Multiple painting auto varnish coating. Painting with varnish after complete drying of the paint

Coating a car with varnish after painting»\u003e The division of modern compositions and materials into paints and special car varnishes is rather arbitrary. A large number of products that relate specifically to varnishes are the same paints, but only with the absence of a special coloring pigment, in other words, these are simple colorless enamels.

It is for this reason that exactly the same rules apply to the process of varnishing a vehicle after the paint has been applied as for ordinary painting. The only difference is that the varnish layer is applied last, that is, it is external. It is the shine of the varnish that an outside observer sees, and it is with him that the external environment and the surrounding air come into contact. Despite the composition close enough to the paint, it is possible to matte the surface of the car for varnishing in different ways. For those who are engaged in the varnishing process for the first time, all this can cause some bewilderment.

Acrylic lacquer for car coating

There is a certain classification of varnishes for cars, but it will take more than one page. It is for this reason that it is worth highlighting the most common of them. Some still use a special cellulose varnish. It is characterized by such qualities and properties as low gloss, rapid discoloration, as well as a certain flammability. Despite this, they are still purchased, and the application process is accompanied by the following features:

  • For an effective coating, a minimum of three layers is required, since its covering ability is relatively weak;
  • Drying after each layer should be at least 15 minutes;
  • The first two layers should be of normal viscosity, as for the last layer, it should be more liquid. The proportion of the last layer consists of solvent and varnish, approximately 3 to 1;
  • The final drying time should be approximately 40 minutes, and full curing occurs after five hours.

More modern are special glyptal car varnishes, which are characterized by good gloss, and even without polishing, there is also a relatively good hiding power. The drying process is much longer than that of the above-described category of varnishes. For this reason, applying them yourself is a little more difficult.

Regardless of the type of varnish used, the application process should be carried out only after the complete removal of dust, as well as with a high-quality organization of the ventilation system.

At the moment, special glyptal varnishes, which have a special hardener and activator, are relatively very popular. They help increase the strength of the material. Applying them is much easier, but in terms of technical characteristics, they still fall short of acrylic varnishes. There are some features of applying this composition:

  • Drying is carried out at normal room temperature, but 60 degrees is recommended;
  • Such a varnish is temperature sensitive, therefore it is important to carry out the application process at a 20-degree temperature, and dilution must be carried out strictly according to the instructions;
  • When drying in a normal room, as well as with poor ventilation, it is worth using special thinners. Under their action, the film is formed much faster and becomes better;
  • The painting of the application of glyptal varnish can be carried out in a hot way, then the formation of the coating is carried out without a solvent.

Given the cost of modern popular varnishes, the possibility of serious savings on special resins and solvents, these varnishes are becoming increasingly popular. It is the process of their application that will be described in more detail.

Car lacquer coating

The advantage of such a process as varnishing a car does not require mandatory preliminary work. This applies only to the case if the varnish is applied using the “wet on wet” method, that is, the enamel is coated with a varnish composition that has not completely dried out.

In the process of varnishing a car, it is required to use special matting abrasives of the P1000-1500 category.

You should not take fine-grained sandpaper, as there is a risk of reducing the level of adhesion. If you buy coarse sandpaper, it will scratch the paint.

The matting process is best done with the obligatory use of water. Carefully carried out work will allow the matting process to be carried out with a dry abrasive. In the process of cleaning the surface from grease, which is carried out immediately after matting, it is necessary to choose a degreasing composition that will not dissolve the compositions already applied, for example, a special aggressive solvent, produced under number 646. Most likely, it will not simply remove all grease stains present, but can also leave behind a significantly damaged surface.

The process of applying acrylic varnish to the surface of the car

Most of the varnishes that have been described above do not require dilution. This process may only be required if there is a slight deviation from room temperature. In addition, thinning may be required if a sufficiently large area or the entire vehicle is being painted. In this situation, all heavy solvents need to bring their viscosity to about 15 seconds, that is, according to VZ-4 (20 ° C). A 1.6-1.8 mm nozzle is perfect for these viscosity parameters, and the application process should be carried out at a distance of at least 15 cm from the surface.

In the process of working with acrylic varnishes, it must be remembered that they have a relatively small filling power. But again, there are no common characteristics here, since there are different filling capacities. The advantage of acrylic varnish is that acrylic on cars can be applied on top of alkyd enamel, but not vice versa.

The process of coating a car with such varnish is carried out strictly in 2-4 layers. As a rule, the first spraying is minimal, and all subsequent ones are applied to cover the surface of the machine and to effectively correct the defects present on the surface. The solvent usually evaporates in about 10 minutes, but if dilution was made and the drying temperature was below room temperature, it is worth slightly increasing the total drying time.

Working with polyurethane varnishes

The main difference between modern two-component varnishes from standard ones is a special hardener system, without which normal drying does not begin. It is necessary to mix the base material with this hardener strictly before applying it to the machine, since the curing reaction begins almost immediately. The varnish of such a plan should be applied strictly at a temperature not lower than room temperature, as well as at low humidity.

This varnish coating is distinguished by high strength indicators, but it is precisely all the difficulties described above that scare away many and motivate them to use simpler, time-tested compositions.

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Paint is an important part of car paint protection. It is in contact with the environment, the special composition effectively prevents damage to the painted layer. The modern market provides a huge selection of varnishes for painting cars. Their composition is in many ways similar to enamels, only they are colorless.

Why is it worth contacting the AMS Moscow painting center

Some believe that if you do the work yourself with a careful approach, you can get a result that will in no way be inferior to visiting a car service. However, this is not the case. The AMC Moscow painting center uses expensive professional equipment, which is simply inappropriate to purchase for a one-time job, as it allows you to perfectly produce car varnish painting. It makes it possible to set the pressure and power of the applied varnish coating. Our craftsmen will apply it to the body with precise movements from the optimal distance. This will prevent the formation of smudges.

An important point is the drying of the applied layers of varnish. When performing this process, it is important to prevent the smallest particles of dust and other contaminants from entering the surface of the car. It would also be good to create certain humidity and temperature conditions. For this we use special spray booths. They allow you to achieve the desired result.

Benefits of cooperation with us

Many customers turn to the Moscow painting center, as we provide the following benefits:

  • Use of modern equipment– our masters have access to advanced spray guns, spray booths and other professional painting equipment, which helps to improve the quality of the work performed.
  • Professionalism of employees- each of our masters is highly qualified and has impressive work experience, so all processes are carried out properly.
  • Narrow specialization– each employee performs the tasks assigned to him, which allows him to grow in professionalism and hone his skills.
  • Minimum terms– we try to avoid any delays in the execution of the order, this allows us to return the car to its owner as quickly as possible and serve more customers.
  • Impeccable quality of work performed– restored body parts will be more beautiful than new ones.
  • Acceptable cost of services Our prices will pleasantly surprise you!

Examples of completed works on car body painting with varnish

Features of painting a car body varnish

Usually acrylic varnishes do not need to be diluted. If the work will be performed at a temperature that is very different from room temperature, the composition may need to add a solvent. The need for dilution may appear when painting large areas of cars or the entire body. Much will depend on the possibilities of drying after varnishing and the humidity of the air.

Acrylic varnishes have a relatively low filling power. Before their application, the surface is covered with alkyd enamel. Painting a car with varnish is carried out in several layers. Usually the first of them is minimal, the subsequent ones serve to correct defects that are on the surface. Evaporation of the solvent takes about 10 minutes.

When applying varnish on wet paint, the need for preliminary preparation of the base is eliminated. This method is called "wet on wet". Consider the main stages of technology implementation:

  • Applying a fine mist from a considerable distance with smooth, even strokes
  • Drying the composition
  • The second coat of varnish is thicker
  • Drying material
  • The last layer is applied with maximum thickness on the verge of smudges.
  • Drying composition
  • After crystallization of the varnish, the body is polished using abrasive pastes.

Applying varnish to hardened paint differs only in that it is required to prepare the surface of the body. To do this, it is matted with fine sandpaper, which increases the adhesion of the material, removes dirt and increases the durability of the paintwork.

Lacquering time is usually 4-6 hours. However, it may increase if it is necessary to restore the body geometry and perform other work to eliminate defects.

Possible reasons for the formation of smudges of varnish:

  • applying the composition in an excessively thick layer;
  • low evaporation rate of the solvent contained in the coating;
  • incomplete drying of the previous layer of varnish before applying the next one;
  • excessively close location of the sprayer to the surface of the body when applying varnish;
  • too much air pressure;
  • overspray.

Methods for eliminating smudges when painting a car body with varnish

There are two particularly effective methods for removing smudges and restoring the surface of the body. Consider their features:

  • It is necessary to completely dry the varnish after application, not less than 12 hours later. If desired, the time can be reduced using an industrial hair dryer or an infrared lamp. After that, a one-component acrylic putty is applied to the surface with a rubber spatula. The putty layer is wetted with water, then it is cleaned with P2500 sandpaper, which allows you to remove smudges. It is necessary to avoid the occurrence of excessive pressure and processing outside the treated area.
  • Lacquer smudges after staining can be removed with a construction knife. The tool should be placed at right angles to the surface of the body and scrape off excess coating. Do not cut off excess varnish! A little force should be applied to the knife.

Therefore, even with the appearance of coloring defects, a coating of the highest quality can be obtained.

Types of varnishes for car body and their features

Let's get acquainted with the most popular types of varnishes that are used to paint cars.

cellulose. One of the first types of materials, today it is used extremely rarely. Cellulose varnish ignites more easily than other types of coatings, it does not have a bright sheen and quickly loses its intense color.

glyptal. It is preferable to paint a car with this type of varnish in special chambers that are dust-free and have an efficient ventilation system. Its drying time is longer than that of cellulose counterparts, however, it allows you to get a great shine.

polyurethane. This varnish is a two-component composition in which the hardener plays an important role. The latter speeds up the curing process. During its time, the material that is applied to the surface of the body dries immediately. The hardener should be added to the composition ten minutes before its use is started. Spraying is carried out at room temperature.

Acrylic. Painting a car with this type of varnish is considered one of the best options that are used today. The material is of 2 types:

  • thermoplastic- hardening is carried out by evaporation of solvents.
  • thermosetting- its solidification occurs at elevated temperatures, work is carried out in special conditions that cannot be created in a garage.

The AMS Moscow painting center provides a range of services for painting cars with varnish. Contact us! We will make your car look great and protect the paint from premature destruction!

First of all, you need dilute the varnish. How to do it? In what proportions? Personally, I was surprised when I learned that many professionals do it just by eye without the use of measuring instruments. All as one declare that this is just an experience. Well, it is hardly possible to disagree with them. But if you are applying varnish for the first time, then it is better use a ruler.

In a container with varnish you need pour hardener. Then I recommend adding antisilicone You don't need a lot, just a little. What is silicone used for? In order to prevent bad consequences if any dust particles and hairs get on the coating. As for mixing, there is no need to be zealous here, since everything will mix during the application of varnish.

Pour the resulting solution into the gun. For this it is necessary apply a filter. No filter - you can use pantyhose. Also pay attention to the fact that there is a hole in the lid of the gun vessel, as with a strong feed, a vacuum may be in it. Also keep in mind that liquids may leak from the gun, which can drain all the way to the nozzle. Close the lid as tightly as possible.

Apply the first coat of varnish. Open the supply to the maximum. The air supply should also be at the maximum, you can adjust it in the process. The main thing is that after one "zilch" there should not be any smudges. As you work, blow your hands and suit frequently to avoid dust particles.

Second coat of varnish. It should be applied after 5-10 minutes, it all depends on temperature and humidity. After that, you can peel off the entire protective coating and look at the result of your work.


After the painting is completed, your car will look much better if it is covered with a layer of varnish on top. The paintwork will change immediately. Surfaces will sparkle and become mirror-like. The whole car will resemble an expensive Christmas tree toy. It's nice to drive, everyone looks with admiration, the owner of such a car feels like a hero. Applying varnish to a car can be done by hand.

Benefits of lacquer coating

The lacquer layer allows you to maintain a beautiful external structure, shine, gloss on the surface of the car for a long time after painting. Additional benefits when applied to a car:

  • giving the relief planes of the car a deep sparkling texture;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the car paintwork;
  • protection of metal surfaces from direct contact with an external aggressive environment;
  • quick, effective restoration, and repeated, of the appearance of the body by grinding or polishing;
  • significant extension of the service life of the applied paint layer.

Modern varnishes are the same paints, but without the addition of pigment dyes. The requirements for their application are the same as for paints. Varnishing is the creation of the final protective layer. The coating should perform aesthetic functions, reliably protecting the surface of the car from external influences.

Equipment and materials

High-quality coating of a car body with varnish after painting is completed can only be achieved with reliable modern tools and using the best world technologies. In addition, all modern metallic paints are not designed to be used without varnish.

Necessary equipment: compressor, airbrush, clean water, acetone, soft wipes. Do-it-yourself work should be done in a dry, warm room protected from dust, soot, drafts. It is necessary to dilute the selected car varnish with several additives. One of them is anti-silicone, which serves to prevent the formation of greasy oil stains, fat particles.

Without its use, the varnish will not stick to the surface, peeling off afterwards. A second additive is also needed - a hardening accelerator. It allows the surface to dry faster, hardening better at low temperatures in the autumn-winter season, with high humidity.


The preparation process involves connecting the equipment, bringing it into working condition. All the necessary tools should be at hand.

Wipe the treated surfaces of the car, excluding the slightest dust particles, stains, villi. Under the dried varnish layer, these objects will be visible as if through a magnifying glass.

The ideal option would be to blow the surfaces well with compressed air.

The varnish is diluted immediately before use. It is necessary to harvest small portions, as it quickly hardens. Coating a car with varnish must be carried out in several ways. It is important to thoroughly mix the substance to a homogeneous consistency. Before varnishing a car, it is necessary to practice on secondary planes, getting used to the work of the spray gun, evaluating the thickness of the applied paint layer.


Lacquering a car is even easier than painting. Do-it-yourself processing is carried out in two or three layers. Each subsequent layer should be thicker than the previous one. The most common defect is smudges, which, after drying, are removed by grinding. Application is carried out with a spray gun at an angle of 45 degrees. The spray jet must be aimed at an unpainted surface.

The application of varnish begins from the joints, corners of the car, bumps, transitions, after which the coating is applied to a flat surface.

When painting is forced to stop, for example, to dilute a new portion of the varnish composition, it is necessary to select some uneven area. After the resumption of work in the middle of a large flat area, a docking transition will be visible.


Do-it-yourself varnishing of a car after the main painting requires careful treatment of surfaces during its further operation. Washing the vehicle must be carried out using mild shampoos, active foam. Do not rub the paintwork with brushes, hard materials.

Dust should be wiped only with soft flannel cloths, using water, mild detergents without abrasives. With proper care, the car body will retain its original gloss, gloss, and fresh look for several years.


Hand-crafted surfaces will delight the owner on long journeys, increasing his self-esteem.

Many motorists sooner or later think about the need to apply a protective layer to the vehicle after painting, whether it is full body protection or partial protection.

Why do you need a layer of varnish on a car?

First of all, car varnish gives a certain aesthetics, a pleasant gloss and no less pleasant gloss. But, of course, the meaning of applying varnish to a car after painting lies not in beauty. Lacquer is an almost perfect protection for the base coat of a car from various mechanical and chemical effects. Through the use of varnish, it is also possible to achieve an increase in the service life of the existing surface. Therefore, having drawn some conclusions, we can understand that varnishing a car is a rather useful action.

Car varnish

How to choose the right material?

It is worth noting that it does not matter when the varnish is applied, even immediately after painting or after the coating has completely hardened. Since everything will depend on the quality of the material, that is, how high-quality car varnish you use. The bulk of varnishes is divided into two types:

  • with the addition of a hardener;
  • soft polishes.

It should be understood that without sufficient experience, you will absolutely not be able to understand which of the varnishes is used to cover the car after painting. The external difference is not so significant, especially for a person who has not previously worked with such a procedure. The whole problem is in the general technology of applying material to a car.

For example, soft varnishes are so fluid that an inexperienced person can easily create an uneven layer, and also cannot do without annoying smudges.

Soft varnishes also dry and harden for a very long time, and the protective functions cannot be expressed as positively as possible. But this type of varnish also has advantages - it is easily polished, it is no less easy to grind. Many masters recommend applying such a coating in several layers, but it is better to sketch as many as 4 layers for a greater likelihood of a positive result.

Hard and soft varnishes are used for car painting.

Varnishes with the addition of a hardener, simply referred to as "hard", require the hands of an equally experienced specialist. A special hardener is usually added to the composition of the material, which allows you to accelerate crystallization and make the car coating several times stronger. A similar material is applied in a couple of layers.

Varnishing tool

To achieve a really good quality car varnish after painting, you need to get new equipment. Why exactly new? This is necessary to ensure high-quality processing and coating of the surface of the car body.

To carry out the procedure described above, you need:

  • compressor;
  • spray gun;
  • pure water;
  • soft wipes;
  • acetone.

Acetone is needed when varnishing a car

Applying varnish to paint

If you decide to do the work yourself, then you should know that this work is carried out in a room that is as protected from dust, cold and moisture as possible. And you should also use anti-silicone, which will help you get rid of grease particles and unpleasant oil stains. It is worth noting that anti-silicone is an additive, so for a greater effect, another additional additive is used to help speed up the hardening process of the varnish.

The dilution of the varnish occurs right before its direct use. It is prepared in small portions, which allows the composition not to harden very quickly. Important! The substance must be stirred until it takes the form of a homogeneous mass. Before you get used to the peculiarities of applying the material, you should practice on some object so as not to spoil the car.

In general, varnishing a car is much easier than painting it. If you are still sure that you can apply the varnish for the car with your own hands, then you need to apply 2-3 layers. And each next layer must be made a little thicker than the previous one. It is worth warning that smudges can be your nightmare throughout the painting. But do not despair, because they can be eliminated with a grinder. The surface is painted at an angle of 45 degrees, and the sprayer is directed to the surface that has not yet been painted.

brand-detail-img-title">The stage of applying varnish when painting a car

The process of applying acrylic varnish to the surface of the car

It is worth noting that most of the varnishes described above do not require dilution at all. The varnish is diluted when its temperature does not correspond to room temperature. Thinning is required if the whole car is being painted, which means that the viscosity should not be more than 16 seconds. Spraying of the coating should be carried out at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters from the surface to be painted.

Do not forget also that acrylic varnishes do not have a sufficiently good filling ability. But this does not mean that this applies to all acrylic varnishes. All varnishes have completely different characteristics. One of the main advantages of acrylic varnish is the possibility of applying it to alkyd enamel, in other words, painting varnish on varnish on a car, but do not try to apply them in a different order.

brand-detail-img-title">Applying acrylic varnish on a car

Working with polyurethane varnishes

The main thing to know about modern varnishes is that they are presented as two-component automotive varnishes. The main difference is in the hardener system, because without it, the drying process simply will not begin. It is worth noting that the reaction is almost instantaneous, so mixing is done just before applying the varnish to the surface of the car. This type of varnish must be applied at a certain temperature and humidity, this is very important.

In general, the main advantage of polyurethane varnishes is a rather large indicator of strength, but the masters are simply scared away by the high complexity of the work being done.

Many motorists who are not very confident in their own skills order this technologically complex work in auto repair shops from professionals. But this does not mean that you should not try it yourself, but consultation is really necessary.