Play as a baby at 5 months. Educational games for children of the fifth month of life. Developing the ability to stand level and stable on a hard surface with support under the arms

If earlier he was a passive observer of the surrounding reality, now, with the development of motor skills, he becomes an active researcher. It will no longer be possible to play with a 5-month-old child as you would with a three-month-old. Now, being able to reach and grab objects, the baby persistently looks for any opportunity to use the acquired skills to understand the world.

What is a 5 month old baby capable of?

When choosing games for an older child, you need to take into account the following age abilities:

By 5 months the baby is physically stronger. He already rolls over well from his back to his stomach, and sometimes back again. When lying on his tummy, he rises on his palms and also assumes an “airplane” pose. Lying on his back, the baby is able to pull himself up if his mother puts her fingers in his arms. Some children try to sit up. They consciously reach out to the object that interests them, trying to grab it;

Speech development is characterized by the appearance of simple syllables - “ma”, “pa”, “ba”. The humming is already beginning to turn into babbling. A child may unconsciously copy sounds made by an adult;

There is also progress in emotional development: the baby loves to communicate with parents and familiar relatives, reacts joyfully to them, smiles and even laughs boisterously in response to remarks addressed to him. He is wary of strangers and prefers to retreat into his mother’s arms;

The child’s memory and attention capabilities develop. The baby knows the faces of his relatives well. And he won’t confuse his mother’s smell, hairstyle and clothes with others. If she suddenly changes her appearance, it will take some time for the baby to recognize her. He can already play with toys for 10-15 minutes in the absence of an adult, and is able to remember several objects in the house (a clock, a lamp, a favorite toy).

Not a minute wasted

A five month old baby develops as he learns new things. Therefore, every moment, even during everyday hassles, can be spent usefully. In the crib, it's time to lower the mobiles and toys hanging high down so that the baby can reach them. Observation is no longer for him. The baby wants to take the toy in his hand, examine it closely, turn it, shake it... You can hang toys on the side walls of the crib on both sides, thus stimulating the baby to reach for them. When bathing or changing your child, do not get tired of naming your actions, body parts, objects (“washing the legs,” “putting on a T-shirt,” “now let’s go eat”). This is especially important before a change of scenery. Of course, the baby does not understand speech yet, but he is already guessing and psychologically preparing for a change in the situation.

Take your child with you wherever possible. Sit him in a lounge chair, talk, comment on your actions, even if you’re just peeling potatoes. Perhaps your baby will enjoy moving around the house and outside in a baby backpack, while simultaneously absorbing information from the world around him and feeling calm next to his mother. When preparing to take the baby in your arms, extend your hands to him and say “Oop” or “Go-go.” Soon the baby will remember this and begin to reach out to meet him. During feeding, give him a second spoon and let him explore it. Pour just a little drink into a plastic mug and let him hold it. If he tries to drink and spills the contents, it’s not scary. The fact that he tried is already a great achievement for this age.

Let's play and develop

A five-month-old baby should have a lot of toys! It is better if these are small objects that are not overloaded with details: a ball, a hare, a kitten, a children's hammer, a bell, a simple car. Use a variety of educational games for a 5-month-old baby, both modern and those that our grandmothers knew. Let your child choose a toy from several. To maintain interest, offer him a new item every 3-4 days. Try placing the toy alternately in your right and then in your left hand. This will soon teach your baby to independently transfer an object from hand to hand. Don't forget about the good old rattles. Let the baby grab them, examine them, shake them, listen to the sound, and throw them. Give him rattles of different weights, colors, textures, and with different sounds.

The baby's speech development is stimulated by nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, simple children's poems and songs. Don’t be lazy to play “White-sided Magpie” with him - this is an excellent trainer for the speech centers located on the fingers. The game “Fingers” also promotes the development of speech and hearing. The adult recites the nursery rhyme while bending the child’s fingers one at a time:

Little finger, where have you been?

This little finger went into the forest,

This finger cooked cabbage soup,

This finger drew

This finger danced

Well, this finger (little finger), little lazy person

Hid in the closet!

The child can already memorize some games, for example, in the game “We drove and drove” on the phrase “Thump into the hole!” he squeals joyfully and jumps on his mother's lap. At the age of 5 months, introduce your baby more actively to the mirror. Bring the child to a large mirror, show where he is and where mom is. Let the baby carefully examine his reflection. The child already likes books with large, bright images. When showing a picture, do not rush to turn the page, explain to the child what is drawn on it. You can also offer him educational books with different textures (fur, fabric, embossed) and holes for his fingers.

A 5 month old baby is already able to follow objects. Games with moving toys will help develop this skill. For example, roll a ball on the floor or “walk” a bunny on the bed. Let the bunny hide behind the pillow. Did the baby notice this disappearance? The game “Where do we have...” is a good memory training game. Choose a large object that is always in the same place in the house (a watch, a large soft toy). First, name the object, let the baby touch it, then return it to its place and name it again, pointing to it. Gradually, the baby will remember it, and when asked: “Where do we have...?” will find it with its eyes and make a joyful sound. Later, when the child remembers the name and appearance of the object well, you can move it to another place in the room and ask the child about it again.

Games for the physical development of a child

For physical development, games that develop grasping skills are important, which helps improve eye-hand coordination. Let your child grab toys as much as he wants. In the tummy position, place the toy a little further than the baby can reach. This stimulates him to the next important stage of physical development - crawling. But don’t upset the baby - if he can’t cope within a few seconds, push the toy towards his hand. At 5 months, the baby may begin to throw toys, although unconsciously, and not out of harm. For him, this is another way of understanding the world around him, so do not interfere and scold him for this.

You can play with a 5-month-old baby during daily gymnastics. Place soft rubber bands with bells on your baby's legs and wrists. The ringing sound that occurs when moving will interest the baby, cause joy and stimulate new movements. It is useful to attach a wooden stick with ropes or small rings to the sides of the bed. By pulling himself up on them, the child develops not only strength, but also coordination of movements of different parts of the body, which in the future will help him more successfully master crawling and walking.

So, at the age of five months, the child’s active development and knowledge of the world around him continues. Parents need to make every effort to ensure that this time is spent beneficially for their growing baby.

The next stage in the baby’s development has arrived: the baby is exactly 5 months old!

What to pay attention to at this age?

What are the features of the psychological, physical and intellectual “growing up” of a five-month-old baby?

The following article talks about how to develop a child at 5 months, how to deal with him and other related issues.

Responsible parents are always interested in knowing what they should pay attention to when raising their children.

  • Roll over onto your side, from your stomach to your back and vice versa.
  • Make independent attempts to sit up.
  • Place your feet on the floor if adults are holding the baby under the arms.
  • In a lying position, take a frog pose, as well as raise your legs, play with them enthusiastically or put your feet in your mouth.
  • Actively move your arms, purposefully grab toys, hold them tightly.
  • Hold a bottle of formula or water yourself.
  • Gurgling, pronouncing individual combinations of vowels and consonants.

Mental development

  • Firstly, The little ones respond to their name, recognize “friends” and “strangers,” and reach out to the arms of the desired person. A five-month-old baby can distinguish the intonation of a voice very well: he smiles when addressed affectionately, but frowns or bursts into tears when addressed in an angry manner.
  • Secondly, When surrounded by adults, the child wants to actively participate in communication. If you don’t pay attention to the baby, he will deliberately coo and attract the attention of a certain person.
  • Third, A five-month-old baby's vision and hearing are rapidly developing. He can distinguish colors, reach for bright toys, feel the faces of adults, notice changes in the environment, and respond to extraneous sounds.

Physical development

In the fifth month, the baby’s active physical development occurs: he weighs twice as much as at birth.

At five months, an infant becomes very mobile and purposeful, he begins to actively discover the world around him: he feels every thing that comes into his hands, tastes it and loudly expresses his emotions.

During this period of development, the baby is particularly flexible and inquisitive. For this reason, adults should carefully take care of the safety of the foolish child: put medicines, cutting and piercing objects on the top shelves, remove from the rooms those things that can harm the baby.

It is at this age that five-month-old babies most often get injured. Therefore, under no circumstances should you leave your toddler alone on a straight surface (adult bed, sofa, stroller): he may roll over on his own and fall from a height.

All pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion: the baby should receive daily massage and light exercises. 10 minutes is enough.


Every child needs a daily walk in the fresh air.

The ideal option is a two-hour exit to the yard, park or street in the mornings and evenings.

If in its first months the baby immediately falls asleep in the stroller, then at 5 months the baby enthusiastically begins to explore the world around him.

For this reason, it is advisable to use a seated stroller, placing the baby with his back to you.

Parents will be happy to notice changes in the baby’s behavior during a walk, as the five-month-old baby begins to look at the people around him, react to various sounds and watch the dog or cat.


An entertainment program for a growing child is the second important component in the harmonious development of a five-month-old baby.

Magpie Crow

Finger folk game nursery rhyme

You should move your baby’s open palm (the porridge is cooking) and, slightly bending your fingers (you need to start with the big one), say:

Magpie Crow
Cooked porridge
She fed the children
Gave this one
Gave this one
- Where have you been?
I didn’t chop wood
I didn’t light the stove
I didn’t cook porridge,
He came later than everyone else.

Blind Man's Bluff and Hide and Seek

Where's the baby? The child should be called by name. Another adult covers the baby's eyes with his palms. They “look” for the baby for a long time and eventually find it.

Since a five-month-old baby cannot consciously hide, this game becomes a variation of the game called “Peek-a-boo” and hide and seek.

“Where is the nose, where is the mouth?”

The mother should ask the baby questions and show individual parts of the body one by one.

First on yourself, then on the child. For better understanding and awareness, it is advisable to show the baby’s nose, mouth, eyes, eyebrows with his own finger.

As the child grows up, he will remember this game, and in the future he will be happy to independently demonstrate his own body parts.

“What does the animal say?”

Imitating a cow, dog, cat, frog and other animals has a positive effect on the early development of a five-month-old baby. The baby enjoys emotional contact with adults and receives a lot of positive impressions.


Daily water procedures are important in a baby’s life.

But the main difference between five months of age is that the baby does not want to swim, lying in the bath.

He splashes the water with his palms with great pleasure, tries to catch a washcloth or soap bubbles with his hands, tries to stand up and does any other actions that interfere with the calm process of bathing.

Toys and special waterproof books are ideal as a distraction maneuver. They will attract the baby's attention and allow the mother to quickly bathe the baby.


At five months, infants' night sleep normalizes: they no longer wake up so often and allow their mother to get a good night's sleep.

The baby begins to be more awake, and the time allotted for sleep gradually decreases: during the daytime rest, the baby sleeps no more than two or three times.


Strict breastfeeding (or artificial) feeding is gradually relegated to the background: the baby is given juices, vegetable and fruit purees and other types of complementary foods.

During feeding, the baby tries to make independent attempts to eat, tastes the food with interest, turns away from the dish he doesn’t like, showing his attitude towards the prepared food with all his appearance and actions.

No matter how parents develop a five-month-old baby, they should always encourage him, hug him more often, kiss him on the forehead or cheek, showing his love for him. A child should feel needed in the family!

Video on the topic

The main activity of children under 1 year of age is play. With its help, the child learns about the world, studies the environment, develops senses and intelligence.

Joint activities with parents allow you to feel the love and care of loved ones, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on personal development.

What should a child be able to do?

A five-month-old baby is already turning over from side to side and onto his back - this allows him to expand his perception of space and the world around him. The child begins to be interested in the objects around him and his body:

  • he likes to look at faces in photographs and drawings;
  • he increasingly begins to hum (sing vowel sounds) and babble (pronounce individual syllables - “ma”, “pa”, “ba” and others);
  • the child grabs objects and toys, feels them with his hands and pulls them into his mouth, throws them;
  • distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar people;
  • becomes capricious at the sight of strangers;
  • within 5-10 minutes can independently engage with toys;
  • tries to sit up;
  • lying on his tummy, leans on his arms and rises;
  • repeats movements and words after adults.

Correctly selected games for children will help mothers and fathers quickly teach their child to control the body, sit, crawl and talk.

What toys are needed?

A baby at this age begins to actively take an interest in the objects around him. This gives parents the opportunity to develop their child’s tactile sensations and fine motor skills. To do this you will need the following toys:

  1. Pendants for the crib. They are hung over the child's chest at arm's length. The baby independently grabs and releases the toy. It is advisable to choose pendants that have rattles or bells attached to them. In addition to sensations and fine motor skills, they will train their hearing.
  2. A ball or cube made of fabric. It will be difficult for a 5 month old baby to hold a rubber ball in his hands. Therefore, it is worth choosing rag toys in the form of geometric objects. If a ball or cube is sewn from several types of fabrics, the child will learn to distinguish between soft and prickly, fluffy and smooth.
  3. Musical toys. These include rattles, pipes, and whistles. They influence the baby's hearing development. The child begins to understand what is quiet and loud, and to determine where the sound comes from.
  4. Toy beads. This is a good trainer for developing fine motor skills. If you take several of these toys from different materials (wood, plastic), you can teach your baby to distinguish between them.
  5. By the age of 5 months, children begin to worry about teething, so you should purchase a teether. It is desirable that its surface is not smooth, but has convexities of various shapes (circles, stripes).

Educational games

Children's games can be active and passive. They can also be aimed at developing speech, thinking, fine motor skills and preparing for crawling and walking. In order for games with your child to benefit him, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • The baby likes to play with his parents or brother and sister. You should not constantly leave him alone with toys, even the most interesting ones;
  • Babies as young as 5 months may become frightened if someone suddenly appears in front of them. Therefore, you should not run towards the baby or suddenly appear from behind him;
  • When finishing the game, do not immediately let go of the child. Hold him for a couple more minutes, talk to him, or pet him. This way the baby will calm down faster after active play;
  • if you see that the child is tired, you need to stop playing and give him a rest;
  • it is necessary to alternate active and passive activities, as well as games on the back and tummy;
  • You shouldn’t demand too much from your child; if he can’t grab a toy or repeat a nursery rhyme, leave this game until next time;
  • When working with your baby, do not forget to talk to him affectionately, look into his eyes and smile. This will make him feel your love.

Speech development

Getting to know the subjects. This game develops communication skills and also makes a connection between the name and the subject. Take several toys depicting animals, cars, boats, show them one by one to the child and recite rhymes:

The cat is crying in the corridor -

She is in great grief.

Evil people poor pussy

They won't let you steal sausages.

One funny bird in the forest

All day long he sings: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

Can't learn

Sing like a rooster - “Crow!”

Why are you, hedgehog, so prickly?

- This is me just in case:

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears!

Tank is a military vehicle,

Tracks instead of tires.

Rotary helicopter

All the guys are invited to fly.

Talker. The good thing about this game is that it can be played while you are bathing, feeding, dressing or putting your baby to bed. Every time you do something, comment out loud about your every move. In this case, it is advisable that your face is always in the child’s field of vision. In addition to memorizing sounds, children love to observe articulation. By repeating words and lip movements, the baby will begin to speak faster.

“Where are we?” With this activity, you can simultaneously develop your child's speech and familiarize him with your body. To do this, you need to put the child down and ask him questions:

“Where is Sasha’s nose?” – touch the nose;

“Where are Sasha’s eyes?” – show where the eyes are;

“Where is Sasha’s pen?” etc.

Development of motor skills

  1. “Higher, even higher!” – put the baby on the sofa or bed. Take one handle and gently pull it up, saying: “Higher, even higher!” Repeat the movement with the other arm and legs. This game relieves tone in the body and trains muscles.
  2. We train the legs - it will help prepare the child for walking. Place your baby on his back, take his ankles and begin to bend and straighten his legs alternately. You can say:

One two Three,

Bend your knees.

One two Three,

Bend your knees.

  1. Revolutions. Rolling over from the stomach to the back develops the muscles of the chest and arms. Place your baby on his tummy and attract his attention with his favorite toy. Then move it to the right until the baby reaches for it and turns over. Do the same in the other direction.

Expanding your horizons

  1. Excursion. Take your baby in your arms or put him in a sling and walk around the apartment with him. Go to the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, tell your child what these rooms are for. Show your child photographs and paintings hanging on the wall, as well as various objects. Let your baby hold in his hands those that he is interested in, if they are not dangerous for him.
  2. "Who is there?" Take the baby and bring it to the mirror. He will begin to smile, grimace, and maybe even “talk” to his reflection. Ask your child: “Who’s here?” and answer: “This is Masha!”

Playing with babies should be fun for both children and their parents. Only in this case will they benefit physical and mental development.

In the fifth month, the baby lies on his stomach for a long time, he confidently rests on his forearms and holds his head straight.

Physical development

During this month, the baby, as a rule, gains about 650–700 grams in weight, and grows in length by about 3 centimeters. The head circumference increases by 1 centimeter and chest circumference by 1.5–2 centimeters. In the fifth month, the baby lies on his stomach for a long time, he confidently rests on his forearms and holds his head straight.

Lying down, the child may look with interest at the toys lying in front of him, and even try to reach out to the toy. The baby strives to crawl forward or backward on his stomach, and can roll over from his stomach to his back. While still not very confident and not for long, the child sits leaning against a support - in a child's chair or in pillows. A sitting position opens up new opportunities for exploring and playing with objects. The child shakes the rattle for a long time, listening to its sound, examines it and pulls the toy into his mouth. Having dropped the rattle, the baby tries to find it with his eyes.

Indicators of a child from 5 to 6 months

Growth chart and

And a weight chart


63.98-66.92 cm

7.385-7.825 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

Do you think it’s too early for your baby to crawl?

Let's try to teach him this. So, the child lies on his stomach. Place one or two familiar toys on the mat so that your baby's fingertips just touch one of them. Sit on the floor opposite him and encourage him to try to reach the toy. Perhaps his “floundering” of his legs and arms will move the baby a little towards the toy and he will touch it or grab it.

Make your little one's job easier! Place him on his tummy so that his legs can rest against the wall as he struggles to reach the toy. Maybe not on the first try, but success is guaranteed! Or place your hand near your baby's feet so that he can rest on it when he reaches for the toy. You can “push” a little, put pressure on his feet, and he will move forward a little. Rejoice in success with your baby and be sure to praise him!

Mental development

Being in a room with adults, the baby tries to be an active participant in the events that happen around him. He tries to attract the attention of adults by “calling” them to him with various sounds. The child begins to babble, which intensifies if an adult speaks to him or smiles at him. When the baby sees its parents, it can produce so-called “cries” of joy. When alone, the baby can also pronounce various sounds and sound chains, and when an adult appears in the field of view, he begins to babble more actively.

He can use sounds to express pleasure or well-being. The baby listens carefully to the sounds he makes and is happy when he hears them.

The baby's vision and hearing improve. He begins to notice color differences (yellow and blue), looks carefully at his parents, feels his mother’s face with his hands, touches his nose, eyes, pulls her hair, puts his fingers in his parents’ mouths when they talk to him. The child notices changes in the environment (for example, when parents change toys on a mobile phone, perform actions with toys) and reacts emotionally to these changes. The baby begins to listen to the sounds of the environment - the ringing of the phone or the rumbling of operating household appliances, and tries to find the source of the sound with his eyes. The distance at which the child reacts to distant sounds increases to 2.5–3 meters.

The child laughs loudly when something is done to him, for example, when dad lifts him up and down, tickles him, blows on his tummy and hair. Such games become a favorite pastime for the growing baby and parents. By placing your baby's hands on your lips or cheeks, you can make him laugh by pronouncing sound chains with different intonations and facial expressions, for example, “ba-ba-ba,” “ma-ma-ma,” etc.

What games and exercises with a baby are useful at this age?

Take the child in your arms, bring him to the mirror, and draw his attention to the reflection (tap your finger on the mirror, ring the bell behind the mirror). First, wave your hand in front of the mirror and say, “Hello, hello!”, and then grab your baby’s hand and wave it too. When you are in front of the mirror, perform different actions: clap your hands, shake your head, wave your hand, puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, etc.

The child is now learning to reach out and grab objects with his hand. It improves grasping movements and hand coordination. Hang toys of different sizes on a string in front of your baby at a distance so that he can reach them. Don't hang them too far away, otherwise if your baby can't reach and get them, he will lose interest in them. Place a toy (rattle, small cube, or soft toy) in your child's hand. The baby will learn to transfer a toy from one hand to another, knock the toy or throw it in front of him. Place several toys in front of him so that the little one learns to reach and take toys on his own. Don't forget to praise your little one for his successes!

Turn on music, but not very loud. After a few seconds, turn off the sound, and then turn it on again. You will see that the baby notices when there is sound and when there is not. Do not leave the tape recorder turned on for a long time. A constant background sound is not very useful for the baby; he quickly begins to get tired and may begin to yawn or be capricious. Let your child listen to different music: slow, calm and rhythmic. Don't forget to talk to him about what kind of music he listens to (sad or happy). You can take the baby in your arms and dance with him, moving to the rhythm of the music. Smile and encourage your baby to laugh. Children love to move to the rhythm of the music with mom!

The baby continues to explore surrounding objects

He not only listens to sounds and looks around. He especially likes to put all objects in his mouth. For now, his mouth is the best tool for exploring objects. He bites objects, licks them, trying to feel them in different ways. Do not prevent your child from putting toys into his mouth, while carefully monitoring their cleanliness. When he grows up and learns to explore toys differently, the baby will not put all objects in his mouth. In the meantime, give him toys of different shapes, sizes and weights, from different materials (wooden, rubber, plastic, rag).

The main thing is that the materials from which all toys are made are safe. And the objects themselves were not sharp and too small. Pulling toys into your mouth is useful not only to study them better. This is also useful for later learning the skill of eating independently. In the future, you can give the child a dryer or cracker in his hand and help him bring his hand to his mouth. The baby will learn to bite and chew food. Introduce your baby to different taste sensations, but do it carefully so as not to cause allergies. You can smear the baby's fingers with honey and bring them to his mouth if he does not pull them into his mouth. Another time you can spread them with jam or sour lemon.

In addition, it is useful for a little person to learn new smells. This will further protect his life. Let him smell different smells, pleasant and unpleasant: the smell of your perfume, the smell of milk, the smell of melons, the smell of garlic, vanilla, etc. Roll a few cotton balls. Moisten one with perfume, the other with the juice of some fresh berry and, in turn, bring it to the baby’s nose.

Remember that such experiments are unacceptable for children with allergies. Look at his reaction and you will understand which smell he likes best. He will turn away from unpleasant odors and wrinkle his nose. After a few days, introduce your baby to other smells (yogurt, baby shampoo or soap, etc.) Do not bring balls with a very strong smell too close to his nose.

So big, but still so small! Yes, we can safely say that about five-month-old babies. They are so interesting now! WITHgreat interestThey watch their mother’s activities, enjoy a friendly smile, enjoy walking and much more interesting things! And, of course, in order to constantly develop and improve the mental and physical development of your child, you need to work with him. How? In the form of games, of course!

  1. Massage and gymnastics
  1. Toy review
  1. Tips for parents

At the 5th month of lifeand the baby acquires new skills:he already knows how to do it on his own on his tummy and back, gets on all fours and will very soon begin to crawl.

To come up with entertainment for the baby,mom needs to be more and more imaginativeretative. The kid is trying fully use the skills acquired during life, and now everything that comes into his little hands, immediately rendersXia taste-tested. Occupyingwhen talking to a child, remember this, and remove small dangerous objects from reach. Otherwise, the baby may choke.

For any little researcher it is important that would the object of study was new and interesting, for this reason it is better not to overdo itshower the baby with toys. Not worth postingthere is a mountain of interesting things at once:a crumb of such a wealth of choice is simply not able to appreciate.

Better get a few toys eachday, changing them periodically. RA variety of choices with constant updating of the assortment will attract interest and help make the game exciting.

Massage and gymnastics

We continue to work on the physical development of the baby. Activities and games with a 5 month old baby include strengthening exercisesleniation of the vestibular apparatus.

  • Please take a small amount face down on your hands. PLet one hand support him under his chest, the other under his stomach, carefully “fly” around the room, pretending to be an airplane. Most kids like these games. Should have inmind that if such flights inyou haven’t done this with a child before, it’s worthstart them smoothly and carefully, otherwise nasty little one may get scared.
  • Slowly , but surely the baby’s body is preparing for a new leap in motor developmentative skills – very soon inYour tiny motor will begin to move independently around the house on all fours. Help babyYou can quickly master this skill. INlying on stomach bend your knees under your stomach andexpose your handles at the same time. TO baby needs n learn to stand on all fours.
  • The next stage in training with a 5-month-old child, when this position has been successfully mastered, will be rocking the body back and forth. Such exercisescoordination of movements will help the baby to make independent movements soon.

Do not forget about the safety of the child: eIf at an earlier age leaving him alone on a bed or sofa without sides was extremely dangerous, now such actions can lead to injuries even more likely. Children develop in leaps and bounds, and very often the acquisition of new skills comes as a surprise to parents. Securee crumbs from possible falls. ABOUTIt may very well be that the momentwhen a child learns to crawl, you will overlook

Toy review

Now the baby is very interested in everything that rustles, gr emits, glitters. In general, it publishes everything sounds, moves funny and looks bright.At the same time, not only all kinds of rattles, sorters and any other products from children's stores, but also quite everyday things can serve as toys. Pieces of fabricmulti-colored jars with pebbles or cereals (just make sure that the child does not open and eat), rustling candy wrappers, and so on and so forth. Just a little bit of mom's imagination!

As a Of particular interest among the toys are the top, tumbler and feast . The baby now perceives not only visual information, but also to the touch . He really wants to take the object of interest in his hands, mouth, twirl it, touch it. Do not deny him this pleasure and be sure to start introducing him to yourtwami items (fur pompom soft, plastic cover gesturekaya, smooth satin ribbon, etc.). Fine motor skills, etc. and perceive the ctile activities are now actively developing, and how inter e It’s amazing to touch such colorful toys with your little fingers!

What to play with a 5 month old baby?

  • As before, it will be relevant and interesting for the baby peekaboo. Hide behind a napkin or scarf yourself and ask the baby the question: “Where is mom/dad?” After a second pause, show the baby your face and say: “Right here!” You can also hide the child himself - throw a scarf over his face. It is advisable to use small pieces of material that the baby can easily remove, since if a problem occursdifficulty releasing the face, rebbe Nok may simply be scared.
  • The second popular game that a child will eventually begin to play with great pleasure is "Find the object". You can hide your favorite toy or book under the same napkin, you can designate things, people, animals in the room and ask your baby to point to them. Of course, now he is not yet able toI can't do this, but listen inYour questions and answers, believe me, will be very attentive. Soon, during such activities, the baby will begin to distinguish loved ones, objects, toys and point to them first with his eyes, and then with his finger.
  • Teach your child to give and receive objects in the game. For example, using funny nursery rhymes and a soft toy, show the baby in a playful way how to pick it up with his hands, help him place it from one palm to another, give it to his mother and return it back to his hands.
  • From the first months of life, devote time reading books with baby. Of course, you won’t be able to read too much; remember that the little one is not yet able to concentrate on one action for a long time. 5-10 minutes is enough, but what! Now you can find bright, colorfulbooks with large drawings, thick pages (the child can turn them over himself),even with sound effects.
  • In a playful way, you can introduce your baby to music and sounds. Children listen with great interest to melodic sounds, light music,classical works, sounds of nature. Tell us that this is how the water sounds (you can even show it), this is how the glass knocks, and this is how the sparrow chirps. Collections of children's songs can be used as background music for exercises. Well, who forbids dancing in your arms with a baby?! Smoothly rocking on mom's arms to a cheerful melody - what could be better!

By the way, about music.Now there are special collectionsand contemporary music in children'sranking. Some well-known popular compositions have been adapted to children's lullabies.. Kids enjoy listening to pleasant soft sounds, and parents can recognize familiar notes.

5th month of a child's life - time . If your baby has been fed breast milk until now, then it is likely that right now you will offer him the first fruit or vegetable purees or juices.

It is highly not recommended to combineThere is a process of playing with feeding. TThus, the child will not be able to take him seriously. It’s not for nothing that the famous proverb says: “There’s time for work, there’s an hour for fun.” For a 5-month-old baby, mealtime is a big deal.

Playing with a baby helps develop him in all directions - vision, hearing, speech skills and physical development are impossible without the attention and efforts of close, loving people. Educational toys with various properties - rustling rugs, squeakers and rattles, baby books - all this is good for a baby at 5 months of age, but it is much more educational and interesting if mom and dad show how to play and what the properties are m and possesses this or that object.
And a very important point: comment on your actions, explain to your child what you are doing and why, talk about the properties of objects. It is very important to talk to your little one, even if he does not understand everything and cannot answer you. Speech skills are being developed now; the child is already trying to imitate adults, copy intonation and manner of communication. The way you communicate with your household and, above all, with the child himself, will subsequently be reflected in his behavior and speech skills. Teach kindness and communication from now on!
Discover a new world with your baby - learn to enjoy a bird in a tree during a walk, the bright summer sun, soap bubbles or a light warm rain. Not only kids learn from us, adults, we also have a lot to learn from them - sincerity, genuine joy from simple things, immeasurable love for the world around us. Pay attentionpay more attention to your children, and their let the sunny smile become am a reward!
  • Don't overdo it work with physical development, remember that everything should be in moderation. The child is still too young for active and prolonged play. If the baby does not want to play, is capricious and refuses, do not insist.
  • If this is your first time playing with your child, be careful. For example, the favorite game of airplanes for all children can be frightening for the first time.five month old baby.He may cry from a sudden movement, pthrowing, getting scared. Please note This.
  • It is not advisable to play immediately afterfeeding, it is better to wait and “digest” the nourishinglunch, and then get down to the fun.
  • Remember safety. Any toys and interesting things that your child might be interested in should be available to him. For example, hanging toys on a mobile phone should hangso that the child can sweat them horns Yes, reach out with your palm. But it is better to remove potentially dangerous objects, small parts, etc., out of sight.
  • Don't forget about the fun ones nursery rhymes, children of all ages love them very muchastov! With the help of such simple and short st. Ishkov is possible turn ordinary everyday activities into fun games. So the routine changing of a diaper with a funny rhyme and comments for each action turns into a reason for laughter and fun.