What to do if the husband is an energy vampire, how to live with an energy vampire? How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

An energy vampire with all the ability to mimicry, with all the unwillingness to disclose himself and become an object close attention anyway, sooner or later, because in his appearance and demeanor, signs are visible that cannot be hidden. People who are prone to pumping out someone else's energy like to evoke negative emotions in others. In particular, explosions of irritation, discontent, anger, resentment.

If your wife is an energy vampire - signs of energy vampirism

In order to irritate others, arouse their indignation, protest, they can turn on the TV or music at full volume at the most inopportune hour, for example, late in the evening or early in the morning of the weekend. If you have noticed such antics behind the neighbors, or the behavior of your soulmate gives you reason to say: my wife energetic vampire , you must understand their motives, and you must know what to do in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

In addition, a sign that your wife is an energy vampire may be the habit of doing something that annoys other people, such as banging on any surface, shaking your legs, stirring sugar in a cup of tea, clinking loudly with a spoon, etc.

Courtesy is not a character trait of such subjects. Tact, respect, gallantry are not familiar to them. On the contrary, if you have reason to believe that your wife is a psychological vampire, then you have experienced for yourself how such a person can be insulted, humiliated, and this is usually done in public. Thus, the psychological vampire reaps a rich harvest, receiving your emotions, as well as the emotions of everyone who became an unwitting witness to the scene he set up.

It is energy vampirism that causes scandals and fights in in public places. Scandals are exactly what energy vampires love, and this is another sign inherent in a person who is prone to feeding on other people's energy. The higher position a psychological vampire occupies, the more authority and weight in society he has, the higher the level of his aggression. The bosses of the leech diligently surround themselves with subordinates - donors, in order to always remain in good shape and have high activity.

Energy vampire - typical signs and behavior

At close or business communication with a typical vampire wife, you may have the idea that this person is stupid, or the strange feeling that you are being deliberately misled into believing that your interlocutor is a stupid, narrow-minded person. Even simple things are difficult to explain to such a person. And, repeating the same thing several times, you begin to get annoyed, and this is exactly what the energy aggressor needs.

Vampires do not like to repay debts, rarely keep their promises, are late, forget to call, etc. negative emotions the environment that causes such behavior feed these subjects. If you suspect that your wife is an energy vampire and there are objective signs confirming this suspicion, all you have to do is choose a clear tactic for your behavior and follow it. Do not get annoyed, do not follow her lead, and in any situation remain calm.

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Blind, unaccountable jealousy is another sign that the subject you are interested in is an energy vampire. Such jealousy wears, rarely has a love or erotic connotation, can be expressed in the form of irascibility, doubts, suspicions, and not only in marriage union, but, for example, one friend to all other friends. This character trait is most evident if you have been chosen as a permanent donor.

Tactile contact is very important in energy vampirism.

Touch, feeling the donor through touch helps to take energy faster and more efficiently. Those who do this grab even strangers by the hands, as if by chance, casually, unconsciously touching the body. During communication, they can touch the interlocutor with their elbow or palm. They like to look into the eyes of the interlocutor from a close distance. Of course, if your close person is an energy vampire tactile contacts you can't avoid it, and you don't need to. Just choose the right tactics behavior. In addition, energy leeches, especially conscious ones, choose donors themselves, and it’s not a fact that your vampire wife wants to pump out of you vitality. &1

Typed on the communicator during a trip to the subway, February 11 this year. It was originally planned as an insert in "99 signs of women", as one of the signs. However, it remained unfinished. I'm posting it as is. If its logic is more or less clear, then everyone can take part in formulating the features of the "energy vampire"

Actually, "energy vampires" are found not only among women, but also among men (usually they are called "whiners"). But the bottom line is that when meeting women, they are guided by intuition, they instantly recognize who they are dealing with, and they calmly let them through. But we, with our ability to lose our heads, can easily ignore this unfortunate quality, and catch on only much later, having spent long years and, most importantly, burning your soul in feelings for him.

In addition, it is too likely that in a few years, when the forces of her chosen one are running out, the EV will find another object for itself. No, he will not necessarily be rich - the search here is not at all for the sake of money. Our heroine herself can earn them - education and mind are not to be occupied with such. Again - the years of communication with her man were not in vain. She will look for a new energy donor - young man full of health and strength. To, having made a breakthrough, to appear before him as a meek, kind, shining angel. And after a couple of years (or even months), having firmly tied it to yourself, begin to pull from it mental strength. A little at first, and then more and more.

How to recognize this: it is almost impossible. There are only indirect signs, which, however, may not be directly related to energy vampirism.

1. It will not necessarily have bitchy character or appearance. Quite the contrary: the character can be calm, feminine and soft. But if one day she surprises you with the confession that "I'm a bitch" - think about it. This may not be an ordinary female coquetry.

2. It is quite possible that she, with external attractiveness, will maintain her innocence until the age of 23-25. This means that no one seriously harassed her before you. The men are also not insensitive logs, they have long suspected that something is wrong with her. Or there were applicants with a lower energy potential than you.

3. Particularly pronounced, affected infantilism - and this is over the age of 25 years. Here and children's turns of speech and writing, absolute non-commercialism - however, without explicit statements like "I have money and expensive gifts Not needed".

4. Pathological cowardice should be singled out as a separate sign. In principle, most women are terribly afraid of such deadly creatures as rats, spiders and frogs - after all, it is not known what should be expected from them (listed, not women :). In general, a man should emotionally and spiritually support his "half", and in this sense, he, of course, should also be a support for her. But when a lady in her thirties is seriously afraid that the ceiling of the underground passage may collapse, that a tree in the park will collapse on you, that the elevator cables will not withstand, that it is she who can be fired from the company (by the way, a recognized and respected specialist), and , most importantly, daily and hourly, many times a day, loads you with these fears of hers, without fail expecting to be cheered up and protected, then here it smells of obvious pathology.

However, she is not alone. Know: every time. when a woman shares her fears, overloading them on you, and you, a stern and powerful husband, calm her down, then she gradually, gradually, pumps spiritual energy out of you. Of course, if your friend is in trouble or grief, then from whom else should she seek solace? But after all, not all the time, for all sorts of, most often far-fetched, artificial trifles.
These trifles can turn out to be only a screen, a form of manifestation of a genuine draining of spiritual strength. The forms themselves do not matter, they are transient, but the loss of strength is permanent.

In a normal marital union, they usually get something in return. Mental strength, support, care, comfort ... Spouses, as it were, feed each other with energy, while becoming only stronger. It is very easy to distinguish an "energetically correct" union from the outside: from a couple that has approached, it directly carries strength and some kind of irrational joy. They are both kind of straightened, tending upwards. It is very easy to be around them, communication with both is like a song. You leave refreshed. In a pair of "vampire-donor" everything is somehow wrong. It seems that there is love, and attention, and they fit each other to the point of impossibility, but only both are somehow weak in appearance, as if lowered into water. In this couple, in the very atmosphere of the house, a barely noticeable despondency shines through them.

This symptomatology should not be confused with conflicting spouses: the saying "darlings quarrel - they only amuse" is directly related to the energy of the soul. Because, having reconciled, our doves with new forces will rush into each other's arms. Here, even after the resolution of the tension in the relationship, some hopelessness continues to show through.

One of the indirect indicators of the "energetic incorrectness" of a marital union is that they never quarrel (see the previous text about highly intelligent women and men). But there is also no clear reconciliation. Because this "brightness" is soul energy, it is directly related to this latter.

Your task: to feel, to calculate in which direction the roll is here. If it is clearly small, then spit and live with it. Most women are energy vampires to some degree. When necessary, we are all not fools to suck other people's spiritual strength. You yourself, albeit a little, are like that. Didn't notice?

5. She often, too often, is dissatisfied with you over trifles. In principle, all women are petty and absurd creatures - this follows from their innate observation to trifles. Many of them will be unhappy if you put your socks in a new, unexpected place each time :) Or you start splashing toothpaste on the bathroom mirror every day. However, most women decide all these little things in working order :) well, you already guessed how :)

In our case we are talking about specific dissatisfaction. A woman somehow in a special, non-standard way puffs up on you, which immediately becomes very hard on the soul, and for some reason you can’t see, you don’t feel a way out, a means of resolution.
Inflation continues for an inadequately long time, from many hours to several days. A heavy atmosphere of hopelessness spreads throughout the house. For some reason, it kind of turns you inside out. Most often, men in this situation begin to drink - from a feeling of general wrongness, their helplessness to resolve the conflict, from a desire to get away from an incomprehensible problem, and above all - from a misunderstanding of what is happening.

What is there to understand? Please note: when everything passes, you will feel like a squeezed lemon for several days, and she will shine like a cucumber. The question is, why would it? But now you know why.

6. You love her. You really love her. She is very dear to you. You are good with her. However, for some reason, you feel unusually refreshed when you are away from home for a couple of weeks. However, if you have a dacha that you like to repair for three weeks during your vacation, and at the same time live there, then for some reason you start passionately, to the point of frenzy, dreaming about it all year long, buying building materials in advance, choosing with gusto, with love every detail. Or you know that you have to go on a business trip, and the very thought of this begins to illuminate and warm your soul in an unhealthy way. Well, remember - as in childhood, when the holiday is approaching. But you are a faithful spouse, do not go "to the left" on business trips. It's not even in the plans. Otkel same so strange dreams?

And for some reason you sometimes want to leave home. But you love her, live soul to soul, mutual understanding is complete ... But here is the most significant moment: if you are a creative person, then the most best ideas comes to mind when she's not at home. Or at the thought that she will come now, it becomes hard on the soul, and it is impossible to work. It's just that you still don't understand why. You are a man, you won’t blame a woman for such nonsense - we are men, in general, we somehow underestimate the meaning and meaning of feelings, experiences, emotions ... metro lobby on a bench...

But it should be exactly the opposite! At the thought of her coming, the thought should begin to gush. She is your support, an assistant in hard work. Do you remember how it was with Bulgakov? “She would come and, as a first duty, put on an apron, and in the narrow hall, where there was the very sink, which for some reason the poor patient was proud of, she lit a kerosene stove on a wooden table, and prepared breakfast, and set it in the first room on an oval table ... He who called himself a master, worked, and she, running thin fingers with sharply honed nails into her hair, re-read what was written, and after re-reading, she sewed this very hat. Sometimes she squatted on the lower shelves or stood on a chair near the upper ones and wiped hundreds of dusty sheets with a rag.
roots. She promised glory, she urged him on, and then she began to call him a master ... "
When a friend "promises glory", she gives you part of her spiritual energy. In your case, it's exactly the opposite. If such symptoms become apparent, listen to yourself. Feel your relationship. Think: does she do much to restore your strength? Does he give a lot in return?

7. You may develop new, uncharacteristic habits. For example, gluttony, or vice versa, complete absence appetite. Progressive absent-mindedness may begin. Special attention should be addressed to a sudden onset of drowsiness, which was not there before. When leaving (to the country house, on a business trip), all this does not immediately, but gradually, after a few days, begins to pass. Everyone is different, but usually after a couple of weeks you feel rejuvenated and full of energy, and you don’t even ask yourself the question: what was it? We are so arranged that we do not notice when we recover, only illness is felt. Upon returning under the wing of the beloved, everything resumes. Gradually, imperceptibly for you. Have you read how to boil a frog alive? Aren't you afraid to get wet? Just think about it.

8. A woman most often responds to a man's love. How they express it there, how much she then loves him (as if in response) - God knows. I believe, however, that there must be some harmony in love. However, the fact is that if a woman loves her man _n_a_m_n_o_g_o_ _m_e_n_sh_sh_e_, then she is almost guaranteed to start pumping energy out of him, that is, she will definitely become an "energy vampire". A signal for this can be a constantly sour physiognomy, an endless, viscous discontent ...

9. Some associate "energy vampirism" and sex. Some argue that during sex, a man gives energy, and a woman only receives. Like, look at his hard-working face! And compare with a relaxed and happy female physiognomy ... Others (mostly feminists or persons equated with these perverted creatures) declare that, on the contrary, only a woman gives energy in sex. Usually, after this, there are arguments that a woman in general always gives everything, the world rests on her, and men are complete egoists :) Further, feminist singers, as usual, stray into particular examples - ex-husband, boyfriend of a friend, or a neighbor in the yard ...

One cannot agree with either point of view. In the right good sex(that is, when no one uses anyone, but both love each other) the energies of the spouses are combined together, forming a single whole. Sex is not an exchange of energy at all, it was someone who deceived you ...

10. How additional feature to those already stated, but not unimportant - can often declare that you are an energy vampire. Despite the fact that everyone has always said that it is very easy with you ...

11. This is usually only child in family. Her favorite man is her dad. No marital obligations (sex), if he needs support or he gets angry and needs to quarrel - there is a mother. For sex, too, mom.

Lives with parents. Dad usually dies early, but she stays with her mom, justifying her life as an adult for all sorts of reasons. Most often - taking care of my mother, I can not leave her. Mom, left alone with her daughter, begins to get sick, but does not die for a long time.

She usually has a lot of stories about fans who went crazy for her in her youth. They must have gone. She needs these stories to maintain the image of public opinion.

Because, in fact, she absolutely does not need a man next to her. If you force her to have sex or give birth to children, she will get sick with all sorts of female diseases to keep you away from her.

She does not need a man, but she needs male energy. First, her father becomes a donor, then she needs her mother to support her strength. But since one mother is not enough, then most often she becomes a friend of some complete family and recharges there to the fullest. She helps with the children, with the housework, but also takes pure energy for it. If there is not a lot of energy in the family, illness or trouble will also begin there.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Officially, the term "energy vampire", of course, does not exist. Not a single doctor will write such a diagnosis, a psychologist, squinting, will call to his couch in the voice of a caring psychiatrist, and the scientist will wrinkle his nose and wave it away - no, they say, there is no such intangible energy, and that's it. Despite everything, energy vampires for many are not just a myth, but a completely harsh reality. Especially if that vampire is their own spouse.

How to suspect a vampire in your husband, and, most importantly, what to do with it later?

How to calculate an energy vampire in a husband, how do energy vampires behave?

Vampire husbands (as well as vampire wives), who without a twinge of conscience feed on the energy of their halves, are far from a “sick fantasy”. The main thing is to clearly understand what it is namely vampirism , and nothing else.

If you found all or most of these signs in your husband, then ... it is not clear why you have not gone crazy yet ...

Speaking seriously, it is unlikely that the whole set of these symptoms can be found in one person - this is a real nightmare that no one can withstand. normal woman. But if, nevertheless, a partial correspondence of the signs to the behavior of the husband is found, then the main thing is understand what vampirism is , and not fatigue from work and other troubles.

How to distinguish?

Very simple:

  • If your conduct is impeccable (by the way, there are no ideal wives), and his vampirism is distinguished by stubborn constancy, then it's time to change something.
  • If he timidly scandalized twice , once he left, slamming the door (but taking the garbage), and even all night once he poured out his soul to you, complaining about his troubles, then there is absolutely no need to write him down as a vampire. On the contrary, it is necessary to "love, feed and never offend."

What to do if the husband is an energy vampire, how to live with an energy vampire?

It is very important to understand - a vampire realized in front of you, or not .

What to do, what to remember, how to behave if your husband is a vampire?

Do not rush to shoot, read and remember:

  • Analyze the scheme of his vampire unconscious actions. Most likely, his energy-draining tactics are the same, unchanged. So, it will be easier to deal with it.
  • Your emotions are his bread. The more unbalanced you are, the more vulnerable you are. Learn not to respond with emotions. Even more - learn not to react emotionally negatively at all. Of course, "hungry", he will provoke you to anger, pity, fear, etc. Your task is not to give him such an opportunity.
  • How to become an iron lady? We close all areas with energy leakage and connect additional power sources. The first is more important. Everything that pisses you off is your energy "black holes". Pat them without sparing yourself. Constantly complaining about life? Defiantly do other things at this moment, asking again - “what did you say, dear?”. Provokes you to a scandal - go to another room, get distracted and return when you calm down. Think of meditation, relaxation, and any other means of "self-preservation of the nervous system."
  • Once you're done with the "patches", start looking for "batteries". Everyone has their own batteries: someone recharges from comedies, someone from the pool, someone throwing darts, etc.
  • Track all activities that cause discomfort. Talk to your spouse, explain to him that you do not like it (in the form of a dialogue loving wife with my beloved husband). Did not help? Be wise and cunning - learn to change the situation for yourself. It is easier to change the very cause of your discomfort than to fight it.
  • Watch your diet. Yes, yes, real energy comes to us from food, water and air. Therefore, you need to eat right, drink as much as the doctor ordered, visit more often fresh air. Hunger, fatigue, exhaustion will exhaust you before you "enter the warpath." Read also:
  • Read literature on meditation. As ridiculous as it may seem, it works. As is yoga. The ability to concentrate and disconnect from external stimuli is a great power.

Of course, living with a vampire is hard. But a lot depends on you. Especially when it is your own, beloved and only vampire.

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Methods of bioenergetic protection from an energy vampire Without going into a detailed classification of methods of psychic and bioenergetic protection, simple methods, which can help you in almost any situation that arises in dealing with a hostile or simply unpleasant person. Energy Shield Stand up straight, preferably facing your potential opponents or detractors, even if they are at a distance or behind a wall. Raise your straight arms as high as possible, so that both palms are facing straight forward. Slowly lower your hands, outlining an oval from top to bottom on both sides of the body: right side slightly ahead of you, the right palm descends and synchronously along the left side - the left one. Both palms continue to look straight ahead even after they have closed together again at the knees. The legs can be slightly bent at the knees and the torso slightly tilted forward. Having fixed this position, again move the palms, outlining the oval in the opposite direction - from the bottom up. Returning to the starting position, repeat the entire exercise again - down and up again. Closure of the biofield If you are sitting on a chair, in an armchair, etc. at work, in transport, at a meeting, in the boss's office and stress threatens you, here are some simple steps you should follow. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Put together a large and forefinger each hand, closing the ring on the right and on the left hand. The other three fingers - middle, ring and little fingers - are straightened and pointing straight ahead. The described mutual arrangement of hands closes your biofield "on itself", and the aura acquires the properties of a closed system. If you are afraid of someone's "evil eye" and you have reason for that, then the position of the fingers of both hands can be changed: close the middle and thumb, while the index ring finger and the little finger remain straight and pointed forward, preferably in the direction of your possible psychological enemy. Neutralization of negative energy energetic influence, there are the following simple, but effective ways. The first is to turn several times around the vertical axis in a clockwise direction (when viewed from head to foot). The second method is traditionally and has long been known: spit three times over the left shoulder, slightly turning the head to the left. The point here is that someone else's "astral" is usually hung on left side cardiac plexus. Maintaining balance Emergency breath holding on exhalation - good remedy in order not to lose composure when you suddenly find out some stunning news.

How to find out..?

Who are they? Officially, the term "energy vampire", of course, does not exist. Not a single doctor will write such a diagnosis, a psychologist, squinting, will call to his couch in the voice of a caring psychiatrist, and the scientist will wrinkle his nose and wave it away - no, they say, there is no such intangible energy, and that's it. Despite everything, energy vampires for many are not just a myth, but a completely harsh reality. What is "energy vampirism"? This is a relationship between people in which theft occurs vital energy. At the same time, one person (the vampire) feels good and easy, while the other (the donor) feels anxious and bad. Astrology divides vampires into "solar" and "lunar". Solar Vampires: Aggressive; As children, they pronounce the first words “give” or “I want”; They themselves attack the victim, provoking scandals and quarrels; They act arrogantly, insulting and causing anger in people; Suck out energy literally in 15 minutes of communication. Lunar Vampires: Draw energy gently and imperceptibly; Their style, in contrast to the "solar", theft, not robbery; Always crying about their problems, pretending not to understand; boring; They like to make phone calls every day, literally getting the victim talking about their problems; Just whiners. Hunters for alien energy act in different ways. Understanding how a vampire makes you feel will help you build your defenses properly. 1. The first way is to evoke sympathy. The vampire man pretends to be a victim, constantly complaining that his life has failed. The donor develops the spiritual energy of sympathy, which he gives to the one who evokes this feeling. 2. The second method is a conscious challenge to a potential victim of irritation. It can be rudeness, rudeness, nitpicking, etc. Especially severe irritation happens in those cases when, in general, you don’t expect a dirty trick from a person. 3. If the energy vampire lacks the energy of irritation, he tries to cause more strong feelings such as anger or anger. Here, it’s not far from assault, and plates and other objects fly into the donor’s head. 4. The fourth method is the challenge of fear. Fear is strong emotional state, which is used by the vampire. Especially this method is loved by leaders in relations with timid subordinates and husbands in relations with weak-willed wives. Who are you: a donor or a vampire? You are a vampire if:  When you have Bad mood, you feel better if you observe the same thing in other people;  You often catch yourself on elementary envy;  When you are sick, you want everyone around to get sick;  Do you like to teach people “how to live”;  When it's raining outside the window, it's hard for you to imagine that the sun is shining somewhere;  You like to cause irritation or fear in people;  you feel an extraordinary upsurge in the presence of a certain person. You are a donor if:  you constantly feel tired, not associated with mental or physical labor;  you love noisy companies and they love you;  you are always ready to drop all your affairs and rush to help, even if you are not asked;  when you are in a good mood, you feel that the energy is really beating out of you;  always trying to stop conflicts at the root;  The word "sensation" does not cause you a stir. So, how do you know if someone is sucking the power out of you? It is quite easy to do this without any special means, looking into a crystal ball and playing solitaire. Listen to the state of your body and how you feel, observe how your mood and readiness to do something has changed compared to, say, the mood and readiness of two months ago. Try to understand how big your reserve of vigor is: how much "you will be enough" for all the courses, meetings with friends and young people, work, etc. Try to understand what causes your discomfort. Just remember what you did immediately before you felt a breakdown, with whom you communicated, what kind of “emotional residue” remained after this communication. If you suspect a certain person, before you put a “Beware: Vampire!” sign around their neck, think carefully about whether it was after meeting with him that you felt empty? Maybe it's not about vampires at all; consider whether you are prone to sudden mood swings, whether you easily panic and depend on your own thoughts. If you are convinced that an energy vampire does not allow you to live in peace, try using the following methods of protection: you feel a breakdown and therefore do not want it. Decide for yourself whether it is worth thinking about good manners here? Whoever seeks Truth will find it

The law of balance in communication In relationships between people, one can often observe such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, that is, an energy attack in which an impact on a person's energy field occurs through the introduction of a negative charge into it or an outflow of energy. The consequences of such an attack are often terrible and tragic - it happens that a person's whole life collapses and goes downhill. We will tell you how to correctly determine that you have become a victim of an energy vampire, and how you can actually make up for the damage caused by him. You will get acquainted with secret rituals and special techniques that will allow you to successfully resist vampires who dream of only one thing: how to steal your life energy! One of important laws nature is the law of balance, or harmonious exchange of energy. Building our relationships with relatives, friends, work colleagues, each of us invests something and gets something back. There is an exchange of positive vibrations - such as love, joy, respect, etc. And if, for example, you have rendered someone a service and energy level did not receive gratitude - you both violated the law of balance and increased the potential of your so-called black karma. If we talk about the exploitation of man by man, then this phenomenon will exist for for a long time, and at the energy level, it reflects the potential of the black karma of our planet. When we observe the observance of the principle of balance or an equivalent exchange of energy in any spheres of society, we are talking about the realization of white karma. Remember: you should strive for a harmonious and fair exchange of energy between people. Mental self-defense The world, unfortunately, is imperfect. Many external influences cause significant harm to a person. This is especially true of adverse bioenergy effects - damage, evil eye, voluntary or involuntary energy vampirism surrounding. It's no secret that we feel comfortable next to some people, we are completely indifferent in dealing with others, and the presence of third ones simply drives us crazy. You can learn to control your bioenergy circuit and energy flows in the body using yoga or qigong methods. After that, the picture of the surrounding world also changes significantly. There is a deeper understanding of the processes taking place around; much that was previously hidden from view becomes evident. The consciousness of a person goes beyond the limits of his own physical body and his own "I" and begins to live in harmony with the whole world, obeying vibrations that are the same with it. If you devote part of your time to oriental health practices - yoga or qigong, then soon you can easily determine the presence of an unfavorable bioenergy impact and protect against it accordingly. It is believed that the following energy centers of the body are most often attacked: solar plexus and the so-called "third eye", located between the eyebrows. In this regard, there are very simple, but, nevertheless, very effective ways to protect the attacked centers. For example, rubbing tiger ointment into the area between the eyebrows or the pressure of crossed arms on the solar plexus with concomitant contraction of the abdominal muscles. There is another method - to increase the activity of other centers. So, if the stomach is attacked, one should “load the head” - with a book, film, etc. And if the head is attacked, the stomach should be “loaded”. By the way, if we want to keep the centers closed, we must not keep the stomach empty. It is believed that a person who is attacked should eat at intervals of no more than 2 hours. General recommendations for mental protection How to get rid of the constant nagging of the energy vampire, threats and whining, because of which you feel irritated, depressed and devastated? 1. Imagine yourself inside a glass cube in which nothing is felt or heard, and try not to react to negative circumstances. The vampire will simply have nothing to cling to, and he will soon get tired of getting an object that is absolutely unpromising for him as a recharge. Friendly, but monosyllabic assent. At the same time, do not even listen to the endless whining or nitpicking and think about something of your own that worries you at this moment. The vampire will back off. 2. If you think that there is no other way out, you can even quarrel. But by no means seriously, but just "playing" in the scandal - like in the theater. You will immediately feel a change: everything will become indifferent to you, and faces, postures, words, most likely, will seem ridiculous. But, again, it is important not to get involved in the scandal seriously, no matter how insulted you are (the vampire, feeling that you are not being “milked”, will increase the attacks). Then the "vampire" who does not receive regular energy "doses" will soon leave you alone. 3. Good way- "preemptive dose of energy." Allows you to avoid endless nit-picking and squabbling, listening to someone else's whining for many hours, etc. You regularly (daily, but you can also several times a day - you will soon feel and determine the necessary frequency) feed the "vampire" the next portion of the energy he needs. How to do it? Blind with your hands (mentally in front of your chest) a small energy ball and put some kind of energy into it. positive thought. For example, "be healthy!" or "everything will be fine." And direct it towards the energy vampire. Necessary conditions - to look into the eyes and smile. Immediately after sending a dose of energy, you should look away and mentally put a protection in the form of a concrete wall. 3. In an invisible struggle with the "thin", invisible ordinary eye enemies, as well as possible impact forces of the devilish nature the best and effective remedy- calm faith in the forces of light, striving for the Divine, prayer for God - regardless of your specific religious beliefs, if you are completely sincere in striving for the Divine, then you will remain impregnable for the dark forces of evil. 4. In any case, disputes about God should be avoided - this is a personal matter for everyone who believes in him and how. All these arguments are a waste of time and chatter. 5. Try not to criticize anyone unless absolutely necessary, because even if you have known Enlightenment, you can destroy it by criticizing someone. 6. Do not overestimate your strengths. Realize that it is in this world that you can change for the better. How to protect yourself if you live with an energy vampire...?

They are irritable and obsessive, often dissatisfied with themselves and others, selfish and annoying, in their company you constantly feel uncomfortable, which makes communication with them painful and undesirable. All these "kind" words about energy vampires living among us and unscrupulously patching up their own energy gaps at the expense of other people's forces. Who are they? Nature arranged it so that not all people, despite their outward similarity, look the same from the inside. The energy field of any person consists of many emotions, feelings and thoughts, which, intertwined, form a strong shell that protects not only emotional background, but even the physical body from various negative influences from the outside. Some people have connections between particles energy field are violated, because of which the energy necessary for their life, received from nature, the sun, air and society, endlessly disappears without the possibility of its conservation and accumulation. Such people with a "leaky" shell are called energy vampires. The purpose of any action performed by a vampire is to find a new source of energy to temporarily block their own gaps in the energy field. This process has no end, as it is believed that it is impossible to recover from energy vampirism. How to recognize? Feeling that there is an energy vampire next to you is not always as easy as it might seem. Psychological practice shows that often people with a negative energy balance are best friends, buddies and colleagues, that is, those people who spend a lot of time with a person, which is why the feeling of constant lack of energy in the victim becomes dull over time. However, there are several universal signs by which it is still possible to calculate a vampire. So, aggressive vampires most often try to provoke the victim to release emotions. There can be a lot of options for provocations: from a banal domestic scandal to offensive insults. There is only one task - to cause an uncontrolled energy surge in the victim, which will become the main prey of the vampire. The classic image of an energy vampire suggests saturation immediately after a scandal or quarrel. After a few minutes, the negative energy balance of the vampire returns to normal, and now he, having already forgotten about the problem he just created, is already kindest soul a person who is ready to give joy to everyone around. True, only until the next “breaking”. There are also calm energy vampires who do not provoke scandals, but suck energy from donors in a daily monotonous and tedious manner. Such people almost never have a good mood. Most often, conversations with them end with complaints about life, as well as arguments about the imperfection of everything around. After even short conversations with such vampires, one begins to feel sleepy, one's head aches, and apathy and lethargy sets in. Have you ever felt guilty about the troubles and troubles in the lives of acquaintances, friends or relatives? Yes? Do you remember where it came from? Most likely thanks to constant complaints and sad stories of energy vampires. Causing guilt and forcing other people to solve their own problems with their own hands and heads is one of the main tasks of vampires, who in such situations find permanent donors and suck energy from them methodically and ruthlessly. By the way, lovers of television, tabloid and virtual scandals, intrigues and investigations with a touch of yellowness are also a kind of energy vampires, who, however, feed not on individual emotions, but on public negativity. Deaths, accidents, crashes, conflicts, tragedies - all these topics give "negative" vampires reasons to involve potential victims in their game. In big cities, aggressive energy vampires are found in transport, on the street, in cafes, clubs, cinemas and other public places. Such vampires are energized not through conversations or quarrels, but through looks and postures. That is why it is recommended, firstly, not to look into the eyes of random passers-by or fellow travelers for a long time, and secondly, to “close” your energy field from outside attacks (for example, cross your arms or legs). How to protect yourself? Treatment of an energy vampire is a thankless task. That is why one of the most right ways protect yourself from attacks - limit contacts up to complete separation. True, such drastic measures cannot always be taken. Especially if your energy is consumed by your brother, husband, best friend or boss. That is why the first thing to do in such cases is to learn to control your own emotions, the release of which in critical situations brings maximum harm to you and your body. Try not to fall for the vampire's provocations, no matter how carefully he plans them. If you can't help it, count astronauts, sheep or elephants. Turn on the "autopilot", finally. The main thing is to show maximum indifference to provocation. If you learn to do this consistently and at the right time, the vampire will back off and look for another source of energy. The favorite time of the "hunting" day for vampires is morning or evening, when the victim's body has not yet had time to fully wake up, or is already in a state of fatigue from daytime worries. If you work with people, try not to make appointments with new people in the early or late hours. Make it a rule to be alone, or surrounded by people you know, during times of weakness, depression, illness, or apathy. At such a time, you yourself need energy. It is easy to limit the interest of a whining and soul-pulling vampire in your person by learning to control the conversation with him in a positive way. Suggest once a whining vampire to tell you something good and kind from his miserable life. In such situations, the vampire, as a rule, is lost and tries no longer to resort to the energy supply of "positive" provocateurs. If you have been the victim of a deception called “I am the most unfortunate person in the world, I need to be pitied and help solve my problems,” there is only one advice - let the vampire swim freely, no matter how cruel it may seem. Otherwise, the history of your energy exchange will end with the last drop of your energy. As a result, not only your friend, acquaintance or colleague will find yourself at the bottom, but also you along with him. Of the most effective practices To protect against vampire attacks, most energists refer to building a mental brick wall or glass dome between the potential victim and the vampire. Another well-known method of defense is to imagine yourself surrounded by bright light while communicating with a vampire. In such cases, the "stuffing" of the provocateur "burns out", not reaching the energy field of the victim. An excellent help in restoring lost energy is sports, cold and hot shower in the mornings and evenings, as well as massages and a swimming pool. However, the main weapon against the attacks of energy vampires still remains self-control and compliance with internal balance positive and negative energy. Remember that as soon as resentment, anger, pity, envy and anger begin to prevail inside you over joy, happiness, kindness, good mood and a feeling of lightness, you will immediately become an object heightened attention from an energy vampire. What if I am an energy vampire? If you clearly understood that everything written above was said about you, then we can assume that you have already taken the first step on the long road to healing from permanent energy hunger. Here are some more self-help tips. Try to study your complexes and failures, analyze them, draw conclusions. If one day you can manage yourself, one “hole” in your field will immediately become less. Calm down your ego. It dwells on unattainable normal person heights. Make an effort on yourself and descend from heaven to earth. A sense of self-importance is the first thing that prevents energy vampires from fighting their complexes and shortcomings. Go in for sports, meditation, or energy concentration practices (such as yoga, qigong, etc.). Try to be in nature more often, walk in the fresh air, look at the sky and heavenly bodies. Find yourself a new activity or hobby. Change the environment around you and never sit still. Most of the "holes" in the energy field arise from an overabundance of unfulfilled ambitions and secret desires. And finally, eat right, because food is the second most important source of energy for the body after nature. Do not eat foods containing "bad" cholesterol (fats of animals and birds). Avoid GMOs and any "chemical" food. Load up on vegetables, fruits, and natural drinks. Timur Kresnikov

An energy vampire ... A family ... A suitcase without a handle is hard to drag, but it's a pity to throw it away. What to do?

“Why, after communicating with some people, there is a feeling of unreasonable irritability, the mood deteriorates sharply.

There is a feeling that you were "squeezed out like a lemon." Where does this mysterious feeling of fatigue come from? Most likely, your friend is an energy vampire. But how to distinguish an energy vampire from ordinary person? How to calmly communicate with him and not feel a breakdown later?

There are several signs by which you can identify an energy vampire.

1. home distinguishing feature vampire is that they always annoy and piss off other people. Any little thing can serve as a reason for a quarrel. They can also humiliate the interlocutor in the presence of others, laugh at him and play an evil joke to cause irritation. They can borrow money and not give it back. However, they will constantly promise "as soon as possible."

2. Energy vampires are suspicious people, bores and selfish. Often they simply do not hear the interlocutor, because the vampire does not care about his opinion, his thoughts and feelings.

3. The energy vampire is very jealous and vengeful. The vampire protects his personal donor from outside world, surrounds with increased attentiveness and care, is jealous of other people.

4. Energy vampires can talk on the phone for hours. They immediately load their interlocutor with their problems and failures. The conversation resembles the usual chatter about nothing, but after it, for some reason, you begin to feel tired and depressed. It is very difficult to get rid of the energy vampire, resentment immediately begins. Sometimes you just have to turn off your phone.

5. There is an opinion that in the presence of energy vampires, equipment constantly breaks down and flowers wither. At home, they also most often do not have flowers, they simply do not like them, or the flowers themselves do not grow.

6. Vampires love crowds: lines, demonstrations, big stores. Vampires like to appear where there is a high probability of scandal. Scandal is an additional source of energy for them.

It is worth saying that there are mixed types: the same person can manifest himself in different situations both as an energy vampire and as a donor. Among the energy vampires are often charming and good people who simply do not notice their negative impact on other people.

It often happens when one relative lives off the energy of another. This can be expressed in scandals, showdown. However, the family can be considered generally ideal, but someone in the family is constantly sick and is generally considered a loser. This person gives his energy to the vampire. By the way, when there are two vampires in a family, they either constantly swear and disperse, or they live in perfect harmony and draw energy from casual relationships.

It happens that a vampire is waiting for you at work. What if it's also the boss? Such a vampire does not like when a good mood reigns around him, he will do everything to spoil this mood. It's useless to convince him.

There is another curious kind of vampires - these are sex vampires. At the moment of orgasm, a person is filled positive energy. And vampires take this energy and give nothing in return. After sexual contact with an energy vampire, his partner feels disharmony and dissatisfaction.

So, if among these characteristics you recognize your acquaintance, friend, relative or even loved one, the question arises what to do? " (With)