How to pull a deep splinter out from under the nail. Removing a splinter with tweezers. Use of saline solution

What do we call a splinter? Any foreign body that has penetrated the skin or nail. Most often, this is a small wooden chip, a thorn of a plant, but plastic, metal splinters can also be found. An interesting fact is that splinters of an organic nature contribute to the development of an infection in the wound, but not an inorganic one. However, it's worth taking them out anyway! The procedure seems especially difficult and painful if the foreign body is stuck under the nail plate. In some cases, it is simply impossible to do without qualified medical assistance. We will tell you how to get a splinter from under the nail yourself. Let's list simple methods.

How to get a splinter from under the nail: the most effective way

If you decide to remove the foreign body yourself, then it is better not to try to do it with your fingers and nails. It is much easier, faster and more efficient to use regular tweezers.

How to get a splinter out from under the nail:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the procedure!
  2. Sterilize the instrument - you can use both boiling water and an alcohol-containing agent for this.
  3. Additionally, wash the area around the splinter with soap and water. Disinfect the area with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
  4. If the damaged nail is long, then cut it with scissors - this will greatly facilitate the procedure for removing the splinter from under the nail plate.
  5. Position the injured finger under a light fixture or position yourself in a bright room - you should be able to see the splinter well.
  6. With tweezers, gently pinch its protruding edge.
  7. Pull out the foreign body in the direction in which it entered under the nail.

If, when trying to remove the splinter, it broke off (its part remained under the nail), split, then this is a reason to contact a specialist.

Extraction with a needle

It is not always possible to pick up a foreign body with tweezers. How to get a splinter from under the nail if it is deep? Use normal sewing needle:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Sterilize the needle with boiling water or alcohol.
  3. Additionally, rinse, disinfect the injured finger.
  4. Position yourself in a well-lit area for the procedure.
  5. Gently slide the tip of the needle under the nail in the direction of the splinter.
  6. Once you have reached the near edge foreign body, your task is to carefully pick it up with a needle and move it closer to the outer edge of the nail plate.
  7. Bring the splinter with a needle to the distance from which it can be removed with tweezers.
  8. Disinfect the tweezers and remove the splinter with them.

Extraction with baking soda

A splinter got under the nail - how to get it? If the foreign object is too small to catch with a needle, tweezers, or has gone too far under nail plate try this easy way:

  1. Stir in warm boiled water one tablespoon of ordinary baking soda.
  2. Soak the injured finger in a similar bath twice a day.
  3. Procedures should be repeated periodically for several days. As a result, the splinter should come to the surface of the skin, from where it will simply be removed with the same tweezers. In some cases, it falls out on its own.

There is another way where baking soda is involved. Here, a paste is prepared from the powder:

  1. Trim the damaged nail short to allow access to the foreign body.
  2. Dilute a quarter tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of boiled or drinking water so that you have a thick gruel, paste.
  3. Apply the product to the damaged area, and wrap your finger on top with a sterilized bandage.
  4. After a day, remove the bandage, inspect the damaged area.
  5. Under the action of the paste, most often the splinter comes out by itself. If this does not happen, then prepare a new portion of the product in the same way. Tie your finger again for 24 hours.

Extraction with tape

How to get a splinter from under the nail to a child? It is necessary to do this unusually and quickly so that the little patient does not have time to get scared and prevent the adult from performing the procedure. However, this method is good for small splinters, whose edge protrudes above the surface of the skin:

  1. Cut the child's nail short to allow access to the foreign body.
  2. Take a transparent adhesive tape - a splinter will be clearly visible under it.
  3. Press adhesive tape against the foreign body.
  4. Pull it sharply towards you - as a result of this action, the glued splinter will break out from under the nail.

Extraction with depilatory wax

Another unusual way, which will help remove small splinters from under the nail plate that are difficult to capture with a needle or tweezers:

  1. Trim the nail short near the damaged area to make the procedure easier.
  2. Heat the wax, then apply it to the damaged area - the substance must necessarily cover the protruding edge of the splinter.
  3. Lay on not yet cured wax a thin strip of cloth or bandage.
  4. As soon as the substance hardens, pull the edge of the glued fabric strip. Together with the wax, the splinter that has stuck to it should also move away.

Extraction using the Wisniewski tool

How to get a splinter from under the nail if it is deep? Vishnevsky's ointment here is the easiest painless way. It is applied, in particular, to small patients. The procedure goes as follows:

  1. Trim the damaged nail short.
  2. Apply a little ointment directly to the area where the splinter has penetrated.
  3. Wrap the injured finger well with a bandage - the ointment emits bad smell leaves stains on clothes bed linen.
  4. After 24 hours, remove the bandage - the splinter under the action of Vishnevsky's remedy should come to the surface by itself.
  5. If the foreign body remains under the nail, repeat the procedure again - a daily bandage with Vishnevsky ointment.
  6. If the splinter did not come out completely, but its edge appeared above the surface of the skin, then carefully pull it out with sterilized tweezers.

Folk ways to extract a splinter

Before using any of the following methods, we advise you to pre-wash the wound with soap and disinfect it with an alcohol-containing preparation:

  • Compress from the root of comfrey or fenugreek. The ingredient, crushed to a state of powder, is poured with boiling water. The resulting mass is applied to the damaged area - the bandage is changed every 4 hours.
  • gruel from onion. Grind the product on a grater, attach the gruel to the wound. Change the compress to a fresh one every 3 hours.
  • White cabbage. The cabbage leaf is rubbed on a grater into gruel. The latter is applied to the wound. Every 3 hours, such a compress should be changed to a fresh one.
  • Treatment of the wound with vodka, juniper resin, tar also helps to soften the skin around the splinter, which contributes to the independent exit of the foreign body.
  • For the same purposes they warm baths from baby soap (5 tablespoons of chips from a soap bar). The injured finger is kept in water until it cools. Continue the procedure until the splinter comes out.

After extraction

You know how to get a splinter out of your finger. After you have succeeded, do not forget to do the following:

  1. Wash the wound where the foreign body was removed with soap and water.
  2. To prevent infection from getting into it, treat the area with iodine, brilliant green, or antibiotic ointment.
  3. Did you bleed during extraction? Requires hydrogen peroxide treatment. After the bleeding stops, disinfect the wound and bandage the finger with a sterile bandage.

Need medical help!

How to get a splinter out from under the nail? Sometimes this problem only a specialist can decide. These are the cases when a foreign body went too deep under the nail plate, an infection was introduced along with it. This can be determined in several ways:

  • A splinter calls profuse bleeding.
  • You cannot get to the foreign body on your own (you already know how to get a splinter from under the nail). Here you will need a local anesthetic that will help remove the splinter painlessly.
  • The area around the foreign body is swollen, reddened, you feel pain when touched, pressed. Most likely an infection. You will be prescribed antibiotics to rule out serious consequences.

You now know the ways to help remove a splinter on your own - both small and deep under the skin, for both an adult and a child.

How much trouble can one tiny splinter cause! And one of the most unpleasant options - when she landed under the nail. This may cause not only severe pain but also severe inflammation. That is why you need to know how to properly extract it from nail bed at home without a doctor, without hurting yourself.

How to detect a splinter?

If the foreign body immediately went unnoticed, then it may take several hours until the tissues begin to pathological processes and you will feel pain or notice inflammation. But it is better not to bring it to this and immediately detect the beginning problem.

Symptoms of a splinter

  • Foreign object under the nail plate usually oblong in shape
  • Painful sensations under the nail
  • Pulsation and twitching under the nail plate
  • Temperature change nail (hotter than the rest)

These symptoms will help you recognize a splinter when it is not visually visible, for example, due to nail polish or extended manicure. When a problem has arisen, you cannot start the process, so you will have to take measures to make the splinter visible: at least wipe off the varnish, otherwise it will be difficult to remove it.

A flashlight from the phone will help to make out an invisible splinter: you need to turn it on and attach it to your finger from the back.

See how it's done:

The importance of timely extraction of a splinter

Why is it important to get the splinter out as soon as possible? The fact is that a piece of material that got under the nail (metal, wood, a piece of paint or something else) probably contained a lot of bacteria. As a result, at the point of penetration, even the most small splinterinflammation will occur and in some cases blood poisoning can occur.

If you feel that the pain is getting worse, if numbness or growing inflammation appears, the finger begins to swell, the foreign object must be urgently removed.

Especially dangerous symptom- if you notice the beginning of suppuration, along with which the overall body temperature rises.

What threatens ignoring a splinter

If a splinter that is still under the nail and causing trouble remains unremoved for several days, the situation may turn irreparable consequences:

  • Loss of a nail with no hope of recovery
  • Blood poisoning
  • Soft tissue necrosis
  • Development tetanus
  • As a result of gangrene finger amputation or arms/legs
  • Under adverse circumstances it is possible death

Therefore, the extraction of a splinter should be given due attention, be sure to follow the rules of antiseptics.

The procedure for removing a splinter from under the nail

Preparatory stage

To get a splinter from under the nail, especially at home, you need to use sterile tools. It is important not to break off the splinter, not to force it to dig even deeper into the skin.

cook necessary funds and tools:

  1. disinfectant (if not available, fire will be needed)
  2. cotton wool or bandage
  3. tweezers or nail clippers, a needle (sewing or medical) or nail scissors with very thin and sharp ends,
  4. patch,
  5. magnifying glass.

Just in case, have ammonia on hand.

Preparing to remove a splinter

The first thing to do - disinfect instruments any antiseptic, or treat with fire, calcining them. Thoroughly wash your hands. Cut off the nail, under which a splinter fell. Cut so as not to cut off the splinter, you may be able to release its protruding edge. injured finger A couple of minutes soak in disinfectant.

Splinter removal method

If by the time you decide to remove the foreign object, the pain in the finger has already reached considerable strength, then use cream or spray with an anesthetic effect. Please note that after applying the anesthetic, you need to wait a few minutes for it to work. Provide yourself with good visibility, turn on bright lights. Then take action:

  1. Spread your finger in hot water with soda or laundry soap.
  2. Pick up the edge of the splinter with tweezers; if this succeeds, most likely you will be able to remove the splinter without problems.
  3. When, if the edge of the splinter is hidden away from cutting the nail, you will have to act with a needle: bring the needle closer to the splinter, pick her up, like a hook, pressing to the nail from below, and pull up to the exit.

Difficult cases

The splinter sits very deep

If the above actions were not successful or the splinter is so small that it cannot be seen because it has stuck deep into the skin, then use one of the following methods:

  • Pharmacy ichthyol ointment can help to get a splinter if you wrap your finger with it for a couple of hours.
  • Vishnevsky ointment effectively help to "pull out" a stuck splinter. In addition, it disinfects and eliminates the purulent process that has begun. Make a compress from Vishnevsky's ointment for the night.
  • Warm vegetable oil will help the splinter "emerge" from the finger. To do this, hold your finger in the heated oil for about 10 minutes.

A few more ways to extract a deep splinter are presented in this video:

If your little one is afraid of needles or other tools, you can try divert his attention and a quick, sure action to get a splinter.

Or, after steaming, gently wipe the baby’s finger from moisture and use a patch. Stick it to the splinter, then peel it off carefully. The edge of the splinter will stick to the patch and be removed.

Cleaning film masks or depilatory wax applied to the problem area and then removed after hardening can help quickly and without a needle.

How to pull out a splinter as painlessly as possible

The only way to pull out a splinter without pain is to use skin anesthetics. Among them Liracaine, which is made on the basis of a gel and easily penetrates under the nail.

Gel Sustain, which is designed to relieve pain when applying a tattoo, can also help with the removal of a splinter. Another powerful remedySuperTriospecial agent to relieve discomfort cosmetic procedures. There are many other remedies that are available in the pharmacy chain.

Folk methods for extracting splinter

One of the old grandmothers' recipes is an onion lotion. It is necessary to make a slurry of onions and attach to the place where the splinter penetrates. You can wrap it with a bandage, as it will take a long time to hold the bandage. Every three hours, check to see if the splinter has come out by changing the onion gruel to fresh.

In the same way, you can apply cabbage leaf mask, grated. It is worth adding a spoonful of vodka to such a compress.

Powder fenugreek root will help get rid of a splinter if applied to a problem area in the form of gruel.

If you are growing scarlet, then its leaf will help get rid of the splinter, at the same time it will relieve the inflammation that has arisen.

Post-procedure nail care

After successful removal of the splinter treat the finger with a disinfectant, apply a bandage with soothing ointment. try keep your hands clean before healing, give Special attention care injured finger to preserve the beauty and health of the nail.

If, after removal of a foreign body, you didn't stop hurting and others unpleasant symptoms, see a surgeon. Perhaps not all of the splinter was removed, or it managed to cause significant harm to health.

Tips on how to remove a splinter correctly and how to make the necessary processing will allow you not to get confused if such a problem overtakes you or your friends. With the right knowledge, you can help not only yourself, but also those around you.

Our life is always filled with force majeure. And often such unforeseen circumstances are unpleasant. This applies to injuries, infrequent cases, including the ingress of splinters into the skin and under the nail. But if it is easier to remove a foreign object from the skin, then it is harder and more painful to remove it from under the nail. Let's find out how to make it easier and less painful.

Causes of splinters

All of us at least once, but faced splinters. They happen, as they say, when doing good and necessary deeds. For example, when renovating an apartment or general cleaning, while working in the garden in the country. Very often, even when cooking on a wooden board, there is a chance of getting a splinter.

This can happen not only when in contact with a wood surface. It happens that trouble occurs when working with fiberglass, metal shavings. Sometimes the cause of a splinter is a plant with thorns or a fish bone.

A splinter under the nail is considered the most painful. If it is not removed in time (and this often happens due to the fact that it is detected late), the consequences will be serious. You may even need surgery.

If for some reason the splinter has entered deep under the nail, you do not need to risk getting it yourself. It should be remembered about antiseptic and disinfectant measures when removing splinters.

There are such splinters that can be easily reached with tweezers, and it happens that it is very difficult to get a splinter that has completely gone under the nail. In this case, you should consult a doctor. You can also try folk remedies for such unpleasant cases.

How to pull a splinter under the nail

From the very beginning, the injured place must be smeared with iodine several times and, perhaps, the splinter, if it is small, will simply dissolve.

If the splinter fell under the nail, then pour hot water into a glass, pour 3-4 tablespoons of salt and lower your finger. Steam the nail for 15 minutes. Then the next day you will forget about the trouble, provided that you did the procedure immediately after the discovery of the splinter.

Another option is to attach the resin of any tree to the place. It must first be kneaded in the hands. After 30-40 minutes, the splinter will come out by itself, and you can remove it with tweezers.

By the way, the resin can be completely replaced with tar. Tar has stretching properties. The finger should be liberally applied with tar ointment, fix the finger with a bandage and after a few hours the splinter itself will appear on the surface of the skin. Then you can easily remove it with tweezers.

If the splinter is deeply embedded and you cannot deal with it, then you need to hold your finger in a heated sunflower oil. After the procedure, it will be much easier to get it.

It will facilitate the removal of a splinter by lowering the injured finger for 30 minutes into a glass of vodka or alcohol.

You can apply Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol ointment to facilitate the removal of a foreign object. To do this, generously lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail with this ointment, bandage it - and after a couple of hours you will see that the splinter will come out.

If the splinter is difficult to pull out, you can bandage a banana skin to your finger with the soft side overnight. By morning, the splinter will come to the surface of the skin.

In such cases, soda lotions are also used. Make a thick slurry out of water and baking soda, apply to the nail, wrap for a couple of hours. Soon she will come out. Onion gruel has the same properties.

Sometimes a splinter is the tip of a glass fish bone, thorn from a cactus, roses, metal shavings. For such cases, you need to take a small piece of black bread, soak it and mix it with salt. Then you need to fix this bread swab on the nail. Salt will cause discomfort and possibly pain. But the method is very effective. After a couple of hours, the splinter will come to the surface, you can deal with it with the help of disinfected tweezers.

It happens that the place under the nail has become inflamed, an abscess has formed. In this case, a clay compress diluted with water will help you. It will relieve inflammation and draw out pus well.

If a splinter has fallen under the child's nail, then do so. Dissolve in 1 liter hot water grated soap in in large numbers(half a piece). Let the baby hold his finger in this soapy solution. Then the splinter will come to the surface of the skin.

Be sure to treat the place with iodine, alcohol for disinfection after "farewell" to the splinter. Take care of your hands and nails!

Splinters under the nail fall, unfortunately, quite often. This is due to the very nature of the nail - a dense plate on a soft bed. The nature of splinters can differ significantly - chips, glass, metal. This article is devoted to methods and techniques for extracting various splinters from under the nail plate.

As a rule, it is not difficult to diagnose a splinter under the nail, since it is quite painful. In addition to pain, blanching can be observed, and then visual redness of the nail plate.

Mistakes made when extracting splinters

A splinter under the nail

The first mistake that adults and children make when this type trauma - trying to immediately get rid of a foreign body:

  • break the splinter itself, unsuccessfully trying to take it out with inappropriate objects;
  • contribute to the spread of the infectious process by manipulating unwashed hands and improvised objects;
  • a foreign body is introduced even deeper into the nail bed.

The second mistake happens a little less often, and is associated with a high threshold of pain sensitivity. Sometimes it happens that the victim does not notice the splinters under the nail. After 6 hours (on average), the infection begins to spread to soft tissues finger. This manifests itself as follows:

  • around the affected nail, the skin may swell;
  • there is a throbbing pain in the lesion, indicating a purulent process;
  • hyperemia (redness) develops.

Later - all this is resolved into an abscess (panaritium or other forms of suppuration), which can be fraught with both loss of the nail, and more heavy processes, including the spread of pus along the fascia of the hand further.

Photo gallery of purulent complications

How to pull a splinter out from under a nail

Treat your finger with a disinfectant. You need to find a magnifying glass, tweezers, a needle and cotton wool.

If all this is not there - find it, you have 4-5 hours before suppuration. Inadequate extraction of a splinter can cost much more.

All tools must also be treated with disinfectants. Hands must be clean. If the splinter sits deep, pour a glass of vodka and immerse the injured finger there for half an hour. This procedure will make the foreign body visible, in addition, the splinter will partially come out of the wound, which is very useful when the distal part is already broken off.

After processing the tools, carefully inspect the entry point of the splinter, as well as the angle of entry.

A magnifying glass is a must, because it allows you to precisely control the angle at which the splinter will be displayed.

Photo gallery of tools for extracting splinter

The prepared (steamed) fingertip can be slightly moved away from the nail and pressed a little on it. This, in most cases, allows you to completely or partially remove the splinter from the tissues. The accessible tip of the foreign body is removed with tweezers or tweezers. If this is not possible, we push the splinter to the exit with a needle. To do this, carefully insert the needle parallel to the splinter and lift it up. After the tip of the splinter appears, we fix it with the second hand and remove it with tweezers.

As a rule, a small amount of pus has already formed, which facilitates the discharge of a foreign body.

After manipulation, the finger must be treated with an antiseptic.

For deep splinters, a sensible decision would be to go to the district surgeon (or any general surgeon). This will allow manipulation under aseptic conditions and quickly, which favorably affects the risk of infection of the wound.

Video on how to remove a splinter from under the nail

These manipulations remain unchanged, only the methods of preparing the finger (softening) and the measures of asepsis and antisepsis differ. ethnoscience recommends a whole list of means of softening the injured finger for more successful extraction of a splinter.

How to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies

The injured finger must be steamed out so that the splinter can be removed more easily, and to prevent the development of panaritium.

A finger bath is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of soda and rock salt is placed in a glass of boiling water. You can also add tincture of calendula or eucalyptus. Immerse your finger in the solution (literally for a second). The procedure is repeated for 15 minutes. An option for softening is also a soapy solution - crushed is dissolved in a liter of boiling water. baby soap(5 tablespoons).

After these procedures, the splinter can be removed with nail clippers, a magnifying glass and a needle.

Folk remedies for extracting splinters in the photo

Folk remedies for extracting an already submerged splinter

Fenugreek and comfrey (roots) are crushed and mixed in equal proportions, after which boiling water is added and stirred so that a thick paste is formed. A compress with this paste is applied to the affected finger and fixed with a bandage. It must be changed every four hours until a splinter appears.

Onion casserole. Chopped onions are applied to the wound, wrapped in cellophane and fixed with a bandage. Bandages are changed every 3-4 hours.

White (cosmetic) clay is mixed with hot water. The resulting ointment is applied to the wound and fixed. Change every two hours.

Pine resin is applied under the nail, bandaged for 6 hours. After that, the resin is removed with a swab soaked in alcohol. For the same purpose, juniper resin and tar are used.

The most common household injury to the nail plate is a splinter. Few know what to do in such a situation. Of course, inaction is not an option. After all, a splinter under the nail is an injury that is accompanied unpleasant sensations, pain. Above all, regardless of the damage, the consequences can be dire. They often develop into infectious inflammations, which entail the need surgical intervention. In some cases, the removal of the nail plate is required.

First aid

Of course, if the splinter has not completely entered the tissue, its edge is visible, it is accessible, then you can use tweezers or thin tweezers, or use a needle to remove the foreign body. But previously used tools must be disinfected with cologne, vodka or alcohol.

When removing a splinter, it is important that the movements are accurate. Otherwise, there is a chance to aggravate the situation, making the injury deeper. The splinter will become inaccessible for elimination at home.

To eliminate splinters from under the nail, a salt bath is used. It allows you to painlessly get rid of a foreign body. Table salt (1 tsp) and baking soda (1 tsp) are poured into a glass with boiling water. Then the affected area is dipped in such a bath until it cools completely.

In addition to soda with salt, infusions of calendula, yarrow, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, chamomile in alcohol are used. They have disinfectant and antibacterial properties.

Before pulling out a splinter from under the nail, you need to carefully treat the injured area with iodine. It is important to disinfect the wound. If the splinter is small, it will come out by itself or dissolve.

Folk recipes

If salt baths, alcohol tinctures of herbs and disinfection with iodine are not effective, then other methods are used. The most popular are such folk recipes:

  • If there is a splinter under the nail, then you can try a special compress. It is prepared from fenugreek root or comfrey. This ingredient is crushed to a powder and poured with hot water until a pasty thick consistency is obtained. Before applying the compress, it is better to wipe the wound with alcohol or iodine. Then a thick mixture of fenugreek or comfrey is applied to the affected area, fixed with a bandage. The bandage is changed every four hours until the splinter becomes accessible. Then it is removed with fine tweezers. The wound is treated with calendula ointment.
  • Another compress is also prepared, based on onions. To do this, you need to clean one such product from the husk. Then it should be crushed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the damaged area, disinfected with iodine, alcohol, peroxide. From above, such a compress is covered with plastic wrap, fixed with a bandage. The compress is changed every three hours. The wound is treated with a disinfectant.
  • Pine resin is also used. Such a substance is applied to the area around the nail and even under the nail itself. The wound is pre-treated with alcohol or another disinfectant. Then the finger must be tightly bandaged and left for six hours. Then the remains must be removed with a gauze or cotton swab, which is moistened in alcohol or turpentine. When the splinter becomes accessible, it is necessary to remove it with a needle, tweezers or tweezers. Pre-tools also need to be treated with a disinfectant solution.
  • A white cabbage leaf is also used. It is thoroughly washed, dried, rubbed to gruel. Then add a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol, mix, smear on a sterile gauze napkin. Then wrapped around the affected area. A dry, clean cloth is applied on top, wrapped with a bandage. Cabbage leaves are replaced with fresh ones every three hours. The procedures are stopped when the splinter becomes available.
  • If the splinter is stuck deep under the nail, then a soap bath will help to pull it out. To do this, rub baby soap on a fine grater to get five tablespoons. Then the chips are mixed with boiling water (1 l). When the soap is completely dissolved, a finger is lowered into the bath for a few minutes. The procedure is repeated until the liquid cools down. If the splinter does not appear, then a compress is applied on top of the injured area.
  • White clay, used in cosmetology, is mixed with a small amount of hot water to the consistency of sour cream. After the finger is treated with alcohol, a clay gruel is applied, and the bandage is fixed. Change compresses every two hours.
  • Fresh potatoes are ground to a gruel, which is applied to the treated finger. The bandage is changed every two hours.
  • The plantain leaf is crushed to a gruel. Apply directly to the wound, tighten with a film, fix with a bandage. They change every two hours.
  • Juniper resin is applied to the damaged area. From above, the finger is wrapped with a film, fixed with a bandage.
  • The damaged area after a bath with hot water is smeared with tar, bandaged. As a rule, after four hours the splinter comes to the surface of the skin.
  • After treatment with alcohol, steaming is carried out, then a compress is applied from Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol ointment. Keep for five hours.
  • The skin of the phalanx of the fingers is softened with vodka, fifty grams are poured into a glass and the finger is lowered there. Hold for half an hour.
  • Rub an apple on a fine grater. Then add some vodka. Apply to the wound for two hours.
  • It should be understood that the reasons for getting a splinter under the nail plate, as a rule, are varied. It can be fiberglass, a piece of wood, metal shavings, thin fish bones or plant thorns. A splinter causes severe pain, not only in the damaged area, but throughout the finger. Sometimes even the wrist hurts.

    If the splinter goes too deep, the pain is unbearable - you should not take risks and try to extract it yourself. It is best to seek qualified medical care. Specialists carry out the necessary manipulations, eliminating a foreign object, using painkillers.