Profuse bleeding in the early stages. Bleeding during pregnancy: is there always a threat to the expectant mother and her baby? Why does bleeding occur?

Expecting a baby is a responsible and exciting period. Unusual sensations often force a woman to worry about trifles. But among all that is possible at this time, there is a circumstance that cannot be called nonsense. This is bleeding during early pregnancy. Why it happens, what needs to be done and whether to be careful, every woman should know.

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What is considered bleeding?

This is a discharge from the genitals, small, medium or large volume, in which blood is found. Its quantity is determined by their red, pink, brown colors. In the discharge, tissue particles, clots can also be seen.

All women should know if they can bleed in early pregnancy, and how this phenomenon is provoked. This will give her a chance to remain calm and at the same time not to lose vigilance in the event of a possible discharge.

Implantation of the ovum into the uterine wall

Since there is always a biological fluid of different consistency in the female genital tract, some misunderstand the possible threat that lies behind the bleeding.

A small volume of secretions is not yet evidence of the naturalness of what is happening. Blood can be retained inside the uterus or in the space between its wall and the placenta. Then, at first, very little comes out, but the woman will steadily lose strength. If it is noticed that blood has gone in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately find out what is the reason for this.

Stinging pains on one side of the abdomen, brown discharge should alert, as they occur during ectopic fixation of the egg. In this case, you need to see a gynecologist.

blood clot

The appearance of a blood clot at an early stage is dangerous. It could be a miscarriage. Normally, there shouldn't be any. Even if there is no pain or it is moderate, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

A drop of blood during pregnancy

A drop of blood can mean discharge from a polyp, cervical erosion, or due to the presence of fibroids in the uterine cavity. In the vast majority of women, they do not affect the general well-being in any way, there is no pain or cramps in the abdomen. This phenomenon is short-term, and the volume does not exceed a small speck.

uterine fibroids

heavy bleeding

Severe early bleeding often occurs with a spontaneous miscarriage that has already begun. It is accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Blood loss is especially intense with a lack of progesterone. Additional symptoms include:

  • dizziness,
  • severe weakness,
  • headache,
  • increasing nausea,
  • increase in body temperature.

During abortion, regular cramping abdominal cramps occur in the course, and bleeding is constantly increasing. The discharge may contain parts of the fetal egg. Any suspicion of termination of pregnancy requires an ambulance call for delivery to the hospital.

breakthrough bleeding

Due to incomplete hormonal changes in the body in early pregnancy, breakthrough bleeding occurs - discharge that coincides in time with menstruation. Their occurrence in the first months is considered harmless. For some women, they go even 3-4 times. At the same time, the volume of secretions should be much less than during normal menstruation, and there should be no pain or mild soreness is possible.

Bleeding in an ectopic pregnancy

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

In addition to diseases that provoke bleeding during pregnancy, it is important to know other reasons:

  • physical exercise;
  • stressful conditions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • a lack of ;
  • injuries, especially in the abdomen;
  • active sex;
  • weight lifting;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • smoking;
  • visiting a bathhouse, a hot bath;
  • the presence of a spiral at conception;
  • carrying out diagnostic procedures with penetration into the uterine cavity;
  • the impact of adverse environmental or production factors.
Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

Each of these factors can become decisive in the presence of any disease or hormonal disorder. It is also necessary to take into account the established fact that with abnormal genetic material (risk of severe fetal development disorders), often even a small impact is enough to start a spontaneous miscarriage. It occurs precisely at an early stage and even against the background of complete well-being.

Cervical bleeding during pregnancy

There are several types of diseases in which the cervix bleeds in a pregnant woman:

  • erosion against the background of infection, trauma, treatment with local preparations - the most common cause, it is asymptomatic, in the early stages it begins to bleed due to abundant blood flow;
  • polyp of the cervical canal - an outgrowth of the mucous membrane of hormonal origin;
  • papillomatosis - a viral infection with the formation of genital warts;
  • adenomyosis - growth of the inner layer of the uterus within the cervix;
  • Myoma is a rare localization (cervical) tumor of muscle and connective tissue.

Adenomyosis of the uterus

To establish the source of bleeding and its cause, a gynecological examination, ultrasound is required. It is impossible to independently determine the pathology and its risk for pregnancy.

Bleeding early after IVF

In the early stages after IVF, bleeding is considered as a threat of miscarriage. It can also occur in the absence of pregnancy, if the procedure was unsuccessful and menstruation began. The main risk factors for interruption of gestation in the first months:

  • the immune system rejects the fetus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • insufficient blood supply to the uterus, structural anomalies;
  • diseases of the neck, tubes, ovaries;
  • infections;
  • long stay of the spiral without a change;
  • multiple pregnancy against the background of ovarian stimulation;
  • excessive administration of hormones;
  • trauma to the genital organs during the selection of eggs;
  • diseases of the kidneys, heart,;
  • external factors - monotonous diet, smoking, alcohol intake, self-medication with medicines, stress, overwork.

Watch this video about discharge after IVF in normal and pathological conditions:

Signs of bleeding during pregnancy

In addition to the direct release of blood from the genital tract, signs of dangerous bleeding during pregnancy include:

  • constant pain of a pulling or cramping nature;
  • the spread of pain in the sacrum, lower back, thighs, anus;
  • increase in general weakness;
  • dizziness, darkening in the eyes;
  • increased nausea with urge to vomit;
  • increased body temperature with hot flashes, chills;
  • loss of consciousness or fainting.

Any of these signs require immediate medical attention. Relatively harmless spotting with a polyp, myoma, cervicitis, or erosion usually occurs against the background of good health with minimal bleeding or dripping.

Serious threat to the fetus and woman

At the initial stage of pregnancy, anything can seriously damage her: stress for any reason, physical effort, medication. The fetus is still too weak, and the tissues protecting it have not yet fully formed. Therefore, blood during early pregnancy can have causes that threaten its existence and the life of the woman herself.

Danger of interruption and miscarriage

These are common causes of bleeding. In addition to them, a woman is plagued by periodic throbbing pains in the lower abdomen. Everything can start with a slightly noticeable hemorrhage. If this symptom is neglected, it will develop to such a level that the embryo will slip out along with the biological fluid.

But this outcome is by no means predetermined. If the fetus survived, then at the beginning of bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, the chance to save it is quite high. It is necessary, without waiting for the cessation of discharge, to contact a specialist and demand help.

If the embryo immediately had serious defects or the process went too far, complete is likely. Other culprits can be infections affecting the reproductive or urinary system, trauma, inflammation. Abundant bleeding during early pregnancy, combined with pain, characterizes a complete miscarriage.

After a short time, the grasping sensations in the abdomen subside, as does the discharge. The specialist, examining the patient, will find that the uterine os is closed, and there is nothing in the cavity.

Blood clots during early pregnancy can be noticed even with little effort, such as after going to the toilet. It is likely that these are particles of the fetal membrane or embryonic tissue.

A miscarriage is also incomplete when the pregnancy is lost irretrievably, but the outflow of blood continues, and the cervix remains open. Here, the danger remains for the woman, if not done in time. Bleeding with clots in early pregnancy is a symptom of an incomplete miscarriage. The discharge acquires a deep red color, combined with unbearable cramping pain, feverish condition.

Watch this video about the signs of a miscarriage in early pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy

The abnormal location of the ovum can also cause bleeding during early pregnancy. Normally, a week after fertilization, the place of the embryo is inside the uterus. But sometimes, for various reasons, the fetus lingers in the fallopian tube, penetrates into the abdominal cavity or cervix. The first circumstance is observed more often. We are not talking about the preservation of the fetus here, the main thing is the life and health of the woman.

At first, a tubal pregnancy does not differ symptomatically from a normal one. It is detected by a pharmacy test, causes changes in the mammary glands, and the absence of menstruation.

But the fetus increases, and it becomes crowded in the fallopian tube. The organ is stretched, causing pain in the area where the embryo is located. The bloody daub that complements it in the early stages of pregnancy, which intensifies over time, gives reason to suspect this particular diagnosis.

There are ways to remove the embryo from the fallopian tube while preserving the organ. If time is missed, it has to be removed, which in the future reduces the chances of conception. And when a woman endures pain for a long time without telling the doctor about it, a rupture of the fallopian tube with rapid bleeding is possible. This is a close threat to life. In addition to strong bloody discharge, damage to the fallopian tube makes itself felt by pain in the abdomen, which can lead to loss of consciousness.

Frozen pregnancy

A little bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy may be a signal of the fetal fading. For uncertain reasons, it stops its development, which also manifests itself:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • The cessation of enlargement and soreness in the mammary glands;
  • The disappearance of toxicosis and flatulence characteristic of pregnancy;
  • Rise in body temperature;
  • A sharp decrease in basal temperature values. But the symptom can only be detected if it is regularly measured.

Sometimes the uterus tries to get rid of the frozen fetus. But in most cases, scraping is required. Playing for time means increasing the risk of sepsis.

bubble skid

The abnormal development of the tissues that make up the placenta is called hydatidiform mole. Its cause lies in the mistakes made by nature during fertilization. A benign (trophoblastic) tumor is formed in the uterus instead of the embryo, fetal bladder and placenta. It looks like many small cysts arranged in a cluster.

In addition to the abnormally enlarged size of the uterus characteristic of this disease, there is another sign - blood during early pregnancy. It can stand out for a long time until the uterus is freed from the tumor. The color of the discharge is dark, the consistency is quite thick. The vesicles of the egg come out with blood.

And although there are few secretions, but with their regularity, the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia is inevitable. Often the process is supplemented by vomiting,. Failure to provide timely assistance provokes the spread of trophoblastic cells to other parts of the body.

Diseases of the genital area that provoke bleeding

Pregnancy will not save you from gynecological problems. On the contrary, many of them are currently aggravated, and some are discovered for the first time, because responsible mothers more jealously control their own well-being. And if it bleeds during pregnancy in the early stages, perhaps this is reminiscent of a gynecological disease.

Cervical erosion

Changes in the surface epithelium make the cervix a possible source of bleeding. The sores formed on the mucous membrane make the organ very sensitive upon contact.

But even without obvious reasons for this, just sitting with her legs tucked in, a woman can sometimes detect blood in the early stages of pregnancy, and in subsequent ones too. It colors the discharge red, brown or pink. This does not threaten either the mother or the developing fetus. Usually, deliverance is left for later, waiting for the completion of the postpartum period.

So such discharges, which are not abundant and are not accompanied by pain, can come out more than once, especially after sex.


A benign neoplasm is also able to let you know about its existence with secretions. In this case, blood during pregnancy in the early stages is allocated poorly and painlessly. The choice of therapy remains the responsibility of the physician and depends on the underlying circumstances.

But even when deciding to remove a large and bleeding polyp, there is no threat to the fetus and woman. Along with the manipulation, medications are prescribed to maintain her condition. But often gynecologists take a wait-and-see attitude towards polyps, and the neoplasm painlessly exfoliates on its own.

Varicose veins

Many are sure that only the limbs suffer from varicose veins, and then mainly with the excess weight of the owner. In reality, if the diagnosis exists, bleeding during pregnancy is likely, including in the early stages. After all, the vagina is also riddled with veins, and the new position increases the load on their walls.

Often the disease also captures the area of ​​the labia, so the perineum swells, aches. The secretory function of the vagina is disturbed, because of which it becomes strained and unpleasant. Minor discharge with bloody inclusions are found after it, and without a noticeable reason. They do not carry danger, but complicate its course for a woman, increase discomfort.

venereal infection

Sometimes discharges with blood impurities appear when chlamydia, Trichomonas and other microorganisms are activated in the body, which got there through the genitals. In addition to dangerous inclusions, which in this case increase the likelihood of miscarriage, they have and may be accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • temperature;
  • loss of strength.

Bleeding not related to pregnancy

Typical types of bleeding not associated with the pregnancy itself include intestinal (anal) with hemorrhoidal disease, nasal, from the gums. They are caused by several groups of factors:

  • hormonal changes that provoke relaxation and overstretching of the vascular walls;
  • increased permeability, fragility of small capillaries;
  • decrease in blood coagulation in congenital or acquired deficiency of platelets, coagulation factors;
  • lack of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, K, rutin.

Any blood loss weakens a pregnant woman, leading to anemia. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease (hemorrhoids, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia, beriberi), as well as nutrition rich in protein and iron. Nuts, fresh herbs, pomegranate juice, liver, buckwheat porridge, chicken meat, turkey are recommended.

Is bleeding always a threat?

Women in an "interesting position" are characterized by all sorts of fears, so they often exaggerate the severity of their own feelings. Thinking about why it bleeds in early pregnancy, many forget that this is also due to natural causes:

  • Oocyte implantation. The entire period of gestation, the embryo remains fixed inside the uterus. The process begins already a week after fertilization, when the woman does not even know about the changes awaiting her. More often than not, this event is asymptomatic. But sometimes a drop of blood during early pregnancy and a slight aching pain can signal implantation;
  • The onset of menstruation. With a slight hormonal failure, the body is able to remember them, and then a woman notices spotting discharge with streaks of blood. There are few of them, there is no pain, sometimes it sips the lower abdomen. In principle, this is not dangerous if it is possible to lie down calmly, taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  • But when a woman allows herself, does not reduce the load on the body, the ichor during early pregnancy can turn into strong discharge, which will end in interruption.

How long does bleeding last during pregnancy

Non-dangerous types of bleeding during pregnancy last no more than 1-2
days. These include:

  • implantation,
  • breakthrough,
  • superficial (from the neck, vagina).

Their important difference is the absence of pain or minimal discomfort. At the same time, the woman's well-being does not change. With the threat of miscarriage, the duration of the discharge will depend on the effectiveness of the treatment.

Is it always dangerous if a pregnant woman starts bleeding?

If bleeding has begun in a pregnant woman for an unknown reason, then it is considered dangerous in terms of the risk of interruption. Therefore, in all cases, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. After examination and exclusion of the threat of miscarriage, treatment may not be required if the discharge is not associated with pregnancy, or represents breakthrough bleeding.

Actions, medications and hemostatic drugs during early pregnancy

Whatever triggered bleeding during early pregnancy, treatment is necessary in many cases. Trying to establish the cause on your own, waiting or using home-grown remedies means wasting time, risking your future baby and yourself. Women who turn to a gynecologist in a timely manner, despite a serious threat of miscarriage, in 80% of cases normally bear a fetus and give birth to healthy babies.

To maintain pregnancy with an increased risk of interruption, drugs are prescribed:

  • Papaverine (candles) or in tablet form. Reduce the tension of the walls of the uterus, neutralizing pain and eliminating the possibility of expulsion from the fetal cavity;
  • Duphaston or Utrozhestan. Hormonal agents bring the level of progesterone to normal. The lack of a substance often becomes the culprit of bleeding. With a more serious threat of interruption, injections of the hormone in its pure form are prescribed;
  • Motherwort, Valerian. The drugs reduce anxiety, which helps to relax, including the smooth muscles of the uterus.

But the main thing in helping is hemostatic drugs during early pregnancy:


The active ingredient is etamsylate. The drug supports the formation of platelets, which "seal" the vessels, preventing their contents from flowing out. There are tablets, but in especially serious circumstances, Dicinon is prescribed intravenously.

Once directly into the blood, the medicine begins to work after 20 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 6 hours.

Vikasol It improves blood clotting due to the production of prothrombin, but it begins to act only 8-12 hours after it enters the body, so it is not prescribed in emergency situations, but is used for complex treatment 4 tablets per day or 1-2 ml intravenously.
Tranexam, Exacil or Troxaminate The drug is prescribed in tablets (1 or 2 3 times a day, based on the severity of the condition) or injections for discharge with blood or a predisposition to them. Its basis is tranexamic acid, which helps clotting.

The therapy is often supplemented with the intake of vitamins C and E, folic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of dangerous secretions. You can not use hemostatic drugs on your own. All of them have side effects, so the dosage and regular monitoring of blood viscosity is very important. The latter is especially important if there were problems with its coagulability even before pregnancy.

Watch in this video about the mechanism of action and application of Dicinon:

What to do if a pregnant woman bleeds

If a pregnant woman bleeds, then you need to call an ambulance and lie down. Walking or driving to the hospital with your own transport is not allowed. Staying calm during a threatened miscarriage is the basis for maintaining a pregnancy. Self-administration of pills is usually not only ineffective, but often dangerous.

If the doctor, after the examination, insists on inpatient treatment, then in no case should this recommendation be ignored. At home, it is much more difficult to fulfill all assignments, protect yourself from stress and control the course of bearing a child. With early treatment to the doctor, most pregnancies are saved.

How to stop bleeding during pregnancy

It is possible to stop bleeding during pregnancy only if the doctor’s recommendations are followed, he examines the size of the uterus, its tone, ultrasound, prescribes blood tests, selects hemostatic drugs (Vikasol, Etamzilat) and medicines to eliminate the root cause.

If, according to all indicators, the fetus is viable, then medicines and complete rest are recommended. This is most often sufficient in the absence of severe diseases of the mother and child. At home, the results of treatment are worse, so most often you need to keep the pregnancy in a hospital under the constant supervision of a gynecologist.

Preservation of pregnancy in the early stages with bleeding

To maintain pregnancy in the early stages, when bleeding occurs, drugs are prescribed:

If the pregnancy cannot be saved

When bleeding that occurs during early pregnancy is caused by a tubal location, surgery is indispensable. Here the task is to save the woman and save the organ. If the fetus is still small, it is removed, leaving the fallopian tube functioning. If there is no chance to save her, the organ is removed to avoid rupture and more intense bleeding that can bring the patient to death.

With a complete hydatidiform mole and a missed pregnancy, there is no question of saving the fetus. It is necessary to free the uterus from its contents, which is done by scraping or vacuum cleaning.

If it is noticed that there is blood during early pregnancy, the woman should complain to the gynecologist and not resist when he suggests hospitalization. The initial period is one of the most difficult for the embryo, but at the same time it has more chances for saving the child and avoiding as much as possible bad consequences for the health of the mother.

When using any drugs, you should consult a specialist doctor. There are contraindications.

Bleeding during pregnancy refers to the group of obstetric bleeding, that is, those that occur during the period of bearing and giving birth, as well as after childbirth. They are considered a serious complication, as they often cause maternal death.

We recommend reading:

Bleeding during pregnancy: features

Blood discharge during this period of a woman's life is characterized by certain criteria:

  • sudden onset of bleeding;
  • massive blood loss;
  • the fetus suffers first (therefore, emergency delivery is often practiced);
  • except in some cases, blood loss is accompanied by severe pain;
  • bleeding during pregnancy forms a rapid depletion of the protective forces and compensatory reactions of the woman's body;
  • a sharp decrease in BCC (volume of circulating blood) with disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • significantly increases the risk of DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation).

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters

There are quite a few factors that can provoke the development of bleeding during this period of pregnancy. The reason directly depends on the trimester in which it happened.

Bleeding in early pregnancy occurs due to such reasons:

  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • cystic skid;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases.

Medical tactics, algorithm and treatment regimen depend on the cause that provoked bleeding for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Symptoms and treatment of bleeding in an ectopic pregnancy

It is also called an ectopic pregnancy, in which the egg after fertilization is implanted and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity. Typical places of its localization are the tubes, the abdominal cavity, the ovaries, the cervix, the rudimentary horn (unicornuate uterus).

An ectopic pregnancy is formed as a result of such pathologies in history:

  • adnexitis;
  • abortion;
  • genital infantilism;
  • endomyometritis;
  • surgical interventions on the internal genital organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

It can be progressive and disrupted due to a ruptured tube or ovary. In some cases, this condition ends with a tubal abortion.

The main symptom in this case is spotting during pregnancy, which is “smeared”, women have a delay in menstruation, she complains about. An ectopic pregnancy can also cause an acute abdomen, a medical emergency due to a ruptured fallopian tube. This type of pregnancy can develop up to a maximum of 8 weeks, and after that the tube ruptures and bleeding (internal and external) opens.

A gynecological examination and ultrasound must be carried out in order to correctly verify the diagnosis.

Further treatment tactics are as follows:

  • assessment of the woman's condition;
  • determination of the degree of blood loss;
  • collection and clarification of anamnesis (gynecological and obstetric);
  • hospitalization in the gynecological department on an urgent basis;
  • transportation of a woman should be carried out in a horizontal position, the head end must be lowered;
  • it is important to maintain blood pressure at an optimal level;
  • in case of massive blood loss, the patient is hospitalized by the resuscitation and surgical team;
  • all further measures are developed and taken already in the hospital.

Causes and symptoms of bleeding during an early miscarriage

The correct name for this condition is spontaneous abortion, which is considered to be the termination of pregnancy for up to 28 weeks. With it, the woman's cervix opens, and the fetal egg is partially or completely expelled from the uterine cavity.

The reasons that can provoke an early miscarriage are as follows:

This pathology is accompanied by pain with localization in the lower abdomen, increased uterine tone, bloody discharge, turning into bleeding. The condition of a woman directly depends on the amount of blood loss, the duration, the presence of anemia and other diseases.

Important: in case of spontaneous miscarriage, it is necessary to stop bleeding in time to avoid hemorrhagic shock, which occurs when a large volume of blood is lost (individually for each patient). If the pregnancy cannot be maintained, they resort to curettage.

Bleeding at 12 weeks of gestation is considered an early abortion and often occurs for no known reason. From 13 to 28 weeks we are talking about a late abortion. 2-8 pregnancies out of 100 end in miscarriage due to various causative factors.

Spotting has a different characteristic (from smearing to profuse), as well as pain (from aching to dull pain in the lower abdomen). Pregnancy is usually maintained in the event of a threatened and incipient abortion, but the more blood is lost, the worse the prognosis.

Spontaneous abortion has a phased course:

  • Threatened miscarriage. This condition may be accompanied by very scanty bloody discharge, the pain is mild and has a dull aching character with localization in the lower abdomen.
  • Started abortion. With it, the discharge of blood will also be sparse, and the pains will be cramping. This stage of spontaneous miscarriage usually proceeds with a satisfactory state of health. A woman should be taken to a gynecological hospital to decide whether to continue the pregnancy. The prognosis in this case may be favorable, but it all depends on the amount of blood loss.
  • Abortion in progress. The patient has massive bleeding and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. This condition requires immediate hospitalization and appropriate measures (curettage of the uterus, blood transfusion to replace lost blood).
  • Abortion incomplete. Blood is secreted in clots and has a dark tint, there can be a lot of it. There must be a pain syndrome. Pregnancy can not be saved in this case, so they resort to curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Complete spontaneous miscarriage. It most often occurs very early in pregnancy. The clinical picture is as follows: contraction of the uterus, opening of the cervical canal, removal of the fetal egg from the uterine cavity with some blood, closing of the cervix and cessation of bleeding. A complete spontaneous abortion does not require emergency care, but the woman is still hospitalized. In the hospital, she is undergoing diagnostic curettage. This procedure allows you to make sure that there are no particles of the fetal egg left in the uterine cavity.

Therapeutic measures for spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage

The outcome of the treatment of bleeding during pregnancy largely depends on the timely treatment of a woman in a medical institution and her strict adherence to all the doctor's prescriptions.

The complex of therapy for such conditions includes:

  • The first and main rule for a woman who has a threat of an early miscarriage is strict bed rest.
  • Complete emotional peace.
  • If necessary, hormone therapy agents (Progesterone, Utrozhestan) are prescribed.
  • Infusion therapy is also carried out (in / in the infusion of solutions according to the prescriptions of the attending physician).

Treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of the attending gynecologist. If the cause can be eliminated while also maintaining the current pregnancy, then the woman should be under medical supervision until delivery.

Bleeding in the early stages of clots: causes, symptoms, prognosis

The presence of clots in bloody discharge during pregnancy is, with a high probability, the release of fragments of embryonic tissues. Often a woman notices clots when visiting the toilet or after lifting weights. The process itself is accompanied by spasmodic pains (similar to contractions). Such bleeding is an early miscarriage, which happens very often during the first 12 weeks. Doctors will not save such a pregnancy, especially if the blood is scarlet and there are clots.

Note:the type of blood clots themselves (brown, scarlet, red), as well as the proposed symptoms, can be symptoms not only of a miscarriage, but also of such pathologies:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • detachment of the fetal egg;
  • cervical or tubal pregnancy.

These conditions are very dangerous for the life and health of a woman, therefore, they require emergency care and hospitalization.

Bleeding in early pregnancy with hydatidiform mole

This pathology is a kind of trophoblastic diseases that are formed from derivatives of female and male germ cells. Bubble skid can develop both during physiological and ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, induced abortion, with inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, hormonal disorders. This disease is characterized by the presence of modifications in the chorion: there are increased sizes of villi with the formation of bubble-like elements on them. It affects mainly women at a young age of 20 to 30 years.

Symptoms of cystic mole:

  • delayed menstruation up to 2-4 months (a woman considers herself pregnant);
  • spotting (they appear as a result of rejection of bubbles) with the presence of those same bubbles in them;
  • the uterus during a gynecological examination does not correspond to the expected gestational age;
  • when performing an ultrasound scan at week 20, the fetus in the uterus is not visualized, but a picture of a “snow storm” is visible;
  • the clinic of early toxicosis is very strongly expressed;
  • the titer of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is 1000 times higher than normal;
  • bleeding can be stopped only by curettage of the uterine cavity.

note: this pathology is an indication for constant monitoring in the antenatal clinic for 2 years with systematic testing for chorionic gonadotropin. Re-pregnancy is allowed only after 2 years with negative research results.

Implantation bleeding in the first trimester

It is considered a variant of the norm, since it does not pose a danger to the embryo. The mechanism of its development is as follows: the fetal egg is implanted in the uterine mucosa, during this process a vessel may be affected, due to which women experience minor bleeding in early pregnancy. This usually happens on the days when the expected next menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. Therefore, women often mistake implantation bleeding for the next menstruation, since they simply do not know about pregnancy yet.

The clinical picture will then be as follows:

  • meager discharge;
  • duration of discharge from several hours to 2 days maximum;
  • bleeding does not increase.

Note:if the discharge is more abundant and accompanied by pain, then these are signs of another pathology, and not implantation bleeding.

Bleeding in early pregnancy due to miscarriage

With such a pathology, the fetus freezes in the early stages up to 12 weeks. The reason usually lies in the genetic disorders of the embryo, hormonal deficiency, acute infectious pathologies, which can be determined diagnostically. Sometimes this condition is asymptomatic for a woman.

In other cases, such symptoms are observed:

  • poor bloody discharge;
  • no signs of fetal vital activity on ultrasound;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • sudden disappearance of signs of pregnancy;
  • softening of the mammary glands;
  • inconsistency of the size of the uterus with the gestational age.

Therapeutic tactics for a frozen pregnancy and the bleeding that accompanies it comes down to the hospitalization of a woman and curettage of the uterus.

Bleeding in early pregnancy: what to do?

Given the fact that the causes of bleeding can be different, if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • If the blood discharge is insignificant, there is no pain, and the antenatal clinic is not far away, you can seek help there yourself.
  • When the blood is bright or the bleeding is strong, you need to call an ambulance and wait for it.

Bleeding in the first half of pregnancy is a common pathology that can lead to serious consequences.

Unfortunately, many women, having heard enough stories about possible periods after conception, ignore the appearance.

The result in this case is often deplorable: a woman loses a child and endangers her own life.

The main reasons why bleeding may open in early pregnancy

The causes leading to bleeding in early pregnancy can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes bleeding directly related to pregnancy and arising.

In the second case, bleeding has nothing to do with bearing a fetus, although it can also have a negative effect on the mother's body and the development of the fetal egg.

The first group of reasons

In fact, the threat of miscarriage implies a number of reasons, including rejection of the fetus due to an autoimmune reaction, the impact of physical activity.

This is the most common pathology leading to bleeding in the first month of pregnancy.

In most cases, the threat of abortion, complicated by bleeding, occurs 3-4 weeks after conception.

A woman may not even know about pregnancy, taking bleeding for the next menstruation.

  • "The Disappearing Twin".

This phenomenon has not been well studied. It is known that sometimes the ovary produces not one, but several eggs. In the case of multiple pregnancy, a pathological situation may occur when one of several fetal eggs dies.

In this case, symptoms may appear, as with placental abruption or spontaneous abortion.

Bleeding without timely treatment can lead to anemia in the mother and developmental disorders in the remaining fetus due to a decrease in the amount of incoming nutrients and oxygen.

Although most often the dead embryo mummifies and resolves within a few days.

  • Ectopic pregnancy.

The situation associated with the risk of life for a woman. Attaching the chorion to the wall of the fallopian tube or other organ leads to soft tissue ruptures and profuse bleeding if the pathology was not diagnosed in time.

  • Bubble drift.

A subspecies of a benign trophoblastic tumor that develops due to a violation of the fertilization process. As a result, the egg receives 46 sets of father's chromosomes, or 46 father's chromosomes and 23 mother's.

Pathology leads to the absence of the formation of the embryo and placental tissue. Instead, a cyst grows, outwardly similar to a bunch of grapes.

Bubble drift is accompanied by bleeding or minor bleeding and is an indication for curettage.

  • Implantation bleeding.

Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy may be due to possible damage to the blood vessel at the time of attachment of the chorion to the inner surface of the uterus.

Bleeding is insignificant and does not pose a threat to the life of a woman and the development of an embryo.

Often, the implantation of the chorion coincides with the expected menstruation, so the woman is unaware of the conception that has occurred.

  • Breakthrough bleeding.

Occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance and leads to slight bleeding, often coinciding with periods.

It can be repeated for 3-4 months in the presence of pregnancy. Doesn't pose a danger.

The second group of reasons

  • Mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina.

Bleeding may occur after sex. Minor bleeding during pregnancy in itself does not pose a threat. If it is severe, you need to see a doctor immediately.

  • Genetic diseases.

A number of diseases, such as hemophilia, can lead to bleeding early in pregnancy.

The severity of the condition of the woman and the child in this case is determined by the intensity and volume of blood loss.

If damage to the mucous membrane occurred before conception, pregnancy can aggravate the course of the disease. In this case, the appearance of ichorus, especially after intercourse, is not ruled out.

Discharge during erosion can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage if pathogenic microflora is present at the same time.

  • Myoma.

A growing fibroid located near the fetal egg blocks the access of oxygen and nutrients to the chorion and literally forces the embryo out of the uterus, causing quite severe bleeding.

In the absence of contact between the placenta and a non-progressive tumor, you can not be afraid of pregnancy complications. Treatment is carried out after childbirth.

If the fibroid grows, a drug blockade is carried out using vitamin complexes and iron preparations.

  • Polyps.

The presence of a polyp in the uterus can provoke. But, as a rule, this does not lead to complications of pregnancy.

Although, a large polyp in the cervical canal can cause infection and lead to the threat of spontaneous abortion.

In this case, surgical removal of the polyp is possible in the early stages of pregnancy, when there is enough free space in the uterine cavity for instrumental intervention. In the later stages, the operation is indicated when the patient's life is threatened, for example, due to heavy bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy

Having carefully studied the causes of the pathology, it can be assumed that only bleeding with a risk of miscarriage, with rejection of the fetal egg, has a real threat.

In fact, almost any bleeding is dangerous, except for natural processes - implantation or breakthrough bleeding.

In this video, the girl shares how she went through the first trimester of pregnancy, how she started spotting, what she did and how she was treated.

How dangerous is severe blood loss in the first trimester?

Vaginal trauma, erosion, polyposis and hereditary pathologies can lead to serious complications:

  • penetration of infection, which can cause antenatal death of the embryo;
  • septic shock caused by the death of the fetus and the presence of its remains in the mother's body;
  • hemorrhagic shock due to significant blood loss;
  • the development of an oncological tumor provoked by curettage of a bubble mole.

Therefore, even with minor bleeding, it is urgent to visit a gynecologist.

We do not waste time: what to do if bleeding begins at the beginning of pregnancy?

Self-diagnosis is fraught with the danger of losing the child, and often the death of the mother.

Therefore, it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnostics to make sure that there is no danger to health, as well as to the life of the woman and the fetus.

For example, with the threat of a miscarriage, you can save the fetus if you stop the blood loss quickly enough.

If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, you need to urgently call an ambulance and stay in bed until it arrives.

At rest, the intensity of bleeding decreases slightly, which can be a decisive factor for doctors when deciding whether to try to keep the pregnancy.

You should not get to the gynecology by public transport. Firstly, time is lost, and secondly, if the condition worsens, a woman may simply not receive the necessary assistance in time. In extreme cases, you can use a taxi or your own car, which will be driven by one of the relatives or friends of a pregnant woman.

If doctors admit that there is no particular danger, but offer to be observed in the inpatient department, you should agree. This is an ideal option for undergoing a full range of medical services at rest.

If a pregnant woman starts bleeding, do not panic. You should get to a medical facility as soon as possible, where they will try to save the fetus and prevent a threat to the health and life of the woman.

It happens that a long-awaited pregnancy is overshadowed, blood appears in the early stages of pregnancy. If you bleed during pregnancy, you need to go to the hospital immediately. Only a quick examination will help clarify why blood discharge appeared during pregnancy, whether they are dangerous or not. Bleeding during pregnancy is also safe for pregnancy, but this must be confirmed. Blood during pregnancy is an urgent reason to be examined to maintain pregnancy.

Bleeding during pregnancy:

The first trimester is the most crucial period of a woman's pregnancy, since at this time the basic structures are laid for the further development of the external and internal organs of the fetus. Unfortunately, bleeding at this time most often leads to termination of pregnancy and is difficult to tolerate in general by the female body.

To help a woman who is suspected of having obstetric bleeding, the physician must be able to determine the cause of the bleeding, as different types of first trimester bleeding require different treatments.

Blood discharge during pregnancy.

Blood during pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause the following pathologies:

Spontaneous miscarriage;

Bubble skid;

Cervical pregnancy (attachment of the fetal egg in the cervix);

The presence of polyps in the cervical canal of the cervix;

Cervical cancer.

Do not forget that blood in early pregnancy does not always mean that the pregnancy will fail!

Now we will consider each cause of bleeding during pregnancy in more detail, indicating the methods of its prevention, early diagnosis and symptoms.

If during pregnancy there is blood, then doctors immediately suspect the following options:

Spontaneous miscarriage is the first option in the appearance of obstetric bleeding.

Spontaneous miscarriage occurs in stages. First, there is a threat of miscarriage - a stage in which there may be no pain or bleeding. Dull cramping pains and the presence of visible bloody discharge are a sign that the miscarriage has passed into the stage of a miscarriage that has begun. In this case, hospitalization and the help of obstetricians are necessary.

First of all, the issue of maintaining or terminating the pregnancy is decided. If a woman chooses the first option, she is injected with sedatives and antispasmodics. One of the prerequisites for treatment is the rest of the pregnant woman. If a woman wants to terminate the pregnancy, or if its preservation is impossible for medical reasons, obstetricians perform curettage of the uterus.

The third stage of a miscarriage is called an abortion in progress. Its symptoms are severe pain, profuse bleeding. Due to blood loss, a woman's condition may worsen: a decrease in blood pressure, the development of anemia, etc. Abortion in progress can rarely be stopped and hospitalization is most often used to curettage of the uterine cavity.

The fourth stage is an incomplete spontaneous miscarriage. Its symptoms: the separation of a large amount of blood in the form of clots, pain of a cramping nature, the presence of placental tissues in the cervical canal of the cervix. Just as in the previous case, scraping is applied. Additionally, measures are being taken to improve the condition of the woman.

And at the last stage of spontaneous miscarriage, the fetal egg is completely separated from the uterine walls, which is why the process is called a complete spontaneous miscarriage. Methods of treatment: curettage of the uterine cavity.

Blood during pregnancy does not always mean that a miscarriage has begun!

Bubble drift.
Pathology of this kind most often occurs in women who have had inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Also at risk are women who have hormonal imbalances and ovarian dysfunction. Occurs in older women.

In the case of cystic drift, one of the layers of the embryo - the chorion - grows, its villi take the form of bubbles, and the development of the embryo itself does not occur. Depending on the presence or absence of embryonic elements, it can be incomplete and complete, respectively. The cause of incomplete hydatidiform drift may be the fertilization of the egg by two spermatozoa at once. This pathology is dangerous because there is a possibility of its development into a malignant tumor.

This pathology is also dangerous due to the fact that in the absence of bleeding, its symptoms are invisible, they can be confused with symptoms of toxicosis: severe nausea, vomiting. But in addition to them, the doctor may notice an excessively enlarged uterus, often before the onset of bleeding, the stomach begins to hurt sharply. In advanced form, cystic drift can cause swelling, severe headaches, which indicates the presence of brain metastases. With lung metastasis, a frequent cough becomes a symptom.

An ultrasound examination and a blood test for hCG levels will help to identify this pathology in time and take measures before it turns into a cancerous form. In this case, the ultrasound will show the abnormal structure of the fetal egg, and the analysis will show a multiple excess of the hormone norm.

Usually, the cystic drift is aspirated from the uterine cavity using a special aspirator. After aspiration, the woman needs to monitor the level of hCG (ideally, it should reach a value of 100 mIU / ml). If the pathology has developed into a cancerous form, then chemotherapy is used.

Cervical pregnancy, a common cause of bleeding during pregnancy.

As the name implies, cervical pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the fetal egg is not located in the uterine cavity on the back wall, but is implanted in the cervix and begins to grow and develop there. The growth of the fetal egg is the cause of bleeding. Blood loss can be both insignificant and quite plentiful. Pathology for a woman is dangerous and serious blood loss, and the development of complications.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this pathology, these include the use of intrauterine devices as a contraceptive, uterine scraping procedures, IVF, and operative delivery.

Cervical pregnancy rarely causes pain, but obstetric bleeding often occurs. A woman may confuse the onset of pregnancy with a normal delay if her bleeding is weak. In order to diagnose pathology in time, a thorough examination of the cervix by a gynecologist is necessary, who will notice a change in its shape and size. Also, the incorrect attachment of the fetal egg can be indicated by repeated and intensifying obstetric bleeding over and over again. Ultrasound will also help to make the correct diagnosis, it is also a means of diagnosing cervical pregnancy.

If this pathology is established, the woman must be admitted to the hospital and prevent subsequent blood loss. After stopping the bleeding, the fetal egg is removed from the cervix. Unfortunately, in case of severe bleeding, the method of treatment for cervical pregnancy is the removal of the uterus.

The presence of polyps in the cervical canal

Polyps are a common cause of obstetric bleeding, although they are benign and rarely cause serious blood loss. A doctor can detect polyps in the cervical canal of the cervix when scraping or performing an ultrasound examination of the uterus. Polyps tend to occur more often in women after childbirth or before menopause. Many women, when making this diagnosis, do not take serious measures to treat polyps, forgetting that this benign formation can turn into a malignant one. Therefore, it is important to remove the polyp as soon as possible. In most cases, polyps break off and are removed on their own, without blood or pain. If surgical removal is required, then this operation should be performed by a highly qualified surgeon and only after a biopsy (this procedure allows you to clarify the diagnosis and nature of the tumor). Symptoms of cervical polyps, which any woman can notice in herself, should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist. These are menstrual disorders, heavy discharge, the presence of spotting spotting between periods, bleeding during menopause, pain and the appearance of blood during intercourse. For the treatment of polyps, a surgical method is used, as already mentioned above. Along with it, there are other ways to treat these formations: curettage of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, cryosurgery (cauterization with liquid nitrogen), douching. So that polyps do not bother a woman, it is important to know the measures to prevent this disease. For example, doctors most often cite hormonal imbalances and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system as the cause of polyps in the cervix, which means that it is important to monitor your health, maintain hygiene, regularly undergo a gynecological examination and treat the resulting inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. Self-medication can lead to complications and the degeneration of the polyp into a cancerous form.

Cervical cancer

- a sign that can occur regardless of the period of embryogenesis and indicates ongoing changes in the body of a woman. It can be observed with spontaneous miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, Rh conflict, placenta previa and other conditions. This manifestation can develop against the background of general well-being or be accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back, and sacrum. Diagnosis of bleeding during pregnancy is carried out on the basis of data from a gynecological examination, an ultrasound assessment of the condition of the patient and the fetus. The treatment of this pathological symptom is determined by its cause and is prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

General information

Bleeding during pregnancy is an obstetric symptom, indicating the possible development of a number of disorders, the cause of which can be both physiological changes in the body of a woman after conception, and pathological conditions. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can finally find out the etiology of such a manifestation after a complete examination. Bleeding during pregnancy occurs in about one in five patients. In 50%, they indicate pathological changes and end in spontaneous miscarriage. In half of the patients, the symptom is physiological in nature. Bleeding occurs more often in the first and third trimester of embryogenesis.

The danger of bleeding during pregnancy lies in the fact that a variety of factors can provoke them, including those that pose a threat to the mother and fetus. In some situations, there are no other pathological signs. Any bleeding during pregnancy should be a reason for immediate medical attention. Only a specialist is able to assess the danger to the health of a woman and the fetus, as well as decide on further tactics. Timely assistance provided even with an abnormal course of pregnancy allows you to continue its management and save the life of the child.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can occur at any time of embryogenesis, develops both against the background of physiological changes in the woman's body, and as a result of the formation of a certain obstetric pathology. In the early stages, half of the women have a slight separation of blood due to the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Such bleeding during pregnancy is often regarded by the patient as menstrual, so she does not seek medical help, which in the future may make it difficult to determine the timing of embryogenesis. A similar symptom is possible with insufficient production of progesterone in the early stages of gestation.

The most common cause of abnormal bleeding during pregnancy in the first trimester is spontaneous miscarriage. This symptom appears both with a just-started and with a complete abortion. Approximately 6 weeks after conception, the symptom occurs with an ectopic attachment of the fetal egg. Also, bleeding during pregnancy at this time may indicate Rh conflict, fetal fading. Similar manifestations are characteristic of women suffering from varicose veins that feed the uterus. In this case, bleeding during pregnancy is due to increased blood supply to the tissues.

Bleeding during pregnancy in the second trimester is diagnosed much less frequently, in about 5-10% of all cases of gestation. As a rule, the symptom is due to pathological changes and in most cases indicates spontaneous late abortion or isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Sometimes the separation of blood from the genital tract is observed with intrauterine fetal death. Bleeding during pregnancy in the third trimester also always speaks of the development of gestation pathology. The most common cause is placenta previa. In this case, the embryonic organ completely or partially covers the uterine os, while due to the high load on the lower segment, placental micro-ruptures occur, which causes a similar sign.

Less commonly, bleeding during pregnancy in the third trimester is due to premature detachment of a normally located placenta. In this situation, there is a high threat to the life of the fetus. The danger also lies in the fact that initially internal bleeding develops during pregnancy or the formation of a hematoma, and only then the blood flows out. The rarest, but most dangerous for the life of the mother and child, the cause of the development of this symptom is uterine rupture. Such a complication is diagnosed in the presence of a scar on the myometrium and tissue overstretching, provoked by polyhydramnios, a large fetus or multiple pregnancies. It is extremely rare that bleeding during pregnancy occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the membranes or umbilical cord vessels.

Also, bleeding during pregnancy can be triggered by causes that appear at any stage of embryogenesis. Such reasons include benign neoplasms - fibroids, polyposis growths in the cervical canal and uterine cavity. Often bleeding during pregnancy occurs in women with cervical erosion. Sometimes a sign occurs due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The risk of developing a symptom is also present with violent sexual intercourse, significant physical exertion, concomitant cardiovascular diseases associated with a weakening of the endothelium.

Classification and symptoms of bleeding during pregnancy

Depending on the origin of bleeding, two groups can be distinguished:

  • Physiological bleeding during pregnancy- arise as a result of the restructuring of the body, do not pose a threat to the health and life of the fetus or mother.
  • Pathological bleeding during pregnancy- indicate its abnormal course, may be accompanied by a risk to the life and health of a woman and a baby, require immediate medical attention.

The clinic of bleeding during pregnancy directly depends on the cause of this symptom. Isolation of blood from the genital tract in the early stages of embryogenesis, provoked by physiological changes, proceeds against the background of general well-being. Bleeding during pregnancy, which has developed due to the presence of polyps, erosion, fibroids in most cases also does not cause disturbances in well-being. In this case, there is a slight release of biological fluid - just a few drops, the symptom is of a short-term nature. More abundant, similar to menstrual, will be bleeding during pregnancy associated with a deficiency of progesterone.

In the case of bleeding during pregnancy associated with its spontaneous interruption, the patient is worried about constant or cramping pain in the lumbosacral region, abdomen. Additionally, nausea, dizziness, malaise, and a slight increase in body temperature may occur. Bleeding during pregnancy in this case can be of varying intensity, often in the discharge there are pieces of tissue. With an ectopic attachment of the fetal egg, as well as with a rupture of the uterus, a serious threat to the life of a woman arises. In such a situation, internal bleeding initially develops during pregnancy, and only then do pathological discharges from the external genital tract appear. There is acute pain in the abdomen with irradiation to the anal region, the lateral parts of the body. With significant blood loss, a state of shock occurs with a threat of death.

Bleeding during pregnancy in the later stages is also not always accompanied by a detailed clinical picture. In the case of placenta previa, this is the only symptom that should cause alertness in a woman and become a reason for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist. As for the premature detachment of a correctly attached placenta, in this case, bleeding during pregnancy develops against the background of uterine hypertonicity, there is pain in the abdomen, deterioration in general well-being. During cardiac monitoring of the fetus, there is a violation of the heart rate, motor activity.

Diagnosis and treatment of bleeding during pregnancy

To identify the cause of bleeding during pregnancy, a gynecological examination of a woman is performed. With changes in physiological origin, no deviations from the norm can be detected. With pathological bleeding during pregnancy against the background of spontaneous abortion, an opening of the cervix is ​​observed. An increase in the tone of the myometrium may indicate the onset of placental abruption. Of the laboratory diagnostic methods, an analysis is used to determine the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). With ectopic pregnancy and bleeding, this figure will be reduced. Instrumental diagnosis of bleeding during pregnancy is to conduct an ultrasound scan. Using this method, it is possible to assess the state of the myometrium and the embryo, the level of blood flow in the vessels, the exact localization of the placenta and (possibly) its incipient detachment. Using CTG, the diagnostician can make a conclusion about the vital activity of the fetus.

Treatment of bleeding during pregnancy also depends on the cause of the symptom. If there are no pathological changes or the manifestation is provoked by damage to the polyp, medical attention is not required. In rare cases, the doctor recommends its removal. Expectant tactics are also used in case of cervical erosion. Her cauterization is carried out after childbirth. Bleeding during pregnancy against the background of the threat of miscarriage and placenta previa requires immediate hospitalization in an obstetric hospital, followed by the appointment of drug treatment. To reduce uterine tone, sedatives, tocolytics are used. Pregnancy management in this case requires careful monitoring by a specialist.

Bleeding during pregnancy caused by ectopic attachment of the ovum, scar rupture, or completed spontaneous abortion requires hospitalization and surgical treatment. After removal of the remnants of fetal tissues or emergency delivery, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In this case, stopping bleeding during pregnancy is carried out in different ways, depending on its intensity, ligation of the uterine arteries is often performed. With premature detachment of the placenta, an emergency caesarean section is indicated.

Forecast and prevention of bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is usually accompanied by a favorable prognosis. Timely medical care can save the life of the fetus and the woman. Lethal outcome is extremely rare. Prevention of bleeding during pregnancy consists in the early detection of benign neoplasms and their treatment even before conception. To prevent the development of a pathological symptom, you should register as soon as possible, take all the necessary tests, and if any violations occur, immediately seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Prevention of bleeding during pregnancy also consists in avoiding stress, physical exertion, violent sexual contacts.