Remove kidney stones folk remedies. Urate kidney stones. Medicinal compositions with honey

The main problem that anyone who wants to remove stones from the kidneys faces is the choice of method, because it can be painful, but effective, or vice versa, not very helpful in getting rid of stones, but not causing discomfort. Therefore, the removal of kidney stones is so interesting to people.

As a doctor, I am well aware of how difficult it is to decide on this procedure, especially when you do not know all the features or.

In this article, I will present the most effective ways the withdrawal of stones, the results of which I have personally seen in my patients and the effectiveness of which has been proven empirically.

Alternative methods can not always help with the removal of stones from the kidneys, so if you have stones from 5 mm, think about drugs or surgical treatment.

How do kidney stones appear?

Kidney and bladder stones are a common condition that causes urinary stones to form in the kidneys and urinary tract (bladder and ureter). The disease affects people of all ages, but especially between 20 and 50 years.

The main cause of the disease is a metabolic disorder in the body, especially water-salt, and a change in the chemical composition of the blood. As a result of this, conditions are created for the precipitation of salts contained in the urine into crystals, which give rise to the formation of stones.

The development of the disease can be facilitated by an excess salt content in drinking water, a hot climate that affects sweating, the composition of food during prolonged use (vegetable-milk or meat), changing the chemical composition of urine.

The number and size of the formed stones can be very large. Sometimes accumulations of small stones or sand in the renal pelvis or ureter can result in a more important violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney than the formation of large stones in it. Therefore, the removal of stones from the kidneys may be a secondary task, and in the beginning it will be necessary to eradicate the cause of their occurrence.

Most frequent sign urolithiasis - pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the groin and genitals, sometimes they are very strong and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting (renal colic). As a result of wounding the mucous membrane of the urinary tract with stones, blood may appear in the urine.

Bladder stones cause frequent and painful urination. Urine becomes cloudy, thick, fetid. Sometimes stones block the ureter complete cessation separation of urine for several days, which is dangerous complication, which can lead to self-poisoning of the body. Stones and sand can spontaneously come out with urine.

Such stones should be shown to the doctor, since, depending on their chemical composition, he will prescribe the appropriate diet. Only then can stones be removed from the kidneys. Depending on the chemical composition of the salts that form urinary stones, they are divided into urates (stones from uric acid), oxalates (stones from lime oxalate), phosphates (stones from calcium phosphate) and carbonates (stones from calcium carbonate).

Diagnosis of the nature of the disease is performed by a doctor on the basis of a study of analyzes and an X-ray examination, and treatment should be carried out under his supervision.

IN home conditions patients with urolithiasis must follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, which slows down the formation and growth of stones in the kidneys, bladder and ureter, and also apply possible measures to facilitate their natural excretion in the urine, mainly diuretics and painkillers.

Patients with urolithiasis are not recommended to eat fats, meat, especially liver, kidneys, veal, as well as those parts of the carcass that contain a lot of sticky substances - heads, legs. They do not benefit from lettuce, sorrel, spinach. You can not consume anything exciting - alcoholic beverages, spices.

But dairy products are recommended (yogurt, whey), milk porridge, different root crops and fruits, especially lemons. Plentiful drinking is useful - tea with lemon, mineral water (on the recommendation of a doctor), hot tea, water with salt. You need to move more, as this contributes to the removal of stones. However, severe exercise stress Not recommended.

In general, it must be said that the processes of formation of stones in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and the bladder have so much in common that almost always a treatment for one of these four organs can be applied to the others.

That is, the removal of stones from the kidneys will not differ depending on the types of stones. (But there are exceptions to this rule)

Pain with kidney stones

Therefore, in the treatment of urolithiasis, some of the recipes and tips given in the description of gallstone disease may well be acceptable for removing stones from the kidneys and bladder.

Sudden acute attacks of renal colic occurring in the owners of kidney stones require first aid at home before the arrival of a doctor who must be called immediately. Renal colic is characterized by the sudden onset of severe pain in the lumbar region, radiating to groin, genitals and thigh.

The pains are extremely harsh character, their strength does not change from a change in the position of the patient's body. Pain is often accompanied by pain during urination, increased urination, change in color of urine. As a first aid for pain relief, heating pads to the lower back and general warm baths help well.

However, it must be remembered that such attacks of pain can also be observed in acute inflammatory diseases of the organs. abdominal cavity under which such activities are absolutely contraindicated. Methods for the treatment of renal colic can only be chosen by a doctor.

Treatment of an attack of renal colic

Stones larger than 5 mm, when exiting with the urine stream, can clog the lumen of the ureter. Such a serious complication of urolithiasis as renal colic develops. Intense pain that occurs with colic is relieved with the help of drugs that relax the smooth muscles, including the walls of the ureter.

You can also place the patient in a warm bath or apply a warm heating pad to the lumbar region on the pain side. Must be called ambulance, since the introduction of conventional painkillers, as a rule, is not effective. With renal colic, hospitalization is necessary.

For the treatment of urolithiasis, you can apply the following traditional medicine recipes (All detailed folk recipes can be found in a separate article):

  1. Decoction of flax seeds. Crush 1 cup of flax seeds and mix it with 3 cups of fresh milk, boil. When the volume is equal to one glass, remove from heat and strain. Take 1 tbsp. daily for 5 days. While taking this remedy, you must adhere to a certain diet: you should definitely exclude spicy and fried foods. Reception of this remedy may be accompanied by pain syndromes, tk. there is a crushing of stones and their transformation into sand and passing through the channels. When this process is over, the pain will disappear.
  2. Knotweed herb infusion (highlander bird) for kidney and bladder stones: 3 tsp. fresh herb knotweed (highlander bird) pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 4 hours, wrapped warm cloth, then strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. a day before meals.
  3. Infusion of horse sorrel seeds. Pour 10 tsp. horse sorrel seed powder 0.5 l Cahors, insist 5 days. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Recipe for dissolving and removing stones in nephrolithiasis: Pour 1/2 cup of dry celandine grass with 3 liters of fresh whey. Cover the jar with gauze and put in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink 1/3 cup a day for 30 minutes. before meals. If there is no exacerbation, you can drink 1/2 cup.

This remedy is suitable for removing stones from the kidneys and liver.

Scroll a glass of hemp seeds in a meat grinder, add 3 cups of unboiled milk, put on a small fire and boil down to 200 ml. Remove from heat and strain immediately. Take on an empty stomach 1 glass a day for 5 days. Then rest for 10 days and repeat the treatment again. At the same time, keep in mind that you can not eat spicy. During treatment, there may be sharp pains but must be endured. A year later, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Natural juices will help in crushing stones and dissolving sand within a few days.

  • Radish juice for kidney stones. Fresh radish juice is drunk in May, when fresh radishes appear. Juice is squeezed out of radish with a juicer, or radish is grated and juice is squeezed out with gauze folded several times. Apply juice for 1 tbsp. 3 p. in a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Lemon juice for kidney stones. Drink several times a day the juice of one lemon diluted with half a glass hot water.
    You can drink carrot-beetroot juice: mix two parts of carrot juice with 1 part of beetroot juice. Drink half a glass of this cocktail 3-4 times a day.
  • An infusion of dill seeds will help relieve pain in the bladder: 1 tbsp. dill seeds pour a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Take 2-4 tbsp. l. infusion 5-6 times a day.
  • Shilajit promotes the destruction of stones. Stir 1 g of mummy in 1 liter of boiled water until completely dissolved. Take before meals 1 tbsp. 3 p. per day for 10 days. Then take a break for 5 days. Repeat the course 3-4 times.
  • Treatment of urolithiasis with birch buds. 10 gr. dry crushed birch buds pour a glass of hot water, cook for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. birch buds 300 ml of boiling water, close, cook in a water bath for a minute, then leave for 3 hours. Don't express. You need to drink the whole broth in the first and early second half of the day. Do not drink at night, as the remedy can disrupt sleep.

Traditional healers offer another way to remove stones from the kidneys.

Carrot, Beetroot, and Cucumber Juice Cocktail: Take 1 part of each juice and mix. Drink 1 glass of the resulting cocktail in the morning on an empty stomach all summer long.

In autumn and spring, replace the cocktail with this mixture: pass 0.5 kg of parsley and 1 lemon through a meat grinder, add 200 g of honey. Eat this delicious concoction in 1 tbsp. spoon 3 p. a day before meals. The course is 2 months in spring and autumn. Drink like this for 2 years. In the first year, the stones are crushed, which can be confirmed by ultrasound, and in next year- are painlessly removed.

With the formation of urates in the kidneys, it is necessary to adhere to a dairy-vegetarian diet, as well as exclude fried or stewed meat, spicy cheese, smoked meats, strong tea, beans, peppers, mustard from the diet.

Conversely, if the body is prone to the formation of phosphates, focus your diet mainly on meat dishes, and dairy-vegetarian food should be excluded.

Preparations for the removal of stones from the kidneys

Medicines are used in cases where the size of the stone does not exceed 5 mm. With the help of medical treatment, the stone becomes softer and more fragile, breaks up into smaller particles and is excreted during urination.

View medicinal product depends on the chemical composition of the stone. Along with medication prescribed medical nutrition, which contributes to the destruction and removal of stones, and also prevents the formation of new ones.

With phosphate stones (consisting of salts phosphoric acid) use diuretics and acidic mineral waters of Truskavets, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk. In nutrition, fruits, eggs, vegetables and dairy products are limited. Sometimes medications used to treat gout are used.

When (consisting of oxalic acid salts), diuretics, drugs that inhibit the growth of oxalate stones, and acidic mineral waters are prescribed for withdrawal. Foods rich in vitamin C are excluded from the diet: bell peppers, figs, cabbage, citrus fruits, black currants, etc. It is necessary to limit the intake of meat broths, potatoes, beans, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and tomatoes.

When (consisting of salts of uric acid), drugs are used that normalize the metabolism of uric acid, diuretics, alkaline mineral waters of Borjomi, Essentuki, Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk. Meat broths, fatty and fried meat, offal, chocolate, cocoa and alcohol are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to take more vegetables, grapes, cherries, currants and apples.

With cystine (protein) stones, drugs are prescribed that support the alkaline reaction of urine and diet food as with urate stones. Mixed stones do not lend themselves well drug treatment Therefore, the main method of removing such stones today is lithotripsy.

With urolithiasis, you need to take at least 2 liters of fluid daily. The appointment of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs also occurs in urolithiasis. They are prescribed to prevent the development of infectious complications from the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis). indications for prescribing and active drug determined by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

You should not prescribe any drug to yourself, it is better to ask me directly in the question-answer section or in the comments.

How to remove kidney stones at home?

Essential oils are the most important solvents. Essential oils are volatile, which means they dissolve well. Due to the fact that essential oils are insoluble in water, they tend to accumulate on any surface.

For example, on the surface of stones in various organs, with the subsequent dissolution of these stones. What is very important, essential oils are excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, causing a beneficial diuretic effect. Thus, essential oils are just what you need to cleanse your kidneys!

The most convenient substance containing essential oils is fir oil. It is very efficient and very affordable.

Buy at the pharmacy any diuretic of plant origin (“Diuretic collection”, lingonberry leaf, birch buds, etc.). Drink a diuretic for a week, and then add 5 drops of 2.5% to it fir oil. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

On the 3-4th day of using fir oil, turbidity should appear in the urine. This means that the deposits in the kidneys have begun to dissolve. Here it is necessary to take some additional measures. The kidney stones began to turn into sand. To make these small particles of harmful deposits more easily come off and be removed, it is very useful to go jogging for several days or just jump at home.

Ask clarifying questions in the comments if something is not clear or needs clarification.

After that, you should have sand in your urine. If suddenly you feel pain in the kidneys, then most likely this indicates that enough big Stone began to move through the ureters.

In this case, you need to take a hot bath, which will help expand the urinary tract. The whole procedure, including the intake of diuretic and fir oil, usually takes 2 weeks, but if the sand in the urine does not disappear, then the duration of the procedure can be increased.

In medical practice, the drug "Pinabin" is used, which is a 50% solution essential oil spruce or pine needles. Its action is similar to that of fir oil. During the ripening season of watermelons, watermelon can be used to achieve a diuretic effect.

If you feel that your kidneys are heavily polluted, then with a break of 1-2 weeks, the cleaning can be repeated. Then 1 time per year.

Diet after removing kidney stones

And yet, before the operation, no matter how modern and good it may be, it is better not to bring the situation up. And this is where prevention can help. Without preventive measures within 5 years, in half of the patients who got rid of the stones, they form again.

The main component of prevention should be diet and special drinking regimen. People who have been diagnosed with or have had kidney stones removed need to drink more than 2 liters of water daily: on an empty stomach, after meals, between meals, before bed.

It is desirable that part of the liquid is taken in the form cranberry juice, which has a strong diuretic effect. If you drink tap water, be sure to buy a water filter and drink only filtered water. The more the patient drinks, the more likely it is that the sand will leave the body on its own, without having time to form into stones.

The diet for KSD is aimed at reducing the concentration of stone-forming substances in the urine, which, in turn, helps to stop the growth of small stones and can even lead to the dissolution of large ones. The principles of the diet depend on the chemical composition of the stones.

So, you will have to limit the use of animal protein (especially in fried and smoked forms, as well as in the form of meat broths), legumes (beans, peas), chocolate, cocoa, coffee. It is recommended to consume approximately 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Avoid alcohol and spicy foods completely.

With calcium stones, it is necessary to limit the use of lactic acid products, cheese, lettuce, sorrel, carrots, black currants, strawberries, coffee, black tea, cocoa.

But the amount of other vegetables and fruits should be maximized: eating foods rich in fiber has a positive effect on the state of metabolism. Vitamin C will have to be handled as carefully as possible: it can be eaten no more than 4 grams per day. Higher doses promote stone formation.

With phosphate stones, you need to limit the use of all dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. But it is useful to eat as much meat, fish, flour dishes as possible.

Doctors note that urolithiasis is often found in obese patients. Therefore, weight loss by reducing the caloric intake of the diet reduces the risk of disease. Another important component of prevention should be healthy lifestyle life.

Fitness and sports should become good habit patients with KSD, especially if their professions involve low physical activity. In addition, such patients should avoid emotional stress.

If you still have questions about removing kidney stones, ask them in the comments.

The only working course in Runet on removing kidney stones at home. The methods described in the manual have been successfully tested by the author on himself and on hundreds of the same sufferers from kidney stones. Amazing results have been obtained. In addition, the methods are in the best way prevention from stones and protect against urolithiasis forever.

How to remove kidney stones at home

The doctors are shocked! Removal of kidney stones without surgery became possible thanks to the course of A. Kirillovsky!

A practical guide for those who care about their own health and do not want to overpay doctors for expensive surgeries

Want to get rid of kidney stones quickly, easily and painlessly?

  • No to expensive pills and potions!
  • No dangerous and expensive surgery!
  • No multiple searches medicinal herbs and potions!
  • No to all kinds of electronic devices and devices!

Dear fellow sufferers. In 2010, while I was in the hospital preparing for surgery to remove a stone from my left kidney, I heard a heartbreaking story from a woman in Kazakhstan.

Margarita, that's her name, 15 years ago she fell ill with urolithiasis and then the stone was removed from her kidney for the first time. A year later, her stone grew again, and she again went to the operation. I began to constantly take pills from stones, collect folk recipes, drink herbs. However, all measures helped the woman a little, and she had to visit the operating room again and again.

Now she is disabled, she was left with one kidney, which fails and does not cope with its functions. Because of her kidneys, many concomitant diseases, among which kidney failure, gout, chronic pyelonephritis, angina pectoris, liver failure and many others.

The husband left the sick woman, her eyes were dull... At that time, she was in the hospital with three stones in one remaining kidney. The doctors did not know what to do, because there was no living space left on the kidney after all the operations and crushings.

You are deeply mistaken! Do you think that this story will not affect you? Kidney stones are found in about 500 out of 100,000 people. A huge number of people walk without even suspecting that they have huge calculi growing and only accidentally discover them during an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Kidney stones, if formed once, will grow again and again, this is a medical practice. If you do not treat urolithiasis, then the consequences are terrible, up to death.

Do you want such a stone to ruin your life?

Kidney stones lead to disease!

Stones will invariably grow and will have to be removed surgically, and advanced urolithiasis leads to diseases such as:

  • chronic pyelonephritis
  • chronic cystitis
  • chronic renal failure
  • urethritis
  • pyonephrosis
  • hydronephrosis
  • kidney removal
  • and many comorbidities

And if you have an operation, do you think you will get rid of problems? Either way, the problems will only get worse. Not only will the stones grow again, surgical intervention never passes without consequences and complications.

Are you an enemy to your health? Do you wish yourself eternal pain instead of enjoying life?

If you are familiar with this...

  • Pain and suffering from even a single stone stuck in the kidney
    This stone can be quite small - 4-5 millimeters. However, he brings such torment that even climb the wall. Unspeakable suffering from the fact that this pebble blocked the ureter - the path to the exit of urine. It is sharp, it scratches the mucous membrane of your ureter, but you are not up to it, you are rolling on the floor from terrible pain. The pains are such that you envy any pregnant woman, because the pain of childbirth is nothing compared to what you experience
  • Somehow you got on ultrasonography where you were found to have kidney stones and you don't know what to do about it now
  • You went to the ultrasound of the kidneys, the doctor said that you have a stone, which can be removed only with the help of an operation. You are in shock, because nothing bothered you before, and now nothing hurts. You do not want any operations, but what to do with this stone, with this foreign body?
  • The urologist tells you that you need to pay him 10, 20, 30 ... 100 thousand rubles for the operation, otherwise he will not do anything
  • You are confused. How is it, we have insurance medicine, all ordinary operations should be done free of charge! But the doctor is relentless, and you feverishly go over in your mind all the options where to get money for the doctor's operation. You do not want to pay bribes to doctors for the performance of their direct duties
  • You have already undergone any kind of kidney stone surgery (open surgery, lithotripsy, etc.), but you do not want to cripple yourself with surgery anymore

No one wants to get on the cold surface of the operating table ...

Now imagine...

  • Kidney stones are gone forever! Without the slightest pain! In just a few hours!
  • You can get a kidney ultrasound, go to the doctor's office and look into his shocked eyes.
  • You will spend money not on an expensive operation, but on buying, for example, a fur coat, a plasma TV, a new kitchen set, a set of premium winter tires, a plot of land within the city, or even a used car…
  • You will save yourself from postoperative complications, starting from permanent aching pains in the kidneys, ending medical errors, like, for example, my neighbor, who was infected with Hepatitis C during the operation
  • You will save your health, because you will have a secret tool that official medicine has not even heard of!
    You can get it!

I have turnkey solution. And not one, but three! I have prepared for you three most valuable recipes for removing kidney stones. And I'm ready to give them to you!

By following my step-by-step instructions, you will get rid of kidney stones easily, painlessly, using the most affordable means.


There are many official ways to remove kidney stones in the world, but traditional medicine cannot rid you of the ill-fated stone without the help of an operation!

You can get three unique ways removal of stones, which I personally tested on myself.

My history

My name is Alexander Kirillovsky. I started dealing with kidney problems and urolithiasis after I underwent surgery in 2010 to remove a stone from my left kidney. I remember these sensations when I constantly ached in the lumbar region. I didn't want to go to the doctor, I didn't have time.

I did not sleep at night, I could not stand, sit, lie down. Only painkillers helped, but I understood that they only give a temporary effect. When I finally got ready and visited the urologist's office, underwent an ultrasound scan, it turned out that there was a 1.6 cm stone in the left kidney - the culprit of my pains and troubles. With the results of the tests, I came to the doctor's office, who told me that the removal of the stone was possible only with the help of an operation.

I really wanted him to tell me - "It does not matter, the stone can simply be dissolved!" However, I did not expect such words from the urologist. I really wanted the doctor to tell me - "You can do without any operations, the stone can be broken into small pieces, which then come out with urine." However, I did not hear these words from the doctor. I heard only one thing - “In our hospital, only open operations are performed. We have a young surgeon who has just graduated from medical school. If there is a desire, he will try to perform such an operation for you ... for 10,000 rubles.

Shock - in other words, my state cannot be expressed. I have to give a young doctor a thumbs up for practicing on me!
I began to rummage on the Internet, I didn’t find anything useful, so I packed up and went to a larger city, where I found a hospital and I (for money, of course) had an operation to remove the stone through a small incision. In the hospital, I saw enough of both doctors and patients, listened to many stories, including the one at the top of this page. And when my operation was over, and the surgeon told me that he was waiting for me again (urolithiasis cannot be cured by stone removal), I decided that I would find ways to remove stones without doctors.

Do I need to tell you how many times I have had to grow stones in my kidneys over and over again? Needless to say, how many recipes of official and traditional medicine have I tried on myself? I think it's not worth it, otherwise it will take a very long time to do it. The task before me was to find means of how to remove stones, and any in their chemical composition. And the stones are phosphate, and urate, and oxalate, and mixed, etc.

And I found these! Three most effective means to remove kidney stones that exist today on the planet! Their uniqueness also lies in the fact that all these funds were tested by me on myself. And I can guarantee you with complete confidence that they remove stones with the ease that one can only dream of!
What is being offered to me?

These are three of the best recipes on the planet, each of which can rid you of kidney stones on their own, at home.

2 means I called "chemical". To prepare these funds, you will need to go to the nearest vegetable store and make a purchase there for a small amount. Then I give step-by-step instructions on how to properly prepare what you get at the grocery store and how to properly use the funds received.

1 recipe for removing kidney stones I called "physical". This method will require absolutely no cash spending. You just have to put in some physical effort. You will be simply shocked by its simplicity and at the same time extreme efficiency.

I'll reveal a secret. I have repeatedly tested these methods on myself, I was convinced of their effectiveness and now I am ready to give them to you. But only if you really need them, and are not going to shove them on the far shelf. After I tried these methods on myself and was convinced of their effectiveness, I gave them to other people suffering from kidney stones for testing. And I was not surprised when they began to receive grateful reviews.

What will you get with this guide

You will get rid of the hated kidney stones with any of three unique and surefire ways to remove kidney stones:

  1. American folk remedy

This tool will require only a couple of products located within your locality. Your task is only to go to the store for them.

How does this remedy work?

As soon as you start taking this remedy, its first ingredient will immediately begin its action on the stones, dissolving any mineral accumulations or hard deposits. The stones will begin to disintegrate and turn into an ordinary suspension that will come out with the urine.

Another ingredient contains a plant extract that will have a cleansing effect on the urinary system. Possessing a diuretic effect, it will drive urine along with the dissolved stone outward, leaving no chance to stay and catch at least some small grain of sand in the corners of the kidneys

The overall action of both ingredients, due to its exceptional successful combination, will have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect and will prevent bacteria from invading your urinary system

This means that kidney stones will pass without any pain, without any damage and without any danger of infection.

2. Russian folk remedy

My favorite way. It will require only one single product, located in the nearest vegetable store. You can choose any product from the proposed list according to your preferences.

Features of this method:

  • these products contain a special substance that can destroy kidney stones
    destruction with the help of these products is possible only with a special procedure for their intake

Those who do not want to bother with groceries can purchase the cheapest tablets containing the mentioned special substance at the pharmacy and take them according to a special scheme.

3. Physical way to remove kidney stones

This method is as simple as the previous two. Its only difference is that the stones come out with the help of special exercise in a matter of hours.

You only need to set aside a little time, stock up on some water and do a few exercises according to the methodology that is described in detail in the manual. The stones will pop out like pretty little ones, personally verified!

All three unique and right way removal of stones from the kidneys are provided with detailed instructions for action. Your stones will not stand a single chance!


It would be foolish not to give yourself a chance to get rid of the stones and not to try these remedies. A lot of people literally work for drugs and doctors to somehow get rid of the stones, but even after operations, the stones grow again and again. And again this problem fills life and does not give rest.

But that's not all!

In addition to these amazing techniques, I have prepared for you special offer. If you purchase my Guide right now, you will receive

Your special bonuses

Bonus 1. Other Stone Removal Methods

A few more ways to remove kidney stones that I have tested for effectiveness.

These recipes have gone through fire and water, tested on many people. Selected from the many ways described on the Internet as the best. Showed very good results in the dissolution of kidney stones.

Although the three main methods will be more than enough, I present these additional funds as the most successful of the many recipes.

Thus, you will have a fairly wide choice among the most powerful kidney stone removers.

Bonus 2. Ready recipe for cleansing the kidneys

It is not enough to remove stones, sand from the kidneys, it is also necessary to put your kidneys in order in order to protect yourself from the formation of stones and other diseases associated with the kidneys in the future.

In the guide you will find a ready-made recipe for effectively cleaning your kidneys using the most affordable means.

Compliance with these simple tips let you enjoy life without problems with stones. You only need to follow these tips and you will forget not only about stones, but also about other problems associated with the kidneys.

Thus, you will receive a complete guide to getting rid of stones, cleansing, and keeping your kidneys in absolute order. That's all you need for your kidneys!

What are your benefits of purchasing this guide?

  • Guaranteed to get rid of kidney stones without pain
  • The treatment is based entirely on natural ingredients and is completely safe for diabetics, pregnant women, the elderly, children and everyone else. Service prices modern medicine extremely expensive, so ignoring these methods is simply irresponsible. Compare prices for doctor services, stone operations and the price of this guide and see how much you save
  • You will get rid of the pain caused by stones! Finally, you can feel fresh and rejuvenated. You will be able to sleep well at night without being distracted by those terrible pains…
  • You do not need to take any chemicals in the form of tablets. Are you attracted to the prospect of swallowing handfuls of pills every day for the rest of your life?
  • You can get rid of kidney stones in just a few hours after you read this sentence to the end! It is quite possible that necessary components you already have at home and you just need to start taking them according to a special method
  • You will have a powerful weapon against stones - whenever stones dare to form in your kidneys, you will be able to deal with them at any time quickly and without anyone's help.

All of the kidney stone removers listed in this guide have important feature– they are the only real remedies that actually work.

I tested these tools on myself.

To do this, I had to grow stones in my kidneys several times. But the main result is - the most better ways guaranteeing the complete removal of stones from the kidneys. These methods are very simple and ingenious at the same time.

I did a very hard work - by trial and error at the cost of my own health, I went to achieve a result, until I discovered these first-class remedies. I compiled them into a single guide with step by step instructions.

You will get easy-to-use, absolutely affordable, and most importantly, guaranteed ways to remove kidney stones.

Your task is very simple - after payment, receive a file with a manual and immediately begin to apply the knowledge gained. How can I evaluate my efforts?

Your benefits

Let's forget about my merits, let's talk about your benefits.

How much would you pay for pills that supposedly dissolve kidney stones? Decent tablets cost from 500 rubles per pack.

How many tablets are needed to dissolve the stones, taking into account the fact that the course of treatment should be at least 3 months.

And where is the guarantee that the tablets will dissolve the stones? And where is the guarantee that these pills are real?

How much would you pay a doctor for an operation to remove kidney stones? The average price for a paid visit to a doctor is from 1000 rubles. This is just for one visit.

The operation of crushing stones costs from 30,000 rubles. And then, not very experienced doctors work for such a price. Doctors with experience and appropriate equipment are taken from 50,000 to infinity.

Think about how much money you will save on surgeries, pills, doctor visits. How much time and nerves will be saved!

Those 30,000 rubles that you could spend on the operation, you can spend, for example, on the purchase of a whole car, albeit a used one. With the money saved, you can buy a kitchen set, a beautiful modern TV, buy a laptop and much more.

You don't want to miss the opportunity to keep that money for yourself, do you?

A working technique that you can pass on to your children

First, it outlines really working ways to remove any stones from the kidneys (oxalates, urates, phosphates, etc.)

Secondly, you can apply them yourself, at home, in minutes.

Third, they cost less than any other stone removal methods.

Fourthly, these methods will work for you all your life, you will be able to pass them on to your children and grandchildren by inheritance.

Fifth, the remedies described are suitable for almost everyone, including pregnant women and diabetics.

Sixth, the manual contains other ways to remove stones, direct instructions for cleaning the kidneys and complete list useful tips for your kidneys.

The guide is available to you now. It lies side by side and is ready to instantly fall into your hands for a small symbolic payment.

What if these funds do not help me, will you return the money to me?

I have been writing this guide for over 3 years. I know that the methods described in it work. Because I have experienced them myself. Stones in my kidneys were removed as if by magic magic wand. It is a pity that I learned about these methods only now, and had no idea about them when I was preparing for an operation on the left kidney to remove the stone.

To confirm my correctness and confidence in the methods I described in the guide, I'm giving you a little time to try them out for yourself. After purchasing this guide, you can try the methods I have outlined for removing kidney stones for 30 days.

If you have tried each of my three methods exactly according to my instructions and none of the methods worked for you, you can send me an email and I will refund your money, no questions asked.

Expedited delivery of information for you, even if you order a guide at 3 am!

To finally dispel your fears, here are some more arguments:

  • The manual will be delivered to your e-mail in the electronic version after the payment is credited.
  • You will receive a 60-page step-by-step detailed instructions on all three methods of removing kidney stones and will be able to apply all methods immediately after receiving
  • You can easily pay for my guide in absolutely legal ways through official payment systems. It's as legal as buying a loaf of bread in the store!
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  • The guide is available as an e-book. After the payment is credited (it takes from 1 minute to several days), you will immediately receive an email with a link to download the manual (file size 10 Mb) to your email address (e-mail).


This course has a .pdf format and is available to run on computers with Windows, MAC (Macintosh) operating systems, as well as on iPads, tablets and computers with the Android operating system, etc., provided that readers of this format are installed. By purchasing this guide, You agree to these terms and waive any further claims in this regard.

Right now you have only two options to choose from.

  1. Nothing to do. Just to suffer further, not to sleep at night, tormented by lingering and tedious pains. In the end, someday it will end - you just can’t stand it and go to the doctor, pay any money, just to get rid of the stones and pain. If it is not too late, and the stones do not cause irreparable troubles. The surgeon will remove the stones for you, and after a while you will be back on the operating table, because kidney stones always reappear. But you don’t want such a development of the scenario, do you?
  2. Pick up my guide to guaranteed and quick removal kidney stones, and start acting on my step by step instructions to clear your kidney stones in hours easily, painlessly and safely. Your kidneys will be clean tomorrow morning(and maybe even earlier), and you will be protected from annoying stones forever.

I won't tell you which of these options will be right for you. the right choice. I will only add that today there are no analogues of my leadership. It seems to me that you are a reasonable person and have already made the right decision for yourself and your health. Let me congratulate you in advance on defeating your kidney stones with the help of my guide!

Alexander Kirillovsky

P.S. These tools are so simple that you will be surprised at it. Everything ingenious is simple - this expression is fully suitable for these methods. Unfortunately, these secrets were available to everyone, but for some reason these emeralds of knowledge were safely buried under a layer of information, worthless and useless. What a huge number of sites and portals about health issues tons of such recipes, often simply harmful. Who invents them?

However, now you will have a real treasure chest that you can use at any time. You no longer need to look for any information and, moreover, try unknown recipes for yourself. Order my guide right now, your close and dear people need you healthy.

P.P.S. I know that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, I give three highly effective stone removal methods. There is no chance for your stones to remain in your kidneys.

Pills do not so much cure as harm - the chemistry settles in the kidneys and in the liver, causing new diseases. Doctors, operations are insanely expensive. Operations are fraught with serious dangers and complications, ranging from the mistakes of a narcologist to sudden complications. All medical procedures are extremely painful and traumatic.

My guide to ridding you of kidney stones is the most environmentally friendly remedy of all. Not to mention that its cost is literally a penny in relation to the problem. Try today to enjoy a serene state without stones and pains.

P.P.P.S. I offer a complete and detailed step by step guide and I give a money-back guarantee if for some reason you could not get rid of kidney stones in 30 days. After some time, I plan to increase the value of my guide. If you are suffering from pain caused by kidney stones, do not delay. Take my guidance before the price goes up. It is safe, reliable and extremely useful.

They are a common pathology that can occur in different forms. The disease must be treated comprehensively. Very often, folk remedies are included in the therapy, which can significantly speed up the healing process and eliminate the main symptoms.

Urolithiasis is chronic disease accompanied by periods of exacerbations. The main cause of the appearance of pathology is considered a violation of material metabolism. This causes the accumulation of insoluble salts that form stones.

According to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, the presence of kidney stones belongs to the section "Kidney and ureter stones" with the code N20.

The development of urolithiasis can be triggered by various factors, which include:

  • monotonous diet;
  • poor quality water;
  • climatic conditions;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking medications;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • lack of vitamin D and A;
  • chronic diseases and anomalies in the development of the urinary system.

The reasons for the development of the violation may be different. It is very important to determine the factor contributing to the formation of stones. Therapy should be aimed at both the elimination of symptoms, as well as the removal of accumulations of salts. In its composition, folk remedies are often used. However, before using them, you should consult your doctor.

In addition to the use of certain medications, you will also need to take into account recommendations that will help you cope with the disease faster. The main ones include:

  1. consume more clean water. The main indicator that indicates a lack of fluid in the body is the color of urine, as a rule, it is dark yellow. It is necessary to try to drink as much liquid as possible so that the color is transparent.
  2. Constantly be on the move. It is necessary to walk at least 2-3 km daily. Movement contributes to the crushing of stones, as well as their removal.
  3. Consume no more than 2 grams of salt per day. Every day a person consumes salt with different dishes. If it is too much, the level of calcium in the urine rises, which leads to the formation of stones.
  4. Drink cranberry juice. Calcium salts are well excreted with the help of cranberry juice. It is enough to drink 500 ml per day.

It is necessary to select a folk remedy for removing stones from the kidneys based on what type they are. Let us consider in more detail the options for solving this problem.

How to remove oxalates

In cases where oxalate stones have been found in a patient, a special diet is required. It is very important to remove from the diet those dishes that may contain oxalic acid. Such products include:

  • strawberry;
  • parsley;
  • beet;
  • nuts;
  • spinach, etc.

There are also several recipes to help remove stones of this type. It is necessary to make sure that the drugs taken do not aggravate the condition of the body and consult a doctor. To the most effective methods removal of stones from the kidneys include:

  1. The watermelon diet, which must be followed for a week, is considered very effective tool for cleansing and "washing" the kidneys. The daily diet includes only watermelon and some black bread. As a rule, the peak of activity of the urinary system begins at night, so between 21-24 hours, you need to take a warm bath to eliminate muscle spasm and improve the patency of the urinary canals.
  2. Unlike urate stones, oxalate stones dissolve much more difficult, therefore, very often, various decoctions and herbal infusions are added to the main treatment complex. It is necessary to prepare 60 g of herbs such as St. John's wort, sage, oregano, lemon balm, knotweed. From the received collection, take 6 tbsp. l. and add 450 ml of boiling water. After the drink has cooled, it must be filtered and drunk 100 ml per day before each meal. The treatment lasts a week. Then it is extended for another two weeks, but at the same time, 5 drops of fir oil are added to the infusion.
  3. Another effective recipe considered honey with lemon juice. You need to squeeze 200 ml of juice from lemons and add 200 g of honey to it. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for about 30 minutes, after cooling, hide in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, before meals.
  4. In order for oxalate stones to be quickly removed from the kidneys, it is necessary that the kidneys are in intensive work. This process is facilitated by the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. A decoction of grapevine will be very useful. It is necessary to collect several branches in the spring, dry them and chop them. Then 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes over moderate heat. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.

Important! Such recipes are very good at helping to cope with the removal of stones from the kidneys, but they must be taken along with the main drugs.

How to remove phosphates

Phosphate formations accumulate in an environment with a high content of lye, so it should be neutralized with acid. Products such as cranberry and lingonberry juice help with this. Also, from the diet should be removed components such as:

  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • vegetables.

The main products should be lean meats and fish. Also, various proven recipes will help get rid of phosphates. The most effective include:

  1. Infusions from plants such as barberry, wild rose, knotweed and grapes. You will need to take 2 tbsp. l. any of the listed plant materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for half an hour and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  2. It copes well with impaired kidney function and a decoction of burdock root. It is necessary to pour 250 g of crushed burdock root into 4.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Next, the drink is infused for 8 hours, filtered and brought to a volume of 4 liters. You need to drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals or after. The course of treatment lasts from three to five weeks.
  3. The collection of avian knotweed, larkspur, violet, St. John's wort and dandelion root allows you to remove calculi. All components are mixed in the same amount, then 5 tbsp is taken from the mixture. l. and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take ½ cup 3 times a day for two weeks.
  4. Also, phosphate formations are well eliminated by the root of madder dye. 2 tsp are added to a container with 2 cups of boiling water. crushed raw materials and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day for two weeks.
  5. Collecting from plants such as stigmas of corn, birch leaves, the root of the snake mountaineer and harrow, juniper berries will also help to cope with the disease. For 200 ml of hot water we allocate 1 tbsp. l. collection, then boil for 20 minutes. Use 250 ml 3 times a day.

Important! Recipes are very effective and help for a short time cope with the pathology, if they are included in the main therapy.

How can you remove urates

In cases where urate stones are found, it will be necessary to refuse products such as coffee, chocolate, mushrooms, coffee and meat. The patient should eat more fruits and vegetables. The diet should include:

  • black currant;
  • turnip;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

Grape juice, strawberries, wild strawberries, lemons and rosehip broth will also be useful. The most effective will be the following recipes:

  1. Oat infusion. It is considered the most popular recipe that allows you to get rid of urates. It must be taken on an empty stomach. You will need to take 300 g of grains in the husk, put them in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Infuse overnight, then strain in the morning and consume the resulting slurry without any additives.
  2. Treatment can be carried out in another way. You will need to take highlander, currant leaves and strawberries in equal proportions. From the received collection 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain and drink 30 ml 40-60 minutes before meals.
  3. No less effective in the treatment of the disease is lemon juice. The acid that it contains alkalizes the urine and makes it possible to quickly dissolve deposits. It is necessary to squeeze 100 ml of juice from lemons and add 2 liters of water. The resulting drink is drunk during the day. The duration of treatment is a month.

Means help to quickly cope with the disease, if they are used correctly and consult a doctor before starting therapy.

What other means are there

Consider the tools that help remove different types of deposits, they are very simple and easy to prepare at home. The most effective ones are:

  1. Rosehip decoction. You will need to grind 2 tbsp. l. rosehip root and pour a glass of hot water. Boil for 15 minutes and leave for half an hour. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day for two weeks.
  2. Grated black radish with honey. One small vegetable is rubbed on a coarse grater and mixed with 3 tbsp. l. honey. Take a week for 1 tsp. before eating.
  3. Potentilla and rye juice helps to treat pathology. The mixture is combined in equal proportions and consumed 3 times a day, 15 ml each.
  4. Juices from lemon, cucumber and beets. They are mixed in equal proportions. From the resulting mixture, 4 tbsp. l. added to 200 ml of water and drunk 3 times a day for 15 days.
  5. It will also be useful carrot juice. One large carrot is rubbed on a coarse grater and poured with 450 ml of boiling water. Leave the resulting composition overnight, then drink 1 glass once a day. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.
  6. Positive results in the treatment gives a decoction of parsley. 20 g of crushed plant (together with the root), pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Take 15 ml 3 times a day.

More recipes are shown in this video.

Important! It is necessary to treat urolithiasis correctly, depending on the type of formations. Some of the prescriptions can only aggravate the patient's condition, so before using them, you will need to consult a doctor.

There are many reasons . When the question arises how to remove kidney stones at home. What can happen quite unexpectedly due to malnutrition, bad habits or as a result of the predominance in the diet of the patient certain products. Contributing to an increase in the accumulation of solid masses in the renal pelvis system.

Where it is also necessary to understand, apply home treatment urolithiasis should only be under medical supervision. And in no case hoping only for self-recovery.

This is extremely dangerous, since any folk recipes, compresses or taking warm baths should be used only as complementary techniques in conjunction with physiotherapy or medication courses.

As you know, carrots help not only replenish the human body essential vitamins. But it also contributes to the rapid dissolution of kidney stones if:

  1. Grate the carrots, then pour boiling water over it and leave it for a day to infuse. Before each reception of such an infusion, it should be warmed up. Take for one month.
  2. In the treatment of urolithiasis, not only the carrot root can be used, but also its seeds, which should be poured with a glass of boiling water before use. After preparing such a decoction, it is necessary to drink it warmed up only the next day.

You should not be afraid for your health, such recipes do not have side effects. In general, carrot juice is also considered an effective remedy for removing kidney stones. Especially if you use it for 6 months daily from 1 to 3 glasses.

apple peel for kidney stones

Few people know, especially among young people, that apple peel can be effectively used as a medicine for urolithiasis. To do this, apples must be peeled. Boil the resulting apple peels in hot water for 20 minutes.

Can be used dried or fresh. But before using it, it must be finely chopped or ground to a powder state, if the peel has already had time to dry properly.

A ready-made apple drink for preventive purposes helps to remove a kidney stone and stop the formation of sand in the kidneys. It will be useful if you drink such a drink throughout the course of kidney treatment. Every day and without fail.

As you know, the removal of a kidney stone is always very painful. In the sense that rough deposits can easily cause damage to the mucous membrane of the ureters and urethra. Accordingly, such an environment appears to be beneficial for the development of inflammatory processes.

On the basis that the exit of stones is not so painful, you can begin to treat urolithiasis with honey water. To do this, immediately after waking up, add 10–15 g of water to 250 ml of water. honey. You should drink on an empty stomach.

Treatment with such a mixture must be carried out for 6 months. If only sand has managed to form, then a 4-week period will be enough. To prepare a medicine for urolithiasis, it is better to prepare honey water from dark grade honey. It is these types of sweet nectar that have increased antibacterial properties and contribute to the speedy dissolution of the kidney stone.


It should be noted that if the doctor has already diagnosed urolithiasis, then it is possible that you will need to switch to special diet, take medicines strictly according to the prescription, including folk remedies.

Diet, prescribed medications and medications natural origin the doctor will certainly choose all these techniques, correlating them with the results obtained. That is, because of what composition of the stones the diagnostics will show.

That is why for each patient with urolithiasis it is necessary to select individual treatment. The only thing that a doctor can recommend to absolutely everyone who suffers from kidney stones is to drink more fluids to speed up the process of removing a kidney stone.

For example, you need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Excluding from the menu, products that increase the desire to drink more than they should. That is why salt should be reduced to a minimum, and fried and smoked foods should be completely excluded.

What to consider when following a diet during the treatment of kidney stones:

  • With oxalates, it is necessary to remove from your diet foods that increase oxalic acid in the human body.
  • If the reason for the formation of kidney stones was excessive calcium intake, then such products include dairy and meat products.
  • Phosphate kidney stones, the patient needs to eat more sour. What will help change the alkaline environment of urine to acidic.

Important! If you want to recover faster, having urolithiasis. Follow only medical prescriptions, as self-treatment can eventually cause the condition to progress. Up to the use of operative intervention.

Healthy juices and decoctions

If the process of stone formation has begun in the kidneys, then it can be reduced by taking a bath with a decoction of Chernobyl. To do this, put a handful of herbs in 1 liter of hot water. Apply after 3 hours, after wrapping the jar with a decoction with a towel.

In addition, you can speed up the process of removing a kidney stone with the following recipes:

  1. Drink beetroot juice or take ½ teaspoon of crushed eggshell with a little water.
  2. For preventive purposes, from kidney stones, a decoction can be prepared from 15 grams of wild mallow grass. To do this, the mixture must be brewed in hot water. After the cooled mixture add 1 tbsp. l. honey and ghee.
  3. Decoction of dandelions. To do this, take 2 tsp. herbs in a glass of hot water. The decoction is infused for 15 minutes. Useful if the patient has renal colic. It acts as a diuretic, helps cleanse the kidneys by increasing the excretion of fluid through the renal pelvis system.

As a precaution, in order not to provoke any undesirable phenomena in yourself, you must first be examined and consult with a urologist.

May cause serious problems health, up to and including death. That is why you need to periodically clean the kidneys in order to prolong their normal functioning.

A disease is very common now, like stones that form in this organ. It arises as a result of wrong image life, eating foods containing urinary and oxalic acid. In this case, a person's metabolism is disturbed, the work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland which leads to the formation of stones. Moving in, they call renal colic- very painful and uncomfortable sensations.

How can stones be removed from the kidneys, bypassing doctors and surgery

Since some people cannot overcome the fear of kidney stones, there are several ways to remove them.

The most famous of them is cleansing with plain water, as it expels toxins that have entered the body. It is also known that it is the lack of fluid intake that leads to the formation of such deposits. People with small stones need to drink at least 2.5 liters of bottled water or water per day. Also, in sufficient quantities, drink fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, apples and dried fruits. mineral water should be consumed after the expulsion of stones from the kidneys.

Stick to a diet rich in fiber. Eat vegetables and fruits, foods made from whole grains.
If you have calcium stones, eat plenty of foods high in vitamin C. These can be tomatoes, grapefruits, oranges, and others.

For phosphate and oxalate kidney stones, drink herbal preparations prepared from sweet clover and motherwort, immortelle, lingonberry leaves, madder root in equal proportions. You can also use an infusion of wintergreen, bearberry and mint leaves, cornflower inflorescences in equal amounts. To prepare such a drink, take 2 tablespoons of any dry mixture and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over them, leave them warm overnight, and then try to drink a third of a glass up to 6 times a day for several months. Then take a break for a couple of weeks and start again. In addition to expelling already formed oxalate stones, you can try an excessive intake of oxalates in the body. This can be done by reducing the consumption of chocolate, parsley, nuts, beets, rhubarb, coffee, strawberries, and soda.