Onion - “ஐ how I strengthened my hair and stopped hair loss! which is better and more effective: onion juice or husk? how can you tone your hair in a noble reddish shade without harming your hair? I will show and tell everything. pros and cons of the treatment procedure ஐ»

Every woman strives for unusual beauty. In order to change your external image, you need to make some effort. There comes a moment when a woman or girl realizes that she should change the color of her hair. Today it is customary to dye your hair in various colors. Many young girls choose to dye their hair blue, pink, purple and other bright colors. Thus, you can emphasize your individuality. Despite this diversity, most women choose classic and natural shades.

Previously, our ancestors used various natural substances to dye their hair. For example, clay, chamomile, onion husks, green walnut shells, and berry juice were part of a certain mask. Then they began to use hydrogen peroxide for dyeing hair. You can solve the problem with staining quickly and easily. In the modern world there are a huge number of different means. However, some women prefer to dye their hair with harmless natural remedies. Do not forget about the fact that the benefits of onion peel are quite large.

Everyone knows that onions have useful and healing properties. Great importance, of course, should also be given to onion peel. Few people think about how useful the properties of onion peel are. In many cases, onion skins are thrown into the trash. However, in this article, the benefits of onion peel will be considered.

Many women partially consume onion peel only in a single case. For example, during the Easter holidays, to paint eggs. It is worth noting that onion peel has quite useful properties. It is also used in many areas. Onion peel is acceptable in folk medicine, in cooking and even in veterinary medicine.

Onion Skins - Health Secrets / Antioxidant in Onion Skins / Quercetin

Why use in today's world?

Fresh onion peel will help get rid of serious diseases. Onion peel favorably affects the state of blood vessels, treats bronchial asthma and allergies. Can strengthen the immune system in a short time. A mask made from onion peel also improves human health in general. Therefore, it is worth noting that onion peel is widely known as a tool for dyeing hair. An effective homemade mask is essential for hair growth and against hair loss. This article will discuss the main advantages, qualities and characteristics of onion peel.

If you are tired of visiting hairdressers and you have damage to the tips and roots of your hair, then you should carefully read this article. All recipes and methods for dyeing hair with onion peel will be considered here. We will help you restore your hair at home and eliminate dandruff.

How to dye your hair?

Owners of blond hair will suit a specially made mask at home using onion peel. Thus, you can not only strengthen and restore the structure of the hair, but also protect the skin from dandruff. Many girls and women are wondering: how to dye your hair with onion peel? We offer you several options to review. For light blonde women, a golden hue is perfect, which will look very effective. Delicate shade will shimmer in the sun. Onion peel contains a natural dye that produces a light coloring of the hair. Before applying the mask to the hair, you need to wash your hair in advance.

In order to get a special texture for dyeing hair, you need to prepare a decoction. The onion peel mask will give your hair a healthy and natural look. Hair coloring with this method allows you to solve several hair problems at once. Firstly, it effectively fights against hair loss, and secondly, the tincture is prepared quite quickly. It also works well as a hair growth stimulant.

With regular use of a decoction of onion peel, hair will become soft, fluffy, natural shine and healthy growth. Where does this benefit come from? This decoction contains beneficial substances that are absorbed into the skin and hair roots, thereby strengthening and restoring the structure of the hair.

Recipe for hair restoration

In order to prevent the problems of your hair, you need to prepare a decoction. Take 50 grams of onion peel and place in a glass of water. Boil the tincture for ten minutes. The resulting broth should be filtered and spread on the hair. This process should be done daily. The resulting tincture is applied until the desired result is obtained. It is worth noting that the hair will not be completely dyed. However, you can get a very delicate and natural golden hue. It is recommended to keep the infusion of onion peel on the head for forty minutes. Next, you should thoroughly wash your hair with warm water or rinse with a decoction of onion peel.

Now we will offer you several options for coloring your hair in various shades. It is quite difficult to get the desired result from one time. But with regular use of this infusion, you can get the final final result that you will like.

Tested on myself: Onion Mask OR How to Grow Hair?

Hair coloring in various shades

Onion peel is remembered only in special cases. With age, you have to mask your gray hair. Some women do not want to use chemical hair dyes. Therefore, the best alternative solution is to dye your hair with onion peel. Everyone knows that a natural dye is always valued more than the use of a chemical agent. A home-made decoction perfectly paints and masks gray hair, and is also the best stimulant for hair growth. After applying the mask, the head should be washed with warm water.

  1. Owners of dark hair may not use this decoction. Since in this case the mask does not guarantee full coloring of the hair. Fair-haired owners of blond hair can safely brew the infusion and start coloring their hair. To do this, you need to prepare a strong broth. In this case, fifty grams of onion peel is taken and two hundred milliliters of water is added on top. The broth should be boiled for twenty minutes. The finished mixture is applied daily to the roots and tips. After a couple of weeks, you can achieve the desired result at home. You can wash your hair daily after applying this mask.
  2. In order to get a chestnut color, you need to take a 3-liter saucepan and fill it with onion peel. It is necessary to add one and a half liters of boiled water to the pan. This mixture should be cooked for 20 or at least 30 minutes. The fire should not be very strong. After that, strain the broth and let it cool. Before applying the decoction to the head, you need to wash your hair and dry it a little. Next, the strands need to be divided evenly and apply a decoction. Don't forget to stock up on a plastic cap. After the procedure, the head should be wrapped with a towel. The tincture should be kept on the head for at least one hour. Then you need to wash your hair, which will turn into a natural chestnut color.
  3. The following recipe is for dyeing hair reddish-orange. A mask for dyeing hair in this shade is prepared very quickly and easily. First you need to take 30 grams of onion peel and pour boiled water. Then put on a small fire and brew for twenty minutes. Therefore, the finished broth must be filtered and cooled. With daily consumption of this decoction, fair-haired hair owners can get a pleasant orange tint.

Tutorial: Barwienie wełny w łuskach cebuli - Dyeing Wool using Onion Skins

Recipes for decoctions of onion peel

Prescription against hair loss (baldness)

In order to eliminate intense hair loss, we suggest preparing a tincture according to this recipe. Oak leaves and two tablespoons of decoction of onion peel are taken. One liter of water is poured into the container, mixed raw materials are added accordingly. The whole mixture is boiled for a whole hour. The resulting decoction should be well massaged into the scalp. This procedure should be carried out daily for two weeks. After the first procedure, the result will be noticeable. An effective mask suitable for all hair types. This recipe will help solve your hair problems. The mask against hair loss and for hair growth is recommended by doctors and experts who conducted the experiment in a timely manner.

ONION mask with OILS!! From LOSS + SUPER Shine HAIR!!!)))

Recipe for painting over gray hair

With age, you have to monitor your appearance more carefully and choose what is beneficial. It is necessary to carry out procedures regularly to look perfect. In order to cover your gray hair with natural remedies, you need to apply the following components.

To mask gray hair in a short period of time, a decoction of onion peel should be applied daily. If this mixture is kept on the head for a longer time, the color will be much more intense than before. Therefore, experts recommend keeping the decoction on the head for forty minutes or at least one hour. In this case, it is better to take the peel of yellow onions. Water (about three hundred milliliters) and two handfuls of husks are added to the container. Owners of blond hair will get a beautiful golden hue. Light brown hair will look fresher, and gray hair will not be noticeable. A mask prepared with onion peel always works effectively.

Onion peel for hair beauty and density / treatment of hair loss, dandruff

When more and more cosmetics appear in the world, the name of which we do not even know, an increasing number of girls prefer natural recipes for beauty and youth. These are masks from fresh vegetables and fruits, decoctions of herbs for skin and hair, recipes for home medicine against acne and blackheads. And even dyeing hair has become fashionable at home, using natural pigments and dyes for this - chamomile decoction, sea buckthorn oil, cognac. After all, it is absolutely safe - such coloring not only does not harm the hair, but also significantly strengthens it. One of the effective, useful and natural stains is the use of onion peel. This procedure is becoming more and more popular.

The benefits of onion skins

In addition to giving your hair a nice golden hue, onion peel can change the condition of your hair for the better.

  1. Everyone knows that onion pulp is used in masks against hair loss. The fact is that aggressive components that improve blood circulation in the scalp are also contained in the husk. After such a mask, the skin will burn a little. However, for the sake of the result, it is worth it. After a rush of blood to the hair follicles, the bulbs are saturated with vitamins and oxygen. This makes them stronger, they stop falling out. In addition, this way you stimulate the awakening and growth of new young hairs, which significantly increases the density of the hair.
  2. Craftswomen who are engaged in needlework and dyeing animal hair know that soaking onion peel in a decoction makes curls more shiny and smooth. The fact is that a decoction of onion peel seals the opened scales of the hair shaft. The hair becomes smooth, uniform, without flaws. This gives the hair an incredible shine.
  3. The use of onion peel is useful for increased oily hair. If you regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel, the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes, the strands become much less greasy. If you use the decoction constantly, at least twice a week, after a month you will notice that the hair retains its freshness longer.
  4. Onion rinse is also suitable for those who suffer from dandruff. Onion decoction has antiseptic and antifungal properties. With regular use, dandruff disappears forever.

Like it or not, onion peel is incredibly beneficial for hair. But is it possible to change the color of curls with it?

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What color will onion peel give

In general, onion peel has a pleasant golden sheen, which creates the basis of its coloring pigment. However, the hair color you can get depends on the structure of the hair, its density, its own color and previous coloring history.

The husk will give a noticeable coloring result when applied to natural hair, if they have not previously been touched by chemical compounds. In this case, the pigment will be the most pronounced. If you rinse your dark hair with a decoction of onion peel, they will acquire a pleasant chestnut tint. It will be most noticeable in the sun - the golden color will shine.

If you have light brown hair, the onion will make it golden or copper, depending on the intensity of its own color. However, if you have bleached blonde hair, be careful - in this case, dyeing with onion skins can give the strands a chicken shade.

In addition, when collecting the husk, you should pay attention to its natural color. Some varieties of onions may be brown, others golden, others generally reddish. Red onion is used if you want to give your hair an unusual raspberry shade. Of course, you will not succeed in intense coloring, but it is quite possible to achieve a slight overflow, noticeable in daylight.

Preparing the husk for coloring

For the procedure to be successful, you need to correctly select, collect and prepare raw materials. A good, dry onion needs to be peeled from the top husk - we use only the “golden shirt”. No need to use husks from wormy and moldy vegetables. In addition, it is better to remove the skin from an old onion - the husk of a young onion does not have enough pigment. The husk can be dried in the sun after harvesting. Store onion peel in a paper or canvas bag, in a dark and completely dry place.

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Cooking a decoction of onion peel

First you need to prepare a coloring broth. For this, onion peel is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with water. Here it is very important to choose the amount of onion peel. If you take no more than 50 grams of husk, you will get a slight golden hue. With more husks, you can get a brown tint. If you take three large handfuls of onions, you will dye your hair with a bright orange pigment. And to give the strands a deep chestnut color, you will have to tightly stuff a container of at least two liters with the husk.

Water should be poured to a minimum so as not to lose the concentration of the composition. Pour in enough liquid so that the entire husk is submerged under water. You need to cook the husk for at least an hour, preferably 40-45 minutes. After that, let the broth cool down. Strain the composition through a sieve or several layers of gauze. If this is not done, the smallest particles of the husk will get stuck in the hair and it will be quite difficult to wash them out.

If you want a more intense result that will stay on your hair much longer, you can dissolve a couple of tablespoons of glycerin in the finished broth.

How to dye your hair with onion peel

So, the coloring broth is ready. How to apply it to the hair so that the strands are colored evenly?

  1. When we color curls with regular paint, we try to apply it to dirty hair so that the natural fatty layer of the scalp protects us from the aggressive components of the paint. In our case, we will apply the decoction on a clean head, because its composition is absolutely safe, in addition, clean hair contributes to a more uniform coloring.
  2. If you have fair skin, onion peel can stain not only your hair, but also your scalp. To prevent this from happening, apply a little oil to the scalp before using the decoction - castor, olive or burdock. Just dip your fingertips in the oil and go over your scalp. Especially carefully treat the edge of the hair and the parting area.
  3. On clean and dry hair, apply a decoction with a sponge or sponge. This should be done as evenly as possible so that there are no unpainted areas left. First, treat the roots of the hair, then distribute the decoction along the entire length, and then gently dip the tips in the decoction. No need to just rinse your hair with a decoction - this way you can get a "spotty" result.
  4. After that, wrap your hair with cling film, a regular plastic bag or a special hairdressing cap. Warm your head with a towel. Leave the mask on for a couple of hours.
  5. After the specified time, the head will need to be thoroughly washed using the usual shampoo. This is especially true if the decoction contained glycerin or you applied oil to the scalp. If you applied a pure decoction of onion peel to your hair, simply rinsing your hair will be enough.
  6. To fix the color, you can rinse your hair with vinegar solution - a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. This will make the curls more radiant and the color deeper.
  7. After shampooing, do not use a hair dryer, the hair should dry naturally.
  8. If the resulting pigment seemed to you not intense enough, you can repeat the procedure daily until the desired shade is obtained.
  9. Sometimes thin hair can acquire a light onion aroma after such dyeing. This is noticeable when wet, if you suddenly get caught in the rain. To avoid amber, rinse your hair after washing with lemon water (the juice of one lemon per liter of water). In this case, the unpleasant smell does not threaten you.

Remarkably, onion staining is quite resistant - the pigment is not washed off during the first shampooing. This is another plus in the piggy bank of such a useful and necessary procedure.
Do you want a bright golden shade of hair? Sometimes even the most expensive and high-quality paints cannot give curls such a deep and rich shade that onion peel gives us. Be beautiful without compromising the health of your hair - use natural pigments!

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Video: onion peel for beauty and hair density

Onion husks were used by beauties as an effective tool to dye curls. True, it is sometimes impossible to predict what shade such a dye will give. From the structure of the strand and their initial state, you can get shades from golden to red. How to dye your hair with onion peel? They paint it on clean curls.

How to dye strands with husks

Both hair and skin will be dyed. This means that the latter must be protected from unwanted staining by smearing with flax or olive extract.

The resulting broth is evenly spread over the strands, literally massaging into the hair, but not the skin. On top, cover the hair with a film with a warm scarf and leave the composition to work from one and a half to two hours. Time is determined by the intensity of the staining result. A few minutes is enough to get a light reflection.

At the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water without shampoo and dried without using a hair dryer. Maintaining a spectacular tone makes a daily procedure mandatory.

Onion dye should not be applied to dyed curls or for hair after perming. The result can be disastrous. So, after industrial paints, onion peel is able to dye the hair in a green tone.

It makes no sense to store the composition with onion peel. It will lose useful properties. So every time you have to cook a new portion.

Composition preparation

In order for the broth to acquire greater concentration and saturation, after boiling according to the recipe, it is necessary to infuse it for two or three hours, wrap the container and leave it in a warm place.

If you don’t like the resulting hair tone, then wash your head thoroughly with shampoo several times. An unpleasant odor after staining will not be removed by washing the strand. But you can disaromatize the composition during preparation. Raw materials are laid out in the fresh air for several days. The bad smell will disappear.

There are many combinations: different proportions of onion raw materials and water give different effects. But there are a few rules that must be followed. And most importantly - you can use natural dyes only on natural-colored hair.

Recipes for dyeing strands

But with the help of onion peel, gray hair is excellently painted over. To obtain a remedy for a strong composition from a handful of onion skins per hundred milliliters of water, already infused, add a couple of tablespoons of liquid glycerin. The solution is applied to the strands twice or thrice a week. It's easy to prepare ingredients but it is necessary to choose the right method of preparation, because the final shade depends on this. A golden light reflection will give a decoction of fifty grams of raw materials per glass of boiling water. A pot with a mass is boiled over a fire for a quarter to a third of an hour, the resulting product is filtered through gauze before being painted with it so that particles of raw materials do not remain in the strands.

The golden brown shade of hair is seventy grams of husk per glass of boiling water. You also need to boil the product for twenty minutes. After straining and cooling, the recipe is ready to use. A reddish-orange tint to the hair will give an increase in the volume of natural dye. One hundred grams of husk is poured with boiling water and boiled for a third of an hour. Strain through several layers of gauze.

A rich chestnut shade of hair will give a three-liter saucepan filling with husks to the top. One and a half liters of boiling water is added to the raw material and the mass is boiled for half an hour, stirring, so that the husk is completely immersed in water. After careful straining, they will try the remedy in practice.

Brown-gold tone - a recipe from one hundred grams of raw materials and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, a couple of teaspoons of glycerin. First, boil the husk for five maximum seven minutes. Then glycerin is added to the cooled mass. The completely cooled composition is applied to the strands. It is most convenient to do this with a sponge. The desired tone is not always achieved the first time. But do not despair: you need to paint over again until the desired color is achieved.

All ladies can dye their hair with onion skins. But the most noticeable results are on light strands. Dark curls will receive a slight reddish sheen, visible under the rays of the sun. But this shade looks amazing. It is appropriate to dye weakened hair, such a procedure will help oily strands.

To get a high-quality result, you need to use a high-quality husk. Remove it according to the recipe only from unspoiled onions. There are no stains or mold on their surface. For hair, only the upper layers, dry, are good. After removal, it is better to hold the husk on a horizontal surface for several hours to get rid of excess moisture. The finished raw materials are stored both in the container and in the bag for an unlimited time.

Natural dyes are useful, but they can dye hair for a short time. Therefore, in order to preserve the resulting shades, you will have to constantly use the products as rinses after washing or massage into the strands.

Irina01/08/2017 Onion peel for beauty and hair density

Dear readers, it is no exaggeration to say that any woman wants to be beautiful and attract admiring glances. And so we want the condition of the hair to please us. Beautiful, healthy hair always makes our appearance more attractive.

Currently, natural hair care products are becoming increasingly popular, because their effectiveness has been tested for centuries, and the price is often low, affordable for each of us. Today we will talk about how to use onion peel for hair.

We talked about the benefits of husks for our health in the article What is the use of onion peel Pay attention to its useful and healing properties for disease prevention and general recovery. The healing abilities of onion husks have not bypassed our hair either: with its help, you can perfectly take care of them, restore weakened and damaged hair, and also give a beautiful shade when coloring your hair. And if you are supporters of professional hair dyes, then you can see everything in stores, in network campaigns, for example, use hair dye from the Oriflame catalog And we return to the topic of conversation. What are the benefits of using onion peel for hair?

Benefits of procedures

The composition of onion peel includes a whole set of biologically active components, among which an important place is occupied by a particularly valuable substance quercetin. This is a simple natural remedy:

  • promotes the renewal of skin cells of the scalp,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • strengthens and nourishes the hair roots,
  • normalizes the condition of the sebaceous glands,
  • moisturizes and restores the hair structure,
  • improves their condition and appearance,
  • promotes growth,
  • fights fungal diseases of the scalp,
  • relieves itching, peeling and other discomfort,
  • normalizes metabolism.

Hair health first of all begins with the health of the skin of the scalp. As I already wrote, onion peel has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, wound healing, anti-allergic effects, increases the protective properties of the skin and is widely used to treat skin diseases, as well as for rejuvenation.

Application result

As a result of the use of compositions with onion peel, the hair becomes lush, silky, shiny, obedient and strong, acquires volume, elasticity, and combing is facilitated. A nice bonus is that with a simple rinse with a decoction of the husk just once a week, the hair acquires a rich golden hue that shimmers in the sun.

We solve problems

Due to this range of effects, the husk is used for:

  • greasy hair,
  • weakened and damaged hair,
  • sparse and thin hair,
  • dandruff treatment,
  • with hair loss, especially at the initial stage.

As we have seen, onion peel is a good and most importantly affordable remedy for hair restoration and care. There is nothing difficult in its application. The easiest way is to rinse your hair with a decoction of the husk after washing. The decoction is also used for rubbing into the scalp. You can use the husk to make masks and lotions for hair care.

The husk is non-allergenic and well tolerated. But if there are other components in the composition, then a tolerance test should be carried out before use to be sure that it will not harm you.

Most often, onion peel is used to give hair a golden hue, as well as to dye hair. The advantage of this product is its complete naturalness, unlike industrial dyes that adversely affect the hair, especially with frequent dyeing. In addition, the husk can be used to color gray hair.

Another important advantage of this tool is that it not only dyes the hair, but also restores and heals them.

Hair rinses

To prepare a decoction or infusion for rinsing, onion peel is used by itself or in combination with other components. Here it is important to pay attention to the following: since the husk contains coloring components, care should be taken with the concentration of the rinse liquid and, depending on the result, increase or decrease the amount of husk for a given volume of water. You can also increase the concentration if, after boiling, boil the husk for 20-30 minutes.

Rinses are used after washing the hair and are not washed off with water. Hair should be dried naturally.

First way

Half a glass of onion peel pour 2-3 liters. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover, warm and leave to cool. Strain.

Second way

Half a glass of onion peel pour 3 liters. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add 3 tbsp. chamomile pharmacy. Cover the container with a lid, insulate and leave to cool. Strain.

Strengthening and stimulating hair growth

We can also rub infusions and decoctions into the hair roots. For rubbing into the scalp, decoctions and infusions of onion peel are used in pure form and in the collection, but in a higher concentration than when rinsing. In addition, rubbing has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

I wrote about how to prepare a decoction or infusion of onion peel for hair, as well as for internal use, in the article Onion peel in folk medicine. There you can read recipes for its use for the treatment of various diseases.

To strengthen hair roots

To prepare a decoction for hair, onion peel and birch leaves are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. 2 tbsp collection pour 300 ml. cold water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest fire for 10 minutes. Let stand until cool, strain.

The resulting broth with cotton wool is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. The exposure time is half an hour. The procedure should be carried out once or twice a week. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

To stimulate hair growth

To prepare a decoction for hair, onion peel is mixed with dry nettle in a ratio of 1: 1. 2 tbsp mixture pour 500 ml. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain. The use is the same as in the previous recipe.

I propose to watch the video material Onion peel for the beauty and density of hair.

Onion peel hair masks

Onion peel, both in the form of a decoction and in crushed form, is used to make hair masks.

Anti-dandruff hair mask

Beat an egg (preferably homemade), add 2 tbsp. decoction of the husk, 1 tbsp. skate and 1 tsp. castor oil. In the presence of dry hair, use only the yolk. Mix everything well and apply to the hair roots, massaging the scalp for 10 minutes. Procedure time - 1 hour.

Use only warm water for washing. To enhance the effect, after you wash off the mask, rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel for rinsing.

This mask helps not only to get rid of the fungus that causes dandruff, but also prevents hair loss, promotes their strengthening and growth.

Hair Growth Mask

In addition to onion peel, this mask contains two more strong components that have a healing and healing effect on the scalp and hair - these are olive oil and kefir. You can read about the benefits of kefir for hair, as well as how to use it, in my article Kefir hair masks.

2 tbsp chopped onion peel, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. mix kefir and heat in a water bath until warm (40-50 degrees). At the end, add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Mix the composition well and apply to the hair roots, gently massaging. Cover your hair with polyethylene and insulate with a terry towel. The exposure time is half an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a week. The course is 2-3 months.

How to dye your hair with onion peel?

Hair coloring with onion peel is suitable for owners of dark blond hair and brown-haired women. In brunettes, the effect of such coloring will be expressed in a golden-reddish tint of hair, which is especially noticeable in the sun. It should also be noted that this procedure cannot be carried out on hair already dyed with industrial dyes, as well as after perm.

The prepared broth is applied to clean, dry hair, previously divided into strands, with the help of cotton wool, thoroughly soaking them.

The color after dyeing the hair with onion peel depends on the concentration of the decoction and the exposure time on the hair. The exposure time is selected individually and ranges from half an hour to two hours. To enhance the effect, after applying the decoction, the hair is covered with polyethylene and insulated with a terry towel. The hair is washed with warm water without soap and shampoo.

If the desired shade / color was not achieved the first time, then the procedure can be repeated the next day or after a couple of days.

Now let's look at several recipes for preparing a decoction of onion peel for hair, depending on the desired color.

Light golden hue

50 gr. onion peel pour 250 ml. hot water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest fire for 15-20 minutes. Wait until the broth has cooled to an acceptable temperature, strain.

golden brown

The method of preparation is the same as described above, but the amount of onion peel is increased to 70 gr.

Bright orange-red color

A decoction for coloring is prepared according to the already described scheme, but 100 gr. onion peels.

chestnut color

To prepare a decoction of onion peel for hair, a three-liter saucepan is filled with a third of the husk, poured into 1.5 liters. hot water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest flame for half an hour. From time to time the contents of the pan should be stirred.

And in conclusion of the article, I want to invite you to watch the video material visually. Hair coloring with onion peel. Photos before and after.

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And for the soul, today we will listen to a touching romance performed by Irina Skazina Destiny crazy romance.

see also

  • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
  • How to brew Ivan - tea. Medicinal properties. Application
  • Chamomile

Dear readers, it is no exaggeration to say that any woman wants to be beautiful and attract admiring glances. And so we want the condition of the hair to please us. Beautiful, healthy hair always makes our appearance more attractive.

Currently, natural hair care products are becoming increasingly popular, because their effectiveness has been tested for centuries, and the price is often low, affordable for each of us. Today we will talk about how to use onion peel for hair.

We talked about the benefits of husks for our health in the article Pay attention to its useful and healing properties for disease prevention and general recovery. The healing abilities of onion husks have not bypassed our hair either: with its help, you can perfectly take care of them, restore weakened and damaged hair, and also give a beautiful shade when coloring your hair. And if you are supporters of professional hair dyes, then you can see everything in stores, in network campaigns, for example, use hair dye from the Oriflame catalog And we return to the topic of conversation. What are the benefits of using onion peel for hair?

Benefits of procedures

The composition of onion peel includes a whole set of biologically active components, among which an important place is occupied by a particularly valuable substance quercetin. This is a simple natural remedy:

  • promotes the renewal of skin cells of the scalp,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • strengthens and nourishes the hair roots,
  • normalizes the condition of the sebaceous glands,
  • moisturizes and restores the hair structure,
  • improves their condition and appearance,
  • promotes growth,
  • fights fungal diseases of the scalp,
  • relieves itching, peeling and other discomfort,
  • normalizes metabolism.

Hair health first of all begins with the health of the skin of the scalp. As I already wrote, onion peel has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, wound healing, anti-allergic effects, increases the protective properties of the skin and is widely used to treat skin diseases, as well as for rejuvenation.

Application result

As a result of the use of compositions with onion peel, the hair becomes lush, silky, shiny, obedient and strong, acquires volume, elasticity, and combing is facilitated. A nice bonus is that with a simple rinse with a decoction of the husk just once a week, the hair acquires a rich golden hue that shimmers in the sun.

We solve problems

Due to this range of effects, the husk is used for:

  • greasy hair,
  • weakened and damaged hair,
  • sparse and thin hair,
  • dandruff treatment,
  • with hair loss, especially at the initial stage.

As we have seen, onion peel is a good and most importantly affordable remedy for hair restoration and care. There is nothing difficult in its application. The easiest way is to rinse your hair with a decoction of the husk after washing. The decoction is also used for rubbing into the scalp. You can use the husk to make masks and lotions for hair care.

The husk is non-allergenic and well tolerated. But if there are other components in the composition, then a tolerance test should be carried out before use to be sure that it will not harm you.

Most often, onion peel is used to give hair a golden hue, as well as to dye hair. The advantage of this product is its complete naturalness, unlike industrial dyes that adversely affect the hair, especially with frequent dyeing. In addition, the husk can be used to color gray hair.

Another important advantage of this tool is that it not only dyes the hair, but also restores and heals them.

Hair rinses

To prepare a decoction or infusion for rinsing, onion peel is used by itself or in combination with other components. Here it is important to pay attention to the following: since the husk contains coloring components, care should be taken with the concentration of the rinse liquid and, depending on the result, increase or decrease the amount of husk for a given volume of water. You can also increase the concentration if, after boiling, boil the husk for 20-30 minutes.

Rinses are used after washing the hair and are not washed off with water. Hair should be dried naturally.

First way

Half a glass of onion peel pour 2-3 liters. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover, warm and leave to cool. Strain.

Second way

Half a glass of onion peel pour 3 liters. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add 3 tbsp. chamomile pharmacy. Cover the container with a lid, insulate and leave to cool. Strain.

Strengthening and stimulating hair growth

We can also rub infusions and decoctions into the hair roots. For rubbing into the scalp, decoctions and infusions of onion peel are used in pure form and in the collection, but in a higher concentration than when rinsing. In addition, rubbing has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

I wrote about how to prepare a decoction or infusion of onion peel for hair, as well as for internal use, in an article. There you can read recipes for its use for the treatment of various diseases.

To strengthen hair roots

To prepare a decoction for hair, onion peel and birch leaves are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. 2 tbsp collection pour 300 ml. cold water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest fire for 10 minutes. Let stand until cool, strain.

The resulting broth with cotton wool is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. The exposure time is half an hour. The procedure should be carried out once or twice a week. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

To stimulate hair growth

To prepare a decoction for hair, onion peel is mixed with dry nettle in a ratio of 1: 1. 2 tbsp mixture pour 500 ml. hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain. The use is the same as in the previous recipe.

I propose to watch the video material Onion peel for the beauty and density of hair.

Onion peel hair masks

Onion peel, both in the form of a decoction and in crushed form, is used to make hair masks.

Anti-dandruff hair mask

Beat an egg (preferably homemade), add 2 tbsp. decoction of the husk, 1 tbsp. skate and 1 tsp. castor oil. In the presence of dry hair, use only the yolk. Mix everything well and apply to the hair roots, massaging the scalp for 10 minutes. Procedure time - 1 hour.

Use only warm water for washing. To enhance the effect, after you wash off the mask, rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel for rinsing.

This mask helps not only to get rid of the fungus that causes dandruff, but also prevents hair loss, promotes their strengthening and growth.

Hair Growth Mask

In addition to onion peel, this mask contains two more strong components that have a healing and healing effect on the scalp and hair - these are olive oil and kefir. You can read about the benefits of kefir for hair, as well as how to use it, in my article Kefir hair masks.

2 tbsp chopped onion peel, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. mix kefir and heat in a water bath until warm (40-50 degrees). At the end, add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Mix the composition well and apply to the hair roots, gently massaging. Cover your hair with polyethylene and insulate with a terry towel. The exposure time is half an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a week. The course is 2-3 months.

How to dye your hair with onion peel?

Hair coloring with onion peel is suitable for owners of dark blond hair and brown-haired women. In brunettes, the effect of such coloring will be expressed in a golden-reddish tint of hair, which is especially noticeable in the sun. It should also be noted that this procedure cannot be carried out on hair already dyed with industrial dyes, as well as after perm.

The prepared broth is applied to clean, dry hair, previously divided into strands, with the help of cotton wool, thoroughly soaking them.

The color after dyeing the hair with onion peel depends on the concentration of the decoction and the exposure time on the hair. The exposure time is selected individually and ranges from half an hour to two hours. To enhance the effect, after applying the decoction, the hair is covered with polyethylene and insulated with a terry towel. The hair is washed with warm water without soap and shampoo.

If the desired shade / color was not achieved the first time, then the procedure can be repeated the next day or after a couple of days.

Now let's look at several recipes for preparing a decoction of onion peel for hair, depending on the desired color.

Light golden hue

50 gr. onion peel pour 250 ml. hot water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest fire for 15-20 minutes. Wait until the broth has cooled to an acceptable temperature, strain.

Any lady has dyed her hair at least once in her life, and therefore knows how synthetic and chemical products harm curls. Beautiful ladies are looking for a way to change the color of their hairstyles using natural and non-hazardous methods. Therefore, it is not unusual that more ladies are wondering: “How to dye your hair with onion peel?”

Photo of hair dyed with onion skins

The peel of the bulbs is applied to the hair as a universal remedy that helps:

  • color curls;
  • prevent them from falling;
  • strengthen them.

Such extensive use is fully justified. Onion peel for hair - coloring it or another method of exposure - is indescribably useful. In what at the moment we will try to assure you.

Namely, it must be emphasized that it is very intensively used in pharmacology for the production of pharmaceuticals of various types, as well as vitamin complexes, which is justified by the highest content:

  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids.

These substances are very successfully struggling with:

  • harmful microbes;
  • pathogens;
  • fungi, etc.

And the husk contains many necessary substances.

It is impossible not to note the high content of vitamins of different groups, among which:

  • carotene.

Minerals deserve special mention:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • iron;

Organic acids found in the husk, and these are flavonol and quercetin, have indescribable positive qualities:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • decongestant;
  • antitumor;
  • antihistamine and others.

Direct your attention. Querticin is used in cosmetology as a substance that prevents early skin aging.
In general, this acid is also used in the development of pharmaceuticals against cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cataracts and other ailments.

See how useful the husk is? Now you have no hesitation in its desired properties?

Several hair color recipes

If you are still hesitant about whether you can dye your hair with onion peel, our recipes will be able to completely overcome your skepticism. After reviewing them, you will make sure that do-it-yourself staining using traditional means is completely realistic. And rightly so - since the cost of such a procedure is cheap.

Decoction of onion peel

Direct your attention. This method is not suitable for burning brunettes, since the color of their curls will not change, but they can use it as a healing agent.

How to get golden color

To get a beautiful, warm and affectionate golden color scheme, you need to prepare a decoction in the following way;

  • take 50 grams of husk;
  • fill it with 200 grams of water;
  • boil for 20 minutes;
  • the purchased decoction should be applied to the hair once a day until you get the desired result.

How to get a brown-gold color

For such a darker and more saturated color, you need a little more onion skin:

  • half a glass of husk is poured with a glass of water;
  • boil for 20 minutes;
  • then strain the broth and let it cool;
  • after the broth has cooled, add two teaspoons of glycerin to it;
  • stir;
  • The resulting mixture should be rubbed into curls once a day for 3 weeks.

With this procedure, you can achieve the desired color

How to get chestnut color

Now let's see how to dye your hair with onion skins so that your hair gets a chestnut color.

For this you need:

  • take an enamel pan;
  • fill it with husks for one third;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • cook for half an hour on low heat;
  • strain and refrigerate.

For the manufacture of infusion, in most cases, an iron or enamel pan is used.

Advice. Before proceeding with this method of staining, you should wash your hair with the shampoo that you use all the time.

Divide the curls into separate strands, approximately uniform in size and apply moderately to their decoction, which will allow you to perfectly paint over all the hair. After finishing applying the decoction, put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it with a thick, preferably terry, but not necessarily, towel. Keep this design on your head for about two hours.

Advice. If you want to fight gray hair, then in this case, two teaspoons of glycerin should be added to a strong decoction, which will allow the decoction to better seep into grayish hair and color them.
It is necessary to apply a similar composition to curls two to three times a week until you achieve the desired result.

Recipes for strengthening hair

And in the end, let's look at a few recipes that will allow you to improve the condition of your hair, make it stronger and more awake.

Infusion with reddish pepper

To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • onion peel;
  • boiling water;
  • cognac;
  • reddish hot pepper.

Lovely and vibrant color

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • pour a glass of husk with boiling water;
  • put on a small fire and cook for 20 minutes;
  • then wrap with a towel or blanket and leave for 10-12 hours;
  • strain and mix with cognac in proportions approximately one to one;
  • finely chop the pod of reddish hot pepper and add to the mixture;
  • leave the infusion for a few more hours;
  • then strain it and you can use it by rubbing the hair roots once a day for 1 month. (See also the article Vodka Hair Mask: Features.)

There is absolutely nothing complicated in making a miracle decoction.

Infusion with nettle and cloves

This recipe will help not only strengthen, but also activate the growth of curls.

For it you will need:

  • 100 gr fresh nettle;
  • seven pieces of crushed cloves;
  • 30 grams of onion peel;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 250 gr alcohol.

Mix all the ingredients in one container and put it in a black place for two weeks. When the mixture is infused, apply it to your hair and hold for two hours, then wash your hair with your usual shampoo. (See also the article Softening hair masks: features.)

Fine and healthy hair

To the end

You see, onions are useful even for hair - and not only as a source of vitamins, but also as a harmless means for changing their color! Carefully read our advice and strictly adhere to the indicated proportions. (See also the article Hair keratinization: features.)

Dyeing hair with onion skins is really an effective and, most importantly, non-hazardous, environmentally friendly way to change the color of curls. And cheap!

The video presented in this article will provide you with nice information on how staining is done.

When more and more cosmetics appear in the world, the name of which we do not even know, an increasing number of girls prefer natural recipes for beauty and youth. These are masks from fresh vegetables and fruits, decoctions of herbs for skin and hair, recipes for home medicine against acne and blackheads. And even dyeing hair has become fashionable at home, using natural pigments and dyes for this - chamomile decoction, sea buckthorn oil, cognac. After all, it is absolutely safe - such coloring not only does not harm the hair, but also significantly strengthens it. One of the effective, useful and natural stains is the use of onion peel. This procedure is becoming more and more popular.

The benefits of onion skins

In addition to giving your hair a nice golden hue, onion peel can change the condition of your hair for the better.

  1. Everyone knows that onion pulp is used in masks against hair loss. The fact is that aggressive components that improve blood circulation in the scalp are also contained in the husk. After such a mask, the skin will burn a little. However, for the sake of the result, it is worth it. After a rush of blood to the hair follicles, the bulbs are saturated with vitamins and oxygen. This makes them stronger, they stop falling out. In addition, this way you stimulate the awakening and growth of new young hairs, which significantly increases the density of the hair.
  2. Craftswomen who are engaged in needlework and dyeing animal hair know that soaking onion peel in a decoction makes curls more shiny and smooth. The fact is that a decoction of onion peel seals the opened scales of the hair shaft. The hair becomes smooth, uniform, without flaws. This gives the hair an incredible shine.
  3. The use of onion peel is useful for increased oily hair. If you regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel, the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes, the strands become much less greasy. If you use the decoction constantly, at least twice a week, after a month you will notice that the hair retains its freshness longer.
  4. Onion rinse is also suitable for those who suffer from dandruff. Onion decoction has antiseptic and antifungal properties. With regular use, dandruff disappears forever.

Like it or not, onion peel is incredibly beneficial for hair. But is it possible to change the color of curls with it?

What color will onion peel give

In general, onion peel has a pleasant golden sheen, which creates the basis of its coloring pigment. However, the hair color you can get depends on the structure of the hair, its density, its own color and previous coloring history.

The husk will give a noticeable coloring result when applied to natural hair, if they have not previously been touched by chemical compounds. In this case, the pigment will be the most pronounced. If you rinse your dark hair with a decoction of onion peel, they will acquire a pleasant chestnut tint. It will be most noticeable in the sun - the golden color will shine.

If you have light brown hair, the onion will make it golden or copper, depending on the intensity of its own color. However, if you have bleached blonde hair, be careful - in this case, dyeing with onion skins can give the strands a chicken shade.

In addition, when collecting the husk, you should pay attention to its natural color. Some varieties of onions may be brown, others golden, others generally reddish. Red onion is used if you want to give your hair an unusual raspberry shade. Of course, you will not succeed in intense coloring, but it is quite possible to achieve a slight overflow, noticeable in daylight.

Preparing the husk for coloring

For the procedure to be successful, you need to correctly select, collect and prepare raw materials. A good, dry onion needs to be peeled from the top husk - we use only the “golden shirt”. No need to use husks from wormy and moldy vegetables. In addition, it is better to remove the skin from an old onion - the husk of a young onion does not have enough pigment. The husk can be dried in the sun after harvesting. Store onion peel in a paper or canvas bag, in a dark and completely dry place.

First you need to prepare a coloring broth. For this, onion peel is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with water. Here it is very important to choose the amount of onion peel. If you take no more than 50 grams of husk, you will get a slight golden hue. With more husks, you can get a brown tint. If you take three large handfuls of onions, you will dye your hair with a bright orange pigment. And to give the strands a deep chestnut color, you will have to tightly stuff a container of at least two liters with the husk.

Water should be poured to a minimum so as not to lose the concentration of the composition. Pour in enough liquid so that the entire husk is submerged under water. You need to cook the husk for at least an hour, preferably 40-45 minutes. After that, let the broth cool down. Strain the composition through a sieve or several layers of gauze. If this is not done, the smallest particles of the husk will get stuck in the hair and it will be quite difficult to wash them out.

If you want a more intense result that will stay on your hair much longer, you can dissolve a couple of tablespoons of glycerin in the finished broth.

How to dye your hair with onion peel

So, the coloring broth is ready. How to apply it to the hair so that the strands are colored evenly?

  1. When we color curls with regular paint, we try to apply it to dirty hair so that the natural fatty layer of the scalp protects us from the aggressive components of the paint. In our case, we will apply the decoction on a clean head, because its composition is absolutely safe, in addition, clean hair contributes to a more uniform coloring.
  2. If you have fair skin, onion peel can stain not only your hair, but also your scalp. To prevent this from happening, apply a little oil to the scalp before using the decoction - castor, olive or burdock. Just dip your fingertips in the oil and go over your scalp. Especially carefully treat the edge of the hair and the parting area.
  3. On clean and dry hair, apply a decoction with a sponge or sponge. This should be done as evenly as possible so that there are no unpainted areas left. First, treat the roots of the hair, then distribute the decoction along the entire length, and then gently dip the tips in the decoction. No need to just rinse your hair with a decoction - this way you can get a "spotty" result.
  4. After that, wrap your hair with cling film, a regular plastic bag or a special hairdressing cap. Warm your head with a towel. Leave the mask on for a couple of hours.
  5. After the specified time, the head will need to be thoroughly washed using the usual shampoo. This is especially true if the decoction contained glycerin or you applied oil to the scalp. If you applied a pure decoction of onion peel to your hair, simply rinsing your hair will be enough.
  6. To fix the color, you can rinse your hair with vinegar solution - a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. This will make the curls more radiant and the color deeper.
  7. After shampooing, do not use a hair dryer, the hair should dry naturally.
  8. If the resulting pigment seemed to you not intense enough, you can repeat the procedure daily until the desired shade is obtained.
  9. Sometimes thin hair can acquire a light onion aroma after such dyeing. This is noticeable when wet, if you suddenly get caught in the rain. To avoid amber, rinse your hair after washing with lemon water (the juice of one lemon per liter of water). In this case, the unpleasant smell does not threaten you.

Remarkably, onion staining is quite resistant - the pigment is not washed off during the first shampooing. This is another plus in the piggy bank of such a useful and necessary procedure.
Do you want a bright golden shade of hair? Sometimes even the most expensive and high-quality paints cannot give curls such a deep and rich shade that onion peel gives us. Be beautiful without compromising the health of your hair - use natural pigments!

Video: onion peel for beauty and hair density