What should the groom do before the wedding. Wedding traditions. How to choose the right time for marriage

So you knelt before the girl of your dreams, looked anxiously into your beloved eyes and held out the treasured box with a ring. Allow me to congratulate you, from now on you are the groom. What's next? What are the duties of the groom at the wedding and before the celebration? Check them out on the site Svadbagolik.Ru.

In order to successfully deal with them, it is necessary, first of all, to know their meaning. Let's take a closer look at everything, as they say: step by step.

So the responsibilities

As a rule, the wedding celebration itself is scheduled about six months in advance. So, let's get started ... First of all, the groom needs to meet the bride's parents as early as possible, as well as organize a meeting of both parties (parents) to introduce them if they did not know each other before. Within the framework of this meeting, at least approximately the festive budget is discussed, as well as the general style direction of the festive event. Also, the duties of the groom include such an item as choosing the best banquet hall together with his future wife and ordering it for the chosen wedding date. Keep in mind: you need to start this as early as possible so that the chosen restaurant or cafe is not already occupied.

The next step is the choice of the registry office, in which the marriage registration will take place. Three months in advance, an application must be submitted. Around this time, start making a list of guests you want to invite to the celebration.

It is also the responsibility of the groom to choose a suit and all the necessary accessories for him. You need to start this in two months, not earlier, otherwise there is a risk of getting better or, on the contrary, losing weight, as a result of which the chosen outfit will not “sit” well.

Newlyweds planning to go on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding should take care of choosing a vacation spot and booking a hotel. In this case, they must first familiarize themselves with the offers of travel companies and choose a tour that suits both.

Two months before the event, you need to clarify the list of invitees, choose wedding rings, order an inscription on them.

It is also the responsibility of the groom at the wedding to present a gift to his newfound mother-in-law. But you need to approach his choice in advance, so that later in a hurry you don’t buy whatever comes to hand ...

Two weeks before the date of the wedding, it would be nice to meet with the toastmaster and once again discuss the wedding scenario. Remember that the duties of the groom at the wedding also include interesting toasts in honor of the wife's relatives. So come up with at least a couple in advance. Arrange also with the person who will be instructed to deliver the presented gifts from the banquet home.

The cherished date is getting closer and closer ... Two weeks is the right time to visit the hairdresser in order to avoid possible unpleasant moments (for example, an unsuccessful haircut).

One day before you are declared happy spouses, the groom needs to present his beloved with a small romantic present and once again confess to her his fiery feelings.

Drawing conclusions

Believe me, it is not difficult to be a groom, and the confirmation of this is the duties of the groom. It is much more difficult to be a worthy husband. But for now, enjoy the holiday, be the perfect groom!

So, if you want to live until the "golden" wedding and do not want to risk your happiness, the signs are as follows:

1. No one should be allowed to try on wedding rings either before or after the wedding;

2. For material well-being, the groom must put a coin in his right shoe on the wedding day. It must be preserved as a family heirloom;

3. From the evil eye, newlyweds are advised to fix a safety pin on their clothes with the head down. For the bride - on the hem of the dress from the wrong side, for the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

4. On the day of the wedding, the bride should put on something new, something from "someone else's shoulder." Naturally, the veil, gloves and underwear are not taken into account. And on the hem of the dress, you need to make a couple of stitches, preferably with blue threads (from the evil eye).

5. Shoes must be closed.

6. If the bride cries a little before the wedding, the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears are from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some problems.

7. When the bride leaves the house in front of the church or the registry office, the mother must give her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, and the like, as a talisman during the wedding.

8. Until the time of the wedding or marriage registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. It is allowed to look at yourself, for example, without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

9. The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet all day. It is believed that if you release a bouquet and happiness can fly away like a bird. In extreme cases, you can give the groom or mother to hold the bouquet. At a wedding banquet, you can put a bouquet on the table in front of you, and in the evening take it to your bedroom.

10. After the bride is taken away from the wedding/registration house, it is necessary to at least symbolically clean the floor to make it easier for the bride to enter the husband's house. It's best if her mother does it.

11. When leaving the house, it is desirable that the bride wears a veil from the evil eye.

12. After the newlyweds get engaged, none of them can take an empty box from under the rings or a plate on which it lay. The box is allowed to be picked up by an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

13. On the day of the wedding, parents should make sure that none of the strangers and guests straighten the clothes on the bride and groom.

14. Newlyweds need to stay together all the time so that no one can pass or stand between them.

15. The bride and groom must blow out the wedding candles at the same time so that their life together is long.

16. After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - for good luck and for a friendly, happy life.

17. When leaving the church / registry office, young people are sprinkled with cereals: rice, millet or wheat grains so that they live in abundance.

18. It is impossible for young people to go to a banquet by a direct road. It is believed that it is necessary to mislead evil spirits, and for this, choose a complex, intricate route.

19. When young people drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly to scare away evil spirits.

20. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. After dancing with their children, parents must definitely connect them by bringing them to each other.

21. Traditionally, the bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom only holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom. Then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

22. Bridesmaids and other single ladies who want to catch the bride's bouquet, instead of the bouquet presented by the groom, should throw an alternative, or "fake" bouquet ordered in advance, which looks a little like the bride's bouquet.

23. When preparing a bed for the newlyweds for the wedding night, the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch - to a friendly life.

A wedding is a serious matter and responsibilities should equally be shared by both sides of the young. It is no secret that many young people are a priori afraid of the fact of marriage, but the marriage proposal has already been made, now let's figure out what connects these two concepts, like a wedding and the duties of a groom.

Firstly, it is a test of a young person for adulthood and independent decision-making.

Secondly, there is no need to be afraid of this, since the bride will most likely want to do the preparations for the wedding and command the “parade”.

Well, and thirdly, it would be most correct if the young people begin to prepare for the wedding together, training for the upcoming family life.

Consider what preparations the young people have before the wedding and evaluate the participation of the groom.

Joint responsibilities of the young

Usually, from the moment when the proposal was made, and the cherished “yes” was received, several months pass until the marriage ceremony itself. During this time, if the parents of young people did not know each other, then they definitely need to be introduced - these are the best assistants not only in organizational matters, but also in financial matters, they play an important role.

A young couple makes a list of their guests, discussing and consulting with each other so that there are no grievances and claims later. Based on the number of guests, a restaurant or cafe is selected and booked. This must be done in advance, because good establishments are often rented for a long period before the festivities are held in them.

At least three months in advance, an application must be submitted to the registry office.

Groom's duties before marriage

The main pre-wedding duties of the groom are the purchase of rings and the choice of a witness. This is a rather responsible matter. Wedding rings are a symbol of fidelity of spouses, the inviolability of marriage bonds. Rings must be sized. Optionally, you can apply engraved inscriptions with words of love or the names of the newlyweds.

The choice of the best man for the wedding is no less important - who, if not he, will defend the honor of the groom at the wedding? The best man should be the most reliable friend who will not let his comrade down on this solemn day, will support him in every possible way in preparation for the wedding and during it. If the event is held in a narrow circle, then the duties of the toastmaster can also fall on the best man: the best toasts, entertaining guests, praise to the young - only the most faithful and reliable cheerful friend can cope with such duties. Initiative and ingenuity are only a plus.

The future groom, with the help of parents or other advisers, must decide on a suit no earlier than two months before the wedding. If you buy in advance, then on the day of the ceremony the suit may not sit as clearly as during the fitting.

Groom's main expenses

Most of the wedding expenses are covered by the groom's side: photo and video filming, a cortege of wedding cars, music. The first and last word also remains with the groom. It must be remembered that all the attention of the guests on this day will be directed to the young, all cameras will shoot not only the snow-white bride, but also the stately groom. Therefore, not only the bride, but also the groom needs to take care of a snow-white smile and clean skin of the face. Visiting a dentist, a hairdressing salon and maintaining water balance - all these actions will give confidence and determination at the wedding.

How to cut wedding costs

  • It's cheaper to pay gas expenses to friends than to rent cars through an agency;
  • You can beautifully decorate cars yourself by watching a few video tutorials;
  • Offer the bride to have a custom-made dress according to her own sketches if she insists on a designer dress. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone: save on a dress and flatter your beloved, assuring that her fantasy of a dream dress is quite feasible!

Wedding day: what does the groom do

The most important thing for the groom on this day is to be attentive to the bride and friendly with the guests.

  • Smile. Remember - a sweet smile should not leave your face all day, no matter what it costs you! After all, a good half of the relatives from the side of the bride see the groom for the first time, so they look with interest at the future relative, noticing every glance thrown by him;

  • Alcohol. Forget about it for today. You must look your best! Several dozen eyes are watching you attentively, you should not drink in one gulp for every toast today. Just sip, otherwise you risk spoiling the holiday. Believe me, your moderation in alcohol today will be appreciated and encouraged by the bride for many years to come;

  • Gallantry. Do not forget to give the bride a hand on occasion, move her chair, open and close doors. Carry it in your arms, circle in the dance. The main thing is to drop and smoothly put on your feet. This will help regular exercise in the gym and moderation in alcohol;

  • Words to the bride's parents are the smallest, but the most pleasant thing that can be said by the groom. Prepare them in advance, compose the text and rehearse. Thank them for your young wife sincerely and sincerely. Do not leave these words for the end of the fun, when the guests will no longer have time for sentimental speeches. It is better to leave it for the fifth or sixth toast, when the attention of the invitees is still concentrated on the young.

Remember, being a groom is easy enough! It is much more difficult to be a husband.

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Today, few people observe wedding ceremonies, and in vain. The folk rite of matchmaking is very colorful and filled with fun, so it can be the highlight of a wedding. The matchmaking scenario can be completely different, it all depends on your desires and preferences.

Modern and simplified matchmaking script

Today, matchmaking has changed and simplified, it has become more modern. There are two options for the matchmaking of the groom for the bride:

  • The first option is when the groom sends matchmakers (parents, relatives, godparents) to the bride's house.
  • The second option is when the groom goes himself to the bride's parents and asks them for her hand. According to the old tradition, he must ask them for blessings, and the parents, taking the icon in their hands, bless them.

A young man comes to the bride with two bouquets of flowers: one for the bride and the other for her mother. He must be beautifully and elegantly dressed, and show his best side and prove to everyone that he is worthy of the bride and will be her wonderful husband. The girl cannot be present during the matchmaking, as her parents can ask various delicate questions about his financial situation, living conditions, his worldview, attitude towards marriage, family, children and much more.

What should the groom do during the matchmaking?

A young man can also inquire about the dowry of his chosen one from his parents. He briefly talks about his intentions and feelings for his chosen one. He talks about how he will take care of her and protect her, how he will not let anyone offend. He talks about being a good husband and father. In general, he must say everything that all parents want to hear in order to be calm about the fate of his daughter. Then the father and mother give their consent to their marriage and invite the groom's parents to set the wedding day and discuss all organizational issues.

The bride and groom go to the groom's house

It also happens that the young go to the groom's house, and he introduces them to his chosen one, and the bride gives flowers to his mother. They then ask the bride about her and her family and then give them their blessing. Matchmaking by the groom can also happen like this: the groom sends matchmakers to his future wife. Parents can act as matchmakers, he can come on the second day to accept the blessing.

To date, the scenario of the matchmaking of the bride and groom is basically one that makes it possible to discuss all wedding issues. It includes counting the number of guests, then determining where the wedding will be celebrated, what menu to order, how to decorate the banquet hall, and so on.

Matchmakers from the groom came to the bride's house

Both the old and the modern scenario of the bride's matchmaking is as follows: the headman from the groom comes to the house of the bride's parents. It must be an adult representative man: father, brother, grandfather, uncle or closest relative. The groom is silent and only answers the questions of the bride's parents. Matchmaking usually begins with the words: “You have a product, we have a merchant,” they must tell their parents from the door what and for what purpose they came.

The groom's matchmakers usually praise him, telling how good and skillful he is. They talk about his occupation, education, lifestyle, wealth, and what a wonderful husband he will be for their daughter. If the matchmaker or matchmaker is without complexes, then they can conduct the matchmaking in a playful and joking manner, having previously taken a funny scenario for the bride's parents. You can come up with scenario options yourself or take from the Internet, magazines. You can play a scene in the form of a comedy with various contests and jokes, so in a playful way you can clarify all questions and formalities.

No matter what the scenario is, the groom must take care of the symbolic gifts for the bride's parents. Usually they give flowers or some souvenirs to remember the matchmaking. Pleasant little things can always smooth and decorate acquaintance, as well as improve communication between people. Try to diversify the matchmaking scenario so that it is fun and interesting, and most importantly, both the groom and the bride's parents will remember for life.

What to give the parents of the bride during the matchmaking

Once upon a time, gifts were not given during this ceremony, but today it is very important. If the groom does not strictly observe the ceremony of matchmaking, then he may well (like everyone else give) give a small gift. For example, the father of the bride is given good alcohol, books, a gift pen. If he is an avid fisherman, then you can give him a fishing rod, it all depends on his type of activity. The mother of the bride is given sweets, jewelry, a picture, figurines, household items. It also depends on her preferences and hobbies. The main goal of the groom is to please the bride's parents, so he must do his best.

What should be on the table during the matchmaking

Particular attention should be paid to snacks and dishes that are on the table. Of course, it is not at all necessary to set the table, but it will be ugly and inhospitable not to invite guests to the table, especially if they have come from a distant road and want to rest and eat. The presence of alcohol on the table is also not necessary, but, as a rule, alcohol relaxes and brings together.

Wedding traditions

The courtship of the groom, in which he visits the house of his beloved, came from us from ancient times. Previously, special attention was paid to traditions, but today who wants to, he observes. But many people are superstitious and follow the custom of their ancestors. October 14 (the feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin) is considered the most favorable day for matchmaking, 3.5,7,9 were also considered favorable dates, and the days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Going to the girl to woo, the elders or the groom were silent all the way, and left the house when the sun went down, so as not to jinx it. When the matchmaker was going to go to the bride, they threw a bast shoe in his back, and the matchmaking process itself was carried out standing up so that marriage would come faster.

The headman begins the conversation with a story about who they are and where they came from, what obstacles they overcame along the way and why they came. You can tell something in the form of a fairy tale, they say, a hero has been growing in our family for twenty years, handsome, brave, courageous, hardworking. And then one day he dreamed of a red maiden of incredible beauty. And he sees in a dream that she lives here, so show your red maiden. You can also say that life without her is not sweet to him, since then he has not slept, has not eaten, and everyone dreams about her. The scenario can be different, there are a huge number of options.

And the matchmaker from the bride's side answers: we have a girl - red and not one, but several, and one is more beautiful than the other. And they take out one girl (a man in disguise), and then another, a third, and the groom and his matchmakers keep repeating: not that one, not that one. And then the real bride is taken out, the matchmakers begin to check her. To do this, they have a script according to which they begin to ask different questions and check what kind of hostess she is, whether she is kind, sincere, honest, economic and much more. The girl will pass an easy test and they will begin to praise her, then she will be given poems and songs.

And then everyone goes to the table to get to know each other better and discuss all the issues of the wedding. Then the matchmakers from the bride's side begin to check the groom: whether he is suitable for her husband. They ask you to hammer in a nail, bring water and much more. For each matchmaking there is a different scenario, which includes: poems, songs, stories, jokes and much more.

Young people need to think about many things before the wedding. One of them is marriage. What is this tradition? The scenario of matchmaking on the part of the groom is a very important point.

This holiday is one of the most important in the life of young people, their relatives and friends. Of course, you need to make the matchmaking scenario on the part of the groom bright, cheerful, unforgettable, original. So how to be?

Scenario of matchmaking by the groom - the move must be thought out

In any case, the program should be unusually interesting. A good matchmaking scenario by the groom includes interesting witty toasts, congratulations, songs, and contests. The main thing is to think carefully. This will help the young man and his "team" not to get into trouble, to show off in the circle of future relatives with a subtle sense of humor, eloquence and erudition.

What does marriage look like today?

What can be said about modern traditions? The scenario of matchmaking on the part of the groom today is particularly dynamic. As a rule, on the day chosen by the young couple, at the exact time indicated, the future spouse must come to the parents of his beloved girlfriend. Naturally, he must be beautifully dressed, have flowers with him. The proposal to the bride is made in front of her parents. The groom will have to describe his feelings for their daughter before he asks for her hand in marriage. With the consent of the parents, the hand of the bride is invested by them in the hand of the future son-in-law.

If the father-in-law and mother-in-law could not attend the matchmaking for any reason, the newlyweds also go to them. The groom must introduce her to his parents, and she - to give the "second mother" a bouquet of flowers.

Well, if the couple has been together for a long time, and everyone knows each other well, the celebration can be made especially fun and incendiary, according to the traditions and customs of each family. By the way, not only relatives, but also friends and girlfriends of the young people gather for such events.

Bride's look

So what should be the scenarios? The scenario of the bride's matchmaking begins with the so-called "bridesmaids". Relatives and friends of the groom should at this moment identify all her shortcomings and virtues, as well as assess how ready she is for family life.

They can pass in a comic form. You can ask the bride and her parents if she is ready to lay lush and new featherbeds for her husband, serve soft downy pillows, embroider shirts for him, weave carpets, cook delicious borscht, etc. In general, it’s not difficult to come up with such funny questions.

You can also hold interesting competitions for the knowledge of the bride in the field of cooking, childcare and other household chores. You just need to show a little imagination.

Tasks of matchmakers

So, you have reviewed a wide variety of scenarios. The scenario of the matchmaking of the bride was finally chosen. Be that as it may, all options are united by one main point. Together with the groom, the headman, a respectable adult man, should come to the bride's house. It can be a father, a brother, a grandfather, an uncle, etc. It is the matchmaker who declares on the very threshold why they have come. The groom at this time only answers the questions of the bride's parents.

Matchmakers, of course, are trying with might and main to praise the future husband. They tell how skillful and good, strong and brave he is. They also talk about his lifestyle, education, occupation, prosperity. Bottom line: the groom is the perfect man!

Thus, the young man must be sure to please the bride's parents. Accordingly, both he and the matchmakers should do everything possible for this. Jokes, speeches, gifts are the components that are present in the celebration in addition to the feelings of love and tenderness of a young couple.

What do matchmakers do?

The matchmaker representing the groom must tie up with a towel, bow at the waist to the bride's parents and all her friends and relatives. After that, the speech begins ... Here you can talk a lot: about how long such a wonderful guy was raised, how well he was brought up, how smart and noble he is. In general, about the same thing that matchmakers do.

The culmination of the speech may be a story in folk style about a wondrous dream (about a red maiden). The "prince" allegedly saw her in his dreams and felt in his heart where to look for her. And so he came for his chosen one.

The matchmaker on the part of the bride at this moment may begin to offer the groom different options, because there are enough girls in the house (girlfriends, sisters, close acquaintances of the young). This event ends with the fact that the future husband chooses exactly the one that he really needs.


This moment is one of the most important, affecting the matchmaking of the bride. The modern scenario calls for a solution to the dowry issue. The young man has every right to ask about its presence. True, before that, it is necessary to briefly once again describe the feelings for your chosen one, talk about how he will take care of her, protect her and not give offense. That is, the groom must say everything that the girl's parents would like to hear. Already after their consent to the upcoming marriage, a dowry can be discussed.

In general, many issues are resolved on matchmaking. One of them is dowry. This tradition has come to us since ancient times, so it must be kept.


So, what will matchmakers need for this ceremony? What are the details and why should I use them? The ceremony of courtship of the bride, the scenario of which is carefully thought out in advance, implies the presence of some obligatory things.

First, you need a towel. It is given to young people after marriage. It, by the way, can be used for marriage registration, and for a wedding, and for the adoption of the first-born on the threshold of the hospital.

The next moment is round bread or loaf. As soon as the bride and her parents agree, it is cut and distributed to the guests.

Festive table

Do not forget about the next factor, thinking through the scenario. The matchmaking of the bride also implies the presence of treats. Of course, it is not necessary to lay a chic table. However, the parents of the bride are obliged to organize at least a buffet table. Otherwise, they will look like inhospitable people. Moreover, perhaps the groom's parents with matchmakers will come from afar.

The table is set after the headman's conversation with a story about who they are and where they came from, for what purpose, what obstacles awaited them on the road.

This is followed by a "check" of the bride and groom - whether they are suitable for each other. Poems and songs can be accompanied just in parallel by treats from the buffet table. As soon as these events come to an end, everyone can sit down at a more “serious” table, relaxing in a relaxed atmosphere.

In short, a lot of interesting moments require matchmaking by the groom. We create the best scenario! Let's add funny quotes to it!

For example, the first matchmaker begins his solemn speech like this:

"Were you waiting for us or not,

Serve lunch!

We came from afar

Our road is not easy.

Our boyfriend decided to marry

Guess who?

Give us a bride

Let us in the house!”

There may be many options. The main thing is to clarify that the groom loves his chosen one very much, cannot live without her, and therefore he came to offer her a hand and heart.

The second matchmaker continues the ceremony. Words might be something like this:

“We are merchants, you have goods,

Gift to our groom.

Don't be silent, speak

Look at their love!

The word "no" is longer than "yes"

Nothing to think about then!

Will your daughter marry?

Looking forward to what you say! Here!"

The second verse should symbolize the promise of a happy marriage, family life. Words can be invented independently or found in special literature.

After such verses, friends and relatives of the groom can speak. But it is the hero of the occasion who completes the process. That is, it says something like:

"Your daughter, my family,

I didn't love it for a bit.

Only this man

Opened my heart to me.

And now I want to get married

And I ask for her hand

Do not refuse, I hope?

Ready for anything!”

As a result, another test can be arranged for the guy. Otherwise, the bride will not be given to him.

Think flowers and gifts

The scenario of the matchmaking by the groom is far from all that needs to be taken care of. Flowers and gifts for the bride and her parents should not be forgotten. Such presentations can also be accompanied by some interesting speeches or poems, for example:

"For the bride, our bouquet,

To bloom for two hundred years!”,

“Well, for the future mother-in-law,

Sorry, the bouquet is a little simpler!

Of course, they give the bride's relatives, and herself, not only flowers, but also a variety of souvenirs, sweets (sweets, cakes, pastries, other confectionery). To such a gift, you can add something like this:

"We give you marmalade,

So that there is peace and harmony in the family! ”,

"Here's a box of chocolates,

May you live for many years

And they adored each other

And appreciated, respected!

A gift is also being prepared for the future father-in-law. It must be some kind of "purely male" subject. For example, a tie or extension cord, to which the following words can be timed:

“Let us live together for a long time!

We give a long wire (tie) to the father-in-law!

After matchmaking

Thus, this event is distinguished by fun, an atmosphere filled with love and tenderness of future newlyweds. The scenario of matchmaking in a modern manner allows you to properly celebrate such an event. Nevertheless, after all the rituals described above, the time comes to solve general organizational issues.

What applies to those? As a rule, the parents of both the groom and the bride decide on gifts, payment for the upcoming wedding (cars, a banquet, the number of guests, etc.). Children can also participate in this discussion. However, parents often remove them from solving such problems. That is, each family, of course, can act in its own way. The most important thing is to figure out who will do what, what to do, what issues to solve.

Marriage rituals are very important

In general, it is not difficult to understand how to conduct matchmaking on the part of the groom. It is only necessary to think carefully about every detail of your scenario in advance.

Unfortunately, today very few people observe wedding ceremonies. But this is completely in vain. Matchmaking is a colorful ceremony filled with fun. Accordingly, it can become a real highlight of your wedding. Depending on your preferences and desires, you can spend it as you see fit, but most importantly - bright and beautiful!

In any case, after the groom asks the bride's parents for her hand, they bless the young, holding the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in their hands.

Beautifully and elegantly dressed matchmakers and the future husband, who are trying to show their best side, must necessarily prove that the bride made the right choice, and he is worthy of her. By the way, sometimes a girl is not given the opportunity to be present at the matchmaking. Her parents simply have every right to ask various delicate questions, for example, about the financial situation of the groom, about living conditions, about his worldview, about his attitude towards family, marriage and children.

However, the question of matchmaking is a personal matter for everyone. How it will take place is up to the young and their parents to decide! The main thing is that everything should be remembered by guests and hosts. A carefully planned event leaves only positive emotions! It just takes a little effort!