General cleaning: putting things in order in life. How to quickly clean up the house when there is no time
  • Start with dishes. Wash all dirty cups and bowls and put them in a cupboard - this will make the kitchen tidier and free up surfaces that need to be washed. If the plates are covered with dead stew, put them in the sink, fill it with water, add dishwashing liquid and start clearing the table. When finished, the stew will soak and rinse off easily.
  • Wipe tables and shelves with a damp cloth, crumbs and candy wrappers can be brushed directly onto the floor. If you find any stubborn stain, put a drop of detergent on it and continue to work on the surface. After 3 minutes, the product will soften the dirt, and you will quickly wipe it off.
  • Vacuum the floor, but without fanaticism - the main thing is that there is no visible dirt left.

  • Dirty clothes pile up on a sheet and put them together with bed linen in a washing machine or laundry basket. Laundry is better to postpone until post-New Year's idleness.
  • Fill the bed with fresh linen by lifting the edge of the mattress and stuffing the edge of the sheet under it - this is more efficient and faster than trying to stuff the sheet into the gap between the mattress and the bed base.
  • If the sheet is wrinkled, spray it with water from a spray bottle or a special aromatic liquid for interiors. In our apartments in winter, the heat from the batteries is so hot that everything dries instantly and looks like it has been ironed.
  • Quickly, but without fuss, vacuum your bedroom. Do not be zealous: the floor here is not so dirty.

Living room
  • Put books, pens, phone chargers and a cat in their places. Scattered pieces of paper like love letters and invoices put in an office folder, then you'll figure it out. What is not clear where to put it, throw it in a plastic bag and put it in the closet, sort it out on vacation.
  • Wipe all horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth or microfiber cloth, clean mirrors and glass cabinet doors with glass cleaner and paper towels. Dirty mirrors surprisingly create a sense of clutter even in a clean room.
  • Vacuum the same way as in the bedroom, without fanaticism.

  • Spread the cleaner evenly over the tub, sink, and toilet. It takes 3-4 minutes to dissolve the dirt.
  • While the tub is self-cleaning, wipe the mirror free of toothpaste splashes, throw away any empty bottles, remnants, and ancient toothbrushes.
  • Quickly walk around the bathtub and sink with a hard sponge, clean the toilet with a brush, rinse the plumbing with water.
  • Remove old towels and hang new ones. This is especially important if you are expecting guests.

At the end of the cleaning, do not forget to take out the trash and open the window so that the fine dust stirred up by the vacuum cleaner flies out into the street, and the house is filled with a frosty aroma of freshness.

Such an express cleaning will take no more than an hour, but in the end you will get an apartment where you are not ashamed to invite guests, and it’s nice to return from a party in the morning.

And if there is absolutely no time for self-cleaning, entrust cleanliness to professionals from the Qlean cleaning service.

Sometimes in everyday life there are moments when a quick cleaning of the apartment becomes a necessity, not a whim. In such cases, unfortunately, many lose self-control, and cleaning the house turns into a chaotic and useless event, and trying to do everything at once does not bring the desired result.

In order to avoid confusion, it is necessary to develop a personal house cleaning system, adhering to which everything will be done quickly and efficiently. It is very simple to do this, following the tips below on how to quickly clean an apartment, you will need a minimum of time, and the result will be amazing.

The laziest can be in our company. You will save your nerves and time.


We start from the kitchen, for cleaning, which will require no more than 12 minutes:

1. We put things in order in the kitchen. To give your kitchen a clean look and a bit of a refresh, spend a maximum of two minutes removing all items on the countertop and kitchen counter that are no longer needed. The fewer items on the kitchen surfaces, the cleaner and tidier the kitchen itself seems.

2. I wash dishes. If you have a dishwasher, load all the dishes into it and start the cycle. In the event that a dishwasher is not a luxury for you, and quick cleaning of the kitchen is not done for yourself (you are waiting for guests) - carefully put all the dirty dishes in one of the kitchen cabinets, and when the guests leave, you will deal with it.

3. We clean kitchen surfaces. Using a special microfiber cloth, wipe the countertops and table from the far corner towards you, brushing debris and crumbs onto the floor.

4. Wipe down kitchen appliances. Walk with a slightly damp cloth on the surfaces of the microwave oven, refrigerator, stove, multicooker, bread maker and other appliances that are installed in your kitchen.

5. We sweep and mop the floor. The most important moment. Sweep the kitchen, while you need to start from the far corner of the room and move towards the exit. Next, wipe the floor using a mop with a special microfiber sponge. Start from the far corner and gradually move your back to the door.

6. We clean difficult stains. Have you noticed hard-to-clean stains on your countertop or stovetop? Scraping with a metal object can leave scratches, which, of course, is not acceptable - try using a bank card for this, plastic will not leave scratches. Wipe the scraped areas with a damp rubberized sponge - this will help to avoid the appearance of streaks.


The next room in the apartment to clean up is the bedroom. We will need no more than 10 minutes:

7. We sweep away everything superfluous in the bedroom. Remove bed linen that has traces of soiling and throw it into a special basket. Hide unnecessary items that lie on the surface of the dressing table or dressing table in nearby drawers or cabinets. In order for the bedroom to visually appear clean, it is necessary to give all surfaces a real Spartan look that eliminates all unnecessary!

8. We make the bed. Many people lose precious minutes when they try to push the ends of the sheet directly between the end of the bed and the mattress. It is much easier and faster to make the bed if you lift the mattress with one hand and lay the edges of the sheet with the other hand, directly under it.

9. Fighting dust. For best results, use a dry microfiber cloth. Start cleaning from the furniture in the far corner of the room and move in a clockwise direction. Wipe surfaces with gentle movements from the far corner of the object, towards you, dump dust and debris on the floor. It is important that on each section of the furniture surface the fabric should touch no more than once. There is no need to waste time and rub randomly in one place.

10. Vacuum the floor surface. It is necessary to start vacuuming from the far corner of the bedroom, gradually moving with your back to the door. To speed up the process, make sweeping and long movements with your hand. Brush only once over one area of ​​the floor, not twice. Do not move back and forth, these are extra seconds. Do not faint if you accidentally missed a few centimeters somewhere.

Bathroom and toilet

It is equally important to tidy up the bathroom and toilet, this will require about 9 minutes:

11. We apply a cleaner. Apply a cleaner to the sink, toilet, shower or bathtub to help clean heavily soiled surfaces.

12. We wipe the shower and bathroom. If there is a need to scrub the surface of the bathtub or shower, simply wipe it with a cloth, then rinse off the previously applied cleaner and close the shower screen.

13. We clean the mirror. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner, then starting from the top, wipe the surface in a circular motion.

14. We remove the toilet. Sprinkle baking soda or dry cleaner on the inside of the toilet, scrub thoroughly with a toilet brush, then flush a few times. Next, use a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose spray to wipe the outside of the cistern and toilet bowl.

15. We clean the sink. To clean hard-to-reach places from dirt, use an unnecessary toothbrush.

16. My gender. Using a microfiber mop, wipe the floor. Start in the far corner and move back to the exit.

Living room

The last stage is the living room and for cleaning we need about 15 minutes:

17. Eliminate the existing clutter in the living room. Quickly inspect and assess the degree of contamination of the room, while noticing scattered things and misplaced objects. Put all the little things in their place. Place magazines and newspapers neatly on the coffee table.

18. We clean the dust. We carry out cleaning, in the same way as in the bedroom.

19. We clean mirrors and glass surfaces. For high-quality cleaning of glass surfaces and mirrors, use a universal glass cleaner and a soft cloth. Wipe the surfaces in a circular motion.

20. Vacuum cleaner. Start vacuuming from the far corner of the room and move your back to the exit.

With these tips, you will need only 50 minutes to bring order to the entire apartment.
Of course, this is not a general cleaning, but your guests will be satisfied with what they see.

Brief list of all rules

  1. Tidying up the kitchen.
  2. We wash or hide dirty dishes.
  3. We clean all kitchen surfaces.
  4. Wipe down appliances in the kitchen.
  5. We sweep the kitchen and mop the floor.
  6. We clean the remaining difficult stains in the kitchen.
  7. We remove everything unnecessary in the bedroom.
  8. We make the bed.
  9. We wipe everything in the bedroom.
  10. We vacuum and mop the floor in the bedroom.
  11. We apply the cleaner in the bathroom.
  12. Wipe shower/bathroom.
  13. Cleaning the mirror in the bathroom.
  14. We clean the sink in the bathroom.
  15. We clean the toilet in the toilet.
  16. We wash the floor in the bathroom and toilet.
  17. We collect all things in the living room.
  18. We wipe the dust on the surfaces in the living room.
  19. Cleaning mirrors and other glass surfaces
  20. We vacuum and mop the floor in the living room.

Although strict Soviet housewives assured their daughters that the mess in the house is solely the result of laziness and personal lack of concentration, psychologists have long debunked this myth: people are divided into several types, and different personality types organize the space around them in different ways.


There are those for whom structure and keeping order are easy, they are uncomfortable in a mess, and cleanliness is an important part of their character.

There are those who are more comfortable in order, but among the personality traits there is no ability to adhere to routine operations - it is more difficult for such people to maintain order, therefore, in their house, most often the disorder is gaining a critical mass (each has its own mass), after which cleaning is carried out, but the result takes a long time does not hold, and the circle repeats.

There are also those who, in principle, are not able to maintain cleanliness in the space around them and do not worry about this at all.
However, if you still don’t like the mess, but you are not naturally clean, you can try to deceive your character and instill habits in yourself, say the activists of the Fly Lady movement. Only 10 habits will allow you to painlessly maintain order in the house.

Habit #1: Always make your bed

It was not in vain that my mother always demanded that the bed be tidied up before school - nothing adds to the feeling of a mess like crumpled linen on an unmade bed does. Making your bed is a matter of 10 seconds, it is the simplest and easiest habit of all!

Habit number 2: clean soap smudges from the walls of the shower or bathtub after each shower

Took a shower - rinse the walls with water to remove soap smudges, and wipe them with a special roller for showers. It takes 5 seconds and keeps the bathroom fresh - a very healthy habit that would be good to instill in all family members.

Habit #3: Wipe down the bathroom sink every night

I brushed my teeth - tidy up the sink so that soap smudges and traces of toothpaste do not freeze on it. It's easiest to keep your tile cleaner and sponge right in your bathroom so you can quickly apply it, rinse it off, and leave your bathroom looking its best. The whole procedure takes 30 seconds at most.

Habit number 4: leave the kitchen clean in the evening

Fly Lady community activists claim that cleanliness in an apartment starts with a clean kitchen. Like, the kitchen gets dirty in the first place, and you need to start a war on clutter right here. The procedure for Fly Lady is as follows:

  • wash the dishes or load them into the dishwasher (never leave dirty dishes overnight - the rule of cleanliness)
  • apply the cleaner on the sink in a thick layer, leave to act
  • wipe all surfaces with a damp sponge
  • Rinse the cleaning agent from the surface of the sink, wipe it dry
  • take out a fresh kitchen towel, send it to the laundry

With proper skill and consistency, the whole procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the volume of dirty dishes.

Habit #5: Wash dishes while cooking

All people are divided into two groups - someone cooks and multiplies dirty utensils around him, someone washes everything in the process of cooking. Chistyuli - from the second. The rule "used - washed" allows you to choke the mess at the stage of inception.

Habit #6: "Evening rounds"

All the same Fly Lady activists advise you to make it a habit to spend every evening “five minutes of cleanliness” - before you go to bed, you need to go around the apartment and sort out the fresh rubble. Send scattered things to their place, fold magazines and CDs, park children's toys. Just 5 minutes every evening will help keep your house clean until the next general cleaning.

Habit number 7: do not produce clothes outside the closets

Dirty - in the wash, wearable - back in the closet. This rule allows you to wean yourself and loved ones to produce mountains of clothes on chairs and armchairs that fit so harmoniously into the overall atmosphere of the mess. This routine takes about 5 seconds of time - just in the process of exposing yourself, control yourself and send the things being filmed not to the chair, but to the right place.

Habit number 8: ventilate the room

One of the unpleasant properties of bardach apartments is a musty smell. The apartment can be relatively tidy, but this smell will betray the slut faster than scattered things. Make it a rule to ventilate the apartment every day for 10-15 minutes, this is good for health and to maintain an overall feeling of cleanliness.

Habit #9: Dusting extremely dusty surfaces every day

Every home has surfaces that attract dust faster than others - plasma panels, monitors, glass (including a mirror), etc. Special rag with antistatic impregnation + 2-3 minutes a day to get around all the "dusty" places and brushing off accumulated during the day will allow you to maintain the overall feeling of cleanliness for a long time.

Habit #10: Involve everyone in the household to keep things organized and invest in technology that makes life easier

No need to suddenly become clean, it's bad for the psyche, say Fly Lady. Sometimes you really just don’t have the strength to sort out a fresh blockage or brush off the dust - it’s not scary, it will wait until tomorrow. The main thing is to make the above steps your habit, for which it is enough to force yourself to follow the routine for three weeks.

After 21 days, making evening rounds and wiping down the bathroom sink will become second nature, activists say. And one more thing: one should not try to repeat the feat of Hercules and clean the Augean stables alone, one should try to instill the habits of cleanliness in all households (although what exactly is the feat of Hercules - cleaning or instilling such habits in husband and children - this, of course, is a question).

Buying good appliances that cut down on the time and effort to keep clean is not a waste of money. For example, investing in a good steam cleaner (a device that cleans various surfaces with hot steam) will help you cut down on hours of time that you would otherwise spend scrubbing tiles, plumbing, etc. (for example, Karcher SC1, the main love of “jet housewives”). We do not live in the 19th century, and it is foolish not to use everything that is designed to make our lives easier.

And so that work on your habits does not stop, and laziness does not take over, FLY LADY advises you to make something like a cleaning schedule, where you list the main routine and the frequency of various manipulations for yourself. It is enough to stick to this schedule for a month to get used to the new routine.

Having taken up cleaning my house consciously and thoroughly, I turned to the experience of other housewives and realized that there is nothing fundamentally new in that. There are two main options. General cleaning or cleaning step by step. You can use both the first and second option. Or combine them. It all depends on your temperament, planned timing and patience.

spring-cleaning- time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. It is necessary to allocate a full day off, which should be devoted to a complete cleaning in a room or apartment.

I prefer to use deep cleaning twice a year - in spring and autumn, when you need to clean the windows, change the wardrobe for the change of season, clear the space. She's too labor intensive. Therefore, it must be strong, otherwise it will become an impossible task to enjoy the process.

Otherwise, I prefer cleaning step by step. This is enough to once create order in the apartment, in the future it is easy to maintain it. Its essence is simple - we disassemble one surface at a time, and then with the help of the basic rules (about them a little lower) we maintain order there.

A great solution would be to start with the kitchen sink, as suggested by Marla Seeley, the author of the whole Fly Lady system, which I accidentally found out about, tried it out and was convinced of its performance. Why from the kitchen sink? Again, because from the point of view of Vedic knowledge, the kitchen is the place where there should always be perfect order, since the quality, and, consequently, the health, well-being, mood of the whole family will depend on this. Therefore, you can start with the sink - clean it to a shine. And keep it empty and clean by wiping it with a clean kitchen towel in the evenings.

And then, moving around, every day, attach new cleaned areas. Remove everything from the place where you plan to clean (shake things out of the drawer, empty the shelf, etc.), rinse thoroughly and sort out the items, getting rid of the unnecessary. Just one surface at a time. Do only as much work each time as will take no more than an hour. That is, you do not need to throw everything out of the kitchen at once. One box or one shelf - and without haste, without worries, with a song and a calm fighting spirit.

It is small steps, but stability and constancy are the key to success. One day, one small victory. And after some time, you will absolutely no longer need an emergency global cleaning, the order in the apartment will become your reality. You will be ready to receive guests at home with joy and without hesitation, your daughters will see such an excellent example in front of them, and your husband will be proud of you. This is the most valuable award.

How to put things in order in the apartment. Basic Rules.

As a result of my research, I have identified several basic rules that, in my opinion, are the key to success in achieving order. Perhaps we understand them intuitively, but when I formulated them and put them on paper, they settled down clearly and firmly in my head. And now, solving the next task related to putting things in order in the apartment, it became easier for me to make decisions simply by remembering one of these rules.

1. Your house didn't get dirty overnight, don't expect yourself to clean it overnight. Use small steps principle - do a little, but every day. This will relieve you of the fear of the volume of global cleaning.

2. "New come, old go".

This approach must be used to sustain the positive changes that you will achieve as a result of the cleansing. Necessarily!!! When you bring something new into the house, immediately get rid of a similar old thing. And be glad that your economy has not grown.

By the way, this is a very good Feng Shui. By removing the old, we make room for the new and, as it were, tell the Universe that we are ready to let new things, new events, new people into our lives. Therefore, the reverse approach will be very favorable - first, if you want to get something. This cycle creates opportunities for the circulation of energy, and it is this that attracts all the best to us.

By the way, for "advanced" users, this rule can be changed to another - 1 thing to the house, 2 things - from the house.

3. You can easily get rid of trash with the help of exercises "Magic basket" which I wrote about in

4. Exercise "15 minutes of cleanliness".

To achieve results without resorting to total cleaning, dedicate just 15 minutes a day to and restore order in one of the zones. The main thing is every day! Until you achieve the desired result.

15 minutes is so short and you will be surprised that it really works. In order not to overdo it, set a timer and spend 15 minutes throwing out the old, wiping surfaces, putting things back in place. In one room.

5. "Take a thing - put it in its place".

If we adhered to this rule, we would no longer need to spend so much time cleaning. But it doesn't cost anything. Moreover, this rule can be used as a developmental exercise. In fact, this is a small spiritual practice. The fact is that we usually live “on the machine”, our awareness is asleep, and we perform most of the mechanical actions “from memory”. Tracking ourselves at the moment of putting the object back into place, we do it consciously, we exit the automatic mode. And thus we increase our attentiveness, our own. Perhaps that is why such a simple action requires effort from us.

6. Eliminate hot spots and do not let them appear.

A hot spot is most often some kind of horizontal surface where a warehouse of things is instantly formed. It seems to draw them to itself and tends to grow and get out of control. It can be the surface of a dining table or a coffee table that collects all correspondence and stationery, a chair that is overgrown with a mountain of clothes that have not been put away in the closet, or something like that.

The only way to maintain cleanliness there is constant checking and cleaning (they noticed - they cleaned it, they passed by, they checked it - they cleaned it, etc.). And, of course, conscious NOT pollution. Yes, we are training mindfulness again! You can also use another trick - lay a beautiful tablecloth on the table and put a vase of flowers - this will help keep it clean. But here it is necessary to ensure that this point does not migrate to the neighboring surface.

7. The One Minute Principle . Without putting off for another time, do that action that takes one or two minutes and which can be done along the way. For example, in the morning you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth. While you're there, you can wipe down the mirror with a tissue, rinse and clean the sink, wipe other surfaces, put the tubes back in place and close all the caps. Thus, in one minute, you will solve the bulk of the problems, create order in the apartment and prevent the mess from growing further. I really liked this simple rule and I always use it, I try to remember it when I move around the apartment - if I cook in the kitchen - I water the flowers or clean the food from the table, in the room - I immediately put the scattered objects back into place, etc. And what is very pleasant, when I know that the matter takes everything, I perceive it easily, and it does not burden me.

8. Make cleaning fun.

Do not take the cleaning process too seriously, as a heavy duty. Put on some fun music, sing along, move, have fun. Cleaning done with love and joy becomes a blessing for your home. Cleaning with discontent and although it will make the house clean, it will not create a subtle benevolent atmosphere. This is the Vedic law. Remember this.

These are the basic basic rules that should be followed daily. This is the foundation that will form the basis of your clean, spacious, airy, comfortable home. Now let's move on to cleaning.

How to restore order in the apartment in one month.

In order for things to move evenly, and so that we can see and evaluate progress in a month, we need to divide the apartment into separate zones. We will devote a week to each of the zones. Here is an example. Calendar for May and zones for a two-room apartment:

During short weeks we focus on smaller rooms, during full weeks we focus on the main ones. For one week, every day we clean one of the zones of our choice (shelf, table, drawer, etc.), starting with those that are in sight. When the week is over, move on to the next room. Next month we will continue in order again. So step by step, we get rid of the trash, and keep cleanliness without unnecessary stress, nervous tension and without making heroic extra efforts for this.

By the way, since I'm doing everything in practice, I decided to make a "battle plan" for a month. This is a checklist that reflects the work schedule, where you can track what needs to be done, check off what is done and calmly move towards the goal. You can . Here's what it looks like.

Order in the apartment for 1 month.

I hope these tips will help you achieve the desired result and your home will become clean, bright, beautiful and blessed. It remains only to wish you good luck) ©.

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Home is a place of rest and comfort. Here we spend time with loved ones and alone with ourselves, relax and prepare for new labor exploits. I want to return home if it is cozy, warm and smells delicious. But it’s completely different if chaos reigns in the apartment: a small mess that is not cleaned up on time is rapidly increasing, and soon a mess will form in the house, which there is neither strength nor desire to clean up (still, seeing the scale of the work!). Those who want to live in comfortable conditions should learn how to clean up the house once and for all. It is enough to clean the entire living space once, and then it remains only to maintain cleanliness.

There are a considerable number of them. To decide on the most convenient one, it is necessary to test several strategies in practice and compare them. How to put things in order in the apartment?

Method number 1 - consistent cleaning of the premises

Its essence is that first a complete order (general cleaning) is brought in one room, then in the next, and in another, and so on, until all rooms in the house are covered. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain neatness in already cleaned rooms - but this will already take less time than a thorough cleaning. It is recommended to start with the cleanest room, the second to choose the most cluttered, and then as it turns out.

Consistent cleaning is suitable for an apartment where a small number of people live

Method number 2 - "All at once"

In this case, putting things in order is carried out immediately in the entire housing: first, scattered clothes are removed, then all the garbage is taken out, after which all books, magazines, control panels for equipment are laid out in their places. For such cleaning, it is worth involving each member of the family so that things move faster, and the result is visible immediately after the start.

Including children in the process of cleaning, you gradually teach them to maintain order in the house.

Method number 3 - "Fly Lady"

The popular method of maintaining cleanliness in the house, developed by the American Marla Seeley, is based on the initial thorough cleaning of the premises, even in the most remote places, stretched for a month, and then on daily 15-minute rituals to maintain cleanliness.

Method number 4 - "Express cleaning"

Suitable for situations when guests are expected, but there is no time for a full cleaning: in this case, things that are out of place are removed from sight, dust is swept away from the most visible places (tables, chairs, dressers, window sills), vacuumed and washed floor. Attention is also paid to the ceiling - cobwebs may appear in the corners. Everything takes up to 40 minutes, but this is a temporary measure - the house will still need a full cleaning, but only when more time can be allocated for it.

On the first circle, surface cleaning is carried out, on the second - local areas of debris and pollution are eliminated

Whatever strategy you choose, it is always important to remember that it is easier to maintain order than to restore it every time. But this should be done by all family members. If there are small children or pets in the house, it is more difficult to quickly clean up the apartment, but it is also possible. In addition, only one's own example can bring up cleanliness in children.

Before a radical change in the principles of living in an apartment, it is necessary to critically assess how rationally the space is used. It's not even about its area: in a one-room apartment it can be cozy and beautiful, but in a house with seven rooms, on the contrary, there is even more space for organizing real chaos. Much depends on the furniture used and on the love of "collecting" things that are not really needed.

Useful: The less figurines, boxes, dishes, shoes in the house, the easier it is to store. The more closed furniture, the more aesthetic it looks, since the contents of shelves and drawers are hidden behind laconic doors. But to force all the walls with such furniture is also not worth it - you can get the effect of a tunnel.

A simple life hack on how to clean up the apartment if there are a lot of things worth taking note of:


First of all, with each cleaning, it is necessary to eliminate the mess: to remove everything that is “bad” in its place - this way the front of further work will be better visible, and the room itself will immediately become more comfortable.

Tip: To save time, you can put a box or basket, and put in this container all those items that need to be taken out of the room - and then, when all the things are sorted out, take everything at once to their places.

So you don’t have to run around the house with each individual book, jacket or plate. All things should be laid out so that a neighbor or friend who accidentally enters does not put you in an awkward position: personal items are put into boxes (documents, money, jewelry, underwear), the bed is covered with a bedspread or a blanket, worn items are immediately taken out to the dirty laundry basket , everything else falls into place as well.

After that, you can proceed directly to cleaning. It is carried out from top to bottom, since dust is heavier than air, and if you act in the reverse order, by the time the work is completed, you will have to repeat everything again. That is, you should start with a chandelier, then - curtains, windows, tops of cabinets, doors, and only after that you can smoothly go lower.

By following the principle of top-down cleaning, you do not have to do the same job several times

The dust must be wiped off, after removing everything that clutters it from the surface - when a bright light falls, it is very clearly visible where the objects were too lazy and did not pick up - the dust particles will remain under it and half a centimeter nearby in an even layer.

In the same way, floor cleaning must be carried out not only in a prominent area, but also under bedside tables, sofas, beds - in the most inaccessible places, otherwise the dust will fly out to a clean area from the movement of air masses immediately after cleaning. If there is a carpet with a long pile on the floor, it must not only be vacuumed, but also occasionally brushed by hand.

The frequency of cleaning depends on how often people are in the house. If only one person lives in the apartment, and most of the day he is away from home, cleaning is required much less frequently. If we are talking about a large family, you will have to put things in order daily. But 5-10 minutes a day to put everything in its place, and another 40-60 minutes a week for dusting and mopping is definitely better than systematically littering the apartment and then cleaning once a week, taking the whole day off.

It is not strictly necessary to follow the rules, but adhering to these principles, your home will always look neat and comfortable.

Cleaning of various rooms in the apartment

For each type of room, there are certain cleaning principles that allow you to put things in perfect order in a house or a separate room. Brief recommendations on how to clean the apartment quickly and efficiently will help you spend less effort on cleaning.


If it is not combined with the living room, it is easiest and fastest to clean it: the bed is made up and covered with a blanket or a bedspread, which is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also hygienic if you want to sit on the bed in street clothes when you come home from work. Then the clothes are laid out in their places. A common problem in the bedroom is the placement of clothes that have already been put on, but it’s too early to take them to the laundry - you can’t put them in the closet with clean things, so they hang them on the backs of chairs and beds. But you can buy a special rack-hanger just for such things and put it in an inconspicuous corner of the room.

Bedroom cleaning plan

Garbage and dirty dishes are removed from the bedside tables, the surface of the chest of drawers and the window sill, then everything else is removed to wipe the dust. Do not forget about windows and mirrors - fingerprint stains left on them significantly affect the perception of the interior. It remains to clean the floor and ventilate the room - and the cleaning is completed here.

Marie Kondo's tidying system works effectively in the closet - it involves vertical storage of things. So more clothes fit in the drawers, and besides, everything is immediately visible, and it is not necessary, taking something from the very bottom, to make a mess on the entire shelf.

The Marie Kondo system works especially well with small items of clothing that often cause closet clutter.


Here, cleaning is quite laborious: there should always be clean plumbing, including taps on the sink, bidet and bath. Modern household chemicals allow you to achieve the desired result in seconds, but you need to do such cleaning regularly so that persistent plaque does not have time to form.

Mirrors also require attention. Once a month, wipe the ventilation grille and tiles on the walls. Bottles, jars and bottles that are on open shelves should also be washed. Clean, soft towels, a pleasant scent, and clean flooring are all essentials for a clean bathroom.

The bathroom requires special care, as it is used daily by all family members.


First of all, cleaning should be focused on three positions: the work surface (both the countertop and the wall), the stove and the sink.

Tips for keeping your kitchen clean

If they are clean, there will be no dirty dishes and unpleasantly smelling garbage in the kitchen, it will be pleasant to be here.

The fewer items and appliances located on the kitchen worktop, the easier it is to clean it, and the tidier the room looks.

Kitchen cleaning plan

Living room

Furniture with glass doors is beautiful until it is full. In practice, it is in the living room that the cabinets contain a lot of “necessary and useful”, and it is not possible to place all this beautifully.

Note: If there is no desire to change furniture, you can purchase decorative baskets for storing small items - this will add aesthetics.

Here, dust is first wiped and the floor is cleaned, at the same time you can walk with a vacuum cleaner and upholstered furniture.

How to keep order in the living room

Children's room

This is exactly where cleanliness depends on rationally selected furniture. Open shelves for a child's room are not the best choice. Fashionable baskets and boxes for storing toys will help to organize and give some accent to the interior.

In the children's room, it is most convenient to lay out toys and children's things in boxes and baskets.
  • take out the garbage more often - do not let it stale, do not collect it in different rooms;
  • in parallel with cleaning, check the remotes and lamps for operability - this will make it clear where you need to replace the light bulb, and where - buy a battery;
  • to make cleaning more fun, turn on the music - set yourself a "timing", for example, wipe the dust - for one song, sort out the contents of the dresser - for three songs.

If general cleaning is carried out once a month, and express cleaning every two or three days, the house will always sparkle with cleanliness.

And do not be sorry to part with things - such a move makes room for new ones. If the thing has not been used for one year (this is a rather long period, 4 seasons, temperature regimes, preferences change during this time), it should be discarded - if not donated or thrown away, then at least take it to the pantry, and not litter the usable area . The more such things will be taken out, the more space will be freed up in the house.