How to protect yourself from a vampire man folk remedies. Energy vampirism is not a new phenomenon. General methods of protection against vampirism

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire is a topical issue for each of us. Because, whether we realize it or not, but in life we ​​often encounter real energy vampires that provoke us to choose negative emotions. After meeting with such a person, you feel empty, and the vampire, having received a subscription, will soon come back for a new portion.

If you are attacked by an invisible attack

Eat exact signs the fact that you are affected by an energy vampire. So, an attack takes place if:

you feel (even if intuitively) that a person affects you psychologically during communication;

you feel at ease with a person, you are "strained" by his presence; you “flare up” in a conversation with a person, no matter what you say, it’s not clear why you are nervous, communicating with him you feel overwhelmed, you even get the feeling that you have caught a cold or are too tired.

Vampires can manipulate you, scandalize and provoke you to release energy, but you can and should fight them

Of course, we do not need any energy vampire as friends or friends. But, since they are different, to the extent, respectively, you need to defend yourself in each case, using various methods.

There are vampires who are actually very dissatisfied with themselves: they don’t go well with work, and there are eternal problems in the family. So a person thinks that if he complains “about life” all the time, he will win your attention, receive sympathy. In other words, it feeds on the energy of its neighbor.

Is it possible to fight this? Need to! For example, as soon as they try to engage you in an unpleasant conversation, just smile and keep silent, making it clear that you want to stay away. He, of course, can continue to carry on the conversation, but, most importantly, you are not "turned on" emotionally. After all, it is your emotions that such people need.

Of course, in such situations it is difficult to say no, to fence off. But it's more expensive for yourself - to regret. You need to learn to look at everything from the outside - and no vampire will be afraid of you. In general, after a neutral reaction on your part, he will leave you alone.

Sometimes, knowing your “sore points”, the energy vampire talks about exactly what concerns you, but what does not please you at all. With such conversations, many bring the interlocutor to the white knee. There are two ways out: either say that you don’t care, you don’t worry at all, or start acting to solve your problem. Then the vampire will simply have nothing to cling to.

A stream of light as protection against energy vampirism

By developing your imagination, you will help yourself create a virtual, but very reliable protection from energy vampires. All you have to do is imagine that you are standing in a stream of light.

Visualize this light destroying negative programs in your energy field. When you feel that the heavy burden in communicating with another person seems to be falling off your shoulders, then we can assume that the protection has worked.

If you still feel tired, it means that you failed to defend yourself, and it is better to end the conversation - only as gently as possible (remember that irritability feeds the vampire) and finding any excuse for this.

While you imagine being flooded with a bright protective light, you will be distracted from both the whining and the complaints of the human vampire. The vampire will feel that he cannot break through the protection, and, therefore, will lose power over you and interest in you. You will see for yourself, he will change the subject of conversation.

A stream of light will help repel a vampire attack - imagine how it literally permeates your body

Never forget to break through your energy protection a vampire can only when you allow him to do this: you regret, give advice when he feels bad, empathize (cry, worry).

And in general, think about whether it would be better to part with those acquaintances, friends, after which you feel bad both morally and physically. It is important for you to understand that you are not responsible for the fact that something bad happens to people. And you are not at all obliged to give "smart" advice, while losing your own vital energy.

One of the tactics to combat vampirism is to escape

Do not even hope that you can re-educate an energy vampire! By the way, the easiest way is just to run away from him as fast as you can. And not only in the figurative sense of the word.

You need to try to outplay the vampire emotionally, and then he will be “scared” of you

If you are somehow connected with such a person, for example, at work, it means that you work exclusively with him and intersect. As little as possible to meet with such people is a good way out. But even in these cases, you should not relax, you need to prepare well.

We remember that the energy vampire wants to anger you, scare you, cause irritation or other negative emotions. Therefore, you should not give him the opportunity to do so. The way out is to outplay such a person emotionally. He, of course, will not “play” your game, but you yourself will play it unnoticed by him.

A good result is given by similar response behavior. For example, if a person wants to pity you, knock out a tear with some details, in response you can give invented examples from life, moreover, with even more “compassionate” details.

An energy vampire will not want to absorb such unpleasant details at all and will change the subject. Moreover, he will understand that complaining to you in the hope of getting sympathy will not work. And he will have to switch to someone else.

We laugh and effectively counteract energy "suckers"

Agree, the best way to overcome anger and anger is laughter. For example, in the office of a formidable boss, imagine him in a funny guise, for example, as a clown, or in an absurd form, say naked and with a tie. He scolds you, boils like a samovar, and you look politely, but smile to yourself from the top of your head: after all, the "king" is naked!

In no case do not get angry in response, and if you do make excuses, then emotionally light, not including evil, black emotions.

If the energy vampire is your boss, the only way out is to quietly laugh at him

Even better, if you mentally look at everything from the side. Imagine that you are sitting opposite the boss (another person), but your soul is flying somewhere under the ceiling and looking down at what is happening. Such abstraction must also be supported by inner laughter. And it’s really funny: a person loses his temper, gets angry, scolding you, and does not even suspect that you are “not here”, but laugh, hovering over his head.

Think to yourself: “Well, when this “big boss” will let me go ... but for now I’ll fly more.” And to make it easier to switch to something fun, watch more comedies - it will come in handy. Always at the right moment, you can easily remember something funny, and the energy vampire will definitely feel that you are on your own wave and will fall behind you.

In the same way, you can protect yourself from energy vampires at home, that is, people from the closest circle of friends. After all, both friends and relatives can be energy vampires. The principle of protection is the same.

In addition, remember that often the person himself does not realize that he is trying to deprive you of energy, provoking a scandal. If you are aware of this, then you will not succumb to provocations and will not experience resentment, anger or other negative feelings that open the door to your own energy field.

A conspiracy to neutralize an energy vampire

With the help of the words of the conspiracy, you can also erect an invisible wall around yourself., and this will neutralize the negative energy attack.

By speaking the words of the conspiracy, you will not allow the energy vampire to affect you

Saying the words to yourself, you should imagine how they fence you off from an unpleasant interlocutor.

Say: “The barrier of words protects reliably. Words-amulets help me to win. Your dark conversation does not concern me. With my words, like a lock, it is securely locked. At the same time, you must make simple movements with your fingers: click in the air, as if you are “kicking off” checkers, as in the children's game “Chapaev”. Everything bad, thus, will "bounce" from you.

Runes will save your energy

Since antiquity strong amulet to protect against those who "pull" energy, clover is considered. And, of course, it is best that its leaves are real.

At the same time, a pendant in the form of a clover leaf is also an effective amulet. Wherein silver item- protection from a female energy vampire, and gold will not allow a male vampire to influence you.

You can protect yourself from vampires with the help of amulets, such as the runes Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz

Also, such a method as a pin pinned to clothes on the left side has long been known. It does not matter whether it is visible to a stranger or not.

A pendant that symbolizes your zodiac sign will also become your personal protector. It is better if it is made of metal, even non-precious.

Yours can also become a guardian a pet, cat or dog. It is known that they are able to “absorb” negative energy without harm to themselves. If you have a meeting with a person unpleasant for you at home, be sure to pick up a shaggy amulet or sit next to it, stroke the animal - and you can calmly communicate.

Ideal who will put up a barrier to protect against a stranger negative energy people are considered: Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz. You can cut them yourself, for example, on a wooden pendant.

Choose the above runes and use for energy protection

The best defense against energy vampires is your own strong energy And positive attitude. Remember the simple truth: darkness cannot touch the light. Similarly, negative energy will not be able to penetrate your energy shell if you radiate positive energy.

Video to the topic: "Energy vampires: how to recognize them and protect yourself"

They are not afraid sunlight, silver and garlic, do not drink blood. These people feed on other people's emotions. Learn to resist energy vampires!

23:40 28.12.2012

Bioenergetics and psychologists are sure: energy vampires exist! "Bloodsuckers" scandal, complain about the unfortunate fate, threaten, bore, or in some other way try to unbalance the victim.

It is not surprising that a person or a group of people, to whom such a message is directed, feels worse, their mood deteriorates, depression and impotence appear.

A vampire does not always know that he needs a recharge. . But even if he draws energy from others unconsciously, he must be resisted. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sick: such a negative impact reduces all the protective functions of the body. Dealing with such people is quite simple: adopt a few proven bioenergetic and psychological techniques.

Signs of a vampire

Recognizing an energy thief is the first step in dealing with him. Trust your intuition - and you will be able to protect yourself from negative influences.

After talking with a vampire, you feel sleepy, irritable and tired - you feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to argue, quarrel, throw out his anger and dissatisfaction on others: after that, his mood improves before his eyes.

A person may not show visible aggression towards you, but constantly complain, complain about fate and health, demanding sympathy from you and taking up a lot of time. As a rule, he does nothing to improve his life.

Chatterboxes and "entertainer masses" who always strive to be in the spotlight are a special variety. You should not suspect everyone around you with such traits of “vampirism”, but if such a person does not cause positive emotions in you, his active interference in your space can be considered energy aggression. Distinctive feature: such people often try to establish tactile contact- pat on the shoulder, stroke or just strive to touch you.

They love to borrow and give back "as soon as possible."

Nonaggression pact

At work, in transport, in shops and just on the street, you can easily encounter a “bloodsucker”. Don't let him into your personal space!

. Keep calm, even if it's hard for you to remain impartial. Never enter into a conflict with a vampire - this will save you from internal imbalance.

. Don't stare to an unpleasant person: eyes are the strongest channel of energy exchange. If this cannot be avoided, your glances must be quick.

. Learn to say no if someone's annoying requests constantly violate your plans and take up time. Avoid even telephone communication with people who constantly complain about life, complain about fate, bosses, children or husband (wife). Help should be given to those who really need it.

. Don't reveal your energy unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (a meeting, a trip in transport), cross your arms over your chest or clasp your palms and connect your feet. Thus, you will close your space and make it inaccessible.

. Bioenergetics advise With inside clothes to wear a pin or a small mirror with a reflective surface away from you. They say that such an amulet will reflect the negative.

. Accumulate strength donor trees will help you. If you stand by a birch, oak or pine for several minutes, touching or embracing them, and literally imagine how the tree fills you life energy, you can resist any vampire. It is best to choose a tree that grows separately from others.

Put up an emotional shield

From day to day, we are openly or covertly subjected to various mental attacks. There are several conditions for successfully counteracting negative energy.

. Take morning and evening cold and hot shower- water washes away the negative information field. If contact with a person unpleasant to you occurred at work, and you have a desire to wash yourself, wash your hands with soap and spray your face cold water- so you at least partially get rid of the negative message.

. After communicating with a vampire, drink tea from medicinal herbs(yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and ... forgive the offender. Eat red or black pepper, add nutmeg to your coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy.

. It is very important to complete comfortable sleep: during the rest, your strength is restored and the body's resistance increases. Before going to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. Don't let them into your dreams.

. Wear silver jewelry, because this metal has the ability to absorb negativity and purify thoughts. Dip in the water for a while any silver item. Silver ions will turn it into a "live" one with restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.

. Often we ourselves become the cause of our energy depletion, attracting increased attention. Bright appearance, defiant demeanor - and you are on the hook. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is energetically beneficial.

The power of words and thoughts

Commonly referred to as “damage” and “evil eye”, the invasion of your informational and biological space will harm you only if your soul and thoughts are open to negativity.

1. A word and even a thought carry certain information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions.

2. Be an optimist! Such people are not carriers of negative psychic energy and do not attract it to themselves.

3. Learn to forgive! Even at the slightest manifestation of anger, a person's aura retains a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more damage is done to your health. A positive attitude towards life and people attracts good luck and guarantees excellent health.

Building an energy barrier

To successfully extinguish the negative energy of others without losing your strength, you need to be able to put up protection. Take advantage of yoga practice!

If by the nature of your activity you are forced long time be in the same room as a manipulative vampire, use your imagination and use a few tricks.

"Egg". Imagine and feel that at the level of the intercostal space in front of you, behind and from the sides at a distance outstretched hand, there are four warm golden peas. Mentally imagine that the peas are spinning around you, forming a hoop. Then try to see how the spinning hoop turns into an egg with dense walls - its layers are wound on top of each other for about a minute. Egg shells can be colored - golden, blue, orange are best. It is very important to feel all the actions. You can also imagine that a silver-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome above you. Thus, you will close the circuit of your biofield and prevent its breakdown. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall" Mentally build a mirror wall between yourself and an unpleasant interlocutor or place yourself in a mirror cube. negative energy will be reflected, and the “ghoul”, having lost some of its strength, will leave you alone. You can also build a brick wall - imagine how you put cement, how you place bricks. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the protective biofield. You can use this technique only in relation to an obvious vampire-aggressor who purposefully influences you.

Let's play theater!

Your boss keeps everyone in fear, and one of your close relatives cultivates guilt in you? Keep calm will help you special psychological reception- the effect of alienation!

During a painful meeting, imagine that you are in the auditorium of a children's puppet theater. In the role of Karabas-Barabas - your boss. Imagine how he shrinks in size, and every time he raises his voice or in some other way shows aggression, take it as a role.

If such a boss loves to call you on the carpet, never show him your weaknesses. Be calm: react to aggression with the words: “Is that all?”. After listening to another batch of reproaches, ask the last question: “Can I go back to work?”. The tone should be even, and the facial expression should be serene.

Do not give in to provocations. The same technique is effective when close relatives try to manipulate you. You can counteract energy manipulations without taking their words to heart. For example, by presenting the aggressor on TV.

Every morning, when we wake up, we rush to work. A person who loves his work and the people with whom he communicates on it is filled with the energy of joy in the morning. The other, waking up, thinks of work as hard labor, curses it, gets up with difficulty, but is forced to go. At the same time, he has neither strength nor health, everything already annoys him, something presses his body - this is a classic vampire.

We sit with him in the same bus, tram or subway car. It's hard for a vampire, he needs to throw off these oppressive energies, and he steps on your foot, on your favorite corn. The vampire will definitely hurt, deliberately to arouse your indignation and anger. It is he who fusses and provokes us to irritation, and we turn on.

Your heart begins to beat faster, reacting to this frank rudeness, your internal energy(prana) and passes into your outer energy shell (aura). You are shaking and pounding, your joy is gone, and the vampire still fuels irritation with insults. And then your energy finally goes to him. The vampire felt better, he took his soul away, threw off what hindered and crushed him, and was charged with fresh energy, although not best quality, junk, but this one suits him. Still would! And you come to work and for a long time you cannot calm down and concentrate, you have no strength, you are squeezed out like a lemon. You threw your pearls into the swamp, but it does not give circles, you were rolled in the mud.

Have you noticed how vampires, shaking someone, feel like heroes, how wildly their eyes sparkle at the same time, how proudly they raise their heads? And then common phrases become clear to us: “You need to ride in a taxi!”, “And put on a hat!” etc.

If you managed to get to work safely, then a vampire may be waiting for you here. Enough frequent occurrence when the boss is the vampire. A familiar picture, when on Mondays he gathers his subordinates and begins to scold. Everyone will get "to the liver", everyone will find offensive word, excite the whole team, discourage any desire to work. And after the planning meeting, he leaves, pats everyone on the shoulder, asks not to be offended, because he is trying, supposedly, for a common cause, saying that if you are not urged on, then you will not work. Such a vampire boss does not like his job, it does not please him. Like any vampire, he is pleased only with something personal, he does not care about everyone, he himself would sit. Therefore, your boss does not have that life-giving energy that can inspire and charge the entire team, and please with one appearance at work. Everyone hides from him, he keeps the team in fear. He fears for himself first of all.

And then it becomes clear to us why he screams, knocks with his fist, insults right in the eye, and even in front of everyone. He charges and at the same time grabs his heart. Here is a sign of the Cosmos that in its heart there is no love either for you or for the cause.

Well, if he only charges from you on Mondays for the whole week, but if this happens every day, if he is sick, until he spends his vampiric “five-minute”?

If a person cannot earn respect with his work, interest, love and kindness, he begins to demand it. Remember, as Pushkin wrote: “When he fell ill in earnest, he forced himself to be respected ...”

The vampire boss has the highest turnover. No one wants to work with a vampire, live in daily mental turmoil. There are already enough of them in our lives. The worst thing is when vampires run child care facilities. I have seen heads of kindergartens, directors of schools and children's clubs, where, through their fault, there is a constant tense mental field in the team of workers. It's time for top management to pay attention to the fact that people are leaving, which means there is no spiritual comfort, there is no and will not be real work, because "the fish rots from the head."

When the boss is a vampire, on this basis he has sycophants and saints. This weak people, and by this they protect themselves from energy shocks. But the boss-vampire needs slobs like bread, he will keep them near him all the time, keep those who can be offended and insulted daily with impunity or, as we are already used to expressing ourselves, energetically shake.

It is useless to fight with the boss-vampire, from this he will be even better charged with your energy. You are a “switchman”, a “scapegoat” for him, he is glad to see you every day, he is looking for meetings with you, you are an invaluable find for him, he cannot live without you, you are his personal donor. You can demand triple, five times the amount of your wages - this is compensation for your health. But remember that he gets even sicker until he recharges from you.

Do an experiment: do not react to the boss's rudeness, smile, say something about the weather, and you will see a miracle. He suddenly blushes, turns purple, trembles and clutches at his heart. You did not give him your energy, and the symptoms of vampirism were revealed to you: a cry - from impotence, rudeness - from bad manners, rage - from anger. So all the secret becomes clear.

Perhaps I am wrong to write so frankly, but without this we will not learn to understand for a long time who is who and what is what. And so I advise you: look and be silent, look and see what is happening and how. Silence is golden, the ancients said, that precious grain that should stay with you, and not splash out.

Are bosses the only ones who don't like their jobs? Do we ourselves love it, the one we go to every day? Work is the energy field of our activity, and in this field we spend most of our lives. For many, this is an unhappy part of their lives. Will he have strength and health, will he not take it from his colleagues, and then both at home and on the street? And let it be a signal for you when someone says they don't like their job. This is a signal that a vampire is near you. But in general, it is already clear who and how relates to work. And let him not be offended that the boss scolds him, and in the team he does not enjoy authority. This is a common feature of vampires - no one likes them, and they do not enjoy authority in their team.

There are many people who do not hide the fact that they do not like their work, that they are, as it were, serving a sentence. But at the same time, they are always cheerful and cheerful, they do not pay attention to anyone, because they live in their thoughts in some other world of their own. And at any opportunity, they strive to escape from work to where their soul sings and enjoys. It can be sports, art, various hobbies of technical creativity, etc. But at the same time, with their idleness, they provoke people to shout at them, and then they take offense and call the offender a vampire.

Isn't there a person at the job that you love that you don't like, and therefore he annoys you. And just because you think and talk about him all the time, your energy goes to this person, and you have to periodically recharge from someone.

The person who judges others the most at your job is a potential vampire. Normal, healthy man forgives everything to everyone or does not notice the one from whom the spiritual stench emanates.

Even more often, vampires at work are people of “vacant positions”, these are party committees, factory committees, local committees, etc. Here the vampire can be seen immediately, because with every gesture and word he emphasizes the significance of his person. Before some, they curry favor and lisp, and with others in a fierce relationship.

Vampires do not wash, so they will rob you anyway. They pretend to be deaf, and we have to scream all the time, and this is annoying, because we notice that they also hear a softly spoken word addressed to them. There is a large group of moon vampires who pretend to be incomprehensible. They have to explain elementary things just so many times until we “explode”. And at this time they receive their portion of waste energy. Here is a sage's advice to you: "Do not sit under a rotten tree, do not communicate with a man of an extinct mind." (E. Roerich "Community").

Technological progress has given rise to another sophisticated type of vampirism - telephone. The telephone vampire, when calling, does not share joy with you, but splashes out the next or the same problems on you. It can be a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague - they call almost every day and always at the wrong time, taking up a lot of time, tearing them away from business. You listen to them with irritation, and in an invisible stream your energy flows to the vampire. Geographical distance does not matter. The telephone channel is most often used by moon vampires. Here's my advice. When giving out your phone number, warn that your device is old, broken, and during a conversation it will turn off-lu-lu! You can find yours, more effective method. The telephone number identifiers included in our technical service will help us “see” a person with whom you are already tired of talking.

We already know that the vampire boss is charging in the family over the weekend. And what happens to him if he is on a business trip? Here is a vivid illustration of such an example, taken from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

"The fellow traveler turned out to be a maniac"

“For four hours, a forty-year-old maniac brutally mocked his neighbors in the compartment on Saturday night on the Moscow-Petersburg train. The passenger, apparently, had a persecution mania - it seemed to him that someone had spilled gasoline outside the door and wanted to set it on fire. He tied up his fellow travelers (two grandmothers and a thirty-year-old guy) and began to ask them who had planted them. At the same time, the raging passenger beat his victims with the butt of a hunting rifle and poisoned him with a gas spray. He also rummaged through their personal belongings in search of a transmitter. After which he began firing from a gun, scaring off curious passengers who got out of other compartments, then, having torn off the stop-cock, he jumped out through the window of the train.

Maniac, as we were told in the Leningrad-Moskovskaya station LOVD, was detained on the same day. It turned out to be a police major from Norilsk."

As we have already found out, vampires need to be fed daily. mental energies. Therefore, they are more accustomed to having the same environment. This police major is an exception. We have already said that vampire bosses do not enjoy authority in their team, they feel it and therefore at work they care about one thing: how to sit until retirement or promotion in their place. Hence fear and suspicion. But for some reason, the vampire leaves his usual energy field, and the influx of waste energy drops sharply. One way or another, he will still be charged from others, but without the usual methods, which means that he will not receive full satisfaction anyway. This lack will become chronic in time, and he will have to generate it powerfully somewhere in his favorite manner.

It should be borne in mind that this police major belongs to the solar type, and for them rudeness, onslaught and sadism are a means of energy charging. The maniac always suffers from mental complexes, and what he hid in his thoughts came to light in such an unexpected way. Therefore, the falls of vampires at work are always terrible, no matter how high they rise, but about family well-being and there is no need to say, it simply does not happen. There are thousands of such examples, we know many vampire bosses who change chairs and offices only because of their incompatibility with the team, but the business suffers.

Any person can turn out to be an energy vampire, even if he is not connected with magic and esotericism in any way, he, unlike a magician, is unlikely to be aware of this. Surely each of us has at least one acquaintance, communication with which exhausts, deprives Have a good mood and strength. This happens because this person is "recharged" with energy from others, and the more vulnerable the victim, the more the energy vampire can devastate her.

What is this vulnerability?
Firstly, the weaker a person is, the easier it is to take energy from him, because in this case, resistance is minimized compared to a strong person.
Secondly, the easier it is to spin the victim on emotions, the easier it is to feed on it. Most of the energy vampires act exactly according to this scheme: first they provoke a person, and then feed on his reaction.

This is explained very simply. The stronger the victim's emotions, the more energy she gives away, and, in fact, the vampire can only warm her up, exhausting her completely. I think a lot of people have come across people in public transport, queues or any other place that seems to deliberately climb on the rampage. And there are always those who react violently to it. This is an example of energy vampirism: a provocation to emotions for the sake of obtaining energy.

Most elementary way protection from an energy vampire - do not become his victim at all. In many cases, vampirism towards oneself can be avoided.

As stated earlier, vampires choose their most vulnerable victims. Don't let yourself be provoked! If you are absolutely calm, then there will simply be nothing to take from you. Get away from what's going on. Communicate with a vampire in a polite, calm manner, without a shadow of negative emotions. Be firm enough. Most likely, you will quickly lose interest.

1 Do not look into the eyes of the energy vampire, close your palms together.

2 Using the “central gaze” technique (laid out), by the efforts of the will, instruct yourself not to obey the vampire and put a mental screen in front of you - a glass wall through which you see a person, but he does not see you.

* This method works especially well when communicating with a human vampire who pumps out energy unconsciously.

* This method of protection is good to use in advance, before the appearance of an energy vampire. The protection will operate for about 3 hours. Helps to resist those people who consciously pump out energy (their strength is much higher than that of "unconscious" vampires)

A powerful technique of telepathic protection - creating an ethereal double

This protection technique is used by professional psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, and even magicians and healers. The technique is very powerful, but requires significant energy costs from the practitioner.

1. Being next to an energy vampire, the practitioner mentally collects all his energy in the area solar plexus.

2. Then he also mentally transfers this energy to the brain and focuses it in the region of the third eye (this can cause a burning sensation or other unusual sensations in the area between the eyebrows).

"I am protected", "I am surrounded powerful protection"," I'm invisible to you "…

This impulse must be mentally directed directly into the head of the energy vampire for several minutes.

H the most convenient and simple method to implement

Imagine that you are surrounded by an impenetrable cocoon. It should be located at a short distance from you. The cocoon can be both transparent and mirrored: in the first case, it will only protect you from external influences, in the second - to send the negative back.

For greater effect, especially at first, you can imagine how everything bad hits your defenses and cannot harm you. The cocoon should be exposed periodically for the sake of prevention, especially if you are in a crowded place.

Lost Energy Recovery Technique

This technique can be performed to restore energy potential after an attack by an energy vampire, and also to replenish the reserves of energy spent on defense.
1. The practitioner sits comfortably in a chair.

2. Places hands on knees, palms up.

3. Closes eyes, completely relaxes.

4. Mentally turns to the Cosmos with a request to fill the body with vitality.

5. Represents that a ray of energy penetrates into the body through the top of the head (the color of the energy ray will be different for everyone).

Visualization lasts about 15 minutes, after which the practitioner does deep breath exhale and open your eyes.

* Exercise is best done before sunset. To maintain proper energy level experts recommend doing this technique at least once a week.

Protection against energy vampires - WISDOM

In our time, there is hardly a person who would not have heard about energy vampires - people who replenish their energy reserves by absorbing the energy of other people.

What can be done quickly and discreetly to protect yourself?

There are many ways to protect and restore yourself during an energy attack. One of the methods of protection is mudras.

1 The first option for creating a block of protection: you need to interlace your fingers and keep your hands at the level of the solar plexus. The palms should be turned towards the stomach, and thumbs can touch each other, and can lie freely. Breathe deeply and calmly. Protection will increase if you mentally imagine a protective cocoon of silver, gold, white or purple around you.

2 Mudra "INVESTMENT OF THE RING" - connect the large and index fingers one of the hands in the ring, put this ring in the palm of the other hand. Pass the thumb and forefinger of the other hand into the already formed ring and do the same with the other hand. Repeat this sequence 3 times.

Many people experience a feeling of tightness around the head after the third time. This is a sign that you have achieved what you wanted - your biofield has condensed, and its energy circuit has closed.

The third option for closing your energy circuit is to connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand with the corresponding fingers of the other hand, the tips of the remaining three fingers either overlap or touch each other.

And closes the list of mudra called "Shield of Shambhala".

To perform the mudra, women clench into a fist right hand And back side applied to the palm of the straightened left hand, thumb pressed against the palm. Men do the same thing exactly the opposite - that is, they clench into a fist left hand and the right one is straightened.

"Shield of Shambhala" not only protects against unwanted influences, but also helps to a short time restore strength, increase tone. To restore energy, it is enough to hold mudra from 5 to 15 minutes, and 15 minutes in the most difficult cases. Hands should be held in front of the solar plexus.

The "Shield of Shambhala" can also be done mentally.

Energy vampires don't drink blood, don't sleep in coffins, and don't kill virgins on a full moon, but they can cause serious harm to your health.

Vampire man feeds on emotions and vitality. For him, you are just a generator from which you can “recharge”.

Is it possible to recognize them? How to protect yourself from energy vampires? And what if the “bloodsucker” turned out to be a loved one?

Vampires are perfectly disguised, they can wait for you at work, in transport, on the street and even live with you under the same roof!

Source: IStock

Of course, they are not afraid of garlic and they also do not have fangs the size of a human finger, but there are a number of signs by which they can be recognized.

  • After communicating with such a person, you feel like an emotional ruin, joy and love of life are replaced by despondency and apathy.
  • You feel tired. It seems that nothing happened, just a normal working day in the office, but it seems that you were carrying water and an elephant (or two) was dancing a jig.
  • There is a tendency to depression and introspection. It seems that all the colors have been pumped out of life. Only grays and blacks remained.
  • Can let you know chronic diseases. Often after talking with an energy vampire, people complain about headache and pressure increase.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

Source: IStock

Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself?

Energy vampires are of three types.

1. Solar. This species is the most active. For them, scandals, quarrels and squabbles are the meaning of life.

A vampire may turn out to be a dandelion grandmother who does not want to sit in line at the clinic and screams for the whole corridor.

Or the "Blood Drinker" may be hiding under the guise of a stern colonel, chasing soldiers along the parade ground until they lose consciousness

2. Lunar. Jokingly they are also called "weepers". Not a day goes by that such a vampire does not cry about his problems and troubles.

Actually, his scheme is simple: he finds free ears - pours out negativity - and life becomes easier, more fun for him ...

Well, a person who has received such a portion of destructive emotions, then collects himself piece by piece.

Source: GIPHY

3. Planetary. They love to bring the victim to white heat, but they do it on the sly. Envy, slander, lies - they do not disdain any means.

They take pleasure in the suffering of others by taking the position of observers.

Their main weapon is the discussion of catastrophes and personal tragedies. The stronger the listener's emotions, the better for the vampire.

Source: GIPHY

Can you protect yourself from vampirism?

Yes, but first the vampire must be identified. They don't have "Warning, I'm a Pest" markings or identification marks, but you can trust your instincts.

If the interlocutor causes you unreasonable irritation, and inner voice says: "Danger!" - you should listen to him.

Do you feel that even after a short conversation with a person, a feeling of fatigue and apathy appears? – So, you are another emotional donor.

Source: IStock

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Emotions. Vampires unceremoniously invade our personal space, they are attracted to your inner strength and emotionality.

If you notice that an unfamiliar colleague has come to visit often with his endless problems, or the boss is increasingly calling “on the carpet” without special reasons- must be protected.

Of course, you cannot beat a vampire on his field, but you can deprive him of a source of joy - emotions.

It is difficult to feed on a donor who remains calm and balanced in any situation.

Learn to block your emotions and not succumb to provocations.

Source: IStock

visual contact. Bioenergy experts believe that the eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, they are one of the most important ways energy exchange.

That's why you shouldn't maintain direct eye contact with an unpleasant interlocutor.

Not only are communication channels open, but also your emotions are in full view: the pupils reflect fear, self-doubt, and pity ...

Source: GIPHY

Walk away from the conversation. Of course, following the rules good manners. You don't have to proudly turn around and slam the door, just tell your sticky friend, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, we'll talk about this later."

Siege an annoying fellow traveler: "I'm not ready to discuss this topic with you."

Learn to say "no". Many energy vampires are talented manipulators.

They play on your heart like on the strings of a violin, awakening pity, compassion, pain, aggression, passion at the right moment...

In emotions, they bask, as in the warm rays of the sun, depleting the internal reserves of your body.

Learn to say "no" to people who constantly want to put the bag of their problems on your shoulders. They do not need help as such, only emotional nourishment.

Source: IStock

Surprise. Imagine the situation: you are standing in a long line into which a woman begins to squeeze.

And not silently, but stepping on your feet and cursing subtly. She has a desire to quarrel with someone and throw out anger on her face.

Learn to act outside the box: make fun of her or just ignore her, but do not be led by emotions and do not rush to teach the “impudent” a lesson, because that is exactly what she is trying to achieve!