What to do when the baby has constipation. Stressful conditions of the baby. Treatment of constipation in infants

Constipation in infants - stool retention for 1.5 - 2 days. For each age of the baby, a certain norm is characteristic. So, a child up to three months has a chair 2-4 times a day, and a one-year-old - up to two times.

Often in the first six months of life, constipation occurs in infants, since the intestines have not yet grown stronger and have adapted to new conditions. The baby starts crying and does not sleep well. However, any ailment can be the cause of this behavior. How to recognize that constipation is the cause of anxiety? pay attention on the number and type of stool.

Baby stool: norm and deviations

In the first 2-3 days, the chair will be only one or two times. Don't be scared, it's normal condition in this period. With an increase in breast milk supply, the stool will increase.

The first days the stool of the newborn is dark and thick, it accumulates in the body even before birth. After receiving milk, the stool gradually becomes soft and light. It is usually yellow, yellow-brown, green-yellow or green in color.

The first six weeks, the stool returns to normal and passes 2-5 times a day. If it occurs less than two times, then it is normal if the child is peeing enough and gaining weight.

After six weeks, stool frequency tends to decrease. However, the norm also remains up to five times a day. Sometimes the body is cleansed after each feeding. Don't worry if it only happens once. In this case, the volume of the stool should be significant.

If the amount of stool is slightly below normal, you should not worry. As long as the child is gaining weight well and behaves calmly, then everything is fine. Do not rush to give the baby "help" in the form of laxatives and special juices. It will only hurt.

The presence of a chair less than once a day, restlessness and sleep disturbance, bloating, and sometimes vomiting are signs of constipation. At the same time, the baby does not eat well, and sometimes refuses to eat at all. Fecal masses should be of a dense consistency.

Before treating constipation in a newborn with breastfeeding, try to determine the causes of this disease and, if possible, eliminate it.


  1. Anatomical defects of the colon. Occurs rarely, causes organic constipation in an infant, which manifests itself in the first weeks of life. IN this case it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  2. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother. Regular consumption of meat products, nuts, bread, bananas, rice, coffee and black tea, cocoa and milk will lead to constipation;
  3. Lack of fluid. This problem often occurs when artificial feeding;
  4. Early introduction of complementary foods. The intestines of a newborn are easily digested breast milk, but does not do well with other foods. If complementary foods are introduced out of time, then constipation in an infant will be natural. On the advice of experts, it is better to start complementary foods six months after childbirth;
  5. Abrupt transition from breast milk to formula or from one formula to another. How younger kid the more often constipation occurs;
  6. Antibiotics and others medications, which the mother uses, often cause indigestion in the baby;
  7. Lack of milk provokes hungry constipation in a newborn during breastfeeding;
  8. psychological reasons. For example, a forced separation from the mother negatively affects the well-being of the baby and sometimes leads to constipation.

Mom's diet for constipation in a baby

Some causes of constipation infants can be eliminated independently, after which the chair is normalized. For example, stop complementary foods and return to breastfeeding or change your diet.

Foods that cause constipation:

  • fatty cheeses;
  • cow's milk;
  • fat meat;
  • White bread;
  • nuts;
  • strong black tea and coffee;
  • flour products;

Be careful when taking medication. Constipation in newborns during breastfeeding causes No-shpa, as well as remedies for heartburn and gastritis. Single use drugs will not cause a negative reaction of the baby, but systematic can cause both indigestion and allergies.

Products not only contribute to the appearance of constipation in infants, but also relieves the disease. To do this, use bran and beets, plums, and. Dried fruits at breastfeeding is an excellent solution to cure constipation. In addition, this is an excellent delicacy at a time when many sweets are banned.

But with beets you should be more careful. Since often, it causes allergies in the baby. Beets are an excellent substitute, which also have a positive effect on the digestion of the baby.

With constipation in infants, natural carrot and pumpkin juices will help. If the baby does not have allergies, then a good remedy will become tomato or beetroot drink. Juices can be introduced into the diet a month after giving birth, provided that they are natural and prepared at home.

Such products will help eliminate constipation during breastfeeding, not only in the baby, but also in the mother.

What to do with constipation in a baby

There are a number of methods that will help the baby. One we have already noted is a change in diet or a change in formula. However, if this does not help, then some treatment can be applied. Apply these methods in the suggested order, but not vice versa.

  • Massage is the best way to stimulate motor skills and improve gas formation.

Make stroking circular movements clockwise around the navel 5-10 times. Alternately bend and unbend the legs so that the front surface of the thigh is pressed against the tummy. Do 5 times. Pull the bent legs to the tummy and straighten. Repeat the exercise also 5 times.

Lay the baby on his stomach before each feeding for 2-15 minutes. Start with minimum quantity time and as you grow older, gradually add minutes.

  • Diet and formula selection

Eliminate foods that have fixing properties and include foods that will improve your baby's digestion. We have listed these products previously. If the baby is bottle-fed, then it is likely that the mixture should be changed. Many mothers choose fermented milk mixtures from Nutrilon, Nan or Nutrilak.

Remember that the mixture requires additional soldering. With artificial feeding, the baby often does not have enough water, which causes stool retention. Add 2 teaspoons to the mixture drinking water(10 ml) per day. Every month of the baby's life, increase the dose by another two spoons.

  • Drug treatment

If diet and massage do not solve the problem, treatment with medication will help. Dufalac, Espumizan or Plantex can help you.

Before taking, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that self-medication can only complicate the situation. Many drugs harm the body of a newborn, disrupt development, and cause allergies.

If the doctor has prescribed pills, be sure to follow the recommendations and do not exceed the dose!

  • Mechanical methods of stimulating defecation can also be done only after consulting a doctor.

One of effective ways considered glycerin suppositories. They irritate the rectal mucosa and increase motility.

The last resort is an enema. Frequent use such a remedy leads to the appearance of intestinal dysbacteriosis, lack of vitamins and minerals. To treat newborn constipation while breastfeeding, use the smallest size 1 douche with a soft tip.

For the solution, boiled water with a temperature of 30 degrees above zero or a mixture of water with drops of oil is used.


Constipation in an infant is easy to prevent. It is only necessary to properly supply the baby's body with liquid. Doctors have determined the rate of drinking water that a child should consume per 1 kilogram of weight.

Good prevention will be daily use olive oil in a small amount as part of various dishes. Add to the diet of a nursing mother olive oil possible one month after birth.

Remember that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Choose prevention over cure.

In adults, constipation is characterized by the absence of stools for more than a day, continuous urge, a feeling of empty bowels, effort during defecation, and the release of solid feces. But can these measurements be applied to the baby? How to recognize constipation in a newborn and not confuse it with another bowel disorder? How to help the baby, what medicine to give and when to see a doctor? Is it possible to independently deal with the disorder with folk remedies?

How to know if your baby is constipated

Constipation can appear in babies immediately after birth - this is not considered normal. It is necessary to detect and properly treat the disorder in a timely manner. To notice violations in the work of the baby's digestion, you need to know how constipation manifests itself in newborns.

If baby:

  • does not poop for more than a day;
  • constantly cries, is capricious, draws legs;
  • experiencing, suffering from colic;
  • cries, tenses, blushes, strains when trying to defecate;
  • he has bloating increased gas formation, no appetite

he is most likely constipated.

Sometimes it occurs as a manifestation of a more serious illness with fever, vomiting, changes in skin tone, rash, hiccups, chills, mucus, and blood in the stool. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance.

Reasons for constipation in the baby

Doctors distinguish several types of constipation in infants. Exists:

Organic constipation. Often requiring surgical intervention. Its reason is congenital pathologies colon, diverticulitis, megacolon, reflex disorders.

Functional. Causes, causing violation bowel movements may be different:

  • transfer to artificial feeding or other mixture;
  • malnutrition;
  • mixture inappropriate in composition and age;
  • small amount of liquid consumed;
  • taking medications, both for the baby and for the mother;
  • excessive consumption of astringent products by a nursing mother;
  • lack of minerals, allergies,;
  • hyperthyroidism, diabetes, rickets, diseases nervous system and thyroid dysfunction.

Stool retention in a newborn can occur against the background of an unfavorable psychological and emotional situation in the family, stress, quarrels. The sensitive organism of the baby can react to them in its own way. premature babies often suffer from stool retention due to immature intestinal nerve endings. The walls do not contract properly and do not move food to the anus. This is a temporary phenomenon and by 2 months it passes without medical treatment.

Difficult stool in a newborn

When a baby has a difficult stool, everyone in the house is worried. Baby crying loudly pain, and parents are lost and do not know how to help him and alleviate suffering. Diet is often the cause of constipation.

Important! The stool of a breastfed baby is strikingly different in color, smell, density and frequency from the stool of a baby on artificial or mixed diet.

Read the article: at different types nutrition.


If the newborn baby is calm in the absence of stool, then there is no constipation.

Difficulties with digestion may arise after discharge from the hospital, while the baby gets used to breast milk, with which antibodies and microorganisms that adapt to the intestines enter the body. A large role in the digestion of a breastfed child and his regular bowel movements is played by the mother's diet. If mommy eats junk food, drinks a lot of coffee, smokes, then the baby is unlikely to be able to avoid dysbacteriosis, colic and stool retention. During lactation, it is necessary to limit the use of black and white bread, spices, rice, fatty meat, whole cow's milk, muffins, strong tea, lemonade, chocolate.

When a mother is sick and takes diuretics, absorbent drugs for heartburn and gastritis, painkillers, the newborn may also have constipation. The situation is saved by children's teas with fennel and chamomile, which during this period it is advisable to drink in large quantities. Taking antibiotics while breastfeeding is prohibited. They cause constipation and dysbacteriosis in infants. The frequency of stools in breastfed babies varies from 5 times a day to once every few days. If the baby feels good, there are no signs of constipation and anxiety, and he does not defecate for the third day in a row, mom should not worry. Doctors consider this the norm.

With artificial feeding

Feel the baby's tummy, it should be soft.

If the cause lies in nutrition, then difficult stools in a formula-fed infant may be caused by a mixture that is inappropriate for age. Not always even the highest quality milk formula is suitable for the child and you have to replace it. It is not recommended to abruptly transfer the child to another mixture - this is done after discussion with the pediatrician.

Lack of water often causes constipation in a child on artificial or mixed nutrition. Breastfed babies do not need to be supplemented, since the first mother's milk is water, and the hind milk is food. Only in rare cases (when it is required to dilute the medicine, temperature, diarrhea, heat) is it permissible to use boiled water -. The most adapted mixture cannot replace breast milk and is digested in the intestines for a long time. The stool hardens quickly and makes it difficult to have a bowel movement. When a formula-fed newborn has not had a stool for a day, the mother may suspect constipation and take appropriate measures.

On mixed feeding

When there is not enough milk, and the doctors insisted on a mixed diet, introducing the mixture into the baby's diet can cause constipation. Mom still needs to monitor the diet, carefully check the composition of the formula and its age range, control the amount of food and liquid that the child consumes. The frequency of the stool is not as important as its composition. If it is rare, but mushy and the newborn feels fine, there is no constipation.

How to help a newborn if he has constipation

When a child has symptoms of constipation, there was no stool for a day or longer, parents need the help of a doctor. During a visual examination, he can diagnose the type of constipation, prescribe tests for accurate diagnosis, suggest how to help the baby correctly and quickly.

Standard Treatments

The specialist prescribes the treatment of constipation in an infant after passing feces for dysbacteriosis, hormone tests, obtaining the result of ultrasound and radiography.

It can be:

  1. Massage. If a doctor prescribes a massage, it is better to have it done by a specialist. At home, you can also spend it to relax the tummy. touch mother's hands soothe, improve the functioning of all organs. The child is placed on hard surface, open the belly, in a circular motion stroke it clockwise, slightly pressing. Before the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the palms with cream. With a clenched fist, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestines is massaged from top to bottom, then the movements are repeated open palm- massage instructions -.
  2. Gymnastics. Excellent and effective remedy from frequent constipation for newborns - gymnastics and active movements that mommy can provide him every day. For this, the newborn is laid on his back, his feet are taken in his hands and the legs are bent, pressing him to the stomach. It is possible, while playing, to do movements resembling a bicycle, but such exercises should be done carefully so as not to dislocate fragile joints. Handles can also be used. They are folded crosswise on the chest, and the knees are carefully pressed to the elbows. Such exercises contribute to the work of peristalsis, affect general development and well-being of the baby.
  3. Nutrition. Replacing the mixture if the baby is bottle-fed or adjusting the mother's diet if the baby is breast-fed. Mom needs to include more vegetables in her diet, fermented milk products, cereals, dried fruits and plenty of fluids.
  4. Medicines(, Duphalac, Linex, Plantex, Subsimplex). Doctors prescribe constipation medication suitable for newborns based on individual features every patient. Linex normalizes the microflora, Espumizam, as a carminative drug, promotes natural relief from stool, eliminates bloating and flatulence, Dufalac gently helps to cleanse the intestines - more about.
  5. Mechanical means(enemas, glycerin suppositories). Most radical ways constipation relief for newborns. Candles stimulate bowel movements quickly and effectively. Melting inside, they become a lubricant, facilitating the exit of feces. An enema is carried out with a small syringe. Add a couple of drops to the solution vaseline oil or use plain water. Set in the evening. By morning, the feces soften and the child defecates. Enema choose extreme cases when other treatments fail. .

Folk ways

Grandmothers resorted to them when medicines and candles were not available. If parents want to use folk remedies, it is advisable to inform the doctor about this.

The most common methods folk treatment from constipation consider:

  1. Soap. Cruel painful method. Before using it, mommy can check for herself what pain an already suffering child will feel. But if the persistent advice of the grandmother, the baby crying from constipation, nervous exhaustion and the desire to “do at least something” prevailed, it is better to take not laundry soap, but natural baby soap. A small piece of soap is washed off to the shape and size of a candle and pushed into the anus of the baby. The soap irritates the mucous membrane, causing spasms. Part laundry soap includes components that provoke the formation of microulcers, bleeding, chronic inflammation.
  2. Nutritional supplements. The child in the morning and evening can be given flaxseed or sunflower oil. By morning, oiled stools will empty the intestines. At frequent constipation newborns are effectively used. Dill water on essential oils It will perfectly help to fight constipation both in the mother after childbirth and in the baby.
  3. Cotton stick. Another folk way, which is still resorted to by nurses of the older generation. Soaked in cream cotton swab carefully and not deeply inserted into anus.

What tactics to choose, parents decide. The main thing to understand is that if you do not start treating constipation, serious diseases can occur:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • microcracks;
  • involuntary restraint of defecation;
  • chronic form of constipation.

New parents always have a lot exciting questions concerning the health of the baby. For example6 if To answer this question, you need to understand what caused this condition.


Bowel dysfunction may occur different reasons. One of them is the early transition to artificial feeding. Fat mixes leave the stomach only after 6-6.5 hours. If the newborn eats exclusively mother's milk, then his stomach is released after 2-3 hours. This reduces the load not only on digestive tract but for the entire organism as a whole. Except artificial nutrition can cause constipation infectious diseases, frequent enemas, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stress. Besides, this problem appears due to anatomical defects of the intestine. They appear from birth, in this case the stool is completely absent. In any situation, if what to do, the pediatrician should decide. The doctor will give directions to general analyzes urine and blood. This will allow you to evaluate the work of the entire digestive system.

The dangers of constipation

baby chair - important indicator his health. If the child does not regularly empty the intestines, the feces linger in the body for a long time. And this can lead to various diseases. Fecal masses stretch the walls of the intestine, change its size and shape. Because of this internal organs are compressed and displaced, which leads to a violation of their functions. Particularly heavy load falls on the kidneys, because with constipation, much less fluid is excreted from the body. In addition, toxic substances gradually spread throughout the body, poison it and undermine the immune system. Appear frequent colds, allergic reactions, cardiovascular, skin and even hormonal diseases.

If a newborn has constipation, what should I do?

If the little one breastfeeding To eliminate and prevent constipation, a nursing mother must completely exclude such foods from the diet:

  • nuts;
  • hard cheese;
  • bananas;
  • milk;
  • flour products;
  • coffee, tea, cocoa.

The daily menu should include foods that relax the intestines: pears, dried apricots, prunes, pumpkin, beets, bran, cereals. Be sure to comply drinking regimen.

Improve the situation will help with constipation. The procedure must be carried out with a full palm, massage movements should be clockwise, along the intestines.

It can also help warm bath, after bathing the baby is recommended to put on the tummy. The water relaxes and the pressure promotes bowel movement.

If these methods do not give the desired result, then the doctor may prescribe drugs in the form of suppositories, special drinks, enemas. However, you should not get carried away with these methods, it is better to try to do without them, as the child's body will very quickly get used to artificial emptying.

If a newborn has constipation, what to do and how to help the baby? Now, after reading the article, you know it.

The nature of the stool in infants varies from child to child in the same way as in adults. What is normal for your child may be different from what is normal for someone else. Most children poop 1 or 2 times a day. Other babies may take 2 to 3 days or more before normal stools occur.

The functioning of the intestines will change dramatically over the course of a child's life. At times, these changes may indicate that the baby is constipated.

Constipation is a condition in the body when stools are not as regular as usual. Feces are plentiful, and going to the toilet is painful. Sometimes the stool can be loose, but it can also mean constipation in the baby.

A baby who exclusively consumes breast milk may not have a bowel movement every day. Often almost all nutrients are absorbed. This is very common. Babies who are formula fed may have up to three to four bowel movements a day.

However, normal bowel movement (peristalsis) varies greatly in healthy children. It depends on the type of milk, on the inclusion of coarse fibers in the food, and on what specific foods are consumed.

Understanding possible signs constipation can help parents detect a potential threat before bowel problems become a big problem.

Constipation in an infant can be identified by several symptoms:

You may notice that the child is crossing his legs, grimacing, stretching, squeezing his buttocks, or twisting in a chair. It may look like the baby is trying to have a bowel movement, but instead they are really trying to hold on to stool.

If constipation is left untreated, it can get worse and cause various complications. The longer the stool remains inside the sigmoid and rectum, the harder and drier it becomes, the more difficult and painful it is to empty the bowels. Your child may be holding back his stool because of the pain. This creates a vicious circle.

Constipation in children is not usually a serious condition. Nevertheless, chronic constipation can lead to complications or signal an underlying disease.

Take your child to the doctor if constipation lasts more than two weeks or if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • weight loss;
  • blood in the stool;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • heat;
  • painful cracks in the skin in the area anus(anal fissures);
  • prolapse of the intestines from the anus (rectal prolapse).

Do not give an infant a laxative or suppository without first consulting a doctor.

The attending physician, to determine constipation, should do the following:

  1. Collect full information about the medical history. The specialist will ask about past illnesses, nutrition and physical condition child.
  2. Conduct an examination, which will most likely include a digital examination of the child's rectum to check for abnormalities, fissures, or hard stools. Stool found in the rectum can be tested for blood.

Extensive research is carried out in more severe cases of constipation. Diagnostics consists of several procedures:

Treatment of constipation in infants

Depending on various factors, your doctor may recommend what to do if your child is constipated. It can be procedures or certain medications.

  1. Dietary fiber preparations. If a child is not getting a lot of fiber from their diet, adding fiber supplements may help. However, the child must drink a large number of water daily to keep these medications working well. Check with your doctor to find out what dose is appropriate for your child's age and body weight.
  2. Glycerin suppositories can be used to soften stool in children. The suppository stimulates the child's rectum and helps to empty it. Do not use suppositories regularly, because the child will develop a reflex to the act of defecation only after suppositories.

  3. Laxative or enema. If month old baby constipation due to a buildup of stool that creates a blockage, your doctor may suggest a laxative or an enema to help clear the blockage. These drugs include polyethylene glycol and mineral oil. Never give a child a laxative or an enema without a doctor's instructions and instructions for proper dosage and use.
  4. Hospital enema. Sometimes the baby may have such severe constipation that he should be hospitalized for a short time to get a more thorough (siphon) enema, which will cleanse the intestines.

How to treat constipation in an infant at home?

In addition to changes in diet and routine, a variety of approaches can help relieve constipation in children at home.

Here are some tips on what to do when your baby is constipated:

Never use soap for constipation. It aggressively acts on the rectal mucosa, leading to erosion and local inflammation, which will only aggravate the situation. In addition, the soap bakes mercilessly, causing severe pain to the baby.

If the child's constipation lasts more than two weeks, the parents are more likely to resort to medical care. If necessary, the baby will be referred to a specialist in digestive disorders (gastroenterologist). He will tell you in more detail how to treat constipation in infants.

Here is some information to help you prepare and know what to expect from your doctor.

You can prepare by following a few important steps:

Write down questions to ask your doctor. There are certain key questions to ask your doctor:

  1. Which one is the most possible reason my child's symptoms?
  2. Are there other reasons?
  3. What research does my child need?
  4. How long can this go on?
  5. What procedures do you recommend?
  6. How to help a newborn with constipation?
  7. Do I need to make changes to my child's diet?
  8. Should we visit another specialist?
  9. What to give a baby for constipation?
  10. Is there an alternative to the medication you are prescribing?
  11. Can this problem be treated without medication?

Your doctor may ask you a few questions. You need to be ready to answer them. Your doctor may ask for the following information:

  1. When did your child first show signs of constipation?
  2. Were these symptoms constant or random?
  3. How severe are the symptoms?
  4. What, in your opinion, improves the condition of the child?
  5. What worsens the condition of the baby?
  6. Do you see blood in your stool or on your diaper?
  7. Does the child strain during the act of defecation?
  8. Does an infant have a hereditary predisposition to digestive problems?
  9. Has the child started any new medications or changed the dosage of current medications?
  10. Can you describe the experience of potty training your child?

Since each child's bowel function is individual, familiarize yourself with the conditions for a normal bowel movement for your baby. Note the usual size and consistency of the stool. This will help you and your pediatrician determine when constipation occurs and how serious the problem is.

Good day dear readers! Today I want to talk about a very important and delicate problem that probably worries almost every young mother - constipation in the baby. Recently, I noticed that my baby grunts and pushes, but there is no bowel movement. Have you also seen these anxiety symptoms? Then I will tell you what to do with constipation in a newborn.

Doctors say that every 4th child suffers from improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. I decided not to delay with this problem, and turned to the pediatrician. He told me a lot of interesting things about the causes of constipation and methods of dealing with it. Do you know that prolonged stagnation of feces can cause poisoning of the child's body? Do you want to know how to help your child? I will definitely tell you about it, but a little later.

The main symptoms of constipation in a newborn

Is your child unable to go to the toilet? Do not rush to panic. If this is an isolated case, the baby looks healthy and well-fed, the problem can be easily solved. But remember that it is forbidden to give a newborn any medication without a pediatrician's prescription.

Let's look at the main causes of constipation in a child:

  • Lack of fluid in the baby's body can cause gastrointestinal upset. Most often, this problem occurs in newborns on artificial feeding. Extreme heat and dry air can also negatively affect the water balance. Be sure to give your baby enough purified water, and constipation will certainly go away by itself.
  • If the child is breastfed, the young mother should adhere to special diet. It is not recommended to include in the diet a lot of flour products, rice, semi-finished meat products, rich thick broths. Such products hold the feces together and can cause constipation in a child. On mixed feeding do not use milk formula containing iron.
  • In the beginning, as a rule, the baby's immunity is significantly strengthened, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. However, some new foods in a child's diet can cause constipation. That is why you need to start complementary foods gradually and very carefully. Be sure to follow the reaction child's body for any given product.

You can give an enema and cure a child of constipation at home, but only if you know exactly the cause of the problem. I don't want to scare you, but when we are talking about the health of the newborn, you need to be extremely careful and responsible. The thing is that gastrointestinal disorders, difficult stools, lethargy and apathy of the newborn can be signs of more serious pathologies, namely:

  • Diseases of the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, pancreas;
  • Hereditary birth defects intestinal development;
  • Rickets and other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • food allergies;
  • Hyperparathyroidism.

If you see that the child does not feel well, you should not treat him on your own. It is better to entrust this matter to doctors.

How to cure constipation in the chest?

To normalize a child's stool, first of all, eliminate the most common causes of constipation - analyze the diet, excluding fastening foods, and also normalize the drinking regimen. In the cold season, the air in the room becomes quite dry, which can adversely affect the health of the baby. For example, I always use a special humidifier.

Enemas with laxatives have an extremely negative effect on the tone of the intestinal muscles, disrupt the microflora, and contribute to leaching useful substances. Use such a remedy for constipation in a newborn can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Do you remember, I promised to tell about simple and enough safe ways delivering babies from problems with stool? Promises must be kept, so get ready to memorize or write them down.

  • The best remedy for constipation in a baby is a gentle massage of the tummy. Such gymnastics is considered quite effective, because it allows you to quickly deal with the problem. A little later, I will tell you in more detail how to properly massage a newborn.
  • If you see that the baby grunts and pushes, help him a little. It is enough to slightly press the legs to the tummy. At insignificant allocation feces, continue to massage and exercise, and you will notice that the child will very quickly cope with constipation on his own.
  • Is your baby over 6 months old? Then you can solve problems with difficult bowel movements with the help of fruit food. Add apple, peach, apricot or plum puree to your baby's diet. Constipation will disappear forever if you regularly give your child heavily diluted natural juices or dried fruit compote. I recommend not spending money on expensive store-bought juices, which are also not very healthy, because. contain many preservatives and flavor enhancers. Prepare a drink yourself - it will turn out delicious, fast and economical.

And finally, once again about constipation

Before going to the doctor, I visited many forums for young mothers, re-read a variety of reviews about popular laxatives, which, to my surprise, turned out to be quite contradictory. I decided not to take risks and entrust the health of my son to a professional physician. He decided that the problem was minor, and taught me how to do massage, which helps the baby's intestines to relax. And now I am happy to share these little secrets with you.

If you notice that the child cannot go to the toilet normally, put him on his tummy as often as possible. Exercise "bike" or alternately pressing the legs to the chest will improve intestinal motility, eliminate colic, and help get rid of dysbacteriosis. Applying a warm diaper to the baby's body accelerates intestinal motility and has a calming effect on the baby. Massage consists in light circular stroking of the tummy. Perform such movements clockwise, and gradually turn the child over.

When I was little, my mother treated me for constipation. in a simple way- injected into the anus a thin tip of soap or a cotton swab dipped in glycerin. They claim that this method is quite effective, but I do not use it for my baby. The thing is that I recently read a medical scientific article that said that microenemas with soap, saline solution or glycerin is not recommended for babies.