Scheme of energy meridians and active points. What are qigong energy points. What is the Pingala channel and what are its functions

The main energy - nourishing, connecting, accommodating and synthesizing natural manifestations in a person - is the Energy of Love / Ether. Interacting with the astral-mental (penetration energy) and pranic / ethereal energy, as well as the energy of the planet Earth, the energy of the biocenosis (Water) and the energy of Agni (Fire), it is activated and creates a space-time hologram, on which the atoms of the substance of this continuum are strung.

current year 2012- epochal time. For humanity is given an amazing opportunity for self-improvement and the disclosure of its divinely creative capabilities in the shortest possible time.

And it is possible to accomplish this thanks to the knowledge of the microcosm's own nature, which in a special way is attuned to the macrocosm during the period of galactic synchronization and harmonic convergence.

The human microcosm is its multidimensional nature: energy-informational, color-emitting and light-emitting, electromagnetic, holographic, solar, vibrational, wave, crystal, plasma, geometric.

The main energy - nourishing, connecting, accommodating and synthesizing natural manifestations in a person - is the Energy of Love / Ether. Interacting with the astral-mental (penetration energy) and pranic / ethereal energy, as well as the energy of the planet Earth, the energy of the biocenosis (Water) and the energy of Agni (Fire), it is activated and creates a space-time hologram, on which the atoms of the substance of this continuum are strung.

And this, in turn, forms the energy-informational matrix of a person, which controls the functional processes of both physical and subtle properties.

The energy-information matrix is ​​a set of energy holographic-informational shells (thin bodies) around the physical body, called the human aura.

The aura of the Subtle Body includes three physical / three-dimensional and four supraphysical / polymer / thin-material / plasma bodies / shells.



“In the days of Atlantis the progress of the sons of men was secured by the practice of the two Yogas. The first of these was the so-called Laya Yoga - the Yoga of the centers, which produced the stabilization of the etheric body and its centers in a person and caused the development of the astral (author's - emotional) and psychic nature. Subsequently, Bhakti Yoga, which emerged as a result of the development of the emotional body, united with Laya Yoga, and the foundation was laid for mysticism and devotion, which then became the main motives for spiritual realization in the Aryan root race. A. Bailey. "Light of the Soul".

Looking into the dictionary of Sanskrit words and terms, we will try to penetrate the essence of the word "laya" or "laya", which means "disappear and decay", and in physics and chemistry - "zero point or equilibrium point".

"Laya is the annihilation of the individual soul in infinity, the One, true and absolute Power."

Laya, in itself, is an inaccessible and incomprehensible object for finite cognition. But still, let's try to lift the veil of secrecy over this concept, which originates, at least, from the ancient era of the times of Atlantis.

The ancestors of the pharaohs and the ancestors of the Egyptians - the Atlanteans, owned the science of the centers, but due to the well-known, the death of the mainland of the same name, and reasons not very well known to us, they could only partially preserve and preserve this knowledge, and then, in an encrypted symbolic form, stored in the gorges of the mountains of Tibet, other difficult places, as well as the Akashic Records, the Universal Energy-Information Bank, which stores information about all events occurring throughout the existence of the planet and the Cosmos.

We see Laya Yoga as the science of controlling life in the three worlds geometrically, with the control of the activity of the centers and channels of the body that connect a person with the macrocosm.

Truly, one cannot achieve spiritual liberation and enlightenment without knowing oneself, and the science of the centers is an experienced guide. But this task is complicated by the fact that apart from meager esoteric information, disparate descriptions in various schools of the East and practical intellectual-intuitive research, there are almost no other beacons in the vast ocean of true knowledge.

But the search for the “invisible” is so interesting and unpredictable that truly vague outlines become clearer and clearer as you gradually approach them.

Let us turn to several sources that present this valuable knowledge in a very confusing or deliberately veiled form, and try to “reanimate” them somewhat, breathing in “new life”, while revealing their secret content and hidden meaning.

The Yoga of the centers is the Yoga of chakra development, both universal and individual, with astral or mental polarization (the degree of activity of certain chakras).

In the article The Breath of Life, I discussed the chakras in connection with Breaths and other breathing moments.


Chakras or, literally, fire wheels are located in the etheric body of a person.

The etheric body is an exact holographic blueprint of the dense physical body (including internal organs), its more subtle counterpart and conductor of life force, which flows through an extensive network of centers and channels, directly affecting health, activity and life span.

The etheric body, consisting of ethereal matter, is the ethereal double of a person, with a weight of up to 7 grams and a thickness of about 5 cm.

In the etheric body there are 7 main centers and 144 channels that connect a person with other planes, dimensions and levels of consciousness.

The etheric body is associated with the growth and development of a particular person, as well as the functioning of all organs and systems.

The energy supply of the etheric body occurs through the root chakra Muladhara.

Any failure or mutation of the etheric body damages the physical body.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the etheric body, because it literally animates the physical body with the help of pranic energy from the outside and the energy of the Soul from the inside.

Pranic energy is the energy of water, air, earth and wood. The Energy of the Soul is the energy of Agni (Fire). The flow of pranic energy is carried out through breathing - ethereal / chakra and physical (respiratory organs, body).

That is why it is so important to fill yourself with the healing power of mountains, natural reservoirs, forests and fields, as well as use meditation as a means of communication / contact with the Soul / Solar Angel.

Almost any disease initially "nests" in the etheric body. Hence the need arises for timely and accurate diagnostics, the correct impact and interaction with the vital body in order to strengthen it, improve it and enhance the glow for a closer healing contact with one's own Soul and the elements of nature.


The chakras are, as it were, strung on the central energy channel (tube) - Sushumna, which is the main receptacle of pranic energy.

In addition to it, there are four more axial channels: two Nadis - Ida- the left Penetrating channel, Pingala - the right Penetrating channel, as well as the Functional Anterior-Middle and Controlling Posterior-Median channels.

These auxiliary channels are responsible for the entry and removal of energy.

Sushumna is that "silver thread" - Sutratma, which connects a physical person with a spiritual person and through which "the positive energy of the spirit, the negative energy of matter and the positive energy of the soul."

The silver thread of life SUTRATMA connects the etheric body with other bodies/shells, providing interaction at all levels of the subtle plane.

Damage to the Sutratma inevitably leads to the abandonment of the body by the soul. This removal occurs as a result of various karmic factors and can last for years, manifesting itself as severe, incurable or chronic diseases.

Achieving a balance between Sushumna and Sutratma is the present task of humanity.

Sushumna or the central piercing channel is also called the Intermediate Yellow Path. , represents the element "earth" and is associated with the spleen - the center for receiving pranic energy and the link between the human physical and spiritual worlds.

Sushumna forms the nervous system and the human brain.

Anterior Median Canal or Functional Red Pathway , associated with the heart, is the receptacle of the "sea of ​​\u200b\u200byin energy" and represents the element "fire".

Posterior-Median Canal or Controlling Black Path, "an ocean of yang energy", is associated with the kidneys and represents the element "water".

All these five main etheric channels are supplemented by twelve auxiliary ones, also called meridians, connecting the physical body with the etheric body, with the help of centers and separate points, often coming out on the surface.

These channels are connected with specific systems that unite five polar (+yang), five polar organs (-yin) and two additional channels (one auxiliary to the heart - the pericardium, the other - a triple heater that unites them all and controls all five varieties of prana).

In addition to the above vertical channels, there is also a horizontal one - Girdle canal, starting at the navel (the paraphysiological center of the body) and surrounding all the main energy centers of the trunk, head, upper and lower extremities, having connection points with all vertical channels. The energy flowing through the Girdle Channel moves clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which channel of the body is currently controlling or dominant.


Every 2 hours, the energy in the chakras changes its direction (for or counterclockwise), which explains the change in activity in 12 additional channels (meridians). That is, when the polarity changes, the movement of spin resonant particles in the electromagnetic field of the centers (chakras) changes.

"Spin", translated from English, "rotate". There is a relationship between spin resonance and the direction and speed of rotation of the vortex flows in the chakras. Spin resonance reflects the processes of polarity, penetrating all manifestations of the organism's vital activity at the level of elementary particles.

There is a physical and physiological polarity, and they are different. So physical polarity represents the electromagnetic status of a person, and the physiological is manifested as follows:

  • Since each organism is represented by a dual or bipolar metabolism, obeying the law of biorhythms, all electrical potentials are grouped in pairs with opposite signs, and the level of one potential is balanced by another.
  • Between the external and internal environment, represented by the connection - homeostasis, there is also bipolarity, where the external environment is positive in relation to the negative (internal).

Also, any pair of organs is characterized by physical polarity, in which the level of one potential always exceeds the other, changing in connection with the cyclic law.

The movement of substances in the human body is consistent with the physical and physiological laws of electromagnetic conductivity or momentum, the law of conservation of energy and the law of circulation of qi (ki, chi).

But at the same time, all this polarity is nothing but the untransformed dual energy of unity, the DAO, the Absolute, invisible in our linear three-dimensional world due to the conscious will of our imperishable spirit.

Hide to then find again, what could be more exciting? Don't you think so? Then turn your attention to the children. In them, the energy of unity boils and splashes with all the fibers of the soul.

Treat your own life as a game (Shakespeare is mature at the root), and then much will seem to you not only amusing, but also funny and, at times, even comical.

Smile to yourself and say: “I am the most beloved adult child on the planet, and my spiritual parents are Mother Earth and the Sun-Father, my sister is Nature, my brothers are animals and numerous relatives are all living beings inhabiting myriads of galaxies.”

And then, feeling a gentle embrace and belonging with everything and everyone, you will feel at home, wherever you are and whatever state you are in.


yin and yang two halves dao

Yin and Yang - the beginning and the end

Yin and Yang - you are the rulers of life

Like Shiva the Destroyer and Vishnu the Creator.

Thinking about the secrets of the universe, about the Universe, its cause-visible and invisible-elusive relationships and its affirmative life-creation, you comprehend the words of the sage and philosopher Lao Tzu about the First Principles in a different way:

“Let the DAO-Path, in the absence of hidden, generate a single pneuma. From this single pneuma, two rows will then be born: YIN and YANG.

Yin and Yang are two polarities, two poles of the Infinite Void, Absolute Self-Existence, created constantly and eternally from finite, pure and free space. Yin is earth, yang is sky, yin is woman, yang is man, yin is night, yang is day. All things and phenomena are composed of Yang and Yin in various proportions, constantly mutually complementing and mutually replacing each other.

Nothing is completely Yin or completely Yang, everything is relative and impermanent.

There is nothing neutral, there is always an excess of either Yang or Yin.

Therefore, we are in constant dissonance of the body and soul, body and spirit, personality and individuality, "I" and "not-I", thus causing trouble in the form of illness and conflict, suffering and its consequences. And this partly depends on the linearity of perception of our world, their various dualities and apparent fragmentation.

Yin is a centrifugal force that expands and brings peace and quiet, darkness and cold.

Yang is a centripetal force that compresses and brings sound and action, weight, heat and light. Accordingly, yin activates the motor fibers of the nervous system, and yang - sensitive.

“Trees and herbs are equally divided into yin and yang

If one of them is missing, there will be no fragrance.

Green leaves blossomed first, which means that Yang dominates first!

Then red flowers opened, which means that Yin will soon follow ...

Zhang Bo Duan.

The energies of Yin and Yang form two spiral flows (+ -), forming the polarity of the structure of the human energy-information matrix, its tissue or matter. Spiral streams contain (as on a magnetic tape) information that creates a spatio-temporal hologram of a person.


Anterior Median or Functional Canal(du-mo) helps to direct down the yang energy coming from the sky,
connect it with the energy of Yin coming from the earth.

Control channel or Posterior-Middle(jen-mo) helps connect the heavenly energy of the universe with the yin energy rising from the earth.

Functional channel(meridian) nourishes the six yin channels:

4) spleen - pancreas

6) pericardium.

Control channel nourishes all six yang channels with combined energies:

1) large intestine

2) small intestine

3) gallbladder

4) bladder

5) stomach

6) triple heater.

Going to the surface of the body, the channels associated with the internal organs connect the upper and lower limbs and sensory organs.

The energy channels of the internal organs unite the etheric body with the physical body, through the circulation of the vital energy of the two spiral flows of yin and yang.

In the medicine of the future there will soon be no crude pharmacology and surgery, for their place will be taken by mental-astral surgery and vibrational, light and color treatment / restoration of the etheric body as the main reservoir of health and vitality / strength.

Thus, in the classification of the main energy channels of a person, we can distinguish:

 five central channels;

 twelve main (system-organ) channels;

 eight "wonderful" (not having permanent localization and being "abducting" collaterals and anastomoses, formed due to internal passages).

 twelve tendon-muscle channels (directly connected with the nervous system and important from a practical point of view in acupressure);

 twelve transverse Lo, horizontal channels corresponding to the twelve chakras of the Egyptian system of centers.

In total we have forty-nine most important channels of our body.

“The miraculous channels “remove excess energy potential from the body and reduce the severity of the harmful load on the skin areas related to the area of ​​action of the damaged main meridians.”-G. Luvsan.

In addition, around the main chakras, in four different directions, there are smaller ones connecting them with the main channels (longitudinal), and the transverse ones draw a reflex-segmental zone, for which these centers are responsible.

If twenty-eight additional centers are added to twenty-one smaller centers (which include, for example, the spleen, occipital centers, centers of the shoulders, hands and feet), then we get the number 49.

And in symbolism, the number "49" is sacred, as it is associated with 49 gates of wisdom, personifying the various planes of Being: "the gates of life", "the gates of comprehension" or degrees of occult knowledge.

These 49 gates correspond to the seven gates in the seven caves of initiation in the Mysteries of Mithra, (pre-Christian cults, some of which were subsequently borrowed by the Christian religion, for example, the birth of the Son of God by the Virgin Mary in a cave and others). Why is there no analogy with the 49 channels of the body responsible for all life processes?

Among the additional centers related to the physical (dense) body, one can distinguish: the center of "life and death", the heart, respiratory centers, the centers of "fear", "anger" and "sadness", the pranic center and many others that perform their characteristic function and task. IN TPMK - my author's technique, a complex effect on these centers allows you to solve specific problems with the physical and mental health of a person.


The 12-chakra Egyptian system includes etheric energy centers, which anatomically corresponds to certain parts of the body (numbering the centers from bottom to top).

I chakra - survival- at the base of the spine, (between the anus and scrotum in men and the anus and perineum in women). Corresponds to the Kundalini center or "death lock".

II chakra - sexual- The source, corresponds to the sacred center of Muladhara (Hindu system), is located in the region. suprapubic bone, just behind it.

III chakra - sacral- Zarod, the paraphysiological center of the body, corresponds to the navel center Hara.

IV chakra - solar plexus, Belly, corresponds to the Manipura chakra.

V chakra - Christ1st cardiac chakra (Repitvina), located just above the xiphoid process of the sternum. In Agni Yoga, the fifth chakra corresponds to the base of the Chalice, the center of straight-knowledge.

VI chakra - 2nd heart- Percy, in the middle of the sternum, corresponds to the Anahata chakra, the center of the Chalice.

7th chakra - throat, The mouth, corresponds to the center of Vishuddha and is located in the region of the Adam's apple in men and the thyroid gland in women.

VIII chakra - chin - one of the most powerful in physical and energetic terms.

IX chakra - tip of the nose corresponding to the reflex zone of the heart.

X chakra - third eye- space between the eyebrows (Trikut, Ajna, Chelo).

11th chakra - upper forehead(beginning of the scalp).

XII chakra - crown, Sahasrara, Brahmaranda in Indian yoga, or the center of the bell in the crown of the head in Agni Yoga, Spring in the Old Slavonic tradition.

I note that the location of the five centers in this system coincides with the five centers in the seven-chakra system.

And here's what it looks like modernized 12-chakra system taking into account modern and ancient knowledge and their correspondences (despite the fact that 14 centers are indicated here - 12 of them are the main ones):


It would not be superfluous to draw an analogy with the five centers of fire, visible to clairvoyants, the five centers around the human body and the five central, piercing channels, which, like a flower with petals, form a bud, starting from Muladhara and upward to Sahasrara, ready to open in a bewitching flowering with conscious interaction, on the physical level, initiating the control of the emotional and mental bodies in the victorious triumph of spirit in matter.

All human energy flows go from bottom to top and from back to front - starting from the coccyx behind and ending at the penis (men) and from the coccyx - to the clitoris (women). That is, the movement is carried out from the Control channel to the Functional channel (except for the scrotum).

The Egyptian system considers two main symbols - the pentagram or pentad, the star of man, which was the mysterious symbol of the sons of Wisdom.

The number 12 is also regarded as secret and sacred, representing the dodecad and the geometric figure, the dodecahedron. According to Plato, "The Universe was built by the Firstborn on the basis of the geometric figure of the Dodecahedron".

The quaternary dodecahedron gives the geometric key to the emergence and development of the Cosmos and its microcosmic reflection - our planet.

"The dodecahedron is close to the outer edge of the human energy field and is the highest form of consciousness." Melchizedek Drunvalo.

The stellated Dodecahedron with its shape represents the crystalline grid of the Christ Consciousness.


In connection with the current evolution of man and the period of a quantum leap / transition, the 12-chakra system seems to be of interest, in which bodily and out-of-body energy centers closely interact, connecting a person with the macrocosm.

local chakra- provides a person's connection with the region of his residence, with the community to which the person belongs (city, state, religious or social group, like-minded people, communicative interests and connections). Defines a sense of belonging to society and nostalgia for its individual connections. Located a few meters above the person.

planetary chakra- connects a person with the planet Earth, its crystal lattice (aura of the planet), as well as humanity as a whole. Mental influence on planetary processes is carried out through this center, including the heart bowl of straight-knowledge. Its location is at the level of near-Earth orbits.

solar chakra- an energy portal / continuum connecting a person with the solar system: the sun, planets and other large astronomical bodies. This chakra is located in the region of the sun.. Knowledge of such a connection is reflected in Western astrology by the influences of the planets, and by the annual classification of Eastern astrology.

galactic chakra- connects a person with the processes taking place in his galaxy. It is located at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Zodiacal astrology is partly based on the specifics of galactic relationships. This chakra is also a channel of interaction with the Galactic Confederation.

universal chakra- provides a connection of a person with the entire Universe, confirming the Unity of all Existing. This chakra connects a person with the Creator. Located at the center of the universe, in the core of the Universe, connecting with the Central Spiritual Sun, located in a part of the Galaxy invisible to physical sight in a higher dimension / density.

By regularly connecting with macrocosmic centers in meditation, we not only contribute to our own immediate ascension into the light of expanded possibilities, but also facilitate this process for our planet Gaia.

We also, by divine right and origin, can thus connect with our large family of light, not limited to one planet or star system.

Knowledge about the energy centers and channels of the body may seem insignificant and devoid of practical meaning to an unprepared reader.

However, as many years of experience show, information is not meaningless if behind it is an irrepressible desire to find the best possible development of one's own.

This knowledge is only a fragment of a huge microcosmic mosaic called man. But even it can properly awaken the intuition for new discoveries in the labyrinths of the soul and personality.

May your further journey into the world of HUMAN KNOWLEDGE be memorable, interesting and practically useful.

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Similarly, the flow of earth energy enters the first chakra, passes through the central, right and left energy channels and exits through the seventh chakra.

The right energy channel is called solar, it personifies the masculine principle. The left energy channel is called the lunar one; it personifies the feminine principle.

The harmful influence of society on the development of the individual lies in the fact that as a result of purposeful influence, the left and right channels are clogged with unnecessary information. Due to the deformation in these channels, the passage in the central channel is correspondingly blocked. With such a deformation of the channels, the work of the chakras is disrupted and the passage of energy becomes more difficult.

Through the lunar channel enters the energy of desire. As long as this channel works, a person retains the desire to live, create, love, etc. The left channel is characterized by yin qualities (gentleness, sympathy, understanding, intuition, etc.) and it determines the human psyche.

If there is a lack of female energy, then a person shows longing for the past, falls into depression. All conscious activity is concentrated in the lunar channel in the right hemisphere. This place stores the memory of the past, which predetermines the possibility of manifestation of various properties and qualities of the personality in this incarnation, and also determines the choice of behavior in various situations created by karmic laws. It is through this channel that the connection to the common EIP of the Universe takes place.

The right sided energy system corresponds on the physical plane to the sympathetic nervous system. This side creates, plans the future using the physical body and intellect. The right channel has yang qualities (inclination to analysis, rivalry, aggressiveness, etc.). The right channel is based on the future, and the left channel is based on the past. In the left hemisphere, the right channel forms the Ego area. This is logic, awareness of oneself as I. In the right hemisphere, the left channel forms the Superego area. This is intuition, sensuality.

The central channel corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system and is the channel of the spiritual evolution of humanity. Spiritual growth involves ascent through the central channel through all energy centers. As a result, a person joins the common EIP of the Universe. Each achievement of an individual person is recorded in the general EIP and becomes the achievement of all mankind.

The cosmic energy-informational flow, passing through the spinal cord, twists into a spiral in a triangular extension of the coccyx. According to Eastern traditions, the energy accumulated in this way is called Kundalini. This energy is informative in nature and is able to "rise up" as a person grows spiritually. This energy not only grows and changes in the process of a person's spiritual growth, but also records all stages of his life. In the normal state, the awakening of the Kundalini is random. With the correct execution of the implementation program by a person, this process becomes manageable. If a person feels unity with his soul, with the whole Universe, then this means that he has found his place in this world. The goal of awakening the Kundalini is to restore health and rise to a new level. However, it must be remembered that the use of an outside force to raise the Kundalini is dangerous and can turn a person into a "zombie". This procedure can be carried out only in the presence of the Teacher. Raising energy helps to cleanse energy channels and restore the work of energy centers.

The human body is directly connected with the movement of the energy of the surrounding nature, which is described by the EIP system. The development and growth of the organism is carried out through twelve organs: the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys, pericardium, gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, three heaters and the bladder. These organs correspond to 12 energy meridians.

If all energy channels are open, breathing is free, then the whole organism is open and all channels of its communication with the outside world are clean. Energy (prana) ceaselessly completes its cycle of movement in the body, and internal organs, and flesh, and bones - everything becomes healthy. If in any place there is a dispersion or retention of energy, then the vital force is extinguished.

Everything in the Universe has certain laws of motion common to all things, which, as mentioned earlier, can be described as extinction, growth, filling, devastation, movement and rest.

In the human body, the action of the nourishing and protective functions of the EIP begins at the hour of Yin, from the super-yin light meridian on the hand. During the day and night, the energy of Yin makes 25 cycles of movement; Yang energy is also 25 cycles. Thus, by the Yin hour of the next day, in general, 50 cycles of energy and blood movement in the human body are completed, and by this time it again returns to the super-yin light meridian on the hand.

With the usual imperfect interaction of a person with the outside world, there is a "loss of energy", which leads to illness, decrepitude and aging. The goal of spiritual growth is to train the technique of contacting the body with the world, and the highest goal is to achieve the ideal state of the body, in which no energy loss occurs during any contact with the world.

Matter is constantly moving, and the world is constantly evolving. The whole multitude of things in the Universe is constantly being born, developing and transforming every moment. Each period of development has its own patterns, its own rhythm. At the level of the change of the four seasons of the year, these are birth, development, harvest and preservation. However, this is only a contextual implementation associated with certain material processes for ease of perception and practical use. Everything that can be called a process in this world passes through certain stages, which are the same for millions of years and for microseconds; only the contextual implementations of the names differ. Everything in this world is constantly born and constantly dies, everything has its own laws; there are no abstractions, no imagination, there are only different levels of description of reality.

According to the content of the oldest and more modern sources, a person carries seven centers of consciousness (chakras). They manifest themselves as energy sources (centers) of a person and, under certain conditions, are capable of not only providing the necessary energy for the person himself, but for his environment, turning their owner into a kind of Sun in the spiritual sense of the word. Chakras have two main functions. The first function is the implementation of EIM with the surrounding world according to the frequencies of the Universe. The second function is the reception and accumulation of the received information. Through the system of energy channels there is a connection between the chakras. Each of the chakras, with the exception of the first and seventh, has front and back projections.

The lowest energy node (Muladhara, as the followers of Buddhism call it) is located in the perineum, just below the body. When opened, it looks like a star with many rays. (According to Buddhist sources: this is the lunar chakra, has a red color, the musical note is do, the element is earth, the resonant sound is Lam, the planet Saturn. Its projection for meditation is between the genitals and the anus, two or three fingers deep into the body) .

The opening of this node enables a person to establish a connection with the physical and subtle world, with the lowest, spiritually and mentally, its regions; by what in our physical world it is customary to call dirt and evil, in Theosophy - chaos and disorder. The opening of this center with the rest closed will give a person the features of a stupid, stubborn, evil being. Everything that causes pain and suffering to those around him will be present. The meaning of opening the first center is as follows. The person himself can open the energy of the center. In other words, we can say that the center opens to those who deserve it: in one case, to suppress the danger from the spirituality developing in a person, on the other, when the person himself turns into a battlefield for good and evil. Teachings like Buddhism say that when it is opened, the presence of a teacher is necessary, who can subdue the dark manifestations of passions that have escaped control.

The second energy center is located approximately in the middle between the perineum and the umbilical cord (Chakra - Svadhisthana. Note - re. Color - orange. Element - water. Planet - Jupiter. Resonant sound - to you). He has two projections for meditation. One is four to five fingers below the navel, the other is deep under the penis (clitoris, respectively).

It represents the lowest vital manifestations: greed, anger, ambition, envy. Here, certain patterns are already beginning to be traced. So, for example, these properties can be logically justified and even give, on closer examination, some reminders of humanity.

The main purpose of the second energy center is to strive with all its might to prolong the existence of a person as a physically manifested being.

The third energy center is located approximately between the lungs and the stomach (Chakra - Manipura. Note - mi. Color - yellow. Element - fire. Planet - Mars. Resonant sound - Ram). Projections for meditation - the first - two or three fingers below the navel, and the second - four fingers above the navel.

Responsible for life manifestations of the middle level. In general terms, they can be designated as power, ambition, resistance, steadfastness. As a rule, it is the power of this center that pushes a person both to exploits and to senseless confrontations in evil and good directions, depending on one of the types of their application.

The fourth energy center is located in the area of ​​the physical solar plexus and is one of the most important life support centers (Chakra - Anahata. Note - fa. Color - green. Element - air. Planet - Venus. Resonant sound - Yam (Pam)). Projection for meditation - in front in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. Energy strikes belonging to the category of "curses" fall exactly here, if they are not aimed at the specific repayment of any other functions. The heart and other vital organs are controlled directly from here. This center gives human life a kind of sensuality and moral and ethical coloring.

The fifth energy center governs the mental faculties in relation to their mental or sensual expression. It is located in the region of the exit of the larynx from the chest. (Throat chakra - Vishuddha. Note - salt. Color - blue. Element - ether. Planet - Mercury. Resonant sound - Hamm). The projection for meditation almost coincides with the thyroid gland. The normal functioning of the fifth chakra is manifested in sociability, high creativity, inspiration. When unbalanced, a tendency to obsessive ideas, stereotyped behavior is manifested.

The last two energy centers are informational - these are the chakras of the subtle body.

The sixth energy center is responsible for the mind and the change or dynamics of mental activity and will - the "third eye". Its location in height in various teachings varies from eye level to forehead level. (Chakra - Ajna. Note - la. Color - blue. Planet - Moon. Sound - OM). The projection for meditation is at a point between the eyes about two fingers above the eyebrows and two fingers deep, so that the eyes and ajna form an isosceles right triangle. At the level of this chakra, all three main energy channels merge. This is the center of wisdom. Determines the parapsychological abilities of a person, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, Serves to create visual images and to read thought forms. Imbalance in work can lead to ossification of thinking, schizophrenia, increased conceit. Can accumulate negative energies.

The seventh energy center is more complex and more mysterious than all the previous ones in terms of completeness of manifestation. It is located on the top of the head where the "font" is. Works on subtle energies. Through the opening of the seventh center, a person, in his physical incarnation, has the opportunity to communicate with the higher worlds, thereby acquiring knowledge of the supermind. ("Thousand-petalled Lotus", chakra - Sahasrara. Note - si, Color - violet. It has no sound analogue. Sometimes the mantra OM is associated with it. The element is ether, controlled by divine consciousness). The projection for meditation is two or three fingers above the head, above the crown). During normal operation, there is a connection with the higher Mind, the accumulation of universal energy. In case of violation of work, depression, egocentrism, mania, permissiveness are manifested. This chakra of knowledge, pure intuition, helps to receive knowledge from the EIP of the Universe.

There are many secondary energy centers and channels, which are located, as a rule, in the places of vital organs. Those who wish can get acquainted with them according to the available literature.

The normal functioning of the energy centers is easily restored. To do this, you can use music in a minor key, the appropriate color, smell and mantras. There is a specially selected chakra music for the development of all chakras, and for each individual chakra.

According to the Eastern teachings of Ching-Lo, in the human body, the energy of CHI, the energy of life, vitality, spirit, mood, does not spread randomly, but circulates through 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians, or channels that have no anatomical analogue.

Modern biophysics has experimentally proved that the system of meridians really exists.

It represents a kind of connection between the etheric and physical bodies. The vital energy sequentially passes through all the organs of the body, making a complete circuit during the day.

Each channel has periods of maximum and minimum activity.

The time of maximum activity is called the hours of organs, lasts 2 hours and is the best period for the effect of treatment on organs and systems.

Knowing the time of day when the maximum flow of energy passes through a certain organ, you can choose the best moment for treating this organ.

Treatment is most effective at a strictly defined time of day,

Of all the listed meridians, the explanation requires triple heater.

This conditional body is divided into 3 parts:

upper heater - upper torso- generalizes the functions of the heart and lungs according to the distribution of QI and blood to nourish various organs and tissues;

middle - middle part of the body- summarizes the functions of the spleen and stomach - digestion and absorption of nutrients;

lower heater - lower torso- summarizes the functions of the kidneys and bladder, controls water metabolism and the flow of vital energy QI.

Triple heater. The maximum activity time of the third heater can be used as a backup if the time of a certain organ has been missed.

If you treat yourself by the hour, you can heal quickly!

From 07 to 09 hours: the best time to take medicines that help to function properly intestines and stomach.

09:00 to 11:00: active spleen and pancreas, and you can support their work with drugs.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Anyone who suffers from poor blood circulation, problems with heart it is recommended to move less and stay in the shade more, especially when the days are hot.

From 13:00 to 15:00: if you have work problems small intestine

From 15:00 to 17:00: The digestion process is in full swing. The most favorable period for taking appropriate medications that will help to get the job done stomach and bladder.

From 17 to 19 hours: the therapy of diseases will be very effective kidney and back.

From 19:00 to 21:00: treatment will be very effective impotence, premature ejaculation and frigidity.

21:00 to 23:00: The pre-sleep period is exceptionally good for fighting skin diseases and hair loss.

23:00 to 01:00 midnight. According to the beliefs of the ancient Manchus, the most mystical part of the day. At midnight, gallstones and sand are excreted. At this time they are fighting cholelithiasis.

From 01 to 03 am: as a rule, sharp pains are associated with the end of the digestive cycle in people with weakened liver. An ideal time to take medications designed to support this important organ.

03:00 to 05:00: Deep sleep causes additional breathing difficulties in people with weak lungs and bronchi. The most suitable time for taking medicines for lung patients and asthmatics.

From 05:00 to 07:00: you can take a break. If you treat yourself by the hour, you can heal quickly! Human energy key, channels + and meridians meridian activity time lung meridian, large intestine meridian, adrenal glands, small intestine meridian, blood circulation meridian, three heaters meridian, gallbladder meridian, central meridian, stomach meridian, spleen meridian, pancreas meridian, heart meridian , kidney meridian, liver meridian

05 07 2016

energy points

energy point acupuncture on the palm, called Thieu fu"small assembly hall", it belongs to the energy meridian of the heart (C8). energy point located between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones in the place indicated by the tip of the little finger on the hand clenched into a fist.

sensation of heat in the palms, skin itching, urinary incontinence, women- all types of breast diseases, uterine prolapse, vaginal discharge. And also with spasms of the hands, when the fingers do not obey you well, yawning, a constant desire to take a deep breath, curved fingers to the palm with contracture, lack of energy.

Impact on the psyche:
energy point used in cases of sadness, in cases of emptiness of CHI (energy) coming from the heart, in various types of fear, especially when the patient is afraid of other people. energy point very useful when there are mental disturbances and also helps in eliminating the desire to smoke. Acupressure of this energy point for a minimum period of 30, with small clockwise rotations, exerting medium pressure. Perform three times a day.

energy points

Other energy point called on the hand

Liet Khuet"aligned cavities", belongs to the energy meridian of the lungs (P7).

The use of an energy point is applicable in the following cases:

when breath control is lost, and the regulation of airflow and CHI energy in the body is disrupted due to cold. Dot regulates the work of pores (controls the protective properties of the skin). Dot also has a close relationship with the meridian of the large intestine, and can be used effectively for constipation or other disorders associated with the intestines.

energy point It is connected with the upper part of the large intestine and thus, by acting on it, it is possible to cause a freer work of the diaphragm, which is closely related to the respiratory process in the body. In turn, the diaphragm acts on the large and small intestines, and so on. helps digestion.

Dot effective when the voice is weakened, breathing becomes shallow, shallow and fast, with nasal congestion, sinus diseases, coughing, allergies.

Impact on the psyche:
energy point will help get rid of sadness and sadness caused by oppression of the lungs. Acupressure of this point for a minimum period of 30, with a slight clockwise rotation, exerting medium pressure on the point. perform 5-6 times a day.

Life energy (QI) flows through 12 main channels, 15 collaterals, 8 miraculous and several hundred small channels.

Each of main energy channels associated with the organ system (5 dense and 5 hollow, plus Pericardium And triple heater). The channels are interconnected, forming the so-called Great sky circle, and a "wave" of Qi energy passes through them during the day.

miraculous the channels regulate the amount of energy in the main channels, absorbing excess energy when the corresponding channels are full and releasing it when it is empty in them.
Two miraculous channel: anteromedial (steward all yin-channels) and posterior median (steward all yang-channels) function constantly, the remaining six - if necessary.
The anteromedian and posterior median canals merge into each other, forming Small celestial circle. The free movement of energy around this circle ( small circulation) provides harmonious interaction Yin and Yang- condition of health and long life.
Many Eastern schools of self-improvement practice development techniques.

All main channels are paired, according to the area of ​​passage they are divided into channels of the arms and channels of the legs. Through the channels of the hands, the energy flows to the body and down, through the channels of the legs - up.
Yin channels are located mainly on the inside of the limbs and the front of the torso. Yang channels on the outer side of the limbs and back.

Channel activity Great celestial circle alternately changes in the yin and yang channels, in the channels of the arms and legs, obeying the law of rhythm Yin Yang(arms and torso to the diaphragm - Yang, everything below - Yin).
It is believed that in each of the channels the maximum energy is within two hours.
However, there is a tradition in which the maximum activity of the energy channel depends on the season.
4 channels are taken as reference points:

  1. hearts, the middle of activity is noon,
  2. gallbladder, the middle of activity is midnight,
  3. kidneys - sunset
  4. and large intestine - sunrise.

The duration of day and night during the year and at different distances from the equator is different, which means that the period of activity of the "day" and "night" channels also changes.

What point of view to take? I share the first.
A modern "civilized" person lives in artificial conditions, gets up and goes to bed regardless of the sun and season. The daily regimen depends on the lifestyle, so the “two-hour” scheme is more appropriate here.

Channel activity time table.

Channel Period of daily activityYin YangRegion
Maximum Minimum
Lungs3.00 - 5.00 15.00 - 17.00 yinHand
large intestine5.00 - 7.00 17.00 - 19.00 JanHand
stomach7.00 - 9.00 19.00 - 21.00 JanLeg
spleens9.00 - 11.00 21.00 - 23.00 yinLeg
hearts11.00 - 13.00 23.00 - 1.00 yinHand
small intestine13.00 - 15.00 1.00 - 3.00 JanHand
Bladder15.00 - 17.00 3.00 - 5.00 JanLeg
Kidney17.00 - 19.00 5.00 - 7.00 yinLeg
pericardium19.00 - 21.00 7.00 - 9.00 yinHand
triple heater21.00 - 23.00 9.00 - 11.00 JanHand
Gallbladder23.00 - 1.00 11.00 - 13.00 JanLeg
Liver1.00 - 3.00 13.00 - 15.00 yinLeg

It has been proven that taking any medication, natural or pharmaceutical, is most effective during the period of maximum activity of the affected organ. In addition, at the appropriate time, the impact on the organs associated with the affected system is carried out according to the scheme "Usin".
Time triple heater effective for the treatment of any organ, tk. he governs all.
In the period opposite to the maximum activity, the organ “rests”.

If you look at the time of activity of the channels of the stomach, spleen and small intestine, the Russian proverb becomes clear: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy."
It is better to deal with the release of the intestines in the morning, before breakfast, immediately after getting up.
Physical activity is more effective during the period of activity of the kidney channel (energy storage) from 15 to 19 hours and the pericardium (protector of the heart) - from 19 to 21.

The practical significance of energy channels also lies in the fact that through them it is possible to restore the balance of energy in the body, removing the excess in one organ system and filling the deficiency in another, to balance Cold and Heat, Dryness and Dampness etc.
For this, the so-called biologically active points (BAP) are used, which are located in the channels and are the “gates” for the exchange of information with the external environment.

These points are divided into groups:

  • diagnostic - exposure to them causes pain in case of pathology in the canal,
  • dots-criers - they "shout" themselves if there is a problem in the system,
  • therapeutic - the most effective for eliminating problems.

In each channel there are five points corresponding to the five primary elements (point Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). These points resonate with each of the 5 functional systems and connect the channels into a network that connects the internal rhythms of Qi with the rhythms of the Universe.

The impact on BAP is called acupuncture.

Acupuncture Methods:

  • acupuncture,
  • finger acupuncture (acupressure),
  • cauterization with moxa (wormwood cigarette or cone),
  • cupping massage, creates a vacuum over the point,
  • electropuncture - impact on acupuncture points with an electric current of the microampere range.

In the hands of a true master, the possibilities of acupuncture are wider than in all Western medicine.

Acupressure can be carried out independently, having studied the theory of this issue well.
Massage along the channels is also effective. I recommend starting morning exercises with rubbing the whole body with your hands - this activates all channels and improves overall well-being.
Rubbing can be supplemented.