Reliable protection against pregnancy. What pills to take so as not to get pregnant. Recipes for herbal infusions from pregnancy

Today, every girl has a choice: to become pregnant or not. This choice was made possible by the presence of modern world many types of contraception. Knowing how to protect yourself unwanted pregnancy, you will not be afraid of her unexpected offensive.

Ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  1. Barrier
  2. Rhythmic
  3. Chemical
  4. IUD installation (spirals)
  5. Hormonal contraception
  6. Emergency Methods

Barrier method of protection

To protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy in this way means the use of means that prevent the penetration of seminal fluid into the cervix.

These include the use of:

  • condoms
  • vaginal caps;
  • diaphragms;
  • contraceptive sponges.

The first way is considered male, the other three are female.


This protection option is considered the most effective among all those used. A feature of this method is the need to use for each sexual contact. It is unacceptable to use when using a condom additional substances for lubrication (creams, gels, etc.), as this reduces its effectiveness as a method of contraception. At correct use protective properties reach 98%. You can also mention female condoms, but they have proven themselves worse, their contraceptive ability reaches 80-90%, so they are not widely used.

Disadvantages of using condoms:

  • the possibility of a break;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • decreased sensitivity during sexual contact.


Diaphragms are dome-shaped objects that are made of latex or rubber and have a springy rim around the perimeter. It is not difficult to understand how to prevent unwanted pregnancy with the help of the diaphragm: it must be placed inside the vagina so that it rests in front on the pubic joint, and behind - on the posterior fornix of the vagina. With this placement, the diaphragm closes the cervix and prevents sperm from entering there.

Disadvantages of using aperture:

  • low contraceptive protection (up to 19 women out of 100 become pregnant a year);
  • the need to combine the use of a diaphragm with a chemical method;
  • the need to insert the diaphragm before intercourse;
  • possibility of allergy to materials.

cervical caps

The caps are rubber thimbles, about 3 cm in size, that cover the cervix, preventing sperm from penetrating further down the woman's genital tract. There are varieties of thimbles that can only be inserted by a doctor, such caps can be worn all month, except for menstruation. There are also caps that are inserted at home by a woman for up to 48 hours.

Disadvantages of using cervical caps:

  • low protective properties (about 83%);
  • difficulties of application: you can put it on incorrectly, injure the vaginal mucosa;
  • the need to introduce a cap almost before the very sexual intercourse;
  • the need to use in combination with chemical methods of contraception.

Contraceptive sponges

Such sponges are made of parallon, which is impregnated with nonoxynol. It is very simple to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy in this way: shortly before the intended sex, and it is removed 8 hours after it. Being in the vagina, the contraceptive sponge closes the entrance to the cervical canal.


  • low protection (75-86%);
  • the need to carry out manipulation before the most sexual intercourse.

Rhythmic or biological method of protection

They mean natural protection from conceiving a child without the use of any mechanical or medicines.

Includes these types:

  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • cervical way;
  • interrupted intercourse.

calendar method

So, the beginning of the fertile period will be a day equal to the difference: the duration of the shortest cycle is 18. The end of the period dangerous for conception will be a day equal to the difference: the duration of the longest cycle is 11. An example for clarity: for Last year the girl had the shortest cycle of 27 days, the longest - 32. Thus, the period from 9 to 22 of the menstrual cycle will be dangerous.


  • should not be used in women who have a different duration menstrual cycle;
  • low reliability.

temperature method

To use this method as contraception, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum. All measurements must be taken exactly at the same time, in morning time days, in the supine position. The results that are obtained from daily measurements are recorded in the graph. How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy using the data obtained? The point is that the first half monthly cycle characterized by a low temperature (below 37 ° C), in about a day the temperature decreases slightly (up to 0.5 ° C), and after the onset of ovulation, on the contrary, it rises to 37 and even higher, and remains so until the onset of menstruation. You can not have sex 6 days before ovulation and 3 days following it.


  • low contraceptive effectiveness;
  • can not be used in women who have a different cycle in duration;
  • the inconvenience of daily temperature measurement for a long period;
  • possibility of incorrect interpretation of the received data.

Cervical protection method

It consists in changing the consistency of mucus in the cervical canal. So, about a day before the release of the egg, it becomes more viscous and light, and its number increases. However, the period when an unwanted pregnancy is possible includes another 4 days after that.


  • low efficiency;
  • not applicable for the fair sex with an irregular monthly cycle;
  • subjectivity in assessing the nature of discharges;
  • not suitable for women with colpitis or cervicitis.

Coitus interruptus


  • contraceptive protection is not great (about 80%);
  • psychological factor - the need for constant monitoring;
  • availability in male lubricant a small amount of spermatozoa, the ingestion of which can lead to pregnancy.

Chemical methods, or spermicides

They include the use of gels, creams, suppositories, foams, which have the property of "neutralizing" spermatozoa in short time(from a few seconds to 2 minutes). As a rule, they are used in combination with female mechanical methods of contraception.


  • not effective enough as an independent contraceptive method (70-75%);
  • the need for manipulation before sexual intercourse;
  • teratogenic effect on the fetus if a woman is protected, not yet knowing about the onset of her pregnancy.

Intrauterine device


  • the risk of inflammatory pathology in the female genital organs;
  • there is a risk of uterine rupture;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • probable development of an ectopic pregnancy. This article will tell about this state.

Hormonal remedies

Reliable and effective method, which for a long time will help to solve the question of how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Its efficiency is over 99%.

There are several types of hormonal contraceptives.

Combined oral contraceptives

Monocomponent oral contraceptives

Mini-pills - contain only progestogen in their composition, therefore, they only affect the nature of the mucus in the cervical canal, as well as the processes after ovulation (impossibility of implantation of the fetal egg);

Subdermal implants

Long-acting hormonal contraceptives

Injectable forms of gestagens, which long time capable of secreting a substance that prevents conception into the blood.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse.

The following methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy are emergency, as they are carried out after the sexual intercourse itself. Among them are the reception hormonal drugs or emergency insertion of the IUD.

Hormonal drugs

There are various drugs designed specifically for "morning" contraception. Among them are the well-known postinor, as well as danazol, escapelle. The most modern is ginepriston, which is safer. Take hormonal emergency contraceptives it is necessary no later than 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse, best of all - no later than 24 hours.

The mechanism of their contraceptive protection is to prevent the attachment of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity due to the altered hormonal background. So it is impossible to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy more often than 1 time in 6 months, as it happens hormonal imbalance in a woman's body, which can lead to serious problems with health.

Emergency installation of the Navy

This method will be effective if the installation of the spiral is carried out within 5 days after unprotected contact. The mechanism of action does not differ from planned contraception using the IUD, so this spiral can subsequently be left as a further method of contraception. Every girl should know how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy.

Today, there are many methods of contraception of different effects. Condoms are the most effective hormonal contraceptives and placement of an intrauterine device. However, you should always remember about contraindications and possible consequences when using a certain method. In addition, the choice of contraceptive method will depend on the presence of a permanent or non-permanent permanent partner, the regularity of sexual intercourse and the age of the patient. For example, for young girls, it is best to use hormonal contraceptives (COCs), and for women who have given birth, it is best to install an intrauterine device.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

A reliable, well-chosen method of contraception can prevent unwanted pregnancy and at the same time unforgettable feelings from intimacy.

The birth and upbringing of a child is a crucial stage in the life of a woman and a man, for which it is necessary to prepare morally and financially. Before deciding to take this serious step, young people are trying to get an education, make a career, and buy housing. So that an unwanted pregnancy does not take you by surprise and does not put an end to your studies and work, you should always remember about contraception.

Methods of protection

Some methods of contraception came to us from the people and do not inspire much confidence, others are inventions of modern medicine and seem to be quite reliable. The most common methods of protection are:

  • male and female condoms
  • hormonal birth control pills
  • intrauterine contraceptives (spirals)
  • hormone injections
  • contraceptive suppositories
  • patches
  • douching
  • coitus interruption
  • calculation of "dangerous" days
  • hormonal emergency contraception

IMPORTANT: No method of protection can protect against unwanted pregnancy 100%

How to protect yourself with pills?

Hormonal contraceptive pills - quite reliable and safe modern method contraception. Pick up contraceptive drug a gynecologist should - only in this case the remedy is guaranteed not to cause harm to health and will not impair reproductive function.

Regular intake of pills leads to the suppression of ovulation and thickening of the mucus so that the spermatozoa lose their ability to move towards the egg.

Video: Hormonal contraception

IMPORTANT: Taking birth control pills must be regular. Omissions or shifts of receptions in time are unacceptable.

How to prevent pregnancy without pills?

If taking birth control pills for some reason is not possible, you will have to choose one of the following methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  • condoms- it is best to use if the partner is fickle, because in addition to pregnancy, unprotected sex is dangerous with the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. A condom is highly likely to protect partners from all troubles. Condoms are male and female. If the use of the male condom does not raise any questions, then with the female condom, not everything is so simple. To pick him up right size you will have to contact a gynecologist, otherwise the likelihood of discomfort during intercourse when using a female condom of the “wrong” size is guaranteed
  • hormonal injections- are carried out once every 3 months, injections are made by a gynecologist. The method is suitable for women over 35 who do not plan to have children in the future
  • patchhormonal agent, which is glued to the naked body and replaced every seven days. The reliability of this method is close to 99.5%. The effect of the patch is similar to the effect of birth control pills: hormones suppress the maturation of eggs, which makes pregnancy impossible
  • creams, lubricants, suppositories- medicinal contraceptives containing in their composition substances that destroy the membranes of spermatozoa and inhibit their activity
  • intrauterine devices- are installed by a gynecologist and are valid from 2 to 5 years. Enough reliable method, suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner and do not plan to have children in the near future
  • douching- a folk method that is not suitable for regular use and does not give a high guarantee. Consists of injecting weak acid solutions harmful to spermatozoa before or immediately after intercourse

IMPORTANT: The choice of a contraceptive should be discussed with a gynecologist who will select the drug taking into account individual characteristics female body.

How to protect yourself after childbirth?

After childbirth female body fully restored and prepared for sexual activity in 4 to 6 weeks. It is generally accepted that if a woman is breastfeeding, she will not be able to get pregnant. However, this opinion is erroneous, and young mothers who, after childbirth, are in no way protected from the onset new pregnancy, are in the so-called "risk group": 10% of them will become pregnant in 3-6 months, and 55% in 6-8 months. At the same time, the absence of a menstrual cycle does not play a big role, because the first ovulation can occur as early as 25-30 days after birth. That is why mandatory contraception after childbirth is very important for women's health.

For women who have recently given birth, contraceptive methods such as:

  • method lactational amenorrhea natural way, in which the hormone prolactin, produced in the body of a woman during lactation, suppresses ovulation and prevents the onset of a new pregnancy. An important factor, responsible for the reliability of this method, is the time interval between the attachment of the child to the breast - it should not exceed 3 hours.

IMPORTANT: If a woman often breastfeeds her baby at any time of the day and does not offer the baby any products other than breast milk, in the first few months she will be reliably protected from pregnancy by nature itself. It is necessary to start protection with pills or other methods with the introduction of complementary foods and a decrease in lactation.

  • oral contraceptives (contraceptive pills) - acceptable for breastfeeding from 6 weeks after birth, provided that they are selected by a doctor
  • condoms- use is allowed from the beginning of the resumption of sexual activity
  • tubal ligation(female sterilization) is an operating method performed under anesthesia. It is carried out according to the indications and desire of women who have previously given birth to 2 or more children
  • coitus interruptus- a rather unreliable, but popular method of protection among married couples. Often leads to pregnancy
  • intrauterine devices(IUD) - compatible with breastfeeding and can be installed immediately after childbirth. However, it is best if the spiral is installed no earlier than 8 weeks after birth - this reduces the risk of its loss. The Navy can call discomfort in lactating women, since during lactation the uterus contracts and the spiral can change its position. The use of the spiral by women with inflammatory processes uterus or appendages
  • natural method- abstinence from sexual intercourse on "dangerous" days. The method is 50% effective and is suitable for couples who do not mind further replenishment of the family

Video: Methods of contraception after childbirth and lactation

How to properly protect a man?

Usually, it is the woman who is more concerned about preventing unwanted pregnancy, but this is not correct - both partners should think about contraception. Besides modern medicine offers a sufficient choice of contraceptives for both women and men. The most affordable "male" means of protection are:

  • male condoms- inexpensive, easy to use, available funds that can not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Must have in every man's arsenal
  • male birth control pills- when taken regularly, they deprive sperm of the ability to fertilize an egg. Unlike female oral contraceptives, they have a number of serious side effects.
  • coitus interruption- does not protect against pregnancy. Even before the onset of ejaculation, spermatozoa, which are necessarily contained in natural male lubricant, are able to quite successfully fulfill their purpose.
  • vasectomy(male sterilization) - ligation of the vas deferens through a small incision in the scrotum. The method is good for those men who are confident in their decision to never have children in the future.

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, 90% modern men protected by condoms. Of these, 25% noted that they were personally convinced of the unreliability of interrupted sexual intercourse.

Video: Contraception in men

How to protect yourself properly for a woman?

Every woman leading an active sexual life dreams of finding a reliable method of contraception, long-term use of which will not lead to undesirable consequences. But unfortunately no universal remedy protection that would suit everyone.

For example, individual allergic reactions to latex make it impossible to use condoms during intercourse, and in case of untreated inflammation, the introduction of an intrauterine device is prohibited. Also, the schedule and features of work can prevent a woman from taking oral contraceptives regularly and strictly on schedule.

A highly effective option such as tubal ligation is not suitable for those who plan to have a child in the future. Based on such circumstances, a female contraceptive should be selected.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that a gynecologist be engaged in the selection of a contraceptive, who is previously informed about the characteristics of a woman's body.

What is the best way to protect yourself?

If we talk about reliable protection, then you will have to choose between mechanical (condoms, spirals), chemical (candles, creams) and hormonal (pills, injections) contraceptives. However, none of them can still guarantee 100% protection.

IMPORTANT: There are only two most reliable methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy: abstinence from intimate life and sterilization.

Not at all noteworthy are such methods of protection as coitus interruptus, douching and the so-called calendar method- all of them leave a fairly large chance for pregnancy.

Do I need to use protection during menstruation?

The common myth that a woman cannot get pregnant during her period still continues to mislead young people and refuse contraception these days.

IMPORTANT: A woman can get pregnant during her period. However, the risk of pregnancy is still slightly lower than in common days cycle.

The highest probability of becoming pregnant during the "critical days" in women with short cycle(21 - 23 days). In this case, normal ovulation occurs already on the 6th - 7th day, which means that it will just coincide with the last days of menstruation. And even if ovulation occurs a few days after the end of menstruation, there is no guarantee that a sperm cell that has retained its viability is not waiting for it.

Happy owners long cycle don't relax either. In the body of every woman at least once in her life, but it happens hormonal disbalance with shortening or lengthening of the menstrual cycle. And no one knows exactly when this failure will occur.

From this we can conclude: protection during menstruation is necessary.

Emergency contraceptives

Emergency (postcoital) contraception is the use of special hormonal drugs or the introduction intrauterine contraceptive within 1 to 3 days after unprotected intercourse in order to avoid pregnancy.

Oral postcoital drugs Postinor, Ginepriston And Agest contain "shock" doses of the hormone levnorgestrel. These remedies are more effective the earlier they were taken after intercourse. Their serious disadvantage is the tangible Negative influence on ovarian health and a high likelihood of menstrual irregularities.

Indications for taking emergency oral contraceptives may be:

  • unprotected intercourse
  • failed coitus interruptus
  • broken condom

Taking postcoital drugs is contraindicated in women:

IMPORTANT: Oral emergency contraception should not be used more than twice a year.

Video: Emergency contraception

The introduction of an intrauterine device within 5 to 7 days after unprotected contact does not allow the fertilized egg to enter the implantation phase. This remedy is an abortifacient and should only be used in the absence of inflammation of the uterus and ovaries.

IMPORTANT: Only a gynecologist can put an intrauterine device.

Biological (or calendar) method of protection

To use the calendar method of contraception, you need to know the exact menstrual cycle. Women with irregular cycle should focus on the last 6-8 months. Among these cycles, you need to choose the shortest one and subtract 18 from the number of days in it. The resulting value is the first day when protection with condoms, pills or other means of protection is mandatory. The last day to use protection is determined in a similar way: subtract 11 from the number of days of the longest cycle.

IMPORTANT: The biological method of protection is one of the most unreliable. It is suitable only for those couples who do not mind having a child.

Protection with folk remedies

Protection with folk remedies can be used in cases where modern facilities contraception is not available for any reason. As the saying goes: "It's better than nothing." To the most popular ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy with the help of folk wisdom relate:

  • douching with acidified water. Immediately after intercourse, water is introduced into the vagina with water dissolved in it. lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid. The idea is that spermatozoa should die in an acidic environment.
  • douching with one's own urine. A rather risky method, because the probability of catching an infection from the introduction of decay products inside is quite simple. So the desire to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy can end in a hospital bed
  • douching with a solution of potassium permanganate. Important condition the reliability of this method - the solution must be strong enough. But do not forget that a strong solution of potassium permanganate, introduced into the vagina, will inevitably cause severe burn mucous
  • hot bath for a man before sexual intercourse. A man should take a very hot bath a few minutes before intimacy. Spermatozoa must lose their strength and ability to fertilize
  • hot mustard bath for a woman after intercourse. 1 tablespoon is poured into a hot bath. dry mustard and mix well with water. A woman should sit in such water as long as possible
  • laundry soap and tablets. Immediately before sexual intercourse, a woman inserts a piece of gray into the vagina laundry soap, and immediately after intimacy - 1 - 2 aspirin tablets
  • application of dried herb Shepherd's purse. A woman should take 1 tablespoon daily. this crushed herb. According to popular belief, this remedy will protect her from pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Alternative methods of protection not only do not provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, but can also cause severe irritation and disruption of the vaginal microflora.

When choosing a contraceptive method for yourself, think about whether its use will change your life in the near future. If the method seems quite acceptable and reliable enough to you, you can safely use it, after discussing the details with your partner.

Video: How not to get pregnant? Contraception

Unwanted pregnancy is one of the most common female fears.

Situations that can end in two stripes on the test can be very different, so joining the militant opponents of abortion is at least unwise.

In this article, we will not discuss whether or not to have an abortion - this decision should remain with the woman. We will talk about two points - how to avoid such a situation and what to do if pregnancy occurs.

Why does an unplanned conception occur?

Life has many faces, but 98% of cases of unwanted pregnancies are explained by the absence or insufficiency of sexual education of sexual partners. And it's not just about women who do not pay due attention to issues of protection, but also about men who take the position of "my hut at the edge", sincerely believing that contraception is not their problem.

In retrospect, it should be noted that the attitude of doctors towards abortion was not always categorically negative. Gynecologists will surely recall studies from the times of the USSR on the benefits of abortion, stating that in the event of a forced termination of pregnancy, the female body is shaken up and rejuvenated.

Those who have come across big-time sports probably know that pregnancy followed by abortion was practiced as a natural dope. This is due to the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body produces horse doses of the typically male hormone testosterone, which increases endurance and improves athletic performance.

What can you advise a modern woman? Don't let the situation take its course. Preventing pregnancy is definitely better and cheaper in every way than having an abortion. Moreover, the arsenal of modern contraceptives with a high degree reliability is quite extensive.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

The range of modern contraceptives can be attributed to planned or immediate methods of contraception. The former are used before sexual intercourse, the latter after unprotected intercourse or in situations where the method of protection used cannot be considered reliable.

To the most common planned ways contraceptives include condoms, intrauterine device, combined oral contraceptives, spermicides for local application. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, which we will briefly describe below. If you are having difficulty choosing an acceptable method of protection, consult a gynecologist.

condoms- the best option for a woman who does not have a permanent partner. This is the only way to protect against sexually transmitted infections. Of the shortcomings, discomfort during use should be noted. Even in high-quality condoms, latex limits the fullness of sexual sensations when in contact with a partner.

An effective method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, however, it has a number of limitations. The spiral should not be placed in nulliparous, women with a number of gynecological and hematological diseases. Also, when using a spiral, it may occur ectopic pregnancy, therefore, in the presence of such a complication in the history of the disease, it is not worth the risk.

Another reliable ally to help prevent unwanted pregnancies. The modern arsenal of drugs in this group includes various options for girls and women different ages, giving birth and nulliparous, nursing and non-nursing. The doctor may prescribe a drug that, along with contraception, corrects hormonal background with some diseases.

However, COCs have an extensive list of contraindications, for example, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma. In addition, taking these drugs requires a woman to be organized - you need to drink daily, preferably at the same time. If you miss at least one pill, the effectiveness of contraception is reduced to nothing.

A simple and popular remedy that does not require regular daily use, remain . They create an acidic environment in which spermatozoa die. Offered on the market various forms release - ointments, suppositories, gels, tampons. Of the disadvantages of this protection, it should be noted the instability of funds in soap solutions, as well as the possibility of developing allergic reactions when applying them.

If the situation is such that you did not protect yourself before or during sexual intercourse, funds will come to your aid. immediate contraception. In Ukrainian pharmacies, Ginepristone, Postinor, Escapel are offered to solve this problem. The drugs in this group contain high doses of hormones that prevent fertilization or normal development pregnancy. They must be taken within 72 hours of intimacy.

Of the shortcomings of emergency contraception, a clear relationship should be noted between a decrease in the effectiveness of the agent and an increase in the period that has elapsed between sexual intercourse and the use of the drug. For example, the effectiveness of Postinor on the first day of admission is 95%, and on the third day - only 58%. Also, the funds of this group have an extensive list of contraindications and restrictions on use.

It is possible to prevent unwanted pregnancy at home by douching after sexual intercourse. Boiled water, potassium permanganate solution, citric acid. The disadvantage of this method is that the active sperm within 1.5-5 minutes is able to reach the cervix. In addition, an overdose of these substances can cause a chemical burn or severe irritation vaginal mucosa.

Summarizing the methods described above, it should be said that none of them can be called 100% reliable. Therefore, a woman should always monitor the timeliness of the onset of menstruation, and if in doubt, do not put off checking for pregnancy on the back burner.

How to get rid of unwanted pregnancy?

If the stars are aligned in such a way that you become pregnant, but for some reason you cannot or do not want to give birth, the only possible way get rid of the child - forcibly terminate the pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age, you can have a mini abortion, regular () or medical abortion.

Shady variant of termination of pregnancy. You can make it on early dates- up to 3 weeks (corresponds to 7-10 days of delayed menstruation), while fertilized egg not attached to the uterus. During the procedure, an aspirator is inserted into the uterine cavity, and its contents are forcibly sucked off under the influence of vacuum.

If the fetal egg has managed to gain a foothold in the uterus, it will not be possible to extract it by aspiration, it will be necessary to scrape the uterine mucosa. Such an operation is performed with termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks. It can be done in two ways - blindly (an outdated version) and hysteroscopically.

When scraping with a blind method, the doctor cannot control the quality of the removal of the fetus from the uterus. Therefore, there is a high probability of injury to the uterine mucosa with a curette - special tool, which perform this operation. It is better to give preference to a low-traumatic hysteroscopic method.

When carrying out such an operation, a special optical device, a hysteroscope, is inserted into the uterine cavity. When performing manipulations, the gynecologist visually controls the process, and the risk of injury to the endometrium and the development of complications is greatly reduced.

It should also be noted regarding new method termination of pregnancy, which has not yet become widespread in our country - medical abortion. The expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity occurs due to the intake medicines. Their mechanism of action is based on blocking the production of progesterone. Due to the absence of a mechanical effect on the uterine mucosa, the risk of infection and various complications after an abortion is reduced, therefore this method recognized as the most benign.

Medical abortion is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. In his presence, a woman drinks drugs specially designed for this on the basis of mifepristone - Miropristone, Mifotab, Ginestril - in the amount of 600 mg. After 36-48 hours, the patient should drink 400 micrograms of misoprostol (Mirolut).

Misoprostol is a substance from the group of prostaglandins that, among other effects, increases uterine contractility and leads to miscarriage. To confirm the fact of termination of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes control studies 36-48 hours and 8-14 days after taking misoprostol. If the result is unsatisfactory, other types of abortions are performed.

Note . This article lists the trade names of medicines that are registered in Ukraine and offered by wholesale companies as of November 2016. The article does not mention the trade names of medicines that are registered but not imported into Ukraine.

Video review about unwanted pregnancy

Unplanned pregnancy of student Olga Zinyak and why she refused to have an abortion

Folk remedies for unwanted pregnancy

On the Web, you can find a bunch of recommendations for terminating a pregnancy at home: a hot mustard bath, taking herbal decoctions (peony, tansy, cloves, wild rosemary, club moss, etc.), lifting weights. Dry fasting without food and water is also recommended - it is claimed that this method will provoke a miscarriage for 2-3 days.

The author of the article deliberately does not go into details. folk methods. You must be aware that they are VERY dangerous! Such procedures may end heavy bleeding and lethal outcome. Unfortunately, even in our country, where abortion is allowed, such tragedies happen with enviable regularity.

We strongly recommend that you have the operation in medical institution. Believe me, the fear of publicity, the condemnation of others and the reluctance to resort to the help of doctors is nothing compared to YOUR own life. We wish you only pleasant and safe sex without negative consequences. Be healthy and happy!

Tired of, has a permanent sexual partner and is theoretically ready for the appearance of a child in the family. We tell you what the action of biological methods of contraception is based on and what is wrong with coitus interruptus.

According to modern averaged data, the egg retains the ability to fertilize from six hours to a day after ovulation. Spermatozoa remain viable in the genitals of a woman from two to eight days, but they acquire the ability to fertilize an egg only after six to seven hours in the uterus and fallopian tube.

What conclusion can we come to, once again carefully turning these figures in our heads? And here's one: unprotected intercourse during the eight days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation can lead to pregnancy. This is theoretical. And practically - you can “fly in” on any day of the cycle. Because we have individual not only the cut and color of the eyes, not only the length and shape of the legs, but also the life expectancy of both ourselves and our germ cells. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy on any day of the cycle!

But situations in life are different. It's one thing - lovers, not yet thinking about family and children. Another is young parents who, for the company of their two-year-old, are not averse to having another baby - but a little later, not now. If the first method of contraception is needed as reliable as possible, then the so-called natural methods of contraception may also be suitable for the second. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Biological (or calendar) method of contraception

biological method is based on periodic abstinence from sexual activity (or protection) on periovulatory (“near-ovulatory”) days. Abstinence is recommended for eight days and for three to four days after the expected ovulation.

This method is only suitable for those who have a regular menstrual cycle. And to those ladies who are quite pedantic and will not be lazy to measure basal temperature. Every morning. At the same time. Not getting out of bed. In the rectum. Ordinary thermometer. And write data. To then build a curve basal body temperature.

During the proliferative (let's call it "preparatory") phase of the normal menstrual cycle, rectal temperature ranges from 36 to 36.8°C, not rising above 37°C. After ovulation and further throughout the luteal phase (that is, the corpus luteum functions, producing the hormones necessary for pregnancy; and there is no corpus luteum that would not want to become corpus luteum pregnancy!) of the normal cycle, there is an increase rectal temperature from 37 to 37.4°C. The day of ovulation corresponds last day temperatures up to 37°C in the rectum.

This is considered the average for the female population. And how is it with you personally ... By the way, any woman is recommended to do this exercise at least once in her life: plotting a basal temperature graph. They get to know him very closely, as a rule, when problems arise - hormonal and / or with reproductive function (infertility). But in order to simply know what and how, rarely anyone is interested.

For those who still dare to use biological method (calendar, or rhythmic, or symptothermal- as it is also called), it should be borne in mind that the timing of both ovulation and menstruation may vary depending on emotional state, stress, climatic conditions, infectious diseases. Therefore, for greater reliability of the biological method, the time that, in accordance with the basal temperature curve you have built, is favorable for conception, should be increased by two days “before” and two days “after”. Before and after ovulation. That is, ten days before and five days after.

In total, fifteen days a month remain for sexual activity (assuming a stable four-week menstrual cycle). Not so little. Considering that the biological method is suitable for couples who, in principle, are not so categorically against the child. For those who categorically do not want children, the biological method is not very suitable. Ask any doctor obstetrician-gynecologist - he will tell you a lot of cases about "getting pregnant during menstruation", and with interrupted intercourse.

Contraception is a way to prevent the fertilization of the egg and, therefore, the onset of pregnancy. Contraception is just part of the concept of protection. Because you should protect yourself not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections and / or sexually transmitted diseases - STIs, STDs.

Coitus interruptus is not a method of contraception

By the way, another way of natural, traditional contraception: coitus interruptus. Coitus interruption is the removal of the male penis from female vagina before a man's orgasm. Similar Method based on the ability of a man to feel the approach and onset of the moment of ejaculation. Feeling the proximity of his own orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina so that sperm does not get there - and further.

Many consider coitus interruptus to be almost the easiest and most natural way contraception. Doctors have a different opinion and do not consider coitus interruptus a method of contraception. Because its efficiency is very low - about fifty percent. Pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons.

First, in many men, semen production begins long before the final ejaculation. These groups of sperm "scouts" cannot be felt and, accordingly, impossible to control.

Secondly, not every man and not every time can really qualitatively - in a timely manner and in full - control his ejaculation.

And thirdly, most men have an interrupted sexual intercourse causes problems with potency, weakening of erection, premature ejaculation and even actual impotence. Women forced to live with such men develop psychological disorders and even develop anorgasmia. In general, coitus interruptus is such a thing ... Very individual. Suitable for men with a strong sexual constitution, ready to think first of all about their women. And in the tenth place - about yourself. And it is suitable, like the biological method, only for those couples who are not categorically against children and who are confident in the sexual "flora and fauna" of the partner, as in their own.

Lactational amenorrhea method

And to complete the topic of natural contraception - once again about lactational amenorrhea method: LLA- it's not "I'm breastfeeding!". MLA is only suitable for women practicing exclusively breast-feeding(up to six months, the child does not receive anything other than mother's breast milk), giving the child a breast on demand and the largest nightly breaks in feeding for which do not exceed six hours (daytime breaks between feedings - no more than two hours).

This method is built on rather subtle and very highly organized neurohormonal relationships between the hypothalamic-pituitary system and target organs (mammary glands, ovaries, uterus). One single violation of the regime - and hello! Ovulation may occur and, accordingly, the fertilization of the egg.

I summarize: all natural methods of contraception are suitable for long-established couples who are not alien to love and trust to each other. Well, where is a woman ready to give birth to what has been done, and a man - to take care of what has been done in full.

To be continued.

Sexual intercourse is not always protected. If a woman does not plan to become pregnant and fears that sex will lead to conception, she should use emergency contraception. These include birth control pills after the act, which must be taken on the first or third day in order to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy.

Mechanism of action

Pregnancy pills contain hormones that cause reproductive system work under their control. Since conception occurs for several days after sex, it is necessary to influence the mechanism in the early stages (the maximum efficiency is manifested in 72 hours, then it decreases sharply). It is optimal to take the remedy within 12-24 hours.

Once in the body of a woman, drugs suppress ovulation, some cause a mini-abortion, menstruation begins. The sperm does not have time to fertilize the egg, pregnancy does not occur. The benefits of using tablets include:

  • low chance of pregnancy;
  • relatively easy portability of funds;
  • recovery reproductive function already in the next cycle;
  • there is no effect on the hormonal background in general.

Cons of using tablets:

  • do not protect against infections, viruses, bacteria;
  • you cannot use this method all the time;
  • complications may occur (vomiting, bleeding from the vagina, abdominal pain, dizziness);
  • the method is not suitable for women who smoke, with increased blood clotting.

What pills to take so as not to get pregnant

All means of emergency contraception are divided into gestagenic and antiprogestin. Their features:

  1. Gestagens - high doses of progesterone are used, the hormone affects the change in the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Drugs block ovulation, sperm have nothing to fertilize. Progesterone contains tablets Postinor, Escapel. Their constant use can disrupt the functioning of the ovaries.
  2. Antigestagens - they use small doses of antiprogesterone, which is more effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy. They inhibit ovulation. These tablets include Ginepriston, Agest.
  3. Combined - combine both groups, contain estrogens and progestogens that suppress ovulation. These include Triquilar, Rigevidon.

Mifepristone-based preparations

Mifepristone-based drugs are used to terminate early pregnancy. They cause miscarriage, change the hormonal background. Compared to a real abortion, taking pills is simple, safe, causes minimal amount complications and side effects. Group representatives:

  • Mifegin;
  • mifepristone;
  • Pencrofton;
  • Mytholian;
  • Mifeprex.

Name of the drug




pharmachologic effect

Blocks the activity of progesterone, inhibits ovulation, changes the endometrium and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg, increases the contractility of the myometrium


Reception scheme

By mouth within 72 hours of sex

Inside once under medical supervision


Nearly 100% Pregnancy Reliable

Does not affect concentration

Can be used for preparation and induction of labor, does not cause overdose


Do not take food 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking the pill, does not protect against infections

Not to be taken while breastfeeding

May lead to adrenal insufficiency

Cost, rubles

200 for 1 piece

455 for 1 piece

600 for 3 pcs.

Preparations based on levonorgestrel

The most common drugs in Russia are drugs based on levonorgestrel. They suppress ovulation, prevent the development of pregnancy, cause less nausea compared to combined means, but more often disrupt the menstrual cycle. Members of the group include:

  • Postinor;
  • Danazol.

Name of the drug

Eskinor F



pharmachologic effect

Suppresses ovulation and fertilization. Increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the advancement of spermatozoa


2 tablets

Reception scheme

Within 3 days after intercourse

One immediately after intercourse, the second - after 12-16 hours


Does not affect the nature of menstruation


Not suitable for teenagers under 16

Does not protect against infections

Cost, rubles

400 for 2 pcs.

490 for 1 piece

375 for 2 pcs.


Combined contraceptive pills with estrogens and gestagens can be used as emergency contraception. They suppress ovulation, do not cause bleeding, but can lead to heavy regular periods or cause them to be late. Group representatives:

  • Ovidon, Rigevidon, Microgynon, Minisiston - single-phase;
  • Triziston, Tri-regol, Trikvilar - three-phase.

Name of the drug



norethisterone, ethinylestradiol

Norgestimate, ethinylestradiol

Levonorgestrel, ethinylestradiol

pharmachologic effect

It inhibits ovulation, changes the course of the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, causes atrophic changes in the endometrium, disrupts its ability to implant a fertilized egg.

Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, inhibits the maturation and release of the egg


Reception scheme

One within 72 hours after sex, the second - 12 hours after


Improves skin condition

Suitable for diabetes but with caution

Effectively protects against pregnancy

Normalizes the menstrual cycle


Causes side effects

May cause nausea, bleeding

If you vomit, you need to take another pill

A large number of contraindications

Cost, rubles

500 for 21 pcs.

750 for 21 pcs.

1000 for 21 pieces

300 for 21 dragees

Side effects

Taking pills against pregnancy can result in the development of side effects:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness;
  • itching, urticaria, hyperthermia;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • emotional lability;
  • menstrual irregularities.


Taking pills for emergency contraception has its own contraindications:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • liver disease;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • breast-feeding;
  • pathology of the biliary tract;
  • tumors;
  • anemia;
  • porphyria;
  • thromboembolism;
  • uterine bleeding in history;
  • migraine attacks;
  • age over 35 with smoking;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • severe extragenital pathologies.
