She will never be able to forgive this. What do women not forgive? What will a man forgive his beloved woman. Women do not forgive constant complaints about life

A woman, unlike a man, forgives much more than the representatives of the stronger sex. And all why? Because at some point, when there are small children in the family (if we consider the already married and family, in particular), the woman is almost completely dependent on the man. It is extremely rare that, having small children, a woman continues to remain independent of her husband. In addition, a woman, by her nature, always strives to create a family and save it. It happens that she is ready to make sacrifices, pushing even her pride into the far corner.

But a man has a completely different worldview in general, an understanding of family and women. Of course, we are all human and in some ways we are similar to each other. Men can also forgive a woman quite a lot.

Why is the stronger sex not ready to make concessions and does not forgive

It's just that men's memory is arranged a little differently. He writes down all grievances and misconduct in his imaginary notebook. The x-point occurs when the free space for records runs out. This is what is called the extreme limit, when it is no longer possible to continue. A woman may think that in the last quarrel she said the wrong word or looked the wrong way, but for her man this was the point. Apparently, there were too many such entries about unnecessary words in his diary.

What is the reaction of a man in an unpleasant situation

  1. He can forgive. If the culprit pleaded guilty, sincerely asked for forgiveness, and such an offense will never happen again.
  2. He forgives because of circumstances. For example, it’s scary to lose contact with children, sidelong glances at work, misunderstanding of his friends - all this weighs on him, he suppresses resentment, but there are more and more such accumulated resentments, so in the end this cup may overflow.
  3. He pretends to forgive, but at the same time he ends the relationship. This rarely happens, because in such an act there is an ambiguity that is not characteristic of men. It seems that the offender is forgiven, but at the same time, communication with him goes to zero.
  4. The man categorically does not forgive, so he just leaves and never comes back. This is the last line, when there is nowhere to write further. For a long time, resentment and the inability to say the last word or respond in kind still sit in it.

We will focus on the fact that infantile men, having become big, but not adults, are offended easily and for any reason. If your man is offended by almost every word, think about whether the man next to you is the right one.

When a representative of the stronger sex has realized himself, knows what he wants, is self-sufficient, at least independent, then he forgives quite a lot, while not accumulating hidden grievances in himself.

Why don't men forgive women?

There are a number of situations when no matter how loving a man is, he, most likely, will not be able to forgive a woman:

  • The worst thing for a man is female adultery. Despite the fact that for a man his connection on the side is considered almost the norm, but the connection of his woman with someone else is the strictest taboo. A man is powerful, he is a winner, and when someone even just shows signs of attention to his woman, he is already jealous. A man is so possessive that courtesies with another person are an occasion for a serious quarrel.

Even if a man, in the end, forgives, then this will happen, oh, how not soon. This will be a very painful and excruciating stage in the relationship. In addition, if a woman allowed herself this, then a man will be free to walk as he wants.

  • The next reason for breaking up with a woman is the denial of intimacy. In this case, a man begins to ignore his woman or completely leaves. A woman treats intimate relationships a little differently, unlike a man. She can easily do without them for quite a long time, she will prefer sleep instead of intimacy, she will devote the evening to herself instead of paying attention to her husband. But for men, it's different. When intimacy with a woman rarely happens or she hasn’t been at all for a long period, then, firstly, for him this is a humiliation of his dignity, and secondly, he concludes that he is not interested in his woman. For this reason, he quickly finds the one that is interested in him.
  • If a man can still forgive small flaws, then it is very difficult for him to endure superiority, and, most likely, he will not do this. Next to a powerful woman, most often there are such men who cannot be a leader, are not adapted to anything and are not able to decide anything on their own. But if a man is strong and self-sufficient, then he will not even allow the leadership of his woman in his thoughts. He is the master of the situation, and only he decides what will happen next. Therefore, you should not even try to somehow manage such a man - all the same, nothing will work out.
  • A man will forgive a lot to his beloved woman, but daily discontent at some point will reach the limit of his patience. When every day a wife expresses a thousand grievances, then at best the husband will find peace and quiet in someone else's bed, at worst he will simply leave.

Betrayal. But this is not about change. If a woman discusses and laughs at the secrets or dreams of her husband, then he will perceive this neglect of his trust, him as a person. If a woman can no longer be trusted, then how can you continue a relationship with her?

This is just a short list of those cases when a man sooner or later leaves a woman who regularly repeats one of the taboos. Someone will endure this for a long time, but patience will come to an end. Some will forgive only once, while others won't give a second chance at all. So, women, be a little wiser, and then the relationship with the stronger sex will be strong and long.

Just don’t have illusions that men don’t forgive what women don’t forgive: all these are fairy tales of men and women, nothing more than to intimidate or frighten each other

Just don’t be under the illusion that men don’t forgive what women don’t forgive: all these are fairy tales of men and women, nothing more than to intimidate or frighten each other.

As is usually done, you yourself know, they say: I will never forgive you for this! - every person has heard and said this, regardless of gender.

Here's a big "secret" for you: Men and women don't forgive what they DO NOT want to forgive.

On this, in general, the topic could be closed, because this is the essence of forgiveness or not forgiveness, but somehow it’s not even quite clear to yourself.

Therefore, let's figure it out, why, in fact, and what exactly do men and no less vindictive women want to forgive?

Well, with the answer to the question: Why don't women and men forgive each other or anyone? - here it is somehow easier:

And what, in fact, are we ALWAYS guided by when we want or do not want to do something, including forgiving or not forgiving? That's right: your needs or interests - conscious needs.

Before these needs and interests of a person, NOTHING is able to resist: neither pride, nor dignity, nor even hatred - the human "I WANT!" still not capable of doing such things, and not what to forgive or not to forgive!

No, well, of course, if we WANT to forgive or DO NOT want to forgive, based on our needs and interests, then we will invent and say a lot, beautifully, pretentiously and intricately, in order to justify ourselves in our own and other people's eyes.

Let us remember about duty, and humanity, and mercy, and God's commandments, and love, and a common past, if we forgive.

And if we do not forgive, then we will focus on our honor, pride, our moral principles and principles. To the extent that we can agree that, as Pontius Pilate says: I want to forgive you with all my heart, but people don’t understand this and don’t want to, well, like, as always: I have nothing to do with it.

The conclusion, if we honestly admit the true state of affairs: That men do not forgive, that women do not forgive, only when it is not beneficial for them - when it is contrary to their needs and interests. And in other cases, when they need and are interested, they will forgive EVERYTHING.

Someone will say, but what about morality? And how can you forgive if a person violated your moral principles: betrayed your values ​​and stepped over your moral principles and beliefs?

And there is no contradiction here: for to observe or not to observe one's morality - to be satisfied and calm or to suffer from remorse - this is also a matter of human interest.

I want to remain moral - I will not forgive immorality. I can get along with my own conscience and with third-party condemnations, then I will forgive even the most immoral act, such as treason and betrayal.

Men, women forgive or do not forgive. What for?

That men do not forgive, that women do not forgive: it happens. As it happens, they forgive. To forgive or not to forgive, this is of course important, but more important, nevertheless, is the question: Why?

To which, pay attention, we, again, respond based on our interests. That's how confusing everything is here, and everything is around interests, which is typical. It is possible, because:

1. Forgive, draw conclusions, how to forget, and move on without breaking off relations with the offender.
A good life option, which is used by most reasonable people. When they want to forgive and can, of course.

2. Do not forgive, hold a grudge, but continue to live on - save the relationship.
Well, this, as you understand, in general, excuse me, kabzdets, and not life.

3. Forgive and “let go with God”: I forgive you, but I don’t want to live with you, have a relationship with you and I won’t.
It's like forgiveness without forgiveness. In my opinion, this is the best and most universal life option, if forgiveness is really impossible.

4. Do not forgive and therefore leave - break off relations or transfer them to a different plane.
Yes, excuse me, what for should you have a headache later in life, remembering this is not forgiveness and scrolling through this situation in your head over and over again?

What, personally, you choose in your particular situation - your business - your interests and your life.

That men do not forgive, that women do not forgive when they themselves are not to blame

Both men and women are not particularly inclined to forgive in a situation where they BELIEVE that there is no one to blame for their fault.

Well, like: I never cheated on you, I was faithful, and you cheated on me! Or: You are a fool, well, what have I got to do with it!? Or, even simpler: You yourself (yourself) are to blame for everything!

Wait, calm down, zealous accusers: You are in a relationship with this person, no one "under the gun" forced you to them - was everything voluntary?

So, if something went wrong in these relationships, then your fault in this, moreover, exactly in half, without any conditions and reservations, is! It's just that you don't want to or you can't, in your stupidity, see it.

And what's more, you don't want to admit it. How? And like this: any relationship, in its essence, a priori, is the mutual action of two subjects of relations.

Sorry for the rough, but absolutely true comparison: people's relationships are two gears in the mechanism of life - how one spins and lives, the behavior of the other completely depends, and vice versa.

BUT, of course, this does not mean that you always and in everything need to forgive your relationship partner, quite the opposite: you can not forgive, and a lot.

BUT, if you do not forgive, and besides, you do not admit your guilt, then be prepared to continue to spin and live without this person, because he has every right not to forgive you for not forgiving him.

But most importantly, you, more than once, then, will have to get into situations where someone, in your opinion, is to blame for the problems of your life and you will not forgive him again.

Until you understand your guilt in being cheated on, humiliated, betrayed, and so on and so forth.

And here are the events when what men do not forgive and what women do not forgive

Based on the foregoing, we can only say one thing: That there are situations, events in the relationship of men and women, when they face the question "To forgive or not to forgive."

And that they will choose forgiveness or not forgiveness, based on their personal interests in this relationship. Even if they themselves think and explain to everyone that they have forgiven or not forgiven, guided by something else.

What are these stressful situations when you have to decide whether to forgive or not to forgive ? And, after all, in fact, under forgiveness or not forgiveness is not only the preservation or severance of relationships, but also a sharp turn in life.

1. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Cheating

Well, everyone understands how strained it is in a relationship - treason. Moreover, it doesn’t matter, so what kind of betrayal: complete - with a bed or possible, virtual betrayal, for example, in social networks. networks, the husband, the wife got very close friends.

Have you ever been surprised when your wife cheats, and her husband forgives her everything? Or, when the wife, just for a hint of her husband's innocent flirting with another woman, kicked him out of the house?

And why? Yes, he forgives, because, for example, he loves her, or there is simply nowhere to go, or he is a pervert - he loves it. In any case, the cuckold husband who forgives his wife's infidelity or infidelities has his own interest in forgiving, which, perhaps, is known only to him.

Or maybe he does not forgive, but only pretends to take revenge in the future, on occasion - this also happens, by the way.

And the woman who violently depicted a scene of jealousy, offended honor, dignity and unforgiveness, you see, after a week runs and flutters: it turns out that she needed to get rid of this man, that's all. That's why I didn't forgive.

The conclusion, repeatedly voiced by me personally: To forgive or not to forgive betrayal, decide ONLY for you personally, and, of course, in your own interests. And do not drag anyone here, children, for example.

2. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Betrayal

Here the matter is more serious than with betrayal: you can change something without betraying your husband or wife, lover or mistress - so casual sex turned up - so as not to take advantage?

BUT, then, back to wives, husbands, lovers with mistresses: I did not betray you - I remain with you, forever faithful.

In short: betrayal is betrayal - this is the least forgiven event. What men do not forgive, what women do not forgive? Betrayal. Or, if they forgive, then very rarely and in exceptional cases.

In addition, betrayal may not be immediately detected, or a traitor may come with a confession, after a while, to ask for forgiveness. Well, in general: a delicate matter, a complex matter - it is up to everyone to forgive or not to forgive betrayal.

3. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Humiliation

To endure humiliation - disregard for our honor, dignity, human rights, we are accustomed and are accustomed throughout our history of civilization and each personally, from childhood.

It is possible that for some, it is already enshrined in the genes. BUT, you need to clearly understand that in principle there can be no normal human relations if one of the people humiliates the other.

We can somehow come to terms with this and endure it in formal relationships - at work, on the street, BUT to endure humiliation in close personal relationships is already masochism, without any exaggeration.

If this is a one-time act of humiliation with the restoration of further parity in relations, then these are, in general, “little things in life”, but to forgive constant humiliation - to admit oneself as some kind of inferior participant in relations - this, excuse me, is an amateur.

4. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Stupidity

In general, it is believed that stupidity is not a vice and is excusable: after all, by and large, a person is not to blame for being stupid - "God did not give mind, so you can’t add it."

BUT, that women are not inclined to forgive a man for constant stupidity, that men do not like and do not forgive fools. Although, those that these willingly use stupid people.

BUT, to forgive them for being near them with their stupidity ... However, as always, it’s everyone’s business: for some man it may be a pleasure to have a fool girlfriend, and for some woman it’s more convenient to use a fool.

And those, in turn, enjoy living in humiliation. Life is diverse: for every fool there is a smart one and, conversely, to the pleasure of both - this happens.

5. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Gender inconsistency

HERE, what is really rare when men forgive women, and women forgive men, is the discrepancy between their declared status.

In fact, if a man starts, establishes relationships with a Woman, and she, subsequently, turns out to be not quite a Woman in terms of her internal and external, primarily sexual properties, then a man, well, cannot forgive such a setup.

If a woman meets and starts a relationship with a man, and later sees that he does not have these masculine properties, then to forgive this, excuse me, means not to put yourself in anything as a woman.

6. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Threats to life and health

To live with a person or even just be in a relationship with him when he is really dangerous - threatens your life and your health with words and actions, this must be a masochist.

A normal, mentally healthy woman and a mentally adequate man will not tolerate this and will interrupt such relationships - this cannot be forgiven: let these “fighters” go for treatment, and then deal with people.

7. What men do not forgive and what women do not forgive: Deception

Usually, especially men, are rather indifferent to the facts and attempts to deceive themselves by the opposite sex. In particular, oddly enough, from close people: wives, husbands, friends, children, relatives.

BUT, deceit deceit discord! If you are being deceived and you are “neither sweet nor bitter” from this, and it can even be funny to watch and turn a blind eye to this, this is one thing.

But if you are being deceived “by and large”, then this is completely different. For example, a husband or wife cheats by hiding their "second life" or having their own secret savings and plans.

Yes, you never know, what other deceptions can be when you trust a person, trust, and he, behind your back, does his dirty deeds and deeds, contrary to your interests.

Is it possible to forgive this if you exposed the deceiver, and he repented and asks for forgiveness?

It all depends, as usual, on your interests in this relationship with this person, on the degree of depth of deceit, and on your ability to take risks - to believe that this will not happen again.

Summary: What men do not forgive, what women do not forgive?

OK, ladies and gentlemen, firstly, as you understand, to forgive or not to forgive is a purely individual matter and depends on our current and future interests with the object of forgiveness.

And, secondly, you need to clearly understand that to live in a state of unforgiveness of someone for something, literally, is “more expensive for yourself” - because this means having a constant “headache” and “hemorrhoids” in your life.

Can’t you forgive and live with this and have these relationships further? - so forgive and break off the relationship: “Let it go, for yourself, with God!”

And realize your guilt that someone did something wrong to you in your relationship with him. Otherwise, you will be poking around in life in a situation where someone needs to be forgiven or not forgiven. published

When you grow up, you don't let girls treat you the way they did when you were younger. Disrespect for you remains in the past and all these unhappy relationships are on the verge. When you are an adult man, then you need to immediately upset a woman and twist it into a ram's horn, if she allows herself something that should not be.

The girl behaves the way you let her. Will she test you for character and balls? Of course, more than once.

1. The betrayal of the girl and the choice

Does a girl choose between you and someone else? So she does not love anyone, and no one really likes. The girl chooses with whom she will be better based on the maximum benefit. Who can give her as much as possible. But here the conversation is not about love, but material wealth and commercialism. Do you need it? Find a normal girl who will love and idolize you.

The girl set her horns and asks for forgiveness? Betrayal cannot be forgiven in any case. No matter how much you love. Throw to hell before you stain your name and your family.

2. Women's manipulations

This is the most popular game of a woman in a relationship. The girl begins to achieve what she wants using manipulation. Cheap play on emotions, moral pressure, threats of parting, deprivation of sex, demonstration of resentment, forcing with tears, categorical ultimatums, involvement of relatives and friends. A girl should be put down and ignored until she understands or you find a better chick.

The girl starts to forbid the man to do what he wants? Don’t be friends with those, don’t go there, then don’t do it. Do as I said. An adult man will not tolerate such tricks and will put the girl in her place. Slavery has long been abolished, and the girl does not have the moral right to forbid something to a mature and wise man.

4. Comparison with others

A girl can compare you to other guys or her exes. Sometimes girls compare with their girlfriend's husband, reproaching you for a low salary, lack of press, or a small “friend”. A man does not have to endure this. You should find another girlfriend and let the girl go to hell.

5. Disrespect for a man

The girl is disrespectful to the man. She constantly criticizes and makes fun of him. The girl swears in the presence of strangers and expresses her displeasure. The girl treats the man's family badly. Such a girl has beguiled the shores and you need to get rid of her immediately.

When you grow up, relationships follow your rules, not women's. If a girl does not suit you, then it is very easy to replace her. Now there are so many girls that with your experience, lassoing a good and young female is not a problem. Are you a real man?

Women are known to be unpredictable creatures. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed, but now she left, slamming the door. And you just said that her friend has long legs (a gorgeous bust, beautiful hair - underline as necessary). Note that a particular representative of the fair sex, who just in the passion brought down plaster on your head, an ugly bust, crooked legs or sparse hair, was not said. But go and see ... What are women offended by? It would be useful to understand and remember, so as not to step on the same rake.

Don't look left. And to the right too. Look at her

No woman will tolerate if you look at another with interest. Yes, there are such selfless ladies who assure that when their men lustfully see off the beauties passing by, they even rejoice: they say, the partner has not yet lost his taste for life. Do not believe this cowardly lie! They are offended, and how!

Nothing offends a woman so much as inattention to her appearance. And there is no need to make excuses: they say that the new hairstyle is similar to the previous one, and you have already lost count of the dresses, keeping track of where there is new and where there is old is more difficult than assessing changes in the market of electronic gadgets.

By the way, about gadgets. If you spend your evenings burying yourself in an electronic game, and fall asleep clutching your favorite iPhone in your fist, don't be surprised if you find that she has gone to another. To the one who admires her hair and exclaims at her appearance: “Honey, how purple suits you!” (burgundy, purple, pistachio or fuchsia - for the most advanced).

We are not a couple, I'm sorry ...

A rare woman will generously forgive you for such a confession. Moreover, the rejected woman is a time bomb. She will take revenge, and she will do it when you forget about her. Revenge is a dish best served cold - and women know it. What to do? If you want to break up with a woman, try to do it in an inoffensive way. There are non-trivial, and even ingenious ways to do this. For example, one famous artist shared in an interview that he did not leave his wife until he found a worthy replacement for himself. He handed over, so to speak, himself, such a treasure, from hand to hand.

What else are women offended by? You yourself do not guess? Well, here's a terrible secret about the mysterious female soul. A woman is offended if you do not want to meet her parents, do not introduce her to yours, and do not take meaningful steps towards the civil registry office, that is, the registry office. She may be silent and not say a word to you about her feelings, but by how abruptly they serve you a plate with dinner, how reluctantly they indulge in love pleasures, you can understand that it smells like kerosene. How to be here? A well-known character exclaimed in despair: “Either I take her to the registry office, or she takes me to the prosecutor.” We hope that the situation has not escalated so much for you, but our advice is - do not wait until the thunder breaks out. Look for a lightning rod.

And the worst thing is that he immediately fell asleep ...

Attention, attention and a hundred times more attention are waiting for women from you. They especially need it in bed. Yes, yes, it is here that they can be offended by some trifle, inflate it to an unthinkable scale, and God knows how it all ends. Let's try to be more specific.

So, don't propose anal sex or a blowjob like this, head-on, like you're inviting a friend to a football game. The girl will be offended and will do the right thing, because she is "not like that." Diplomacy, caution, tact, eloquence and wit are your weapons. What else "shouldn't" be done? Well, let's say - let go of the bristles. She pricks, it's unpleasant. A woman may regard this as inattention to her and, again, will be offended. No need to tell jokes and funny stories during sex - you are not on football. Remember, she expects romance from you, and her absence offends her.

Well, the classic - do not turn away from your partner immediately after sex and fall asleep. Talk to her a little, tell her how good it was for you, convince her that you didn’t have that with anyone ...

Of course, it is impossible to list everything that women are offended by. But we hope you understand the main thing - women do not forgive cheating, even "virtual" and inattention, that is, indifference. Be attentive to wives and girlfriends - and then you have a chance not to become an object of female revenge.

Good luck in love to you!

Can a man forgive? Psychologists with thick packs of tests answer positively, folk wisdom says the opposite. But there are also romantics, according to whom a man full of love is ready to endure any trials offered by an inventive lady of the heart. And how are things really? Is there something that men never forgive women, or with a certain approach, you can experience the patience of the stronger sex endlessly?

Why is it harder for men to forgive?

The answer lies in the paradoxical structure of the male memory. A man evaluates all the misdeeds of those around him according to his internal scale of acceptability and enters into an imaginary diary, while pretending that nothing terrible has happened. When others are already almost sure that he has reconciled or forgiven, the place for records suddenly ends and the man puts an end to the relationship. At such a moment, it may seem that some mere trifle, like an out of place word or a sideways glance, led to the break - but who can know for sure how many records of misconduct have already been made before that?

How does a man react to being offended?

  1. He forgives the culprit, draws certain conclusions and forgets about the offense - provided that it will not be repeated. This is possible only if the troublemaker sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness.
  2. He doesn't forgive, but under the pressure of circumstances makes a good face on a bad game. This option is the most difficult: for fear of losing family, children, work or respect for others, resentment hides deep inside for a certain time - and the longer negative feelings are suppressed, the more negative energy accumulates.
  3. He seems to forgive but the relationship does not intend to continue. Such forgiveness without forgiveness is generally not characteristic of men, since it represents a pronounced cognitive dissonance: if the guilty person is forgiven, why leave?
  4. He cannot forgive and leaves for this reason. This happens when that very last point is reached, but the victim will remember the unavenged insult and the unspoken last word for a long time.

Fortunately, for women in a relationship, there are not many critical mistakes that lead to an immediate breakup. For example, a man in love, if he expresses dissatisfaction, is not too offended by:

  • minor flaws such as a lack of culinary talents and a passion for order, a peculiar taste in clothes or manner of communication;
  • excessive communication of the lady of the heart with her friends, their awareness of some of the intimate details of life together;
  • a woman's passion for communication, constant conversations on the phone or correspondence;
  • shopping and spontaneous purchases - provided that they do not cause irreparable damage to the family budget.

Test of strength

Everything would be fine if it were not for the subconscious desire inherent in the weaker sex to constantly test feelings for strength, look for the boundaries of what is permissible and test the patience of a man. Science considers this a kind of test for dominance: a woman is well aware of what provokes her partner’s discontent, but in such a simple way she checks whether the chosen one has lost the status of a leader, has she lost interest in her, is it time to look for a replacement for him?
The danger lies in the fact that each man has his own, individual border. A woman, having become a little accustomed to relationships with the stronger sex, can draw erroneous conclusions and assume that she already knows what men do not forgive, that all partners have an equal strength limit and are ready to endure approximately the same psychological pressure. Therefore, at some point, the boundary of the permissible is crossed easily and imperceptibly, and the reaction that follows does not give pleasure to anyone.

16 main female mistakes

So, men are ready to turn a blind eye to a lot. However, will forgiveness follow this, or will the dust be shaken off the imaginary diary and another entry will be made into it, thereby bringing the natural end closer? Below we list the main women's mistakes and mistakes, for which the chances of remaining unforgiven are very high.

1. Public criticism

The item is extremely fragile. Public criticism, ridicule or discussion of shortcomings in front of outsiders deal a tangible blow to him, especially when it comes to masculinity or intellectual abilities. Men react no less painfully when, in a dispute or conflict with others, a woman openly takes the opposite side. For the stronger sex, which is in eternal confrontation with the outside world, this is akin to a betrayal that men forget, but do not forgive.

2. Reproaches and allegations of insolvency

Daily claims, constant dissatisfaction or accusations of incompetence do not have an instant effect, but they destroy the foundation of a relationship one stone at a time. Unfortunately, women regularly try to educate their partner to change his actions and correct his behavior. In such an environment, the representatives of the stronger sex lose their self-confidence, become passive and give up any ambitions. It is logical that at the same time, the sincerity of the feelings of a woman who allows herself such behavior is also questioned: men run away from such relationships at the first opportunity.

Any man deep down wants to believe that he is the best sexual partner in the world, and a woman chose him for this reason as well. However, this faith is even more fragile than male pride - a carelessly spoken word or deliberate criticism of his male power not only instantly and completely repels a man, but can also lead to serious psychological dysfunction. The humiliation of manhood is something that a man will never forgive a woman, because the blow is so deep and painful that even asking for indulgence is useless.

4. Denial of intimacy

There are thousands of reasons why women refuse partners: upbringing, differences in temperaments, blackmail and even banal household fatigue play a role here. In addition, a woman sometimes declares her attitude to intimacy as a marital duty, for the fulfillment of which it is absolutely not necessary to feel any desire. However, the conclusions are always unambiguous: a man is convinced that he is not able to give a woman pleasure, that he no longer suits her as a lover. Unfortunately for relationships, replacements are sometimes found very quickly.

5. Comparison with others

An unfavorable comparison with other people is much more difficult for men than women, especially when it comes to former partners. A man subconsciously wants to be for his lady not only the only one, but also the smartest, strongest and most successful. Of course, at the same time, he understands that he is very far from ideal, but he prefers not to hear about it, especially from the lips of his beloved woman. If the intimate side of the relationship is compared, the reaction intensifies many times, and the consequences become unpredictable.

6. Commercialism

Despite the general cult of money and wealth, the stronger sex is extremely cautious about any manifestations of a woman's material interest in relationships - these are things that men cannot turn a blind eye to. If a woman shows that her interest is caused by the applicant’s wealth, the presence of the attributes of a wealthy person, that the priority for her is to receive various types of benefits, then not only love, but any sympathy from the man will immediately disappear. In addition, a man who consciously “bought” a woman’s society will have an appropriate attitude towards “purchase”.

7. Jealousy and suspicion

Uncontrolled and unreasonable is a good way to create constant tension in the family. Men generally do not like baseless accusations and encroachments on personal freedom. If these are backed up by round-the-clock monitoring, secret checking of the computer, studying the phone, the contents of pockets and checking the daily schedule with control interrogations by the second, the end of such relationships is near. Some ladies, playing scouts, even engage in deliberate provocations, create fake accounts on social networks and persuade their friends to arrange a “loyalty test” for a man.

8. Manipulation and pressure

According to the point of view imposed by modern media resources, intellectually and spiritually, a woman is a more highly developed being than a man. Some ladies perceive this as a guide to action and try to control their partner with the help of primitive manipulations - they develop a guilt complex in him, put him in front of a difficult choice, make him apologize in any situation, feel like an inferior source of all troubles and misfortunes. Wanting to solely own a man, a woman can force him to give up hobbies, interests, hobbies, and even friendship with old comrades.

9. Insulting his relatives

Men like to identify themselves with different social groups. Approximately the same way they perceive their relatives - as a single family, identifying themselves as a member. Therefore, any attacks and ridicule against a second cousin by a man will be perceived by a man as a personal insult. Of course, relatives are not chosen, and sometimes quite tense situations can arise between them, about which a man speaks unflatteringly. However, if he himself, for example, considers it acceptable to criticize his own parents, then he never grants such a right to a woman.

10. Negligent attitude towards children

It so happened that the upbringing of children in our society is mainly a woman. However, despite the supposedly indifferent attitude of fathers to their own descendants, a man invariably realizes himself as the head and protector of the family, trusting a woman with the most valuable thing that he has. In any really dangerous situation, he will rush to save the child without hesitation - but can a man forgive a woman if she herself becomes the source of this danger? It is not uncommon for a baby to suffer from carelessness, irresponsibility or hindsight of the mother - what man can calmly look at this?

11. Stupidity and narrow-mindedness

The myth that men prefer stupid women has long been debunked. The average self-confident representative of the stronger sex will prefer a wise and far-sighted life partner. They do not like the stupid and narrow-minded, although they do not hesitate to use them - as long as they have the patience to endure the inadequate actions of a narrow-minded person. Things get much worse if a man who has lost his vigilance is associated with a similar lady with a family, children and a mortgage - feeling circled around his finger, he sometimes begins to take revenge, causing trouble for himself and others.

12. Lack of forgiveness

A man prefers to believe that a woman is completely devoted to him and is ready to forgive any mistakes or failures. However, as we know, women do not forget grievances - therefore, a regular reminder to a man of his moments of weakness at every opportunity is used as an argument for discussion. A man disoriented by such behavior, being sure that he was forgiven a long time ago, does not understand what is happening and soon begins to see in a woman not a partner, but an adversary.

13. Neglect and superiority

A normal man will always strive to become the head of the family, regardless of his career success and social status. Questioning his authority, neglecting his opinion, a woman makes a man doubt his own merits and abilities. The situation worsens if a woman's attempt to assume a dominant role is defiantly justified by her higher salary, successful career growth or physical indicators. Only a few, insecure individuals are able to calmly perceive the constant reminder of female superiority.

14. Betrayal

Betrayal should not be identified with betrayal, although this often accompanies it. Accidentally or consciously discussing family secrets with outsiders (with the same lover, for example), ridiculing the dreams, hopes or hobbies of a man in conversations with other people, a woman thereby shows that she does not appreciate either the trust placed in her or the relationship in general. There is no doubt whether men forgive the betrayal of a woman: any of them instantly moves away, withdraws into themselves or simply leaves, because without trusting communication and mutual understanding, further coexistence does not make sense.

15. Lies and duplicity

Lies, regardless of their scale, also entail a loss of trust: a man naturally assumes that by regularly deceiving him in trifles, a woman is also capable of a big lie associated with infidelity or betrayal. The representative of the stronger sex is just as wary of dual behavior: having found that a lady says one thing to his face, and something completely different behind his back, a man will not even try to establish close relationships, since they involve a trusting exchange of thoughts, dreams and experiences.

16. Treason

It's hard to find a more controversial and relationship-damaging mistake. On the one hand, studies by British scientists have shown that 92% of respondents are ready to forgive adultery, and on the other hand, we are talking about European men with suppressed self-identification and an artificially reduced level of masculinity. Domestic representatives of the stronger sex react much more strongly to betrayal.

It should be noted that the concept of treason for each individually. For some, it is enough, while others are ready to forgive "accidental" physical betrayal, but do not accept spiritual betrayal. In any case, the desire of a man to be the best and the only one in the eyes of his companion suddenly collides with the realization that the woman has found someone better. Realizing that the existing relationship has absolutely no meaning for her, the wounded representative of the stronger sex, if he can come to terms with this fact under the pressure of circumstances, will never return to his former openness and trust.

Love forgives everything

The stereotype of the endless generosity and patience of a man in love is quite dangerous, because a woman convinced of its truth may think that everything is allowed in a relationship. Undoubtedly, at the initial stages, a man is ready to endure any trials, but who can say that in a few years in a similar situation he will not take out his diary and reread the entries made long ago?
On the other hand, the situation is not at all so fatal: normal men are characterized by the ability to forgive in response to a sincere and conscious request, and the list of really mortal sins is not so long. It is enough to avoid what men never forgive women - and the rest two lovers can always cope with.