Deterioration of mood for no reason. Sudden mood swings in men

Mood swings, especially if they occur frequently, are sure to disrupt anyone's normal life.

Such fluctuations can be both a physiological process, an adaptive reaction to a change in the situation, a change hormonal background or life circumstances, and a pathological reaction, a symptom of a mental disorder.


As I wrote above, the causes of mood swings can be divided into pathological (caused by a mental disorder), physiological (may occur due to some seasonal, hormonal fluctuations in the body), as well as psychological.

Pathological conditions

Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) ranks first among mental disorders manifested by sudden mood swings. It manifests itself as an alternation of manic and depressive phases. You can read about this disease.

Separately isolated bipolar affective disorder type II (formerly given state named as ). His distinguishing feature in that the state of elation never reaches mania, being limited only to hypomania.

Unmotivated fluctuations in the emotional background can also be observed in persons suffering from psychopathy (personality disorder). This is most typical for, and can also act. With these pathologies, affective disorders will be combined with other behavioral disorders.

strong swings moods can be observed not only in mental disorders, but also in somatic pathologies. Most often, such symptoms are observed in violations in the endocrine sphere. That is why, if unreasonable mood swings arose spontaneously, they are accompanied by some violations on the part of internal organs, for advice, you need to contact not only a psychiatrist, but also an endocrinologist.

Substance abuse can be another reason for persistent mood swings. As a rule, immediately after the use of the substance or in anticipation of imminent use, the mood of a person rises sharply, and in moments of abstinence, anger and a decrease in mood come to the fore.

Physiological states

I think that no one will dispute the fact that mood swings in women are much more common than in the representatives of the stronger sex. And the thing is that women are more susceptible to hormonal changes. Among them:

  • monthly fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • real hormonal "storms" caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation;
  • climacteric changes.

Whatever one may say, but childbearing function is directly related not only to hormonal changes, but also to the emotional background. So women have much more reasons for mood changes than men.

Psychological reasons

On this, the reasons leading to the occurrence of emotional fluctuations are not exhausted, because we discussed only the hormonal aspects. But a person is also a person, and a member of the family, and society.

Difficulties at work, misunderstanding in the family, everyday problems, financial difficulties- all this can lead to mood swings in both men and women. If women, to the best of their physiological features forced to deal with and cope with affective fluctuations every day, it is much more difficult for men to cope with negative thoughts.

New lipstick, a cup of aromatic coffee, a smile nice guy- and the emotional balance of the girl is restored.

But it is much more difficult for men to cope with a bad mood. After all, they are in emotionally much less mobile. And if negative emotions mastered a man, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts to cheer him up.

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity consider alcohol as the simplest and most affordable antidepressant. However, its effect is short-lived, and addiction occurs very quickly. So you need to be on the lookout.

Why are affective fluctuations dangerous?

Frequent mood swings lead to the fact that the normal functioning of a person is greatly disturbed. When we are in a good mood, everything works out for us, we want to work, we make plans for the future. And in a bad mood, there is neither strength nor desire for anything.

As soon as a person began to do something, his mood changed. Will the business you start be successful? Hardly. There is a high probability that all this will lead to. And even if you manage to do everything that was planned, then it will take many times more time than usual.

All that I have described above concerns subtle mood swings, when the extreme manifestations do not reach the state of manic or depressive disorder.

Dangerous are not only sudden mood swings, but also extreme “poles” - depression and mania. A person who is depressed cannot live a normal life, work fully, and he himself and those close to him suffer.

Such patients are overcome by various negative thoughts. It seems to them that only they are to blame for all the problems, difficulties, that there will be nothing good in life. All this can lead to suicidal thoughts and even attempts. How to suspect suicidal ideation loved one read in .

No less dangerous affective state is mania (manic episode). If during depression a person was overcome Bad mood and negative thoughts, then with mania, an overly high mood, an irresistible desire to do something, comes to the fore.

What's wrong with that, you ask. And the fact that a person who is in a state of mania will definitely "find an adventure on his own head." Being in similar condition people do not so much come to the attention of psychiatrists as they can “get acquainted” with law enforcement agencies, breaking the law, taking an unbearable loan or doing something else out of the ordinary.

Mood swings: norm or pathology?

The fact that mood swings in girls, women and even men can be normal - we have already dealt with this. But how then to determine where is the norm, and where is the pathology? Do I need to see a specialist or should I wait?

So, what criteria should you pay attention to:

  1. The very first criterion is the cause. If mood swings occur frequently, without any good reason, or there is a reason, but compared to the reaction to which it led, it is negligible, in this case it is worth considering whether it is time to contact a specialist.
  2. An equally important criterion is how often emotional swings occur. Each person, to the extent of his temperament, personal characteristics, has a certain, generally stable, emotional background. For example, sanguine people are more cheerful, they are distinguished by good mood most part of time. Melancholics, on the contrary, are more prone to depressive mood. So if affective swings occur many times a day, sadness is replaced by undisguised joy - you need to look for a catch.
  3. Another important criterion is the severity of affective symptoms. In general, the mood can be good or bad. But too good or, conversely, a bad mood should alert. Especially if there is no obvious reason for it.
  4. Definitely worth seeking medical or psychological help, if constant mood swings significantly disrupt a person’s life, they are accompanied, if because of them he cannot work, cannot create full-fledged relationships.

What to do?

How to deal with mood swings, what to do so that they do not interfere normal life This issue needs to be approached differently.

If a person’s emotional fluctuations are caused by a mental disorder (most often this happens when all of the criteria listed above are present), then the chances of coping with them on their own are negligible. It is necessary to contact a specialist - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

For example, if a person suffers from bipolar affective disorder, he needs to constantly take medication, otherwise he may be the most horrible consequences. In BD, for the treatment and prevention of mood swings, thymostabilizers - valproates or lithium preparations - are necessarily used.

If mood swings are caused by a hormonal imbalance, in this case, in without fail you need to contact an endocrinologist and follow his recommendations. For as long as it is observed hormonal imbalance affective symptoms may persist.

Coping on our own

If you want to cope with mood swings on your own, you can resort to the following recommendations:

  1. Use aromatherapy. All kinds of smells affect our brain in different ways. Some of them help to improve mood, while others, on the contrary, help to relax. Essential oils of patchouli or ylang-ylang will help you get rid of irritation, calm down. If you need to cheer up, then you should opt for bergamot, lemon, lavender or cedar oil.
  2. Yoga classes contribute to the achievement of emotional balance. It's no secret that many stars who are prone to emotional instability regularly practice yoga. Yoga people are better able to control themselves and their mood. Maybe you should try it too?
  3. Complete regular nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen, sufficient physical activity, rejection bad habits and all kinds of psychostimulants (including a certain number of cups of coffee or tea) often help to improve mental state, equalization of the emotional background.
  4. If in Lately you began to constantly feel tired, you are worried about mood swings, perhaps this indicates your body's need for proper rest, otherwise there is a risk of development. Don't ignore your body's clues!

Want to quickly change your mood? Try one of the 6 ways below.

1. Use your sense of smell

Aromatherapy - great way improve mood. Smells often awaken memory and activate the brain. Choose pleasant essential oil- lavender, vanilla, lemon - or use your favorite perfume. Diffuse a little in the air, dab on your wrists, or drip into an aromatic pendant. When you take a bath, add oil to the water - this will help you relax and change your mood. Don't forget that the smell of fresh baked goods or the smell of other favorite foods can also work wonders (like you need a reason to bake cupcakes!).

2. Relive the memories

Memories - powerful remedy, which will help to quickly improve mood. Just sort through the happy and Funny moments life. Take your time, savor every pleasant moment. Are you at a loss, do not know what to remember? Relive amazing moments: the birth of your child(ren), wedding, graduation or favorite birthday.

3. Music will help

A melody can match our mood, make it better or worse, and even radically change it. Next time, don't listen to sad songs, but put on something danceable or maybe some reggae (Don't Worry, Be Happy, for example). Music will distract you from pessimistic thoughts and mark a new state of mind. Earn bonus points if you find a song that evokes happy memories.

4. Laughter is the best medicine

It’s probably hard for you to even imagine yourself laughing at a moment when you are really angry, upset, disappointed, or experiencing other strong emotions. However, do some deep breaths and somehow cheer yourself up if you are ready to part with a bad mood. Play a comedy CD, watch funny home videos online, or just make yourself laugh. Soon you won't have to force yourself. Laughter will become sincere, and bad mood will disappear without a trace.

5. Feel your way to a good mood

EFT, a well-known emotional release technique developed by Gary Craig, can help you quickly change your state of mind. This technique uses energy meridians body to help you release bad energy and feel better. By pressing for 5 minutes on certain acupuncture points, you will feel how your mood will change.

6. Let off steam

Use your body and voice to expel bad emotions and make room for good ones. Scream, scream, sing, stomp, dance, pound pillows, or just shake every part of your body. Movement and sound will help you change your state of mind. Haven't you ever felt better after screaming? Give it a try the next time you want to change your mood.

Adalind Koss

The concept of mood swings is found in incorrect usage. Women believe that they experience swings, but in the end, they have a normal change of emotions - an adequate response to events. If a person becomes angry easily or cries often, it does not mean that he has mood swings. He has such a personality trait.

They say about differences if the transition from sadness to joy or vice versa happens instantly, without adequate reasons. More often the change happens in negative side. In such a person, the differences go along with increased anxiety and other problems.

Symptoms of mood swings

There are few symptoms of mood swings, they are easy to notice:

lightning-fast mood swings, often without apparent reason. This is the main symptom;
wrong appetite. Perhaps the emergence of hostility to your favorite dishes, increased appetite;
continuous sleepiness or trouble falling asleep;
irritability, sadness for no reason, nervousness.

Mood swings in women. Common Causes

Common causes of mood swings in women are:

hormone imbalance due to problems in the body (menopause, pregnancy, etc.);
taking oral contraceptives;
increased voltage level;
lack of normal sexual life, lactation period;
there is no balance of substances that are created by the brain and are responsible for the emotional state;
quarrels and stress;
bad habits;
insufficient physical activity.

Hormones are one of the main reasons for such fluctuations in the female sex. Changes in the course of the menstrual cycle, hormonal changes during menopause and pregnancy all cause mood changes. Adolescents are often prone to sudden mood swings puberty. Women often suffer from PMS.

Women often have to balance work, childcare, family, and so on. This often becomes depressive states associated with mood swings. Stressful conditions are associated with failures in relationships, caring for or living with parents, problems in the family or with children.

Our brain produces special substances called neurotransmitters. They are responsible for big number emotions: happiness, anger, panic, joy. If the balance of serotonin, dopamine, etc. is disturbed, then a frequent change of emotions and other difficulties in the psychological state are obtained.

Mood swings and cycles

There are two cycles that affect mood swings.

A girl who is about to start her period is easy to spot. She loses her temper, often cries, gets irritated over minor things. This is easy to understand if you delve into the spiritual side of physiology. Menstruation suggests that in the current period, the egg that would become a child did not survive. And it does not matter whether you dream of a child or not. Nature is arranged in such a way that the desire to become a mother is in our subconscious.

And ovulation is a chance to give birth to life. IN given period women are very good, glow from the inside. There is a desire to take care of yourself. The girl is more attractive, charming, sexual energy grows, attraction to the opposite sex arises.

Lunar cycles affect women in different ways. It all depends on the Moon in the sign of the zodiac, as well as on the relationship with this planet, the amount of energy of the Moon. Usually, during the period of the growth of the moon and the full moon, there is an increase in strength, and the new moon is the period of the greatest decline.

Exist special days- Ekadashi. This is the 11th day after the new or full moon. These days are difficult, they have a lot of quarrels, irritations, misunderstandings. It is best to fast on such a day - at least refrain from eating meat and beans.

Nature thought of us to make it easier for people to cope with themselves, both cycles are balanced. On the new moon, a woman ovulates. And on the full moon - menstruation. Thus, the cycles should ideally connect, but for many girls and women they are far from the same. Incorrect mixing of cycles causes sharp fluctuations in mood and energy, which does not bring joy to either the woman herself or her loved ones.

It is worth noting that even the harmonization of these cycles does not give an even mood. In any case, there will be periods when you want to mourn and cry. It is best to keep a cycle diary: note daily the status and cycle of menstruation. After a few months, patterns will become noticeable. Such predictions are useful for both a woman and her loved ones. So you can almost accurately predict the days of large drops.

Mood swings. Other reasons

There are other reasons for changes in emotions and mood swings. They are a sign of more terrible problems, like bipolar or anxiety disorder.

With the first problem, a change of emotions occurs at any moment. But the cause is also a trigger - this is what provokes a sharp drop. This includes lack of sleep, jet lag, etc. People note what happens abrupt change only in certain days. To highlight triggers, keeping a diary will help, which records the events that took place before the change of mood.

In individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders, it is anxiety that causes powerful stress, so it goes abrupt change emotions. In two cases, the fluctuations are caused by:

neurotransmitters and hormones. These substances are the main causes of emotional instability. With such disorders, the hormonal balance changes, the production of neurotransmitters decreases. More often we are sure that all feelings are rational, there are reasons. On life, the decrease in certain substances has no less impact than the events around us. Often, the level of substances can be normalized only by taking antidepressants;
emotional fatigue. Both problems are the cause of severe psychological fatigue. The person thinks that he is not capable of self-control, fears deterioration, that the problem will affect the relationship, etc. All this becomes the cause of even more frequent hesitation, panic;
other reasons. Due to changes in the psyche, a feeling of isolation arises, which significantly affects the attitude of the individual to life. Fluctuations of emotions will be the result of a sharp;
long stress, not related to mental problems.

Treating mood swings in women

There are certain treatments for mood swings and options for managing them.

Often, conscious control of emotions is difficult. After all, they arise without our will, often irrationally. Initially, do not set a goal to suppress emotions during the period of hesitation, but reduce your own reaction to it. Here are some tips:

if you notice that emotions are changing for no reason, then immediately stop doing what you are doing. Think about what caused the disorder, and whether there are adequate reasons for this. Analyze events that have happened recently, as well as those that may happen soon;
if you feel that you are starting to change your mood, then stay alone with yourself if possible. Do not do anything on emotions, rest for a couple of minutes and think;
fake positive emotions. If you feel that emotions are spoiling, try to improve them on your own, but do not hold back the negative, so only do harm. Imagine that this is a game in which you are allowed to feel angry or furious, but it is important to pretend that everything is fine. Don't stop yourself from feeling sad or angry. Because of this, it increases stressful condition and anxiety. Unleash the negativity within you by showing the positivity on the outside. You will soon notice that changing emotions is easier than it seemed. If you find it difficult to remain calm, use exercises that are based on breathing, drink water in small sips, take a walk;
Tell your loved ones that you experience mood swings that cause you to act out of character. This gives you a chance to avoid worrying about upsetting your loved ones;
see a doctor. Not everyone is able to cope with fluctuations on their own. If you feel like you can't control yourself, then you should seek help.

Other tips include lifestyle changes, diet, therapy, or alternative therapies. Consider them too:

lifestyle change. healthy lifestyle - important element in the treatment of emotional fluctuations. It contains an adequate emotional climate in relationships, avoidance of stress, peace, healthy sleep. Make sure you have time in your daily routine for exercise. Swimming, walking, dancing are all great helpers.
diet also plays a big role. Try not to smoke, eat healthy food, do not drink alcohol. You will need more useful substances in the diet;
therapy. Constant and inexplicable fluctuations interfere with normal life. For deliverance, learn how to control yourself. Often there is a need to undergo therapy: hormone replacement therapy, behavioral modification, cognitive therapy;
alternative therapy. This includes aromatherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy. It helps deal with fluctuations female mood. And yoga and meditation will be a great help.

If your problem is not so pronounced, and the drops only slightly interfere with the joy of life, then you can overcome this condition yourself. Here are some proven ways:

sleep properly. Recently, American scientists have established a direct link between a normal 7-8-hour sleep and mood. In addition, it is important to adhere to a sleep schedule, in other words, go to bed and get up at the same time every day;
the bedroom should be equipped so that it is dark during sleep. It is this environment that will help the body produce melatonin, which is necessary for normal sleep and fluctuations in emotions;
if you suffer from fluctuations, then your diet should help improve brain health. Here such vitamins will come to the rescue: B, E, C. Among the substances: zinc, magnesium, Omega-3, calcium. Frequent changes sugar levels also cause a change in emotions. It is important to control the intake of food containing sugar;
natural substances will also come to the rescue: lemon balm, chamomile, mint. They reduce anxiety. Valerian tincture has many benefits. Homeopathy fights anger and irritability. At hormonal changes women are helped by thistles, raspberries;
For everyone who suffers from fluctuating emotions, it is important not to forget about physical activity. Balanced exercise will release the dose of endorphins required for calm and wellness. Besides, exercise is an excellent sleep aid;
the main point is the correct systematization of life. To do this, the diary of emotions, which was already mentioned above, will help.

Acupressure for mood swings

Cope with mood swings can be simple acupressure. You need to repeat it every day after and before going to bed. Sit comfortably on a chair, put your hands on your knees, palms down. The point to be massaged is located under ring fingers our hands as they lie on their knees. This is a small hollow. Massage it with circular light movements for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the exercise in the morning after sleep, and in the evening before bed. In the morning, massage is done clockwise, and in the evening - vice versa. Such a simple method is very effective, it helps to cope with mood swings, depression.

January 20, 2014

Well, who among us has not experienced at least once in his life abrupt and unreasonable mood swings? I don't think there is any such person.

But a sharp change in mood does not always mean just a difficult period in a person's life, it can be a symptom of a very serious illness. Let's see what are the reasons for the changeable.

What does changeable mood mean?

Changeable mood or unstable - abrupt change emotional state human, often unreasonable.

A person can be joyful and smiling one minute, and annoyed or furious the next.

Frequent mood swings do not have a very positive effect on a person’s mental health. Such a state may prevent him from living a quiet life as well as his close circle.

Such differences sometimes do not depend on any situation, they are very unpredictable. At this moment, emotions are so strong that they simply cannot be controlled.

A person is prone to mood swings, sometimes even a sharp and causeless change can be the norm. But constant, systematic changes indicate pathology.

Symptoms mood swings:

  • the main symptom is an instant change of mood for no apparent reason;
  • lack of appetite, dislike for favorite food or vice versa, strong appetite, acute feeling of hunger;
  • drowsiness, it becomes difficult to fall asleep;
  • constant irritability and nervousness.


Often there is no reason for a sharp change in mood in people. However, this is happening.

Mood swings in men:

  1. One of the most common causes mood changes in men -. During this period, a man devotes almost all his time to caring for the well-being of his family and often he does not have time for himself and for rest.
  2. Constant anxiety about financial position families- as a rule, a man is the main "earner" in the family, he wants to have enough money for everything, but this is not always the case. This gnaws at him, and if problems at work are added to everything else, which can soon lead to financial instability, then men may experience frequent mood swings.
  3. No support from the woman you love- it happens that a woman does not want to support a man, she constantly reminds him of his failures, all the time reproaches him with something.
  4. Emotional burnout- often it arises due to problems at work.

    It is especially difficult for a man to perceive if work is his meaning of life.

  5. Lack of testosterone, constant lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of proper rest, unbalanced nutrition - individually or all together, but this also affects the health of a man.
  6. Life in the metropolis According to statistics, residents of large cities are daily exposed to a large number stressful situations, this leads to the fact that they suffer from mood swings much more often than those who live in the provinces.

mood swings in women:

  1. Hormonal imbalance- especially during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, also with problems with thyroid gland.
  2. Reception birth control pills.
  3. strong tension- moral or physical strain can lead to sudden mood swings.
  4. During puberty(the action of all the same hormones).
  5. Absence or deficiency a fulfilling sex life.
  6. Permanent quarrels and stress in the family or at work (and maybe simultaneously on two fronts).
  7. Abuse alcohol or drugs.
  8. Minimum active activity.

Why does my mood change during menstruation?

The mood of women and girls changes even before the onset of menstruation, this condition is called PMS. This is due to hormonal imbalance.

If more estrogen is released in the body, then the woman becomes overly aggressive, and if there is more progesterone, then she feels very tired, becomes drowsy, lethargic and depressed.

How do hormones affect mood? It is hormonal imbalance that is often the cause of mood swings.

In men, this comes from a lack of testosterone (the main male hormone), and in women from low levels of estrogen and progesterone.

If there are problems with the thyroid gland, which produces iodine-containing hormones, then mood problems can also occur.

Why bad mood during pregnancy early dates? During pregnancy, cardinal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, and a frequent change in mood is one of them.

The previously mentioned hormones are to blame for everything. Their number just rolls over and plus an exciting state and constant stress from the fact that a woman will soon become a mother.

Tearfulness can often occur, but joy, fun, and increased activity can abruptly replace all this.

Changeable mood in children: frequent and unreasonable mood swings in children are inherent in any age of the child. But most often they occur in times of crisis.

What can be a sign of a sudden change in mood?

Most often, frequent and unreasonable mood swings are a symptom. People who suffer from this disease can experience the entire emotional palette in a short period of time. This harmful to mental health and is not the norm.

The main symptoms are inadequacy and unpredictability of behavior. A person may experience sudden changes in aggression to depression, laughter and joy changes to despondency and tearfulness.

In this case, you need to urgently seek help from a specialist. After all, this can lead to the fact that a person will harm himself or others. After all, it is impossible to constantly stay in this state, it is very depressing and tiring.


Scientists say that frequent mood swings are more characteristic of the female than for men.

Women are more emotional. permanent shift mood can signal the presence of affective disorders.

Frequent and abrupt change one mood to another can mean the presence bipolar affective disorder. BAD is characterized by the fact that a person is always in one of two phases: manic or depressive.

During first phase he feels a surge of strength, he has a feeling that he can move mountains. Often people with mania get fixated on an idea, they are in a good mood and smile all the time.

But here comes the change depressive phase. A person becomes passive, his activity drops to zero, familiar and favorite things no longer please him.

Such people constantly experience drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness. They may even have an unwillingness to live.

This condition cannot be ignored. This is not just a period and it will not pass on its own. It is imperative to seek help from a specialist.

Emotional lability

Mood lability- an anomaly of the nervous system, which is characterized by unstable mood, its sharp causeless changes.

May occur at any age.

A person can react sharply to both positive and negative pathogens. Some experiences are abruptly replaced by others.. The background mood of such people is as unstable as possible.


  • traumatic brain injury;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • brain tumors;
  • affective disorders.


  • mood swings without visible reasons, or for minor reasons;
  • strong impressionability, suspiciousness and vulnerability;
  • a person goes from one extreme to another;
  • he has addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling);
  • euphoria is changed by depression and vice versa.

Strong emotional lability can be eliminated. You need to seek help from a specialist who will establish the causes of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

Psychotropic drugs (, stabilizers) can be prescribed, a visit to a psychotherapist is mandatory.


Mood stabilizers or mood stabilizers are psychotropic drugs that are prescribed to mentally ill people in order to stabilize their mood.

Most often they are taken by people who are sick with bipolar affective disorder, cyclothymia, dysthymia, etc.

They are helping slow down the rapid change of phases of diseases.

They are also taken to soften " sharp corners character": excessive temper, irritability, inability to get used to the team, impulsiveness, and so on.

You should not take these drugs on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor to make sure that the disease is present.

After all, a frequent change of mood or frequent irritability can only be temporary phenomena for which you do not need to take psychotropic drugs.

Medications, which are taken to stabilize mood:

Many people experience mood swings sometimes. But if this happens systematically and quite often, then worth paying attention to.

An unreasonable change of mood can do great harm to a person and his environment. In this case, you need to seek qualified psychological help.

What to do about mood swings? Find out from the video:

Frequent mood swings, characterized by increased fatigue, irritability, frequent change mood, tearfulness, autonomic disorders and sleep disorders. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please read here. You have asthenia.

It occurs as a result of exposure to many different causes: overwork, lack of sleep, hormonal changes in the body, mental trauma, exhaustion due to illness and intoxication.

The development of asthenic phenomena is facilitated by the frequent breakdown of the dynamic stereotype, a disordered lifestyle. Asthenia, as a rule, develops gradually and increases gradually. At first, signs of physical and mental overwork disappear after rest, later fatigue intensifies, despite sufficient breaks in work and the duration of sleep.

The clinical signs of asthenia are varied. In some, the phenomena of irritability and excitability predominate; in others, exhaustion and weakness. Asthenia, which develops due to nervous overstrain, excitement, anxiety and frequent conflicts. It manifests itself in the form of asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia.

The initial manifestations of asthenia are characterized by an increased desire for activity with a desire to "do all the work", despite the accumulating fatigue and irritability.

In the future, with the deepening of the asthenic state, lethargy, passivity, and indifference to the environment develop. In children, asthenia is more often manifested by fussiness, disinhibition, capriciousness, tearfulness.

This state is functional disorder central and vegetative nervous systems. As a result of the weakening of the functional ability of the cerebral cortex, attention is scattered, memory is disturbed, and the sensitivity threshold for external and internal stimuli decreases.

Weak stimuli that normal condition are not perceived, become significant for a tired person, can cause unreasonable temper, anger, cause a loss of mental balance and self-control.

Sensitivity can be so pronounced that even ordinary stimuli (light, sound, smell, touch) become unbearable.

Matte, diffused light makes you squint, causes lacrimation.

A phone call, a knock on a door, a quiet conversation seem excessively loud.

Unpleasant symptoms appear and intensify. pain from the side skin and internal organs. The patient notes sensations of "crawling", burning. Arises excessive sweating, trembling of the eyelids, fingers, a feeling of pressure in the heart, palpitations, suffocation, bloating, belching, etc.

Typical headaches (burning, pressing, stabbing, sharp, dull, bursting), usually appearing after mental load and emotional stress.

Sometimes there is a feeling of girdle compression of the head. Often headaches are combined with dizziness, tinnitus, nausea. Frequent dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, lack of appetite.

Decreases sex drive, potency weakens, gets upset menstrual cycle. All this leads to the emergence of depression, anxiety, fears and fears for the state of one's health.

If you or your loved ones have the above-mentioned symptoms, plus a sleep disorder, which at first is more often manifested by drowsiness. And then it is replaced by insomnia in its most diverse manifestations, such as sleep disturbance, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time and wakes up with difficulty, feeling even more tired than before sleep, or the dream becomes superficial, disturbing, with nightmares, frequent awakenings, absence after sleep, feelings of relaxation, freshness, cheerfulness. All these are signs of asthenia.

What should be done to help such people? Prevention of asthenic conditions is to prevent the occurrence of their causes, increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

You are lazy. You forgot that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Work - home - work. On weekends, lie down, sleep, take a short rest. But that's not what you need. Through systematic training and hardening, proper organization work and rest, elimination of factors contributing to overwork, you will achieve what you want.

The choice of a profession should be based on the psycho-physiological capabilities of a person, taking into account his interests, abilities and inclinations.

The role of the psychological climate in the team is great. Healthy interpersonal relationships prevent the occurrence of neurotic reactions and emotional overstrain. Proper planning production, a clear labor rhythm during the day, month, quarter, year eliminate uneven loads leading to overwork.

If you try to eliminate noise, dust, gas pollution, vibration, high frequency currents, penetrating radiation, temperature fluctuations, chemical substances and other harmful factors.

Staying in rooms of emotional discharge, recovery centers active recovery performance, improve your condition. Learn to love yourself. , recover.

A short rest on weekends in most cases allows you to restore the strength lost during the week. If, irritability does not completely go away and the subsequent weekly workload further aggravates them, you need to see a doctor to find out the causes of asthenia and appropriate treatment.

Asthenia may be the first manifestation serious illnesses, and untimely diagnosis will exacerbate their course. Be carefull. healthy image life and thoughts will help you with this. Fresh air, hardening, physical exercise, swimming will help you cope with any difficulties. Be healthy.