The magical properties of gold and silver which is better. Magic properties of gold and silver. The magic of gold. Healing and mystical properties of gold

Gold has always had healing powers. It's solar metal. Gold jewelry carries a very strong positive energy, so it is used to make amulets and talismans. The gold wedding ring worn by the spouses helps to strengthen the marriage, creates a protective barrier in the family.

Who loves gold

Gold categorical cannot be worn by those who lead an active lifestyle associated with constant stress. For these people, this metal can become an energy barrier to achieving goals.

Gold contains a large amount of energy. For self-confident people who have realized their life path, gold jewelry will give lightness and looseness. They give strength and health. No wonder that in ancient times gold was used to treat various ailments.

Gold items can be worn all the time, but someone is advised to come into contact with them less often. Gold is able to choose its owner in life. It will help a kind and open person and interfere with a miser. People who live at the expense of others and are accustomed to spending time in laziness can suffer. Solar metal illuminates the path for a person with sincere motives, and blocks the path of the evil and envious.

Knowledgeable people advise to purchase only pure gold, it is in it that the largest percentage of light energy is concentrated.

What gold jewelry affects the human body and bioenergetics

Pendants and chains made of gold are recommended for sensitive and receptive people. They are able to extinguish a storm of emotions and endow a person with prudence and wisdom. Astrologers believe that a golden medallion with the sign of the Zodiac is a good talisman.

A gold bracelet can be a wonderful gift for self-confident people. It has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal organs. In addition, there are special points on the wrist that are responsible for energy and immunity.

For people who communicate frequently with people but have difficulty making new contacts, a small gold ring will do. It will help to correct psychological problems and bring good luck in business.

If you find a golden ornament

Gold promotes spiritual growth and brings harmony to the soul. However, if you accidentally find a piece of gold jewelry, it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible. It is charged with the energy of the former owner, and troubles and misfortunes can fall on your head.

The best way is to get gold by inheritance. The gold left as a legacy cannot be put on immediately. It needs some time to pass. Wrap the gold jewelry in a piece of cloth and put it away. Gold must be cleansed of past energy influences. Only after a few months, the jewelry will become available and you can safely wear it.

Gold loves decisive and courageous people. It is a powerful conductor of energy. Golden talismans are focused on attracting well-being, increasing activity and efficiency. The love of gold is achieved through virtue, do not forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2015 09:40

People have always paid special attention to the choice of jewelry. But you need to know that each of them can ...

Let's talk about talismans and amulets that absolutely can not be worn by a person. According to the clairvoyant, a huge number ...

Gold helps with toothache. It is necessary to lower the golden object into clean water and insist at least an hour. You can hold more, this will only increase its strength, but with a toothache, as a rule, there is not enough time and strength to endure. Warm the water a little to body temperature and rinse the tooth with it every 15 minutes for an hour.

With pain in the spine, this remedy helps well: take a wedding ring (smooth, without inserts) and roll it down the spine an even number of times. You can ride in the opposite direction only if you have low blood pressure.

Gold is a stable and cheerful metal. It is not very well suited to people suffering from nervous disorders, hysterical. It is better for them to use copper (women) or silver (men). Gold simply "does not want" to be with such people, it will annoy them, they will want to remove the ring or chain. When improvement comes, gold can be worn little by little, at first for half an hour a day.

A conspiracy for gold from a greedy husband

I advise this conspiracy to women who have a greedy spouse. If he is too stingy, does not allow you to buy what you want, and even worse - saves on children, then use this proven method.

Take a silver or gold coin (in extreme cases, if there is no coin, take a wedding ring), put it under the plate on which you serve your husband food, and read the plot three times:
Just as a good mother spares no bread, no honey, no ringing money, no strength, no time for her children, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not be stingy, would not spare anything for me and my children never, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and come true. Amen.

Conspiracy for gold for prosperity in the house

If you are tormented by lack of money, or money comes and flows out of the house to no one knows where, make such protection.

Take the gold chain. Wrap it tightly around the doorknob and fasten.

When you fasten, you need to read the following plot:
I will stand on the threshold, to the east of the road, I will call for good and gold. Come to my house, gold, to live richly, so that the wallet crackles, but the wind does not walk in it. Whoever passes through the threshold, let him help me, but multiply the good, but come out in good health. You, gold, sit in the house, do not run to anyone. That is my will, and the word is the lock, and the key is under the threshold.

Conspiracy for wealth (for a golden ring)

If you are looking to improve your wealth, take your own ring or one that no one in the household is actively wearing. The golden ring is placed in a glass of well or spring water. It is better not to take tap water, it is not suitable for conspiracies. Water is stirred with a spoon clockwise and the words of the conspiracy are read three times:
You take kindness not for a penny. And in the oven, and the tub, and in the barn, and in the purse (purse) - gold, be with me everywhere. I don’t know the troubles, I welcome the good, I go out and meet the good on the threshold. Come to my house, and not past, so as not to know grief. As a warrior, Anisim went beyond the three seas, did not know grief, but knew only luck, and I could not be otherwise. My word is true, but the deed is strong, the lock cannot be opened, it cannot be obtained by yugyucha.

After that, you need to drink half of the water, and pour the other half under the threshold of the house or at the door of the apartment. After that, the ring must be washed with running water, and then be sure to wear it, preferably on the index finger.

A large number of conspiracies have traditionally been made for gold to attract wealth and attention of the opposite sex.

Conspiracy to attract the attention of the opposite sex

Once a young man came to me with such a problem. He met a girl for a long time, their feelings were mutual. But a rival appeared on the horizon. The young man asked if he could be warded off from the girl. I advised not to engage in sabotage against an opponent, but to strengthen the girl's love.

To do this, you need to say the following words three times on a new ring, earrings, brooch (any thing that you are going to give to your beloved, but such that she constantly wears it):
My betrothed, a servant of God appointed to me by fate (name). Do not renounce me, do not turn away from me, and let our thoughts and hearts be one. To the words of those key-lock.

Present the little thing to the girl and make sure that she wears it.

Washing with gold for beauty and health

Probably, there will not be anyone who has not heard the advertisement of a new achievement in cosmetology. Microscopic gold threads are implanted into the face. They create a mesh that keeps the skin in limbo, and it is always in good shape. In addition, gold is said to glow through the skin, creating a unique effect. Fascinating, isn't it? However, this technology is very expensive and requires ongoing maintenance procedures at least once a year.

What about women who would like to remain young and beautiful, but cannot afford such expensive procedures? It turns out that the solution was found many centuries ago. It is known that even in antiquity, rich Roman women took golden baths. During the Renaissance, in the wake of interest in the Ancient World, this recipe was also revived, but in a slightly modified form. Still, few people could afford to use so much gold.

We can make water for golden washing. This is done like this:
Any rounded gold object is taken, it is desirable that it be a ring without stones. The ring must be activated. To do this, wipe its inner surface, constantly adjacent to the finger, with a cotton swab moistened with 6% food vinegar. After that, lower the ring into a wide bowl of clean water (it is better to take water from a spring or a well). The ring must be driven along the bottom twelve times clockwise, and then left overnight. In the morning you need to hold the ring in the opposite direction twelve times and you can wash your face. Imagine that you wash your face with golden water and become more beautiful every minute. This simple method gives an amazing effect with the right mindset for the procedure. You will be surprised how easy it is!

red gold

It is impossible not to mention the two most famous and most useful (in terms of magical properties) alloy.

Probably, there is hardly a person in our country who has never seen red gold at all. The famous 585 sample has a reddish tint due to the alloying of gold with copper. Even a small admixture of the latter (10-15%) allows you to get a very beautiful reddish tint while maintaining a golden color; an increase in the proportion of copper to 20-25% already gives the alloy a bright red color. This alloy has great magical potential, as it contains the energy of fertility and the birth of life, which belongs to the elements of the two planets. The combination of these energies in one material allows you to combine the impact of male and female incarnations of the forces of fertility and the birth of life. And the potential difference between the "male" energy of the Sun and the female energy of copper gives a charge of great power.

In our country, perhaps, more jewelry is made from red gold than from all other types. However, the energy of the Sun in this alloy is stronger, copper is usually used up to a maximum of 40%. Therefore, such jewelry can be safely considered masculine.

It is interesting that they are suitable for men who, by the nature of their activities, have a lot of contact with women or who are trying to better understand the feminine nature.

Perhaps these are leaders in women's teams, stylists or women's clothing designers, or just caring husbands who strive for a better understanding with their soul mates.

It must be remembered that products from this alloy must be paired: either earrings, or two rings on one hand.

Magical ritual for the conception of a child (for red gold)

A ring made of red gold as a unifier of male and female principles and the forces of fertility is recommended to be worn by newlyweds or spouses who want to conceive a child. In this case, a pair of products will be divided between two people. It is better to carry out such an old magical ritual over them (it was inherited from my grandmother).

Face west, take two rings of red gold and close them with a gold chain. Hold the rings so that the sun's rays pass through the middle. Try to create and see with the inner eye (“visualize”) the connection between these rings.

Bow to each side of the world and say the words of the spell:
From the North, from the South, from the East, and from the West, four birds carried golden-copper seeds. As those seeds were sown, but they grew, and they tasted the fruits, so may the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) see their fruits, flesh of flesh. As copper and gold are one, so will the servants of God (names) be one, may they not be separated forever, may the forces of Mother Earth and Heaven bless them. I stand on this word, I do not move, I hold on tightly to the Earth.

White gold - female alloy

Perhaps this is the most famous of the ancient alloys - many magnificent Scythian jewelry are made from it. The Greeks called this alloy of gold and silver the beautiful word "electrum". European white gold is electrum, rich in silver (70-90%), in appearance and similar to silver, but with a soft golden sheen.

This metal is suitable for all women. He emphasizes feminine features in a woman and works with the hostess on the same wavelength, helps to achieve love and successfully marry.

A conspiracy to attract a loved one for white gold

White gold is very suitable for conspiracies to attract a loved one, and to successfully marry. Take a white gold ring and dip it into a glass of settled spring water.

Looking directly at the center, say:
As a white swan, long neck, fluffy feathers floated in the middle of the lake, so I would swim in your arms. My finger is in the ring, my head is in the bride's crown. Let it be according to my word forever.

After that, wrap the ring in a clean white handkerchief and wear it on yourself for three days, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. The ring will tune in to you, and will continue to fulfill any desires, especially attracting the eyes of potential suitors to you. It is desirable to wear it constantly, without removing it.

Gold- this is a noble metal, surrounded by mysteries and secrets. It corresponds to the planet Sun. "Gold" from the Indo-European is translated as "bright, yellow." In Latin, it corresponds to the word "aurora" - sunrise. Therefore, very often gold is associated with the sun and is indicated as a point in a circle.

In its pure form, gold is a soft, ductile, but heavy and dense metal. The high level of density of this metal greatly facilitates the process of its extraction.

Since this metal does not corrode, it has a wide range of applications. Gold is used in the jewelry industry, and in pharmacology, and in medicine, and even in the financial system, as a currency. Thus, gold gained worldwide fame.

Legends of Gold

There are many legends about gold. One of them speaks of a certain people in the Sumerian civilization, who were yellow in color. They mined gold for space aliens. The Anunnaki aliens once every 3600 years arrived on Earth and took their prey. They needed gold to save their planet Nibiru. In order for the “yellow” people programmed to mine gold to work for many years, the Anunnaki taught them to eat this metal, which gave them longevity.

In ancient times, eating gold was very common. Some Indian tribes added gold to their food to go into a trance. The pharaohs were daily sprinkled with gold powder in their food and drink to increase their lifespan.

Magical properties have been attributed to gold since antiquity. It has strong energy. Therefore, this metal is most often used to create protective amulets and talismans.

Gold jewelry affects the character of a person in different ways. They make some confident, strong, uninhibited, and others - painful and depressive. There is such a thing as "allergy to gold." People, putting on gold jewelry, begin to get sick, fall into depression. They become lethargic, lethargic and unlucky.

A person who has a lot of gold, but does not have attachment to it, goes easily through life. Everything always works out for him, his wealth increases, and he develops spiritually.

A charm made of gold will protect its owner from various troubles and negative manifestations. Therefore, it is so often used by businessmen. But we must remember that gold jewelry, amulets, amulets accumulate the energy and information of their owners. Gold can be charged with both positive and negative energy. Therefore, you need to be careful when receiving gifts made of gold.

In ancient times, gold was considered the elixir of life and the cure for all diseases. People believed that gold powder could prolong their lives. Therefore, the metal was added to food. The Sumerians used gold toothpicks, and gold jewelry was put on babies for a restful sleep of the child. The patient was given to chew gold plates, after which the person recovered faster and gained strength.

Gold has antibacterial properties. It is known that water lasts longer in a golden vessel than in any other.

In medicine, gold is used to diagnose and treat cancer. A golden capsule is injected into the cancerous tumor, which kills pathogenic cells, leaving healthy tissue unharmed.

In plastic surgery, the method of golden threads has long been known, which helps to regain youth and beauty. Gold powder is added to many creams in order to rid the fair sex of wrinkles.

Gold is great for the signs of the zodiac elements of earth and fire. These are the signs

Each of us has at least one piece of gold jewelry in our home.
Gold- the most common of the precious metals, and its external resemblance to the SUN served to the fact that the ancient people considered it a piece of the Great Luminary, and transferred all the properties of the Sun to gold. And for good reason.
It turned out that the concentration of gold on the Sun is many times higher than on Earth.

Gold mined throughout history, and this is about 166.6 thousand tons of gold (according to 2012), collected in one place, would form a cube with an edge equal to 20 meters, that is, a five-story building high; while the ore and sand from which this gold is extracted, that is, waste, would represent a mountain over 2.5 km high.

About 38% of the mined gold is invested in state central banks, international financial organizations, plus investment savings; 12% are for technical purposes (products of the electronic industry, dentistry, etc.); and the remaining 50% of the "golden cube" - ... Guess where?

That's right - in jewelry!
88.3 thousand tons of gold jewelry!
For what? After all, for a person, gold is not something vital.

Until now, researchers are digging the Peruvian mountains. A book by Robert Sharru appeared, telling that he saw in Lima an emaciated European adventurer who came across a temple lined with gold in the jungle. However, all his companions were killed by the Indians who defended the temple. The search for this temple and the treasures hidden by the Incas has been going on for more than four hundred years.

III. The collection of Scythian things is especially famous.(8-3 centuries BC), found in the southern part of our country in ancient burial grounds. If we take on faith the information reported by Herodotus, then the burial places of the first Scythian rulers were kept in the strictest confidence, and the treasures hidden in the most ancient burial mounds far exceeded the richest treasury of the king of Troy, Priam.
Read more: Scythian gold

IV. Maikop kurgan, a monument of the Early Bronze Age on the territory of the city of Maykop, was investigated by N. I. Vesslovsky in 1897. The mound, 11 m high, contained the richest burial of a tribal leader and his two wives. The leader was buried under an expensive canopy, which was supported by 4 silver poles, ending in figures of bulls cast in gold and silver.

A number of adornments - a golden diadem, silver threads, various gold and carnelian beads, pendants made of turquoise and lapis lazuli, as well as animal figures and some images on vessels - testify to the close cultural ties between the tribes of the North Caucasus and the countries of the Ancient East.

These things were created in 4 thousand BC. At present, objects found in the mounds of the city are included in the famous collection "Gold of Kuban" in the Hermitage.
There are only two such complexes of ancient jewelry items in the world (the second one is in Bulgaria). There are many things here that are not found anywhere else.

v. Gold of Ancient Rus'. The collection of ancient Russian art, which introduces the high artistic culture of Muscovite Rus' of the XIV-XVII centuries, is distinguished by its completeness and integrity. In its rich variety, a significant place belongs to the products of skilled jewelers - goldsmiths and silversmiths.

Photo Gold of Ancient Rus' XIV-XVI centuries on: Antikvariat.Ru

How exquisite are the works of the 16th century, the recognized heyday of Russian gold and silver work! Its best examples are presented by the works of masters of the Moscow Armory and Trinity Monastery.

The centuries-old history of all jewelry is inextricably linked with the history of mankind. Several centuries ago in Rus' there was a strict custom: when a child was born, a council of elders met, which determined what kind of jewelry he would be supposed to wear. So, some children immediately at birth received a string of beads, a small bracelet made of expensive material, or a special charm pendant.

Let's admire the magical beauty of the treasures of the Diamond Fund of Russia


Due to the chemical inertness of gold, products made from it could remain in the ground for thousands of years and look as if they had just come out of the workshop of an ancient master.
"Scythian gold", "Gold of Troy", gold items of the ancient Egyptians and many other unique exhibits in various museums around the world still amaze with the amazing skill of ancient craftsmen.

Remarkable jewelry was made by later masters

Not inferior in craftsmanship and modern gold jewelry

Gold, as mentioned above, is a very rare metal on Earth and also very soft. Therefore, gold is used in jewelry in an alloy with other metals. The gold content of jewelry is indicated in sample.
The modern metric test shows the mass of the precious metal in grams per 1000 g of the alloy.
For example, a 585 fineness means that the alloy contains 58.5% gold.

Some countries (England, Switzerland) still use carat test, according to which pure gold has a fineness of 24 carats, thus, a metric assay of 583 corresponds to a fineness of 14 carats.

But even with a constant sample, gold products can vary greatly in color. It depends on the type and content of the metal with which gold is alloyed (such a metal is called ligature).
So, silver, alloyed with gold in different proportions, gives the alloy a white, yellow or even green tint.
Copper makes gold reddish, red(red) gold is an alloy of gold and copper in a ratio of 9:1, and an alloy containing 9% silver and 32.5% copper has an orange color.

Other ligatures are less commonly used. For example, cadmium gives gold a greenish tint, zinc white, and nickel a pale yellow.
And the so-called White gold» contains silver and palladium.

All about wedding rings
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use wedding rings. It was they who made rings of gold and exchanged them during marriage.
The round ring was made from a strip of gold, which symbolizes eternal fidelity and love. They put the ring on the middle finger of the left hand. It was believed that it was through this finger that a channel passes, which leads directly to the heart.

The Egyptians firmly believed that if you put a ring on the middle finger of your left hand, you can keep love in each other's hearts for life. So this tradition among the Eastern peoples has been preserved to this day. Whereas in our country, and in European countries, the wedding ring is now worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

The finger on which the wedding ring was worn was even considered miraculous, and it was the ring that gave it this powerful power. Not only the Egyptians, but also the ancient Greeks and Romans used this very finger when rubbing various healing ointments, applied it to burns, sores and barley, and believed that it was the finger on which the wedding ring was worn for a long time that helps to overcome ailments. In Spain, even today, eye diseases are treated with water infused on a wedding ring.

The wedding ring is widely used for various types of fortune-telling, but in this case only the wedding ring of a happily married person is taken. After all, gold, like any other metal, absorbs information about its owner well, especially if it is a ring with a precious stone.

According to Slavic tradition, a girl is not recommended to marry with her mother's wedding ring.

***Correct wedding rings***

There are wedding rings made of white gold, where there is silver, platinum. But an alloy called electrum is completely useless.

With regard to wedding rings, there is the following rule: married men must wear the ring on the ring finger of the right hand, and married women wear it on the ring finger of the left hand. Then the ring is beneficial, strengthens the marriage and leaves the necessary initiative in the hands of the woman. Inequality in marriage arises from the incorrect wearing of wedding rings.

Divorced wear the opposite. This is the ancient rule.
But if the Sun in your horoscope is poorly expressed, or, as astrologers say, “evil”, then this rule is “turned over”.

Let me remind you: to get one single ounce of gold - about the amount contained in an ordinary wedding ring - you need to work out more than 250 tons of soil and ore!


We have already noted that gold is a very heavy metal (a ball of pure gold with a diameter of 46 mm has a mass of 1 kg) and very soft (hardness is comparable to the hardness of a nail).
Gold is also highly ductile, from a small gold ball with a radius of less than 2 mm, you can stretch the thinnest wire a whole kilometer long (500 m / g) or flatten it into a translucent sheet with a thickness of only 0.0001 mm (~0.1 microns).

The chemical resistance and ductility of gold caused other metals to be gilded to protect them from corrosion. The most ancient method of gilding is pasting objects with gold foil.
Goldsmithing - the art of obtaining the thinnest gold leaves - is very ancient and is mentioned by Homer.

The work of a gold digger is hard and tiring. What is worth just shifting thousands of golden leaves: you can’t take them with your fingers - they will tear, so the master works with a brush, helping himself with a light breath. But the foil is very thin and uniform in thickness.

The technology for making the thinnest sheets of gold has generally survived to this day.
First, a thin gold ribbon is cut into squares and stacked in a pile, laying sheets of parchment. The stack is placed on a smooth granite slab and hit with a hammer. When the linear dimensions of the squares are doubled, and the thickness is correspondingly reduced by 4 times, they are cut into 4 parts and sheets are obtained as thick as a sheet of paper (now this stage is replaced by rolling gold in rollers).

And then the sheets of gold are again transferred to a pile, but this time instead of parchment they take a specially crafted inner shell of thick bovine intestines. The stack is clamped with a special press and beaten again on a granite stone. When the gold begins to protrude from under the edges, the stack is taken apart, each sheet is again cut into four parts, and everything starts over again.

According to Pliny the Elder, ancient Roman craftsmen from one Roman ounce (27.3 g) of gold could get 750 square sheets “four fingers wide”. If we assume that the area of ​​such a sheet is 50 cm2, then we can calculate how thick the sheets described by Pliny were. It turns out a little less than 4 microns. And already in the 19th century, craftsmen were able to prepare gold foil with a thickness of 0.1 microns.

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs' stretchers made of wood were covered with gold foil. These stretchers were light and looked like they were made of solid gold. This method of gilding, starting from the 10th-11th centuries, was widely used in Kievan Rus. The 72-meter spire of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg was re-pasted with gold foil during the repair. If you fuse all the gold used to cover the huge spire, you get a ball with a radius of about 3 cm and a mass of 2 kg.

The art of gilding was also known in pre-Columbian America. When the Spanish conquistadors melted the stolen gold items to extract the precious metal from them, they were surprised to find that many of the bars contained very little gold. It turned out that these products were made of copper alloys and gilded only from the surface.

Even 1000 years before the heyday of the Inca state, Andean masters were able to gild copper products. They used two methods that were not known at that time in the Old World - electrochemical and erosion gilding. The gilding was very thin (0.5-2 microns) and uniform.

Another old method of gilding is associated with the ability of gold to be well wetted with mercury - to be amalgamated. The technique of "golden aiming" came to Rus' from Byzantium. A black lacquer was applied to the hot copper surface, which was scraped off in the right places, getting a pattern. Then the hot surface was rubbed with gold amalgam, and in those places where the varnish was removed, the gold adhered firmly to the copper, forming a beautiful pattern on a black background.

When it was necessary to cover a large surface with solid gilding, gold amalgam was applied to copper sheets, which were then placed in an oven or braziers were placed under them if the sheets were especially large. At high temperatures, mercury evaporated, and gold was firmly connected to the metal. Then the gilded surfaces were polished.

This method of gilding "through fire" was used in the 19th century. for gilding the dome of the main church of St. Petersburg - St. Isaac's Cathedral. Of course, the gilders were heavily etched with mercury; according to contemporaries, only at this construction site 60 people were fatally poisoned.

Therefore, this method of gilding is not currently used, but mainly electrochemical gilding is used - with the help of electric current. This is how watch cases and electric heaters, integrated circuits of microcircuits and musical instruments, electrical contacts in precision instruments and parts of artificial satellites are gilded.

The thickness of the gold plating is very small, however, in the manufacture of, for example, parts of the American spacecraft Columbia, more than 40 kg of gold was used for gilding.

Gilding from the so-called "gold leaf"(from the old Russian "susalo" - face) often has nothing to do with gold, but is made from tin disulfide SnS2. Its small scales have a golden yellow color and are used for "gilding" wood and plaster products.

Thus, the domes of the newly built Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow are almost completely covered with titanium nitride and differ in a slightly more reddish tint in comparison with the nearby gilded domes of the Kremlin cathedrals.

“Pure gold reflects yellow light, and in the form of very thin sheets (gold sheet), into which it is able to be forged and stretched, it shines through in a bluish-green color ... When heated, even in the forges, gold gives off vapors, which is why the flame passing over it, turns greenish” - so romantically wrote D.I. Mendeleev about gold in his work “Fundamentals of Chemistry”.
Why not magic?

Due to its rich symbolic meaning, gold was widely used in ecclesiastical jewelry. The main meaning of metal is that it is an image of light. This light helps to reveal the essence of the existence of all life on earth, to feel the spacelessness and timelessness of being.

So, today the symbol of Jerusalem is a minor of pure gold. Minora is a lamp with seven lamps, which is located inside the Jerusalem temple. The fact that the minor is made of gold symbolizes the unity of the creator, and the light emanating from it means the light coming from God's throne.

We already know about the ritual of the “golden sacrifice” at Lake Guatavita: the new ruler stripped naked, smeared himself with sticky earth and golden sand. Then he plunged into the water of the lake and washed off the gold, thereby bringing it as a gift to the deities.

In the mythology of Egypt there is one magical image - the Golden Beetle. He was the embodiment of the sun, gave a person happiness, health, prosperity and long life. Such figurines of beetles served as amulets, talismans for the Egyptians; they prophesied victory and good luck in business to their owner.

Gold jewelry also served as amulets, protecting people from harmful spells. According to the customs of the ancient Slavs, when the bride entered her husband's house, she was tied with a golden thread so that no evil could interfere with her happiness.
If it happened that children died in the family, then at the birth of a new child, a gold earring was put into his ear, which was supposed to save him from illness.

Gold has always been considered a symbol of nobility, wealth, glory and wisdom. In almost all cultures, it is associated with the Sun. It personifies the divine principle, light, knowledge. Gold is a conductor of solar energy, symbolizing longevity and good fortune.

In the next final part of our story about GOLD, we will plunge into the magic of the metal of the Sun in detail, learn about its healing properties, astrological characteristics, signs and customs, and also learn the rules of inheritance, wearing and careful handling of this solar Magician, our family amulet.


The magical properties of gold jewelry The power of gold Gold is not a simple metal. It is not only beautiful, but also has magical properties. Its shades can be from white-yellow to orange. Gold is a rare metal. It is located deep in the bowels of the Earth and is closely connected with it. Gold is beautiful, easy to process, does not corrode - this is its greatest value. Practically, it is an eternal element, born of the earth. 12 Egyptian priests introduced the fashion for wearing gold wedding rings, making them a symbol of eternal fidelity and love. But! But at the same time, it was allowed to wear the ring exclusively on the middle finger of the left hand, since it was believed that it was through it that the connection with the soul living in the heart was carried out. By the way, over time, it was noticed that supposedly the finger on which the wedding ring was worn acquires powerful power. Not only the Egyptians unconditionally believed in this, but also the ancient Greeks and Romans: they rubbed all kinds of drugs with the middle finger of their left hand, applied it to burns, barley, etc. The Chinese, who believed that the entire Universe is a fluctuation of the forces of yang and yin , to maintain health, it was recommended that women wear jewelry made of gold (it is inherent in the masculine principle of yang), and for men - of silver (the feminine principle of yin). By the way, silver was also called gold, but white. And it was valued, I must say, much higher than real gold. In addition, since about 2600 BC in China, both metals have been used to make needles for acupuncture treatment. And until now, acupuncturists activate internal forces with golden needles, and calm them down with silver needles. In 75% of cases, gold helps women with: periodontal disease; chronic runny nose; diseases of the joints and spine; diseases of the heart, liver and biliary tract; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages; depression. And yet, for the remaining 25% of ladies, gold is an unfriendly metal, capable of provoking: indigestion; kidney disease, allergies, stomatitis, dermatitis, colitis (inflammation of the colon mucosa). In modern medicine, gold compounds belong to the group of drugs that affect the immune system and are used to treat malignant tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, certain blood diseases, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, and alcoholism. In the West, dentists are returning to the manufacture of metal-ceramic structures from gold-bearing and gold-gatatin alloys. And cosmetologists since the 90s of the last century have successfully implanted gold threads in their patients to reinforce the skin of the face (and not only) with wonderful results - take a look at Catherine Deneuve and Isabelle Adjani! Nowadays, in India, the homeland of Ayurveda, one of the oldest teachings on health, about 2 tons of this metal is consumed annually to prepare gold-containing essences from oils and plant extracts according to the ancient recipes of the Veda of Spells of the Atharva Veda. Such drugs are much easier to digest by the body and as a result are very effective. Modern practitioners of traditional medicine, aware of the unusual properties of gold, collect herbs with golden tools to enhance the power of plants. Gold “loves” people who are generous and magnanimous, with established views, favors travelers, but harms scoundrels, idlers and money-grubbers, willingly leaving them and allowing themselves to be stolen. Family gold, passed down from generation to generation (unless, of course, your ancestors killed and did nothing wrong to get it), accumulates such a powerful energy potential that it is highly undesirable to part with it: it should remain in the house. But stolen gold brings bad luck. The gold left as a legacy must lie hidden for up to 40 days after the death of the owner. You can not wear jewelry on the body all the time! The fact is that on the hand and fingers - no less - 94 biologically active points, and on the feet and toes - 79! A tight ring can cause: - on the ring finger - mastopathy, hormonal disruptions, lack of milk in a breastfeeding mother; - on the middle finger - atherosclerosis and hypertension; - on the index - diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis and sciatica; - on the little finger - problems with the duodenum or heart rhythm disturbances. There is also such a way to nourish the body as “golden” water. Homeopaths prepare it easily and simply: gold jewelry without stones (preferably a wedding ring) is placed in a bowl, into which two glasses of water are poured, put on fire and boiled until half of the original volume remains. After cooling, drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day. It is believed that this water, in addition to stimulating cardiac activity, improves memory and intelligence. Gold in itself is a good amulet, for example, for any business, or, as mentioned earlier, for purely Earthly affairs. Charging with additional energy is difficult, but if you have invested some kind of program, you won’t knock it out with almost nothing. (therefore, one must be very careful with golden gifts from “friends”, antiques - you never know what fate the previous owners had, and of course, after breaking up with a former partner, do not carry a wedding ring on your finger, but it’s even better to get rid of it altogether)