On which fingers to wear rings and what does it mean? What does wearing a ring on the thumb, index, middle, ring finger or little finger say?

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Consider what is the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes the image, they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both wearing rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, it is useful for every woman to know the meanings of the rings on her fingers. Modern girls put on 2-5 rings per 1 brush. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed out of fear of losing the family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. So that the abundance of rings does not look vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put on 1 brush accessories made of one metal;
  • do not combine jewelry with jewelry;
  • avoid ugliness.

Made in the same style, two rings on one finger look like a solid piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide massive products look ridiculous on short and plump hands. Often, women have a question: on which fingers should you not wear rings? It is possible on any, even on all at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does the ring on the girl's thumb mean? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. The ring worn on the thumb speaks of perseverance, energy. Such a woman is difficult to convince. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with a non-traditional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can catch different signs: on the left hand, it indicates a readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right, that she already has a couple. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made of metal, ivory, leather and stone, varied in style, and many confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a stone of a cold shade contributes to the development of insight and getting rid of excessive practicality. Gold jewelry with a red, orange or yellow stone will enhance logical thinking. Usually more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.

Index - symbol of Jupiter

It symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and guiding. If you wear it constantly, self-esteem increases. On the index finger of the right hand, vainglorious and leadership-minded people most often wear rings. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn for the development and realization of abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with a low level of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly seen, so if you wish, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women are specifically looking for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their mistress.

If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise color in a silver frame are recommended.

Middle - under the sign of Saturn

What does the ring he wears mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself - the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and conceited the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of self-esteem. Often they are worn by those who believe in magic and fate. The rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday fuss. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on reputation and protects against gossip. The family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with the ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. A wedding ring on the finger of the right hand says that its owner is engaged, on the left - about widowhood.

On which finger is the ring put on (video)

Nameless - the finger of the Sun

Wedding rings indicate the marital status of a woman. She herself emphasizes the fact of marriage or betrothal, wearing a ring on her right hand. Often, a ring with a stone is put on with him, wanting to emphasize the special significance of marriage. Unusual wedding rings (with notches or stones) are chosen by people who do not allow passive relationships. They want a vibrant married life. The ring on the ring finger of the left hand speaks of widowhood. A miniature ruby ​​jewelry protects the family from quarrels and betrayals; an unmarried girl, with its help, on a subconscious level, can indicate a sensual and dreamy nature and a desire for passionate love.

Most often, women wear the ring on the ring finger. The usual decoration speaks of a calm character and an even attitude towards people. Artsy and extravagant are characteristic of creative people who prefer pleasure and luxury. If the ring fingers of both hands are ringed, then the girl is at the peak of positive emotions. It is impossible for someone to try on the ring from your ring finger. In this case, your personal space is too open. On which finger should a bride wear a ring after the engagement? During the engagement of the Slavic peoples, they put it on the right hand. On the day of the wedding, the bride takes it off to never wear it again. It becomes a family heirloom and is passed on to children.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? One of the versions is as follows: if you fold the brushes into a lock and start raising them in pairs (index, middle, and so on), it turns out that the ring fingers do not come off the lock, thereby symbolizing strong bonds.

The meaning of rings on the fingers for spouses, as a symbol of fidelity and love, is important for modern people, like a thousand years ago. And on which finger to wear a ring after a divorce? The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Mehdi advises to hide and keep it as a sign of respect for the past. If a woman wants to get her ex-husband back after a divorce, she wears the engagement ring given by him on the ring finger of her left hand.

The little finger is the symbol of Mercury.

The ring on the little finger is often worn by coquettes, prone to intrigue, subject to frequent mood swings, but always pleased with themselves. Usually they are very reckless, often sexually available. The ring on the little finger emphasizes the peculiarity of people associated with art. If this person is not creative, he has other talents and claims social significance. His peculiarity is in sociability and ability to convince. However, you should be careful with him, because he can be cunning and lie. Wearing expensive jewelry on the little finger of the left hand is not recommended, as this can lead to loneliness and poverty. On the right, one ring of any metal can be worn, but green and yellow stones are preferable.

How to pick up a gem

The ring always draws the eye to the hand, so it must be well-groomed. For colored minerals, you need to select the appropriate shade of nail polish. In addition, accessories should be combined with clothing. Before ringing your fingers, think about how the jewelry will suit this occasion. Placers of stones are unacceptable for a business style of clothing, even if they are an imitation of precious ones. Everyday jewelry should look like a natural addition. Wearing massive and refined rings with a light dress or sportswear is excluded. Catchy and unusual jewels are suitable for a solemn atmosphere. With an evening dress, you can wear stones of 2-3 colors.

Before choosing a piece of jewelry, you should determine on which finger it will be worn. You should go to the fitting in the evening. At this time of day, the brush swells a little and becomes more voluminous.

When choosing an ornament, it is necessary to take into account the age and structure of the brush. Massive jewelry looks better on the hand of an elderly lady. The gaze from the ringed finger does not switch to the skin, which betrays the true age. Delicate rings look better on the finger of a young girl's hand. Women's hearts at any age are drawn to jewelry.

Have you ever noticed a ring on a girl's thumb? Looks unusual, doesn't it? People, regardless of gender, from ancient times sought to decorate themselves, at first using bird feathers, flowers, animal fangs, stones for this purpose, but various jewelry, of course, became their favorite decoration. Rings and rings have always been a separate group of jewelry, because in addition to a purely decorative and aesthetic function, they have their own meaning from the point of view of palmistry and psychology, and it changes depending on which finger it is worn on. It is interesting that today the ring on the thumb of a girl has the most ambiguous and controversial meaning.

There are many varieties and styles of thumb rings for girls and men. Having passed a long and thorny path from Ancient Egypt to the present day, this accessory periodically goes into fashion, then goes out of it. The meaning of the ring on the thumb of a girl varies depending on the era and culture. For example, it can mean independence, love, sexuality, luck, or simply be a fashion choice that speaks of its owner's love for pop culture.

Excursion into history

Rings were worn on the thumb by different people, both aristocrats and representatives of the lower classes throughout almost the entire history. According to an article published in the New York Times in 1902, the ring on the girl's thumb could be found a millennium ago. This is the approximate age of the mummy of a young Egyptian, stored in the British Museum, both hands of a woman are decorated with massive rings on their thumbs.

In the era of the Middle Ages and even the early Renaissance, such accessories were up to 9 cm wide, decorated with heavy precious and semi-precious stones or even animal fangs. Archers wore such decorations to protect their hands when pulling the bowstring. In the 15th century, a ring on the thumb symbolized belonging to a certain order, a secret society, a profession, and healers distinguished themselves in a similar way.

In the 1960s, in the era of the children of the Sun - hippies, such jewelry became a symbol of an extremely liberal attitude towards love, sex and life. Adherents of this movement sincerely believed in its ideals and proudly wore rings on their thumbs.

Nowadays, such products have become a separate direction of jewelry fashion, they can be purchased for yourself, as a gift to friends or loved ones. The most popular type of thumb rings are gothic-style jewelry, they are also in demand among fans of some rock and pop bands.

Advice! When purchasing a similar accessory, make sure that it matches your style and will not look out of place and alien.

Today, such decoration has become universal, it can be found on the hands of people of all ages and genders. Although most often they are found on the hands of young women. These young and not so young ladies, as a rule, have a rebellious character, an ardent desire for self-expression and finding their place in life.

The meaning of the ring on the thumb

In ancient times

In those distant times, when the Egyptian mummy from the British Museum, mentioned at the beginning of the article, was still a young and flourishing woman, such an accessory was used in several aspects:

  • To protect against evil spirits and diseases, for this special verbal formulas were engraved directly on the product.
  • The rings on the thumbs of the girls symbolized the memory of the deceased spouses. Women put on their husbands' jewelry, which was too big for them to wear on other fingers, with the goal of always having a piece of lost love with them.
  • In Renaissance societies, a ring on a girl's thumb symbolized love and devotion. Charmers received such jewelry from their beloved man after accepting his courtship, marriage proposal. A similar tradition existed in England during the reign of George the First.


For centuries, thumb rings have symbolized freedom, independence, and power. In modern culture, the meaning of such jewelry varies depending on the personality of its wearer. For most, this is just a tribute to fashion, but many put personal, psychological or sexual overtones into it.

Palmists claim that the thumb, or finger of Venus, symbolizes your personality, your own "I". First of all, because of its separate and independent location relative to other fingers, but at the same time, it is able to cooperate with them to achieve maximum efficiency - much the same happens with our social roles in society. Therefore, on a subconscious level, many of us, putting a ring on our thumb, emphasize our own desire for freedom and independence in thoughts and actions.

Psychologists generally agree with the opinion of palmists, answering the question of what the rings on the thumbs of a girl mean, they are unambiguously sure that this is a sign of her desire for self-assertion, the achievement of freedom and independence without analyzing the ways and means. Note that in this situation, sexual self-affirmation comes first.

In some cultures, a girl wears a silver ring on her right thumb if she is open to sexual experimentation. In a number of countries, this decoration is a kind of loud statement about the non-traditional, lesbian orientation of its bearer. Moreover, the ring on the right thumb of the girl indicates that she already has a girlfriend, and on the left, that she is free and ready for new relationships and acquaintances.

Advice! Having planned a trip to an unfamiliar country, in order to avoid extraordinary and ambiguous situations, it is better to remove the ring from your thumb.

True, in recent times, due to the fact that ringing the thumb is now in trend, the piquant meaning of this decoration fades into the background.

Varieties of rings

Thumb rings, which are so loved by modern girls, come in a wide variety of styles, designs, themes, patterns and ornaments. They are made of stone, leather, ivory, metal. You can find rings, solid, spiked, carved, with or without engravings, inlaid with precious or semi-precious stones. When buying, give preference to those models that are more suitable for you in style and affordability.

Some of the most popular varieties of women's thumb rings.

Celtic thumb rings

One of the varieties of this type of accessories, the popularity of which has not faded in our days. In ancient times, such rings were worn to show the place in the local hierarchy of its wearer, regardless of gender, be it a man or a woman. Moreover, the higher this place was, the more intricate, more complex the pattern, the more intricate design on the ring.

It was popular to apply various rune-elements of magical formulas to the rings, turning the jewelry into a magical amulet.

In modern life, we would like to warn you against the rash purchase of accessories decorated with intricate, beautiful, but incomprehensible runes. You should not wear something that you do not fully understand the meaning of. A good female version of the Celtic thumb ring is the Treasure ring, on which two hands hold a heart. Among the peoples of the north, with its help, beauties showed whether their heart was occupied or not.

Sterling silver rings

Girls who want to wear rings on their thumbs most often choose products made of sterling silver - a variety of noble metal of the highest 925 standard. The price of such jewelry is much lower than that of gold, which allows you to freely experiment with styles, designs and sizes of rings. You can buy such products in almost any jewelry department or at specialized points of sale of silver items.

Gold rings

Because of its price, gold, and not just gold-plated jewelry on the thumbs, not many girls can afford. Most organically, such products look in tandem with similar products. Putting a gold ring on your thumb, make sure that it is thin enough, does not look flashy and defiant, and will be appropriate in the environment and the company you are going to. Despite the fact that gold thumb rings are not in great demand, they have a rather exotic, exclusive look and their own circle of fans.

Advice!If you decide to give your thumb ring a personal touch, ask a jeweler to engrave it uniquely. Since such decorations are larger than usual in size, the inscription on them will fit quite large.

How to wear rings on your thumb?

Wearing rings on your thumb can sometimes cause some discomfort. First of all, because of its opposition to the rest of the fingers. And this means that you have to get used to the need to grab things softer, protecting the jewelry from scratches. Such jewelry, especially those made of soft metal or alloys, are prone to deformation, so avoid narrow gaps when wearing them. To provide an extra protective layer, you can coat your ring with clear nail polish.

The specifics of your work can also become an obstacle to wearing rings on your thumb. For example, at the operating table, during dental consultations, as well as in medical, chemical laboratories, as well as in any other places where you have to work with aggressive substances, there is no place for your favorite accessory. After all, even a drop of chemical can burn your finger and spoil the appearance of the ring.

Advice! If you want to clean your jewelry, pay attention to the material of its manufacture. As a rule, most rings can be washed in warm soapy water.

How to care for rings?

Since thumb rings are made from a variety of materials, the issue of care must be considered for each of them separately. Below are some tips to help you in this matter.

  • Store your ring in a separate bag, separating it from other jewelry, in order to prevent scratches, because due to the fact that most of these jewelry is quite massive, the flaws on them are more striking.

  • When tarnishing silver rings, soft, damp sponges are used to clean them. Use toothpaste as a cleaning agent with the utmost care, because it may contain abrasive particles of soda and other ingredients, for the same reasons, you should also refuse tooth powder. Give preference to compounds specially designed for cleaning silver.
  • To clean copper rings, use lemon and tomato juice, baking soda and Worcestershire sauce.
  • Make sure your ivory ring is exposed to direct sunlight most of the time, it can tarnish and turn yellow in the dark. To clean such jewelry, use lemon juice diluted with water.
  • Dishwashing liquid diluted in warm water is used as a cleaning agent for cleaning gold thumb rings.

Advice! In the absence of proper care, even the most unpretentious decoration will lose its charm. Do not forget to take care of your rings, then they will help you express your individuality.

The ring is considered a symbol of infinity and means the eternity of being, the eternity of the universe, the eternity of nature and life. In ancient times, rings were associated with power, so wearing them was the prerogative of people with great powers. Already later, the rings became a symbol of the inviolability of the marriage union. It is worth noting that these decorations served as identification marks of certain societies, families, clans: the Knights Templar, Masons, the Jesuit Order, etc.

There is an opinion that the rings on the fingers do not mean anything at all, so you can and should wear them as it is convenient, first of all, for the person himself. Often they are put on the fingers according to the principle of compatibility with each other on the hands of one or another hand. However, some Eastern peoples, palmists, psychologists, representatives of sexual minorities and other communities attach great importance to the location of the ring on the hand. In particular, this applies to rings on the thumbs.

Ring on the thumb. Meaning

In China, it is considered beneficial to wear a ring on the thumb. The Chinese claim that it is in this place that the rings are able to stimulate the nerve endings. It is curious that both palmists and representatives of other teachings share their point of view. Psychologists have their own opinion, different from the opinion of the Chinese and palmists. They believe that the ring worn on the thumb speaks of the extraordinary behavior of its owner.

According to psychologists, women or men who wear rings on their thumbs are trying their best to attract the attention of people around them to their person. Psychologists believe that these people are trying to assert themselves in all sorts of ways. Moreover, men who wear rings on the thumbs of both hands are trying to establish themselves in the sexual sense. But it is not clear why they “tell” the society about their intimate problems in this way.

Another meaning of the ring on the thumb is a sign of non-traditional sexual orientation. Curiously, this only applies to women. At the same time, the ring worn on the thumb of the left hand indicates that its owner is currently alone, and the ring worn on the thumb of the right hand says that her heart is already occupied by some lady. By the way, the vast majority of women who wear rings on these fingers do not even realize their dubious meaning.

We all know that the ring on the ring finger is like a mark that a person is legally married. Sometimes, on the same finger, girls wear a ring given to them for engagement, and sometimes they simply put a ring on this finger so that the opposite sex does not show their attention so actively. But for what they wear rings on other fingers and what this can mean, few people know.

Various jewelry, including rings, began to be worn a long time ago. So, in ancient times, the decoration on the thumb was worn in order to hold the weapon more firmly in the hands, to pull the bow.

But the inhabitants of Greece put jewelry on this finger to strengthen male power, as it was a symbol of the male organ. Women who wear rings in the same way are likely to have stronger and more strong-willed natures. Fragile and delicate creatures are unlikely to choose this place for precious jewelry.

These are people who really want to assert themselves and moreover, the method does not matter. But most of all they are interested in leadership and sexual superiority. Therefore, those who wear jewelry in such ways should be especially looked at.

As a rule, quite impulsive and very energetic people choose this way of wearing jewelry. They do not always follow what they say, and sometimes they can say things that you do not expect from them. If you enter into a dispute with such a person, then it is unlikely that everything will end peacefully, since it is almost impossible to convince him.

Some who have such character traits deliberately put a ring on the finger of Mars in order to remind yourself in especially emotional moments and hold back a little, to be more reasonable. Well, if the ring is immediately on both hands, then this person is actively working on himself and trying to find a common language with everyone, to be more sociable.

The meaning of the ring on the thumb

left hand

The meaning on which hand there is a ring on the thumb is only for women. It is believed that if she puts jewelry on this finger, then she openly declares her unconventional orientation. And it is on this hand that the girl is free to have a relationship with another girl.

right hand

This arm is worn by gay girls who are already in a couple and want to openly declare this to everyone around, and especially to those like them.

But even if you know these features and noticed the ring in this place, it is not necessary that its owner is also aware.

Perhaps she was simply presented with a gift that did not fit her in size, and she is simply forced to put it on this finger. Maybe she just likes to add jewelry and wear it in unusual places.

What does the ring on the thumb mean?

At the girl

Since the thumb is the finger of the planet Mars, the men wear rings on it, at least it was so in ancient times. But some women who want to be on an equal footing with men and have the same rights and freedoms also try to equate themselves with them in this way.

And the girls who find out about this are trying to transfer this way of self-expression and their manner of interpretation to our country. They say in this way that they are not afraid to admit their orientation.

In men

If a man puts a ring on his thumb, then he knows exactly why he is doing it. Self-confident and impulsive natures try to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

After all, not everyone today dares to stand out in this way. In addition, this is the protection of his male power, which all men so carefully guard and try to preserve for many years.

The meaning of the ring on the thumb in ancient times

Previously, men wore rings either to strengthen their strength and for greater convenience during hostilities. But then wearing the precious metal was not a prerequisite. You could put on an ordinary iron ring and go to battle.

Also earlier, jewelry on this finger was worn as a protection against various diseases and unkind spirits. For this, special engravings with protective words were applied to the ring.

Also, women used to wear the wedding rings of their dead husbands at this place. This was due to the fact that they did not fit them at all in size and there was simply nowhere to put it on except for the thumb. In addition, it was like a reminder of his wife.

During the Renaissance in England, girls wore jewelry on this finger, given by the groom, after a marriage proposal. It was a symbol of fidelity, love, and meant that the girl was already busy and was getting married soon.

At one time, decorations at this site were a sign of belonging to a particular place in the hierarchy at the local level. They were to be worn by both men and women. For this, Celtic patterns were used.

By far the safest Celtic pattern is two hands holding a heart.

Types of thumb rings

A ring made of precious metals or the most ordinary ones is always considered a sign of elegance and style. Sometimes it is a symbol of some merit, the victory for which they were awarded. And men, besides wedding ones, also wear such jewelry with pleasure.

Rings can be:

  • Made from small beads. The cost of the ring depends on what material was used. Such a decoration can be completely done with your own hands. To do this, you need a nylon thread or wire. But as a basis, you can use any beads you like made of ceramics or precious stones;
  • Carved. They can be made from wood, metal, bone, organic glass or semi-precious stone. A three-dimensional drawing is obtained as a result of manual work or special equipment. The product can be obtained in a single copy. Carved rings attract special attention, as this is a rather laborious work.
  • Jewelry with stones. The stone can be precious, semi-precious or artificial. The base of the ring can also be made of gold, silver or a stainless metal alloy. These decorations are probably the most popular. They can be complemented with earrings, bracelets and pendants. Options for the execution of such rings are limited only by imagination and financial capabilities.
  • Rim ring. The most famous example of such jewelry is a wedding ring. Men love this type of product the most. They tend to choose metals such as bronze, silver, gold, and others. On such rings it is convenient to do engraving, carving, blackening.
  • Ring. Only precious stones and metals are used here. One large stone is attached in the center. Such jewelry attracts special attention, since its owners are likely to be quite wealthy and influential people.
  • Infinity Ring. The stones on such an ornament go in a row one after another around the entire circumference. Any stones and any shape are used. But small stones on a thin ring look the most organic.

What do the rings on other fingers mean?

  • On index. If worn on the right hand, then this is a sign of a leader. Such a person has everything in order with self-esteem and self-confidence. And in order to develop these qualities in yourself, you need to wear jewelry with topaz, lapis lazuli and amethyst in this place.
  • On average. Jewelry on the left hand means that a person is very serious and he always understands what can and cannot be done. On the right hand, stones such as moon and rose quartz should be worn.
  • On the nameless If you wear jewelry on your left hand, then in this way you can strengthen your creative abilities, learn how to transfer your knowledge to others. Also, wearing a ring on this finger will help to cope with all the troubles.
  • On the little finger. On the right hand are worn by those who have a talent for negotiating. And sometimes it means that a person is set up for closer communication. On the left hand they wear those who fantasize and invent very well, this person also knows how to listen well to others.

There is not much information about the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women. But such characteristics can really help to know a person better: his personality, disposition, habits.

There is not much information about the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women.

Girls have always loved rings. Such jewelry is considered an indicator of status: social, family. But there is something hidden and secret in the female desire to wear rings. What are the meanings of the rings on different fingers, for example, on the right hand?

The thumb ring is most often worn by big adventurers. Such women like to seek adventure and, by the way, they find them. Wearing a ring on the thumb is inherent in individuals who have some masculine character traits: assertiveness, fearlessness and determination. And yet it is worth noting that having a ring on your thumb is the prerogative of young people, since at a more mature age it looks somewhat infantile. The ring on the thumb is definitely not suitable for a business look. As for the ring itself, an ornament with a stone would hardly be appropriate on this finger.

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex. And this phenomenon has its own meaning. What do the rings on the finger mean? So, the decoration on the index finger is worn by powerful and freedom-loving women. They have their own opinion on everything, they are often engaged in some kind of large-scale business, if it concerns work.

Psychologists say that women who are used to commanding and pointing will most likely wear a ring on their index finger. And if one of them did not turn out to be a big boss in life, then, most likely, such a lady will apply her passion for leadership in the family circle. Such ladies often have a henpecked husband and a son from the “sissy” category.

Dreamy, romantic and somewhat vulnerable persons wear rings on the middle finger of the right hand. Such ladies sometimes deliberately exploit the image of the “weak” in order to attract as much attention as possible, win over and arouse sympathy. And, I must say, they succeed! But do not think that this is a hypocritical type of personality. In most situations, these women are kind, responsive and accommodating. They are not characterized by conflicts with others.

The rings on the ring finger of the right hand are a sign that the girl is married. A clean and bright symbol that carries the energy of love, cordial affection and well-being. This is the apogee of the unity of two hearts, which are now ringed. It is generally accepted that the “engagement ring” is placed on the ring finger for the reason that the vein extending from this finger leads directly to the heart.

How to wear rings on your fingers (video)

If the lady is not officially married, but she still has an ornament on her finger of love, then this only indicates that she would like to get married as soon as possible and find happiness. Usually very young girls do this, who not only dream of a big and bright feeling, but also strive to “ring” some man. They put on jewelry, trying to make the fact of marriage allegedly held.

The ring on the little finger speaks of the great creative potential of its owner. Talented artists, photographers, stylists, designers are often found among such representatives of the fair sex. By the way, the decoration on the little finger should also be worn by those who would like to develop their talents more strongly. It is good if the ring on the finger will have a small stone. On little fingers, it will look very cute and so youthful.

Gallery: the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women (50 photos)

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex

Rings on the left hand: meanings

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of the left hand may differ from the previous characteristics. This is due to the difference in energy.

What does the ring on the thumb of the left hand mean? Rings on the thumb are a sign of independence and freedom, a gesture that is aimed at demonstrating one's uniqueness and selectivity. Personalities of such a warehouse are very proud, they are often leaders. They get along well in large companies and teams, but they can only feel true comfort when left alone. These women shun all dissenters, it is important for them to surround themselves with like-minded people. Especially they do not tolerate people indicating what and how to do in life. By the way, it is difficult for men to ring such ladies, because they will defend their inner and outer freedom to the last.

The index finger of the left hand with a ring will tell a lot about its owner. On this finger, the hands often wear jewelry of a personality with a non-standard outlook on life. They tend to escape from reality. Among them, you can meet many adherents of a healthy lifestyle, some kind of unique nutrition system, those who like to meditate at every convenient moment and place. They like to stand out from the majority from a spiritual point of view. It also shows up in the hands.

Wearing rings on the middle finger of the left hand is an indicator of incredible femininity. Such a person needs to develop his natural features. Part of this development is the family. There are great chances of having several children at once in a very happy marriage if you wear a ring on your middle finger. Of course, everything will not change in an instant if you put on a ring. But with sincere intentions and pure desires, his disposition can help. This is what the power of thought backed by action means.

Which fingers should not be worn on rings? There is a kind of symbol or even superstition, which is listened to, if not by all, then by many of the fair sex. It is not recommended to have a ring on the ring finger of the left palm, because it can play a cruel joke on anyone. You should always avoid wearing rings on your fingers that carry the energy of misfortune. In this case, it is believed that such an arrangement of the ring is endowed with “widow energy”. Indeed, in this way, widowed ladies indicate that they honor the memory of their departed husband. Therefore, do not in vain bring trouble on yourself.

Rings on the little finger of the left palm not only adorn women's palms, making them sophisticated, but also characterize their owner as a light and cheerful person. She is easy-going, looks at the world positively and rarely loses heart.

Other meanings of wearing rings

Many women prefer wearing several rings on their fingers at once. How to interpret this phenomenon? There are many interesting characteristics and symbols of several rings on the hand, which are not known to everyone.

For example, many rings on the fingers of the right hand betray an ambitious and obstinate personality. She has a passion for something in her blood, which is very often difficult to somehow stop.

2 rings on one finger are whole personalities, prone to deep introspection. Their attitude towards themselves can be based on very strict criteria, which completely excludes any indulgence for their misdeeds and mistakes.

If two rings on one finger are worn on the little finger, then this is a sign that a person lacks close and warm relationships in life. Most often it is about female friendship.

How to choose your stone (video)

Two or more rings on the index finger of the left hand only enhance the previously described characteristics, but it is this enhancement that can take a lot of strength from the woman herself. It is better to transfer the second ring to an adjacent finger or remove it altogether.

On which finger to wear a ring to attract good luck? Let it be a ring on the little finger, namely on his phalanx. If you wear a ring on the index finger of your left hand (also on the phalanx), then this will bring material profit in the very near future. Can be worn to special occasions.

On which finger is an engagement ring worn? It should be a ring on the right hand on the ring finger. After the wedding, it changes to an engagement one, more solid and expensive. That's why you can't have an engagement ring too fancy.

This is the meaning of wearing rings on the fingers of a female. Thanks to this, you can learn more not only about yourself, but also about your new acquaintance, girlfriend, boss and more.

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