoid of volume. Due to the frequency of lightened thin strands, such hair looks thicker.

Highlights on dark hair with toning

Highlighting on dark hair with toning will look bright and juicy, especially when using deep and rich shades that you see in the photo. It will look equally good on hair of different lengths.

Highlighting dark and light strands on dark hair

The photo shows a good example of zonal highlighting with dark and light strands on dark hair. This method will allow you to make accents in the necessary part of the hairstyle and add volume.

Colored highlights for black hair

For outrageous lovers, you can apply beautiful zonal highlighting on black or very dark hair using bright red and white strands, as in the photo.

Color highlighting on black short hair

For the young and bold - bright color highlights on short black hair. It looks spectacular, provided that this technique was performed by a professional colorist.

Chocolate highlights for dark hair

Chocolate-colored strands on dark hair look very elegant and perfectly set off a swarthy skin tone.

Precautionary measures

  • Highlighting can be carried out only a month after full staining.
  • You should not do highlighting after staining with basma or henna - the color of the dyed strands can change significantly.
  • It is not recommended to perform highlighting after chemistry, carving or keratin alignment - this can severely damage the hair.
  • Damaged and prone to hair loss before highlighting must be restored by undergoing a course of treatment.
  • Do a haircut before highlighting, and you can refresh the ends of the hair after the procedure.
  • Use special styling products and shampoos for colored hair.
  • Minimize the use of heat styling products.

The changeable nature of girls, fashion trends and the desire to constantly improve their appearance can turn healthy, beautiful curls into hard, dry shreds. But there is a great solution for how to refresh, diversify the image and at the same time maintain the elasticity and strength of the strands. This is highlighting. From our article you will learn what highlighting on light brown hair is, its features, and the proposed photos will clearly demonstrate the uniqueness, lightness and brightness of new images.

What is highlighting

The technique of highlighting strands with color or “highlighting” opens up a world of bright, extraordinary and natural images for men and women. For the first time, the method of highlighting strands with color was proposed by the French hairdresser Jacques Dissange.

The procedure involves dyeing not the entire hair, but individual strands. Classical highlighting involved lightening selected curls, but today there are many techniques in which the color scheme can be very diverse: from natural shades to trendy, neon ones.

Popular at all times technique is considered universal. It is used on light brown, black, red or blond hair, at any age. In addition, for women with gray hair, this is a great way to mask an annoying defect, to make it inconspicuous.

Attention! Coloring with individual curls is an opportunity to refresh the image with a few strokes, to make it interesting and unusual. It is important that the transformation process, unlike conventional dyeing, is very gentle, and with proper hair care, you will minimize the damage caused by paint.

Advantages and disadvantages

Highlighting on light brown hair has many advantages. Among them, professionals and ordinary connoisseurs of beauty note the following:

  • clarified strands visually make the hairstyle more voluminous. This is a great option for those whom nature has deprived of thick hair;
  • Great for covering gray hair. If several light colors are used, then the disadvantage is not noticeable at all;
  • does not require regular updating, correction, and regrown roots will harmoniously fit into the image;
  • the technique does not cause such harm as simple dyeing, because the dye acts on individual strands, and not on the entire hair;
  • a rich color palette of shades, a variety of options for the location of colored curls will make the image unique, emphasize individual facial features;
  • this is an opportunity to experiment every time, try new shades and create interesting images;
  • coloring has no restrictions on the age category and color type, each client will find a suitable option;
  • correctly placed light notes will visually correct the oval of the face, refresh the skin color and rejuvenate the client;
  • simple painting techniques can be done at home.

There are minor drawbacks to highlighting light brown hair:

  • a complex image requires the professionalism of the performer, which is not cheap;
  • the staining process can take several hours or more, especially if you intend to use several shades;
  • not performed on curls dyed with henna or after chemistry;
  • even minimal damage caused by paint requires high-quality hair care. This will relieve brittleness and dryness of the tips, restore the former strength and elasticity of the strands.

Of course, the advantages of the procedure are much greater than the disadvantages. Plus, the new image always looks fashionable and fresh.

Types of highlighting on light brown hair

To date, there are a large number of types and techniques of highlighting. They differ in the method of staining, color priorities, the location of colored curls.

Depending on the number of strands highlighted in color, the location on the head, there are many painting techniques, we will pay attention to the most popular ones.


Features of the procedure

The choice of staining and the length of the strands affects the method of painting. Updating the image of fair-haired fashionistas is performed in several ways:

  • . A hat with holes is tightly put on the client's head, after which the master takes out strands of the desired thickness with a hook. This is the simplest and very first trendy lightening technique, ideal for transforming shoulder-length strands and for home treatments.
  • Using foil or thermal paper. With this method, each strand treated with paint is isolated in a strip of foil. So the dye does not stain neighboring curls, and the master gets the opportunity to work with several colors at the same time. For fast and high-quality staining with foil, it is important that the performer has some skills and dexterity.
  • open method. A technique for professionals, because in most cases paint with a high percentage of oxygen is used. The composition is applied to the strand, excess paint is removed and the chances of the dye getting on neighboring strands are minimal.

For short haircuts

Advice. Color overflows look better on cascading haircuts and curly hair. Bright curls will give the image even more playfulness and chic.

For long curls

Long and healthy curls are a good base for any kind of coloring. French, American or Californian coloring, balayazh or bright ombre, sun glare or infrequent colored strands on the hair will look interesting, delightful and fashionable.

To change and update the image, long-haired beauties will have to turn to professionals; at home, it is almost impossible to cope with the task qualitatively and accurately. Be prepared to spend a lot on painting, but the result is worth it.

The process of coloring long curls can take 3-4 hours, depending on the number of shades chosen. To speed up the procedure, experts use an open method of painting.

How to do at home

There are several options for updating hairstyles at home. This can be painting using foil, a special cap or comb. Consider the most difficult method (with foil) in more detail.

To work with foil, you will need an assistant (girlfriend, mother or husband). It is desirable that he had at least minimal experience in such procedures, invite him to watch the video and listen to the recommendations of professionals.

You will need the following tools:

  • foil (you can food);
  • dye and brightener;
  • a comb with a long and sharp end (to highlight the strand);
  • container for mixing paint;
  • brush for coloring;
  • a pair of gloves;
  • balm;
  • towel or cape on the shoulders.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the foil into strips, 10–15 cm wide. The length of the strip should correspond to the length of your curls, plus 2–3 cm for the hem.
  2. Comb the strands well so that they do not get tangled when painting. You need to wash your hair a few days before the planned process. Divide the entire hair into 3 zones (two side and occipital).
  3. Mix the desired pigment with the developer in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. Start at the back. Separate the strand with the sharp end of the comb, select small strands from it in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Place a strip of foil under the highlighted strands. Please note that the upper edge needs to be slightly bent (make a pocket) so that the paint does not leak onto the scalp in the future.
  6. Hold the strands laid on the foil with one hand, if possible in a slightly taut position, and apply paint with a brush with the other.
  7. Fold the foil around the edges by 1-1.5 cm, and then fold across. Clip the resulting envelope and a little hair from the bottom with a clip to the top of the head.
  8. Repeat the process all over the head.
  9. After half an hour, start washing off the dye. Unwrap each foil and rinse with warm, clean water.
  10. Wash your hair with shampoo and use a nourishing balm.

Attention! If you have bangs, color them last.

For short hair, it is better to use a simpler one. The bottom line is to pull a strand of the desired thickness through the holes. After that, a brightening composition is applied to them, and after 15-30 minutes the paint is washed off.

Features of care after highlighting

Whatever type of coloring you choose, it is always harmful to the hair. To avoid further deterioration of their condition, the appearance of excessive dryness and brittleness, professionals recommend paying attention to care.

High-quality care for colored curls includes:

  • regular use of nourishing and regenerating masks, balms;
  • after each wash, it is important to apply conditioner;
  • to keep the strands light, periodically use a tonic or silver shampoo;
  • at first, give up frequent hot styling with a hairdryer and ironing, elevated temperature injures curls even more;
  • it is advisable to cut the ends burned with paint after the procedure;
  • Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, respectively, will benefit the body and hair.

You can always look bright and fashionable, highlighting will help with this. The variety of techniques for light brown hair and the richness of the palette of shades will make you unique. Enjoy flowing light rays in your hair without causing any significant damage!

Useful videos

Highlighting medium length hair.

Balayage coloring for brown hair.