Fashionable hair coloring shatush (50 photos) - On dark and light curls. Shatush - a scattering of sun glare in the hair

Fashionable hair coloring techniques are available everywhere today. You can make a hairstyle like that of a star, or even a similar one, both in a beauty salon in any city in Russia, and on your own at home. One of these innovations is the technique. What is it, and is it possible to do shatush on blond hair?

Brief definition

Shatush technique is a special way of highlighting strands, which achieves the appearance of sun-bleached hair. To create the effect of the play of the sun in the hair, two or three close light shades are taken, which create barely noticeable overflows. In the shatush technique, the strands are dyed along the entire length, without affecting the roots, which allows you to maintain the effect of the hairstyle for a long time - growing hair is almost invisible.

This technique looks good on dark and long curls, but also works great on blond hair. Photos "before" and "after" on short hair allow you to make sure that here, too, beautifully executed highlighting is in place.

What is the difference between shatush and ombre, balayazh and bronding techniques

All these techniques are based on the contrasting coloring of the roots and ends of the hair or individual strands, that is, all these are, in fact, highlighting options. However, if you do not know what to prefer, you should figure out how the described method differs from its own kind. Worth a look, and what a shatush looks like on blond hair, photos "before" and "after".

Reviews of this procedure say that this technique is more gentle, unlike, for example, ombre or balayage, in which a large surface of the hair is dyed (all tips are of a decent length). Shatush also looks more natural, since there is no clear transition from one hair color to another.

Also, unlike other techniques, shatush involves the use of ammonia-free gentle dyes. Lightening is not too dramatic, which is suitable for brittle weakened hair and for those who are afraid to spoil their hair with coloring.

Shatush also goes to owners of blond hair. On them, it will look natural and delicate, without being conspicuous. At the same time, techniques such as ombre and balayazh look best on dark or at least blond hair, and bronding is generally applicable only to a dark color.

Therefore, if you are a blonde who wants to add some summer sun, air, volume and lightness to her hairstyle, your choice is shatush.

Coloring technology

Before proceeding with the procedure, some preparation is required. First, freshen up the haircut - the split ends will be painted over unevenly and will look bad, besides, it is easier for the master to place accents in the form of highlights on the finished hairstyle. Also carry out basic coloring or toning of the entire mass of hair, if required. To understand if you need pre-toning, see how the shatush looks on blond hair (photo). Short curls, by the way, do not lend themselves well to such coloring, since it is difficult for them. True, we are talking about

When everything is ready, you can carry out highlighting. Shatush is usually performed in two techniques:

  • With combing strands.
  • Without bouffant.

In fact, the result is the same, but the pile allows you to get a guaranteed result - the color will turn out to be stretched and natural. At the same time, the bouffant itself can hardly be considered a sparing procedure, so highly professional masters do without it - they shade the paint using an open highlighting technique, that is, with a hand and a brush on an open strand of hair. However, a predictable result can only be obtained by contacting a specialist who has done this more than once.

So, the coloring starts from the bottom, so the unnecessary mass of hair is pinned up and the remaining curls are divided into strands of 2 centimeters. A cap or foil is not used in this technique. Next, the master combs each strand (or skips this stage if he knows the shatush technique without combing) and applies paint.

The brightening composition in the salon will be selected individually for you, taking into account the hair color, the desired effect, the shape of the hairstyle, type, and so on. Usually the master takes from two to four close shades to obtain the most natural result - ashen, golden, pearl, honey, beige tones.

The process of applying paint is also important - this should not be done evenly, but with light strokes, and only on the tips, without going to the hair roots. It is important to make light strokes to get a natural effect.

The hair dye should remain from 10 minutes to half an hour, depending on the intensity of lightening you need. After the specified time, the product is washed off, and the hair is styled in the usual way.

The advantage of this technique is that coloring takes 40 minutes on the strength, which is quite a bit compared, for example, with conventional highlighting.

Shatush for blonde hair at home

Of course, the ideal coloring result is possible only in a good salon and in the hands of a professional master. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you should try to color the shatush at home. The advantage of the technique on blond hair is that the coloring is not cardinal, and mistakes are easy to fix.

For the experiment you will need:

  • Several shades of brightening paint.
  • Comb.
  • Gloves.
  • Paint brush.

By the way, it should be borne in mind that modern paint is not only liquid, but also dry in the form of powder, this is what professional colorists use. You can buy it in specialized hairdressing stores. But you can also choose a more affordable option, for example, use paint from the Loreal or Garnier brands - they produce a special line for ombre, which can also be used for the shatush technique.

How to choose shades

To choose shades, look at the main hair color and appearance color type. Based on this, choose the color of future strands for using the shatush technique on blond hair. The "before" and "after" photos presented in the article will also give an idea of ​​​​the possible result.

Warm golden, honey, wheat shades are more suitable for a "spring" woman. It is better not to use cold tones, especially for home staining.

Light brown shades are well suited for a woman of the "autumn" color type, choose colder, inactive tones for strands.

"Winter" - this color type is quite far from a blond, but if a lady still wants to be a blonde, she only needs cold tones, so for highlighting, you should choose ash and pearl blonds.

"Fly" is suitable for both warm and cold shades, so the whole palette is possible here. However, if the skin has a blush, then avoid pinkish shades of light. Pale covers are afraid of golden strands.

As a rule, one base, that is, the main color, is selected, and a couple of close tones are added to it, a little darker and a little lighter. When distributing shades through the hair, usually the lighter ones are placed closer to the face, and the darker ones are left in depth for volume.

Effect on curls of different lengths

Shatush for blond hair will perfectly complement a haircut of any length, however, each hairstyle may have its own nuances. So, on a short haircut, it is possible to lighten all the ends of the hair, and a fashionable bob with an elongated bang will play in a new way if you lighten mainly the strands on the bangs and around the face. A square with a straight line will benefit if you lighten the tips evenly at the same height.

However, this coloring looks most effective on long hair. An equally advantageous option is a shatush for medium-length blond hair. Photos of such hairstyles make it possible to make sure that the coloring effect is more clearly visible and its different options are possible - from highlighting several strands to staining all the tips. If the color transition is too noticeable (which is more important for light brown hair than for light blondes), then lay the curls in waves - this will hide the color transition and make the hairstyle more elegant.

Who it suits and who doesn't

Shatush goes to blondes who do not want a radical change of image, but only want to refresh the image, give it lightness and gloss. He is capable of just that - it will give the impression that the hair has burned out naturally under the hot resort sun. In combination with slightly tanned skin, the effect of a rested fresh appearance is guaranteed.

Shatush should not be used by owners of damaged hair with brittle and split ends - the highlighting technique will only aggravate the situation and the effect will be depressing. If you still want to paint, then the curls must first be treated with special masks and cut off the damaged ends.

On gray hair, shatush is done only with 20 or a maximum of 30 percent gray hair, otherwise the result will not live up to expectations.

  • For uniform coloring of all tips, you can collect the hair in a high tail, then the risk of touching the roots with paint is minimal.
  • After the paint is washed off the curls, they need to be applied with conditioner and combed while they are wet, and only then washed with shampoo. This trick will allow you to more carefully comb through hair that has been combed and dyed.
  • Make a course of restorative masks before and after dyeing, especially if aggressive dyes with ammonia are used, this is important for owners of blond hair, as they are more porous than dark ones, which means they suffer more in an aggressive environment.
  • If powder is used for coloring, then subsequent powder will be required to achieve the best result.

"Shatush - a spectacular dyeing technique by stretching the color with the obligatory bouffant of the hair"

Naturalness in makeup and hair coloring is the number one modern trend. The beauty of the shatush coloring technique fully meets all fashionable requirements. The effect of sun-bleached hair is achieved by a smooth transition from dark roots to light strands along the rest of the hair.

1 The difference between shatush and highlighting techniques, ombre, balayage

It is difficult for a non-professional eye to appreciate the difference between these similar techniques. All of them are used to give a natural, as natural as possible hair tone with a beautiful sunburn effect. In each of them, the end result is a contrast of dark roots and light tips.

  • The elegance of shatush and its difference from the traditional highlighting, including California highlighting, lies in the paint stretching technology used by the hairdresser.
  • From staining method ombre shatush differs in its randomness and lack of noticeable graduation.
  • Balayazh- this is the golden mean between the two previous techniques: there are also contrasting ends of the hair, but the painting will be done vertically, and the lower part stands out more dramatically.

2 Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women - who should choose a shatush?

Before moving on to the basic shades of hair, let me touch on an important point - hair length. There is one indispensable condition: in order for the shatush to demonstrate all his beauty and charm, he must lie on long or medium-length hair. On short ones, he will simply have nowhere to disperse, and the result can upset you very much - it will turn out not two, not one and a half. For those who love haircuts such as bob, forehead or bob, it is better not to risk a full-fledged shatush. But there are secrets for short hair- about them below.

  • Another limitation, quite unexpected but true, is bright red hair shade. Shatush will look on them, if not indistinctly, then simply inappropriate. And repainting such an amazing color is almost blasphemy. But if you really want to, you will have to resort to tinting both the roots and ends - however, this process is complicated, and you should not do it yourself at home, the experience may turn out to be unsuccessful.
  • With shatush most lucky brunettes And brown-haired women. It will not be difficult for the hairdresser and you to choose from the mass of shades the one that suits and pleases you. Lightened curls can rejuvenate and soften the image - a definite plus.
  • For owners fair-haired And dark blond hair, too, should not be passed by shatush - gentle contrast will give curls and you expressiveness and brightness.
  • Golden blondes it is recommended to abandon the crankshaft and turn your attention to a technique similar in result - California highlighting. Or, as in the case of red-haired girls, do toning.
  • Blondes an experienced master will advise you to go through the staining in stages: make the natural or already dyed color darker at the roots, and lighten the rest of the strands. In total, for blondes using the shatush technique, no more than two shades should be used.

3 Why choose shatush coloring?

First of all, because of its versatility: coloring for any age, type and, with few exceptions, hair color. One "but". This coloring method is not so easy to do at home. Even with the whole methodology, step-by-step instructions and video tutorial on hand, it is better to turn to a master of his craft to look like a luxury model.

Otherwise, the technique has no minuses, and it's time to move on to the pluses.

  • Saving time and money. The process of lightening the strands will be simple, fast and long-lasting. You will leave the hairdressing salon in a maximum of 2 hours, and you can take your time to return there to refresh the shade. On average, having paid once for painting, a second visit can be postponed for 3-4 months.
  • Gentle effect on hair. Due to the fact that the technique, as a rule, does not involve the application of dye or powder directly to the hair roots, their bulbs do not suffer, and the hair remains healthy and shiny. For those who have thin or curly hair, this is the best option.
  • Extra shine and volume. The effect is visual, but essential to give thin hair splendor, and faded - liveliness and brightness.
  • The beauty of hair with a minimum of effort. With coloring shatush, both straight and slightly curled hair look great. Even the classic ponytail will sparkle in a new way.
  • How about gray hair? If you don't want to completely color your gray hair every month anymore, play gray with darker shades of platinum or other suitable tones depending on your complexion already - gray hair will simply be lost against the backdrop of shiny multi-colored strands.
  • Regrown roots are no longer a vice. With professionally bleached strands below the roots, you no longer need to make an appointment with the hairdresser after every paycheck. And worry about your “imperfection”.
  • Hiding flaws and emphasizing virtues. Dark strands framing the face at eye level emphasize their depth and make them more expressive. Longer light strands have a rejuvenating effect. And the playful mixing of shades distracts from such skin imperfections as bumps, wrinkles, a double chin or small redness.

“To successfully color shatush, avoid strong contrast between the color of the roots and the ends of the hair”


The following shades are suitable for brown-haired women to lighten the strands: coffee and milk, dark beige, hazelnut color. Red tones - titian, amber, shades of honey and bronze - are great, but they should be chosen by those who can boast a good complexion and clean, fair skin (autumn color type).

Coffee and chocolate tones, shades of eggplant and ripe cherries will suit brunettes. Experiment with cold - platinum, dark ash - shades (winter color type).


The closer to the natural color of the hair, the better - ashy and wheaten tones on the lightened areas of the hair will allow you to achieve the very desired effect of burnt hair. At the same time, light brown-ashy hair, somewhat dull by nature, will be refreshed.

6 Coloring shatush on blond hair

Platinum blonde and a shade of pearls are the choice of fair-haired ladies. You can not do without milky mother-of-pearl, wheaten and golden hues.

7 Shatush coloring for short hair

A full-fledged shatush for short hair is difficult due to lack of length, but it is possible. To do this, it is enough to lighten the strands that frame the face or emphasize the bangs.


If you decide to dye yourself or with the help of a friend at home, choose a brushing technique. Get a dye or powder, followed by tinting with ammonia-free paint. A few weeks before dyeing, try to give your hair increased attention and care: strengthening masks, keratin shampoos, and do not wash your hair for 3-4 days to protect your hair and better dyeing.

  1. Dilute the dye according to the instructions.
  2. Divide the strands of hair into four parts - at the temples, on the crown and back of the head, secure with hairpins or clips.
  3. Now, from each bundle, select strands of 2 centimeters. Step back from the roots - about 7-10 centimeters - and from this distance to the ends, comb your hair with a comb.
  4. Dye (or powder) should be applied to the combed area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair with sharp strokes. Then they need to be shaded with a brush or gloved fingers.
  5. Keep the dye on your hair for the period specified in the instructions, but try to look at the degree of lightening yourself.
  6. If you have worked with powder, it's time to start toning.
  7. After the time has passed, wash off the dye from the hair, rinse it with shampoo and soften the hair with a balm.

9 Shatush: before and after photos

10 Shatush - hair coloring at home - video

11 Shatush - video tutorials

Recently, fashion trends have not changed their direction. The peak of popularity still belongs to naturalness in all its manifestations. It's no secret that bright colors in makeup have been replaced by "inconspicuous" make-up, and owners of creative hair color are trying to give them the most natural shade. In the struggle for fashion, the most natural appearance, well-groomed, healthy and lively, wins.

Adherents of natural beauty have long resorted to the most gentle hair coloring technique - highlighting. To date, she has received many variations that help girls transform without damaging their natural attractiveness. Among these techniques is shatush. This is a relatively new method of coloring, which is based on classic highlighting, but with certain nuances. About them - further.

A little preface

Highlighting attempts were made back in the 60s of the last century in Great Britain. The same actions were tried to be carried out in the 80s. But shatush received its development after 2000 thanks to the current creator of one of the most influential brands in the world of beauty and hairdressing, Aldo Coppola.

This development process allowed the shatush to get his own unique technique of painting and color matching. The first to try it were, of course, the stars: Jennifer Aniston, Gisele Bündchen, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and others.

What effect does shatush give?

Shatush hair is chosen for a number of its clear advantages that it has. The most obvious change should include a fresher and younger appearance of the owner of such a painting. Flowing iridescent colors of curls make the appearance light, perky and playful. Such painting looks expensive and spectacular.

French highlighting, also called shatush, is a technique of coloring the ends of the hair in lighter tones that smoothly turn into dark at the roots. Such a transition does not have clear boundaries, the color stretches along the entire length of the hair and creates the most natural effect of sun-bleached hair. And who can look more natural and fresher than a girl who has just rested on the sea?

Thanks to the glare of light that plays on different shades of strands, the hair has a healthy shine, looks more well-groomed. Shatush is a coloring that looks spectacular on even haircuts, and in curls, and even in everyday light mess.

Features of the staining procedure

Shatush hair coloring is distinguished by its principle of applying paint. This process takes place in the "free hand technique", that is, without the use of additional tools and means. You don't even need foil.

Paint or brightener is applied with a regular coloring brush. Before that, the hair is divided into thin strands and combed from the roots. This will create an "air cushion" that will prevent excessive staining of the curl. Thus, the paint will affect only individual upper hairs, which will provide an imperceptible color transition. How can you separate the hair when shatush dyeing is performed, the photo below will tell you.

As you can see, the tips of the hair are more abundantly stained, and closer to the roots, the paint is stretched in thin stripes. Sometimes a single strand is dyed in a V-shape.

At the same time, negligence in the performance of actions does not have a negative impact on the result. The lighter and more chaotic the shade is applied, the more natural the hairstyle will look. Therefore, shatush hair is easy to perform at home. Difficulties may arise at the stage of selecting a shade. Here, alas, one cannot do without the advice of a specialist in order to avoid unexpectedly deplorable consequences.

What the shatush looks like before and after all the stages of painting can be seen in the photo below.

How to choose a color for staining?

Painting is done as close as possible to the original shades. The color should differ by a maximum of 4 tones. Naturally, a bright and rich palette will not work. The best solution would be: light brown and its shades, wheat, caramel, coffee, chocolate, amber or blond.

It is worth remembering that it is difficult (and not necessary) to achieve too light strands from natural black hair. It is better for brunettes to give preference to coffee, chestnut shades, which will emphasize the haircut well and will look harmonious. In addition, after painting, you can use tinting agents that will make the color even warmer.

Brightener and lighter scales can be used to decorate light brown, wheaten hair. On them, the shatush will look as impressive as possible.

Blond hair coloring

Despite the fact that shatush involves lightening hair, natural blondes and light blond girls can also use it. To do this, you will need to choose the right shade. For shatush on fair hair, it is recommended to use the following colors:

  • ashen;
  • pearl;
  • light beige;
  • caramel;
  • walnut;
  • golden;
  • wheat.

In addition, you need to take into account the color of the skin. Girls with fair skin will suit "cold" shades, for example, ashy. Girls with darker skin prefer to choose colors close to gold.

Of course, this procedure is easier to carry out on unpainted hair. Another thing - on discolored. Sometimes at the same time they leave the light ends intact and work on coloring the main part of the hair. But this option is not suitable if the tips look faded and lifeless. In this case, it is better to pre-align the color of all hair in one of the natural shades, and then do the shatush.

Many girls strive to get an ashy shade of hair. Therefore, it is important to recall that this is perhaps the most difficult coloring option, although one of the most beautiful. Ash color is very unpredictable and depends on the original shade and stains. Often it "turns" into a dull gray or even greenish as a result. Therefore, to obtain an ashy shade, you need to analyze the situation with a specialist.

Shatush on dark hair

Shatush on dark hair is done much more often than on light hair. This is because the dark shade "sins" in that it ages its owner a little. And lately, many girls have resorted to this particular technique. She only rejuvenates, but also significantly refreshes her appearance. For brunettes, the effect of burnt hair is obtained easily and gives a colossal result in the form of a light mysterious image.

In the case of brunettes, there is a nuance - the hair will have to be lightened first. Therefore, such a procedure (as well as the further selection of paint and the implementation of the gradient) is best left to a professional. The oxidizing agent is chosen according to this principle - the thinner and lighter the hair, the less percent oxide (3) contains, the thicker, darker and harder - the stronger the oxide (9-12%).

Shatush Disadvantages

Shatush is one of the most gentle staining methods. It has a minimum number of disadvantages:

  • not suitable for short hair (there is no way to fully stretch the color);
  • gray hair of more than 30% will prevent you from making the right color transition (initially you will need to dye your hair along the entire length in a darker shade, and only then make a shatush);
  • any dyeing will make very damaged hair and split ends more noticeable (first you need to carry out procedures to restore the hair structure or cut off the damaged ends).

Advantages of technology

Shatush has many more advantages:

  • suitable for both fair-haired girls and brunettes;
  • any length of hair (except very short);
  • suitable for people with hypersensitivity of the scalp, as the paint does not affect these areas;
  • practically does not harm the hair, since the minimum amount of them is dyed;
  • helps to correct the consequences of unsuccessful painting;
  • for a long time does not require corrections, for example, tinting the roots;
  • rejuvenates and refreshes the appearance;
  • creates additional visual volume of hair, gives them shine, shimmers in the sun.

Shatush at home

Those who have a "hand full" can be stained at home. This will not require a lot of effort, time and paint (one package will be enough, since only the tips are actually painted). You will need a brush to work with, a comb that is convenient for bouffanting, a towel (or cape on your shoulders), shampoo for colored hair and a balm (mask).

Before the procedure, it is advisable not to wash the hair so that the paint does not spoil the hair so much. The paint itself is recommended to be chosen without ammonia (it spares the hair, but it is also washed off faster). If the pigment is dark, then you can not do without clarifiers. If necessary, you can use a tonic after the main procedure (for example, to remove the yellowness of the hair).

Having carefully covered your shoulders (dyed hair will lie on them), you can get to work. First, we divide the hair into several sections. Starting from the roots, you need to comb them - the stronger the pile, the thinner and easier the strands will be colored. The application of paint can be started from the ends, smoothly adding dyed lines to them along the entire length (without affecting the roots!). Having processed all the strands in this way, leave the paint for 20-25 minutes.

After that, it should be washed off well with shampoo. It is important to make sure that there is no paint left. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will continue to act on the hair. To restore the structure of dyed hair, after washing, you can apply a nourishing mask. It should not contain oils, as with them the color will not last long.

Hair stylists who work with coloring recommend freshening up the ends or getting a new haircut before doing a haircut. The photo below shows how impressive and fresh the painting looks on freshly cut hair. In salons, after the procedure, styling is usually done that emphasizes the effect, for example, Hollywood curls are curled (the strands dyed using the shatush technique “play” even better in them).

Shatush hair: photo before and after

You can read about something for a long time, or you can look - and immediately understand what is at stake. So it is with the description of the effect that gives shatush. The photo below shows what a dramatic change has occurred with the hairstyle thanks to this technique. Lifeless, unnatural shade of hair with regrown dark roots "before" looked old-fashioned and untidy. Here, hair was dyed from the roots with a color close to natural (warm shade), which smoothly turns into a lightened blond. Thanks to this, the hairstyle has a visual additional volume at the roots and looks well-groomed, stylish and modern.

The next photo is a slightly different story. Natural brown hair with a golden sheen looked unkempt and uninteresting. They became more spectacular after applying the shatush technique. Dark blond smoothly turns into "milk chocolate" and ends with light "caramel" tips. In addition, the haircut was refreshed, which in combination gave a stunningly warm, playful and eye-catching effect.

Not so long ago, another highlighting technique won the hearts of modern fashionistas - coloring shatush. This coloring technology allows you to achieve a smooth, natural, spectacular transition on the hair. Despite its popularity, the shatush technique remains one of the most difficult to perform. Therefore, it is best to carry out this coloring in the salon, where professionals work - masters of their craft and high-quality dyes are used.

It is not easy to keep your hair healthy and shiny if you have to dye it regularly as needed and for aesthetic reasons. And what do you order to do for those who show gray hair or someone is not at all satisfied with the hair color given by nature? Then how to be? How to dye your hair and at the same time cause them minor damage?

Just the same sparing can be the best way out of this situation. The thing is that with this dyeing technique, small strands of hair are taken and the paint is applied, depending on the wishes of the client, only to certain areas. Most often, hair is lightened, but if the hair is gray, then two colors are used: one imitates the natural tone of the hair (roots), the other is already superimposed on the remaining length of the hair and tips. As a rule, in most cases, clarification is selected. The borders of the coloring composition lubricates the pile of strands. When painting in one, two, three colors in the salon, a cap and foil are not used. When dyeing shatush at home in two colors, foil is required - this is necessary so that the strands are painted evenly.

The use of professional dyes significantly reduces the risk of negative effects on the hair follicle and the hair structure itself. But for prevention, it will not be superfluous to use moisturizing masks, balms and hair lotions for 10 days after dyeing.

It must be remembered that it is not written on the package, most coloring agents contain ammonia, depending on the company, only its percentage varies.

Shatush coloring technology makes it possible to color hair no more than once every two months. After this period, a correction is made and, if necessary, the hair roots are tinted with the main ton or burnt strands are tinted, which significantly reduces the risk of hair damage.

Unlike classic highlighting for the procedure coloring shatush it takes less time, which is important for those who are limited in time.

Having decided on the transformation using the shatush technique, consider in detail what you want to get in the end. The transition from dark roots to lightened tips will give the image lightness. Dark roots will add the color the depth it needs, and clarified ends of the strand will add volume to the hair. This combination is called the effect of burnt hair.

Shatush coloring - preparation for coloring

As with any hair coloring, the shatush procedure should be prepared in advance, preferably three weeks before dyeing. Regular moisturizing and nourishing hair masks will make the hair structure denser. Like any other coloring, the shatush procedure is best done on dirty hair. These precautions are necessary in order to minimize the negative effects of oxidizers and brighteners. Since even at first glance the most harmless paints have a destructive effect on the hair and scalp.

Note: Do not apply styling to your hair before dyeing.

Do not forget, of course, that modern hair straighteners are innovative than decades ago, but the skin's reaction to dyes and brighteners can be ambiguous. So before applying the coloring composition to the hair and scalp, it is worth doing an allergic reaction test.

Shatush - staining technology

The shatush procedure can be carried out in several ways.

The first method: classic hair dyeing.

Using this method, the master divides the hair into small strands, no more than 1 cm wide and combs them (basic bouffant), thereby creating a “color stretch”.

Then the master applies a bleaching composition to the pile, and after dyeing, at the request of the client, dyes the hair in the main tone.

The second method: classic coloring without fleece.

Using experience and modern technologies, the master can do the procedure for dyeing shatush without fleece. That is, the master creates a shading of color, using a thoroughly verified technique for applying the coloring composition. This process is somewhat reminiscent of the classic version of highlighting, only without the use of foil.

The third method is coloring at home.

Hair is divided into a vertical parting. The upper part of the hair is fixed with clips, braids about 7-10 cm long are woven from loose strands. The length of the braid depends on the desired result. Pigtails are fixed with elastic bands, and a coloring composition is applied to loose tails with wide strokes. Then the dyed hair is wrapped in foil and aged for 35 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the composition is washed off and, if desired, dyed hair is tinted.

When coloring, the master dilutes the clarifying composition individually for each client, taking into account the structure of the hair and the desired result.
Shatush technology can be used from 1 to 4-5 tones. As a result of dyeing, the color of burnt hair or a spectacular, contrasting highlight of the lock should appear. Before staining, it is imperative to decide with the master in what order the alternation of strands will occur: dark and light.

The clarifying composition is aged depending on the desired result and the structure of the hair. The staining time varies from 10 to 30 minutes, after which the brightening composition is washed off.

For coloring shatush, in addition to the coloring composition, tinting agents are also used: balms, shampoos.

Most popular shades:

  • pearl;
  • walnut;
  • ashy (the most sought after);
  • beige;
  • wheat;
  • golden.

The entire coloring procedure takes from 40 minutes (short hair) to 90 minutes (long hair). It is also worth considering - the duration of staining depends on the amount of application of tones.

Who is suitable for coloring shatush

As a rule, shatush coloring is primarily used to lighten hair and therefore it looks most advantageous directly on dark hair. But such a staining procedure using bright colors looks no less amazing.

Using bright colors in coloring, it should be borne in mind that everything is good in moderation. It is not necessary to arrange a “riot of flowers” ​​on your head.

Shatush looks beautiful both on blond hair and on blond hair. The only thing is that on blond hair, the coloring will be weakly expressed, if not barely noticeable. After the shatush procedure, light curls will need to be toned to create visible borders.

Shatush is especially suitable for thin and weakened hair, since after dyeing and styling, the hairstyle visually looks more voluminous. If your hair is too weak, then it may be worth taking care of hair restoration first, for example, using a procedure or doing it.

If you have gray hair, then shatush coloring will perfectly hide these age-related changes and give you lightness, allowing you to look much younger than your years.

Stars and Shatush

Hollywood film stars were the first to discover shatush coloring: Nicole Ricci, Jessica Parker, Cara Delavigne, Riana, Jennifer Lopez.

A professional team of stylists is constantly working on the images of film stars, and they know not only a lot about fashion, but also what will best emphasize the dignity of their clients.

Recently, a “star boom” has begun to color the shatush. Most TV divas with long hair individually select for themselves one or another shatush coloring technique.

Drew Barrymore also could not get past the trendy coloring and changed her image.

Shatush at home

Many women are ardent followers of Hollywood stars and, inspired by their transformation, decide to radically change their image by choosing shatush coloring for themselves. However, professional stylists do not recommend doing this procedure at home, insisting on visiting the salon. But, if you are a creative person with experience in coloring, then you are quite capable of mastering and applying the shatush technique.

You will need:

  • coloring composition (two or three tones);
  • tinting balm (at the discretion);
  • tassel;
  • comb;
  • a bowl for diluting paint;
  • gloves.

As I wrote earlier, the paint for coloring should be of high quality and it is best to opt for trusted companies recommended by stylists. First you need to decide on the main tone - the base. Then auxiliary tones are selected for it - their number depends on personal wishes.

  1. First, apply the main tone to all hair and soak for 30-40 minutes, rinse, dry.
  2. Using a fine-toothed comb, separate your hair into small sections no more than 1 cm wide and no more than 5 cm long.
  3. Comb a strand at the roots of the hair, starting to wield a comb from the middle of the strand and combing to the bottom - a basal bouffant.
  4. Then apply a light tone to the hair with wide strokes. Don't try to color all your hair. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse off.
  5. You can color your hair if you like. To do this, add one teaspoon of tinting agent to 1 liter of water, mix well and rinse your hair with a tinting composition.

If everything is done correctly, then the result obtained at home will not differ from salon staining.

Even if you didn’t succeed in mastering the coloring of shatush the first time, don’t be discouraged, try again and you will definitely succeed. The main thing is to have a desire to learn!

Modern staining methods involve the play of color, the use of various shades. Solid coloring, creating a “wig effect” has already gone into oblivion. At the moment, there are many techniques for complex, three-dimensional coloring - these are balayage, bronding, ombre and shatush.

Shatush coloring

Shatush is a gentle coloring, since with this method of hair coloring, only some strands are involved, and paint is not applied to the hair roots at all. In fact, shatush is a more modern and natural type of highlighting.

Coloring shatush gives the impression that you have been to the sea, and your hair is burned out under the influence of sunlight. With the help of a shatush, highlights are created on the hair and the color is stretched, thanks to which the hair looks very natural, additional volume is visually created.

Who is suitable for coloring shatush?

First of all, shatush is suitable for owners of thin hair who lack volume, the play of color and highlights will transform the hair and visually increase its volume.

If we talk about gray hair, then dyeing shatush will be able to cope with gray hair, only if it has affected a maximum of 30% of the hair. Otherwise, gray hair will not be painted over.

If you have a short haircut, for example, a pixie, then it makes no sense for you to do a shatush, this coloring is done on longer hair. For a shatush, you should have at least a square, not shorter.

Coloring shatush on dark hair

When dyeing shatush on dark hair, a lot depends on how correct the shade will be. So that the hair after dyeing does not look a la highlighting from the nineties, you need to choose shades that differ from the main hair color by 2-3 tones.

On dark hair, honey, nutty, ashy, copper tones will look great. The right choice of color and good hands of the master will make the hair color more noble. Many star brunettes - Mila Kunis, Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie - resort to this technique, and their hair looks chic, and at the same time natural.

Coloring shatush on blond hair

It is better to choose warm shades - it is wheat, golden, amber. With the help of these colors, it turns out to achieve sun-bleached curls. The owner of the perfect blonde color - iridescent, lively, natural - is Victoria's Secrets angel, model Candice Swanepoel. Coloring where no clear transition line is visible, where each shade flows very smoothly from the other, and is the correct shatush.

Shatush coloring technique.

Shatush - is a complex coloring that requires a high level of skill and experience in this matter. Only professional hairdressers-colorists can perform shatush at a decent level. Therefore, turning to the question of whether it is possible to make shatush at home, we can say that it is extremely difficult.

Yes, and it’s difficult to save here, because to get a good result, you need high-quality professional hair dyes that will cost a pretty penny, and you will need to buy several shades.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity, it is better to go to the salon, but if your soul requires creativity and you are confident in your own abilities, then you can experiment.

The classic shatush is done as follows. At the beginning, the necessary shades of dyes are selected, before dyeing it is better not to wash your head for 2-3 days. All hair must be combed well, and only then, it applies paint with chaotic brush strokes, retreating from the hair roots by several centimeters (usually 4-5). You can see the technique of coloring shatush in the video below. Foil, when staining, is not used.

The paint can withstand the required amount of time, an average of 20-30 minutes, but this is individual. If the hair is dark, then they can be tinted later to make the highlights more natural.

Shatush can be done without fleece, applying paint to very thin strands, but this method requires a high level of skill, and I do not advise trying this option at home.

Shatush coloring photo

Advantages of coloring shatush

Shatush has been so popular over the past few seasons for a reason, it has a lot of advantages:

  • Does not harm hair as much as classic coloring;
  • Long-term result - hair after dyeing will look good for at least 3 months;
  • Supports the trend for naturalness and naturalness;
  • Visually increases hair volume

Care after staining shatush

Although shatush is the least harmful hair coloring, it still damages the health of the hair. Since individual strands are highlighted, and, as a rule, the ends of the hair are dyed in a lighter color.

Hair becomes more brittle and brittle, and bleached ends are more prone to splitting. To prevent the consequences of staining, choose the right care. It is recommended to use products intended directly for colored hair, which will help not only improve the condition of the hair, but also keep their color for a longer time.

Also make hair masks at least once a week, and pay special attention to the ends of the hair. Apply special oils that will nourish the ends of the hair and prevent split ends.