Self-care advice from readers. Mixed hair type. Hair care

What could be better than a beautiful smile? This is the most charming decoration for any girl. After all, a person with a wide dazzling smile always attracts someone else's attention and causes a sincere smile in response. To keep your smile beautiful, you need to take care of your teeth. Here are some tips from dentists to help you take proper care of your teeth.

Many women, taking care of the beauty and youth of their hands and face, forget that the body also needs care. Agree, it is always fashionable to look well-groomed. Even if the whirlpool of problems and worries covers you headlong, then do not be discouraged. Today, you can take care of your body at home. Probably every woman dreams of having appetizing buttocks and firm hips. You don't have to be a model to get attention. There are many recipes that allow you to tone up the body and provide it with care. Appearance requires action and attention on your part.

A woman's hands are the same indicator of her beauty, health and youth as her face. Many flaws in appearance can be hidden - with clothes, make-up, but no one has yet been able to hide their hands from prying eyes. Winter is coming, which means that hand care is turning not into an ordinary fashionable whim, but into a necessity. In the cold season, the skin, being under the influence of frost, wind, and sharp fluctuations in temperature, loses moisture and becomes drier.

A lot of time has passed and short skirts, shorts, open sandals, inherent in modern fashion, forced women to attach particular importance to such a procedure as foot care. But this care should not remain only a seasonal event, because the spring-summer rush to save dry and neglected skin will not save the fair sex from winter "sins" - corns, cracks and calluses.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. They give away our emotions and thoughts. With one glance, you can ask for forgiveness, smile, show your attitude towards a person, sympathize. It is known that it is thanks to the eyes that a person receives information about the world around him, therefore skin care around the eyes is important and necessary every day. Before choosing care products, it is important to choose the right cosmetics. If you choose a tonic, cream or other product, then such cosmetics should not have a smell. Before purchasing any product, it is best to start with a sampler. If the remedy did not cause redness, itching and other allergic reactions, then it is quite suitable for you.

Even if a woman can afford to regularly visit a beauty salon, not a single master of the highest qualification, using all his skill, will not be able to hide from prying eyes the obvious defects of weak or neglected nails. Meanwhile, almost everyone around, including men, pay close attention to the nails.

Every woman may not strive, but still want her face to shine with beauty. And many do not believe at all that stunning results can be achieved at home, that is, without expensive trips to beauty salons. It is worth listing all the rules, following which the painful question - how to make the skin of the face perfect - will completely cease to exist. And if they are neglected, then the help of beauty salons will not bring any effect.

Beautiful and healthy facial skin makes competent care for it. Your face is a place that is constantly exposed to the weather; it is the first to meet all weather troubles, and it is the face that every person you meet looks at.

The most important condition for skin care is its cleanliness. The skin is open to different types of pollution: “used” scales accumulate on it, dust and sebum settle. If a warm, humid climate is favorable for the skin, then the skin reacts especially to a strong drop in temperature: it turns red, coarsens and dries. The most favorable conditions for wrinkles are created! What kind of skin care is needed in winter? There are a few simple rules for both winter and summer.

A tattoo is not just a beautiful and intricate design that is designed to decorate the human body. Originating in ancient times, the art of drawing on the body has not only been preserved, but is also actively developing in the modern world. A tattoo, or as it is commonly called today, a tattoo, is the embodiment of style, while it should not only be a good drawing that pleases the eye, but also carry a certain semantic load, be a symbol. The bearer of such a masterpiece, first of all, chooses a symbol, not a beautiful image. Although today tattoos are often chosen because of the beauty and originality of the pattern. But, nevertheless, tattoos at all times were created precisely as a beautiful artistic drawing that has a magical meaning. It was style and mystery that became the main factors in the popularization of underwear drawing.

Why do joints crackle?

It turns out that there is nothing good in the fact that the joints crunch. The crunch of the joints depends on the state of the cartilaginous tissue, and if it is in order, then the crunch is not heard. Healthy joints move silently and smoothly, but if the cartilage tissue is broken, a characteristic crunch appears. Usually, if there is no pain, no one pays attention to the crunch. However, over time, the glaze that covers the bone can wear off, and then it will not be possible to avoid pain.

How to get rid of sweaty feet

Very often, foot odor can be combated with careful hygiene and over-the-counter sprays and powders. But for some people, sweaty feet are a chronic problem. An unpleasant repulsive odor emanates from their feet, penetrating into shoes or clothes, which leads to a certain social isolation.

The modern world dictates to us a fairly fast pace of life. It is very difficult in such conditions to allocate time to put yourself in order. But lack of time does not cancel our desire to constantly look beautiful.

Therefore, today we want to present to your attention 15 simple tips that will help you stay always well-groomed and attractive.

1. The first point is regular face and body care. Regardless of skin type, age and financial capabilities, clean and cleanse daily. To do this, you can use both branded cosmetics and products prepared on your own.

2. The next point I would like to note is the need (I would even say vital necessity) remove make-up before bed.

During sleep, the skin on the face and around the eyes rests and recovers from the past day. Therefore, leaving makeup on the face, we do everything so that the skin ages faster, the pores become clogged, and a healthy complexion is lost.

3. If we carefully think over care for the skin of the face, then our hands suffer from a lack of attention. As a result, our true age can be very easily determined by. To avoid this, do not forget to use cream every day in the morning and evening.

4. To date, there is a discussion about how often it is necessary. We will not go into the details of this discussion, but I would like to say that wash your hair as needed. But how quickly hair gets dirty depends on many factors (type of scalp, physical activity, work, nutrition, etc.).

5. After shampooing do not rush to dry your hair with a hairdryer. Let your hair absorb some moisture and only then (if you are in a hurry) use a hair dryer.

If possible, let your hair dry on its own.

6. To make hair delight us with its beauty and brilliance it is necessary to comb regularly (min. 2 r. per day), starting from the tips and gradually moving higher. By combing your hair in this way, you injure them much less.

7. So that your smile strikes on the spot, take care of your teeth. To do this, it is enough to clean them regularly and, if necessary, contact specialists for treatment.

8. Do not forget about physical activity. If you include a small set of exercises in your schedule (for 15-20 minutes), this will help to effectively support your.

9. Eye redness no one has added charm yet. Therefore, if you were outside during a strong wind and / or frost, if you worked on the computer for a long time, let your eyes rest, they will help tea brews.

14. Water is the source of life on our planet. Therefore, in order to look good, you should try to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water every day.

15. Whatever you do to preserve your beauty, it will not help you if your body does not receive complete healthy sleep.

Be beautiful!

15 Daily Self Care Tips for Girls


We make an aromatic pillow to relieve fatigue and increase efficiency

How Alcohol Affects Our Health and Beauty

How to always remain beautiful even in the most difficult situations and spend much less time and effort on self-care, but always remain attractive? If you want to know the answers to these questions, then this article is for you.

Taking care of your appearance is the only way to prolong youth

  1. Eyebrow fixation

Now you can find gel, wax and even lipstick for eyebrows. But why? If you need to quickly and securely set your brows, try applying hairspray to an old mascara brush. The effect will be much better and longer, and most importantly, it is not so expensive.

  1. Oily sheen

If you have oily or combination skin and you are constantly tormented by oily sheen, then you do not need to constantly powder problem areas. This can only aggravate the situation, as the pores become clogged and the skin does not breathe. Instead, try matting wipes. Now they are affordable, remove oily sheen for a long time and do not spoil the skin.

  1. Eyelids stained with mascara

If you constantly touch your eyelids with a mascara brush, then this life hack is for you. All you need is before you make up your eyelashes, put a spoon on your eyelid. So you will not smear your makeup, do not get dirty with mascara and save time.

  1. Perfume for the whole day

In order for the smell of perfume to last all day, you need to sprinkle perfume not only on yourself, but also on your comb. This will help keep the fragrance all day and add a nice scent to your hair.

If you urgently need to make up your eyelashes, and your favorite mascara has dried up, then this can be quickly fixed. You will need to boil water, pour it into a container, and then dip the tube of mascara into it for a couple of minutes. Mascara will be applied much better and this will be enough for a couple of times before buying a new mascara.
Dried mascara can be soaked

  1. Hairpin

If you have very thick or thin hair and hairpins do not hold them, then try spraying them with hairspray and wait. Now they will definitely not subside and forever wag your nerves.

  1. Tail

If you often have to walk with a ponytail, then do not tie it in one place, or even better, make a loose ponytail so as not to harm your hair.

  1. Bra

To find out if a bra fits well, just slide two fingers through the clasp. If this cannot be done, then it is too tight, and if, on the contrary, the hand easily enters there, then it is too loose.

  1. Ring marks

If you are a jewelry lover and often wear rings, but when you come home after a hard day, you are left with a green mark from the ring, then this tip is just for you. Before wearing the ring next time, apply nail polish to the inside of the ring, and then it will not leave any mark.

Rings often leave marks on fingers
  1. Gum in hair

If you somehow found chewing gum in your hair, then attach an ice cube to it. This will help you get rid of it easily.

  1. Nail polish won't open

This is a fairly common problem, but an easy fix. All you need is to apply a little Vaseline to the end immediately after buying the varnish. This will make it easier to open the bottle next time.

  1. Pimple before an important event

It seems that many have experienced such that a pimple, as luck would have it, popped up before a date or a party, but what to do in such cases? All you need is to moisten a cotton swab and put it in the freezer for a minute. The effect will be instant.

  1. corns

For many lovers of heels, well, or narrow shoes, corns are not uncommon. But I really want my legs to look beautiful. To get rid of corns, you need to put Vaseline on them before going to bed and put on socks. If it does not help, then you should repeat 2-3 times until you achieve the result.

  1. Eyeliners

If your eyeliner does not sharpen well, crumbles, then put it in the freezer for 10 minutes before sharpening. The pencil will sharpen better, the tip will be thinner, and the arrows will come out thinner, clearer and more beautiful.

How I restored my vision in 2 weeks!
Everything turned out to be quite simple and took no more than 15 minutes a day ...
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How our greedy pharmacists once again hid the best-selling drug for vision in Europe!

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Every girl dreams of being beautiful and well-groomed. The good news is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on care products. After all, often everything we need is already at hand!

website gives you 10 useful self-care tips that will save you time and money.

1. Salt solution will help to quickly remove swelling and give the face a fresh look.

Dissolve salt in water(the solution should be very strong), soak a towel in it and apply to your face for 10 minutes.

2. Lip oil and a toothbrush will help make lips more plump and seductive

Before a date, apply any cosmetic oil (peach, almond or regular lip balm) to your lips and gently massage them with a toothbrush within a minute.

3. Benefits of olive oil for glowing and hydrated skin

Olive oil will help cleanse the skin and make it soft, tender and matte: you need to steam your face well, and then rub the oil into the skin for 7 minutes. For the best effect, the procedure should be carried out every 4-5 days.

4. Healing honey will help get rid of inflammation on the skin

To get rid of a pimple before an important meeting, Dot it with a small amount of honey and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. The inflammatory focus will become less intense in color and size, which will make it easier for you to mask it with cosmetics.

5. Eye drops - an ambulance for the appearance of inflammation on the skin of the face

Another way to get rid of nasty pimples: moisten a cotton pad with redness eye drops and put it in the freezer for 3-5 minutes. Then apply a swab to the inflamed area - the pimple will become almost invisible.

6. Easy to make eye makeup remover

Fill a glass jar clean water and olive oil in a ratio of 3:1. Before you start, just shake the jar to mix all the ingredients. Ready!

Another option for a homemade make-up remover with coconut oil can be viewed.

7. Soda will help get rid of ingrown hairs

The homemade scrub recipe is very simple: mix 1 tsp. baking soda and ground oatmeal with 1 tbsp. l. water. Mix until a thick paste, then apply to the skin and leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with hot water afterwards.

8. Baking Soda Can Also Help Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Add 1 tsp soda in a glass of hot water or tea and mix well. Then dip a cotton pad into this solution and apply to the under eye area. Wait 10-15 minutes and then wash off the residue and apply moisturizer. Repeat this procedure daily - the result will not keep you waiting!

Modern tonal products, as a rule, contain a complex of moisturizing substances that retain moisture. For this purpose, aloe vera gel, chamomile and calendula extracts are most often used, and often hyaluronic acid. And if you remember that we have BB and CC creams in our arsenal that take care of the skin and directly moisturize it ... In general, if you have dry skin, don't blame the foundation!

Creams contribute to skin aging

Canadian dermatologists (whose research is especially useful for us, because the climatic conditions are similar) compared two groups of women: using and not using tone. The results will please you: makeup lovers have younger skin! There is an explanation for this. Foundation and powder, like a veil, hide the skin from wind, dust, city smog and, if they contain SPF, also from the sun! In addition, tonal products often contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and delay skin aging. Check your favorite products: great if they contain vitamin E, C, squalene and oils.


If a product says “only natural ingredients” or “organic”, this product is hypoallergenic

If only... Birch pollen is also, you know, natural. And poplar fluff has the very natural origin. So be careful!

There are products that shrink pores

Do not worry, but the size of the pores of the skin is determined by heredity. So all claims are to mom and dad. Cosmetic companies earn billions by offering the consumer (you!) countless serums, masks and other macropulos products that supposedly get rid of your pores in a short time. Don't give in! In most cases, this is a purely visual effect, the pores become less noticeable, because they are tightly clogged with keratin, sebum secretion ... and multiplying bacteria. Do you need it? If you are worried about pores, choose a good foundation, and retinol creams will help to remove pigmentation that emphasizes pores.

It is better to let the skin breathe at night and not use a night cream.

This is how our body works, that it is at night that all regenerative processes take place, including in the skin. After washing your face from the accumulated daily dirt and cosmetics, feel free to apply a good nourishing or moisturizing cream. It will not clog pores and will not interfere with the natural breathing of the skin.

Preservatives used in skin care products are harmful to the skin

Let's face it: are you ready to keep your cosmetics in a special refrigerator (separate!), remove the cream from the jar with an exclusively sterile spatula and replace even an unfinished jar at least once every 3-4 days? That's it. Preservatives prevent the breakdown of ingredients, have an antibacterial effect and extend the shelf life of the product in unsealed containers. Say “thank you” to them and remember that all these substances have passed strict dermatological control.

Any alcohol components dry out the skin.

If we talk specifically about alcohol, then, of course, it dries. But on the label you see, as a rule, the word alcohol, right? Alcohol components have many applications. Alcohol can be a humectant, solvent, emulsifier, and even an antioxidant. The most commonly used in the cosmetic industry are propylene glycol (moisturizer), tocopherol (antioxidant), cetyl alcohol (thickener), SD 40 alcohol (fat stain solvent) and stearyl alcohol (softening, moisturizing). And there is nothing terrible about them!

Acne comes from dirt

Yes, in childhood we heard enough ... Pimples - from dirty hands, period! And black dots are dirt clogged in the pores! In fact, the cause of acne is an increase in the secretion of sebum and a change in its composition. As a result, the barrier function of the skin is disrupted and conditions are created for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right and regularly use special products for washing and caring for problem skin, and even better, visit a dermatologist. And from constant washing, the lipid barrier that protects the skin is destroyed, and the situation is only getting worse.

Facial toners are a waste of money

And here we will not offer you to save. A facial tonic is necessary every time after cleansing, no matter if you washed your face with water, foam, or generally prefer to wipe your face with lotion. One way or another, cleansing breaks the acid balance of the skin, and the tonic just restores it.

It is useful to wipe the face with an ice cube

Not all and not always. On the one hand, this process helps to cheer up and refresh the skin. On the other hand, such actions are contraindicated for everyone whose blood vessels are weak or located too close to the skin: instead of a healthy complexion, you risk finding spider veins.

Cellulite is related to the amount of liquid consumed

Paradoxically, along with the advice to “drink more water for cellulite”, there are also claims that excess moisture in the body is one of the causes of cellulite. Both of these are wrong. The fact is that our fat cells consist of 10% water, that is, no matter how you limit yourself in water, you will not be able to “squeeze” it out of them, and no matter how drunk you are, you will not stuff more into the cell than it can accommodate. .

If you keep polishing your nails all the time, they will become brittle.

If you apply the varnish correctly, on a base containing vitamins and proteins, it will strengthen your nails, because we seem to be dressing them. And “undressed”, not protected by a layer of paint, nails are much more likely to break due to micro-impacts that we do not feel and do not notice (for example, when using a keyboard). As for the “breathing” of nails, this is the biggest myth. Think about it: a nail is a keratinized plate. What is there to breathe?!

Facial massage leads to stretching of the skin and its rapid aging

Exactly the opposite: massage of the skin of the face and neck produces a lifting effect - that is, it tightens the skin, improves blood circulation and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Coco Chanel spoke about this, and another Frenchwoman, Joel Siocco, developed a special massage complex that made her world famous, and her massage became the favorite procedure of many Hollywood stars.

Rinsing your hair with cold water gives them rich color and shine.

Philip Kingsley, hair care guru, says cold rinses can't be the reason for a healthy shine. Cold leads to temporary vasoconstriction, the flow of nutrients to the hair roots stops, the hair experiences shock, which is not useful. To make your hair shiny, just wash your hair well from shampoo and apply a good styling product with a shine effect. Well, or do lamination. But water doesn't really matter.