Nourishing mask for dry colored hair at home. Nourishing mask for dry colored hair. Mask for colored dark hair

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It is rare that a girl or woman does not resort to hair coloring. This is both a tribute to fashion and dissatisfaction natural color, and banal painting of gray hair. The modern market offers a huge selection of coloring products for every taste and budget. But they all have one thing in common - the content of chemically active substances, which, with regular use, do not in the best way affect the structure and condition of the hair. They become dry, brittle, lifeless, and over time, instead of lush beautiful curls we get a real "broom" on the head. To prevent this and minimize Negative consequences after staining, it is necessary to carry out regularly cosmetic procedures to restore damaged hair. Such procedures, in particular, include homemade masks for colored hair.

It is not recommended to visit the pool after painting, at least for the first two weeks. Chlorinated water for weakened hair is especially harmful. Try not to wash your hair as often to preserve the color. Use warm water for washing, not hot. The use of an iron is undesirable. If you can’t refuse a hair dryer, then at least dry your hair using the “cold” setting. It is recommended to massage the scalp, take an additional complex of vitamins, this will help restore hair faster.

Homemade masks for the restoration of dyed hair

  • Revitalizing mask

mix colorless henna With warm water, pour liquid vitamin E into the resulting slurry. Apply the mask to your hair, rinse with warm water after half an hour. This mask also helps to accelerate hair growth.

We will need: 1 tbsp. fresh onion juice, 1 tsp honey, 1 tbsp. oils and yolk. Preheat the honey and beat the yolk. mix onion juice and honey, add butter and yolk here. Apply finished mask on clean hair.

  • Mask with kefir

Mix kefir with egg. Add 2 tbsp to this mixture. olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to hair and scalp for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo.

  • Color enhancing mask

In order to make the color of dyed hair richer, make the following mask 1-2 times a week: carefully mix 100 g of cognac with egg yolk in a convenient container and apply to hair for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Strengthening mask for colored hair

Mix 2 eggs with warm water. The mass must be continuously stirred so that the protein does not coagulate. On wet hair pour the mixture, rub it into the roots. Rinse with warm water and massage into scalp egg yolk. Warm your head with a towel and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse the yolk with warm water. This procedure must be done once a week to strengthen the hair damaged by chemical dyes. Another variant egg mask: mix 2 egg yolks and 1 tsp. olive oil. Rub the mixture into the roots of the hair and spread over the entire length. Leave for 20 minutes, wrapping your head with polyethylene and a warm towel, then rinse off with warm water.

  • Red pepper tincture for hair loss

The tincture is prepared as follows: grind ¼ pod of red pepper, fill it with 50 ml of alcohol, leave it for a week. Dilute the tincture with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and rub this composition into the hair roots twice a week. You can also leave it overnight. This mixture improves the blood supply to the hair roots.

  • From split ends

It is useful to periodically (once a week) apply vitamin E to the split ends of the hair, fish fat, slightly warmed olive, castor, burdock oil or oil from germinated wheat, jojoba. This is done for additional nourishment. Oils are applied to the ends for half an hour, the hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, then washed well with warm water. It is also necessary to regularly trim the damaged ends of the hair.

In addition to home masks, it is useful to rinse dyed hair after washing with water with the addition of lemon juice, chamomile decoction. Prepare an infusion of herbs: yarrow, chamomile and sage in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), pour boiling water (1 liter), leave for one hour. Strain the infusion, dilute with warm water to get a total volume of 3 liters. This composition is also useful for rinsing the hair.

In order for the staining to be completely harmless, try using. The choice of colors and shades, of course, is not as diverse as in purchased paints, but the benefits are much greater!

Partial and full staining, perm, the hair loses its original structure.

Signs of its violation are split ends, "roughness" to the touch, lack of gloss.

For that to restore the previous state requires care, the basis of which can be the systematic nutrition of the scalp and hair with a complex of useful substances.

Masks are in this case very effective tool.

There are two very effective composition For this case. They will allow not only to preserve the color, but also to give the hair shine, splendor, elasticity, and enhance growth.

Banana mask with avocado and honey. Nourishes, strengthens hair, adds shine.

Avocado creates a protective organic film on the hair, honey saturates with minerals and trace elements, olive oil supplies vitamins A and E, the yolk provides active nutrition.


  • banana, preferably overripe, in a black peel;
  • avocado;
  • honey, one tablespoon;
  • , unrefined;
  • chicken yolk or from two quail eggs.

Beat the pulp of avocado and banana in a blender until puree, otherwise pieces it will be difficult extract from the hair afterwards.

In a separate bowl beat the egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil, add honey, stir slowly. To stir thoroughly fruit puree and an oil-yolk mixture with honey.

Apply carefully on the scalp, spreading over the strands, wrap. withstand exposure to this fragrant banana mask need 20 minutes, then wash off.

Advice. The mask is very nutritious, so it is suitable for use once every 10 days. If you have long hair It's better to make a double batch right away. Wash off with a mild shampoo for colored hair.

Quick mask of yolk and cognac. The ability of cognac to dilate blood vessels is known to everyone. Increasing blood microcirculation in skin head, it provides active hair growth, the supply of nutrients to the bulbs.

Additional positive moment is the yolk, which is 100% useful nutrients.


  • cognac, two tablespoons;
  • yolk.

manufacturing and application process. Mix cognac and yolk until smooth, thoroughly soak the scalp and hair. Put on a hat, wrap with a towel. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Advice. Immediately after staining, the mask for use is not recommended, in order to avoid overdrying the scalp. After a week of waiting, the mask can be used to preserve, restore and nourish the hair once every five days.

Secrets of using masks for bleached and highlighted hair at home

Need to take into account two important moments. First, you can not use substances and products that have a dye in their composition, such as coffee, henna, beets and others.

Second, light and highlighted hair require rich food and love to get it from natural products.

The task of care products behind light curls– tint support, restoration and medical nutrition. Below are three recipes that will help to cheer up the hair of blondes with high quality.

Nourishing mask with burdock and castor oil. Burdock oil improves blood circulation, castor oil treats skin inflammation, saves from dandruff, lemon juice perfectly saturates with vitamin C, gives shine.


  • , one st. spoon;
  • , one st. spoon;
  • juice of half a lemon.

manufacturing and application process. Mix oils and lemon juice, apply to the scalp with light massaging movements, distribute the remainder along the entire length of the strands. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, rinse with shampoo after two hours.

Advice. For the treatment of dandruff and hair loss, the mask is used every five days, for prevention - once a month.

Herbal decoction for yellowness. This recipe will restore the hair structure and get rid of the ugly yellowish tone after dyeing it white.


  • oregano one tbsp. spoon;
  • nettle, one tbsp. spoon;
  • chamomile, one tbsp. spoon,
  • plantain, one teaspoon;
  • water, two glasses;

manufacturing and application process. Pour the dry mixture of herbs with boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain. Use as a rinse after shampooing, dry hair naturally.

Advice. A decoction of herbs is used three times a week, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Decoction if desired can be "weighted" 200 grams of rye bread and use as a miracle hair mask with amazing nourishing and healing effect, in this case, keep the head wrapped up - 2 hours, and then wash off, apply once a week.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese for highlighted hair. A wonderful option for saturating hair follicles nutrients, as well as to restore the structure of discolored curls, provides a lively shine and pleasant silkiness.


  • cottage cheese, two tbsp. spoons with a slide;
  • mayonnaise, 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

manufacturing and application process. Mash cottage cheese with mayonnaise until a homogeneous mass is formed, pour in olive oil and stir. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots and along the entire length. Wrap with foil and towel, hold for 40-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Advice. It is enough to apply the mask once a week.

Masks for the restoration of dyed hair for brunettes

For what note if the brunette decided to do her hair.

First, in medicinal formulations for dark hair often includes natural substances containing natural dye, these include coffee, henna, basma and others, therefore, before use, a drop of the product must be applied to the wrist, checking for allergies.

Second, if the mask contains oils, then for more full effect her need to warm up up to 40-50 degrees.

Protect and nourish hair with strength allow masks, which include simple natural substances and products.

Coffee-cognac mask for dark hair. This mask repairs dull, split ends prone to falling out.


  • ground coffee, one teaspoon;
  • boiling water, one tbsp. spoon;
  • yolk, two;
  • cognac, two tbsp. spoons;
  • Castor oil, one tsp.

manufacturing and application process. Brew coffee with a spoon of boiling water, cool. In another bowl, beat the yolk with castor oil. Mix all the ingredients, add cognac.

Apply the mixture to wet hair, wait 10-15 minutes, wash off. For more effect the head can be wrapped with a film and a towel.

Advice. Apply once a week for treatment, for prevention - once a month. Coffee can be taken and asleep, from the bottom of the cup.

Mask for color from henna and basma. The main task of cosmetics for dark hair is to preserve the eumelanin pigment. It is on him that the richness of the color of curls of brunettes depends. This recipe will help to nourish the hair with color, strengthen the roots.


  • henna, 50 g;
  • basma, 50 g;
  • coffee, one teaspoon.
  • boiling water, one glass.

manufacturing and application process. Mix the dry ingredients, pour a glass of boiling water, stir thoroughly for 5-10 minutes.

Apply the gruel to the hair, starting from the roots. evenly distributing to the very ends. Wrap with foil, towel. Wait 45 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Advice. You can apply the mask once a week, a two-month course will stop hair loss.

Mask based on kefir with cocoa and honey. Powerful nourishing effect, soothes the scalp, promotes active growth hair.


  • kefir, 80 ml (a little more than half a glass);
  • cocoa, one teaspoon;
  • honey, one tbsp. spoon;
  • castor oil, one tbsp. spoon.

manufacturing and application process. Mix cocoa and honey, stirring, add butter, you can slightly warm it in a water bath. Then pour in small portions of kefir.

ready mix soak the scalp and hair, wrap in a film and a towel. Wait 45 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Advice. The mask is suitable for use once a month, however, with dry and brittle hair can be used every week.

Cherry vitamin mask. Trace elements of cherry make hair shiny and silky.


  • pitted cherries, half a glass;
  • potato starch, two teaspoons;
  • lemon juice, one teaspoon.

manufacturing and application process. Puree the cherries in a blender, mix with starch and lemon. Heat the resulting composition in a water bath to 40-50 degrees. Apply to the hair, carefully rubbing into the roots, wrap, hold for 30-35 minutes.

Advice. The mask is suitable for use once a week, for the treatment of greasiness it can be used three times a week for a month. In winter, you can use frozen cherries.

Spicy mask for black hair. Activates blood microcirculation in capillaries, promotes active hair growth, eliminates dandruff, nourishes.


  • cocoa, two tbsp. spoons;
  • black pepper, one teaspoon;
  • cinnamon, one teaspoon;
  • cosmetic oil, two tbsp. spoons (olive is suitable);
  • yolk.

manufacturing and application process. Mix pepper, cocoa and cinnamon, beat the yolk with butter in another bowl. Gradually pour the mixture of spices and cocoa into the butter with the yolk. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, wrap, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Advice. The mask is suitable for use once a week. If after applying the mask you feel itching and burning, rinse with water immediately.

Secrets of using masks for dyed red hair


Red-haired beauties required permanent hydration and softening, due to natural rigidity.

dyed red ongoing support required colors, even chlorinated pool water can cause color damage.

The selection of mask components is determined these two factors.

most popular and effective masks for red hair.

Kefir mask with henna. Ideally maintains color and strengthens roots.


  • henna, 50 g;
  • boiling water, 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • kefir, half a glass;
  • egg;
  • olive oil, two tbsp. spoons.

manufacturing and application process. Brew henna, stirring for 10-15 minutes to cool. Beat the egg with butter, add kefir, mix with henna. Apply to hair, wrap, hold for 30-40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Advice. Suitable for use once a week.

Vitamin beet-carrot mask for red hair. Gives splendor, treats dandruff, enriches color.


  • carrot juice, half a glass;
  • beetroot juice, half a glass.

manufacturing and application process. Mix carrot and beetroot juice, saturate the scalp and hair with the composition, hold for 25-20 minutes. Wash off with water, no shampoo.

Advice. For the treatment of dull, dry hair with dandruff, it can be applied 3 times a week for a month.

Nourishing mask for red hair. Saturates with microelements, strengthens roots, promotes growth. Gives splendor, treats dandruff, enriches color.


  • castor oil, two tbsp. spoons;
  • yolk.

manufacturing and application process. Lightly heat the oils in an aluminum bowl, add the yolk, stir well.

Apply carefully rubbing into the roots of the hair, distributing the remnants along the entire length. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with shampoo, in several passes.

Advice. For treatment, it is applied once every 10 days.

Masks to prevent gray hair

Bring back gray hair can only synthetic dyes. The following recipes will help prevent the first appearance of gray hair and slow down the process.

Mask against gray hair from honey. Nourishes hair, strengthens roots, prevents gray hair.


  • olive oil, two tbsp. spoons;
  • honey, one tbsp. spoon;
  • shampoo, 50 ml.

manufacturing and application process. Heat honey in a water bath, mix with oil and shampoo. Apply with massaging movements to the hair. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse

Advice. For treatment, it is used once a week.

Lemon-carrot mask against gray hair. The strongest vitamin attack on the bulbs, renewal of the hair structure.


  • lemon juice, half a glass;
  • carrot juice, half a glass.

manufacturing and application process. Mix the juices, saturate the scalp and hair with them, leave for 15 minutes and rinse without shampoo.

Advice. Against gray hair is applied once a week. Not suitable for blondes, can give a shade.

Fig mask against graying hair Prevents the appearance early gray hair softens.


  • figs, 1-2 berries;
  • Kalanchoe juice, two tbsp. spoons.

manufacturing and application process. Add Kalanchoe juice to chopped figs in a blender. Apply this composition to the hair 30-40 minutes before washing, wrap. Washed off regular shampoo.

Advice. Against gray hair is applied daily for a month.

Lovely ladies are happy to try on various images and hair coloring helps them in this. Modern achievements in the field of cosmetology allow you to transform from a blonde to a burning brunette and vice versa. Such chemical treatments can do a lot of damage to curls, but a mask for colored hair at home works wonders. It nourishes and strengthens the hair, making it strong and shiny.

The best nourishing masks for colored hair

  • Nourishing mask for all hair types №1

To prepare a restorative mask, take the following ingredients:

  1. Coconut oil 3 tablespoons;
  2. broccoli oil 4 drops;
  3. 2 eggs;
  4. a tablespoon of honey.

Melt coconut oil in a water bath, cool a little and add all the other ingredients, apply to hair for 30-60 minutes and rinse. This is just a super hair mask. Try to do it and you won't regret it. Hair will fill up life force and glitter.

Homemade mask for blonde hair

Masks for colored hair at home are an excellent care product for maintaining the shine and health of curls

  • Milk mask

A mask based on fatty homemade milk helps to soften the hair, it becomes smooth and silky, and hair growth is activated. All these beneficial features provide simple and affordable products for everyone:

  1. one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar;
  2. a third of a glass of chamomile infusion;
  3. cup fat milk(preferably homemade).

Make an infusion of chamomile: add a tablespoon of chamomile flowers to a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for at least 2 hours. Strain.

Combine all ingredients in the above proportions. Apply the resulting mass to the hair and warm with a towel with a shower cap. After 30-60 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

  • Lemon mask

Lemon mask helps to restore the natural hair structure. The composition of the mask:

  1. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  2. 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  3. infusion of chamomile for rinsing.

Mix lemon juice with oil and apply with massaging movements on the hair. Do not forget to warm your head with a hat or towel. 30 minutes is all it takes active ingredients absorbed into the skin and hair. Rinse them thoroughly clean water and finally rinse your head with chamomile infusion.

  • honey mask

Honey remedy contains vitamins and other useful material essential for beauty and health. The only restriction to its use is individual intolerance to the product.

For the mask you will need:

  1. 3 tablespoons of honey;
  2. 3 tablespoons base oil(olive, almond, jojoba or any other);
  3. 1 spoon of fat sour cream.

Apply the mask to wet hair, rub in with smooth movements. During this time hair follicles absorb everything useful components contributing to their strengthening. It is better to keep the mask for half an hour, but the more the better. Rinse with warm water and shampoo and apply conditioner.

M ed gives hair beautiful warm shade, this must be taken into account if you are painting in a cold blond.

Dark shiny hair will become even more beautiful if you regularly care for them with various natural products.

  • coffee mask

Coffee-based masks have a firming effect, improve color and even give a light chocolate shade to the hair. Preparing a care product is easy:

  1. 40 grams of natural ground coffee;
  2. 100 ml of boiling water;
  3. 100 ml of milk;
  4. yolk;
  5. 50 ml vegetable oil.

Brew coffee in boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Add milk, yolk and butter to coffee. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes.

  • cocoa mask

This mask has the same healing properties, as the previous one. We will need:

  1. 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  2. 1 teaspoon honey
  3. 1 teaspoon castor oil,
  4. 5 tablespoons of kefir.

Mix all ingredients, apply for 1 hour. Rinse off the gruel in the usual way.

  • Basma and henna mask

Basma and henna should be mixed in the same amount, add hot water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the mixture on the strands for 1 hour. Such a tool has not only a firming effect, but also a tint, it turns out a chic chocolate color.

Masks for colored hair at home are an excellent alternative to cosmetics from manufacturers, the quality of which, however, as well as the cost, leave much to be desired. And if you are a happy owner of fiery hair, then we recommend using a parsley mask or using healing henna.

  • For the first recipe, take a large bunch of chopped greens, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Apply the pulp for 30 minutes, rinse with water. Rinse with infusion of parsley. This mask will give brighter fiery shades and give dazzling brilliance hair.
  • Natural Iranian henna for red hair is very useful. Dilute it a little with water and apply to the hair for 15-30 minutes, depending on desired shade. Such an event makes it possible to less often resort to staining.

Nourishing and revitalizing hair masks

After regular dyeing, hair needs full recovery, the recipes below will help bring the curls in order in a short period. These are the most effective homemade nourishing masks for colored hair.

  • Gelatin mask

This mask will appeal to owners of brittle and damaged hair. Dilute 10 grams of gelatin in warm water, be patient until the substance is completely dissolved. If you apply a mass with gelatinous lumps, then the rinsing process will be longer and more difficult. In diluted gelatin, add the yolk and a few drops of lemon oil. 30 minutes is enough for all the nutrients to be absorbed.

Gelatin-based product makes hair thicker and more manageable. Many equate such a mask with lamination, because. gelatin wraps hair with an invisible film, thickens it and makes it smoother, thereby increasing shine and volume.

  • Mask with banana and avocado pulp

Mash the flesh of a ripe banana and avocado with a fork. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons natural yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair for 30-120 minutes (the longer the better), and then wash your hair in the usual way.

This super-nourishing mask will bring even the most dead hair to normal condition, doing it regularly, at least once a week (ideally 2 times) for 2 months.

  • Vitamin mask

It's no secret that frequent coloring makes hair thin and brittle. And regular use of such a remedy will make them strong and healthy. We will need

  1. two egg yolks;
  2. a teaspoon of vitamin A in oil;
  3. 7 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  4. 3 drops of patchouli or rosemary essential oil;
  5. 5 tablespoons base oil (almond, olive, jojoba, macadamia, or whatever you have).

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the roots and the entire length of the hair. roll up cling film and warm up. Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo 2 times and apply conditioner.

  • Mask with colorless henna

This is an excellent restorative remedy, suitable for both blondes and beauties in dark and red hair.

Purchase natural colorless powder Iranian henna, dilute it with filtered water to the consistency of a creamy mass. Add vitamin A and E to it, one teaspoon is enough. Apply the gruel for 30-60 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

Masks for dyed hair at home have already been appreciated by the fair sex, who carefully monitor their appearance. Changing the image is a great opportunity to change something in your life, and the mask recipes described above will help you preserve what nature has so generously endowed.

Beautiful hair always attracts the attention of others, so it is so important to pamper them with various natural remedies and other useful procedures.

Dry, damaged, split ends can be the result of overuse of dye, hair dryer, long exposure to the sun, or general condition health. What kind of care is required for dry and damaged hair, how to make masks for such hair?
Consider folk recipes the best home masks to treat and restore damaged split ends at home:

Recipe 1: Mask for dry and damaged hair at home - burdock (olive) oil + vitamins A-E-B

To restore and nourish dry hair at home, such a folk remedy as oil compresses will effectively help. Make them before washing your hair. You can take any natural oil. Very popular in home recipes is olive, burdock or linseed. Before use, the oil must be slightly warmed up. If desired, oil solutions of vitamins A, B or E can be added to the oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp and evenly distribute through the hair. If the scalp is oily, then you can simply apply oil to the ends of the hair. cover your head warm cloth or a towel, wrap with polyethylene on top or put on a shower cap. You can keep it for an hour or more. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 2: Mask for dry and split ends - burdock oil (olive, castor) - egg yolk + honey + henna + cognac (alcohol, vodka)

Rub the yolk chicken egg with a teaspoon of heated oil (burdock - castor - olive), a spoonful of heated honey, henna powder and cognac (vodka or alcohol). Warm up your head. Apply the mask for half an hour - an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.

Recipe 3: Masks for damaged, split ends and dry hair - burdock (olive, castor) oil + onion juice + honey + egg yolk

Beat the egg yolk and mix it with a teaspoon of slightly warmed honey, a tablespoon of any natural vegetable oil and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice. Further, the recipe is similar to the previous one.

Recipe 4: Homemade masks for damaged, dry, split ends - castor oil + glycerin + apple cider vinegar (lemon juice)

This folk remedy is prepared at home as follows: mix in equal proportions any warmed natural vegetable oil (for example, castor oil), glycerin and Apple vinegar(lemon juice). Apply, wrap your head with a warm compress, hold for thirty to forty minutes.

Recipe 5: Masks for dry hair and split ends - curdled milk (kefir, whey)

Effectively help restore the structure of damaged hair, as well as prevent hair loss, folk masks from fermented milk products: curdled milk, kefir, whey. Just apply kefir or yogurt to your hair, distributing it along the entire length and rubbing it into the roots. Keep thirty minutes. Kefir masks should be done twice a week for at least a month.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any remedy may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand!

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Masks for dry dyed hair at home reviews: 71

  • Anonymous

    The best masks for restoring split ends are made from kefir and yogurt, I tested it on myself. Great for helping you recover damaged hair after some unsuccessful experiments 🙂

  • ale

    A good mask for dry hair and to restore split ends is from avocado. Only the avocado should be ripe and soft. Its pulp needs to be mashed, add butter or yolk. I prefer olive oil.

  • Anonymous

    I agree about kefir masks. I just add egg yolk to it. Moisturizes dry hair well.

  • Nastenka

    I made a milk mushroom mask, it also helps very well.

  • Zaya

    To restore split ends, masks with oils are most often recommended.

  • Julia

    Good castor oil, applied for 2 hours, once a week…helped a lot.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you girls for the feedback, I will be treated


    An excellent remedy for recovery: sour cream, burdock oil, a few drops of vitamin E. Keep - from an hour or more !! under compression.

  • Lamar from Abkhazia

    I rarely use masks home cooking. To maintain healthy hair, I add to my shampoo (1 tablespoon) 2-3 drops of olive oil and burdock oil, as well as an ampoule of any vitamin, for example, vitamin C. After using this shampoo, my unruly hair become smoother and take on a more well-groomed appearance.

  • Anonymous

    And kefir should be applied to dry, clean hair, or should it be immediately after washing?? Answer please.

  • Ainura

    Kefir is applied before washing the head, about an hour before.

  • Natalia

    Tell me how effective sunflower oil for the treatment of dry hair and can it be used instead of other oils??

  • Tanya..

    Natalia, of course, you can use vegetable oil, but unrefined oil is best, I always use warmed oil, the oil helps a lot.

  • Asmaha

    It’s good to make masks with oils, only then you won’t wash your hair, it will become greasy.

  • ale

    My hair is very damaged after perming and coloring. different colors. I applied oil and for three days I could not wash it off.

  • Tanya

    Excellent tool: 1 tbsp. spoon of castor oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of burdock oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of aloe juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of garlic juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, vitamin a 10 ml, vitamin e 10 ml, a bottle of glycerin, essential oil rosemary 10 drops.

  • Tanya

    Effective mask for hair treatment - 1 yolk, head of garlic, 50 ml. jojoba oil, bottle of glycerin, 10 ml. vitamin a, 10 ml. vitamin e, 1 ampoule of vitamin B1, ampoule B3, ampoule B5, ampoule B6, ampoule B9, ampoule B12, 2 calcium tablets.

  • Anonymous

    Asmaha and Elya: she also made masks with both burdock and castor oil (for the entire length), her hair was also badly damaged. So, it is washed off perfectly with “pantin” for 2 soapings.

  • aziza

    Girls, please tell me, does the tincture of capsicum really activate hair growth and can they grow up to 3 cm per month? Thank you in advance.

  • Natalie

    I add gelatin to the mask!

  • Natalia

    I use egg-oil masks with honey, very good mask, the egg washes the vegetable oil and no greasy residue remains on the hair.

  • Lera

    From own experience! In order for hair to grow actively, you need to eat right + play sports (or fitness). For example, in 3 months I was able to grow my hair by 10-12 cm. The food must be included: dairy products, seafood, carrots, fruits rich in vitamin C. Playing sports helps speed up the metabolism + the scalp sweats, accelerating the growth process.

  • Lera

    If your hair is too split, dry and brittle, then they need to be constantly moisturized and nourished. Most the best treatment- hot treatment butter. Apply softened butter (preferably goat's), like a cream-paint, evenly and wear for about 1 hour. Then, with a curling iron at medium temperature, heat each strand. Then wear for another 1 hour. Then wash off with regular shampoo (it is better to wash your hair 2 times) and apply a balm. The balm is washed off with cool water. The effect of such treatment occurs after 2 times.

  • Lera

    For those who take care of their health. Brunettes and brown-haired women: if you do not want to constantly dye your hair, then you can get by with black tea. soak your hair with black tea at night, wrap it in a scarf. the next morning you will see how the hair has become shiny, dark in tone, silky. You can wash your hair in the morning (if at work) with just water and blow dry. To improve the effect for a long time, after each shampoo I feed my hair with tea and apply a balm. Personally, my grandmother from Kazakhstan never used chemical paints. At 65, she can't see at all gray hair! Hair with a constant supply of black tea is colored no worse than paint.

  • Lera

    ADVICE FROM A SPECIALIST: dear girls, do not overdo it with masks. Capsicum tinctures (alcohol + pepper) dry out the hair, and scalp irritation can develop. Further, do not undertake to make masks from the advice of anyone with a bunch of ingredients and vitamins. Garlic juice - does not help, do not invent! from folk natural proven healing products help: onion peel(but be careful, she dyes her hair burgundy), scarlet, Rye bread, curdled milk and kefir with a high% fat content, yolk, nettle, natural cherry (and maybe jam), vegetable oils(olive, sea buckthorn and even sunflower). Do not forget to do a light massage before washing your hair. Do not wash your hair from the tap. Rinse off the shampoo (and balm) with slightly acidified water (apple vinegar or lemon juice). At least once a week you need to "bath" your hair in water with sea ​​salt. If someone has naturally thin hair, then the yolk (without a film) and a little bit of oil should be added to the shampoo. After a week, you will see that the natural daily loss has almost completely decreased. Hair lives much longer and falls out very rarely.

  • Anna

    Why do you make gelatin?

  • Tatiana

    What about black tea?

  • Irina

    I tried to dye my hair blonde (at the hairdresser) ... it ended very badly, I thought that I would have to cut my hair “under the boy”. Again with difficulty I dyed my hair in chestnut color (already by myself, only on the 4th coloring the color became normal), now I am treating my hair. Masks helped well: burdock + castor oil + lemon juice, yolk + honey + castor oil + vitamin A, kefir + burdock oil + yolk. I do masks for the whole night under a compress. The mask vodka + yolk + something else worsened the condition of the hair (I don’t remember). Thanks to the masks for 2 days from the “burnt washcloth”, the hair became alive, soft, obedient, although not completely smooth, of course) Whom I tell that I did 2 flushes and dyed blond, they don’t believe that hair can be restored so quickly.

  • Catherine

    I've also had hair problems before. Like Irina dyed her hair blonde, it ended in failure. Repainted again dark color but the hair was terrible. And I had a doctor friend, and he specialized in folk medicine. He advised me to rub horse manure on my head. Yes, it sounds terrible, I didn’t believe it myself at first, but it helps a lot! You need to add a little water to it until a gruel forms, and warm it up a little. Rub warm over the entire head, wrap and walk for 40 minutes. I've never been helped by any mask like this one! I am very pleased! Thanks to this mask of horse (horse, girls!) manure, I restored my hair, and now I don’t dye it. I use manure to this day. The hair is so silky and soft - well, the charm is simple! The mask is very effective.

  • Ella

    Oh, I also used this mask! It sounds disgusting, fi simple, but for the sake of the result, you can endure.