Fly pregnant on an airplane. Possible exposure to radiation. Exacerbation of varicose veins in pregnant women

How to make your flight more comfortable

The plane is the fastest public transport available for travel. To protect themselves from a long exhausting journey over long distances in a train or car, many pregnant women choose air travel.

However, it is no secret that flights are associated with increased stress on the body and can have a detrimental effect on both a vulnerable expectant mother and a fetus unable to withstand aggressive conditions.

Existing norms and restrictions protect the health of pregnant women, but often cause disagreement on the part of doctors: they are sure that each case requires individual consideration, because airlines allow flights for sufficiently long periods - this can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the child and mother and even cause premature birth.

Common terms

There are two ways to calculate the gestational age:

  1. obstetric term, constituting 40 weeks, which is considered from the last menstruation.
  2. embryonic period, constituting 38 weeks from the moment of conception.

Common medical use obstetric method, because the moment of fertilization cannot be precisely determined.

Based on these terms, the World Health Organization and airlines have developed rules for the transport of pregnant women.

Medical approvals

According to the rules World Organization Air travel during pregnancy is not recommended for health care:

Airline Requirements

The airline providing its services is responsible for the life and health of a pregnant woman, so there is a set of rules that all air carriers adhere to. Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to fly on an airplane without providing a certificate from the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

Most airlines follow the rules recommended by the WHO, but some add their own conditions.

In "Aeroflot" women with an expected due date within the next four weeks must provide a medical certificate with the written consent of the gynecologist for the patient's flight. The document must be issued a week before departure.

To Rossiya Airlines provided medical card with gestational age and expected date of delivery. With multiple pregnancies, flights are allowed up to 34 weeks.

At British Airways pregnant women (from 28 weeks) must provide permission from a doctor.

Lufthansa invites women for long periods to undergo an examination by the medical staff of their company.

At UTair The maximum period for the possibility of a flight is set at 30 weeks.

In "S7" the term is not limited, but the conclusion of a gynecologist with permission to fly is required.

On AirFrance flights pregnant women are allowed without special documents, like any passenger.

in any case, before the planned flight, you must contact the air carrier and find out all the details.

The effect of flight on the fetus

Flying on an airplane during pregnancy, even very comfortable, is a stressful situation for the woman and the fetus. If a pregnant woman suffers from aerophobia, her panic can cause more harm than all other factors - in this case, it is necessary to take sedatives approved by the gynecologist.

At any time before planning a flight, you should consult your doctor.

Obstetricians-gynecologists consider pregnancy support an absolute contraindication to flights the following diagnoses:

  1. Anemia severe degree.
  2. Preeclampsia- a complication expressed in increased pressure, edema, possible convulsions, loss of protein in the urine. One of the most common causes maternal mortality.
  3. Eclampsia- a disease that occurs during pregnancy and in postpartum period. Expressed as an increase blood pressure to a level dangerous to the life of mother and child.

First trimester

The first trimester is considered 14 weeks at the beginning of pregnancy. At this time, a hormonal restructuring of the whole organism takes place: a woman is prone to toxicosis, fainting and loss of strength, and many have an upset stool. Pressure drops on board the aircraft will only exacerbate these problems.

When flying to early dates pregnancy, unfortunately, the threat of miscarriage is great. A drop in atmospheric pressure reduces the oxygen content in the cabin air - oxygen starvation can lead to fetal hypoxia, and if the level and duration of oxygen deficiency exceed acceptable limits, irreversible changes can occur.

The most serious impact this condition has on the development of the heart muscle, liver tissue, kidneys and central nervous system. Hypoxia is especially dangerous if the expectant mother has a history of anemia.

It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women with anemia to fly in the early stages.

Second trimester

It is determined by the period from 14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. This is the most favorable period for traveling by plane, because all the main systems of the fetus are already formed, and the toxicosis of the first trimester is left behind. The belly of many women at this time is small and makes it easy to move in a limited space.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications and pathologies, it is not contraindicated for a woman to use the services of airlines during this period.

However, even after making sure that pregnant women, for example, at the sixth month, you can fly, you should consult a doctor in charge of the pregnancy and obtain individual permission.

third trimester

It occurs at the end of pregnancy from 28 to 40 weeks. During this period, edema increases, the risk of thromboembolism increases: pregnant women are five times more likely to develop deep vein thrombosis than their non-pregnant peers. Moreover, pressure often rises, and all organs experience increased stress.

In the third trimester, it is dangerous for pregnant women to fly on an airplane also because there is a threat of premature birth.

And, although according to the rules, flights are allowed up to 36 weeks, doctors recommend refraining from such activities. If a flight is inevitable for a pregnant woman the following instructions must be observed:

  • use compression stockings or socks;
  • drink small portions of at least 0.5 liters of water per hour;
  • do not drink drinks containing caffeine;
  • get up every hour and walk down the aisle for 5-10 minutes;

There are cases when women flew more than later dates pregnancy than stipulated in the rules, without any negative consequences. But there are also statistics of less favorable outcomes, so you should weigh the pros and cons well before exposing yourself and your child to such danger.

How to make your flight more comfortable

To fly comfortably, it is better to prepare in advance.

Not everyone knows that stewards are taught how to behave in emergency situations: in last resort they are more likely to be able to deliver directly on board the aircraft (of course, if the birth is normal and without complications), but this is a weak argument in favor of flying at a later date.

If flying during pregnancy is unavoidable, try to prepare as best you can for it.

Consider all possible options detailed recommendations from the doctor conducting the pregnancy, and follow them carefully. Be sure to arrange in advance to be met at the place of arrival, and also plan time for rest after the flight.

Premature birth, venous disease, the negative effects of radiation, the risk of oxygen starvation in the baby are not myths, but a real threat to future mother going on air travel. About whether it can be avoided and if so, how, read the article "Can pregnant women fly on an airplane."

We are all individual. Some can run the whole pregnancy and feel great at the same time, others can lift something heavy and provide themselves until the end of the term. bed rest. Also with flights. Meanwhile, if for health reasons the doctor does not prohibit air travel, you need to focus on the general rules.

In the early stages, up to 14 weeks, it is better to refuse boarding. The reason for the refusal is hormonal changes. The body of the expectant mother is preparing for itself important point in your life and any outside interference, especially pressure drops during takeoff and fall, can end badly.

In the 1st trimester, air travel may best case result in a deterioration in well-being, increased fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache, and at worst - spontaneous miscarriage. The duration of the flight is of great importance - the longer it is, the higher the risk.

Meanwhile, girls who will inevitably have to reschedule an air flight should know this. To date, there are no scientific studies that unequivocally prove any connection between flying on an airplane and subsequent pregnancy. In other words, if something is wrong with the fetus, then bad things will happen even if you just sit on the couch. And if everything is in order, then repeated many-hour flights to your crumbs are not a hindrance.

The most favorable period for flights is from 14 to 28 weeks. In the second trimester, which it is, all hormonal changes in the female body have usually already passed, and all the organs of the fetus have formed. In other words, the expectant mother and her baby are practically not in danger.

Please note that a flight at 6 months of pregnancy is not terrible if the pregnancy is not burdened with complications. The main thing is to observe some precautions before him, that is, to prepare. At 7 months pregnant, everything changes. Before the flight, it is important to visit a doctor and receive from him a written confirmation of the permission for air travel, that is, a certificate. Perhaps you will need it when boarding an aircraft.

By the way, some air carriers do not take on board passengers whose term has exceeded 28 weeks. And there are reasons for this, the first of which is the risk of developing false contractions into real ones. The same applies to flights in the 3rd trimester. It is better to refuse them.

What can be dangerous for a child

Lack of oxygen is one of the main dangers of air travel, no matter how long it takes. In the cabin of an aircraft at high altitude, the oxygen concentration decreases. Do not be afraid of hypoxia, if there were no contraindications to the flight. In any case, R. Huh, a professor from Switzerland, assures us of this. He dealt with this issue closely, studying the gas composition of the woman's blood and the reactions of the baby, however, he took into account only healthy women.

There is an opinion that the flight is associated with negative impact radiation. Back in the early 90s, this was announced by the US Federal Aviation Administration, when they confirmed that pilots are irradiated in the same way as employees of hazardous enterprises for 12 months. Meanwhile, only those who fly too often should be afraid.

Single air travel, even transatlantic, gives 2.5 times less radiation than x-rays chest. In case of a complicated or multiple pregnancy, boarding may result in a miscarriage, premature birth, bloody discharge from the genital tract.

What can be dangerous for a pregnant woman

Women are especially sensitive to pressure drops during takeoff and landing. interesting position. There is an opinion that such drops negatively affect their condition, provoking miscarriages or premature births, although at the moment it is not scientifically substantiated. At the same time, doctors recommend that patients refuse to fly in the 1st and 3rd trimesters so as not to provoke the worst. In the end, there will be no team of doctors and children's resuscitation on board.

Other possible negative effects:

  • manifestations of toxicosis. Until how many weeks? Until the end of the first trimester. All the same changes in atmospheric pressure provoke it, simultaneously causing a headache, weakness, and general malaise.
  • Blood stasis, thrombosis. The latter is due to the appearance of a blood clot - a blood clot in the veins of the lower extremities. This is the most terrible danger that awaits a pregnant woman. Why? Because, she is immobilized for a long time. What are the chances of developing thrombosis? In pregnant women, the risks increase by 5 times, and this is not speculation, but the results of research. How can everything end? Venous thromboembolism. Pressure drops also exacerbate the manifestations of varicose veins, especially if a woman takes hormones.
  • Edema. Frequent flights on long-distance routes increase the likelihood of their development.
  • Health problems. In most cases, they are triggered by stress. Women are afraid to fly, especially when they do it for the first time, which subsequently provokes the risk of complications.

But do not despair. You can minimize the likelihood of all these consequences occurring. The main thing is to prepare for the flight, but more on that below.

Airline rules

It is worth noting that each air carrier has its own requirements for future women in labor when boarding a flight. But do not be upset, for the most part they provide for the provision of written permission for the flight, which, in fact, is a certificate. It can be requested, as well as an exchange card, which indicates the woman’s excellent health, already for a period of 30 weeks.

Along the way, a future woman in labor may be offered to sign a guarantee obligation, according to which she herself will be responsible for the negative consequences of the flight.

Below are the rules of some air carriers that are present on the Russian market:

  • "Aeroflot" - requires a certificate from a doctor already at the 36th week of pregnancy. Its statute of limitations is a week, or 7 days before air travel. The company has good reviews.
  • "Lufthansa" - "roll" for up to 6 months. Later, women in labor are asked to wait until delivery. The result of such prohibitions is the absence of cases of premature births in the salons of their liners.
  • "British Airways" - they require a certificate already for a period of 28 - 36 weeks, and it must contain the expected date of birth. After 36 weeks, they are not taken on board.
  • "KLM" - with a singleton pregnancy they take it at 36 weeks, with a multiple pregnancy they require a certificate of no risks already at 35 weeks.
  • "Air France" - expectant mothers are loved, but they are not allowed on board without a certificate with the expected date of birth for a period of 3 weeks. If there is no certificate, there must be a midwife who can take delivery if something happens.
  • "SAS" - up to 4 weeks of pregnancy they carry without a certificate, and after - even with it they are allowed on flights, the duration of which does not exceed 4 hours. After 36 - 38 weeks, they may refuse.
  • "EL AL" - up to 32 weeks they "roll", but with a certificate, after - they refuse.

Delta Airlines has no flight restrictions, but other difficulties may arise there. This is an American airline that flies, including to the United States. If the birth takes place on the territory of this country, the child will automatically receive its citizenship. This good news. And the bad news is that it can be problematic to get him out of the United States.

There are cases when absolutely all airlines take on board even women on demolitions or with labor pains that have already begun. We are talking about natural disasters, wars, urgent evacuation.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without air travel. Increasingly, active successful women for whom moving and flying is a common thing. Someone wants to travel often, someone wants to visit relatives who live far away. But when pregnancy comes, the time comes for such women to think for two.

And by itself the question arises: is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane? How will air travel affect the child, what are the restrictions for pregnant women, what is the most safe time for the flight for both mother and fetus.

Is it safe to fly on an airplane?

Many people think that air travel is unsafe for expectant mothers. And there really are reasons. It’s just worth figuring out which of the arguments are true, and which ones are false, far-fetched, without real grounds.

Pressure drops as a risk of preterm birth.

At the time of takeoff and descent of the aircraft, pressure surges are most noticeable by a person. And a woman in a position that has a double load on cardiovascular system the more he feels it. There are several studies by foreign authors about the risk for expectant mothers of such pressure surges. Moreover, the findings of these studies contradict each other.

Some argue that sudden pressure surges lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and, consequently, to premature birth. Others argue that the frequency of preterm births is the same both on the ground and high above it.

This question is so ambiguous due to the fact that in each individual case there are predisposing factors for the premature birth of a child. And pressure surges during flight can serve as a trigger for the implementation of these predisposing factors. That is precisely why many airlines will not let a pregnant woman on board without a permit from a doctor.

Ionizing radiation.

The upper ozone-containing layer of the atmosphere protects the earth from radiation. This is the so-called ozone screen, located at an altitude of 20-25 kilometers above the ground. It blocks ionizing radiation from space. And that part of the cosmic radiation that has passed through the ozone screen gradually decreases on the way to the earth's surface.

Since planes fly at a decent altitude (about 10 thousand meters), they are more susceptible to this exposure. But the doses received by infrequent guests of the aircraft are negligible and are not capable of negatively affecting the course of pregnancy.

But for people regularly on board the aircraft (pilots, stewardesses), this radiation is very dangerous. The Americans even have a study proving a high probability of a missed pregnancy in flight attendants and female pilots.

Another cause for concern in pregnant women is often the need to pass through the frame of a metal detector. In fact, the operation of such a frame is based on a weak magnetic field. Thus, passing through such a frame is absolutely safe for both ordinary person and for women in position.

In this regard, being close to mobile phone or having electrical appliances in the bedroom, including a TV, is more dangerous, since such devices also create magnetic fields, and their effect on a pregnant woman is much longer.

Thrombosis of deep veins of extremities.

In pregnant women with a long uncomfortable position, there is a risk of blood clots in the vessels of the extremities. During pregnancy, the blood thickens, especially in the later stages. This is done to a greater extent in order to minimize blood loss during childbirth.

Thus, the concentration of blood factors responsible for coagulation is higher, which causes the formation of blood clots. The consequences of this are deplorable, and, as a rule, come at lightning speed.

Particularly careful in this regard should be women who have prerequisites for development or already have varicose veins. Wear during flight compression stockings with a preventive degree of compression for such women is mandatory.

On long flights, a pregnant woman needs to get up at least every hour and walk around the cabin for several minutes. You can stretch the calf muscles of the lower leg in a sitting position or pull the toe of the foot towards and away from you.

risk of viral infection.

Given that the immunity of a pregnant woman is suppressed, she runs the risk of contracting a viral infection. And not only because of the crowding of people on board the aircraft.

As a rule, the air on board is cleaned by filters, which, in turn, are capable of accumulating viruses, bacteria, and fungi during the entire period of operation. All this “living creatures” accumulated during more than one flight will freely circulate in the air during the flight. If you often carry viral infections during pregnancy and understand that the immune system does not give an adequate rebuff, protect yourself with a gauze mask during the flight.

It is also important to note that the air in the cabin is dry. This circumstance makes the nasopharyngeal mucosa even more vulnerable and unprotected for viruses. To moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can use special sprays based on sea water or simple saline(plain salt water, 0.9 grams of table salt per 100 grams of water).

It is also often said that a pregnant woman on board an aircraft has a risk of dehydration. Again, due to the dryness of the air in the plane. The risk, so to speak, is small, since the person will not be in enclosed space without access to water and food. People in need of additional drinking can in any case ask the stewardess for water.

In this regard, you should not drink diuretic drinks before and during the flight (coffee, carbonated sugary drinks). It is worth limiting not only when flying.

Also, the fact that they are allowed on board the aircraft with a limited supply of liquid should not come as a surprise to you.

Lack of oxygen.

The concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere at altitude is reduced. This also applies to the air on board the aircraft as well. Scientists have studied how such a reduced oxygen content in the air will affect the condition of the fetus.

Data from cardiotocography (CTG) confirmed that such a lack of oxygen does not lead to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. The thing is that with a non-critical lack of oxygen in the body of the expectant mother, compensatory mechanisms are triggered that allow the organs and tissues of the child to receive oxygen in the right amount.

It is worth mentioning that there are conditions of the mother in which fetal hypoxia can actually develop during the flight (severe anemia, feto-placental insufficiency). These pathologies are absolute contraindications for future mothers to fly.

Anxiety and experiences.

During pregnancy, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is already at a special level. And during the flight, unrest can further destabilize the condition of a woman in an interesting position. For those who are particularly impressionable, an early appointment is possible. sedatives approved by your doctor.

Sickness, feeling unwell.

In principle, an airplane flight is always accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms(nausea, headache, dizziness, vomiting, ear congestion). But for a pregnant woman, this issue is especially relevant.

In the first half of pregnancy, women may experience such manifestations, and this is considered absolutely normal. But during the flight, these symptoms may appear with new force, which is certainly unpleasant, but not dangerous. If we are not talking about indomitable vomiting, which, without replenishing the water balance, can lead to dehydration of the body of the future mother.

In any case, if you have such a problem even in any land transport, it is worth thinking about the advisability of such a trip in an airplane in general. And when there is a really urgent need for such a flight, they can come to the rescue medications from motion sickness. Be sure to consult your physician about possible contraindications such drugs for you.

What is the best time to fly?

The safest and most favorable period of pregnancy for air travel is the second trimester (3-6 months of pregnancy). During this period (from the 14th to the 27th week), the problems of the first trimester associated with toxicosis, as a rule, are already behind. Almost all the main organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the threat of abortion at this stage is minimal. It is important that the complexion of a pregnant woman at this time still allows you to lead a fairly active lifestyle.

After what week can the airline require a doctor's note?

As a rule, women up to the 28th week of pregnancy are not asked for a permit from a gynecologist when boarding an aircraft. But a document confirming your gestational age should be at your fingertips.

After 28 weeks and up to 36 weeks of pregnancy future mother they will be allowed on the plane only after presenting a certificate from the attending physician stating that there are no contraindications for the flight.

From the 36th week of pregnancy, flights for women who are preparing to become a mother are prohibited.

These conditions are generally accepted, but some airlines impose their own rules. You can learn more about them on the website of the airline you have chosen or by calling your carrier company for information.

Contraindications to air travel for expectant mothers.

Specialists distinguish between absolute and relative contraindications.

The absolute ones are:

  • complete placenta previa (the placenta is in the path of the fetus during childbirth);
  • severe anemia (hemoglobin below 70 g/l);
  • preeclampsia (combination of pathological edema, high blood pressure presence of protein in the urine).

In the presence of the above pathologies, air travel can lead to disastrous consequences.

Relative contraindications do not exclude, in case of urgent need, the possibility of flying by plane during periods of pregnancy favorable for this.

In the presence of relative contraindications, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman, if possible, refuse to fly by plane. But it happens that a woman is observed in a foreign clinic, and for childbirth she must arrive in another country. Such a flight is possible, but only subject to certain precautionary rules for this period. Discuss these rules with your doctor.

Relative contraindications:

  • threatened miscarriage, history of premature birth ( bloody issues, suspicion of placental abruption, isthmic-cervical insufficiency - incomplete closure of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus);
  • anomalies in the structure and location of the placenta;
  • pronounced toxicosis, gestosis;
  • uncompensated concomitant pathology of a pregnant woman (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, acute viral diseases);
  • breech presentation of the fetus after the 28th week of gestation;
  • after 26 obstetric week in case of multiple pregnancy.

Rules for a comfortable flight for pregnant women.

Pregnant women should think about the safety of their trip in advance. First of all, it is worth clarifying (even before booking tours and tickets) with your doctor about possible contraindications for air travel for you. If you do not have such contraindications, then it will not be superfluous to immediately take a certificate (maximum 7 days before the flight) from a gynecologist about permission to fly.

Be careful, when booking tickets, check with your airline for their rules for transporting women in an “interesting” position. These rules may vary from carrier to carrier.

Most airlines will not allow such a woman on board the aircraft without a certificate from the attending physician. Some companies require a certificate only from the specialists of the medical center of the same airline (for example, Lufthansa). Other requirements are also possible. So it's worth knowing about them in advance. You may have to make a choice about which airline you will fly with.

Even if it is not yet noticeable by your physique that you are in a position, the certificate will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions during the inspection. In case the belly is of a decent size, you will need to prove your pregnancy with a certificate in order to prove permission to fly for this period pregnancy.

You must also have an exchange card with you with the obligatory indication of the blood type, contact details of the next of kin. Medical documents must be in a conspicuous place. Then, in the event of an emergency, you will be helped more quickly.

So, in an air flight from medical documents you will need:

  • certificate with permission to fly from a gynecologist indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy exchange card.

When booking plane tickets it is worth:

  • choose a seat on the front row, on the edge of the aisle. Reasons for such a recommendation: air circulation in the cabin goes from the nose to the tail of the aircraft - it is easier for a pregnant woman to breathe; there are more seats on the front row - you can take comfortable posture; you will have to get up often - an aisle seat will allow you to do this without disturbing the others;
  • If financial opportunity allows, it is better to buy a ticket to the business class, where the seats are more spacious and comfortable, the aisles are wide.

Flight preparation:

  • choose clothes that are comfortable, do not restrict movement, and allow the body to breathe;
  • choose shoes that can be put on and taken off without tilting or bending down. Moreover, the shoes should be such that even if the legs swell during the flight, so that you can put them on;
  • take small inflatable pillows into the salon. They will allow you to relax the muscles of the neck and lower back as much as possible, take a comfortable position;
  • take mint or sour candy with you, which, when rocking or stuffing your ears, can fight these symptoms;
  • it is better to drink ordinary drinking or mineral water without gas;
  • put on special stockings with a preventive degree of compression to prevent blood clots.

What can not be done during the flight?

  • for a long time to sit or be in a position that impedes blood circulation and lymph outflow from the lower extremities and pelvic organs (for example, leg by leg);
  • do not fasten the belt (you need to fasten it under the tummy);
  • drink diuretic drinks before landing and in flight (coffee, sugary drinks, green tea).

What can I take with me from medical equipment for a comfortable flight?

On the flight you need to take:

  • drugs allowed during pregnancy (Avia-Sea) to prevent or reduce the symptoms of motion sickness;
  • gauze mask for prevention viral infection, for the same purpose, go into the cabin of the aircraft last;
  • saline solution in the form of an aerosol to eliminate dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat (Aqua-Maris, Quicks).

Here is a short and concise summary of what a woman who is preparing to become a mother should know about flying on an airplane. By reading this information ahead of time, you can avoid unpleasant surprises, and hence the excitement. Have a nice flight.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman, which is accompanied by a restructuring of the body, which leaves a certain imprint on everyday life. For many women who lead an active lifestyle, it becomes topical issue, is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane, and for how many months air travel is possible.

Flying in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by severe toxicosis, so most women are advised to stop flying in the early stages.

Due to the active hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester, women are especially susceptible to sudden mood swings, fatigue and irritability. As a result nervous system subjected to increased stress. Pressure fluctuations and thin air in an aircraft can exacerbate these symptoms and cause severe stress, which can Negative influence both on the mother's body and on the developing fetus.

Early pregnancy is also characterized by an increase in uterine tone. Hypertonicity can be provoked by the loads experienced during takeoff and landing of an airliner. This increases the risk of miscarriage in the early stages. Thus, in the first trimester it is recommended to refrain from flights.

An aircraft for a woman during pregnancy can be dangerous due to the risk of viral and infectious diseases, since in the first trimester the body is most susceptible to various diseases, and rarefied air in the cabin contributes to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! There is no strict ban on flights in the first trimester, everything is purely individual. If the pregnancy is developing well, it is possible to make air travel, but only after consulting a gynecologist.

Flying in the second trimester

If you plan to travel or move to another country, doctors recommend planning a flight for the second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, which lasts from 14 to 26 weeks, the body of the expectant mother gets used to hormonal changes, so you can fly an airplane without health risks.

The woman does not yet experience the physical discomfort that appears in the middle of the third trimester. The stomach in the second semester stands out weakly, which means that nothing prevents you from sitting comfortably in a chair and moving freely around the cabin.

By the second trimester, the main organs of the fetus are already formed, and the risk of developing uterine hypertonicity in a woman decreases, as a result of which the likelihood of a miscarriage is low. Therefore, those who want to make a flight are advised to book tickets during these periods.

third trimester

Is it possible to fly pregnant in the third semester depends on the woman's well-being. If the risk of preterm birth is not identified during the examination, and the woman feels well, and the doctor has allowed the trip, you can fly by plane.

It is not recommended to fly on the last dates, that is, four weeks before the expected date of birth, you should refrain from flying. Due to the loads during takeoff and landing of an airliner during this period, the risk of early delivery increases many times over.

Flying in the third trimester is uncomfortable for many because of the growing belly. It should be remembered that if a pregnant woman becomes ill on an airplane in the later stages, she will not be able to receive timely qualified medical care, therefore, in order to avoid negative health consequences, it is recommended to avoid flights in the third trimester.

Important! Flights should be refrained from the 32nd week of pregnancy.

Common Fears

There are a number of fears associated with air travel that are heightened during pregnancy. Common fears of women preparing to become a mother include:

  • sharp drops pressure;
  • rarefied air;
  • premature birth;
  • effect on veins.

Pressure drops during takeoff and landing are the most discomfort experienced by any person during the flight. It is impossible to predict how this or that woman will react to a change in pressure during takeoff and landing of an airliner. As a rule, in the second trimester, the discomfort is insignificant and is no different from the sensations experienced by a woman during pressure drops in an airplane before pregnancy. In the later stages, this can be dangerous for the mother's body, so doctors do not recommend flying at the end of the third trimester.

Slightly rarefied air and a decrease in the oxygen concentration in the cabin cause little inconvenience. Pregnant women are afraid that due to a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in their blood, the development of oxygen starvation in the baby is possible. Recent studies by scientists have dispelled these doubts by proving that short-term maternal hypoxia does not pose a threat to the fetus.

Important! Hypoxia is difficult to tolerate by the body of a woman suffering from anemia. With such a diagnosis, it is absolutely impossible to fly.

Premature birth on an airplane is probably the biggest fear of every pregnant woman. Yes, stressful situation, pressure drop and rarefied air can really provoke the birth of a child ahead of schedule, but only subject to a number of prerequisites for such a development of events. To make sure that a woman is not threatened with premature birth in the sky, it is necessary to visit a doctor shortly before the expected date of the flight, undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and measure the length of the cervix. If the examination shows that there is a risk of preterm birth, the woman needs to lie down for preservation. This condition is dangerous even in a calm environment, not to mention flying on an airplane during pregnancy.

Thrombosis, stagnation of blood in the veins and varicose veins are all consequences of circulatory disorders, the risk of which increases many times during the period of bearing a child. On long flights, sitting in a seat all the time can really be harmful to your health, but this can be avoided by adhering to some simple rules. First, you should avoid caffeinated drinks during the flight. They are harmful, as they retain water in the body and can provoke swelling of the lower extremities. Secondly, you should wear special compression underwear, which will provide the necessary pressure on the veins.

Healthy! Ten-minute walks on the plane will help improve blood circulation in the lower extremities.

How long a woman can fly depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the state of her health. This information should be obtained from a gynecologist.

Airline rules

Many airlines, in an attempt to absolve themselves of responsibility, impose restrictions on the flights of pregnant women.

For flights by Aeroflot aircraft, a woman must provide a certificate from her gynecologist. The document must contain the consent of the doctor for the flight. Such a certificate is necessary for women in the later stages, if less than four weeks are left before the birth. In this case, the certificate must be issued no later than one week before the date of the flight.

VIM-Avia requires a medical certificate stating that there is no risk of premature delivery. At the same time, pregnant women are allowed to fly only if at least eight weeks are left before the expected date of birth.

VIM-Avia, ask the woman to sign an agreement that the airline does not take responsibility for the condition of the future mother and fetus during the flight, as well as for possible consequences.

Important! If less than four weeks are left before the expected birth, you cannot fly by plane and many airlines do not let women on board if the birth is coming very soon. Also, carriers will not let a pregnant woman on a plane in the absence of a certificate from a doctor.

The most loyal airline in relation to pregnant women is AirFrance, which does not require certificates and medical reports. However, every pregnant woman should consult her doctor about possible risks when making a long flight.

Strict contraindications

Strict contraindications to flying during pregnancy are the following conditions and diseases:

  • anemia;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart and lung diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.

Also, flights are prohibited for pregnant women who have undergone artificial insemination. Before flying, be sure to consult a gynecologist, regardless of the gestational age.

How to make your flight easier?

The following few tips will help a pregnant woman to better transfer the flight:

  1. When choosing and booking tickets, you should give preference to seats located in the first row, as they are more spacious.
  2. To reduce stress on the cervical spine, it is recommended to take a small horseshoe-shaped pillow with you and place it under your head during the flight.
  3. Compression underwear will help reduce the likelihood of swelling of the lower extremities and avoid blood stasis.
  4. During the flight, it is recommended to take leisurely walks around the cabin every hour. This will normalize the blood circulation of the lower extremities.
  5. To reduce leg swelling and improve well-being, it is recommended to drink clean water and avoid caffeinated drinks. Plenty of water will also help reduce nausea.

  1. If the gestation period is long, women experience frequent urges to urination. In this case, it will not be superfluous to choose a place near the toilet.
  2. With a decrease in immunity, it is recommended to take on a plane medical mask. The discharged air of the aircraft cabin is a favorable environment for the spread of a viral infection.

Healthy! What to take on a plane to make your flight easier? Take a comfortable pillow to support your spine, warm clothes and compression underwear and travel in comfort.

You can fly on a trip no earlier than a week after giving birth. This period increases to two months if the woman had a caesarean section.

At any time, you should ask your doctor whether it is dangerous to fly and whether it is possible to travel without risk to health. Regardless of the gestational age, a woman should be prepared to provide a certificate from a gynecologist confirming her flight permit. Therefore, even in the second trimester, when the risk to the health of the woman and the fetus during the flight is minimal, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist and take a doctor's opinion in advance.


Flying while pregnant

What a future mother does not have to listen to when she decides to fly on vacation or on a business trip by plane: the impact of pressure drops and cosmic radiation on a child and on personal well-being, a collision of an aircraft with spaceships and aliens ... Most of the "scarecrows" are nothing more than a myth.

Everyone knows that airplane passengers experience changes in atmospheric pressure, which lead to oxygen starvation. Together with the future mom light her child also feels hypoxia. This is not scary, because the child gets used to such training, and they are even useful. For example, a baby in the womb feels mild hypoxia when she is engaged exercise, and this is also considered useful - why? Because he still has to pass through the birth canal, during which oxygen starvation will / may be significant. But with a complicated pregnancy, pressure drops can cause unforeseen problems. These include premature birth, placental abruption, blockage of blood vessels by blood clots and other complications.

The first 14 and the last 10-12 weeks are the most difficult and responsible periods, since the body still needs to adapt to a new state and to hormonal changes. In addition, traveling during toxicosis, which affects most pregnant women, is not only difficult, but also dangerous. At this time, it is better not to go far from home and live in a familiar environment. Most right time for recreation and travel - the second trimester (from 14 to 28 weeks) of pregnancy. At that time future child well protected and external factors have almost no effect on it. Toxicosis in a pregnant woman, as a rule, no longer exists, but a lot of energy appears. In addition, the stomach is not yet so large as to interfere with movement.

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend that pregnant women use air transport during the following cases:

* pregnancy more than 36 weeks (more than 32 weeks in case of multiple pregnancy);

* complicated pregnancy (pathology of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, etc.);

* within seven days after delivery.

Contraindications to travel at all stages of pregnancy:
- excessive vomiting;

- bleeding;

- the threat of abortion, placenta previa, polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios; scar on uterus after caesarean section;

- pregnancy after IVF or ovulation stimulation;

- vices and various diseases female genital organs; late toxicosis(preeclampsia);

– anemia II and III degree;

- exacerbation of chronic diseases, tuberculosis, exacerbation of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Amina ASKHATOVA, a gynecologist, comments (interview for - I would not recommend using this type of transport at a later date. Of course, the trip can end successfully, but no one guarantees this for sure. In an airplane, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure occur, which can cause vasoconstriction and premature detachment placenta, bleeding and even premature birth. Plus, there are still undesirable factors: noise, prolonged oxygen deficiency, vibration and emotional stress. On such a period from trips to long distance in general it is better to refrain.

Choosing an airline by ... weeks
Many of the pregnant women learn about the special requirements of the airlines for them already at the check-in counter, since not a word is said on the tickets about the nuances of servicing passengers in an interesting position. There is simply no room on this paper for all the rules. But if you have already bought a ticket, ignorance of the rules does not relieve you of responsibility.

Currently does not exist scientific evidence that air travel during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. Flight-induced neurosis can be a risk factor, since stress is associated with an increased release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (stress hormone), with prolonged production of this hormone, a person can no longer cope with growing anxiety on his own. Because preterm birth remains the #1 risk for pregnant passengers, airlines have developed special rules. Air carriers are afraid of the fact that childbirth can begin right during the flight. And it's easy to see why. After all, such an emergency can cause an emergency landing. Needless to say, this is fraught with a lot of additional costs for the company, and significant inconvenience for other passengers on the same flight. Before buying a plane ticket, ask what rules exist in your chosen airline.

Aeroflot does not recommend flying 4 weeks before the expected due date and requires a doctor's confirmation. If there is no certificate indicating the date of birth, then the airport doctor solves the problem. Aeroflot does not allow flights 7 days before the due date and within 7 days after the due date. Airline crews undergo special training in medical training centers. Interestingly, Aeroflot is in first place in terms of the number of children born on airplanes, and this circumstance gave rise to a funny saying among the people: “Give birth with Aeroflot airplanes!”

At Sky Express Airlines, pregnant women whose term - one would like to write “best before” - ends within the next 12 weeks, must provide a written consent from the doctor for the flight. It will be necessary to sign obligations stating that the airline is not responsible for possible negative consequences for mother or fetus. The same piece of paper will be asked to sign in Transaero. Here, the flight of pregnant women is allowed, provided that it takes place no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth and there is no risk of premature birth. Information about the condition of a pregnant woman, confirmed by a medical report and an exchange card, must be provided to the airline.

Utair agrees to transport pregnant women whose term does not exceed 30 weeks, and they will also ask for a receipt for no claims for the consequences. The receipt is filled in when issuing a ticket at the agency or at check-in at the airport (if the receipt was not issued at the agency).

But what rules exist in foreign airlines (table from the site

Before 36 weeks of pregnancy a medical certificate is required, after 36 weeks a flight is not allowed
British Airways, Easyjet, British European, Air New Zealand

Medical certificate required after 36 weeks
United Airlines, Delta, Alitalia, Swissair, Air France, Lufthansa

No flights allowed after 36 weeks
Northwest Airlines, KLM

No restrictions

Flying after 34 weeks of pregnancy is only allowed if accompanied by a doctor

Not allowed to fly with multiple pregnancies
Air New Zealand

Nota Bene: no matter what air carriers invent, no matter how afraid they are and build pregnant passengers - remember that you still have your constitutional rights. And no one has the right to refuse you a flight - and without a certificate they must miss, and even with contractions. True, in the absence necessary documents(certificates from a doctor, an exchange card, etc.) will have to endure an unequal battle with representatives of the airline, there were cases when passengers were removed from flights without a certificate. As the reviews in the forums show, it is much easier to negotiate with foreign airlines, they monitor their reputation, and only ours, as usual, resist to the end. Therefore, study the rules for transporting pregnant passengers in advance - less nerves spent, health is stronger.

Features of the flight in a special position
1. Before the flight, you need to have a light snack, because hunger contributes to motion sickness syndromes. Take a hematogen or bitter chocolate with you in your pocket, any sour candies will also help. Before leaving the house, you can drink a cup of weak ginger (sold in health food departments, herbal pharmacies) or mint tea. During the flight, do not look out the windows, if you are already motion sick, do not read. Relax, lean back in your chair and look straight ahead. Take a player with audio books with you, they will help you get distracted and not throw panicky glances around (the more you turn your head, the worse the motion sickness). Medicines for motion sickness allowed during pregnancy: Avia-Sea and Vertigoheel (homeopathy), but before taking them, consult your doctor. Take lemon, eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil with you to the salon.

2. As a rule, during any long journey you have to sit for a long time, your legs become numb, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed. Find an opportunity to get up and walk around once again, this is extremely important for you. Take off your shoes as soon as you sit in your chair. In flight, you will need special pillows for your neck, and place a soft cushion or blanket under your lower back. Then sitting in one position will not be so hard. Before the flight, you can put on special anti-varicose stockings. Do not sit in a cross-legged position - contrary to superstition, because of this position, clumsy children are not born, the reason is different. It’s just that with this position of the body, blood circulation in the legs of the expectant mother is disturbed, which can lead to varicose veins. Experienced mothers are advised to find a way to raise their legs higher - for example, in one of the forums, a girl told how she periodically retired to the toilet and sat there, throwing her legs up on the sink. Not a stupid idea, very useful.

3. The cabin may be stuffy or cold. Your mucous membranes, which during pregnancy already experience a triple load, can rebel, this threatens to exacerbate the "pregnant" cold. Take with you in your hand luggage Aqua-Maris, and also a bottle of 0.33 with thermal or mineral water(without gas) to refresh the face.

4. Do not fasten seat belts on the stomach, but only below the stomach. The take-off and landing time is not so long, and it can be tolerated, but as practice shows in case of disasters, the safety of a woman and an unborn child is increased.

5. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, about 500 ml in one hour.

6. On the plane, the most comfortable seats are in business class (wide seats, increased distance between rows), in the first row of economy class (increased distance between the seat and the inter-cabin partition), they are followed in terms of comfort for a pregnant woman by aisle seats in the first rows of economy class (there it is easier to go out into the corridor). Most airlines, including Aeroflot, have introduced a ban on smoking, so the air on the planes has become cleaner. But since the air flow in them goes from nose to tail, last rows in an airplane is still undesirable for pregnant women.

Should I take any medications "to facilitate" the flight?
If you are healthy, you do not need medication. Therefore, you do not need to be indignant if the doctor did not prescribe them to you. Although it happens that they are prescribed (no-shpu, papaverine), but in most cases the reason lies in the well-known saying of Dr. Komarovsky "the doctor must prescribe a pill." Side effects no one canceled the drugs, their use during the flight is doubtful. But a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case, and how much the doctor is reinsured is up to you to judge.

What about insurance?
Any standard tour package necessarily includes an insurance policy that guarantees reimbursement of medical and medical transport costs in the event of an insured event abroad. some special kind insurance companies do not have insurance for women in a position, pregnancy is not an insured event. Your attention - another experiment from the site In the last article, an attempt was made to send a child on an independent flight. This time the representatives of the site insistently want to insure a pregnant air passenger.

The reason for our next experiment was the story of Serezha Korsakov, who was born in Turkey: we wanted to insure our allegedly pregnant correspondent, who, according to legend, decided to go to the United Arab Emirates in her seventh month of pregnancy, and even go diving there. Usually, doctors say that if the body is healthy and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then, in general, there are no obstacles to the voyage. Moreover, doctors often give permission for a flight at a later date. However, no one is immune from surprises. It is not known how separately female body will react to any changes associated with travel: climate change, lifestyle changes, new foods (which sometimes provoke gastritis, cholecystitis and, as a result, also affect the course of pregnancy), pressure drops during the flight - everything can serve as an impetus for the emergence of various trouble. In addition, the presence of a large number of people in a hotel or an excursion group is always associated with the risk of the spread of infections and epidemics, which can cause problems for the development of an unborn child. And if the condition of a woman in an “interesting position” suddenly worsens and her pregnancy is recognized as the reason for this, then in most cases she will have to pay for everything out of her own pocket.

“I beg your pardon, but we do not insure pregnant women,” was the answer of all the interviewed insurance companies to the correspondent of, who tried to expand the conditions of a standard insurance policy to include the risks associated with pregnancy. Moreover, the insurers did not even ask about what deadline is coming speech. The news of the client's situation caused an unequivocal refusal. Contrary to popular belief, insurers are not ready to insure against everything in the world for our money. Pregnancy is recognized by insurance companies as too serious a risk not covered by any multiplying coefficients. This is a global practice: they do not insure anywhere for significant periods. According to Irina Tyurina, press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), in Europe travel insurance is practiced with a pregnancy of up to 8 weeks. In the event of trouble with the health of a woman during this period, we are not talking about the responsibility of doctors for the life of a second person - a child, that is health care V this case turns out to be one – the insured – person.

Yes, pregnant women are people too: they get tired at work and want to go on vacation. However, unlike most citizens who will be treated by foreign doctors at the expense of insurance companies, all problems resulting from pregnancy are not recognized as an insured event (however, if problems with pregnancy are the result of an accident, then assistance, if it is recorded in the policy, will be rendered). Problems such as bleeding ectopic pregnancy may occur in the early stages. Women in these cases will need qualified medical care up to surgical intervention. The paradox of the situation is that early stage a woman may not yet know she is pregnant. Sometimes some ladies with a broken cycle are unaware of their situation until 4-5 months. Any medical services abroad are very expensive, and even being in a foreign clinic is sometimes comparable in price to staying in an elite hotel. According to representatives of insurance companies, the highest cost of medical care in the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe and Israel. In addition, in order to transport the patient to her homeland, special equipment will be required, she will have to be accompanied by a doctor. The price of such services amounts to tens of thousands of dollars, which will be a completely “unbearable” amount for poor families who have been saving all year for an inexpensive vacation in a foreign resort.

There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that women in position travel the world - in the end, the decision whether to go or not can only be made by the pregnant women themselves and their husbands. But, going on a journey, they do not even assume that no one is going to pay for a number of medical services for them, they do not think about whether they have the opportunity to independently finance expensive treatment. Thus, most of the pregnant women we interviewed said that they did not think about it and hoped for help from the insurance company. It is not customary for us to carefully read the insurance policy, it is not customary to consult doctors before visiting exotic countries (the climate of which can provoke chronic diseases), it is not customary to take care of ourselves and our health, and it is not customary to be responsible for our carelessness. Perhaps it will carry?!

Taking a vacation between the 25th and 28th weeks of pregnancy, as I did, requires desperate recklessness and a holy belief that the trip will be for the benefit of mother and baby.

The first thing I took care of was my own condition. I feel good, pregnancy passes without threats and complications.

But you should definitely consult with a specialist. Here you need to take into account the specifics of the personality of your doctor. Some are afraid to take responsibility and do not sign a flight permit, scaring scary stories. If you really want to fly, and you are confident in your health, seek advice and help from a gynecologist who is less prone to panic.

Third. Have you already taken care of insurance? You need to stock up on the best available for when a pregnant woman and her baby need emergency help.

Be sure to study the requirements of the airline you have chosen for pregnant women, their terms and documents.

At check-in, actively demonstrate your position. You will be given a seat according to your position!

It is impossible not to worry on the plane. Put your hand on your stomach and try to calm down. As soon as I stopped controlling myself, my stomach tightened up. As soon as I relaxed, the baby also calmed down.

Important: before the plane, I didn’t know about swelling. More precisely, only in theory, according to books. “In seventh heaven” I was uncomfortable once again disturbing other passengers with walks to the toilet and back. For which I paid with terrible swelling: for several days after arrival, I could not put on shoes on swollen fingers. Feel free to go to the toilet! Even every 10 minutes! On the way back, I no longer wanted to see sausages instead of toes, so I visited the ladies' room at any opportunity. Even just for the sake of taking a walk, edema was avoided!

And consider the mentality of the country you are flying to (if it is another country). Far from all over the world, a pregnant woman will be let out of the queue, they will bring a suitcase and give way. But they will not look with sympathy, as if they were dying.

And finally...
When on the Rusmedserver forum in the section "Obstetrics and Gynecology" they ask another question about the risk of flights at a later date, the local doctors like to joke: "And do not forget that it is customary to call a child by the name of the captain of the ship!" And if it's a girl?.. According to statistics, every year 5-7 children are born on airplanes, but these are the statistics of world cases. As already mentioned, there is no scientific evidence that the flight can provoke preterm labor if the pregnancy is not complicated. In the end, everywhere has its pluses: the daughter of the Egyptian Habaa Mohammed, who gave birth to a child on board the aircraft, after the birth received the right to fly on the planes of the Kuwaiti airline Al-Jazeera for 18 years. It turns out that the crew was even delighted with such a gift of fate on board. But this case is one of the very few, so fly during pregnancy without unnecessary worries and fears, everything will be fine!

Article from Vinsky's Forum.