How to get a splinter off your finger. Adhesive tape to get rid of small splinters. What happens if you do not pull out a splinter

Almost every one of us at least once in his life faced with the problem of a splinter in the finger. Moreover, this small, thin and sometimes barely distinguishable rolling pin literally “does not let you live”, bringing painful and discomfort. And, of course, the first thing that comes to mind when you find a splinter in your finger is how to get rid of it. And this is absolutely the right decision, because bacteria and dirt penetrate the skin along with foreign particles, which can cause inflammation or lead to suppuration of the finger. We will tell you about how to quickly and painlessly pull a splinter out of your finger in our today's publication.

How to pull a splinter out of your finger: effective ways

First of all, if a problem is found, you should carefully examine the site of the lesion. If part of the rolling pin has not entered the skin and is clearly visible, then getting rid of it is much easier than when it is completely stuck in soft tissues fingers or nails.

In the case when the splinter has entered very deeply and there is nothing to grab it, it is better to consult a specialist, especially if it has entered deep under the nail. A traumatologist will save you from this trouble in a matter of minutes.

If the tip of the rolling pin is clearly visible, then you can use tweezers and try to pull it out. However, before pulling it out, you should thoroughly steam the skin by pouring it into a bowl or basin warm water with soda and lowering the affected finger into the bath.

For the procedure itself, you will need alcohol or brilliant green, tweezers or tweezers, a magnifying glass and a needle from a disposable medical syringe. In this case, be sure to perform the procedure in bright light.

How to pull a splinter out of your finger: step by step instructions

  1. Disinfect your finger, tweezers and needle.
  2. After taking a soda bath, the skin around will soften, so it will be much easier to pull out an insidious chip.
  3. Grasp the protruding tip of the splinter firmly with tweezers and pull it at the angle at which it entered the skin.
  4. After removing, stretch your finger to make sure pain gone, which means that the splinter came out completely.
  5. Wipe your finger with alcohol or green paint.
  6. You can also use a medical needle, prying the thin skin over the edge of the splinter with the end of the needle, slightly tearing it. Now grab the tip of the chip with tweezers and pull it out. Disinfect the finger, and cover the resulting wound with a strip of plaster.

    If you didn’t have tweezers or a needle at hand, then you can use Vishnevsky’s ointment, thickly lubricating the product sore spot. Leave the ointment on for 15-20 minutes, covering your finger with a gauze pad. This will help bring the splinter as close as possible to the exit from the wound and soften the skin well. Next, simply press on the skin with your finger to push the splinter out.

    How to pull out a splinter with the help of folk remedies?

    1. The place where the splinter is located is smeared with iodine several times, as a result of which the wood chip will simply burn.
    2. If the splinter fell under the nail, then pour hot water into a glass, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and soak your finger in the solution for about 15 minutes. In the morning there will be no trace of it.
    3. If you cannot pull out the splinter, hold your finger for 5-10 minutes in a heated vegetable oil. After that, it will be very easy to get a splinter.
    4. Clay or cottage cheese, which is applied to the affected area, will help relieve inflammation and draw out pus along with a splinter.
    5. If you smear the nail with ichthyol ointment at night, then in the morning the splinter will completely come out.
    6. Chew a piece of black bread and form a dense lump out of it. Mix the lump with a pinch of salt, place it on a band-aid and fix it on the affected area. After 5-6 hours, tear off the patch along with the splinter.
    7. Like these ones simple recipes will help you quickly and painlessly pull a splinter out of your finger, not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. However, if after all the methods used to remove the splinter, the pain in the finger does not leave you, be sure to consult a doctor, since it is likely that some of it remained in the tissues and led to inflammation.

      A splinter is an unpleasant business, no one has yet been able to avoid this trouble. Everyone has their own proven way to remove a splinter, but it is not always effective.

      There are many useful tips, ranging from the simple - to hook with tweezers and pull out, ending with a call to immediately rush to the doctor. Before considering all the methods, useful and not very useful, you need to remember the following: it is not always possible to pull out a splinter on your own, sometimes you really need to immediately go to the doctor. In some cases, splinters cause suppuration and even blood poisoning. When is it necessary to seek medical help?

      • The splinter sits deep, affecting not only the top layer of the skin;
      • The wound is dirty, there is redness and hardening around it, a jerking pain is felt;
      • A splinter is a thorn of an unknown plant (possibly poisonous), the scales or claw of an animal.

      In all other cases, when a tiny splinter sits in the upper layer of the epidermis, it causes trouble, but does not require immediate surgical intervention. Grandma's advice will help to remove a splinter without problems with simple folk remedies.

      7 ways to get a splinter out

      • Tweezers. Can be used if the tip of the splinter is on the surface. Look carefully through a magnifying glass to see how the splinter is located. Disinfect the tweezers with alcohol. Grab the tip with tweezers. Make sure you don't grab a patch of skin or hair on it. Don't try to squeeze the skin to push the splinter out - you'll just tighten the splinter inside and it may break. Pull the splinter in the direction it entered the skin. If she entered on an oblique, then do not pull straight, she will probably break.
      • Needle. This method is suitable if the splinter entered at an angle and its tip cannot be grasped with tweezers. If above the splinter is only thin layer skin, then treat the tip of the needle alcohol solution, determine the place of penetration of the splinter and open it with a needle small plot skin directly above the splinter. As a rule, this is enough to pick up a splinter with tweezers or a needle and pull it out. This task requires a very steady hand and very good eyesight.
      • adhesive tape. Suitable for removal a large number Very small splinters, fiberglass particles or pubescence of some types of cacti (opuntia, for example). To pull out a splinter, cut off a piece large enough to cover the entire area with prickly particles. A large piece will help you not to miss anything, but depending on the location of the damage, it can be inconvenient to use and difficult to remove. In such cases, take a few smaller pieces. Carefully cover the damaged area with tape. Don't press too hard, just let the tape stick. Remove the tape carefully. The thorns should remain on it. Repeat if necessary until all particles have been removed.
      • PVA glue or medical glue. Suitable if the child has a splinter, the edge of the splinter is visible, but the child does not allow it to be pulled out with tweezers or a needle. Apply glue to the place of splinters and let it dry. It remains only to remove the dried glue along with the splinter.
      • Baking soda. This method is useful for removing tiny, barely visible splinters, the tip of which is not visible above the surface of the skin. The baking soda paste will cause the skin to swell and push the splinter to the surface. It is better to use this method after all the others, as swollen skin will make other methods (using tape, tweezers or a needle) very difficult.
      • Medical plaster. This method is well suited if the skin over the wound has tightened and dried up, and part of the splinter remains. A piece of adhesive plaster is simply pasted over this place (it is better to take not a bactericidal one with a gauze pad, but a rolled one to fix the bandages) and hold it for a day or a day. If it gets wet while washing or homework, that's even better. Under such a sticker, the skin swells, the crust over the splinter softens and it is most often removed along with the patch.
      • Aloe. A piece houseplant aloe, cut and attached with a plaster to the wound, perfectly softens the tissue. Aloe juice has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. You can fix part of the fleshy leaf with a plaster or bandage. Keep a couple of hours is enough. After such a “compress”, the splinter can be easily pulled out with tweezers or even fingers.

      It is also useful to know that most small splinters will come to the surface within a few days or a week without outside help. Sometimes it's easier and better to let the body deal with the problem on its own. However, periodically inspect the site of damage for infection: unlikely, but still possible.

      They call it a splinter foreign body, which penetrated the thickness of the skin as a result of mechanical action. This damage can occur when working in the garden and around the house, during repairs, construction, etc. To many, this injury seems insignificant, and therefore a thorn or a sliver that has stuck into the skin is pulled out without observing elementary rules antiseptic treatment. As a result of this, the victim may face complications of a splinter, the treatment of which already requires medical assistance. It is very easy to get this injury, and therefore you should know exactly how to pull a foreign object out of the skin and at the same time prevent the development of complications.

      When to seek immediate medical attention

      In the vast majority of cases, it is easy to get rid of a splinter on your own, but in some situations you may still need an urgent appeal to medical institution. You will have to refuse self-medication in such situations:

      • the foreign body is located in the region of the orbit;
      • the splinter has entered so deeply that it cannot be removed within 12 hours;
      • the tip of the splinter broke off and remained in the depths of the tissues;
      • a splinter is a thin piece of glass;
      • the splinter is part of a poisonous plant;
      • the splinter is part of the animal;
      • at the site of penetration of the splinter, redness, hardening and suppuration develop within 4-6 hours.

      In addition, a visit to the doctor will be required if the splinter has entered the skin of the child and entered very deeply.

      What complications can arise from an incorrectly removed splinter

      In the event that a person removes a splinter without observing the rules of antiseptic treatment during this small, but still operation, the wound becomes infected, which is why complications develop. The main consequences of illiterate removal of a splinter include:

      • suppuration in damaged tissues;
      • sepsis (blood poisoning);
      • gangrene.

      Considering how dangerous the consequences of a splinter can be, this injury should not be taken lightly. It is possible to remove a splinter on your own, but only if certain rules performing this operation.

      How to pull out a splinter that has entered shallowly

      If the splinter has entered the tissue shallowly, getting rid of it is quite easy. As soon as a foreign body has penetrated the skin, you should immediately begin to remove it. You can act in several ways, but preparatory stage always the same.

      Preparatory stage

      The preparatory stage is very important, as it helps prevent infection and dirt from entering the wound after removing the splinter. The treatment of the damaged area should be carried out according to the following scheme:

      • thoroughly rinse the damaged area with running water;
      • wash the damaged area thoroughly with soap;
      • treat with alcohol the place where the splinter entered, and the area around it.

      Also at this stage, the instrument is disinfected, which will be used when removing a foreign body. Usually use tweezers and a thin needle. They are washed in hot water and treated with alcohol. If a sterile needle from a syringe is used, then further processing is not required.

      Removing a splinter with a needle and tweezers

      The operation to remove a splinter should be carried out in good light, using glasses or a magnifying glass if necessary. In the event that the splinter has entered shallowly and its tip rises above the skin, you should simply grab it and pull it out at the same angle at which it stuck.

      A needle is required if the tip of the splinter is flush with the skin or even slightly recessed. In such a situation, the needle is carefully inserted between the splinter and the layer of skin located above it (the process can be painful) and the outer layer of the epidermis is torn with a sharp upward movement. The rupture occurs without pain and blood because this layer of skin is keratinized. Next, carefully pry the splinter with a needle and pick it up with tweezers.

      When the foreign body is removed, some blood should be squeezed out and then the wound should be treated antiseptic solution. Then the damaged area is sealed with adhesive tape. Over the next 2 days, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the wound and, in case of suppuration, seek professional help. medical assistance. In the vast majority of cases, a splinter extracted in accordance with all the rules does not cause any consequences.

      Tape to get rid of small splinters

      Small, shallow splinters, which are easy to get from contact with glass wool or cactus, can be removed with ordinary tape. To do this, you need to stick a piece of adhesive tape to the affected area, without pressing hard on the skin, and then remove it with a sharp movement. As a result, most of the splinters will remain on the adhesive tape. Actions with adhesive tape are repeated until the skin is completely cleared of foreign objects. At the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic composition.

      PVA glue to get rid of splinters

      When it is not possible to pick up a splinter, but you do not want to use a needle to tear the skin or it is impossible, you need to use PVA glue. This method of removing a splinter is especially good for children, as it is the most painless, although not very fast.

      On the pre-treated wounded area, the glue is applied in a thick layer and left until complete drying. Dried glue is easily removed in a single layer, while pulling out a splinter. The wound remaining after it is treated with an antiseptic and sealed with adhesive tape.

      How to remove a splinter if it is very deep and not visible

      There are times when a splinter has entered so deeply that it is not even visible. Ideally, a doctor should deal with the removal of such a foreign body, but if there is no opportunity to visit a medical facility, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself. To do this, use means that produce a pulling action.

      • The banana peel removes the splinter very quickly. In order to get rid of a foreign body, you need a piece of peel inside apply to the damaged area and fix with a plaster. Leave the peel to act for 6 hours. After this time, the splinter should appear. If this does not happen, then self-treatment should be abandoned.
      • Another way to get rid of a splinter is to stick adhesive tape to the place of its penetration and leave it all night. In this case, due to the effect of the compress, the tissues will begin to actively expel the foreign body, and in the morning, when the tape is removed, the splinter will either remain on it or will rise above the skin and be easily removed with tweezers.

      When the splinter that has entered deep into the tissues is removed, the wound should be treated with a liquid antiseptic.

      Skidding under the skin or nail not only causes discomfort, but also causes pain. If you do not get rid of it in time, serious complications are possible - inflammation, abscesses, swelling, suppuration ..

      1. Provide bright light to the place where you will carry out manipulations.
      2. Prepare the instruments, which I recommend sterilizing in boiling water for a little over 15 minutes.
      3. Wash the skin with soap, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol using cotton wool.
      4. Never squeeze out a foreign body, otherwise it may go even deeper into skin covering and break into several pieces.
      5. Use a magnifying glass, it will help to consider the angle at which the skid entered the finger, its shape and size.
      6. Having removed the splinter, I advise you to apply a sterile bandage soaked in an alcohol solution to the problem area. It will help relieve inflammation and redness, as well as prevent suppuration. To fix it, you can use adhesive tape.

      How to remove a splinter from a finger

      In order to get a splinter from a child or an adult, in my experience, you need tweezers, they are much more reliable and safer than a needle. Clamp the edge of the foreign body with it and pull it slightly. If nothing comes out, hold your finger for 2 minutes in water with salt. Mix these 2 ingredients in proportions of 3 to 1. This solution will soften the skin and the splinter itself, after which it will be easy and painless to get it.

      If the tweezers method I suggested does not help, pay attention to the next method. cook soda solution: mix soda (50 g) in warm water (50 ml) and shake it. Then put a little gruel on the damaged area and bandage it with a sterile bandage. In the morning, when the splinter gets closer to the surface, it can be hooked with tweezers or a needle. To complete the procedure, I recommend skin treatment men's cologne or alcohol, which perfectly disinfect.

      How to remove a splinter from a child

      In order to get a splinter from under the nail or just from the finger of children, I recommend resorting to the following means:

      1. Banana peel. She is tied to a place with a splinter for at least 12 hours, and it is advisable to do this at night when the child is sleeping. In the morning, it is removed and the foreign body is taken out with the help of some sharp object, which must be sterile! Then this area is smeared with iodine or brilliant green.
      2. Adhesive plaster. Before resorting to this method, treat the skin with any antiseptic. Then look in which direction the foreign body is located. If vertical, then I strongly advise you to try tilting it to the right or left. This will prevent it from moving deep into the skin. Then fix the patch on the area with the splinter, so that its end sticks to it, and then sharply pull it towards you.
      3. Iodine. This tool will not help remove the foreign body, but will dissolve it. For this, the place around it is abundantly lubricated with the drug 3-4 times a day.
      4. Resin of coniferous trees. I think that best of all they help to get a splinter if it has gone deep. Heat them over low heat and rub them on the problem area. They will accelerate the exit of the foreign body to the outside and will have a bactericidal effect.
      5. Steaming. This method relieve the child from pain and help remove a deeply located foreign body. To do this, the finger (if it has entered it) is dipped in warm water, into which I advise you to add a little soda, and hold for 5 minutes. So the skin becomes softer and the splinter can be hooked much faster than “dry”.

      I offer a few more options for how you can steam the skin:

      • grease it with warm sour cream;
      • tie a fresh aloe leaf to it and leave for 2-3 hours;
      • use yesterday Rye bread. Soak it in water, wrap it in gauze and apply it for 30 minutes to the problem area.

      All the methods that I suggested really help, the main thing is not to break the sequence of actions.

      Ways to extract a splinter from under the nail

      I have already talked about how to get a splinter out of my finger, but what if it has eaten under the nail? But even here you can find a way out of unpleasant situation. To do this, I advise you to follow this scheme based on the use of tweezers:

      1. Sterilize it by immersing the instrument in boiling water for 20 minutes.
      2. If the splinter has entered very deeply, dip your finger into a container of vodka and hold it there for half an hour.
      3. rub well nail plate and the area near it with alcohol.
      4. Trim the nail, but do not touch the area around the splinter, which should remain under it.
      5. Open the tweezers and grab as much of the foreign body as possible. Then squeeze it in your hand and gently pull it towards you.
      6. If all else fails, I advise you to use PVA glue. Pour some on the edge of the splinter and wait for it to dry. Then, slowly, remove the resulting film, along with which the foreign body will also be removed.
      7. If none of the methods I suggested above are suitable, use ichthyol ointment. It is especially relevant when you need to get a splinter if it is not visible on the surface. I advise you to squeeze it directly onto the nail and put a bandage on top. Walk like this for a day and then remove it, and then try to pull the splinter out with forceps. If successful, lubricate the nail plate and the skin around it with alcohol, this will help to avoid infection.

      How to remove a splinter if it is deep and not visible

      If the splinter has entered deep into the finger, then I definitely advise you to steam it well in a water-salt solution. Then hold the wire cutters in alcohol, incise the skin with them and remove the foreign body with sterilized tweezers. In this case, there should be no pain, only unpleasant sensations can disturb. If there are no wire cutters, they can be replaced with a new blade. At the end of the procedure, do not forget to put an antibacterial bandage on your finger, thanks to which the wound will heal faster than without it.

      To remove a small splinter that is not visible to the eye, I recommend using a baking soda paste. Mix it with water to the consistency of a thick slurry, apply it on a patch or bandage and fix it on the problem area. After 24 hours, remove the bandage, after which the foreign body will be visible through the skin. If this does not help, then carry out the procedure again. After that, use the same tweezers.

      I hope you have found a site on the site that is suitable for yourself, how to get a splinter out of the skin. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, together we can definitely solve your problem!

      A splinter that has stuck under the skin can be anything: wood chips, small metal shavings, plant thorns, fish bones, glass shards, etc. Even a small foreign body can sometimes cause big trouble, so everyone is advised to know how to pull out a splinter safely and painlessly.

      How to pull out a splinter with a needle?

      It is impossible to ignore a splinter entering the tissues of the body, even if at first it does not cause much pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that microorganisms penetrate the epidermis with it, some of which can be very dangerous. If you do not remove the foreign particle in the coming hours, inflammation often occurs, the skin around it hurts, swells and turns red. Further development of purulent process, infectious gangrene, sepsis is possible. In view of this, it is extremely important to remove the splinter as quickly as possible.

      Before you get a splinter, you should carefully examine the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (preferably with a magnifying glass), assess how deep it has entered, at what angle, and whether its tip is visible. Next, you need to wash the affected area with soap, dry and treat with any antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol solution, boric acid, miramistin or others. You also need to process your hands.

      When the tip of a splinter is peeking above the skin, it is easiest to remove it with fine-tipped tweezers. This should be done at the same angle at which the foreign body stuck into the skin. If the tip is not visible, it broke off, or there were no tweezers at hand, you can use a sewing needle, from a pin or from a medical syringe. When using a non-sterile needle, it must be disinfected before the procedure by boiling, treating with alcohol or calcining over a flame.

      How to pull a splinter out of your finger?

      In most cases, when the question is how to pull out a splinter, there is a situation with a foreign body getting into the thickness of the skin on the finger. It is important to know that it is impossible to put pressure on the skin, trying to remove a splinter, because. you can drive it even deeper and break it. If a splinter is found in the finger, even if its tip is long, you should not immediately start removing it. Always before this you need to wash your hands, disinfect the skin and the tools used. This must be done in a well-lit area as follows:

      1. Slowly and carefully insert the needle under the skin at the protruding tip of the foreign body, trying to get into it, while holding the needle perpendicular to the splinter and as parallel as possible to the skin.
      2. Prying a splinter, you should turn the needle tip up, trying to push the foreign body out.
      3. If this fails or the splinter is located horizontally in the skin, with a needle, you should slightly break the layer of skin above the foreign body, then slowly pry it up and push it out.

      After extraction, the damaged area must be properly disinfected and sealed with adhesive tape to prevent the ingress of infectious agents from the outside. For some time, it is better not to wet the finger. If all attempts to independently pull out a splinter with a needle have failed, you can try using other home methods or consult a doctor immediately.

      How to pull a splinter out from under the nail?

      A chip or other that has fallen under the nail small object always causes pain, because the nail plate hides a lot of nerve endings under it. When there is a splinter under the nail, what to do in this case must be decided depending on the depth of its occurrence. If the upper part of it is available, you can try to remove it yourself. It is advisable, if possible, to pre-steam the tip of your finger in warm soapy water, which will allow you to slightly move the nail plate away from the skin.

      The procedure should be carried out after careful treatment with an antiseptic. If the pain is severe, you can drop a little solution - a local anesthetic - onto the damaged area. Next, with a sterile needle, pry off the skin near the splinter, try to hook it and remove it, process it again, stick a patch or bandage it.

      A splinter in the leg

      Often, splinters enter the skin of the feet, and in this case there is a high probability that the foreign body will get stuck deep. The tissues on the feet are very dense, sometimes coarse, so extraction is even more complicated. When there is a splinter in the leg, what to do, the following recommendations will prompt:

      1. Steam the affected foot for a quarter of an hour in hot water with the addition of baby soap and soda to soften fabrics.
      2. Dry the leg, treat the skin area with the splinter, the hands and the needle with an antiseptic.
      3. Prying the skin with a needle, pull the foreign body out.
      4. Disinfect your foot.
      5. If there is an assumption that the splinter is not completely removed, apply Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment to the wound and bandage it.

      How to pull out a splinter without a needle?

      Many ways have been devised to get a splinter out of a finger or other parts of the body without using any tools. Often they are used when the penetrated foreign body is very small, and it is difficult to see and hook it with anything. Consider a few popular techniques on how to pull a splinter out of the skin without using a needle.

      How to pull out a splinter with soda?

      Removing a splinter using this method is based on the fact that under the influence of soda, the skin tissues swell, and it comes to the surface on its own. Required to connect baking soda with boiled water in such a proportion as to obtain a paste-like mixture. Then soda is applied to the affected area treated with an antiseptic and fixed with gauze bandage. After a day, the bandage is removed, the skin is washed with water.

      How to pull out a splinter with a jar?

      Another way to remove a splinter without a needle is as follows. It is required to take a small jar with a wide neck, which must be filled almost to the brim hot water. After that, the affected part of the body is pressed against the neck of the container. After a few minutes, according to the laws of physics, the splinter should come out. Using this method to remove a foreign body from a finger, you need to use a bottle instead of a can.

      How to get a splinter out with wax?

      An effective way to quickly pull out a splinter without using tools is based on the properties of wax. This method can be used to remove a splinter under the nail. To do this, you need to take a piece of a wax candle, melt it in a water bath and drip a little on the area with a splinter (move the nail slightly away from the skin). You can simply light a candle and drip with melting wax. After hardening, the wax is removed along with the foreign body (it is easy to pick up the edge).

      What to do if the splinter has gone deep?

      A more difficult problem is how to pull out a deep splinter, the tip of which does not reach the skin surface. In such cases, agents are used that have a softening and resolving effect, under the influence of which the foreign body is pulled out without mechanical influences. It should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to quickly get rid of trouble through such methods.

      Compress for a splinter

      For those who are looking for methods on how to pull out a deep splinter from a finger or other areas, we suggest using compresses. They should be performed after treating the skin in the area of ​​the splinter with a disinfectant. In addition, it does not hurt to steam the fabrics a little in warm water. A deep splinter is eliminated by applying the following types compresses:

      1. Grated fresh potatoes. It must be applied, wrapped with polyethylene on top, kept for 8-10 hours.
      2. Banana peel. Put a piece of the skin on the affected area with the inside, hold for at least 6 hours.
      3. Birch tar. Apply a small amount to the skin, cover with polyethylene and bandage, leave overnight.
      4. Lard. Cut off a thin piece, attach and fix with adhesive tape for 10 hours.
      5. Aloe juice. Soak a piece of gauze folded four times with freshly squeezed juice and attach, fixing, for 5-6 hours.
      6. Bread. Chew a piece of bread pulp sprinkled with salt and apply to the area with a splinter for 4-5 hours, fixing it with a plaster or bandage.

      If none of the above methods, how to get a deep splinter, does not give positive result, and you cannot remove the foreign body within 1-2 days, there is no need to postpone the visit to the medical facility. Be sure, without resorting to any home methods, you should consult a doctor if the foreign body is stuck in the skin of the face, neck, in the eye, and also when the splinter under the nail is deep (perhaps, removal of part of the nail plate is required for extraction).

      A splinter abscesses - what to do?

      Often, if the stuck piece is not removed or not completely removed, suppuration occurs. This means that pyogenic bacteria have penetrated into the tissues along with the splinter. Any abscess, even a small one, is dangerous, because. can go to the surrounding tissue and lead to. If a splinter has festered, what to do, it is better to ask a doctor by contacting at the first adverse signs. Prior to this, a tampon moistened with an antiseptic should be applied to suppuration or a bandage with antibacterial ointment should be applied (Levomekol, etc.).