Bioenergy healing. Safety measures for bioenergetic exposure and treatment for healers, bioenergetics, psychics, Reiki practitioners and other methods of assistance

Bioenergy- this is a group of energy transformation processes occurring in the body of living subjects and responsible for their life processes. For modern medicine, the study of bioenergetic processes is of great importance, since most human ailments are to some extent closely related to an imbalance in energy metabolism. The study of bioenergy metabolism, in particular oxidative phosphorylation in the structural and functional elementary units of the subject's body, plays an important role for competent diagnosis, making an appropriate prognosis for the course of diseases and further treatment of such ailments.

Solar energy in the body is a kind of energy generator, which is converted by some microorganisms and plants into the energy of organic compounds due to the process of photosynthesis. The generated energy in the body of individuals is modified into thermal energy and its other forms due to cellular oxidation. Energy conversion occurs at the molecular level through the use of many enzymes concentrated in specialized structures, such as biological membranes.

Human bioenergetics

The concept of bioenergy comes from two Greek words - life and activity. This concept means energy processes that occur in the body and create the necessary conditions for various biochemical processes that ensure the activity of the structural elements of a living organism. Lack of energy is considered the main cause of many diseases and premature aging. In order for the energy not to stagnate in the body and not cause disease, one should strengthen one's own energy field. Known methods that allow strengthening the subject's energy field are bioenergetics, manual treatment and individual psychotherapy techniques. So, for example, during active physical work, it is recommended to slowly relax tense muscles, which create a barrier to free breathing and impede movement. With the help of techniques aimed at normalizing energy metabolism, there is an understanding and awareness of one's own internal state and body control improves, which generally improves health, both physical and mental.

The theoretical foundations of bioenergetics were substantiated by the follower of Freud, the Austrian doctor W. Reich. For therapeutic purposes, A. Lowen first began to use it. He created a whole methodology, consisting of a set of exercises and instructions, which are still successfully used in bioenergetics today.

Specialists in bioenergetics believe that the individual has a very close relationship between body and soul. Therefore, his emotional and psychological state is reflected in the background of physical well-being and vice versa. There are also certain channels through which information is exchanged between the soul and the body. By performing bioenergetic exercises, the subject can learn to understand and recognize these previously unused and almost unknown communication channels, which will lead to the harmonization of body and soul.

Bioenergetics has brought great practical importance to medicine. It can be used to cure various diseases and for the purpose of early diagnosis. The main goal of bioenergy therapy is to return the individual to spiritual harmony and physical health. The main posture used in Lowen's bioenergetics is called the arch, which is a backward bend. The correct execution of the arch will be as follows: you need to draw an imaginary perpendicular line that will connect the point located between the shoulder blades in the middle with the point located between the legs in the middle. In the process of performing this exercise, proper breathing plays an essential role. Deep breathing allows you to feel the circulation of energy flows. In order to stimulate breathing, the patient is recommended to be in a tense position, for example, leaning over a chair or stool. Non-contact massage is also included in the complex of bioenergetic exercises. The goal of all exercises is to relax tense muscles.

Initially, bioenergetic therapy was used to help individuals with neurotic disorders. Today, bioenergy is also used to treat personality disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Healthy individuals can also use bioenergy techniques, for example, when trying to find a way out of existing crisis situations, striving for self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Bioenergetics and Sergey Ratner proposed to control your subconscious mind by means of controlling your own imagination through meditation. He was based on the fact that all human life occurs on two levels: physical and metaphysical. The physical level contains everything that sees, understands, hears, feels, and the metaphysical includes the subconscious, in which all the main processes that pass to the physical level are developed. Meditation turns off the physical level and transfers the individual directly to the metaphysical level, in which he can reshape his reality in the direction of the positive.

The advantage of bioenergy techniques is that they can be performed at home. The only requirement for using the techniques at home is that they are done correctly and that you enjoy the exercises. Only under these conditions will there be benefit from bioenergetic exercises.

A person can borrow energy from sources of various origins. The first energy source is given to a person as an inheritance. It forms potential energy. The next source produces energy due to the combustion of oxygen. By burning food, a person receives a third source of energy. The last two sources produce functional energy. The energy source that a person inherits is considered the foundation on which, with the help of external stimuli, the life experience of the individual is developed. External stimuli include: upbringing and nutrition, environment, emotions and lifestyle. Potential energy in the process of formation of an organism is closely connected with external energy generators or with energy that determines the standard of living and psychological development of an individual, i.e. with functional energy. Energy is produced in the body through eight systems: the immune, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. It is distributed through a specific transport system called "energy meridians".

Bioenergetics treatment

Since ancient times, bioenergetic treatment of various "ailments" has been known. To this day, many tribes that are at the lowest stage of their development use only this method for treatment. Each individual has the ability to self-heal with bioenergetics. Along with this, as a separate general teaching, bioenergetic methods were singled out in ancient India by yogis. Today, the method of bioenergetic therapy is an inseparable part of yoga.

A healthy individual has three different types of biofield. Each type is transformed depending on the damage to the organ in a certain way, while reflecting a violation of energy. It is due to energy transformations that it becomes possible to determine what happened to an organ or system in an individual's body. Restoration of energy balance always means a cure for the disease.

Practitioners of bioenergetics are highly sensitive to the biofields of people, therefore, at some distance from the human body, they can feel its biofield with their hands. They feel it in the form of various weak manifestations, for example, in the form of heat or cold, tingling, etc. And highly sensitive bioenergetics can see the biofield or aura surrounding the individual.

To identify the disease of bioenergetics, upon contact with the biofield of an individual, their own sensations are differentiated. In order to heal a diseased organ, a purposeful energy effect is made on it. In the course of such treatment, the patient's energy level rises sharply, while the healer's energy level temporarily decreases in accordance with the energy expended.

In principle, each individual is able to heal himself on his own, but for this, certain exercises must be performed. A specially designed set of exercises allows you to increase the energy of the body so that a person will be able to cure not only himself, but also others.

Bioenergy and self-study today is possible with the help of various literature and regular practice. After all, absolutely every subject radiates energy, which, unfortunately, is wasted. Meanwhile, as shown by numerous studies, wasted energy can heal the body of its carrier, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional background.

So, the essence of bioenergetic treatment lies in the ability of an individual to accumulate and transmit energy to a diseased organ. This method has a wide range of possibilities and high efficiency. With the help of bioenergetics, you can cure forever of radiculitis, exhausting migraines, endocrine diseases, various inflammatory processes, paralysis and strokes, asthma and many other diseases.

The method of bioenergetic treatment is based on the close relationship between the energy and physical structure of the human body. Any pathological transformations occurring in the internal organs, cells and systems of the body will certainly lead to modifications in the bioenergetic picture of a person. Practitioners of bioenergetics feel such changes in the energy state of subjects as the uneven density of the aura, the transformation of its color palette, and the disruption of the chakras. Therapeutic energy effects on areas of the body with low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the organ to which the impact is directed, and energy dissipation in the excess area helps to suppress the hyperfunction of organs and cleanse the chakras, thereby normalizing the regulatory functions of the body. Bioenergetics - treatment with hands is able to have a healing effect that is amazing in strength.

Bioenergy training

Today, unfortunately, a huge number of people are in rather poor health, suffering from a large number of severe symptoms. Even babies are born sick. A serious symptom in the realities of the fast paced modern and progressive rhythm of life is severe fatigue from the effects of stress factors, a breakdown, the cause of which may be an unfavorable environmental situation or an internal stress factor that comes with every passing year more and more. Bioenergetic therapy is designed to assess the threat and eliminate its consequences.

Previously, the secrets of bioenergetic healing were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Today, many free-access teaching aids have been developed and there are even bioenergy institutes aimed at teaching the possibilities of bioenergy.

The system of education in bioenergy schools and institutes is mainly based on the principles of work through awareness of previously incomprehensible processes, such as the conscious choice of one's thoughts leading to the realization of intentions and goals, work with inner feelings, thoughts and sensations. It is also possible to study bioenergy independently by studying specialized literature or web portals.

Bioenergy training promotes the realization of one's own goals and teaches self-healing.

The concept of bioenergy training covers the study of human bioenergetics and the management of its energy flows, cosmoenergy, cleaning of energy channels, energy protection, nourishment and complete recovery of the body, reiki, treatment, etc.

A person with clean and not clogged energy channels, who can easily gain and accumulate energy, manage energy flows, heal himself and others, opens the foundation for further development of his own abilities in the field of clairvoyance and control over his own destiny.

Bioenergy Secrets

Bioenergy for individuals is a protection against many troubles and diseases. Each human personality has an energy "shield" that prevents the penetration of diseases into the body. The strength of such a “shield” is different for each individual and it depends on the general energy level of a particular individual. Bioenergy is a kind of protection against adverse external influences. It forms an energy biofield around the subject, the denser it is, the more difficult it will be to exert an external influence on the individual.

Bioenergy and Sergey Ratner in his writings revealed the secrets of bioenergy, developed a kind of guidebook leading to wealth and success. He argued that energy itself has neither color nor shape, and it does not have other parameters that can be used to differentiate objects of the material world. It is absolutely colorless and can appear either in dynamics or in statics. S. Ratner in his teaching was based on the principle of combining the spiritual and the physical with the aim of further more efficient order of life. He developed a technique in which a person, through meditation, achieves balance and gets rid of illusions. All his meditations are very short in time and effective. That is, the individual must perform only certain actions, ultimately leading to the life change that he needs. Meditation, according to Ratner, is an individual personal space within each subject, which he can either use for his own life, or avoid it all his life. Meditation is available to everyone. For its implementation, nothing particularly complicated is required, you need to gather your thoughts and at a certain moment sit down, close your eyes and sit in silence for just a few minutes, to begin with. At the same time, it is necessary not to allow the thoughts that fill the consciousness to take possession of the inner space of the individual (meditative space). In his practice, Ratner used not so much meditation, in the general sense of the word, as controlled imagination. He argued that in order to learn meditation, all that is needed is simply the desire for inner communication with oneself. This journey to the inner self, or meditation, can take place in several periods of the state of consciousness. The individual is fully conscious throughout the meditation process in the first period. In this period, the consciousness will not allow the subject to go deep, it will only allow the subject to float on the surface. The next period is like a conscious dream, during which the individual knows for sure that he is producing something. Practically it will not be a dream, rather it will be an action. Since the consciousness of a person has simply disconnected from his body, the individual has freed himself from mind control, and one hundred percent work is taking place. With the weakening of the control of the mind and the cessation of control of its inner essence, the subconscious mind begins to act independently, while everything happens more efficiently and faster. In just 5 minutes of such sleep, the individual is able to sleep.

Meditation, according to Ratner, should be carried out in a state of extreme fatigue, when the individual really wants to sleep. The main thing, before falling asleep, during the transition to a state of meditation, will be to give a task to the subconscious. And only after that you can fall asleep. This variation of meditation is considered more effective than the usual meditation. However, it is necessary to enter such a state with the idea that it is necessary to perform a certain type of work, and not just for the purpose of sleeping.

The entire meditative process contains three obligatory components: entry into the meditative space, work in it and exit from it. In the process of working in the meditative space, the individual enters a certain state that gives him the opportunity to disconnect from the body and stop feeling it.

Ratner worked with energy through his own imagination. Therefore, whatever a person does in the meditative space, any manipulations performed by him will be presented in the form of beautiful pictures that rebuild reality into a new plane. The more clearly and vividly the subject imagines the images, the faster he will receive the kind of life he aspires to and wishes for himself. The main thing that a person should understand is that in the process of being in a meditative space, any of his actions, no matter how funny it may look, will have certain consequences. Therefore, one should always move only in the direction of the positive in order for the consequences to be positive.

The secret of bioenergetics, according to Ratner, lies in the development of the ability to control one's own imagination through meditation. Managing your own imagination provides an opportunity to see your own life in a positive aspect, as a result of which life will change in a favorable and happier direction.

Let's take a closer look at this term. If you take it apart into its components, then it comes from the word “bio”, which means life, and “energy”, which means strength or energy. In general, we can say that bioenergetics is a discipline that studies energy processes in living organisms. It is they that give rise to various biochemical processes that ensure the work of all the structural elements of the body.

Problems in the body can be both from a lack of energy, and from its excess. In the first case, the processes of premature aging will begin in the body, but diseases occur both in the first and in the second case. All this can be prevented on your own, using various techniques that strengthen the energy field, or turn to a professional bioenergy and healer.

In addition to treating obvious diseases of the physical body, bioenergetics can also work with various energy “diseases”, such as spoilage, love spell, curse or evil eye. Such negative influences leave noticeable “wounds” on the human energy body (aura). They too can and should be treated.

How diagnostics is carried out using bioenergetics

So, let's consider how a person is diagnosed with the help of bioenergetics. A specialist who undertook to treat a patient should clearly see the subtle fields of a person, his aura. Therefore, he can read the signals of the disease and, in general, the state of each organ of the human body. Ultimately, a professional healer can establish the cause-and-effect relationships of a particular disease (and it does not always have physical roots).

As you can see, such a direction of healing as bioenergetics, the diagnosis of a disease with the help of which is very simple and accurate, very important and in demand. However, only a person who has reached a certain level of development can do such a thing, because in order to get the necessary information, you must have a well-developed intuition, as well as the ability to see the world that is unknown to a simple layman.

Treatment of various diseases with the help of bioenergetics

What is bioenergy treatment? The healer uses his hands, directing pure energy to a diseased organ or human biofield. This is called contact healing. Some bioenergetics use only their own energy, and then restore it, but most use external sources of replenishment (for example, fire or proper breathing). If it is necessary to remove bad energy, then bioenergetics can also help with this. He will simply take it out, and in return he will invest pure and good energy.

There is also a non-contact method of treatment, but it is available only to those healers who have a large supply of energy and can concentrate well, since the treatment takes place at a distance. In any case, if you decide to start treatment in such an unconventional way, then you need a high-quality bioenergetic, reviews of which are only positive and reliable. After all, an ignorant healer can only do harm, as, indeed, an inept doctor of traditional medicine.

Bioenergy training

To gain additional knowledge and reveal your capabilities, today there are various bioenergy courses, schools, as well as a lot of literature that you can study on your own. Of course, you can get the basic knowledge at home without studying with anyone, but it is advisable to take really serious techniques under the guidance of a knowledgeable person.

But you can get the secrets of bioenergetics only if you get knowledge directly from a teacher or by attending a specialized school. Here you can get not only knowledge about how to heal yourself and others, but also additional information that can help you develop. For example, to study techniques for revealing clairvoyance, intuition, etc.


In conclusion, it should be noted that human bioenergy allows everyone to become a healer of himself, you just need to pull yourself together and take the path of apprenticeship and knowledge, ceasing to waste precious time on unnecessary things and events. Each person has a perfect energy system, which, as a result of an incorrect life, spends in the void, not being able not only to operate with the energy of others, but also with his own. But if you have set foot on the path of perfection, you should remember that it will take your whole life.

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Many people choose bioenergetic treatment instead of traditional medicine. Scientists explain the effectiveness of this method by improving blood circulation, so a person can get rid of pain. People who believe in psychic abilities say that a large number of diseases can be cured with positive energy.

Features of bioenergetic treatment

It is believed that the human biofield is located at a three-meter distance from the human body. The whole world is created from energy. In the human body, it flows in special lines and can accumulate in the seven main chakras, it is located in a vertical position, starting from the crown of the head, ending with the coccyx, each of them is responsible for a specific organ and nerve of a person. Thus, energy is closely connected with the physical shell, if a large amount of negative accumulates, problems with internal organs may arise.

If a person is healthy, a shell with energy can form a biofield that surrounds the human body, it is evenly distributed, there should not be any damage in it. Due to stress, nervous strain, traditional healers say because of the evil eye, it is difficult to keep your biofield in a normal state, so a large number of diseases appear. When a person is sick, energy vampires feed on his energy, so the patient gets worse.

Please note that bioenergetic treatment is that you do not need to buy a large amount of medicines and start using them in batches, you can only help yourself for a while, then you will get sick again. All drugs can treat one organ and cripple another. Bioenergetics argue that it is important to overcome not only the physical problem, but also the energy, mental, it is because of them that a large number of diseases develop.

Treatment with the palms of the hands

A large amount of energy accumulates in the palms of the hands and fingers, it is from these zones that it comes out, therefore they are treated with energy by applying hands.

If you are not being deceived and the specialist is really highly qualified, he will definitely tell you whether the disease can be cured with energy or urgent surgical intervention is necessary. It is impossible to heal diseases such as heart attack, stroke, various injuries, acute, malignant tumors at the last stage with the energy of the hands.

In the event that you are worried about severe headaches, discomfort in the stomach, viral infection, bronchitis, laryngitis, bioenergetic treatment can help you if you consult a specialist.

Hand Energy Treatment Technique

1. Rubbing hands until heat appears in them.

2. The notion that light enters the fingertips from the whole body, so a person feels warmth, after which it is much easier for him.

3. The patient should lie down, sit in a position that is comfortable for him, then he says that he is worried, then the bioenergetics establish the cause of the disease and put their hand on the sore spot.

4. Pay attention, the person who is engaged in treatment must do everything standing, so he can evenly distribute all his energy.

5. A woman always heals with her left hand, and a man with his right. The treatment process consists in the introduction of fingers over the area that hurts. At first, you will feel cold in this area, then heat.

6. Energy with all the power of thought sends energy to the affected area, so he can get rid of the cold and darkness of the sore spot. If the patient feels a warm hand, the treatment helps.

In some situations, you have to pull the pain out of the body, for this, the power engineer visualizes an image in front of him and gently draws out all the pain through the fingertips. Then he withdraws his hands and shakes off his hands. Imagine how pain is thrown into a burning volcano, it will be possible to get rid of negative energy, which, after it has been neutralized from the body, begins to accumulate in the room.

Often people who have been treated in this way say that at first the state of health may worsen, then it becomes easier. This is due to the fact that the body is very weak, so it recovers with delays.

Not everyone can treat with bioenergetics, this is a gift. Some people can give all their energy for treatment, but do not know how to replenish its reserves. This is dangerous for the person who is treating, he can become seriously ill - it is this organ that accumulates a large amount of energy, for this it is necessary to restore it specially.

How to train your own energy flow?

The task is quite difficult, because you need:

1. Pay attention to your behavior - angry, irritable, envious people can never have positive energy.

2. You can try to train using this method: take the palm of another person, imagine how you roll the ball, then heat appears in two palms, an energy ball is felt.

3. Without closing your palms, mentally transfer heat from one to the other.

Remember, whether the treatment will help or not depends on the power of thought, the one who treats must make every effort to help the patient, and he must believe that bioenergetic treatment will help him, and he will quickly recover.

Thus, with the help of bioenergetic treatment, it is possible to store a large amount of energy and give it to sick people. This type of treatment will help get rid of migraine, paralysis, inflammation, peptic ulcers, mental problems, dropsy, myopia, thyroid disease, restore blood, heal. It is possible to diagnose and treat a disease by contact with a sick person, and at a distance using the resonance method. The main thing is not to fall into the hands of mediocre scammers, some use this method and can deceive.

Energy is the basis of life.
She is everywhere.
Thanks to her, this world exists.
We exist.

Subtle energy is primary, the physical plane is secondary. All processes occurring on the subtle plane tend to be displayed in physical reality, the speed and period of display depend on the linear time constant of this physical reality. The disease, in whatever manifestation it would not be, whether it be diseases of the physical body, internal organs, mental or mental illness, illness of the spirit, is a consequence of an incorrect way of thinking.

Thought is energy in a certain range of energy frequencies. Every emotion has its own wave vibration. Each of our thoughts or emotions, regardless of our desire, goes into space and, like a stone thrown into water, creates and enhances a similar vibration in the general world energy flow. Each of our thoughts or emotions, regardless of our desire, comes back to us in the form of a wave vibration of the same wavelength, amplified by an order of magnitude by similar waves of the general world flow. "what you sow, you will reap", "and what you throw away will return to you tenfold."

The energies of the galactic core are very strong, and under their influence, our reality, our reality, our life, our existence on the physical plane and in subtle bodies are currently being transformed.

The universe consists of an infinite number of energy fields, with different wavelengths (vibration frequencies), which in their essence resemble threads of light. And these threads (energy fields) come from a source of light called God or the Higher Cosmic Mind.

  • All together the energy fields form the General energy world flow.
  • Energy fields permeate our entire space. Lower vibration energies are physical in nature and form our physical universe. They consist of physical bodies, objects, planets and their satellites, etc. The energies of subtle (high vibrations) tend to freely pass through the energies of lower vibrations, while enriching them with light and information of a more subtle order, spiritualizing them.
  • Each type of energy fields with different wavelengths (vibration frequencies) has its own specific color: from black, dark brown, red to blue, blue, purple, gold and white, white-silver.
  • All beings in the universe also consist of the same energy fields, which manifest in the form of a luminous cocoon or aura.
  • Depending on the thinking of a person, the energy fields, the aura, are painted in certain colors, from gray-black to light blue, gold and white. The color of the aura speaks of the quality of the energy radiated by a person into the world around him, his lifestyle, state of mind and health. Those. the state of our aura, subtle bodies and physical body, our health, beauty and youth directly depend on our way of thinking.
  • A person is a drop of energy in the general world flow and one of the tasks of a person, his destiny and lesson on the physical plane is the transformation of karmic interactions and merging with the general world flow, the study of duality through the study of the physical plane and the transformation of dual energies into a single expedient whole.

The not entirely clear, very scientific concept of “bioenergetics” has already become an integral part of our life. Along with such words as “aura”, “esotericism”, “nirvana”, “reiki”, “prana”, etc. These expressions sound quite often, completely different people talk about it. Only the meaning that is invested in them does not always coincide. Human ideas about “bioenergetics” are quite different. For some reason, the expression Bioenergetics evokes associations with psychics. This is far from true.

Almost all people think: "Bioenergetics is something like psychic abilities that exceptionally gifted people have." When people see an evil person, they reasonably believe that his energy is also evil, bad, and only something bad, negative should be expected from him. For example, the evil eye or damage, “energy vampirism” (selection of energy) and similar things. And a kind person radiates goodness, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.

Although the concept of bioenergy has entered our everyday life, it has remained completely misunderstood. Every housewife, every student who sometimes watches TV can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, maybe even several of them. They will also tell you that Aura can be healthy or sick. Each person wants to have a healthy aura, but few people know how to do this, since they do not consider bioenergy in relation to themselves.

Concept of Bioenergetics

Here is how the concept of Bioenergetics is explained in dictionaries:

Bioenergy is a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Dictionary of natural sciences.)

Bioenergetics - (1) a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the course of the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) a branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of Esotericism)

The nature of the bioenergetic field has already been studied quite well in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider it charlatanism. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergetic field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergetic field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

If we consider an individual energy-information field, it is a part of a single energy-information field of the Universe. To put it simply, everyone has their own field. It is influenced by the outside world, but it also affects the outside world itself.

People knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with the naked eye, in order to reflect the fact of its existence, ancient drawings depicted a halo, a glow indicating the invisible that surrounds the human body. Quite controversial is the assumption of the existence of diseases transmitted by energy. With great certainty, no one can either confirm or deny this circumstance. The higher, subtler energy forms fairly even concentric spheres around the human body. A physically healthy person can be described something like this: "In the form of a fountain, through the top of the head, energy spreads on all sides above the person, then it collects in the perineum region for the next rise of the body up."

Many claim to see the human aura. Thoughtfully looking at a person, they shake their heads and say: "One has a black aura, the other has blue" and so on. Without questioning the ability of some people to see what is inaccessible to others, we note the following: among the so-called "really seers" there are quite a few unscrupulous comrades who create a distorted idea of ​​bioenergetics.

A person who does not know how to replenish energy reserves on his own is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampirism), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. Teaching people to collect and use their powers is one thing, but feeding them with their power is another. And since his health, his mood, and performance directly depend on this, it would be good to understand what is an indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions one person works without getting tired, while another gets tired quickly. Even if someone really knows how to help, he should not constantly "energize" those who do not know how to do it themselves. He can harm not only himself, but also the patient.

There is also the bioenergetics of things. An important role is played by the energy of the material embedded in the object. Secondly, the energy of the person who made the thing (induced energy). After acquiring a thing, the energy of the object will be either negative or positive. It depends on the good or bad thoughts, wishes that accompanied the transmission of this item.

Any thing in itself is not “bad”, carrying destructive energy. This or that charge is carried only by the feelings, thoughts of the person who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the conclusion that almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, on his feelings, on his attitude towards himself and others. The bioenergy field exists in every person. Every second of our lives, we affect our environment with our behavior.

It is generally accepted that ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge of bioenergetics by mankind was gradually lost. In the Universe, of which man is a part, everything is interconnected. And if we do not know something, do not understand, this does not mean at all that the phenomenon does not exist. It's just not available to our consciousness at the moment.

The advice to turn to nature for help is very good, but here the following fact must be taken into account: Nature has changed after thoughtless management. According to moral laws, "everything that comes from you comes back." For thousands of years people have conquered nature. And nature has learned to defend itself from us. Conclusion: if the ancient civilizations, having knowledge of bioenergetics, could draw energy, forces from Nature, this is not always possible for us.

We are fully responsible for all our actions and deeds. We cease to be carriers of negative energy, becoming better. It is very important for a person to understand: each of his actions, each thought, word has its own consequences that affect his environment.

Bioenergetics is a whole science, with its own laws and rules, knowledge about which humanity needs to restore.

The fact that energy flows that support its physical existence circulate in the human body was known even in antiquity. We can say that this view reflects the essence of energy medicine.

Bioenergetics… or the art of managing the body's energy flows to achieve well-being and its role in aesthetics

"Sometimes the cure lies in ourselves" W. Shakespeare

Bioenergy in antiquity

The energy essence, known in China as Qi (Chi), is based on three types of energy:

The ancestral or chromosomal energy that is passed down to us is called Ki (Qi).

Protective energy responsible for the balanced functioning of the immune system, called Wei.

The energy we get from digesting food and breathing is called Rong.

Ayurvedic medicine in India has been using the concept of "prana" for thousands of years to refer to the natural energy fields of the human body.

Bioenergy today

In Western culture, bioenergy has only recently begun to be perceived as an objective reality on which not only dubious methods of alternative medicine, but also real methods of treatment can be built. For example, in the United States, for many years, special institutions have been developing an "energy" concept that explains how internal energy is connected with a person's lifestyle, with his spirituality and psychosomatic state. In the early 1970s in Big Shore, California, eminent psychologists and physicians of various specialties founded the Institute for Psychosomatic Research, which works in close collaboration with the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis in New York.

The energy that moves the body and is inextricably linked with mental energy is the subject of a new discipline - bioenergetics.

Even the ancient Greeks, long before our era and the studies of American scientists, associated bioenergy with the quality of human life. The concept of "bioenergetics" comes from the Greek words "life" and "strength, energy".

Bioenergetics and aesthetics

The whole cosmos is filled with energy, the energy is also inside our body, in each of its cells. It is this ability of energy to circulate freely within the body that is the key to our physical and mental health. If the energy flows of the client are well balanced, this will greatly simplify the work of the beautician, help to quickly achieve noticeable and sustainable results. On the contrary, if the balance of energy flows is disturbed, the energy is either blocked or becomes excessive, and this will immediately affect the body of your client: aesthetic flaws will arise that are difficult to correct, even with the help of the most modern techniques.

Bioenergy can also be used in the field of aesthetics, for example, for a cosmetologist who is familiar with the basics of this teaching, areas of muscle tightness on the client's face will not interfere with work. This is a fairly common situation, because the muscles of the face have a lot of tension, expressed in muscle contractures, which prevents the harmonious circulation of energy. A beautician who knows the practice of bioenergetics is able to unblock the pinched areas with the help of simple and pleasant manipulations for the client. Such manipulations prepare the skin for the procedures, improve the overall well-being of the client and help achieve the optimal result.

Knowledge of bioenergetics and possession of its practical skills will help the beautician to better understand the needs of each client. It is for this reason that we are starting to publish a series of articles on this still little known topic.

Summary of the Basics of Bioenergy

  • A person draws energy from various sources:
  • The first source of energy is given to us as an inheritance and generates potential energy.
  • The second source is the combustion of oxygen.
  • The third source of energy is the burning of food.

From the last two sources we get the so-called functional energy.

Potential energy

The first energy source that we inherited is the basis on which, with the help of external impulses, a person's life experience is formed. External impulses, in particular, include:

  • upbringing;
  • nutrition;
  • environment;
  • emotions;
  • Lifestyle.

In the process of development of the human body, potential energy is associated with external sources of energy or with functional energy that determines the quality of life and the psychological formation of a person.

Eight energy systems

In the human body, energy is generated using eight energy systems:

  • immune defense system;
  • nervous system;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • digestive system;
  • excretory system;
  • reproductive system.

Energy is distributed through a transport system known as "energy meridians". The network of energy meridians is a powerful structure. Until recently in the West, the existence of such a structure was treated with distrust, since it is not directly related to human anatomy. Then studies were carried out, and the introduction of radioactive isotopes into energy points proved that there is a system of very thin fibers in the body, similar to channels with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 microns. The data obtained were used for further research. Infra-red photography has revealed the existence of luminous paths, and the distribution of this network has been shown to exactly match the maps contained in the ancient treatises of Chinese medicine. Additional amplifiers are located along the entire length of the network, which perceive the energy signal and transmit it to the following amplifiers. In the end, the signal reaches the system or organ for which this energy was intended. The energy meridians carry the energy needed for our lives, just like the arteries carry oxygenated blood - this analogy is quite apt. If, due to some functional or psychological reasons, the energy is blocked or flows unevenly, the entire psychophysical system, the work of which this energy provides, suffers. Research in the field of bioenergy, conducted by the Institute in Big Shura, has identified eight main areas in which energy stagnates most often.