What is human energy, how to increase it. People with weak energy: how to live

A strong biofield means good health, high self-esteem and developed bioenergetics. It is these qualities that are sometimes not enough to achieve success. However, energy protection can be developed, focusing on 7 signs of an ideal biofield.

The energy of any person can be programmed for success. Considering your biofield more carefully, you will determine in which direction you should work on yourself, and whether you need to work on your biofield at all. Perhaps you already have a strong defense?

There are only 7 main signs of an energetically strong personality. If you didn’t recognize yourself in this description, but it reminded you of a colleague or TV star, focus on such people. From them you can recharge with positive energy, which they receive through the communication channel from the Universe. Your chances of finding success in any area of ​​life will be slightly higher if strong people appear in your environment.

What is energy and how to increase it

Absolutely any living organism has its own special aura. In humans, it is the strongest, because we are rational beings and are able to change the world around us. We can cognize the world and are the crown of creation of the Universe. Eastern philosophy even believes that a person has as many as 7 energy centers called chakras.

The Universe helps us to achieve our dreams, to do what we want and can do even better. If your body is not configured for this, then luck can leave you for good. The best way to increase energy is to merge with this world by accepting its rules. The main laws of the Universe will help you with this. By following them, you will quickly achieve your cherished goals. For example, if you often imagine the end result of your work, then the chances of achieving it are much greater. The more you think about the good, the more you will experience satisfaction in life.

What raises and enhances energy:

  • Healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and overwork not only worsen the connection with the source of abundance, but also destroys your consciousness, dulling the ability to effectively perceive the world.
  • Affirmations. Some of them can be divided by day of the week to enhance the effect by referring to these settings again and again. They will help you believe in yourself and tune your brain to the right wave, like a radio.
  • Rituals and ceremonies. Energy is a product of nature, so communicate with it in its own language. Use the right rituals and rituals for this on different days and holidays to activate the necessary energy zones.
  • Follow the signs. People didn’t just come up with the idea that you shouldn’t cross the path of a black cat or you shouldn’t put the broom down at home with the part that is being swept. Our ancestors noticed a long time ago that some actions can have a negative connotation. Use this ancestral gift to always know that luck is with you.
  • Follow horoscopes. In the universe, the stars, as well as the planets of the solar system, are of great importance for people. Follow the advice of astrologers to adjust to the mood of the stars and planets.

These tips will help you transform your life and improve the energy aura of the body.

7 signs of a strong biofield

How do you know if you have become stronger or not? Or maybe you want to analyze your colleague or business partner, friend or girlfriend? 7 signs of a strong aura will help you:

Sign one: if the aura is pure and strong, the person hardly gets sick. When the aura is poor, a person becomes overworked, he has frequent headaches, chronic diseases appear, and he catches cold easily. Sometimes things go further - there are signs of more serious diseases.

Sign two: a strong biofield gives its wearer incredible luck in all matters. Roughly speaking, people with strong energy are always more likely to achieve success without noticeable effort.

Sign three: a strong aura is felt if a person radiates optimism. When you stand next to such a person, you want to act, you want to conquer the world, and you see everything in a pleasant light. If this is a person of the opposite sex, then it is very easy to fall in love with him.

Sign four: problems do not stick to people with a high level of energy. This does not mean that such people do not have problems at all, they just do not give him such discomfort. There is almost no chance that life will change dramatically and become much worse.

Sign five: if a person has a high level of energy, then he is most likely a leader. Leading others and being weak are two things that are absolutely incomparable with each other.

Sign six: a strong aura means a strong body. When a person is strong mentally, he is strong physically. He is hardy, gets tired slowly and is always ready to conquer new heights.

Sign seven: his mind is open. These people are not afraid to experiment, expand the scope, look beyond the horizon. Strong energy allows you not to be afraid of change, and absolutely any. This proves once again that life is dynamic. Life is change and constant, permanent transformation.

It is impossible to have only two attributes, and not all of the seven. They are just developed differently. There are slight deviations or anomalies, but in general, each of the points rises with the growth of the biofield. You just need to work on your thoughts and views of the world - then everything will work out.

The energy of a person can be determined even by handwriting. But most importantly, it can be strengthened and strengthened if you continuously interact with the Universe. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

Since ancient times, mankind has had the knowledge that each object of the material world is endowed with its own energy. Between any person and the surrounding world there is a constant exchange of energies. The result of such energy circulation can be both cheerfulness and a surge of strength, as well as devastation, a feeling of depression. Energy flows have an impact not only on physical health, but also on the emotional state.

The movement of energy is carried out in the subtlest energy structure that permeates the human body. Energy flows are divided into ascending and descending. The energy flow of the Earth penetrates through the feet from the bowels of the earth and is directed to the center located in the region of the crown. The energy of the Cosmos comes from the parietal region and descends to the hands and feet.

Thus, the human energy looks like a shell or created by the energy flows of the Earth and Space. And in order for the entire energy structure of a person to be in a harmonious state, it is necessary to ensure the free circulation of flows in the body. When certain problems arise in the energy system, a person develops various, as well as disorders of the emotional state.

Major energy centers

The human body assimilates energy flows through special centers or. These centers are located along the spine and are connected with each other by means of Sushumna channel. The three lower chakras are responsible for receiving the flows of the Earth, and the three upper ones are responsible for the energy of the Cosmos. The function of maintaining the balance of these centers is performed by the Anahata chakra.

Chakras visually look like energy waves arranged in the shape of a lotus. Each of these waves has its own color. Chakras are connected to internal organs and systems with the help of energy meridians. Their main purpose is to establish a connection between the thinnest shells that are located inside and around the body, as well as filling the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body, contributing to the establishment of interaction with others at the psychological level. It is the energy centers that are responsible for endowing a person with certain abilities, as well as are the basis of the strength of his energy.

Signs of a person with strong energy

strong energy endows a person with the qualities of a true leader. Such people are distinguished by self-confidence, self-sufficiency, they rarely pay attention to the criticism of others. Their behavior is always natural, they do not hide their emotional side. Personalities with strong energy have many hobbies, they are able to generate new ideas and energize others. Such people are highly communicative, they know how to establish contact with any person and have an attractive charm. Often people with strong energy have similar features in appearance: a rather massive chin, dark hair and eyes, a piercing, deep look.

Signs of a person with weak energy

A person with weak energy is characterized by emotional instability, a tendency to depressive states. Such personalities, as a rule, cause a feeling of pity on the part of others, communication with them often causes not the most pleasant sensations. The inability to naturally receive energy, caused by the closing of energy channels or, becomes the reason that you have to resort to to make up for the lack of strength. The external signs of people with weak energy include lethargy, poor health, depressed mood, depression, the presence of various phobias and mental disorders, a lack of desire for development and life in general, a decrease in immunity and the development of various diseases and dysfunctions at the physical level. Weak energy is often observed in elderly people or in those who have experienced severe stress or serious illness, in people with a large number of unresolved psychological traumas, complexes, resentments.

Energy practices

A person is in constant interaction with the energy of the Universe, other people and living beings. In addition, a person can influence himself, influencing the state of his health, psyche, etc.

All this formed the basis for the creation of various energy practices. Today, the effectiveness of such practices has been confirmed by scientists. For example, researchers have proven that the process of influencing their patient is electromagnetic waves. This means that the basis of the impact is the sending of energy, which is sent to the entire system in order to rid it of the accumulated negative energies. The reaction to such a message in the body occurs at the cellular level.

The definition of the energy structure of a person is different in different teachings and directions. However, it is often presented as an external energy-information field (aura), internal energy centers (chakras) and nadis (energy meridians). The color of the aura can change depending on the spiritual and intellectual level of the person.

Decreased energy. Energy losses are largely caused by stress, grief, unprocessed internal conflicts, resentment, the destructive power of which damages the shell. For this reason, in many practices, the first priority is to balance the mental state, achieve peace and create the habit of a positive outlook on life. For example, one of the practices of Taoist monks is based on the principle of “inner smile”, which implies the manifestation of joy not only externally, but also maintaining the same state inside. This practice helps not only to restore the balance of energy, but also to increase its strength.

Today, there are many different areas of energy practices, and new ones are constantly appearing. The most popular and well-known practices include meditation, Reiki, autogenic training, breathing, spiritual and Taoist practices, Qigong, getting an energy charge from nature, etc.

It can be argued that all energy practices are aimed at protecting and harmonizing the state of a person’s energy shell in order to preserve his health and ensure long life. That is why maintaining a constant energy balance in the subtle bodies of a person is of great importance.

Ways to increase the level of human energy

The first recommendation is good rest, which is necessary to restore strength and maintain energy balance. A good sleep, walks in the fresh air, an active lifestyle, the absence of stress and overload will favorably affect the state of the energy field. Great for strengthening and boosting energy mediation practices and yoga classes.

It is very important to rid your mind of a negative and pessimistic mood. The energy field is seriously damaged by the accumulation of unexpressed emotions., aggression, stress, violence. In order to avoid such consequences, one should learn to work through injuries, complexes, forgive insults, try not to maintain relationships with unfriendly people, form a positive outlook on life and treat others well.

Each person has their own energy field. The success of his life and relationships with other people depend on him. Someone's energy is weak, someone, on the contrary, is so strong that it can influence the fate of other people. In this article we will tell you in detail how energy affects a person, his life and environment. We will share with you a way to determine your energy field, and how to restore it if it has begun to collapse.

We are all born into the world with our own individual energy field. It is an invisible cocoon that envelops the human body from all sides.

Human energy consists of several bodies through which energy must constantly pass. If this does not happen, then the person feels weak, unhappy and sick.

To begin with, we propose to figure out what kind of bodies the human energy consists of:

  1. Atmanic - this body is responsible for ensuring that a person in life has some kind of goal that he aspires to. In fact, this goal is the meaning of life for him, so he constantly feels the strength to rise and achieve new results every day.
  2. Buddhic - the body responsible for the values ​​in human life. It works and fully functions only if a person is busy in life with his favorite thing, from which he receives frantic pleasure.
  3. Causal is a body, the normal functioning of which depends on how harmoniously a person feels, whether he listens to his inner voice, whether his behavior corresponds to what he aspires to in life.
  4. Astral - the body responsible for how a person perceives the events that occur in his life, what emotions he experiences at the same time.
  5. The mental is the body that is responsible for the development of intuition in a person. It depends on the development of this body whether a person can predict some events from his life.
  6. Etheric - the body responsible for the physical condition of a person, his health, tone. From the usefulness of the functioning of this body depends on how you will be perceived in society by other people.

Human energy tends to accumulate, so it is very important to be able to spend it so that there is no stagnation and, conversely, so that it is not wasted. First of all, you must spend your energy on family, work, sports, self-development and hobbies.

Psychologists distinguish 3 main levels of human energy:

  1. Insufficient - when a person has so little of his own energy that he begins to look for its sources from another person. Such people are called energy vampires. After talking with them, you feel weak, exhausted. Although it should be noted that many energy vampires do not even realize that they are.
  2. Average - when a person has found his golden mean. They replenish their energy reserves from communicating with pleasant people, from hobbies, work and being alone.
  3. High - when there is so much energy that there is nowhere to put it. These people include people who have very well developed psychic abilities.

How to identify a person with strong energy?

A person with increased energy is easy to recognize:

  • First of all, according to external signs. Such a person has dark eyes and hair, thin lips, but at the same time a wide jaw and a massive forehead.
  • A person with strong energy almost never gets sick. He is strong and strong, not only physically, but also in spirit.
  • People with strong energy do not give up when faced with life's difficulties, but quickly find a way out of the current situation. No one can unsettle a strong person in terms of energy.
  • Of such people, creativity and creativity is in full swing. They can come up with interesting things literally on the go, and all this is given to them very easily and simply.
  • People with a high level of energy are unusually charismatic. They influence others and attract them to them like a magnet.

What destroys human energy?

Even if a person has a very strong energy, this does not mean that this will continue forever. Under the influence of certain factors, the bioenergetic field of a person can be destroyed. We have compiled a list of what has a negative impact on human energy:

  1. If a person constantly worries about something, feels guilty, his conscience gnaws at him, in this case the person’s energy becomes bad, vulnerable.
  2. Resentment can have a detrimental effect not only on the bioenergetic field, but also on human health as a whole. Because of this, he ceases to achieve his goals and loses the desire to live actively and interestingly.
  3. Psychological disorders associated with the loss of a loved one, disappointment in love and other things that can negatively affect spiritual harmony.
  4. The feeling of envy has a very bad effect on the energy of a person. Everything that he does not undertake, in the end does not give any result.
  5. A very large amount of work, because of which a person is nervous all the time, also has a destructive effect on the energy field, because it draws life forces out of us.

Human energy by date of birth: how to determine?

To find out your own energy potential, it is enough to make one simple calculation based on the date of your birth:

  1. Write down your date of birth on a piece of paper in this order - year (consisting of 4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). For example, you were born in 1968, in September, which we will write as "09", on the 15th.
  2. Next, you will need to multiply the year of your birth by 0915 (these numbers form the month and day of birth). The result is the number 1800720.
  3. All the digits of the resulting number must be added together to end up with a two-digit number: 1+8+0+0+7+2+0=18.

Based on the result, you can determine your energy level.

  • If your result is less than 21 (what happened in our case), then you have a low energy level and you urgently need to do something to increase it.
  • If your result ranges from 21 to 30, then you have a normal average energy level. You just have to try to keep it all the time.
  • If the indicator is more than 30, it means that you can be an energy donor for someone, because you have a very high level of energy.

How to increase the energy of a person?

If it so happened that you have a very weak energy potential, then you don’t need to put an end to your future, you can restore your energy if you follow the recommendations below:

  1. Give up all bad habits that you have. Lead a completely healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, sleep well and exercise.
  2. Be outdoors more often, because nature for a person is a source of vital energy. It is desirable at the time of walking in clean air for at least 30 minutes. to be completely alone.
  3. Engage in the study of philosophy and pay attention to religion. Go to church, pray, light candles and just wish the people around you peace and kindness.
  4. Find a hobby and change jobs if it depresses you. As soon as you do the most for yourself, you will immediately feel a surge of vitality.
  5. Go to social events, visit cultural institutions, relax with friends and family members. All this will greatly inspire you and help you gain vitality in order to achieve positive results in your life.

By following all of the above recommendations, you can quickly not only restore, but also cleanse your energy. You will immediately feel how your life will begin to change for the better. Try to adhere to these rules throughout life so that the energy does not deteriorate or collapse at all, although it should be noted that in the circumstances in which we are forced to live, this is quite difficult. But still, we wish all our readers harmony, well-being, banal human happiness and goodness! Live life to the fullest, love and be loved!

Video: "Human energy: numerology by date of birth"

The energy of a person cannot be measured in joules, but each of us perfectly feels its level - our own clearly and physically, other people's - no less accurately, but subconsciously.

Although, what can I say, the phrase: “one’s own energy” or “alien” is a very conditional concept, because energy is eternal, “not privatized” by anyone and is very mobile. Today you are weak and weak, but tomorrow you are full of strength and creative ideas - everything is changeable and impermanent. This is the cycle of energy in this world.

What can I say - the more inner strength, the better. Everyone wants to be healthy, strong and energetic.

You can increase your energy, but you can also lose it. But who are the most powerful absorbers of a person’s inner strength is the topic of today’s post.


A high level of human energy is health, confidence and financial well-being. Such a person can be seen from afar - he is physically healthy, he has a clear head, a lively and strong look, such a person has confidence in every movement of the body.

No, strong energy is not the same as a “good person” or “rich person”, but strong energy means more opportunities (physical, sensory, intuitive), it is a better quality of life.

A person with weak energy is the exact opposite of a person with strong energy.
Apathy, a list of others and weakness accompany such a person always, regardless of the time of year.

When a person lacks vital energy, he intuitively tries to replenish its vital supply. If it is not possible to replenish its level in a natural way, then a person can embark on the path of energy vampirism, alcoholism and even drug addiction.

Oddly enough, but people with weak energy are more susceptible to attacks from energy vampires, more susceptible to suicide and aggression from other people.

Chronically weak human energy is an indicator that a person:

  • departed from God;
  • a person outside the moment “here and now” (which means that he lives through the prism of his ego);
  • perhaps out of touch with his roots;
  • perhaps he does not have the right lifestyle;
  • possible physical illness, including hereditary;
  • possible (including himself) or damage;
  • the so-called “passions” “live” in it, which we’ll talk about now.


Weak energy always “tells” a person that he is doing something wrong. All life and strength is from God, which means that, first of all, weak energy indicates to a person that he has moved away from the source of strength - from God.

The most destructive for a person are passions: gluttony, fornication, love of money, anger, sadness, despondency, vanity, pride ... Each passion gives rise to another, and if the course of events is not changed, then a person becomes a real slave of passions, both in this life and in that .

But not only that, each of the passions is also very energy-consuming.
The most powerful energy absorbers are: anger, sadness, despondency, anger, as well as excessive pride in all its manifestations.

Anger and anger (thirst for revenge, vindictiveness, irritability and irascibility ...) - they put a lot of battery

A person who does not know how to forgive in the first place suffers himself. All of the above passions are different passions, but they have a lot in common.

Do you feel that your "energy is melting" right before your eyes?

For example, any of these sins can lead to an even greater sin - murder, and these are the most energy-consuming passions.

Anger and anger make a person intensively generate violent emotions (and therefore give off psychic energy), deprive him of his mind and “incinerate” a person’s energy.

Being angry, a person splashes out his psychic energy along with rage on another. Who wins in this case? Just the appropriate demon he fed. An angry person greatly loses his strength, sins and possibly breaks through the energy of the ill-wisher, which will then return to him a hundredfold (the evil done by a person returns to him or his children). In addition, if you do not get rid of their manifestations in time, a person will inevitably lose health.

Sadness, despondency, envy - whines in the heart and takes away vitality

These are also mortal sins, but their manifestation is somewhat different. If we draw an analogy with physical illness: anger is epilepsy or a seizure, then despondency, sadness or envy is a aching pain in the heart.

Despondency is a sign that you do not believe in the power of God, that is, you subconsciously say to yourself: “This is all hopeless, no one will help me, I reject any help. It's all up to me, and there's nothing I can do about it." It turns out that you have closed yourself off from everything, look for strength in yourself, but it is not there.

“So, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: enough for each day of its own care”

Indeed, it is enough to “spit” on your problems and they will be solved by themselves.

Despondency, envy and sadness are not only “poisonous”, but also actively take away vital energy from a person. In a state of despondency or sadness, a person's strength is melting away just before our eyes. Protracted despondency or sadness is a frequent companion of such a terrible disease as cancer.

Pride leads away from true strength, replacing it with imaginary confidence

In short, pride is a feeling of one's own infallibility and one's superiority over others. “Pride is the mother of all vices”, “pride is the seed of Satan” – this is how this passion is denounced in Christianity.

Pride fills the whole person, such people do not hear or see anything, and their mind is clouded. A person with pride is a despot, a tormentor and a narcissist. Pride never "walks alone", and its frequent companions are envy, anger, love of money, fornication, gluttony.

A person with pride “sticks out” his “I”, seeks strength in himself, not realizing that life force is only from God and it can be acquired only by humility towards Him.

It turns out that pride leads a person away from the source of strength, hypertrophies the feeling of his own superiority, gives rise to many sins and physical illnesses.

Pride is also dangerous because it is noticeably energy-consuming, although it gives a person a feeling of some kind of euphoria. Pride is the shortest path to loneliness and disease.


Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit. Man is arranged in such a way that the spirit is the master, and the physical body is the servant. But it also happens that a servant treated kindly by his master wants to subdue his master, then the carnal wins over the spiritual.

Gluttony dulls a person, makes him sick and lazy. Alcoholism is one type of gluttony. A person cuts himself off from real power, replenishing his meager energy reserve through only the digestion of food.

Desiring short pleasure without thinking about the consequences is the life of a person driven by gluttony. Such a person eventually becomes like an unreasonable animal, becomes an apathetic, stupid, physically and spiritually ill subhuman.


One should not think that only spiritual illnesses (passions) take strength from a person, physical illnesses do this to no lesser extent. And in this case, in addition to treatment, the mood for recovery is also important.

Lack of sleep, especially chronic, greatly affects the energy level of a person. I didn’t sleep - everything falls out of my hands. Man is so arranged that he needs sleep. During sleep, the body rests, information is processed by the brain, and energy replenishes its supply. Sleeping is especially important for those who do not live in the here and now.

Living in an “unreal” moment is the most energy-consuming way of life. Billions of thoughts chaotically and daily rush through his head, such a person always faces the torment of choice, in such a rhythm a person rushes between the past and the future - all this "fuss" consumes the lion's share of a person's energy. To be in a “non-present moment” means to be a “battery” for internal and external demons, to be a feeder for energy vampires and energy egregors. Oddly enough, but almost all of us, most of our lives, live this way. There is reason to think, gentlemen.

If a person rarely happens in the fresh air, moves away from mother nature, then he does not receive energy in full. Active movements, especially in open areas (for example, in a field) are one of the options for saturating energy.


Energy is a “thing” that is fluid and mobile. A person can replenish his internal energy reserve and the main source of strength is God.

If a person spends more energy than he replenishes, then he becomes energetically weak and can become an energy vampire.

Man is a rational and spiritual entity, which means that any person can always take the “right path” and become an energetically strong and spiritually developed person.
But, about this in the following materials of the heading "".

Each person has his own energy, i.e. energy force, a person can take, borrow, save energy. Everyone has different energy levels. This level shows whether a person is healthy or not, how he feels, whether he enjoys life, how he behaves in different situations.

Where does human energy come from? There are completely different sources of energy - air, food, as well as space or solar energy. Thanks to his energy, a person is capable of a lot. It gives him the opportunity for psychological and spiritual growth. The good energy of a person gives him an excellent mood, cheerfulness, health, positive emotions.

There are several factors that influence it. It has always been believed that dancers have good energy. These are very cheerful people. Dancing, yoga classes have a positive effect on a person and his energy. Good environmental conditions also have an impact on the energy sector. As well as the general environment.

Good and strong energy in people who love life and enjoy every moment. When a person has goals and dreams, he can move mountains in every sense. It speaks of strong energy.

Energy is increased not only by the daily everyday environment, but also by visiting new places. Traveling, trips, new acquaintances with people and new cultures, broadening one's horizons - all this has a very positive effect on energy.

The physical body and human energy must always be in harmony. It's like one whole. It is necessary to maintain health for good and strong energy, also to eat spiritually. If a person develops poorly in the physical plane, then the energy will not be able to move freely through the body, so some complications may arise.

For good energy, you need to dream and set goals, but you need them to be feasible. Otherwise, if your dream does not come true, and you spend strong emotions on it, then this will negatively affect your internal state.

The so-called energy vampires have a very strong influence on the energy of a person. There are several types of them - solar and lunar. Sunny are people who like to make trouble, and at the next quarrel they suck energy out of you. And the lunar ones are aching people. They are never happy, they are dissatisfied with everything, they can often cry. If you listen to them and start to deal with their problems, they take away your positive energy.

A variety of thoughts can affect the energy of a person. Kindness, joy support the strength and energy of a person. Many people are told to simply remember something good when they feel sad. And negative thoughts and negativity have a bad effect on energy. Moreover, if you have negative thoughts for a very long time, this can lead to serious illnesses, even cancerous diseases.

To improve your energy, you need to forgive people more. This is a good feeling, and resentment and discontent only take away the energy of a person. With regular forgiveness, a person begins to feel an extraordinary lightness in the body.

A good rest will also restore energy. Healthy sleep, stress-free life. Sometimes it happens that a person has no more strength left for anything. Then you just need to rest, lie down and sleep more.

Hobbies, favorite work, passion - all this has a positive effect on a person's energy, makes it stronger.
You can increase energy in case of improving the energy of the house by clearing the rooms of unnecessary old things. Because objects store energy.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish weak and strong energy. When a person is weak, he is in a bad mood, possibly depression, various diseases, constant colds, poor health, some fears or phobias, no strength and desire to communicate with loved ones or work. With strong energy, a person even dreams joyful and cheerful.


There are even plants that can enhance and increase a person's energy. For example, geranium. It will protect a person from negative energy, and also cleanse a house or apartment from gossip, negative feelings, and bad thoughts.

People with strong energy differ from the rest in appearance. Thin lips, powerful chin, big eyebrows, more often brunettes. They probably have short legs, but they move and dance very well. These are creative people. The darker the eyes of such people, the stronger the energy.
People with strong energy can be leaders, they gather people around them. Such a person is polite, easy to contact with everyone. Benevolent. And, of course, self-confident.

Strong energy affects the character of a person. Such individuals are not afraid of rules. They are not afraid of responsibility and decision making. They always finish everything.

Strong energy is contagious. Having talked with such a person, I want to live and create. But this does not mean that you are an energy vampire. It's just that a strong personality shared his energy with you, she has it in abundance. It will turn out all naturally and naturally, such people are happy to share ideas, energy.

Therefore, with such people you want and joyfully be around and communicate. They are accommodating. The rest of the people want to subconsciously find such people and be around.