Why do pregnant women have pain on the right side. Why can the right side of a pregnant woman hurt. Pain, fullness and heaviness in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Why does the right side of the lower abdomen and under the ribs hurt during pregnancy in the early and late wednesdays

Pregnancy is natural for the female body. Unfortunately, it is not safe for all women. In the first 3-4 months, the female body experiences severe stress, the hormonal background changes, the uterus expands, the body prepares for bearing the fetus and subsequent childbirth.

Most women complain of nausea, headaches, dizziness and problems with the genitourinary system. Almost none of these problems poses a danger to the mother and fetus. But there are cases when the pains are localized where they should not be, for example, it hurts in the right side. A pregnant woman should carefully study the anatomical structure of her own body and, with increasing pain, consult a specialist.

The patient states that she ate at a local restaurant the previous evening. Since she had already gained 15 kg during her pregnancy, she ate a salad with cheese, ham, eggs, yogurt dressing, etc. since then further feeding. The patient states that the pain is actually felt "everywhere in the abdomen". The patient is quite thin, but during pregnancy he achieved a lot. She enters a typical pregnancy situation. The attempt at calmness failed.

Ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity gives an imperceptible conclusion about the liver, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, etc. How about diarrhea? At about the time the patient went to bed. Did she indicate an improvement in the complaint if the position changed? It has not yet been mentioned how her first pregnancy went. Was there anything special?

Anatomy of the right side

The abdomen is divided into 4 zones - the right upper and lower side, the left upper and lower side. At the top of the right side are:

  • intestines;
  • gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • one of the kidneys.

Injuries received by these organs as a result of the changed position of the uterus often cause severe pain and complications.

A stool sample is currently not possible and should be postponed until the next morning. Pressure pain she has in the right upper abdomen. She claims that the pain increased from the beginning. She's a little tired and just feels "uncomfortable" because of the pain.

Additional questions or suggestions for action? The birth was a spontaneous birth. Besides, we don't have Cdme, do we? At least not yet mentioned. Liver values ​​are slightly increased, but thrombosis is normal. To clarify hemolysis, it is possible to determine bilirubin and haptoglobin, the missing hemoglobin in the urine rather speaks against it. The only thing you could do in this case is to watch and eventually stop the blood pressure, but now this is not necessary. How was the palpation of the liver?

At the bottom of the right side are:

  • ovary and its appendage;
  • the fallopian tubes;
  • bladder;
  • part of the uterus
  • ureter;
  • appendix;
  • small and large intestine.

We should also not forget that pain in this part of the body can only be an echo of pain sensations that disturb other organs of the human body.

Just under pregnancy we should really take away the worst pains and anxiety. Sign Belt, release the pain? Eventually, the application will be pushed upward and therefore not necessarily eliminated. Good case example, by the way! And the son of a child?

The results of the examination are still invisible, with the exception of epigastric pain. Hepatitis serology was performed during pregnancy and was unobtrusive. But as far as I can tell, it's pretty subtle. Then we call the gynecological assistant. In addition, the patient indicated that the pain would somehow increase. The nurse also says that the patient looks pale.

Interesting video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

Causes and nature of pain

Only a specialist can name the exact cause of pain in the area under consideration. In case of repeated repetition of the pain syndrome, the pregnant woman should go to the clinic for a comprehensive examination.

What to do with pain in the right side during pregnancy?

She is pregnant at 34. Can someone like you be a good mother? This question torments her the most. She writes a letter to her son in her diary. We had a good time yesterday. We always do this when the father is not there. Not bad for a mother who comes from the clinic. Between you, they knocked on my hand again, and we snuggled "correctly"!

There was a time in her life when that word sounded like a threat: mom. She didn't want to have a child. When she realized, she despaired. Afraid to do something to your child. She falls ill on the way home. At the pharmacy, she buys a pregnancy test. She can't have children at all. Cysts on the ovary, a year ago. Normal women can get pregnant. Normal women can have normal relationships. If she knows something, it's this.

Important! It is not worth postponing the examination, as this can harm not only the woman herself, but also her unborn child.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen, under the ribs and at the navel on the right side occurs for a number of reasons, among which it should be especially noted:

  1. Appendicitis.
    A dangerous and insidious disease caused by inflammation of a short process - the appendix. The pain is aching or sharp, has a constant character. It spreads along the groin, affecting the stomach and back. In this case, pain initially occurs in the lower abdomen, but gradually covers the entire abdomen with pain. The pain is cutting, sharp, when you try to get up, or change the position of the body, it intensifies. The patient has a fever, nausea, headache, possibly vomiting and diarrhea. Appendicitis develops rapidly. Lack of treatment is detrimental to health, the appendix ruptures, the fluid contained in it enters the body, causing severe intoxication. The rupture of the appendix is ​​deadly, the patient needs urgent surgical intervention. The presence of the disease is determined by palpation. The disease is treated in a hospital. Timely appeal for help can save the life and health of the child.
  2. cholecystitis and cholangitis.
    The source of inflammation is in the liver. The bile ducts and bladder become inflamed, which causes pain. The pain is pulling, paroxysmal, accompanied by burning in the right side and abdomen. The pain subsides when turning over to the left side with the knees drawn up to the stomach. Signs of cholecystitis often appear in perfectly healthy women. This happens due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the organs adjacent to it. Attack of pancreatitis.
  3. An inflamed pancreas can cause sharp pain in the right side. Sometimes the pain is girdle in nature, is given to the back and spine. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, the patient may have a fever. The disease is not fatal, but dangerous to the fetus.
  4. Stones in the kidneys.
    The occurrence of kidney stones leads to disruption of the bile flow. Bile ceases to be excreted from the body in the amount required for a healthy person. The disease is accompanied by spasmodic pains in the upper part of the right side, the patient feels sick, vomiting is observed, bitterness occurs in the mouth. In some cases, there is diarrhea, periodically replaced by constipation. Pain occurs in the left hypochondrium. The nature of the pain may vary depending on the food consumed. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The disease does not pose a danger to the life of the mother and child.
  5. Right ovarian cyst.
    The disease can develop both during pregnancy and before it. At the same time, a woman with a detected cyst must first undergo a course of treatment, and only after that think about bearing a child. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen. It is almost impossible to determine its exact location. Pain symptoms are minor, usually the patient has only slight tingling, a feeling of tension and discomfort. In rare cases, the pain is acute, radiates to the rectum and causes false urge to stool. Discomfort and slight pain are caused by mechanical irritation of the nerve receptors of the cyst resulting from its stretching. Severe pain occurs during rupture or torsion of the cyst. In pregnant women, the disease is treated with antispasmodics, in severe cases, when a cyst has ruptured, a surgical operation is performed to remove it.
  6. Varicose veins of the uterus.
    Pain is directly related to pregnancy, occurs as a result of a violation of the blood supply to the uterus and the vessels located near it. Women who are prone to varicose veins should prepare for its appearance during pregnancy. The disease is not dangerous, but extremely unpleasant.
  7. Problems with the bladder.
    The uterus strongly presses on the bladder, because the pregnant woman has constant attempts to empty it. In some cases, the desire to go to the toilet is also accompanied by severe pain in the right side. Usually the pain disappears immediately after emptying the bladder, but its disappearance is temporary.
  8. Pleurisy, pneumonia.
    The source of pain is the chest, but it can also radiate to the right side. Pneumonia and pleurisy are not without high fever and cough. In rare cases, there may not be a cough, so a pregnant woman is strongly recommended to go through all the examinations necessary to determine the source of pain.
  9. Spasms of constipation.
    Constipation during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. As a result of spasm of the round muscles of the intestine, which accompanies constipation, a woman may experience acute pain in the abdomen on the right side. Such pain does not require treatment, they pass on their own after their source is eliminated. It should be noted that constipation itself is very dangerous during pregnancy, therefore it is not worth rejoicing that the pain is gone for a while, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor and solve this problem.
  10. Liver dystrophy.
    The disease can develop at 20-22 weeks of gestation and take the form of severe preeclampsia. Accompanied by damage to the nerve endings and severe pain in the right side. As the disease progresses, the woman does not get enough sleep, her mood changes more often than it should be for a pregnant woman, loss of consciousness and convulsions are possible. The disease is dangerous, there is a serious threat to the mother and fetus, therefore it is not recommended to leave it without treatment.

In some cases, the cause of acute pain in the right side of the side can be an ectopic pregnancy. With this form of pregnancy, the amniotic egg does not penetrate the uterus, but is attached to one of the tubes. The growth and development of the amniotic egg is accompanied by severe pain and ultimately leads to rupture of the tube, blood poisoning and death of the woman. At the same time, the symptoms of pregnancy that appear in a woman will be quite standard - toxicosis, lethargy, dizziness, enlargement of the mammary glands. A pregnancy test may also show a positive result. An ectopic pregnancy can be determined exclusively with the help of ultrasound, therefore, if pain occurs in the right side, you need to hurry.

She has many treatments. Diagnoses have changed, and so have therapists. This means that they blur them like an invisible enemy, sometimes the lines between fantasy and reality. There were times when she cut her hands with razor blades and hated herself later. In a relationship, it's unpredictable.

She is looking at a pregnancy test. She reads the package insert. She chooses her friend Yang's number. They were together for almost a year. He, 43, divorced, two children, lives in North Rhine-Westphalia, she lives in Hamburg. "I'm pregnant," she says.

What to do if you have pain

Feelings come only the next day. Borderline illness is a personality disorder. Those who are affected are impulsive and emotionally very unstable. You can change your mood, your image, or your opinion of other people from one second to the next. Therefore, it is difficult for them to maintain a stable relationship. Many have mass fears, more than half of them are already making suicide attempts.

It is possible to prevent serious consequences for the life and health of a woman only in the first 3-4 weeks of the so-called pregnancy. After the specified time, the amniotic egg increases in size so much that it is almost impossible to remove it without damaging the fallopian tubes, and, accordingly, losing the reproductive function.

Important! Upon learning of pregnancy, a woman should immediately undergo an ultrasound scan. Some experts recommend doing the first ultrasound no earlier than 7-8 weeks, but for safety reasons it is recommended to do it as early as possible, when there is still a chance to correct the situation. An ectopic pregnancy is not considered rare, no woman is immune from it.

An estimated one to two percent of the population suffers from borderline disorder. According to the current state of research, both genetic factors and childhood traumatic experiences are responsible for the onset of disease, such as abuse.

In a few days her friend will come. Then they go to the Italian. Suddenly, her mother's suggestion comes to her: "In a woman like you, sooner or later the children will end up in the wastebasket." Why is she so stupid? Melanie asks herself. Now the baby is as big as a gummy bear. This morning she stood naked in front of the mirror and turned away from herself. You can't think of anything like that! Many pregnant women complain of vaginal pain during pregnancy and wonder if this is normal.

Pain on the right under the ribs and in the side is provoked by other factors, among which the most common are:

  1. Dieting.
    In an attempt to maintain beautiful body shapes, young mothers ignore the recommendations of experts and refuse the products the body needs to carry a healthy baby. As a result, problems with the intestines and stomach begin, gastritis and ulcers may develop, which most directly affects the child.
  2. emotional stress.
    Even the excessive emotionality of a young mother can provoke pain during pregnancy. Constant mood swings, tantrums, crying - all this resonates in the body and manifests itself in the form of pain.
  3. General fatigue.
    Usually occurs in the later stages, it becomes difficult for a woman to move long distances. There is no need to worry about such pain; over time, it will subside without the intervention of a doctor.

Thus, pain in the right side of the side can be either completely harmless or speak of serious pathological processes occurring in a woman's body. In more detail about which of them can be ignored, and which ones need an immediate call for an ambulance, we will consider below.

In most cases, women usually experience pain and even sharp pain in the vaginal area almost always around their second trimester. Rarely, this is a sign that there are complications. Common causes of vaginal pain during pregnancy. The main cause of vaginal pain during pregnancy is the child's own development. This can start in the second trimester when the fetus puts more pressure on the pelvic nerves. The best treatment for these discomforts is to lie on the left side so that the child can readjust.

Another cause of vaginal pain in pregnant women may be increased blood flow to the uterus. Due to pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman's body can increase by 50 percent, and most of it goes to the uterus. This increase in blood flow can cause inflammation and tenderness in the lips of the vulva.

Useful video: Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Time to call an ambulance?

Pregnancy, especially the first one, is often an unexpected surprise for a woman. The first few months of gestation are especially dangerous. Being in constant stress from sensations unfamiliar to her, a woman often pushes doctors, complains of constant pain and discomfort arising from toxicosis. Many specialists prefer to ignore such complaints, which is not always true.

Although the vagina can be sensitive to touch and pressure, it is not uncommon for a woman's sexual appetite to increase. Curiously, engaging in sexual activities can help reduce some of the vaginal discomfort and swelling. Other causes of vaginal pain during pregnancy.

Ingrown hairs can be a problem for many pregnant women. Certain hormone levels increase significantly during pregnancy, which can cause pubic hair to become thicker after it has been shaved. When these thick hairs come into being, they usually cause a lot of pain in the surrounding area. On the other hand, one of the most grown hormones is progesterone. Due to its ability to increase perspiration, dead skin cells can end up clogging pores and contributing to more reddish hairs.

Rare pains in the abdomen and spine are considered harmless and quite normal, not accompanied by fever and vomiting. As mentioned above, there is a restructuring of the body. Closer to childbirth, pain will occur more often, but this is also considered normal, since at this time the fetus presses especially hard on the organs.

Vaginal acne is not common, but it does occur in some pregnant women and can cause vaginal discomfort. Changes in female hormone levels combined with moisture in the vaginal area can lead to the development of acne. Once hormone levels return to normal, acne usually goes away.

Finally, most pregnancy-related cramps occur around the abdomen and pelvis, but they can also be felt in the vaginal area. They are more common after intercourse, especially if she has experienced an orgasm. These cramps are not a sign of preterm labor and usually disappear after a few minutes.

The reason for calling an ambulance is:

  • sudden and persistent pain in the right side;
  • prolonged half-hour pain, the intensity of which increases with time;
  • pain that does not go away for several days and intensifies in the evening;
  • pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

Trying to alleviate pain symptoms on your own with painkillers and folk methods is not worth it. This can be done only after an examination and receiving clear recommendations from a doctor, otherwise a woman can harm herself and her child.

- this is undoubtedly one of the best periods in the life of a future mother, because very soon a beloved and desired child will be born. During pregnancy, a woman should feel good, with the exception of rare and non-serious ailments. But sometimes there are cases when mothers begin to complain of pain - one of the most common complaints of pain in the right side.

When to Worry: Pain is Right and Wrong

The occurrence of any pain during pregnancy is a completely normal process, rarely does anyone have a pregnancy that goes completely unnoticed. Most often, in their own women begin to feel discomfort in the lower back with a sharp turn of the body. This is due to the sprain that occurs under the pressure of the growing fetus. Further, in the last stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel pressure on the intestines. Discomfort can also occur due to the fact that a pregnant woman does not move much or when she overeats.

These are all normal pains that almost every pregnant woman goes through and therefore nothing to worry about at all.

But if a woman experiences abnormal pain during pregnancy, then you should start to worry, because it is a symptom of various diseases. In order to determine what kind of pain you have - right or wrong, you need to learn to recognize it.

Pain in the right side: causes

During pregnancy, especially in the last months, a pregnant woman may be accompanied. This is not surprising - the uterus and the fetus put pressure on the internal organs, thereby complicating their work, which can cause pain. If these unpleasant symptoms appear, a pregnant woman should draw the attention of her doctor to this during a scheduled (or unscheduled, if the pain intensifies or becomes obsessive) visit to the antenatal clinic. If it hurts in the right side during pregnancy, you should think about what kind of internal organs are located in this place and what can cause pain.

On the upper right are the liver, gallbladder and part of the diaphragm. Think about whether nutrition or other factors could affect the functioning of these internal organs and cause pain. Fatty, fried, smoked foods cause stress on the liver and gallbladder, and during pregnancy they are in a compressed state and are not able to fully perform their functions, so the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be sparing and balanced.

Violations of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sweating, an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth.

In the right side below are the fallopian tube, ovary, ureter and appendicitis. in this area it is worth paying attention to these bodies.

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower right side can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Before you go to see a doctor and undergo the necessary studies, you can try to independently determine which organ causes pain in your right side. To do this, you will need to characterize the pain, what is it: aching, dull, cutting, sharp, pulling?

  • If you have aching and persistent pain in your right side, then most likely it is caused by the liver, pancreas, or intestines.
  • Dull and aching pain lasting no more than 10-15 minutes suggests that, most likely, your baby turned unsuccessfully and thereby caused you inconvenience. In order to reduce pain, you need to lie on your back or take a painkiller pill, for example.
  • Sharp and sharp pain signals inflammation in the pancreas. If so, then you will have to lie down in the hospital for some time, because pregnant women cannot take analgesics.
  • Cutting pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of such an unpleasant disease as appendicitis. The rupture of an ovarian cyst is also accompanied by cutting pain.
  • Dull and pulling pain in the lower abdomen will report inflammation in the genitourinary system.

What to do if your right side hurts

First of all, you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor. Until this time, you should not use any medications - the doctor himself will prescribe what you can drink without harm to the child, after a diagnostic examination is carried out.

Remember that if the pain continues for more than 30 minutes, and even more so, you should immediately contact a medical facility for assistance. Don't waste time - doctors must rule out ruptured cysts, appendicitis, and other conditions that could compromise your child's health.

18 Mar 2012

Pregnancy is a rather difficult period, which can proceed both painfully and without any difficulties. From time to time, the resulting pain can mislead a woman, since this phenomenon can be not only a pathological symptom, but also the norm during pregnancy. Very often among pregnant women you can hear the main complaint - pain in the right side. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why such a common symptom occurs and what it warns about.

Before self-diagnosing an ailment, it is necessary to find out the exact symptoms and without fail contact a leading specialist. After all, the occurrence of pain can portend various serious diseases that threaten the fetus.

CauseBrief description of the problem
Stretching of the uterine musclesWith an increase in the term, the fetus grows, which leads to strong pressure on the uterus, especially on the muscles. The localization of pain is located precisely in the lower abdomen and with sudden movements increases significantly. The main thing is that such uncomfortable manifestations are considered the norm and do not pose a threat to health. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to pay more attention to rest and take warm baths.
Location of the fetusDepending on the position of the fetus, pain may occur either in the left side or in the right side, extending down the abdomen. Discomfort is felt only when the fetus begins to move. Also not a pathological cause of pain
AppendicitisThe main thing is to determine the nature and location of the pain and immediately consult a doctor. An alarming sign is acute prolonged pain. To eliminate this problem, surgical intervention is required, since the lack of action is fraught with suppuration. Therefore, having determined all the risks, surgical treatment is prescribed.
Ectopic pregnancyIn the early stages, pain in the lower abdomen on the right side may occur, which sometimes becomes a confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy. This happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself in the wrong place, i.e. in the fallopian tube. When the fetus grows, there is a strong pressure on the tube, which can lead to its rupture. Quite a dangerous phenomenon for women's health. Painful sensations can be similar to the signs of appendicitis, only the characteristic difference is manifested in bleeding. In case of manifestations of such pains, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
Pinched ureterThe occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to the process of pinching due to the growth of the uterus
Stones in the kidneysThe sensation of renal colic causes pain in the lower back, which radiates to the inguinal region, the symptoms are complemented by problems with urination, as well as the appearance of bloody patches in the urine. This case requires urgent hospitalization.
Sexually transmitted infectionVarious pathological ailments that can be obtained through unprotected intercourse can provoke pain. In this case, a doctor's diagnosis is necessary, followed by emergency treatment.
Ovarian ruptureThe symptoms are very similar to an ectopic pregnancy. According to statistics, the pathology most often occurs with the right ovary, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. The phenomenon is accompanied by heavy bleeding, which often leads to anemia in a pregnant woman. The method of treatment will be determined by the amount of bleeding. With minor blood loss, medical therapy can be dispensed with.
Rupture of a cystSevere pain occurs suddenly and can even end in loss of consciousness. Additional symptoms: intestinal disorders, painful urination, high fever. Pathology is eliminated exclusively through surgical intervention

Attention! Pain can be of a different nature: cramping, pulling, sharp, sharp, pressing, tingling. All this may be evidence of some kind of deviation. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is urgent to seek qualified help.

Pain depending on the duration of pregnancy

Since the fetus grows throughout the entire gestation period, pressure periodically arises on the internal organs, therefore, the resulting uncomfortable sensations are not a sign of pathological changes. Depending on the trimester, there will be pressure on different organs.

Trimester I

The beginning of pregnancy cannot but be characterized by toxicosis. As a result, regular vomiting causes the digestive system to stress. Also, toxicosis can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the duodenum or stomach. Therefore, during this period, there is often a significant deterioration in digestion. In addition, due to hormonal changes, diarrhea and bloating can occur.

Trimester II

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus begins to increase significantly in size, which leads to strong pressure on all organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. Pain may be due to compression of the bowel, so the stool is difficult to pass and can lead to constipation and pain. Also, pressure is exerted on the bladder with subsequent squeezing of the ureters, as a result, this leads to the accumulation of urine.

In parallel, in this period, the fetus begins to move more and more actively in the uterine cavity. The movement can lead to blows to various organs in the abdominal cavity.

Trimester III

Pain at this stage of pregnancy occurs as a result of the rise of the uterine fundus, which leads to pressure on the liver, pancreas, and stomach. There is a slight effect on the internal organs, which leads to slight changes in their functioning. This process does not affect the health of a woman at all.

Phantom pain in the right iliac region of the abdomen

Oddly enough, but during pregnancy, so-called phantom pains can occur. In fact, the body is in perfect order, there are no pathological changes, but the pregnant woman has a far-fetched feeling of discomfort.

All this happens exclusively at the psychosomatic level, when the psyche affects the sensations of the body. The reasons for the occurrence of such conditions during the gestation period are very different:

  1. Unconscious desire to attract attention.
  2. Panic fear for the condition of the fetus.

By virtue of the maternal instinct, a woman will create all the most favorable conditions for the development of the fetus, therefore, if any pain occurs, the question will be disturbing, why did the pain appear, if everything was done correctly, is it a threat? This panic state can lead to phantom painful sensations. It may also be due to hormonal changes. In order to exclude all kinds of ailments, it is best to seek advice from a leading gynecologist, because the pain may be obvious.

What is the danger of pain?

Early pregnancy can be characterized by quite painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, extending down the abdomen. Such pain can be caused by a completely normal process - implantation of the fetus.

Sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium can persist for several days, and then intensify. In this case, pathological changes that threaten health cannot be ruled out. The most dangerous are:

  1. Miscarriage.
  2. Appendicitis.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Spontaneous abortion.
  5. Detachment of the placenta.
  6. Fallopian tube rupture.

It is almost impossible for a woman to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and prevent complex consequences. After all, a noticeable deterioration in the condition occurs in the sixth week of the term. The state of health is characterized by fainting and sharp pains in the lower abdomen, followed by bloody discharge. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that threatens the life of a woman and always leads to the death of the fetus.

Note! If an ectopic pregnancy is detected long before the onset of spotting or bleeding, then the woman may not have her fallopian tube removed.

What to do if the right hypochondrium hurts?

If during gestation the pain in the abdomen begins to disturb, namely in the right iliac region, then it is initially necessary to establish the nature of the pain. If the pregnant woman feels that the pain is expressed by a sharp sharp character, then this is a confirmation of problems with the bladder or appendages. When a similar pain radiates to the back, then pathologies with the kidneys are possible. The occurrence of such pain in the early stages warns of a possible infection, which is due to unprotected intercourse or is it an ectopic pregnancy. Aching pains speak of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Sudden sharp pain can occur with exacerbations of appendicitis or rupture of the cyst.


A woman's body undergoes various changes during pregnancy, which are often quite unpleasant. There are pains in some parts of the body, including in the abdomen. This brings nothing but increased anxiety about your health and the condition of the unborn baby. But in some cases, such experiences are completely groundless, since the symptoms have a completely normal origin during the bearing of a child.

Quite often, women complain of pain in the right side during pregnancy or in another area of ​​the abdomen. But when such a symptom cannot be explained by physiological processes, another cause must be sought. In such situations, diseases that can manifest themselves in this way should be considered. Only a doctor can determine why it hurts in the side and what to do to eliminate abdominal pain.

Unpleasant sensations in various parts of the abdomen are a common complaint among women at a doctor's appointment.


If it tingles in the lateral parts of the abdomen, then you need to trust the doctor in search of the causes of this phenomenon. To make the diagnostic search the most reliable, all methods acceptable during pregnancy should be used. This is the main task at the primary stage of medical care, so it should be given increased attention.

There are various conditions in which pain in the side occurs at various stages of pregnancy. These include:

  1. Physiological processes.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Gynecological pathology.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys.
  6. Appendicitis.
  7. Infectious pathology.
  8. Osteochondrosis.

To understand such a variety of factors, it is necessary to take into account all the risks that a pregnant woman has. A correct history of the disease, with an emphasis on the circumstances of the pain, will help to establish its cause.

It is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the appearance of discomfort in the lateral sections of the abdomen, since this may hide not only physiological changes during pregnancy.


When talking about pain from the abdomen, it is necessary first of all to understand where it hurts and how, and also what accompanies such signs. Therefore, complaints should be detailed by establishing their characteristics:

  • By type: stabbing, cutting, pulling or aching.
  • By localization: right or left, bottom or top.
  • By frequency: periodic or constant.

You also need to take into account other symptoms that will necessarily be present in the clinical picture of the pathology.

Physiological processes

In the body of a woman with the onset of pregnancy, an increase in the content of the hormone progesterone is noted. It contributes not only to the preservation of the child, but also to the relaxation of the muscle fibers of the intestine. Because of this, there is a slowdown in its peristalsis and increased gas formation, which causes stretching of the wall and irritation of the receptors with the appearance of pain.

Intensive growth of the uterus already from the second trimester leads to pushing and squeezing the surrounding organs: the bladder, intestines, stomach, kidneys. All this in combination causes disturbances in their work, which can also manifest as pain. In addition, an enlarged uterus stretches the internal ligaments of the abdomen and pelvis, which is also important in the origin of symptoms.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the right side hurts during pregnancy in the early stages, especially in the first weeks, then a similar phenomenon may be due to the incorrect location of the fetal egg. Most often, it can be implanted in the tube. Then they talk about an ectopic pregnancy. This situation suggests the following symptoms:

  1. Aching or sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Brown discharge from the vagina.
  3. Pain on palpation.

An ectopic pregnancy requires emergency care, as it can pose a real threat to life.

Gynecological pathology

Another situation where pain in the lower abdomen can be observed is the pathology of the ovaries. Most often there are cysts or other tumor formations. If they reach an impressive size, they can compress the nerve endings and cause dull aching pain. Some cysts can grow during pregnancy, so you need to keep in mind such a disease.

The issue of rupture of a cyst or ovarian apoplexy becomes especially relevant. This situation belongs to the category of emergency conditions in early pregnancy. Then the following signs appear:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  • False urge to go to the toilet.
  • Local muscle tension.
  • Positive symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Paleness of the skin.

If timely assistance is not provided, then the situation may end with peritonitis and hemorrhagic shock.

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain in the lateral parts of the abdomen often accompanies diseases of the digestive system. Such diseases include the following: hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis. If the pain is localized on the right under the ribs, then we can talk about damage to the liver or gallbladder. Then the tingling or dull pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Belching.
  • Jaundice.
  • Flatulence.

When the left side hurts during pregnancy, then you can think about pancreatitis, especially if the sensations become shingles. Colitis is accompanied by tingling in various parts of the abdomen, including under the ribs, as well as a violation of the stool (constipation or diarrhea).

Diseases of the digestive system make a significant contribution to the formation of pain in the lateral sections of the abdomen.

kidney disease

During pregnancy, kidney function is often impaired, which is manifested by an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. In this case, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Lower back pain is usually unilateral - more often on the right side.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Change in color of urine (turbidity).

Often in women, urolithiasis can be detected, one of the manifestations of which is considered to be renal colic. In this case, sharp and intense pain is given to the lower abdomen, genitals, back.


If the right side hurts during pregnancy, then appendicitis cannot be ruled out. This is an acute surgical pathology, which can be dangerous for its complications. As a rule, the disease is manifested by such signs:

  • Aching pain in right abdomen.
  • Local muscle tension.
  • Positive symptoms of abdominal tension.
  • Violation of the general condition: weakness, subfebrile temperature.

In women during pregnancy, a retrograde location of the appendix is ​​​​common, when the pain syndrome is localized in the hypochondrium or back.

Pain in the right abdomen must be differentiated from appendicitis.


After establishing the diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment in order to avoid dangerous complications. You should not rely on symptomatic therapy alone - you need a comprehensive impact on the pathological process, using pathogenetic and etiotropic agents. Comprehensive treatment includes conservative and surgical methods, which are applied based on the clinical situation.

conservative methods

Traditional treatment is based on drug correction of pathological disorders. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure absolute safety for the fetus and the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, all medicines are prescribed only by a doctor and in accordance with the recommendations for the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. Depending on the indications, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Antispasmodics.
  2. Hemostatic.
  3. Antibiotics.
  4. Antisecretory.
  5. Adsorbents.
  6. "Defoamers".
  7. Prokinetics.
  8. Enzymes.
  9. Phytopreparations.

Which drug to prescribe, indicating the dosage and course of administration, the specialist will tell you. It is dangerous to take medications on your own during pregnancy - you can get an effect that is exactly the opposite of what you expected.

In addition, great importance is given to dietary recommendations that will help in treatment and become a good preventive measure. A woman should follow these rules of rational nutrition during pregnancy:

  • Adequacy and variety of diet.
  • Drink enough liquid.
  • Avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods.
  • Limit pickles and rich pastries.
  • Eat foods baked, boiled or stewed.
  • Minimize the consumption of cabbage, legumes, whole milk.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Daily walks in the open air, sufficient physical activity help to improve digestion. You can do swimming and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Surgical methods

In some cases, you can not do without surgical intervention. This mainly applies to situations that are united under the concept of "acute abdomen". Based on the type of pathology and its complications, the following types of operations can be considered for use:

  1. From open access - with appendicitis, ovarian apoplexy, peritonitis, internal bleeding.
  2. Laparoscopic - with ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts.
  3. Endoscopic - with renal colic.

In any case, everything must be done to eliminate the cause of the acute process. After surgery, a course of drug therapy will be required. To reduce the risk of adhesion formation, in terms of rehabilitation, physiotherapy is indicated: electrophoresis, UHF therapy, balneotherapy.

The elimination of abdominal pain begins with early diagnosis, which opens up the possibility for doctors to use therapeutic agents. If her own condition inspires concern, a woman should consult a doctor in time.

When a woman is carrying a baby, pain may appear from one or another organ. During pregnancy, this phenomenon is not uncommon and many women can experience it. It should not be assumed that pains appear for no reason, by themselves. They are always due to the presence of any reasons.

The pain most often occurs on the right side of the body. This localization is the most common. Many mothers perceive it with a certain amount of fear. They are frightened by the appearance of pain, because they believe that this can harm the unborn child. The woman begins to get very worried, and the cause of her unrest is the unknown and fear for the unborn baby.

If someone says that his stomach hurts, then such information will be of the most general nature. The abdominal cavity is the location of many organs and each of them can hurt. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine which organ is the cause of pain. What should a future mother do in such situations, and what should be done?

First you need to determine what the nature of the pain syndrome is. The pain can be sharp or dull, pierce whining, sometimes it may seem that someone is sitting in the stomach and stabbing it from the inside with a dagger. If the pain occurs suddenly and does not go away within a certain time, then this may indicate the presence of some kind of pathology. In this case, it is clearly impossible to do without medical help, for which you should contact your doctor.

Possible reasons

During pregnancy, the occurrence of pain in the right side can be due to a number of reasons. All of them can be reduced to the following points:

Ectopic pregnancy
Among the causes of pain on the right, it occupies one of the leading places. A fertilized egg, for some reason, can simply get stuck in one of the fallopian tubes, not reaching its final destination of the uterus. According to statistical observations, this phenomenon can be observed in 4% of cases of the total number of pregnant women.

The fetus in the tube gets its full development, gradually increasing in size. There comes a moment when it reaches such a value that the pipe simply does not withstand and breaks, because its dimensions are insufficient for the normal development of the fetus to take place in them. So anatomically determined by nature itself. As a result of the rupture, a woman may experience pain in the right side of her abdomen. In addition, an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages is manifested by other symptoms:

  1. Monthly periods are scanty or they are completely delayed.
  2. Pain of a pulling nature of medium intensity. It is caused by stretching of the walls of the fallopian tubes. If you take a pregnancy test, it will be positive in its result.

Pain can radiate to various places. In 35% of cases, they appear in the lower back and rectum. In a woman, the mammary glands may increase, with palpation they become painful. In half of the cases, there are signs associated with early toxicosis. In 70% of cases, the presence of bloody vaginal discharge is observed. The lower abdomen is painful. The pain syndrome has different intensity.

The opinion is considered erroneous that in the absence of a delay in menstruation, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy should be excluded. For most women, vaginal bleeding is mistaken for a menstrual cycle. Important in making a diagnosis is the careful collection of data from the anamnesis. On examination, the gynecologist can see an enlarged uterus. Its consistency is soft, the neck is bluish, and the tubes and ovary are painful on palpation.

Additional studies will be of great help in diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy. A blood test is performed. Progesterone and hCG are determined. The number of the first is reduced. Helps in diagnosing ultrasound.

Suspicion of a tubal abortion may arise if a dagger pain appears, the location of which is the iliac region. It can appear like a “thunder from a clear sky”, against the background of seemingly complete health. The presence of internal hemorrhage of low intensity may delay the diagnosis. This is due to the lack of characteristic features.

No one is immune from it, including it can appear during pregnancy. It is characterized by pain in the right side. But first, as a rule, it occurs in the epigastric region, and only then appears in the lower abdomen in the right iliac region. In addition to pain, there are other characteristic symptoms:

  • the temperature curve takes on an ascending character;
  • chills, nausea. Often the condition is characterized by the addition of vomiting;
  • pain. They are paroxysmal in nature and last for a long time.

When signs of appendicitis appear, the expectant mother should call an ambulance. Treatment requires surgery. Conservative therapeutic correction for appendicitis is ineffective.

Stretching of the uterus
Normal development of the fetus occurs in the uterus. As time goes by, a growing baby naturally increases in size. This leads to stretching of the uterus and pain. The place of localization of pain is the lower abdomen, its right area. According to the characteristics of the pain, it is aching and associated with a permanent character. When the baby moves, the pain may increase. According to medical recommendations, in such conditions, warm baths are indicated. A woman should devote more time to rest and try to avoid heavy physical exertion.

Pinched ureter
The development of the growing organism of the child is accompanied by an increase in its size. In this case, there is a stretching of the uterus. This circumstance causes a situation in which the surrounding organs are compressed. This fully applies to the ureter. In response to this, he responds with pain, which can be localized in the right lower abdomen.

Ovarian cyst
It can be in a woman already in the period in which pregnancy is only planned. But the external manifestations of the cyst may be absent. They begin to make themselves felt when the woman is carrying the fetus. Its manifestations are associated with dull pain of a aching nature. The cyst is represented by a tumor-like formation of a benign nature. Anatomically, it is a cavity with a leg. Inside the cavity is a secret. Education tends to increase due to the fact that the contents of the cavity as a result of accumulation increases.

Very often, such conditions are not accompanied by any symptoms or are manifested by minor pains in the lower abdomen. Menstrual function may be disturbed. A complication may occur when the leg is twisted or the capsule is torn. The contents of the cavity are poured into the abdominal cavity with the development of a picture of diffuse peritonitis. This condition is often found in those women who are in the childbearing period. In a third of cases, it is found in women who have a regular menstrual cycle. The frequency of cases during menopause is 6%.

During pregnancy, the ovaries are enlarged in size. Irritation of nerve endings leads to pain. If you press on the stomach, there is an increase in pain. There may be irradiation of pain in the anus. As a result, there is an urge to defecate. If such a condition occurs, you should not pull. Medical attention required. A correction is prescribed with the use of painkillers and antispasmodic drugs. In some cases, surgery is required. The method of therapeutic measures is determined by the specific situation.

Liver and related diseases
The cause of pain in the right side can be hepatitis of various origins. Hepatitis should be understood as an inflammatory process in hepatocytes, which are the main structural element of the liver tissue. They can be caused by infectious causes (viral hepatitis A) and factors not associated with the infectious nature of exposure (alcoholic, toxic hepatitis). There are quite a few causes of hepatitis, as well as the nature of their manifestations. One of the symptoms of inflammation of the liver is the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium. The process can proceed in acute and chronic form.

Quite often, hepatitis is observed in people who revere Bacchus excessively. It can also be observed in people who work for a long time in conditions of hazardous production. The cause of pain can be viral hepatitis C, when the infection enters the body through the parenteral route (through the blood). This can often be seen in drug addicts when administering drugs with a single syringe.

Kidney pathologies
This group includes a large number of diseases. For example, the presence of stones in the kidneys can give a picture in which there are pains in the right side. The stone can not only be located in the kidney itself, but also the mouth of the ureter, which also causes pain. They can also be associated with kidney abscesses. Painful sensations are similar in nature to pain in appendicitis, but they have a slightly different irradiation. They can give to the right side, appear in the lower back, inguinal region, back.

The stone in the course of its movement can get stuck in the mouth of the ureter. This is due to the presence of its rather large size. He just can't walk freely on it. The pain in this case is excruciating and takes on a wave-like course. It then subsides, then reappears with the same force.

Gallbladder diseases
Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder can cause pain in the right side of a pregnant woman. In this organ, bile is produced and accumulated, which is necessary for the normal course of digestion. If a person has consumed too much fatty food, then in order to digest it, much more bile will be required. The load on this organ increases. If there is a stone in it, then this can lead to the occurrence of a pain syndrome, the localization of which is the right abdomen.

Bile can stagnate as a result of atony of the gallbladder, leading to a violation of its peristalsis. It can also cause pain.

This disease occurs as a result of the development of an inflammatory process in the pancreas. The disease is quite serious and can bring a woman a lot of unpleasant moments during pregnancy. Most often, this disease is recorded in people who abuse alcohol. This group occupies 40% of all cases. In a third of people suffering from gallstone disease, pancreatitis develops as a complication. In 5% of cases, the disease is due to the presence of congenital malformations of the pancreas. Often this pathology affects obese people and people who abuse drugs. In 1% of cases, the cause of the disease cannot be established.

This pathology has a high mortality rate and is associated with a number of serious complications. The main symptom is pain. It can give to the back, lower back, often occurs in the right side. A characteristic sign of pain in pancreatitis is that they increase in the supine position. At the same time, when the patient tilts, they subside. The pain subsides even when the patient is sitting.

The skin and sclera of the eyes may acquire an icteric coloration. The process can proceed in acute and chronic form. If these signs appear during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor for medical help.

Ovarian apoplexy
This condition is characterized by its rupture and heavy bleeding.

In conclusion, it should be said that there are a lot of reasons why there is pain in the right side. If any symptoms appear, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. Any self-treatment in this case is absolutely inappropriate!

Video: pain in the right or left side during pregnancy

If during pregnancy your lower abdomen hurts on the right - this is a reason to be wary. The cause of such discomfort can be both physiological processes of the body and pathological inflammatory reactions. The main thing is to differentiate these causes in time and engage in diagnostics, which can be carried out by both a doctor and an ordinary woman.

Physiological causes

The most common cause of pain on the right side of pregnant women is natural processes, for which they are simply not ready mentally and physically, and therefore perceive them too emotionally. Especially often this behavior occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy and during the first movements of the baby, as these are one of the most important moments in the entire pregnancy.

  1. Embryo attachment. If the implantation of the embryo occurred closer to the right edge of the uterus, then women with hypersensitivity may experience pain in the lower abdomen throughout pregnancy (but especially during the first trimester). Usually the pain is weak in intensity, but it can be cramping, which usually scares expectant mothers. If the diagnosis of pregnancy is confirmed, there is a slight discharge from the vagina, and you experience specific discomfort below and on the right - do not worry. This is just a variant of the norm.
  2. Baby movements. Pregnant women begin to feel the first movements of the fetus at 20-21 weeks (primiparous) and 17-18 weeks (multiparous). For the first, these will be unusual sensations, often painful, especially if the baby is active and mobile. Some children calm down after simple strokes or quiet melodic music.
  3. Stretching of muscles and ligaments. With the development of the embryo, which is attached to the right wall of the uterus, the muscles of the right side will naturally experience a greater load. Feelings can range from slight discomfort to real pain, depending on how trained your muscles were before pregnancy.

Abdominal pain is a common symptom

The above reasons are absolutely not dangerous for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. However, in any case, it is worth notifying your gynecologist about such discomfort, as he will definitely clarify the picture and advise how to get rid of pain. Usually, general strengthening vitamin complexes with group B and special exercises for pregnant women are prescribed.

Pathological causes

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. One of the most dangerous causes is improper attachment of the fetus if the fallopian tube is not functioning properly. In this case, the fertilized egg is not delivered to the uterus, but remains in the fallopian tube, where the embryo develops. However, nature does not provide for such a development of events, and therefore, at 7-8 weeks, due to insufficient tissue elasticity, a rupture of the fallopian tube and subsequent tubal abortion may occur.

Ectopic pregnancy

Such pathological implantation already by 3-4 weeks is manifested by severe pain in the lower and right abdomen, weakness, fever to subfebrile numbers, and even bleeding. In case of an ectopic pregnancy, medical intervention is mandatory, since internal bleeding that develops after a tubal abortion can threaten the life of the mother.

  1. Appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix of the caecum, which is one of the organs of the body's immune system. One of the main manifestations of appendicitis is pain, fever and a violation of the general condition. But what to do if it hurts in the right lower abdomen during pregnancy, but other symptoms are not observed? Appendicitis is considered a particularly serious disease for pregnant women, because during any of the trimesters it can have an erased clinical picture, and an enlarged uterus will complicate the diagnosis process. If you observe prolonged pain in yourself, which only intensifies over time, nausea, vomiting, fever - this is a reason for urgent contact with a medical institution. Remember that any disruption in the functioning of the body is dangerous for the baby, and inflammation of the appendix is ​​a whole range of such problems.
  2. Renal colic. A specific and rather dangerous reaction of the body in terms of medicine, which occurs when there are stones in the ureter. This pathology is characterized by severe, unbearable pain from the side of the ureter - right or left. It is important to timely differentiate renal colic with appendicitis, since the treatment of these conditions is different. A characteristic symptom of colic is pain during urination, which becomes frequent in small portions. The second characteristic symptom is the appearance of blood in the urine. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.
  3. Pinching of the ureter. The growing uterus during pregnancy can put pressure on other organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, one of which is the ureters. These are small channels that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder. When they are pinched, tangible pain and urinary disorders in a pregnant woman may appear.
  4. Rupture of the cyst. If a cyst affects any organ (usually the fallopian tubes or ovary), a complication may develop in the form of a rupture of the cyst, which is accompanied by severe pain. This condition also requires urgent medical attention.
  5. Apoplexy of the ovary. This is a sudden violation of the integrity of the ovary, followed by bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The previous symptoms are similar to those of an ectopic pregnancy. If you suspect a possible apoplexy, you should consult a doctor.

Ovarian apoplexy

What to do?

In the presence of any pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, since it is impossible to independently determine the cause with absolute accuracy. Remember that not only your health is at stake, but also the health of the baby, which can be disturbed by the complications that follow the disease. In a medical institution, you will be assigned a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • cardiotocography;
  • smear from the vagina and cervical canal to study the flora.

The treatment will be prescribed after the examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of your body and the course of pregnancy. It is imperative to follow the doctor's recommendations if you do not want to allow the development of complications of the disease, which, as a rule, are even more difficult to cure.