Fir oil for wrinkles on the face: effective and proven recipes. Fir oil for the face

Essential oil of fir is a fragrant oily liquid with bright medical and cosmetic properties. Therapeutic inhalations with fir oil are perhaps inferior in popularity.

But besides this, fir oil is an excellent component for home care behind the skin. The active effect of the oil with systematic use can eliminate such problems as acne, foci of pus and inflammation, fungal diseases skin.

What else is valuable fir oil, and how you can use it at home - says Beauty Pantry.

Fir oil for the face, cosmetic properties

As you already understood, fir oil for skin is primarily recommended for owners of oily, combination, problematic skin. And this is no accident.

The pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this oil will not leave the chances of an infection that provokes inflammation of the skin.

And in the fight against acne, it is effective against boils and herpes. Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis - fir oil is indispensable for the treatment of such skin problems. Redness associated with skin inflammation is also successfully treated with the judicious use of fir essential oil.

Among cosmetic properties of this product, I would like to separately note the ability to cleanse the pores of the skin from accumulated dirt and dust, which, by the way, is an excellent prevention further problems with skin.

Fir oil for the face perfectly tones and smoothes the skin, so it can be used as part of homemade anti-aging masks. Besides, essential oil fir, when used systematically, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which also preserves the youthfulness of the face.

Fir oil for the face, folk recipes

Spot application of fir oil for acne

With obvious skin problems, for example, with acne, fir essential oil can be applied pointwise - using a cotton swab.

This method of using an antiseptic requires measures and caution - the oil is used no more than 2 or 2 times a day for 3-5 days.

Mask for oily, problem skin

Whipped protein mask egg white and 3-4 drops fir oil, will help eliminate oily sheen of the skin, relieve acne, narrow enlarged pores. This mask also has a light whitening effect.

A mixture of protein and oil is applied even layer on the skin in several layers with an interval of 3-4 minutes. After the third layer, the mask is washed off with cool water. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask for mature skin

In this complex recipe for the preparation of the mask will require 1 boiled potato in their skins, 1 teaspoon of cream and 3 drops of fir oil. Warm potatoes are kneaded with a fork, mixed with cream, and fir oil is added at the end.

Fir oil is obtained from young twigs, cones and needles by steam distillation. It is believed that Abies sibirica, which grows in the northeast of our country and in Siberia, has the greatest therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

The product is colorless, but has a pronounced coniferous aroma. It is used as in folk medicine as well as in cosmetology. Medicinal properties its unique due to its rich composition.

Fir contains a number of substances that provide it with cosmetic properties:

  • The carotenoids included in the composition neutralize free radicals, easily penetrating into the epidermis. They also stimulate the production of new cells;
  • Tocopherol is responsible for the formation of collagen and increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Ascorbic acid has the property of rejuvenation;
  • Borneol helps with sweating, has antibacterial properties;
  • Limonene - natural alternative alcohol, because it removes fat from the face, cleanses the skin of bacterial microorganisms;
  • Myrcene gently disinfects the skin;
  • Decanal is an aldehyde that brightens the skin and disinfects it.

Apply the product in undiluted form only pointwise, and not on the entire face and in a small amount.

Recipes for the care of oily and dry skin, as well as wrinkles, psoriasis and sweating, we will consider further.

The use of fir oil in cosmetology is not recommended for women during pregnancy.

Oily skin

Due to its antiseptic effect, the product is ideal for oily skin. The skin after its application becomes cleaner, less shiny. Choose for yourself suitable way care:

  • The product can be added to various ready-made masks, which will enhance their cosmetic effect;
  • Essential oil can be mixed in equal proportions with black cumin oil, wheat germ. The prepared product is applied to cleansed skin with massaging movements;
  • Base oil, for example, almond or jojoba, is mixed with a couple of drops of fir, applied to a steamed face, and after half an hour it is removed with a cotton pad dipped in lotion.

You can cook this yourself effective mask: add 3 drops of fir to the whipped chicken protein and apply in several layers with a brush on the face, leaving a gap between applications of a couple of minutes. After applying 3 layers, wait for the final drying of the mask and wash it off.

Acne, pimples

If you want to get rid of blackheads, boils, pimples, then you can use the undiluted product by applying it to pure form directly on the inflamed areas. Blackheads and pimples dry out very quickly in this way.

It is not necessary to rinse off. To apply, use cotton swab. It is very effective if you carry out such treatment at night.

It can be mixed in equal proportions with rosemary oil. The mixture is also applied exclusively locally.

With water, to which this remedy from Siberia is added, it can transform the skin of the face. Apply clay for 15 minutes twice a week.


If you want to tone your skin, improve microcirculation, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate puffiness, then the following recipes will help you.

Add a couple of drops of fir to your daily cream. Use this method of application several times a week.

mix apricot oil with 3 drops of the product and 3 drops of vitamins A and E. Apply the prepared mixture for half an hour. After that, wash your face with water and wipe the skin with lotion.

Whipped chicken yolk is mixed with a spoonful of freshly squeezed aloe and 2 drops of fir oil. The mask is applied to the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. After that, you should wash with water.

Detailed instructions are shown here:

A plantain leaf is rubbed and a spoonful of gruel is mixed with a spoonful of honey and 2 drops of fir.

Any of the procedures should be carried out regularly to see the result.

Dry skin

Using this oil will help solve the problem with moisture. In order to moisturize dry skin as much as possible, the following mask will help: knead the pre-boiled potatoes in their skins, mix in 2 tables. spoons of cream and 4 drops of fir essence. Hold this mask for a quarter of an hour.

To increase skin tone in warm baths you can also add fir and bask for 15-20 minutes. In addition to hydrating your entire body, you will also calm your nerves and lift your spirits.

Add fir-derived oil to your shampoo. And also, mix a spoonful of dry mustard with 1/2 spoon of water, add a drop of fir and keep it on your hair. Curls after such a mask are dried and accelerate their growth.

To moisturize the hair, add a couple of drops of fir to kefir. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off.

You can simply comb your hair by applying a drop of essential oil to the brush. An hour after this procedure, the head should be washed.

Rye bread soaked for two hours is squeezed out, kneaded and 2 drops of Siberian elixir are added. The mass is applied to the roots and after half an hour it is washed off with shampoo and water.

To a spoonful of honey add the same amount of aloe juice and 2 drops of a wonderful remedy. In 20 minutes, this mask will strengthen the hair.


There are very effective ways fight against hyperhidrosis. For example, mix vodka and 10 drops of fir oil. Wipe with disc problem areas. You need to use the method regularly before you get the result.

If you are sweating because it is hot outside, then add a couple of drops of the product to tepid water (half a glass) and freeze it in ice molds. In the morning, before applying your usual makeup, wipe your face with this refreshing cube and leave your face to dry on its own.

Psoriasis and eczema

If you are tortured by unsightly ones, then you can easily deal with them in the following way: 25 g badger fat mixes up with 8 ml of a product. Apply the compress on the affected, and cover with parchment paper on top.

Don't forget to watch this video:

The procedure is carried out three times a day. The compress is kept for a quarter of an hour. Kur is a week.

From time immemorial, Siberians have been famous for their famous “Siberian health”. This applied to both men and women. And the latter were also distinguished by unfading skin.

Do you think you have the secret of youth? Not at all. They just knew that a miracle tree grows in the surrounding taiga - fir, whose oil is healing and keeps the skin young and fresh for a long time.

In this article:

If shoots and cones, needles and even fir bark are applied to a method called steam distillation, then, in this way, its essential oil will be obtained. It is an almost colorless oily liquid that emits a rich pine aroma, which plays a significant role in the popularity of fir ester.

The composition of the healing extract of fir in large quantities contains carotenoids are reliable protection epidermis from the action of free radicals, as well as the guarantor of the formation of new skin cells. The presence of vitamin E contributes to the production of collagen, under its influence, the vessels become less brittle.

Fir oil for the face also contains a lot of vitamin C, which rejuvenates the dermis at the cell level and improves its color.

The resin of coniferous trees, including fir, is called resin - it seems to refresh the skin, adds vitality to it.

What skin problems can we solve?

The skin defect, called by the quite euphonious “name” of acne, is nothing more than blackheads, acne, acne. The sebaceous glands are susceptible to this scourge.

Unattractive black dots “masked” under comedones. Their appearance on the skin is also associated with the sebaceous glands - their blockage. Both problems equally annoy women (and men too). Most often, owners of oily skin suffer from them.

In getting rid of blackheads and blackheads, fir oil is widely used due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It prevents excessive production of fatty secretion, cleanses enlarged pores on the face, promotes deep cleansing epidermis.

The remedy proved to be very good in the fight against boils and carbuncles.

Fir oil nourishes aging dehydrated skin, on which mimic wrinkles and creases.

If you regularly use this essential oil, you can say goodbye to swelling of the face, while fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Do you have oily skin...

With regular use of the product, the intensity of sebum secretion is significantly reduced. A face mask with fir oil is applied to cleansed skin.

The essential extract of fir is best combined with some other aromatic oil -,.

The base can be any vegetable oil of your choice (unrefined!). A few drops of fir are added to it. The skin of the face before applying such a mask is cleaned and steamed.. After 30 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water or lotion for oily skin.

The mask should be done in the evening, since after it it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.

An effective mask of whipped egg white with four drops of fir resin. This mixture is applied in layers every four minutes. Applied three layers - now let the mask dry. Rinse gently afterwards. An additional effect of this method is the alignment of skin color..

Cosmetologists advise for oily skin to add fir essential oil for the face to creams, lotions, tonics that you use every day.

How to deal with acne?

In the case of acne-prone skin, fir oil can be used without mixing with esters of other plants. Taking a cotton swab, it is gently applied to pain points.

It is not necessary to treat the entire face with a pure oil extract. Its ability to intensely dry out inflamed pimples can do a disservice, even if you have oily skin.

Such manipulations are advised to be carried out twice a day - no more often and not exceeding a week in duration.

In the same way, oil is used in the formation of boils, a rash of herpes.

Are we getting old?

Time is inexorable, and there comes a moment when we suddenly notice how the skin becomes flabby and aging.

Due to the pronounced tonic effect, fir oil can be used for wrinkles on the face. It does not allow dehydration, under its influence blood microcirculation improves.

To enhance the effect of the usual anti-aging cream fir oil is added to it.

Premature aging can be delayed by preparing and using an oil solution. It consists of a base oil, three to four drops of fir extract and a concentrated vitamin solution - vitamins of groups A, B, E are used. base oil well refreshing aging skin or can be used.

After washing with warm water and without wiping the face dry, apply oil mixture and hold for up to forty minutes. This solution is recommended to be used three to four times a week.

Older desiccated skin will benefit from a mask of mashed potatoes (one potato and 10 grams of cream is enough) with the addition of three drops of fir ether.

admirable smooth porcelain skin Asian women. In leaving, they are guided by the "rule of three seconds." It lies in the fact that, having washed warm water, they immediately, in a matter of seconds, apply all care products to still damp skin.

And how to deal with sweating?

In sultry summer days facial sweating seems to be the number one problem - oh matte skin one can only dream. And it is quite easy to solve. Necessary prepare tonic cosmetic ice.

It is preferable to use distilled water, which is heated and, after adding five to seven drops of fir essential extract, poured into molds for solidification. In the morning, before applying cosmetics and using the usual arsenal of care products, wipe your face with an ice cube. After a few applications, the face will cease to shine, and sweating will not be so intense.

Are there any restrictions?

Can fir oil damage?

  • Facial use is strictly not recommended for pregnant women.
  • There is a category of people who allergic reaction comes from coniferous trees.
  • Others may manifest individual intolerance to the essential oil of fir.
  • And although fir oil is not used for internal use, it is contraindicated for ulcers.
  • During cosmetic care behind the skin, the essential extract of fir is in no way combined with the use of strong drinks, including beer.

The property of fir to grow and survive only in areas with good ecology, provides a product called "fir oil for facial skin" with unique qualities. Its use is not limited to just caring for problematic dermis. Essential extract helps in the treatment, used for aromatherapy. It is added to baths, used externally. However, it must be remembered that this is not medicinal product, A good remedy prevention.

In contact with

Fir essential oil is a unique storehouse natural vitamins and biologically active substances incorporated by nature in an evergreen tree. This product is environmentally friendly pure product, because it is produced from trees that grow in areas with crystal clear air. In other areas, they simply do not grow. All parts of the plant are used for production: needles, buds, young branches, bark. Fir oil contains camphor, safran, cineole, camphene, camphorene. Also acetylaldehyde, organic acids and a huge amount of vitamins C and E. Rich useful substances fir makes fir oil in cosmetology simply an indispensable component.

Fir essential oil is a storehouse of natural vitamins and biologically active substances

Impact on the upper layers of the skin

Fir essential oil is used mainly externally. Cosmetics, among the components of which there is this tool, has a wide spectrum of action. Fir oil normalizes the water-lipid balance of the epithelium, nourishes it, and the vitamin E present in the composition stops moisture loss.

Fir cosmetic oil prevents the appearance of age-related skin pigmentation, improves its color, and has a slight whitening effect.

Fir oil perfectly cleanses pores, nourishes the cells of the upper layer - the epidermis, eliminates fine wrinkles. It is used in home cosmetics as a constituent component of homemade creams, masks, various applications. This cosmetic oil enriches finished factory products useful vitamins. Vitamins E and C, which fir oil is saturated with, are natural antioxidants, slow down the process of cell aging and eliminate inflammatory processes.

The use of this drug in cosmetology helps to strengthen subcutaneous capillaries, prevents the appearance of spider veins.

Essential oil of fir contributes to the normalization of secretion sebaceous glands, restores metabolism and enriches the skin with useful components.

Fir oil has a slight whitening effect and helps fight age-related skin pigmentation.


Fir essential oil, having a universal cosmetic effect, is widely used in cosmetology - it is used in the care of fading, rough, cracked skin.

This cosmetic oil, due to its antiseptic, bactericidal properties, is most effective in use for problematic, oily facial skin. With its help, acne, boils, carbuncles, acne are successfully eliminated.

The product is rich in camphor, which stimulates blood circulation well, so using it in hair care cosmetics strengthens hair follicles stops hair loss. cosmetic oil fir is especially useful for oily hair- drying them, it creates an acidic environment that prevents the appearance of microbes. Massage of the scalp with the use of this tool will return the hair to its former beauty.

A mixture of essential oils of fir and tea tree good for herpes. Just a few drops of the mixture should be applied to a cotton swab and applied to acne three times a day. With regular use, the sores disappear in 2-3 days.

Fir oil perfectly strengthens nails, effective in hand care. The use of baths in which cosmetics are added with essential agent fir, prevent brittle nails, delamination. The skin of the hands should not be given less attention than other parts of the body, otherwise it will look older than its real age. Fir essential oil perfectly cleanses the skin on the hands, moisturizes, softens, whitens it, eliminates sweating of the palms.

Baths with fir oil prevent brittle nails

Such natural gift, as fir oil, cosmetology recommends as an independent cosmetic product. In case of focal inflammations of the skin, it must be applied pointwise to the affected areas, age wrinkles on the forehead, folds around the lips, to jams in the corners of the mouth.

Wounds, infections, cuts are treated with this remedy, using compresses. For this on sore spot a bandage is applied to the skin, abundantly moistened with healing antiseptic fir oil. Tie with a waterproof cloth and leave for 12 hours. The compress is applied several times before complete healing wounds.

The essential drug of fir has a positive effect on the epidermis and dermis, if you add it to the water while taking baths. A few minutes after the start of the procedure, a feeling of lightness appears, fatigue disappears. If you are in a fir bath for more long time, muscles relax, which contributes to rapid falling asleep and deep restful sleep. Baths have a positive effect on the skin, it becomes firm, toned, elastic.

Baths with fir oil have a positive effect on the skin and on the emotional state

Fir is a taiga miracle tree, famous for its healing properties. The fact that it is useful for the body, people have known for a long time. After all, it is not without reason that indigenous Siberians and Siberian women are distinguished by excellent health. It is no less effective in cosmetology. Siberian women, in addition to feeling great, can also boast of youthful facial skin. So what is the secret of this unique plant? And his secret is incredibly simple. It contains a lot of biologically active substances. In addition, fir grows only in ecologically clean places, which means that everything that it bestows is the purest natural bioproduct.

Useful properties of fir oil for the face

For cosmetic purposes, fir essential oil is used. It is extracted from needles, young twigs and tree cones. Influencing raw materials by steam distillation, manufacturers get an almost transparent oily liquid that emits a rich coniferous aroma and carries big number components useful for the epidermis. Among them are vitamins, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, trace elements, terpenoids and phytoncides. Due to the listed substances, fir phytoessence has such a wide range use for facial skin.

  • Fir essential oil is successfully used to restore youth to the skin. Firstly, it protects the epidermis from the damaging effects of free radicals. Secondly, fir oil activates the synthesis of collagen fibers. In other words, this product promotes skin rejuvenation at the cellular level.
  • With the help of fir ether, you can also restore the normal activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the skin of sebaceous plugs and dust, accelerate healing and prevent the spread of inflammatory formations. And this ether has proven itself in the treatment of boils, carbuncles, psoriasis, herpes, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Getting rid of puffiness of the face is another significant plus of fir oil. It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as a result of which excess fluid is removed from the soft tissues.
  • Fir oil is also useful in that it provides epidermal cells nutrients and moisture. It is necessary for any type of skin, but it is especially important when age-related changes when, due to insufficient nutrition and hydration, the skin becomes wrinkled and loses its elasticity.

How to use fir essential oil for face

  • If you are using fir ether for the first time, you must first do an allergy test. An allergy test is a test to identify individual intolerance to a product. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the wrist area with inside. After an hour, pay attention to the condition of the skin. If it turns red and becomes covered with a rash, rinse off with running water. With absence indicated symptoms fir oil suits you.
  • Fir phytoessence should be applied to the skin of the face together with basic component. For example, vegetable oil can act as a base. When combining oils, do not forget to adhere to the proportions. No more than 2-3 drops of ether should be added to one tablespoon of the base. Undiluted fir ether can be used to treat acne, herpes and boils. Just keep in mind that it must be applied directly to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Procedures such as cleansing and steaming can improve the effect of cosmetic formulations on the skin of the face. Therefore, if you want the maximum result, do not forget to carry them out before each application of face masks. For cleansing, you will need an alcohol-free tonic, and for steaming, just boiled water or a freshly prepared decoction of sage, chamomile or calendula. Hold your face over the steam for a few minutes, but be extremely careful, otherwise you will burn the epidermis.
  • Cooking at home cosmetical tools, choose dishes that are not capable of oxidizing their components. This dish is made from the following materials: glass, ceramics and porcelain.
  • Also, keep in mind during the cooking process that cosmetics made at home deteriorate quickly. This means that it cannot be stored for a long period of time. It is better to always use only fresh formulations, because they contain a maximum of active substances.
  • In healing the skin, as in any other business, regularity is important. Amazing results can be achieved by making masks 1-2 times a week for 1 month. It is not worth increasing the course of procedures because, having got used to the components of the mask, the skin will stop responding to them.
  • Fir oil, although it has a lot of advantages, is not useful for everyone. This essence should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in the presence of open wounds on the skin and hypersensitivity. Also, this remedy should be abandoned by ulcers, epileptics and those who suffer from acute and severe chronic ailments. And it is incompatible with any strong drinks.

Recipes for masks with fir oil

Anti-inflammatory mask

What is necessary:

  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • fir ether - 3-4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Protein chicken egg whisk until foam appears.
  • Then add fir essential oil to it.

Spread the protein-oil mass over the face. Repeat after 4 minutes this procedure. After another 4 minutes, apply the final layer of the mask. Waiting for complete drying means, wash with lukewarm water. At regular use this mask the skin gets rid of oily sheen, as the production of sebaceous secretion and inflammatory formations decreases. The mask also evens out skin tone.

Moisturizing mask

What is necessary:

  • young potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 1 teaspoon;
  • fir oil - 3 drops.

How to cook:

  • Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and boil them without peeling, that is, in their uniforms. Cool the potatoes until warm and then mash them into a puree.
  • Next, enrich the mashed potatoes with the remaining ingredients - first with cream, and then with essential oil.

Mask, applying to the epidermis, hold for 15 minutes. Then delete paper napkin or cotton pad. After that, rinse your face with warm water. The described composition actively saturates the epidermis with moisture, which makes it indispensable in the care of not only dry, but also aging skin.

Nourishing mask

What is necessary:

  • black cumin oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • fir essential oil - 2 drops.

How to cook:

  • Black cumin oil with water or steam bath heat until slightly warm.
  • Then in a container with vegetable oil enter ether.

Lubricate thin layer the resulting composition of the skin of the face. After 30 minutes, remove the excess that the skin has not absorbed with a cotton pad. The product saturates the skin with active substances necessary for its full functioning. Thanks to this mask, you can give the epidermis well-groomed appearance and protect it from premature aging.

Rejuvenating mask

What is necessary:

  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • small banana - 1 pc.;
  • fir ether - 4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Banana, getting rid of the peel, grind into a puree.
  • Next, add whipped yolks and phyto essence to the resulting fruit mass.

Put the thoroughly mixed mask on the face, pressing it tightly. Stay like this for 30-40 minutes, and then wash your face with cool water. Aging skin under the influence of such a tool is tightened and becomes elastic. Also, the skin gets rid of pigmentation, that is, it acquires a more uniform color.

Toning mask

What is necessary:

  • avocado - 1 tablespoon;
  • strawberries - 2 pcs.;
  • fir oil - 3-4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Combine avocado pulp and strawberries in one container and mash into a puree mass.
  • Then enter the fragrant liquid there - fir ether.

Apply the cosmetic mixture on the skin of the face with a thick layer. After 35-40 minutes, remove with a damp cotton pad. The mask perfectly improves the tone of the epidermis and removes puffiness from the face along with signs of fatigue. In addition, it has anti-aging properties.

Pine oil is reliable assistant in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin of the face. Use it regularly, and you will not be afraid of any skin problems.