A conspiracy how to get rid of the suction cups of the influence of an energy vampire. Conspiracy from energy vampires

If you meet with an energy vampire, then pretty soon you will understand this. Usually, after communicating with such people, there is a general weakness and depression. Of course, there are ways to help avoid or minimize the effects of an energy vampire.

What is energy vampirism, signs of an energy vampire

To understand what energy vampirism is, you should familiarize yourself with its main features:1) Loss of balance. It is the loss of balance that a person most often feels when talking with an energy vampire. Such an energy consumer loves to pester others with long conversations, various clarifying questions, and so on, until the person finally starts to lose his temper and get annoyed. Even seeing that the interlocutor has long been tired of talking and exhausted, such a "bloodsucker" will ignore this fact. 2) Empty chatter. An energy vampire has a positive attitude towards long and "empty" conversations. It is not difficult to recognize such a person. If someone tells you about their troubles with an endless stream of information, and at the same time it is difficult for you to insert at least a word, then you have a clear energy vampire in front of you. As a rule, it is quite difficult to interrupt or round off a conversation with such a person if he himself does not want it. 3) Emphasis on the negative. Such people like to retell the details of some terrible accidents, deaths and other terrible phenomena. With particular enthusiasm, they begin to talk about the details of some unpleasant event, not taking into account the fact that it may be unpleasant for someone. They seem to "feed" on other people's fears and suffering. As a rule, after such conversations, a gloomy mood is provided. 4) dependent situations. Energy vampires like to create situations in which a person feels dependent on them. They like to keep someone in the dark. It can be about many aspects. For example, a person promised to lend you a certain thing that day, but does not get in touch until the last, knowing that you have no one else to ask and you were counting on him. Or you need to arrange a meeting with this person, but he cannot decide on the place and time for a long time, forcing you to return to this topic again and again. In general, there can be a lot of such dependent situations. It is important for an energy vampire to exhaust you with a long wait. 5) Image. Often, people who did not have time to feel the impact of an energy vampire can give him rather flattering characteristics - honest, open, frank. Only later does it become clear that this openness has no reasonable limits. 6) Direct contact. Energy vampires are very fond of close contact with the interlocutor. He can take your hand, periodically clap on the shoulder. Sometimes from the outside it may seem like he is trying to keep you. 7) Irritation. The most obvious sign. After communicating with an energy vampire, a person most often feels irritation and weakness, as well as regret about the time spent.

Types of energy vampires

In general, there are two types of vampires. So let's get to know them! Solar vampires It means people who always try to be in the spotlight. Scandals are a natural thing for them. Often they deliberately provoke others into a conflict, and subsequently seem to feed on other people's emotions. It does not matter to such people who will give them energy - acquaintances or strangers. You could easily observe such personalities in society - in shops, buses, various queues. As a rule, these people are choleric. Lunar Vampires Such vampires do not manifest themselves too clearly, but their influence is not diminished by this. Usually they are secretive and immersed in themselves, however, streams of negativity constantly emanate from them. They are focused on their own or other people's troubles, most of their conversations are reduced to unpleasant topics. They like to complain about their troubles and generally make pessimistic forecasts.

How to behave and how to communicate with an energy vampire, if it is unavoidable

If you unwittingly periodically have to deal with an energy vampire, then there are ways in which you can protect yourself from the influence of such a person. How to protect yourself:1) If possible, try to avoid long conversations with such people. Refer to being busy and the like, but don't let the vampire influence you with his long talk. 2) Try to stand or sit in a “closed” position when communicating with him. Cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest. 3) Do not succumb to various provocations - do not get drawn into the conflict and get annoyed. Try to stay as calm as possible. 4) Try not to make direct eye contact. If the energy vampire is trying in every way to catch your eye, take your head to the side or look at a point behind the object of irritation. 5) If possible, carry a talisman-amulet or pectoral cross with you. 6) Imagine there is a wall between you and the energy vampire that will not allow him to get close to you. 7) Confuse him with a sudden change in conversation. 8) Try not to think about what he says to you, especially if the topic is unpleasant for you. Just wait out this flow of information. 9) When you finish talking, try to find an opportunity to wash your hands immediately afterwards. 10) Replenish the balance of spent energy. Treat yourself to some sweets or small purchases.

How to deal with energy vampires

At work, when the vampire is the boss or colleague

As with any other vampire, it's best to keep all contact to a minimum. If it does not depend on you, and from time to time you are still forced to communicate with this person, then try to remain calm as much as possible and not succumb to provocations. If a person says something for a long time and boringly, mentally separate yourself from him with a wall, and think about a topic that causes bright thoughts in you.

In a family where the vampire is a husband, mother, child, mother-in-law, or distant relative

This case is more difficult and unpleasant, because, most often, we have no choice, and we unwittingly communicate with a person who feeds on our energy. However, there is a way out of this situation:
    According to scientists, an energy vampire can draw strength not only from other people, but also due to proximity to nature. If in your case this is an effective option, then try to relax in nature with family members as often as possible. This will positively affect not only the well-being of the energy vampire, but also add positive emotions to the whole family. An energy vampire can be “neutralized” by positive emotions. Please your loved one more often, and this will have the best effect on your relationship. Redirect his energy in a different direction. If a person has a hobby or some serious passion, he will be able to draw strength from there. If you feel that despite all the tricks, a family member still launched his attack, in no case do not succumb to his provocation. It is better to leave him in another room or even go for a walk.

How to destroy an energy vampire

Eliminate the influence of the "solar" vampire

Remember that such vampires usually feed on your panic, resentment, fears, tears. The described vampires are very fond of starting scandals, and you can always expect a very unpredictable reaction from them. Communication with "solar" vampires can take place as if on a powder keg. The first rule when dealing with them is not to succumb to provocations! Emotions are what they expect from you, what they need to eat in order to feel normal and empty you. No matter how the person provokes you, do not answer him in the same spirit, do not allow mutual abuse. If possible, try to leave the room - this will remove you from the negative impact. When you are at some distance from an energy vampire, being out of his field of vision, he cannot harm you. You should also pay attention to the power of laughter - this is a kind of "antidote". The vampire wants you to feel crushed and oppressed after his screams, but you should do something completely different! Just smile! It will surely discourage him. It is possible, of course, that such a move will inflame him even more, but another thing is important - stay in a positive mood, and your opponent will be left with nothing. He will only make it worse for himself - by wasting energy and not getting the opportunity to stock up on a new one at your expense.

Eliminate the influence of the "lunar" vampire

These representatives of vampirism have significant differences from the previous ones, and perhaps the most important of them is that they are unable to get energy from their victim "in one fell swoop." They have to work harder to achieve their goal. From the main method - endless complaints, discussion of painful and unpleasant topics, focusing on the negative. “Crying into a vest”, they shift their condition onto you - as a result, you feel overwhelmed and tired. Your interlocutor feels relieved after his complaints, and this is noticeable with the naked eye, while you are immersed in gloomy thoughts. As in the previous case, we again draw your attention to the need to avoid provocations, not to succumb to them. First of all, stop feeling sorry for your interlocutor, plunging into his negativity. In response to his displeasure, tell about something good that happened to you recently or what you watched from the side. In general, add positive to your conversation, it will have a depressing effect on the vampire. You can do it differently - how to adopt his manner of communication, having the same effect on him as he has on you. Does the person complain about their suffering? In response, begin with no less zeal to talk about your own troubles and troubles, as if calling for pity on you. This will puzzle the "lunar" vampire. Limit contact with this person as much as possible. If you can't do this completely, then just ignore his words by thinking about something else and switching the subject. Without getting the desired reaction from you, the vampire will quickly lose interest in your person. If there is at least some opportunity to interrupt communication (distant relative, girlfriend), then it is better not to sacrifice yourself and exclude communication.

How to shut out negativity in your own home

Make a charm with your own hands

Home charms can be a very effective defense against energy vampirism. It is important that in your interior, as often as possible, there is an image of circles. They can be on wallpaper, paintings, tablecloths or curtains. It will be great if you embroider a few circles yourself with a scarlet thread. You can do this on bed linen or other fabric at home.

Amulets or runes will help resist evil

Runes are called the most ancient symbols - our ancestors used them in order to enhance certain qualities, as well as for protection. You can also protect yourself from energy vampires with them - by buying or doing it yourself. There are many techniques on the Web for creating amulets using runes. Choose the most suitable master class for you, and get down to business.

A conspiracy or prayer from vampirism will help to protect yourself

Prayers can also be a good help in the fight against energy vampirism. If you cannot remember them, then it is better to write them down on a piece of paper and read them before meeting with an unpleasant person or immediately after it. There are also many rituals on the Web that help fight this difficult phenomenon.

Which stone serves as reliable protection

It is best for you to pay attention to the stone that corresponds to your zodiac sign - this is your talisman, and it will protect not only from the energy vampire, but also from many other things.

Is it possible to help a person at a distance by putting energy protection

Do not neglect energy protection, which can protect you and your loved ones, helping you stay in the states that are most comfortable for you. If you treat this matter carelessly, then you can spend a lot of effort on recovering. As you know, interaction with an energy vampire can threaten not only despondency and mood swings, but also various ailments. It is important to understand that energy protection is very important, and is not a myth - it is a necessity for many people. Surely, you yourself have noticed that some people around you are very susceptible to the negative influence of other people, but there are those who do not seem to notice it. More often than not, it's about energy security. If you want to stay in harmony with yourself, exclude nervous breakdowns and illnesses that can be provoked by people who feed on other people's energy, then pay attention to the following methods of protection. In this way, you can protect not only yourself, but also a loved one, even if he is at some distance from you. So, what gives such protection? First of all, it is safety even with the active influence of ill-wishers. Of course, protection will have a greater effect on people who themselves will make efforts in order not to succumb to other people's tricks. To do this, you should try to remain calm in any stressful situations. This refers to the training of personal qualities, now we will talk a little about something else:1) You can recommend the first exercise to a loved one or perform it for your own protection. Every day after you take a shower, imagine that you are in the middle of a golden pyramid, as if under its dome. It becomes a shell for you to some extent, protecting you from any negativity. In your imagination, the pyramid should not be large, but you don’t need a small one either - “staying” in such a pyramid should be associated with comfort. Remind yourself of it sometimes, and visualize it around you throughout the day. By the way, it is important to note that mentally you can build it not only around your own body - in this way you can protect your own car. 2) If you want a loved one to be protected even at a distance, give him something made of silver. For many years, silver has been considered one of the materials that can destroy bloodsuckers. Of course, the "energy vampire" is only a metaphor, but this does not change the essence - silver will act as a powerful defender in this case as well. It is best to wear a silver cross, but jewelry such as rings or bracelets will also work. 3) If possible, purchase or order a clover-shaped pendant - such an amulet can protect against female energy vampires. Clover can be made of both silver and gold 4) Do not underestimate the power of amethyst - he will protect his owner if he has to take care of a seriously ill person, and it seems as if he is trying to take away his energy. 5) The pendant, which is made of turquoise, is able to positively influence the well-being of its owner in any negative situations. 6) Attach a pin to the wrong side of the clothes - even our ancestors believed that this could reliably protect against any negative impact. 7) Wrap woolen thread around your wrist, but do not tie a knot. This can be especially helpful when dealing with an unhealthy person. 8) Let a person dear to you be surrounded by young houseplants in considerable quantities - they will fill him with positive energy.

With frequent contact with an energy vampire, a person may experience health problems, depression, constant lack of sleep, loss of strength and psychological disorders. But it is very difficult to break off relations with such people, as they can be colleagues, friends or even close relatives. In such cases, there are several tricks that will help protect against energy pump attacks.

What harm do energy vampires do?

Energy vampires feed on the life forces of other people. After communicating with the energy pump, the following unpleasant consequences are observed:

  • prostration;
  • apathy;
  • despondency;
  • reduced self-esteem;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in pressure;
  • heartache.

If you communicate for a long time with a person who sucks energy out of you, you can lose the ability to enjoy life and achieve goals.

Headache is one of the consequences of communicating with an energy vampire

Do you doubt whether you really have a vampire or just a person who is always in a bad mood at the sight of you? To understand the situation, read the article on the external and behavioral signs of energy stuck: In it you can find examples of calculation by date of birth, zodiac sign and other "symptoms".

Can they be cured

Energy vampire - your friend, loved one or relative? You can try to cure him of such an ailment. First, talk to him. Most likely, the energy pump simply does not have enough attention. Secondly, try to subtly fill his life with pleasant moments:

  • go out into nature;
  • go in for sports or dance together, or at least go out for a run in the morning;
  • provide him with a good rest;
  • encourage hobbies.

A person who learns to replenish vitality through favorite activities, an active lifestyle and outdoor recreation, simply get rid of the need to take energy from others.

Rest in nature will help replenish vitality

It is impossible to completely kill this “skill” in a person.

Solar, lunar and other types: classification

The teachings of Ayurveda distinguishes seven types of energy vampires:

  • lunar (infantile) - tries to arouse sympathy, pity, often stays in frustrated feelings;
  • sunny (creative) - shows his abilities to cause negative emotions, anger or anxiety in others;
  • Mercury (information) - persistently imposes his society on the victim, is afraid to be completely alone, therefore he often sends messages or starts long telephone conversations on boring topics; does everything to make the conversation last as long as possible;
  • Martian (condemning) - tries to slander the victim, likes to gossip and spread false rumors;
  • Jupiterian (suppressive) - drinks energy, taking advantage of its high position; love to rule, take patronage over others, find fault with any trifles, imposing his moral teachings; chooses as a donor a person of lower rank, who is weak in spirit and will do what he is told, most often the victim depends on the vampire morally or financially;
  • Venusian (seductive) - absorbs energy in the process of seduction, the person himself wants to contact the vampire, because representatives of this type are good-looking, stand out from the crowd with their grooming, style and refined manners. They are excellent lovers, because during sex a huge amount of energy is released;
  • saturnian (misunderstanding) - most often it is a person of age or a child (perhaps your daughter or son); he often engages in pointless arguments, causing the victim to repeat the same thing over and over until the donor becomes furious.

Video: classification of energy vampires and protection methods

Protection from solar vampirism

Solar vampires often cause sharp negative emotions in people and absorb energies:

  • discomfort;
  • experiences;
  • confusion;
  • grief;
  • annoyance.

Representatives of this type take pleasure in provoking conflicts and the release of aggression. After they make a brawl and get their portion of energy, they just leave.

Solar Energy Vampires Provoke Others to Scream, Cry, and Aggression

There are several rules that you should follow in order not to fall into the trick of such men and women:

  • try to stay calm, do not respond to his emotions with anger, do not engage in noisy discussions with him, it is better not to respond to attacks at all;
  • ignore his negative impulse and try to get away from your opponent as far as possible, because if the contact is broken, he will not be able to harm you by any means;
  • make yourself smile or laugh, because this will discourage and disarm the energy sucker, and he will no longer be able to dominate your emotions.

Do not be afraid to admit your mistakes, when a vampire tries to make you feel guilty, try to be persistent: "With whom it does not happen, I made a mistake, I will correct myself." In this case, he will have nothing to profit from, because your repentance did not come from the heart - “yes, I’m bad”, but from the mind - “yes, this time I did wrong, I understood the mistake and I won’t make it again.”

Blocking Lunar Attacks

Lunar energy vampires try to arouse compassion for themselves, telling how life is unfair to them, how everything is unsuccessful and bad for them. They try to impose their state of mind on their interlocutor, along with their anxieties and feelings, stealthily absorbing his energy.

There are several ways to prevent the lunar energy drain from stealing your life force:

  • stop being a vest, stop showing him sympathy, interrupt his heartbreaking story and tell how fun you had a weekend; it seems a cruel step, but it is necessary to fight back the flow of negativity;
  • get ahead of him before he starts his complaints, tell him that something unpleasant has happened to you, even if in your understanding the problem is insignificant, but try to give it as much drama as possible, increasing its scale several times;
  • if this person does not play an important role in your life, it is best to break off relations with him, take better care of yourself and your health; avoid encounters with the vampire, over time he will realize that he has lost his victim, and will leave you alone.

Lunar vampires feed on pity and sympathy.

If it turned out to be your boyfriend, beloved husband or wife

What if you live next to an energy vampire? When entering into a marriage or starting a relationship, you expected wonderful and happy moments, but instead, your husband or wife does not mind profiting from your energy at all?

Does your spouse start to suppress you, teach or aggressively find fault with trifles? It is best to go to another room or leave the apartment. True, it is unlikely that it will be possible to constantly avoid quarrels in this way. Analyze the behavior of a domestic tyrant, understand how he steals your life forces - and in the future you will be able to think over a strategy for your actions in order to stop the attempts of the despot and close yourself from his attacks.

To protect yourself from the influence of your own spouse, you should change your communication tactics. Remain calm, do not succumb to provocations. Try to change the intonation and tone of voice, try to speak more calmly. He will not want to attack you if you communicate with him in an undertone. This will calm the vampire, and in this way you will avoid conflict and the release of precious energy.

One way to deal with an energy vampire is to ignore

The second half steals your energy, causing pity and compassion? Every day after the end of the working day, the spouse tells how tired he is and everything is bad at work, and you sincerely worry about him and thereby voluntarily provide him with the opportunity to profit from your vitality. Instead of empathizing, try to turn the conversation into a business one. Ask what he thinks about it and how he is going to solve the problem. He will understand that he will have to cope with troubles on his own and he will not get what he wants. Over time, he will lose interest in obsessions to arouse a feeling of pity in you.

Aggression arises on the basis of alcohol intoxication? You should solve the problem with a bad habit, this is the only true strategy to neutralize the bully.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is trying to steal someone else's energy, this means that the other half lacks their own vitality. Try to help in "peaceful" ways:

  • in good weather, get out with the whole family for a picnic;
  • start exercising together
  • arrange romantic evenings regularly.

Most likely, after a month of such energy pumping, the partner will not even have the thought of stealing your vitality, he will have enough of his own resources.

Video: what to do if the husband is an energy vampire

Is it possible to protect yourself from the attacks of relatives

If you feel a negative influence from one of your relatives, you should not fence yourself off from him, perhaps he does not do it on purpose. The simplest example is children. The child often lacks his own energy, and he has to steal it from his parents. The point is not only to eradicate vampirism in the family, it is also important not to cause moral injury to a loved one.

Curious vampires definitely need to “poke their nose” into your affairs, and then impose their opinion and give practical (as it seems to them) advice, which in most cases you simply do not need. So they feed on your energy. These people can be your close relatives, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, father-in-law or grandmother. They are trying to make their own adjustments to your personal space and at the same time replenish their own vitality. In such cases, discord often occurs between spouses.

If a conversation began with such a person about something personal, questions rained down specifying the time, place, circumstances and, most importantly, your emotions and feelings, make it clear that you do not intend to provide any information. Explain that you do not want to talk about it at the moment, stop the conversation or move it in another direction. So you will interrupt the vampire's manipulations, and he will not be able to profit from your energy.

If you are asked inappropriate questions, make it clear that you will not discuss it.

Vampirism in the family circle can manifest itself at a respectable age. Most older people acquired this property when their vitality was not enough. Because of this, they draw energy from their children and grandchildren. To avoid vampire attacks in the family circle, pay attention to your loved ones more often, give positive emotions, and then they will not have the need to replenish their energy reserves at someone else's expense.

Help your family, offer to do something interesting together. Recall useful skills that your loved ones have, for example, ask your mother to teach you how to knit. Think of a new hobby that an energy vampire would enjoy. Present a set for embroidery with beads or a new spinning rod. Doing what they love, they will naturally replenish vitality and stop interfering in your life.

Video: what to do if mom or mother-in-law pulls your energy

A colleague or boss, teacher or lecturer drinks energy

If there is a person in the work team who often and at length talks to you about his own problems or tries to find out the details of your personal life, try to change the subject. Start some kind of neutral conversation or ask him about something abstract. Conversation on other topics will distract him, and the vampire will be left with nothing.

Is your boss a vampire? Such energy suckers take away vitality, taking advantage of their official position. There are several tricks that will allow you to behave adequately and at the same time prevent the ability to steal your energy:

  • never show your feelings of remorse or anxiety;
  • do not lower your eyes, do not let your will be crushed under you;
  • when you are told that you made a mistake or do a poor job, calmly say that you will try to work better and correct your mistake soon;
  • remain calm and confident that the other person has no control over your feelings.

Don't get into an argument with a vampire and don't make excuses. Listen to him silently, moving the conversation from an emotional to a business channel for yourself. When the energy sucker realizes that you are not trying to resist him, and his words do not cause you the slightest emotional reaction, he will soon leave you alone.

If the boss drinks your energy with the help of nitpicking, turn the conversation into a business channel, do not take criticism to heart

If the energy vampire has chosen you as his victim, try not to engage in an unpleasant conversation, find any excuse to end the conversation and leave the room. When you see that your interlocutor is starting to turn on, try to force a smile or move the conversation to another topic. Gently ask him to close the window or find the item you need. Such a technique will defuse the situation and cool the feelings of your opponent.

In the same way, it is worth doing if a teacher or teacher is trying to drink your energy. Such people have power, like bosses at work. Students and pupils depend on them, and energy suckers try to take advantage of this. Do not succumb to provocations, behave like a phlegmatic "cracker". Translate any nit-picking into a reasonable direction, without betraying your emotions.

Video: how to defend yourself if the boss is an energy vampire

How to resist depletion of energy reserves if a friend or girlfriend depletes strength

Vampire friends are most often of the lunar type. They use others as a vest in which to cry and replenish their supply of vitality. The same recommendations as for relatives help here:

  • turn the conversation into a business one by asking how your friend is going to deal with his problem;
  • start complaining first;
  • find a way to replenish the energy of a loved one peacefully, without stealing from others.

If a friend is draining energy by constantly complaining about life to you, try changing your strategy and crying into her vest first.

The most effective methods of neutralization

In some cases, conventional psychological recommendations are not enough. The vampire may be too strong or a skilled manipulator. Such people are able to bypass any barriers you have built and recognize various tricks, neutralizing them. Then you should resort to the help of conspiracies and magic items.

Energy protection

A good way to protect yourself from energy vampirism is to build a defense. Imagine that there is some kind of barrier between you and your interlocutor. Visualize, imagine how a shining dome appears above you, transparent, but unusually strong. It grows, its walls fall and, finally, completely cover you. Such a barrier works like a mirror that reflects sunlight. You are protected, and any negative impacts are returned back to the ill-wisher.

You can build energy protection right during a conversation, or you can prepare in advance. That way the vampire won't have the slightest opportunity to steal your life force.

To protect yourself from a vampire, try building an invisible energy barrier.


If you believe in God and consider yourself a follower of Christianity, prayers that protect you from an energy vampire will be effective for you.

Before meeting a person who is draining your life force, ask for support from the formidable Archangel Michael:

Lord God, great king without beginning! Send, Lord, your archangel Michael to help the servant of God (name) and deliver the servant of God (name) from enemies visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies to fight the servant of God (name). Make them like sheep and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. O Lord, the great archangel Michael the six-winged, the first prince and governor of the heavenly forces, the cherub of all the saints! O miraculous Archangel Michael, the unspeakable guardian! Give me help in everything: insults, sorrows, sorrows, at a crossroads. Give help on the river and go to the sea a quiet haven. Deliver, great archangel Michael, the servant of God (name) from all the tricks of the devil. As soon as you hear me (name), your sinful servant, praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up help to me and hear my prayer. O great Archangel Michael! Conquer the forces that oppose me with the power of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels, the great St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Holy Prophet Elijah, the Holy Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all the powers of heaven. O great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name)! Deliver me from fire, from the flood, from the sword, from vain death and from all evil. Protect from the flattering enemy, from the coward, from the storm and from the evil one. Deliver, the great Archangel Michael, me, the servant of God (name), from evil and all kinds of misfortunes. Always now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Your guardian angel is also capable of protecting you from the energy pump:

Angel of Christ! Saint, sent to me to save the soul and body of my sinner! With my laziness, with my bad habits, I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all my judgmental deeds, lies, slander, envy, condemnation and contempt. Disobedience, brotherly hatred, vindictiveness, love of money, adultery, rage, avarice, overeating without satiety, drunkenness and verbosity and evil thoughts. How is it possible for you, Holy Angel of Christ, to approach me if I am like a stinking dog? With what eyes do you see me, mired in vileness, angel of Christ? I ask forgiveness for my evil and good deeds. Protect and save me from the enemy, the slanderer and the envious person in the day and at noon, at night and at midnight and at every hour. Amen.

Strong prayer to the archangels will protect you from any negative influences:

Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael see at the doors of the Lord, hold a scepter in their hands and say: “Curse Satan, who with devilish power fell into the underground abyss, into the abyss of hell. Get out the damned demon, Lucifer the intruder, accursed Satan! May the underworld forces not touch me, the servant of God (name), neither to my house, nor to my family, either day or night, neither on the way, nor near rivers and shores, seas, lakes, water sources, near mountains and hills and sands, crossroads and waters. At slopes, wilds, forests and swamps, at fields and vegetable gardens, various gardens and estates. Sources and wells and in every residential building, in the temples of God and prayer houses. May he not hide from the sign and power of the honest, life-giving cross. Amen.

The church has a negative attitude to the concept of "energy vampire". The priests assure that this term has its roots in occult practices, and a true Christian should not worry about this.

Energy Theft Conspiracy

If you feel that a person is sucking energy out of you, mentally read the spell several times:

The barrier of words reliably protects. Words-amulets help me to win. Your dark conversation does not concern me. By my will, like a lock, it is securely locked.

Scroll the protective words in your head while you communicate with the energy sucker. In this case, it will be useful to build a protective barrier between yourself and the attacker.

Charms, amulets, runes from vampires

To protect yourself from the negative influence of an energy vampire, purchase a talisman in the form of a ring, pendant or bracelet. It should look like a ring. An item charged with your positive aura will become a powerful amulet against the theft of vitality.

Create protective amulets for your home. Decorate rooms with ring figures or paintings that show as many circles as possible. The circle is considered a symbol of protection, since its line is endless. You can also embroider an ornament with round signs on tablecloths, bed linen, towels, curtains.

Well protects against energy theft amulet in the form of a ring

You can hang a mirror near your workplace. It will reflect the negative message, returning it to the ill-wisher. Hang the object so that it reflects not you, but those people who enter the office.

Place a bowl of fruit in the room. The power of nature will protect you from the attacks of the energy vampire. Even drunk tea with a piece of lemon can strengthen the spirit, cheer you up and increase the power of your biofield.

The amulet can also be made from the seeds of various fruits and berries:

  1. Collect the bones of cherries, apples, citrus fruits.
  2. Put them in a bag or wrap them in a scarf.
  3. Place the amulet in your pocket and carry it with you everywhere. The magic of nature will protect you and your aura from any encroachment.

Crystal is also suitable as a talisman. It has the ability to absorb negative energy and protect the energy of its owner from any interference. Put the stone in a box with a reflective lid and keep it with you at all times. If you feel danger, just touch the box. So you relieve stress and replenish your vitality.

Rune Perth from energy vampirism will fuel your reserves

Essential oils for vampirism

If you are constantly being attacked by an energy vampire, certain oils will help restore the integrity of the aura and replenish vitality:

  • jasmine;
  • sage;
  • carnation;
  • rose;
  • rosemary;
  • juniper;
  • lemon;
  • incense;
  • hyssop.

Oils can be used in an aroma lamp. Pour water into the bowl, add 5-7 drops of ether and light the candle. Before going out, you can arrange yourself aroma combing. Put a little oil of your choice on the brush and slowly comb your hair. You can also make a light spray based on oils. The smell of ether will stay with you for the whole day and will replenish your strength if necessary.

Essential oils are good at restoring a damaged aura

How to Protect Others When You Want to Feed Yourself

Have you recognized the energy vampire in you? First, be aware of how you steal someone else's energy. If these are safe methods (you feel a surge of energy after concerts, mass events, you recharge while performing on stage), you don’t have to worry. Just be careful not to hurt others.

Do you draw on the life force of others by causing them pain or discomfort? It's time to stop doing this. So you can just lose friends, destroy a family, lose the support of loved ones. At first, analyze your actions. If you feel that now you will start complaining about your hopeless life or provoking another person to aggression, stop yourself. Leave the room, drink warm tea.

At the same time, learn to replenish energy in peaceful ways. Find a hobby, exercise, get out in nature more often. Try to enjoy every little thing: the beautiful clouds in the sky, the amazing pattern of shadows from the tree outside the window, the pleasant warmth of the blanket. Yes, just get some sleep! Self-control and self-development will help you stop attacking others.

Energy vampires are fueled by negative emotions: anxiety, confusion, fear, despair, anger, remorse. If you live or work near such a person, do not let him provoke you. Keep your emotions under control. When he realizes that he can’t profit from you, he will go looking for another victim. If this is a loved one, help him learn how to replenish his vitality in ways that are safe for others.

Complete collection and description: a prayer from an energy vampire for a child for the spiritual life of a believer.

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Their weapons are verbal and physical attack. They are arrogant, trying to humiliate you in order to cause an energy release. Protect yourself with calmness and cold politeness.

Silent energy thieves. They come to visit and, drinking tea for hours, force them to listen to their complaints. They like to wear someone else's clothes and sleep on someone else's bed. They shouldn't be allowed into the house. And if it already happened, you need to quickly see off. By the way, such people are not touchy.

This one repeatedly calls and is silent, enjoying your bewilderment and irritation. Another variant of a telephone vampire is one who calls regularly and conducts many hours of conversation, taking you away from work and household chores. Learn to avoid such conversations under any pretexts.

In order to check if you are attackable, take this simple test:

If you agree with the following statement, give yourself 1 point.

You often feel depressed, sad, apathetic.

It is very difficult for you to endure loneliness.

You always regret and patiently listen to everyone who complains about fate.

You are used to being in a subordinate position and have long come to terms with it.

You are rarely the focus of the company.

You are easily turned on and angered.

You feel some attachment to people where there shouldn't be.

You periodically become the object of conflict situations in trolleybuses, on the street and similar places.

You feel a strange discomfort in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

You are a nervous person.

It's hard for you to refuse.

After interacting with some (or maybe all) people, you feel empty and depressed.

In the evening, you want to hide in a far corner, curl up in a ball so that no one touches you.

Some people annoy you just by their presence.

You avoid noisy, unfamiliar companies.

0-5 points. Everything is in order with you and there is no need to put energy protection, except for preventive purposes.

5-10 points. It may well be that you are an energy donor. Especially if the problem of lack of will runs like a red thread through your whole life. it is possible that the problem is karmic. In general, pay close attention to it until the "disease" has passed into the chronic stage.

10-15 points. You are a typical donor, and with experience.

Use these tips to increase your mental resilience. The simplest technique is to cross your arms or legs while talking to a person from whom you can expect trouble. At the same time, you close the contour of your biofield, trying to prevent its leakage or breakdowns. To do this, the thumb and forefinger of one hand are connected to the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, forming a ring, the other three fingers overlap each other. An effective method commonly used by yogis is "ring insertion". First, the thumb and index fingers of one hand form a ring, and it is inserted into the palm of the other hand, then the thumb and index fingers of the second hand form a ring and are inserted into the palm of the first hand. This cycle is repeated three times. Usually, after the third time, the performer feels an increased density around him, it seems that his head is being squeezed by something. The insertion of the ring really not only closes the contour of the human biofield, but also thickens it several times.


1. Visualize around you silver caps, cylinders, walls, and the like.

2. Before going outside, turn your face to the east and bring your right palm to your face. Look at it closely, saturate your hand with energy. And after 3-4 minutes slowly - slowly bring it to your eyes, press it to your eyelids, slide it down your nose, lips, chin and so bring it to the heart area.

3. With the words: "Stand, cool down, recoil, perish! So be it!" -put a dirty bag over your vampire's head. You can pre-throw nails, broken glass, pour glue into it.

4. At the time of the energy attack (it coincides with the verbal one), immediately leave the conversation and mentally read the prayer "Our Father".

5. Looking at the bridge of the nose of an unpleasant person, mentally say: "Through a bump and a snowdrift, past the eye, right on the forehead, take my misfortune not to a friend, but to an enemy. Amen."

6. When the moon is in its growth phase, protect the house. At home in different places (near doors, windows, cabinets, i.e. wherever there are doors), hang and spread tobacco leaves. The strength of tobacco is enough for a year. After a year, replace the tobacco with a new one. Burn the used leaves at the stake.

7. To cleanse your ethereal field, you need to light a cigarette and, without inhaling deeply, fumigate yourself with quick puffs. This is what you should do if you feel that you have been under the influence of vampires. Many of these entities are completely intolerant of tobacco smoke.

8. To cleanse the second etheric field, you must perform the following ritual: smoke cigarettes in short puffs (not inhaling deeply, but only typing in your mouth) for three minutes three times with breaks of 20 minutes and then repeat the session after six hours. Tobacco cleanses the etheric zones and the throat chakra. During such a session, blood circulation and thinking improve for a short time. But keep in mind that with deep and frequent smoking, peripheral vasoconstriction occurs.

9. In a box with matches, which, as you know, are usually made of aspen, in addition to new ones, there should also be used matches. Well, what if you don't smoke and matches are useless? Then light 13 pieces one at a time, and when the match burns out a little, put it back in the box.

10. If unpleasant personalities enter your house, then do the following ritual. Take tobacco leaves, grind them, mix in equal parts with pepper and salt. Spread the resulting mixture around the house in different places. After three days, sweep the tobacco mixture, pour it into a white paper bag. Leave the house and pour the mixture into the fire, burn the bag too. The fire will destroy all the evil spirits that were in your house. When you get home, light a white candle in the room. Wash the floor in the house with cold water. Pour water outside the yard, best of all on the road. This cleansing ritual must be performed on the waning moon.

11. Wait until the 13th falls on a flawed moon, and at sunrise go to the nearest crossroads. There, slowly relieve a small need, saying until the stream goes: "Communication, down, from now on you are not with me. Amen." Then turn over your left shoulder and return home without looking back. At noon of this day, visit the church and place a candle for the health of your enemies in front of the image of the Mother of God with the words: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forgive (a), forgot (a). Amen. Amen. Amen." Say an even number of times. At sunset, you should try to relieve a great need where you usually do it. At the same time, say: "Communication, down. From now on, you are not with me. Amen. Amen. Amen." From that moment on, one should fast for three days, give nothing to anyone and take nothing from anyone.

12. As soon as you notice such a person, whisper through clenched teeth an even number of times: "I'm not kidding, I'm whispering out loud. I whispered out loud (a), anger is gone. My whisper is sculpted and strong." If that person decides to talk to you or just says hello, then before answering, say mentally: "Lord, have mercy!"

13. At the first signs of an attack, you need to form an energy knife on the edge of your palm and cut off the flow of energy with it, at the same time mentally say: "I (my name) do not give in, I do not give in to you. God is in me, I am with God. Amen."

14. To break the negative psychic contact and normalize the aura, you will need a handful of rock salt. Pour it into a white sheet of paper, folded in the form of a bag, placing the closed index and middle fingers of your right hand on top, say three times: "I conjure you, the creation of the earth, by the living God, the almighty God, so that you are cleansed of all evil influences in the name of Adonai, Lord of Angels and Men." Then, extending your right palm over the salt, say: "Creation of the earth, honor your God in the name of the Almighty Creator, Creator of heaven and earth, and His Son Jesus Christ, our Savior. I illuminate you for the service of God, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Fill the bath with water, the temperature of which is suitable for bathing, place closed middle and index fingers over it, say a conspiracy: "I conjure you, the creation of water, the living God, the omnipotent God, so that you are cleansed of all evil influences in the name of Elohim Sabaoth, the Lord of Angels and people." Place your palm over the surface of the water and continue: "Creation of water, honor your Creator, in the name of God the Son of Jesus Christ, our Savior, I consecrate you to the service of God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Pour the consecrated salt into your hand and dip it into the water with the words: "We pray to you, God, Lord of heaven and earth, and of every creature that exists on them, visible and invisible, extend the right hand of your power on these creatures: water and salt, and sanctify them In Your Holy Name, let this salt contribute to the health of the body, and this water to the health of the soul, and that all misfortunes and delusions and wiles of evil be expelled from the place where they are used for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. Undress, remove all jewelry, loosen and comb your hair, lie down in the bath. Try to relax as much as possible and mentally say 12 times in a row: "Lord, be merciful to me a sinner (oh)", or: "Lord, have mercy!" Continuous reading of the prayer will clear the mind of negative thoughts and help break mental contact with the aggressor.

15. On the day of the new moon, buy a skein of strong black and red threads. Go with them to church and, reading the "Our Father", carry three times over the flame of a candle that you have placed in the glory of Jesus Christ. Then at home, after midnight, sit in front of a lit blue candle and, as sincerely as possible, in your own words, ask God to grant you protection. as soon as you finish praying, start braiding two thick braids of black thread for the ankles and two red ones for the wrists. At the same time, chant "SER-TI-SAN-ZI" non-stop. At the end, tie the resulting ropes to the appropriate parts of the body, stand up and say, imagining a stream of white light pouring on you: "From now on, no person can hypnotize me. I carry the protection of God and pledge to always keep a secret about this. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Now you must be silent about the ritual performed and never take off the pigtails. If someone asks what it is, say that you treat joints with folk methods. If over time the threads wear out or break, do not worry - from this moment on, the protection will become even stronger.

Vampire protection pin

On the full moon, buy a pin, overpaying exactly half the amount for it. When giving money to the seller, say to yourself 1 time: "I pay for the cause, so that everything works out, I want it."

After returning home, leave the pin on the window at night, so that the light of the full moon falls on it.

The next morning, firmly hold the pin in your right hand and say aloud 7 times a conspiracy: “In the faraway kingdom, in the faraway state, there is a door, a stump behind the door, a man is sitting on a stump, guarding my peace. In my right hand, a sharp spear, in my left hand, a shield wide. He drives enemies away from me with a spear, protects my peace with a shield. Whoever approaches me with evil, he will stumble on the edge, whoever casts witchcraft on me, that evil will return. My words are true and true. So be it!"

Attach this pin to the inside of your clothing at the heart area before you go to meet the vampire. The vampire will leave you alone.

Prayers from energy vampires and enemies

Protection from negativity. Prayers from energy vampires. These prayers help to protect yourself from people who cause irritation. They protect from those who constantly provoke to wrong actions, from those who constantly say nasty things, in general - from people who are called "vampires". These prayers are very ancient, and they are called "apocryphal", that is, they are not included in the Orthodox canon.

Prayer to Michael the Archangel, the formidable governor of the heavenly forces

Lord God, great king without beginning! Send, Lord, your archangel Michael to help the servant of God (name) and deliver the servant of God (name) from enemies visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies to fight the servant of God (name). Make them like sheep and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. O Lord, the great archangel Michael the six-winged, the first prince and governor of the heavenly forces, the cherub of all the saints! O miraculous Archangel Michael, the unspeakable guardian! Give me help in everything: insults, sorrows, sorrows, at a crossroads. Give help on the river and go to the sea a quiet haven. Deliver, great archangel Michael, the servant of God (name) from all the tricks of the devil. As soon as you hear me (name), your sinful servant, praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up help to me and hear my prayer. O great Archangel Michael! Conquer the forces that oppose me with the power of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels, the great St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Holy Prophet Elijah, the Holy Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all the powers of heaven. O great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name)! Deliver me from fire, from the flood, from the sword, from vain death and from all evil. Protect from the flattering enemy, from the coward, from the storm and from the evil one. Deliver, the great Archangel Michael, me, the servant of God (name), from evil and all kinds of misfortunes. Always now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

* Lord, God, great king without beginning! Send your servant (name) Archangel Michael, the guardian from enemies visible and invisible. My Guardian, Archangel Michael, be to me, a sinful slave (name), an assistant in troubles, in sorrows, in empty sorrows. Deliver me, servant of God (name), from the temptations of the devil. O great Archangel Michael, defeat my opponents with the power of the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy angels, teach me to endure, as our Lord God Jesus Christ endured. Always now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer calling for a guardian angel!

Angel of Christ! Saint, sent to me to save the soul and body of my sinner! With my laziness, with my bad habits, I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all my judgmental deeds, lies, slander, envy, condemnation and contempt. Disobedience, brotherly hatred, vindictiveness, love of money, adultery, rage, avarice, overeating without satiety, drunkenness and verbosity and evil thoughts. How is it possible for you, Holy Angel of Christ, to approach me if I am like a stinking dog? With what eyes do you see me, mired in vileness, angel of Christ? I ask forgiveness for my evil and good deeds. Protect and save me from the enemy, the slanderer and the envious person in the day and at noon, at night and at midnight and at every hour. Amen.

Prayer for protection from enemies

You, Lord, have known the kingdom of God, and on the third day you rose again. In glory and majesty you ascended to heaven, you judge the living and the dead by their deeds. You are good, Lord, if a sinner turns and repents, then he will live more and will not die forever and ever. I also pray, your sinful servant (name), about my sin. Forgive me, Lord, my sins before the soul is separated from the body. Guide me, your servant (name), Lord, on the right path. I pray and repent of my evil deeds. Save, look, visit, have mercy, have mercy on your sinful servant (name). Deliver me (name), Lord, from enemies in the house, on the way, in the water and in every place. Conquer, Lord, all who fight with me. O merciful Lord, hear me a sinner, crying out to you, looking at your most pure images. I hope for the power of the life-giving cross and for your most pure mother and for heavenly power and for the prophet Forerunner and your baptist John and for all your holy apostles and prophets and martyrs and reverend fathers and all saints. Accept my repentance and deliver me from eternal torment. I trust in you! Save me, servant of God (name), grant mind and memory to remember your many-loving name. You are one, sinless and merciful, Lord God, and I send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer from vampires and enemies

Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael see at the doors of the Lord, hold a scepter in their hands and say: “Curse Satan, who with devilish power fell into the underground abyss, into the abyss of hell. Get out the damned demon, Lucifer the intruder, accursed Satan! May the powers of the underworld not touch me, the servant of God (name), neither to my house, nor to my family, neither day nor night, nor on the way, nor by rivers and shores, seas, lakes, water sources, mountains and hills and sands, crossroads and waters. At slopes, wilds, forests and swamps, at fields and vegetable gardens, various gardens and estates. Sources and wells and in every residential building, in the temples of God and prayer houses. May he not hide from the sign and power of the honest, life-giving cross. Amen.

Spells from the devil

Prayer from energy vampires

How often can you find complaints from people about suddenly feeling unwell or that something has suddenly gone wrong. Someone writes off bad luck or an unpleasant set of circumstances. But there are those who can blame other people for such troubles. And call such a culprit an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?

These are people who feed on the energy of other people. They are charged with the positive energy of other people and can even take it away completely. The vampire is well, but his victim begins to get unlucky, his mood drops, things fall apart, and his health may also deteriorate. It is not necessary that a person can do this consciously and on purpose.

At first, the victim may not even understand why this happened. A typical situation: a person rejoices at some event, talks about it. Naturally, the mood is good. Here comes the vampire. His mood can be both good and bad. And, having heard the admiring stories of the victim, seeing the radiance on her face, the vampire with his very presence can immediately spoil the state of affairs. A vampire can be either a friend or a stranger. He can even be sincerely happy for a person, but on a subconscious level, he is still envious of him, thereby taking away all the good things. After some time, everything can go wrong for the victim. And she won't even understand why.

Why, for example, many women try to hide their pregnancy or their babies until christening - they are afraid of the evil eye from such people. They may admire sincerely, but they still take away a good aura from children. And then the children become restless, or the pregnancy can be difficult.

Prayer from energy vampires

Those who seriously believe in energy vampires can even read prayers, thanks to which they protect themselves and their energy. Basically, such protection is made by believers.

Prayer is a text that is designed to protect a person from the evil eye; from a person who causes negative feelings. You can find it both in the Bible and by turning to the Father in the church.

In the words of the prayer there should be an appeal to God, where a person asks him for help and protection from evil. All prayers are usually long. Therefore, it will be difficult to remember it. To be always ready - write it down and always carry it with you.

If it happens that you feel someone else's energy that harms you and the prayer "Our Father" will protect you, the main thing is to read it with faith and always wear a pectoral cross. Read more about prayers in the article: Prayers from negativity

Protection from energy vampires

How else can you protect yourself if you suddenly meet such people?

  1. The first is, of course, to try not to communicate with them. But it will be difficult if the vampire is your colleague or relative. Therefore, if this option is not possible, there are several other ways.
  2. Try not to show emotions when meeting with such a person, do not share good news so that he does not jinx it.
  3. When talking with him, imagine a wall behind which your thoughts and emotions. It will be difficult for a vampire to get through it. And as soon as he starts trying, immediately stop communicating.
  4. You can also imagine a mirror. You are on one side and the vampire is on the other. All his bad energy is reflected back into the owner.
  5. Never complain to such a person.
  6. Some imagine a pleasant picture in their heads, thanks to which the vampire will not be able to commit his evil eye.
  7. Don't be afraid of the vampire. He tends to choose people who are weaker and more vulnerable than himself.

Protect from energy vampires

And what thing can be a good amulet in such cases?

  • Trees have good energy. Some suggest that by hugging him, you can recharge your aura.
  • The well-known two fingers crossed behind the back often help from the evil eye.
  • Some carry a pin. Like, she repels all evil. You need to wear it from the wrong side and the head of the pin down.
  • In general, any thing can become a talisman. The main thing is that she should have your positive energy and always be with you. Don't give it to anyone. It can be a ring, a pendant in the form of your zodiac sign. Do not be too lazy to consecrate your amulet in the church.

Everyone has good and bad days. Some people have more, some have less. But this does not mean that he has a bad aura or chakras. But if you are sure that this is the case, then learn to protect your energy.

  • Try to avoid people you don't like being around.
  • Do not show your irritation and fatigue in public.
  • Only share good news with people you trust.
  • Get yourself a guardian.
  • Get a pet. He will take all the bad energy for himself.
  • Sprinkle the corners in your apartment sometimes with holy water.
  • Learn to recognize energy vampires.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire is a topical issue for each of us. Because, whether we realize it or not, but in life we ​​quite often encounter real energy vampires that provoke us to choose negative emotions. After meeting with such a person, you feel empty, and the vampire, having received a subscription, will soon come back for a new portion.

If you are attacked by an invisible attack

There are clear signs that you are being affected by an energy vampire. So, an attack takes place if:

you feel (even if intuitively) that a person affects you psychologically during communication;

you feel at ease with a person, you are "strained" by his presence; you “flare up” in a conversation with a person, no matter what you say, it’s not clear why you are nervous, communicating with him you feel overwhelmed, you even get the feeling that you have caught a cold or are too tired.

Vampires can manipulate you, scandalize and provoke you to release energy, but you can and should fight them

Of course, we do not need any energy vampire as friends or friends. But, since they are different, to the extent, respectively, you need to defend yourself in each case, using various methods.

There are vampires who are actually very dissatisfied with themselves: they don’t go well with work, and there are eternal problems in the family. So a person thinks that if he complains “about life” all the time, he will win your attention, receive sympathy. In other words, it feeds on the energy of its neighbor.

Is it possible to fight this? Need to! For example, as soon as they try to engage you in an unpleasant conversation, just smile and keep silent, making it clear that you want to stay away. He, of course, can continue to carry on the conversation, but, most importantly, you are not "turned on" emotionally. After all, it is your emotions that such people need.

Of course, in such situations it is difficult to say no, to fence off. But it's more expensive for yourself - to regret. You need to learn to look at everything from the outside - and no vampire will be afraid of you. In general, after a neutral reaction on your part, he will leave you alone.

Sometimes, knowing your “sore points”, the energy vampire talks about exactly what concerns you, but what does not please you at all. With such conversations, many bring the interlocutor to the white knee. There are two ways out: either say that you don’t care, you don’t worry at all, or start acting to solve your problem. Then the vampire will simply have nothing to cling to.

A stream of light as protection against energy vampirism

By developing your imagination, you will help yourself create a virtual, but very reliable defense against energy vampires. All you have to do is imagine that you are standing in a stream of light.

Visualize this light destroying negative programs in your energy field. When you feel that the heavy burden in communicating with another person seems to be falling off your shoulders, then we can assume that the protection has worked.

If you still feel tired, it means that you failed to defend yourself, and it is better to end the conversation - only as gently as possible (remember that irritability feeds the vampire) and finding any excuse for this.

While you imagine being flooded with a bright protective light, you will be distracted from both the whining and the complaints of the human vampire. The vampire will feel that he cannot break through the protection, and, therefore, will lose power over you and interest in you. You will see for yourself, he will change the subject of conversation.

A stream of light will help repel a vampire attack - imagine how it literally permeates your body

You should never forget that a vampire can break through your energy protection only when you allow him to do this: you regret, give advice when he feels bad, empathize (cry, worry).

And in general, think about whether it would be better to part with those acquaintances, friends, after which you feel bad both morally and physically. It is important for you to understand that you are not responsible for the fact that something bad happens to people. And you are not at all obliged to give "smart" advice, while losing your own vital energy.

One of the tactics to combat vampirism is to escape

Do not even hope that you can re-educate an energy vampire! By the way, the easiest way is just to run away from him as fast as you can. And not only in the figurative sense of the word.

You need to try to outplay the vampire emotionally, and then he will be “scared” of you

If you are somehow connected with such a person, for example, at work, it means that you work exclusively with him and intersect. As little as possible to meet with such people is a good way out. But even in these cases, you should not relax, you need to prepare well.

We remember that the energy vampire wants to anger you, scare you, cause irritation or other negative emotions. Therefore, you should not give him the opportunity to do so. The way out is to outplay such a person emotionally. He, of course, will not “play” your game, but you yourself will play it unnoticed by him.

A good result is given by similar response behavior. For example, if a person wants to pity you, knock out a tear with some details, in response you can give invented examples from life, moreover, with even more “compassionate” details.

An energy vampire will not want to absorb such unpleasant details at all and will change the subject. Moreover, he will understand that complaining to you in the hope of getting sympathy will not work. And he will have to switch to someone else.

We laugh and effectively counteract energy "suckers"

Agree, the best way to overcome anger and anger is laughter. For example, in the office of a formidable boss, imagine him in a funny guise, for example, as a clown, or in an absurd form, say naked and with a tie. He scolds you, boils like a samovar, and you look politely, but smile to yourself from the top of your head: after all, the "king" is naked!

In no case do not get angry in response, and if you do make excuses, then emotionally light, not including evil, black emotions.

If the energy vampire is your boss, the only way out is to quietly laugh at him

Even better, if you mentally look at everything from the side. Imagine that you are sitting opposite the boss (another person), but your soul is flying somewhere under the ceiling and looking down at what is happening. Such abstraction must also be supported by inner laughter. And it’s really funny: a person loses his temper, gets angry, scolding you, and does not even suspect that you are “not here”, but laugh, hovering over his head.

Think to yourself: “Well, when this “big boss” will let me go ... but for now I’ll fly more.” And to make it easier to switch to something fun, watch more comedies - it will come in handy. Always at the right moment, you can easily remember something funny, and the energy vampire will definitely feel that you are on your own wave and will fall behind you.

In the same way, you can protect yourself from energy vampires at home, that is, people from the closest circle of friends. After all, both friends and relatives can be energy vampires. The principle of protection is the same.

In addition, remember that often the person himself does not realize that he is trying to deprive you of energy, provoking a scandal. If you realize this, then you will not succumb to provocations and will not experience resentment, anger, or other negative feelings that open the door to your own energy field.

A conspiracy to neutralize an energy vampire

With the help of the words of the conspiracy, you can also erect an invisible wall around yourself., and this will neutralize the negative energy attack.

By speaking the words of the conspiracy, you will not allow the energy vampire to affect you

Saying the words to yourself, you should imagine how they fence you off from an unpleasant interlocutor.

Say: “The barrier of words protects reliably. Words-amulets help me to win. Your dark conversation does not concern me. With my words, like a lock, it is securely locked. At the same time, you must make simple movements with your fingers: click in the air, as if you are “kicking off” checkers, as in the children's game “Chapaev”. Everything bad, thus, will "bounce" from you.

Runes will save your energy

Since ancient times, clover has been considered a strong amulet to protect against those who “pull” energy. And, of course, it is best that its leaves are real.

At the same time, a pendant in the form of a clover leaf is also an effective amulet. At the same time, a silver item is protection from a female energy vampire, and a gold item will not allow a male vampire to influence you.

You can protect yourself from vampires with the help of amulets, such as the runes Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz

Also, such a method as a pin pinned to clothes on the left side has long been known. It does not matter whether it is visible to a stranger or not.

A pendant that symbolizes your zodiac sign will also become your personal protector. It is better if it is made of metal, even non-precious.

Your pet, cat or dog can also become a talisman. It is known that they are able to “absorb” negative energy without harm to themselves. If you have a meeting with a person unpleasant for you at home, be sure to pick up a shaggy amulet or sit next to it, stroke the animal - and you can calmly communicate.

The ideal ones that will put up a barrier to protect a person from someone else's negative energy are: Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz. You can cut them yourself, for example, on a wooden pendant.

Choose the above runes and use for energy protection

The best defense against energy vampires is your own strong energy and positive attitude. Remember the simple truth: darkness cannot touch the light. Similarly, negative energy will not be able to penetrate your energy shell if you radiate positive energy.

Video to the topic: "Energy vampires: how to recognize them and protect yourself"

How often can you find complaints from people about suddenly feeling unwell or that something has suddenly gone wrong. Someone writes off bad luck or an unpleasant set of circumstances. But there are those who can blame other people for such troubles. And call such a culprit an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?

These are people who feed on the energy of other people. They are charged with the positive energy of other people and can even take it away completely. The vampire is well, but his victim begins to get unlucky, his mood drops, things fall apart, and his health may also deteriorate. It is not necessary that a person can do this consciously and on purpose.

At first, the victim may not even understand why this happened. A typical situation: a person rejoices at some event, talks about it. Naturally, the mood is good. Here comes the vampire. His mood can be both good and bad. And, having heard the admiring stories of the victim, seeing the radiance on her face, the vampire with his very presence can immediately spoil the state of affairs. A vampire can be either a friend or a stranger. He can even be sincerely happy for a person, but on a subconscious level, he is still envious of him, thereby taking away all the good things. After some time, everything can go wrong for the victim. And she won't even understand why.

Why, for example, many women try to hide their pregnancy or their babies until christening - they are afraid of the evil eye from such people. They may admire sincerely, but they still take away a good aura from children. And then the children become restless, or the pregnancy can be difficult.

Prayer from energy vampires

Those who seriously believe in energy vampires can even read prayers, thanks to which they protect themselves and their energy. Basically, such protection is made by believers.

Prayer is a text that is designed to protect a person from the evil eye; from a person who causes negative feelings. You can find it both in the Bible and by turning to the Father in the church.

In the words of the prayer there should be an appeal to God, where a person asks him for help and protection from evil. All prayers are usually long. Therefore, it will be difficult to remember it. To be always ready - write it down and always carry it with you.

If it happens that you feel someone else's energy that harms you and the prayer "Our Father" will protect you, the main thing is to read it with faith and always wear a pectoral cross. Read more about prayers in the article:

Protection from energy vampires

How else can you protect yourself if you suddenly meet such people?

  1. The first is, of course, to try not to communicate with them. But it will be difficult if the vampire is your colleague or relative. Therefore, if this option is not possible, there are several other ways.
  2. Try not to show emotions when meeting with such a person, do not share good news so that he does not jinx it.
  3. When talking with him, imagine a wall behind which your thoughts and emotions. It will be difficult for a vampire to get through it. And as soon as he starts trying, immediately stop communicating.
  4. You can also imagine a mirror. You are on one side and the vampire is on the other. All his bad energy is reflected back into the owner.
  5. Never complain to such a person.
  6. Some imagine a pleasant picture in their heads, thanks to which the vampire will not be able to commit his evil eye.
  7. Don't be afraid of the vampire. He tends to choose people who are weaker and more vulnerable than himself.

Protect from energy vampires

And what thing can be a good amulet in such cases?

  • Trees have good energy. Some suggest that by hugging him, you can recharge your aura.
  • The well-known two fingers crossed behind the back often help from the evil eye.
  • Some carry a pin. Like, she repels all evil. You need to wear it from the wrong side and the head of the pin down.
  • In general, any thing can become a talisman. The main thing is that she should have your positive energy and always be with you. Don't give it to anyone. It can be a ring, a pendant in the form of your zodiac sign. Do not be too lazy to consecrate your amulet in the church.

Everyone has good and bad days. Some people have more, some have less. But this does not mean that he has a bad aura or chakras. But if you are sure that this is the case, then learn to protect your energy.

  • Try to avoid people you don't like being around.
  • Do not show your irritation and fatigue in public.
  • Only share good news with people you trust.
  • Get yourself a guardian.
  • Get a pet. He will take all the bad energy for himself.
  • Sprinkle the corners in your apartment sometimes with holy water.
  • Learn to recognize energy vampires.