How to remove grease stains from clothes. The secrets of how to quickly and surely remove a greasy stain from clothes. A mixture of glycerin, ammonia and water

Fat dripped onto the clothes, spread and soaked into the fabric, leaving an unsightly mark. Not every housewife knows how to remove a greasy stain so that there is not even a slight reminder of it. But you really want the thing to keep a fresh, neat look! You shouldn't get upset. We will tell you how to remove a greasy stain without any extra effort, without fear of spoiling even the most delicate material.

How to remove grease and oil if they just got on clothes

Let's talk about fresh pollution. Removing them, of course, is easier than those that are already firmly ingrained in the fabric and outdated.

First of all, you need to understand one thing: fat to fat is different. If you have dripped oil or animal fat on the item, the removal methods will vary. Second point: stop panicking! It so happened that such pollution is considered almost a disaster, and the clothes on which they fell are hopelessly, forever damaged. This is a stereotype and it's wrong. In fact, getting rid of the problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to know some secrets and tricks.

Let's figure out how to remove a greasy stain from different things, if it has just appeared on them. And then we'll talk about oil marks.

Get rid of the fat problem

Usual dishwashing detergent will help us a lot. Remember: the advertisement says that such substances completely remove fat even from those saucepans that no one hoped to ever wash. The same thing happens with tissues. Dilute a little dishwashing detergent in a bowl of warm water and soak the soiled item, leave for 20-30 minutes. If you want the best result, first apply the magic composition directly to the stain.

After soaking, rinse the material well and hang to dry.

The second home method is the use of salt and soda. Mix a teaspoon of each ingredient, mix thoroughly, apply to the problem area, after moistening the cloth. You can carefully and very carefully rub the mixture into the material, but so as not to damage it. Leave for about half an hour and then wash with regular soap, rinse and dry.

Putting a grease stain on clothes is very simple. One moment - and clean clothes are spoiled, or, to put it simply, stained. But only powders from TV advertising can remove them quickly and without a trace. Some of these powders are special. It seems that the same ones are sold in stores, but for some reason they can’t cope with fatty pollution so famously. In most cases, it is not necessary to rely on their "magic" power, and therefore, knowledge of the intricacies of removing greasy stains from various tissues will be required.

How to start the fight against the stain? There are a lot of ways, but each has its limits. And they are determined by the degree of freshness of the stain and the type of material where the fat has got. One technique for cotton and silk cannot be applied.

In addition, you need to act according to the situation - at a party or during a business lunch there was a nuisance or at home, while cooking dinner. In the first case, the arsenal of clothing saving means is limited, and the situation does not always allow them to be used. In the second, there are much more opportunities to quickly respond to splashes of fat or a fallen piece of food.

Delete while it's fresh

If the stain has not had time to dry, it is much easier to remove it from the fabric without a trace, moreover, regardless of the type. The main condition is to adsorb the fatty substance from the surface as much as possible. Suitable:

  • Potato starch. Dry starch, portion by portion, is rubbed into a non-washable fabric, left for 15 minutes to absorb.
  • Bread crumb. A piece of soft white bread (it is easy to heat a bun in a microwave oven) absorbs vegetable fat well, especially from velvet. A subsequent light wash in soapy water is recommended.
  • Laundry soap. An old proven way to deal with stains from vegetable oil, sauces, broths. Sprinkle the soapy grease stain with sugar and leave for 15 minutes, then brush and rinse. You can, having lathered the desired area, leave the thing for the night.
  • Dishwashing liquid Fairy type, fat dissolving. In the fight against uninvited stains, all means are good, even utensils. Squeeze out the product from the bottle onto a cotton pad and saturate the area with the stain. After waiting 30 minutes, spill the area with boiling water. This method is applicable only for durable fabrics without washing temperature restrictions.
  • Shaving foam . An extreme option, not unsuccessfully used in practice by men who independently manage the household.
  • A bowl of soda. Baking soda dipped in hot water is good at absorbing grease. Action time up to 30 minutes.

We deduce from the light in fresh footsteps

The greasy mark on the fabric of light shades is very noticeable. But getting it out is not a problem either. This will require:

  • Crushed chalk. A helpful hostess will definitely save up a box of white chalk just in case and will use it when a light-colored product gets dirty. A white blouse, a linen shirt, a cotton T-shirt - everything will be cleaned off if the fat mark is sprinkled immediately with chalk powder and the item is set aside for 3 hours.
  • Ammonium chloride. You will need pharmacy ammonia (1 tsp) and warm water (½ cup). Then the product is to be ironed with a non-hot iron through a dry cotton cloth.
  • Talc. Once upon a time, a blotter from a school notebook and an iron were a universal remedy for getting rid of greasy traces, but talcum powder can also successfully replace it. Woolen fabrics are well cleaned. The spot treated with powder is covered with tracing paper and placed under the press for 12 hours. The best option is a warm iron.
  • Whitening toothpaste (powder). A few hours of exposure and ordinary white toothpaste will not leave a greasy stain a single chance to remain noticed.

To colored fabric - an individual approach

  • Mustard. In cafe-restaurants, it is already diluted to a creamy state. This is what you need for colored or dark fabrics. If it was not possible to avoid the incident, it remains to wipe the stain with mustard “mastic” and let it dry quietly for 30-40 minutes. Then gently rinse with a handkerchief with water in the ladies' room. Mustard is a recognized fat dissolver that is gentle on delicate tissue.
  • Gel toothpaste. It is blue, green, sometimes colorless. She has a high cleansing activity, and not only in relation to tooth enamel ... If you spread a greasy stain, it will soon gradually disappear.

Old stains "select" and remove

Often there is no time to eliminate a fresh stain on clothes on time. So it sits on jeans, a skirt, a children's blouse - waiting in the wings. This complicates the task, but does not make it impossible. And there is a government for a greasy spot with “experience”:

  • Hot starch. The method is simple and affordable. A paste (as an option, a heated dry powder) is able to adsorb a greasy stain in half an hour while it cools. Then simply wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  • Gasoline. The purified hydrocarbon is a powerful chemical "weapon" against grease and oils. The method of removing contaminants is as follows: a porous absorbent layer is placed under the stain, the same blotting paper; with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline, perform light tangential movements from the periphery to the center. Gasoline combined with dry starch cleans leather things well.
  • ammonia + turpentine. "Nuclear" tool. After 2-3 hours, under a piece of cotton wool or gauze soaked in a mixture of equal parts of the components, the greasy stain will most likely disappear without a trace.
  • Glycerin. This is a tool from the "wedge wedge" series. Being a product of the processing of vegetable oils, in the end, he himself perfectly deals with them if they have “settled down” on the fabric. Pour a few drops of glycerin onto the area to be treated and wait 40 minutes. Excess glycerin is removed with a clean cloth. Read also:.
  • sawdust. This product is ideal for shaggy fabrics or carpets. Fluffy sawdust is moistened with gasoline and applied to the problem area until the gasoline evaporates. You may need to repeat the procedure once or twice.
  • Soaking in salt water. In a strong warm saline solution, dip clothes with dried spots and leave in it until the greasy trace is neutralized.

It is customary to remove dried stains from light woolen fabrics and jersey with pure gasoline or mixed with other solvents: acetone, turpentine. Soiled velvet is cleaned well by turpentine and the same gasoline. But silk prefers alcohol.

You should not rush to the vials with these hellish liquids and immediately pour them on an annoying speck. It is better to first apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous place and see how the fabric reacts to the solvent. If there are changes in the color or structure of the material, it is better to postpone the experiment, chemical experiments are inappropriate here.

You need to take care of gloves to prevent skin corrosion and open the window in advance for fresh air. Remember that most solvents are aromatic hydrocarbons.

It is necessary to clean the fat stain strictly in the direction from the periphery to the center, otherwise it will spread in diameter, and stains will remain.

Washing garments after degreasing is required. It is carried out according to the instructions on the label.

Stain removal - the initial stage of the fight against greasy stains. Followed by washing with detergents. These can be powders on which the inscription "against stains" is placed.

Universal remedy for greasy stains of any origin

Most often, dining rooms made of natural fabrics suffer from stains. To return purity to things is a matter of honor for a clean housewife. Experienced hostesses struggle with stubborn stains like this. Take:

  1. washing powder - 1 cup,
  2. bleach - 2 spoons,
  3. sunflower oil 2 tablespoons,
  4. boiling water - 10 l.

The mixture of ingredients is placed in water brought to a boil and mixed until completely dissolved. Items are immersed in a soap solution and kept in it for a certain time, depending on the condition of the stains: 45 minutes for fresh and 10-12 hours for old ones. If the volume of dirty things is small, then the proportions decrease. After such a lock, the fabric becomes clean, it remains only to wash the cutlery in the usual way.

This option is also suitable for cases where you need to remove stains from things that have already been washed before.

The surest remedy for any stains is neatness. But even for an old woman, as the saying goes, there is a hole. Therefore, despite the circumstances and lack of time, you need to get rid of fat blunders in time so as not to transfer them into the category of difficult to remove.

Oil or grease stains appear very easily and are often imperceptible to humans.

In the modern world, there are very few feasts, as a result of which all the guests and the room will remain clean: someone will definitely knock over a can of canned food, someone will spill wine on the tablecloth, or simply drop a piece of greasy food on clothes.

It has long been known that it is necessary immediately, since the outdated "results of the party" are much more difficult to display.

A huge number of methods for getting rid of fat are now known, but the choice of the right one depends on what material the stain turned out to be on and how long it stays there. If, in a simple case, you use a “thermonuclear” remedy, you can say goodbye to your favorite thing forever.

In this section, we will look at effective methods for dealing with fresh stains on synthetic and natural fabrics. However, before removing fat, it is imperative to perform the following steps:

  • prepare the necessary equipment for removing stains;
  • prepare a special solution;
  • clean the product from dirt and dust;
  • test the chosen solution.

Among the most effective means of dealing with greasy stains, the following methods stand out, which are based on any home arsenal:

  • salt. With this tool, you can eliminate not only greasy stains, but also dirt from berries, wine and sweat. This method is suitable for removing stains on a jacket, as well as natural fabrics. To remove fat, it is necessary to fill the stain with salt and wait until the substance completely absorbs the fat;
  • ammonia. With this tool, you can once and for all get rid of not only greasy stains, but also traces of tea, coffee, glue, mold, and even. This method shows great efficiency in cleaning light synthetic products. As for natural materials, before using ammonia, it is necessary to check its effect on fabrics in small quantities;
  • blotting paper. Thanks to this tool, you can effectively get rid of traces of fat, not only on light, but also on dark things. This method is perfect for removing stains on jeans and other similar products. In order to qualitatively get rid of fat using this method, it is necessary to unfold the smeared thing, place one sheet of paper under the stain, and another on top, and then iron the surface with a warm iron;

Most cleaners work to dissolve the grease and force it to move from the fibers of the fabric to the material of the cleaning agent.

  • potato starch is used in cases where a contaminated fabric or item cannot be washed. This method is very easy to use: you need to rub a small amount of this product into a greasy surface and leave for a few minutes, then repeat the procedure until the stain completely disappears;
  • dishwasher is an excellent grease stain remover. To achieve a positive result, you just need to apply the liquid to the stain and wait until the traces of fat have completely disappeared. It is noteworthy that the amount of detergent must be calculated based on the size of the stain.

Get rid of grease stains on suede products

Suede is a very sensitive material that requires constant and careful care. In order to remove a greasy stain from suede, you need to moisten the contaminated area with a napkin or damp towel in order to get rid of excess oil. If there is dust on the product, it is necessary to shake it off with a brush or brush.

To remove a stain from suede, the following tools are used:

MeansMode of application
dishwasherMix with water in the proportions of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of liquid. Shake the resulting mixture with a spoon or other wooden object. Apply the resulting foam with a sponge to the dirt and wait a bit, then remove the foam and the problem area with a soft cloth.
dentifriceThis method is very effective in removing grease stains from suede. The heated powder must be carefully applied to the problem area, then it is necessary to take porous paper and, folding it several times, put it on top of the pollution. After that, press the contaminated area and leave for 3 hours.
flourTo get rid of stains, you can generously sprinkle the contaminated area with flour and press it with your finger. This is done so that the fat is better absorbed, and it becomes possible to remove it as soon as possible.
ammoniaTo prepare the necessary solution, mix 2 teaspoons of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of soap, then pour the mixture with warm water. After that, it is necessary to apply the resulting mixture to the suede product using a cotton swab or a clean cloth. Then you need to hold the problem area over the steam for several minutes, and the stain will completely disappear.
coarse saltCleaning products with salt is one of the easiest methods. To do this, heat the salt in a frying pan, then place it in a container made of natural fabrics and attach it to the contaminated item for half an hour.

It should be noted that after removing greasy stains, suede products must be dried at room temperature. However, it is worth remembering that close contact with fan heaters, heaters and thermal radiators can lead to deformation of the initial shape of the item. If, after the cleaning procedure, the pile is slightly crumpled, it can be lifted with a special brush for cleaning suede products, which will give the clothes their former attractive look.

Do not forget that if there is a possibility of damage to your favorite suede thing, then you need to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area, and if successful, proceed to the final removal of greasy stains.

Cleaning leather products from grease

Another material that is very difficult to remove oil contamination from is leather. All the difficulties are related to the fact that products made from this material are strictly forbidden to wash, scrape off dirt with sharp objects and iron at high temperatures, as this is fraught with a change in the appearance of clothing, as well as deformation of its structure.

In order to remove a greasy stain from a sheepskin coat and other leather products, you can use one of the presented methods.

Onion or lemon juice. With the help of these products, you can effectively get rid of oil stains on colored skin. The method of using these ingredients is very simple: a soft cloth is wetted in lemon juice, after which the problem area is rubbed. As for the onion, before using it, it is necessary to cut it and grate the contaminated area with a slice.

Alcohol. To use this method, you just need to moisten a piece of cloth in a solution of alcohol and wipe the greasy stain. It is noteworthy that you can also use vodka and other substances containing alcohol, as well as wipes that are designed to clean liquid crystal surfaces.

In a house sparkling with jewels, there simply cannot be rust. Remind yourself.

Crushed chalk. This method is great for fresh stains. To get rid of fat on a leather product, you just need to sprinkle the problem area with chalk and leave for 30-35 minutes. At the end of this time, you need to carefully get rid of white marks with a special brush or swab.

Baking soda. To use this method, you need to prepare a special mixture. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the substance in 120 ml of water. Then immerse a cotton pad or soft cloth in the resulting liquid, and then gently treat the stain.

Removing old grease stains from clothes

It often happens that when fat gets on clothes, it is not immediately possible to remove it. Over time, the pollution dries up, and then the process of removing pollution is much more complicated. However, do not despair and part with your thing, because with the help of folk remedies you can also remove an old greasy stain, and the result will surprise even inveterate skeptics.

Among the most effective means for removing old stains, the following are worth highlighting:

  • refined gasoline. It is necessary to impregnate blotting paper with gasoline, and then place it under the problem area. The outer side of the stain should be wiped with a swab dipped in fuel. After this process, the clothes must be washed in water;
  • ammonia and turpentine. If you mix these components in equal amounts, you can get an effective remedy for old greasy stains. It is necessary to place a cotton pad or a piece of cloth in the resulting mixture, then carefully treat the stain and leave to dry for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, you will need to rinse the clothes in warm water;
  • sawdust. If the old stain is on a large surface (carpet), you can sprinkle the stained area with ordinary sawdust soaked in gasoline and wait until the grease is completely absorbed. To achieve maximum effect, you need to repeat the procedure several times.

Now that there are a variety of products to fight oil stains, you can not be afraid to organize large parties and holidays. By choosing the appropriate method, you can qualitatively remove stains from any surface.

Information on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes can help out in the most unexpected situations, so it is reasonable to study them and add them to your piggy bank of useful tips.

Preliminary preparation

Before you get rid of grease stains on clothes, it is advisable to perform some preliminary steps.

  1. Clean the item with a stiff brush from dirt and shake off the dust.
  2. The type of tissue is specified in order to select the appropriate technique for getting rid of fat.
  3. Before removing a grease stain from clothing, a test application of the product is carried out on a small area from the inside to make sure that there is no color change and the textile does not shed.
  4. Do not delay with the removal of greasy stains. It will be more difficult to get rid of already firmly ingrained contaminants.

Starting the removal of an unaesthetic mark, it is advisable to distribute the cleaning composition on the inside of the clothes, placing oilcloth and paper napkins on the other side. Clean the stain in the direction from the contours, moving towards the center.

When deciding how to remove the fat immediately after it gets on the fabric, you must use the usual washing powder that is at hand. Washing water must be hot enough. This technique often allows you to quickly solve the problem. The usual laundry soap always helps out, with which my beloved grandmother laundered various pollution.

Removing fresh stains

The most effective solution to the problem of how to wash greasy stains is possible if you take action immediately. Available resources can be used.

  • Laundry soap

After the fat has got on the clothes, they take ordinary laundry soap without aromatic additives and thoroughly lather the contaminated area. Place the item in a plastic bag and leave for 12 hours. After that, it remains to wash off greasy stains and rinse the updated garment in clean water. The express method for cotton products involves applying sugar to a soapy stain. With this approach, fat marks are removed in 15 minutes.

If you want to remove a greasy stain from light-colored clothes made from natural fibers (linen, silk, cotton), then powdered chalk is taken, which is sprinkled with pollution. After 3-4 hours, remove everything with a damp cloth.

Salt, which actively absorbs fat, ensures its removal from any tissue. Repeat the procedure for falling asleep with salt on a fresh stain with light rubbing several times, and then washing is carried out. If there is alcohol at hand, then after salt, wipe the cleaned area with it, moistening a cotton swab.

  • Dentifrice

If a woolen item of a light shade has received pollution, then a toothpowder that does not contain dyes will help get rid of the greasy stain. Putting a sheet of white paper under the fabric, lay out the product on a flat plane, pour the powder on the damaged area. Blotting paper is spread on top, on which the product is carefully ironed with a warm iron. After that, putting some heavy object on top of the paper, leave the thing to wash for 12 hours.

  • bread crumb

Splashes of grease that have fallen on clothes are easily removed with a crumb of wheat bread, which is pressed against the dirt until they disappear.

  • mustard powder

Before you wash off a greasy stain on clothes or household items made from colored linen, you can put dry mustard on it, diluted to a mushy state with water. Washing is done after half an hour.

  • Ammonia

To quickly remove grease from clothes made of synthetic fabrics or light-colored textiles, wipe it from the contours to the middle with cotton wool soaked in ammonia (a teaspoon) diluted in half a glass of slightly warmed water. It remains to iron the contaminated place with medium heat, placing a cotton flap.

  • Starch

Sometimes you have to decide how to remove greasy stains from clothes without subsequent washing. Potato starch will help in this case. It should be rubbed in and shaken off after ten minutes with a clean, dry cloth.

  • Household dishwashing detergents

In any home, there are household compositions designed to dissolve greasy dirt when washing dishes, with which you can remove a greasy stain from textiles. First, it is well moistened with a product and after 3-4 minutes it is poured with hot water. After 15 minutes, the product is washed.

  • Shaving foam

There is in the arsenal of folk advice that prescribes how to remove a stain from any kind of fat from items of clothing, such an unexpected tool as shaving foam. It is simply smeared over the desired area with light rubbing movements and then washed after 5 minutes.

  • Shampoo for oily hair

Silk, woolen or chiffon clothes will help to clean blots after getting grease, even a shampoo that cleans greasy hair. It is enough to hold it on the affected area for about an hour before washing.

  • Blotter

A good solution to the problem of how to remove greasy stains is ordinary blotting paper, which is placed on both sides of the fabric and carefully ironed, setting the iron to minimum heat. If you need to repeat the procedure, then take clean sheets of blotting paper.

Do not use the washing machine to wash things without first treating greasy stains with folk or special products. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse.

Ways to remove persistent old stains of fat

Often situations arise when knowledge is required to save a favorite thing. There are many techniques available for self-fulfillment. The principle is the correct selection of funds and compliance with the sequence of actions.

  • Refined gasoline

It is quite effective to remove old greasy stains if you put tracing paper moistened with gasoline on cellophane and place them down under the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric with contamination. Then they start wiping towards the center of the stain itself with cotton wool, also soaked in gasoline. After thorough rinsing, the product is dried in the fresh air. The reception is suitable for knitted, linen items, as well as cotton fabrics. You can pour sawdust on the stain, which is pre-soaked in gasoline, and hold until the pollution disappears.

  • Ammonia and turpentine

When solving the problem of how to remove an old greasy stain, ammonia is used, mixed in equal volumes with turpentine. Moisten a ball of cotton wool in this composition and keep it in place for 3 hours to be cleaned.

  • saline solution

Stubborn fat traces are removed by washing the product in hot water (5 l), in which table salt (half a glass) is dissolved.

  • Glycerol

Glycerin purchased at the pharmacy is another strong remedy recommended if the question arises of how to remove an old greasy stain from things. It is enough to distribute it in the right place and hold for 30 minutes. Then the product is carefully removed with a cotton swab.

  • Coca Cola

Old greasy stains are susceptible to the influence of a well-known drink, in which it is enough to soak the contamination for several hours, and then wash the product.

Searching for information on how to remove grease stains from clothes after washing, allows you to pick up tips on the use of not only household products, but also specific stain removers. As the contamination becomes more stable, you can first hold it over steam to soften it slightly, and then proceed according to the instructions.

In an effort to independently remove old or fresh grease marks, safety measures must be observed if gasoline, turpentine, alcohol or ready-made stain removers are used. You should open the window during the procedure, protect your eyes, put on gloves on your hands.

The ability to remove the stain, first of all, depends on whether it is old or new, as well as on the fabric of the damaged clothing. Most often, things made from materials such as knitwear and jeans will be enough to simply wash with detergent.

For cleaning down jackets, as well as clothes made of suede and nubuck, only dry cleaning is used.

Removing stains with stain removers

You can start cleaning with the use of modern stain removers. First, test how the product works on a spare piece of fabric (it is often included with the purchase of new clothes). If there is no spare piece, then you can try the tool on the lapels from the inside - here the traces will be easy to hide. In order not to burn the fabric with a highly concentrated composition, it is recommended to dilute it before use.

If the checked piece of fabric passed the test, then you can start removing the greasy stain. Apply the product to a light-colored cloth or cotton swab, gently moisten the area around the stain, and then proceed to clean the dirt. Be careful when cleaning clothes made of colored fabrics, as they may shed.

How to remove a fresh grease stain

Freshly placed grease stain (if no more than three hours have passed) easiest to take out. Sometimes a simple treatment of the contaminated area with any detergent and subsequent washing is enough. If after treatment the stain still remains, in no case do not wash the item, the stain must be completely removed before the beginning of the streak.

You can not wash things with a stain in the washing machine without first treating the contaminated area. So you can aggravate the situation and it will be even more difficult to remove the stain.

As a pre-treatment for a fresh grease stain, you can use one of the following methods.

Dishwashing liquid contains special components that absorb fat. Wet the contaminated area with water and apply a small amount of liquid to it. Wash, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the stain is gone, you can wash the clothes in the washing machine with powder. If traces of grease still remain, repeat the procedure before washing.

To remove grease stains from clothes made of light-colored fabrics, use color detergents with care, as they can stain it.

Shampoo for oily hair

Less effective than dish detergent, but suitable for delicate fabrics such as wool, velvet, silk and chiffon. Apply a small amount of shampoo to the stain, wash gently, leave for half an hour and wash in warm water without using powder.

food salt

With the help of this product, not only greasy stains are removed from clothes, but also stains from wine, berries and sweat. But salt is effective only with fresh dirt. Therefore, as soon as the stain is placed on the clothes, you need to sprinkle this place with salt and rub it lightly. When the salt has absorbed the fat, remove it and sprinkle again with new. Repeat the procedure until completely cleansed. After washing as usual.


For removing grease stains synthetic clothes use a mixture of a teaspoon of ammonia and half a glass of warm water. Apply to a light-colored cloth and rub the dirt. Then iron this place well through a napkin.


Regular toothpaste also works well on greasy stains on clothes. Apply it to the contaminated area, leave for a couple of hours and wash well. For clothes made of light fabrics, you can use any paste, for colored clothes it is better to take gel.


WITH clothing made from natural fabrics(linen, cotton, etc.) you can safely remove a greasy stain with crushed chalk. Apply chalk powder to the desired place, leave for a couple of hours, then remove with a damp piece of cloth and wash the item as usual.

Talc, starch and baby powder

Wool and silk clothing needs delicate care. To remove stains, use more gentle means - talcum powder or baby powder. Lay the clothes on an ironing board or other flat surface, dust the soiled area with talcum powder and cover with a napkin. Walk with a warm iron and put something heavy on this place. Leave for a few hours.

Crumb rolls

Fat absorbed into small villi velvet clothes, easy to remove with fresh white bread. Take a piece of warm crumb, blot the stain with it and wash the item in soapy water without using powder.

Tracing paper

This method can be used on clothes made of any material which is allowed to be ironed. Put pieces of tracing paper in place of the stain on the front and back sides. Lay the item on a flat surface and iron it. Repeat the procedure several times until the fat is completely absorbed into the tracing paper.

How to remove an old greasy stain after washing

Old grease stains that remain on clothes even after washing (if you suddenly washed them without pre-treatment) are much more difficult to deal with. For this we need stronger means. Let's start our attempts to clean old grease stains from clothes with ordinary laundry soap.

Laundry soap

With it, you can remove any pollution, including old ones. Laundry soap is also good because it can be used with any kind of fabric, up to delicate ones. You will need the most common brown laundry soap (not less than 72%). The process is quite simple. Soap the greasy stain well with a bar and leave the clothes for several hours, preferably at night. Wash the contaminated area with your hands. If the stain remains, repeat the procedure.

Steam treatment

You can remove old grease stains on clothes by steaming them. This can be done with an iron with a steam generator or by holding the thing over a pot of boiling water. Then you need to clean the place of contamination in any of the above ways, designed to remove fresh stains.

hot starch

To remove old stains, it is hot starch that is used, which must be heated in any dry container and sprinkled on the place of contamination, a napkin must be placed below. Cooling, heated starch will absorb fat much better than when cold. Repeat the procedure until the fat stain is completely gone.

Removing grease stains with hot starch is good because it is suitable for things for which only dry cleaning is used. For example, a coat, down jacket, clothes and shoes made of leather, suede and nubuck.