Cosmetic injections according to the lunar calendar are favorable days. Moon and beauty treatments

Helpful Hints

Venus will turn retrograde on October 5, which is important for compiling a beauty calendar for the month. Although the lunar calendar may give good days for any beauty procedures, Venus advises postpone all complex procedures but especially plastic surgery.

If you still want to do repeated procedures or operations, then they are acceptable on retro Venus. Everything new is better to postpone for a better time.

Home care for the face, body and hair, of course, should not be stopped, despite the retrograde of Venus. It is best to do cleansing procedures on the waning moon: from 1 to 8 and from 25 to 30 October 2018. For example, these days, various scrubs for the body, face and scalp will be most effective.

On the growing moon - from 9 to 23 October 2018- it is good to do nourishing and strengthening procedures, as well as at this time cut your hair well to accelerate their growth (except for unfavorable days).


♊♋ 1 OCTOBER, Monday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 21:36.TWINS , CANCER from 21:01

Moon without a course until 21:00

October starts off pretty unfavorable period, in which complex measures to care for one's own appearance are associated with undesirable consequences and numerous side effects. The main danger today, as on many other days of the month, is plastic surgery, which is recommended to be postponed for a more favorable period. This Monday, cleansing masks will bring the greatest benefit in terms of inducing beauty. Despite the fact that it is undesirable to do a manicure with the Moon in Gemini, today it is recommended to pay Special attention condition care skin hands New procedures are undesirable.

Fitness : on this day physical exercise can be quite intense. You should take care of the upper limbs, reduce the load on the shoulders; wrist injuries are possible. But there is an opportunity to train in cardio mode with a load on the lower limbs, as well as to focus on the fight against fat in the thighs and buttocks.

OLD MOON from 12:45

2 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 23:39.CANCER

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 12:45

The current Tuesday is not suitable for complex cosmetic and cosmetic events, however, a number of other procedures can be scheduled for this day that will definitely help you look better, fresher and younger. In particular, today, in addition to cleansing masks, scrubs are allowed. During this period, it is good to contact dentists to improve appearance teeth, preventive care for them and the oral cavity. Depilation and epilation are recommended today, removal unwanted hair from the face and plucking the eyebrows. IN given period the impact on the body through the various methods offered by aromatherapy is welcome.

Fitness : considering high level danger of injury, as well as increased fatigue and emotional vulnerability, this Tuesday it is recommended to completely abandon any physical activity.

3 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:54.CANCER

Moon off course from 11:33

The Moon in Cancer this month opens up some opportunities for facial skin care. It is during this period that a deep effect on the skin is allowed with the help of scrubs and cleansing masks. It is worth scheduling today the removal of unwanted hair from the face; depilation and epilation of hair in the armpits and in the bikini area is also allowed. After carrying out these procedures in this period, it can be expected that following hair grow more slowly. Engage in professional modeling of your eyebrows on this day - you can cut them, trim long and uneven eyebrows, fix the hairs in one direction. Aromatherapy is recommended. It is better not to start new procedures from 11:33.

Fitness : low-intensity physical training is acceptable today, the purpose of which is to work on the muscles of the back and legs. Running and cycling recommended; any other exercises that provide a moderate load on the spinal region and on the joints of the legs are also useful. It is possible to visit step aerobics.

♋♌ 4 OCTOBER, Thursday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CANCER , A LION from 00:12

Moon off course until 00:11

The day is not too good for challenging cosmetic procedures. But today you can pay special attention to the skin cleansing procedure, although you should limit yourself to cleansing masks alone, which will be especially effective on this day. The right cleansing mask (according to your skin type) will not only clean the pores, but also normalize the work sebaceous glands which will undoubtedly improve the appearance of the skin. As part of the rejuvenation procedures this Thursday, it is worth signing up for a cryosauna; those who suffer from skin allergies and skin diseases should also expect an excellent effect from exposure to cold (however, it is worth consulting with a specialist beforehand!).

Fitness : loads in the current period should be directed to lower part body, including legs. Exercises for the back, articular gymnastics, step aerobics are especially useful. Gentle cardio workouts with jumps and squats are allowed. load on upper part torso is best eliminated or reduced to a minimum.

5 OCTOBER, Friday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:57.A LION

Moon off course from 14:34

Another unfavorable day of the month will nullify many of your efforts related to beauty and appearance improvement. However, this applies mainly to complex cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. But during this period, you can pay more attention to purely external attributes of beauty: today you can experiment with clothes and hair; there is also the possibility of visiting a hairdresser, but it should be borne in mind that after a haircut with the Moon waning in Leo, new hair will grow more slowly, although it will be thicker and more beautiful. This Friday also welcomes skin cleansing with appropriate masks and a visit to the cryosauna. New treatments in the afternoon are not recommended.

Fitness : during this period, light loads are allowed, which exclude overvoltage of cardio-vascular system. The main goal today is training the calf muscles. Thus, training on this day can be replaced by a walk. In the gym, walking on the spot is recommended. A slag-removing massage of the lower extremities is very useful.

♌♍ 6 OCTOBER, Saturday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:20.A LION , VIRGO from 02:19

Moon off course until 02:18

It is not the right day for complex procedures from the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery, which, however, can be used for a number of other, less invasive, but no less effective measures to improve the appearance. Particular attention should be paid to simple anti-aging procedures. On this day, you should definitely pay attention to the treatment of the skin and getting rid of the fungal infection. It is acceptable to carry out procedures as part of a pedicure and manicure. If you have problems with your hair and scalp, it makes sense to contact a trichologist. Scrubs and masks for cleansing pores are also allowed. You can shop, but not very large. It is better not to start new procedures on this day.

Fitness : light loads are welcome; cardio exercises are undesirable today. Recommended exercises aimed at strengthening the lowest part of the legs, that is, the feet. Light jogging is acceptable, exercises that allow you to train your sense of balance with a load on the feet are useful. Take care of your middle torso today.

7 OCTOBER, Sunday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:46.VIRGO

Moon without a course from 17:03

This Sunday is suitable for improving health, so today any wellness procedures will be the most effective. Such procedures should be paid special attention to those who are hard to lift - today everything will be easier and have a pronounced positive effect. However, after 17:03 new events should be avoided. The day promises good results for those who are ready to pay due attention to the treatment of the fungus. Excellent results should also be expected from masks to cleanse the pores of the skin. Scrubbing can be used today if necessary.

Fitness : The recommendations for today's workout are no different from the recommendations you followed the day before. Additionally, you can advise water aerobics, as one of the most effective types of fitness, contributing to weight loss, posture straightening, safe joint development.

♍♎ OCTOBER 8, Monday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:11.VIRGO , SCALES from 04:10

Moon without course until 04:09

It is strongly recommended to refrain from plastic surgery, as well as from the means and methods of complex cosmetology. Opportunities for active care of the body in the complex are opening up. A visit to massage treatments, a swimming pool, sauna or bath will bring your body into proper order, improve internal tone and condition of the skin. Also a good day to visit the solarium. During this period, moderate exposure to the skin is allowed in order to remove freckles and eliminate skin pigmentation. Evening complexion can be done at home no less effectively. You can also make an appointment with a dentist.

Fitness : given the fact of the approaching new moon, and also taking into account all the dangers associated with this phenomenon for the body (including dangers for the psyche), it is strongly recommended to postpone today's training for a more favorable period.

Beauty: lunar day calendar

YOUNG MOON from 06:47

9 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 29th, 30th lunar day from 06:35,1st lunar day from 06:47.SCALES

NEW MOON at 06:47

Moon off course from 11:50

Plastic surgery and complex cosmetology are unacceptable today. Afternoon will be felt Negative influence The moon is off course, so at this time it is worth refraining from new procedures. Favorable period for applying cleansing masks and scrubs is over, so today you should limit yourself to nourishing and soothing face masks. Simple anti-aging procedures are acceptable; any water procedures, and different kinds massage. Today is the best day of the month to visit a makeup artist; Eyelash and eyebrow tinting is especially good.

Fitness : the negative influence of the new moon period continues, so this Tuesday it is recommended to do without physical training. Recommended leisure, which will completely allow you to maintain the necessary tone of the body.

10 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:57.SCALES , SCORPION from 07:10

Moon without course until 07:09

You should not expect anything special from today's environment: this day is full of various contraindications and risks, so refrain from experiments; Moreover, you should not plan any types of plastic surgery for today. The most correct decision would be if you pay special attention to the care of the skin of the face and neck. Today, the usual moisturizing and skin-soothing masks, which include nutrients, will be especially useful for those who decide to start an active fight against wrinkles. Considering the nervous environment of the day, during this period it is highly recommended to resort to the benefits that aromatherapy provides.

Fitness : during this period it is recommended to attend yoga classes, but you should avoid exercises for hip joints and save your muscles pelvic floor. Today, general strengthening training is also shown, and high-intensity loads are acceptable. Useful exercises for the neck and fitness for the face.

11 OCTOBER, Thursday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:16.SCORPION

The influence of the growing Moon in Scorpio continues, and therefore in this period it is very useful to fight wrinkles (especially with the first mimic ones). To do this, we can recommend starting to do procedures aimed at rejuvenation and smoothing wrinkles. You should not expect much success right away, but perseverance and constancy will help to achieve good results. To improve the condition of the skin, it is not necessary to resort to such complex methods as mesotherapy or myostimulation. Start by regularly applying nourishing and soothing masks. Aromatherapy is very useful today.

Fitness : heavy loads are allowed; a great day to actively compete with education double chin. Pay attention to the opportunities that fitness provides for the face. During this period, you can also recommend exercises for all muscle groups from the arsenal of yogis, however, avoid trying to sit on the twine, and also do not put a lot of stress on the hip joints.

12 OCTOBER, Friday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:33.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 12:53

Moon without a course from 02:12 to 12:53

Quite a positive day, which should be used to start complex anti-aging procedures. Complex activities should be avoided, but simple methods, including homemade masks based on natural ingredients, will be very, very effective. From salon procedures today you can recommend the effect of cold on the skin, so visit the cryosauna. On this day, an excellent result awaits those who decide to sign up for a pedicure and manicure. The current Friday should also be used to start an active fight against lipodystrophy, that is, cellulite. New procedures are recommended after 12:53. Useful aromatherapy.

Fitness : the period of permitted intensive loads continues; yoga, facial fitness, double chin exercises are recommended in the morning. In the afternoon, the body will respond well to strength exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Aerobic exercise is acceptable, but you should take care of your legs.

13 OCTOBER, Saturday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 11:45.SAGITTARIUS

The period favorable for the purposeful fight against cellulite continues. Today is one of the few days this month when you start the treatments from the individual anti-cellulite program and see pleasing results pretty soon. Taking into account the specifics of the body's behavior and its reaction when exposed to cold, cryoprocedures can be recommended, which will also bring a tangible effect in the fight against cellulite. For the face today it is worth using simple and familiar to your skin nourishing masks.

Fitness : this Saturday it is recommended to do the pumping of various muscle groups of the upper body. Today, high-intensity strength exercises for the muscles of the arms, chest, and shoulders are very useful. Loads on the legs should be excluded, despite the fact that cardio training during this period can be very effective.

♑ 14 OCTOBER, Sunday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 12:50.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 22:17

Moon without a course from 03:58 to 22:16

This day is not suitable for complex salon cosmetic procedures, so you should carefully choose those activities that you think will help you look your best. Consider also the fact that our actions on this day are influenced by the Moon without a course, in which new activities and procedures will be ineffective. It is very useful on this day to resort to the help of Mother Nature: recommended cleansing infusions for the skin from medicinal herbs, baths to strengthen nails. The usual nourishing masks to improve the tone and appearance of the skin will not interfere in any case. A visit to the cryogenic sauna is recommended.

Fitness : on this day off, our body should respond favorably to high-intensity loads aimed at pumping the muscles of the upper body. Today there is real danger injuries of the lower extremities; jumps and lunges are especially dangerous; exercise on a stationary bike and treadmill should also be avoided.

15 OCTOBER, Monday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 13:46.CAPRICORN

This Monday is one of two days current month when so many cosmetic procedures are open to you. Excellent results during this period will give skin rejuvenation with the help of simple procedures; be sure to consult a specialist for the treatment of problem skin. This is the best day of the month to visit the hairdresser, do hair and eyelash extensions. You can also expect a good result if you color your eyebrows and eyelashes. good readings for manicure and pedicure. Masks are acceptable sparing, without a deep effect on the skin. Also "light" shopping is recommended today.

Fitness : the current period carries a number of dangers associated with increased risk spinal and knee injuries. This Monday, you should pay attention to strength exercises for the chest muscles. Training today can take place in high intensity mode.

Lunar beauty calendar 2018

ARRIVAL MOON from 21:04

16 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:33.CAPRICORN

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 21:02

Refrain on this day from temptation radically fight for your beauty, as complex salon procedures, as well as the use of scrubs and even cleansing masks, are not only undesirable, but also unacceptable. The Moon growing in Capricorn promises good results for those who decide to “give” their skin a mask based on vitamin complexes and beneficial nutrients. Today's motto is moderation and prudence. With this attitude, we can recommend a gentle firming massage of the whole body; various simple procedures that can be done at home are also acceptable (for example, you can do your own nails - better in the evening).

Fitness : this Tuesday there is a change in the lunar phase, which is associated with an exacerbation chronic diseases, emotional vulnerability and increased fatigue. A break from training is recommended.

♑♒ 17 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:11.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 10:36

Moon without course from 00:49 to 10:35

In this environment, an active pastime is recommended, which can have much more tangible positive results than, for example, a long stay in the makeup artist's chair or beautician's office. A great time to try out different types of massage. In particular, a strengthening salon massage of the back area with heated and / or chilled stones is recommended, which should be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate knowledge and qualifications. Active swimming in the pool is highly recommended; very useful sauna or bath. At home, you can take a relaxing bath after applying a nourishing mask. New procedures should be started after 10:35.

Fitness : on this day, moderate-intensity exercises are recommended to strengthen the spine and back muscles. Training can take place in cardio mode, but it is worth taking into account the fact of the vulnerability of the legs. The risks will be significantly reduced if you replace the gym classes with water aerobics today.

♒ 18 OCTOBER, Thursday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 04:57.AQUARIUS

If we talk about recommendations and contraindications, this Thursday is practically no different from the previous day. Today, healthy physical activity is still recommended, which will bring an excellent effect on your appearance. Main attention should be paid to water procedures, including the pool. In addition, find time and opportunity for massage treatments, in particular, for stone therapy. On this day, you should not do hair; but the skin of the face and neck will benefit from nourishing and soothing masks based on natural ingredients.

Fitness : a good period for cardio training of medium intensity. On this day, there is a risk of injury to the lower extremities, so take this into account when drawing up an exercise plan. Useful exercises that will strengthen the spine, as well as strength exercises for the muscles of the back.

♒♓ 19 OCTOBER, Friday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:06. AQUARIUS , FISH from 23:21

Moon without a course from 15:27 to 23:20

This Friday the fight continues good looks, young or youthful appearance and elastic skin with the help of moderate physical activity, massage activities and water procedures. From the last best effect will have access to the pool; from massage procedures it will still be useful to influence the reflexogenic zones with the help of hot and / or cold stones as part of stone therapy. This procedure is especially useful for the approaching Moon in Pisces, which requires an influx of energy in the background of physical relaxation. For the skin of the face, the same indications are still preserved - nourishing and soothing masks for the skin. After 15:27 new procedures are best avoided.

Fitness : the most useful exercises during this period are those that are aimed at strengthening the spine. Yoga classes are possible, during which pay special attention to stretching and strengthening the spine, "opening" the shoulder joints and developing the chest. Good day for water sports.

20 OCTOBER, Saturday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:27.FISH

The current Saturday favors the care of your own appearance, being the second day of this month, when a pronounced positive effect is expected from everything that you do. In particular, today it is highly recommended to visit massage parlor for lymphatic drainage massage, which is an excellent help in the fight against cellulite. Visit the salon today, where you will find the most optimal cosmetic procedures, which will also be very effective on this day. good period for a successful fight against the fungus even at home (for example, foot baths with infusion of herbs). Aromatherapy shown.

Fitness : work today on the middle part of the torso; for many of us, the abdominal area is one of the most problematic, so you should not miss such a favorable period for pumping the muscles of the abdomen and waist. Moderate intensity training is acceptable; elements of cardio are also possible, if you exclude the load on the legs.

OCTOBER 21, Sunday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:45.FISH

This Sunday, do something really relaxing and calm. During such periods, trips out of town are recommended (which, in fact, is favored by a day off), where you can get an excellent charge of vivacity from communicating with nature and clean air. No wonder today the stars recommend aromatherapy. Complicated procedures on this day can rather harm, and therefore try not to schedule them for today. If you are suffering from a fungal infection, be sure to do contrast foot baths with herbal infusions this Sunday, which, among other things, will help improve blood circulation.

Fitness : a very good day in order to drive off extra calories, as well as slightly improve your silhouette in the waist area. Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and waist during this period should be varied in order to cover all muscle groups in this area. The load of medium intensity is allowed; take care of leg injuries today (especially the foot area).

♓♈ 22 OCTOBER, Monday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.FISH , ARIES from 09:59

Moon without a course from 02:47 to 09:58

This Monday, it is recommended to start all new procedures no earlier than ten in the morning. Today is good for manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage. This procedure will improve the circulation of all vital fluids in our body. In addition, such a massage today is doubly useful, as it can be an important part of your individual weight loss program. Today is the most favorable day this month for the implementation of such a program. Cryogenic treatments and aromatherapy are also recommended.

Fitness : medium loads are recommended this Monday. The goal of today's workout is pumping the abdominal muscles and working on the buttocks. Try not to overexert yourself especially, consider unexpected risks in the days of Aries, associated with overwork and sharp headaches. A set of aerobic exercises for the lower body, including the legs, is possible.

23 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 17:19.ARIES

Moon without a course from 21:18

During this period, when the Moon is growing in Aries, it would be most correct to focus your attention on the face area. Massage treatments for the face and head will be of great benefit; you can do self-massage, gymnastics for the face, during which you should not overstrain the muscles. Such gymnastics should be rather warming and tonic in nature, which will allow you to return the skin of the face healthy color and smooth out wrinkles. Excellent effect today we should expect from the stress factor, which is a cryosauna for our body. This procedure helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate congestion in tissues.

Fitness : today, moderate-intensity exercises are acceptable with an emphasis on the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks; Engage your lower extremities as well with the cardio workout mode. If you feel some discomfort on this day, it is recommended to replace strength training with yoga classes. Self-massage of the head and gymnastics for the eyes are useful during this period, giving them rest and relaxation.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

waning moon from 19:45

♈♉ 24 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 17:37.ARIES , CALF from 17:34

Moon without course until 17:33

FULL MOON at 19:45

Today is threatening sharp deterioration well-being and various side effects from the use of complex cosmetology methods, so try to refrain from such procedures today. The moon without a course extends its influence until 17:34, so refrain from any new procedures until this period. During this period, the most effective from the point of view of the effect on the skin will be the healing stimulation that has a cryogenic effect. At home, the usual nourishing and soothing masks from fermented milk products or fruits, as well as massage with ice pieces from herbal infusions, are recommended for the current environment.

Fitness : today is the day of the full moon, so any physical activity is highly undesirable. It is recommended to spend a day without training.

25 OCTOBER, Thursday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:57.CALF

This Thursday, the face and neck area requires our special care. However, this care should not be taken only from the point of view of cosmetic procedures and the corresponding creams and masks. Today, a stimulating massage of the neck and head area will be useful; this procedure will help in the fight against a double chin or in the prevention of its occurrence. No less useful are special exercises for the face and neck. The skin of the face in the current period becomes less susceptible to external influence, and therefore there is an opportunity for applying cleansing masks and scrubs.

Fitness : on this day you can feel a surge of inner strength that should be directed to physical exercise designed to strengthen the muscles of the hip region. Particular emphasis should be placed on the area of ​​​​the pelvic girdle (such loads are contraindicated for pregnant women). Also try not to tense your neck muscles today.

♉♊ 26 OCTOBER, Friday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 13:28.CALF , TWINS from 22:41

Moon without a course from 17:49 to 22:40

Almost the entire current Friday will be under the influence of the Moon, waning in Gemini, so all the recommendations of the past day can be applied to this day. It should also be borne in mind that any new cosmetic procedures should be started before 17:49, because after this time their success and effectiveness will be negatively affected by the Moon without a course. For the face today, the use of pore-cleansing masks is acceptable; scrubs can also be used if necessary. Recommended on this day comprehensive care for fingers and nails of hands and feet, as well as for the skin of hands and feet as part of manicure and pedicure procedures.

Fitness : heavy loads are welcome. On this day, physical exercises for the middle part of the body, gluteal muscles and muscles of the hip region are especially useful. Cardio training is possible. Gentle warm-up exercises for the neck area, as well as self-massage of the neck (especially if you have a sedentary job), will be useful.

27 OCTOBER, Saturday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 18:52.TWINS

Today's Saturday is a good day to take the time to collect and process information that can be used in the future to improve your appearance. In particular, it is worth consulting with cosmetologists to find the best procedures and cosmetics for you. Among other things, on this day it is recommended to do the removal of age spots and freckles, smoothing the complexion. Good time for skin care. Excellent tan; you can visit a massage room for anti-cellulite massage; any water procedures are useful. You can make masks to cleanse the skin.

Fitness : the period continues when the most favorable and effective are strong physical exertion aimed at the hips and buttocks. During this period, there is every chance to significantly reduce the thickness of the fat layer, strengthen the muscles of this area. Exercises performed in intensive cardio mode will be especially useful.

28 OCTOBER, Sunday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:53.TWINS

Moon off course from 07:37

This Sunday is notable for unfavorable indications for complex cosmetic procedures, so it is worth paying attention to comprehensive body care, which, no doubt, will help you look better. In particular, today we can recommend a visit to the pool, sauna or bath; a good day for massage treatments, for a visit to the solarium. Take care of your skin today; you can make cleansing masks. It should also be borne in mind that the whole day will pass under the influence of the Moon without a course, and therefore refrain from any new procedures.

Fitness : aerobic exercise recommended today; leg raises, jumps, rope exercises, lunges, squats are welcome. Give maximum load to the buttocks and thighs; pump up the abdominal muscles; work on the middle part of the torso in the complex. Refrain from straining your shoulders and arms.

♊♋ 29 OCTOBER, Monday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:24.TWINS , CANCER from 02:27

Moon off course until 02:26

This Monday, it is recommended to pay special attention to the appearance of your breasts. Since plastic is highly undesirable this month, use at least the opportunities that massage and nourishing masks provide you. Also on this day, you can apply scrubs and cleansing masks for facial skin; It is recommended to take care of health and improve the appearance of teeth. It is possible to remove unwanted hair from the face, plucking and shaping eyebrows; in principle, epilation and depilation are allowed. Go shopping today, but don't throw too much money around; Aromatherapy is helpful in the evening.

Fitness : a great day to significantly strengthen the joints of the legs. For this, special attention should be paid to the so-called warm-up exercises; aerobic exercise will help make your workout more effective. Also on this Monday, exercises are needed to strengthen the back and spine.

30 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:28.CANCER

Today, just like last Monday, it is worth taking the time to professionally take care of the beauty of your teeth by going to the dentist. Facial care activities this Tuesday may include not only nourishing, but also cleansing masks; it is also possible to use scrubs. In the current period, it is worth devoting time to depilation or epilation; today it is possible to remove unwanted hair from the face, to model the shape of the eyebrows, to thin them out. End the day with a scent therapy using your favorite herbal and incense scents.

Fitness : this Tuesday, strong loads are allowed, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and strengthening the spine. Exercises performed in cardio mode are welcome; you can recommend step aerobics or Pilates. Refrain from straining the muscles of the arms and shoulders. It is undesirable to download the press.

OLD MOON from 19:40

♋♌ 31 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:43.CANCER , A LION from 05:42

Moon without course from 05:31 to 05:41

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 19:40

The last day of the current month is not suitable for setting yourself up in a benign mood, counting on the mercy of nature: complex cosmetic procedures during this period can lead to undesirable consequences and therefore refrain from using them. On this day, it can be recommended to pay more attention to your image - hairstyle, toiletry items, perfume scent, as well as other accessories and nuances that attract the attention of fans. To improve the condition of the skin of the face, you can use cleansing masks; you should refrain from applying scrubs on this day (especially if there are obvious problems with blood circulation, which may be indicated by dilated capillaries).

Fitness : today's Wednesday is the day of the change of the lunar phase, so any physical activity may be undesirable, as it can lead to deterioration of health and injuries. Take a break from training.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for October 2018

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 9-23
Purifying masks: 1-7, 25-31
Facial scrub:2, 3, 6, 7, 25, 26, 29, 30
Anti-aging procedures (except complex ones): 6, 9, 12, 15
Skin Treatment:6, 15
Removal age spots and freckles, complexion alignment: 8, 27
Dental care, dentist: 2, 3, 8, 29, 30
Manicure:6, 12, 15, 19, 26
Hand care:1, 27, 28
Pedicure:6, 12, 15, 26
Sunburn, solarium:8, 27, 28
Facial piercing:No
Facial plastic surgery, facial mesotherapy: No
Tummy tuck: No
Breast plastic:No
Massage:8, 9, 17-19, 27, 28
Stone therapy:17-19
Lymphatic drainage massage: 20, 21
Aromatherapy:2, 3, 10-12, 20-22, 29, 30
Cryosauna:4, 5, 12-14, 22-24
Depilation, epilation: 2, 3, 29, 30
Removing unwanted facial hair: 2, 3, 29, 30
Weight loss programs (beginning): 22
Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 12, 13
Healing procedures (beginning): 7
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 8, 9, 17-19, 27, 28
Eyelash extensions, hair extensions: 15
Coloring eyelashes, eyebrows: 9, 15
Plucking and shaping eyebrows: 2, 3, 29, 30
Permanent makeup and tattoos: No
Visit to the hairdresser: 15
Trichologist visit: 6
Visiting a makeup artist, cosmetologist: 9
Fungus treatment:6, 7, 20, 21
Purchases (not too big): 6, 15, 29
Especially Not auspicious days for plastic surgery: 1-8, 14, 16, 24, 28, 31
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 15, 20
Cosmetic procedures on lunar days

What to do on every lunar day of the month:

THE FIRST DAY OF THE LUNNARY MONTH is the first night when the Moon is not visible in the sky, that is, when the new moon occurs. On the new moon, it is not recommended to carry out any cosmetic procedures. It is believed that at this time everything is updated, including our body, and it is even harmful to interfere in the natural cycle. The only thing you can do is to simulate a change in your image, to choose new hairstyle, explore new care products and choose cosmetics.
SECOND LUNAR DAY - the best for starting a diet or starting a set of physical exercises, a course medical masks or shifts cosmetic product(cream, shampoo, hair balm).
THIRD LUNAR DAY - suitable for visiting a bath, sauna, enhances procedures aimed at treating bones and joints. Good for starting martial arts and a massage course.
FOURTH LUNAR DAY - the day of caution. Under no circumstances should nails or hair be cut. However, the procedures related to nutrition and care work out perfectly. On this day, apply masks of cleansing action and walk more in the fresh air.
FIFTH LUNNARY DAY - this is the day of harvesting medicinal herbs and preparation fees. infusions. Herbs collected on this day have a special healing power.
THE SIXTH LUNAR DAY is an ideal day for any anti-aging procedures. The old is replaced by the new. Peelings, scrubs and other procedures that accelerate rejuvenation work out perfectly. Hair and nails cut on this day grow back faster. This means that the hair can be trimmed, but the haircut does not need to be done. Manicure on this day will not spoil the nails. But epilation will cause the opposite effect, it will have to be repeated very soon. This day is suitable for breathing exercises and is good for quitting smoking.
SEVENTH LUNAR DAY - good for starting the course breathing exercises, treatment of bronchi and lungs, aromatherapy. You can not pull out teeth, do operations.
EIGHTH LUNAR DAY - you can starve. It is considered the day of the alchemists, so it is useful to make various collections of herbs, ointments, especially complex ones, which you will use later.
NINTH LUNAR DAY - no procedures other than aromatherapy and water, mostly soothing and relaxing, can be done.
TENTH LUNAR DAY - a day suitable for baths, steam baths and all procedures related to water. On this day, you can draw up a skin care program, it will be optimal.
ELEVENTH LUNAR DAY - the tendencies of the previous day continue. You can start a diet.
TWELVE LUNAR DAY - you need to drink plenty of fluids and carry out moisturizing procedures for the skin.
THIRTEENTH LUNAR DAY - the best day for the treatment and rejuvenation of the skin, hair, the whole body. All medicines, ointments and creams will work harder than usual.
FOURTEENTH LUNAR DAY - No cosmetic procedures, except for cleansing, should be carried out.
FIFTEENTH LUNAR DAY - round moon - best time for procedures related to hair strengthening. If you want your hair to fall out less, become thicker, try to cut it on the full moon. This is a great time for hair removal, eyebrow shaping, hair extensions.
But now the disk of the moon began to decrease from right side and after a while it already resembles the Russian letter "C" (the waning moon). For lovers short haircuts best time. Hair cut on the waning moon grows slowly, besides, they are easy to style: they are obedient and soft.
This is the best time for piercing and permanent makeup and also for tattooing. It is good and durable to lay down hair dye, it is good to treat teeth, to do curls.
SIXTEENTH LUNAR DAY - on this day you can eliminate cosmetic imperfections, remove warts and moles, undergo plastic surgery.
SEVENTEENTH LUNAR DAY is a good day to start exercising in the gym - aerobics, fitness or any other type of group activity.
EIGHTEENTH LUNAR DAY - it can be completely devoted to skin cleansing and restoration procedures, baths, massages, body wraps and nourishing masks. have a better day for absorption useful substances and there is simply no removal of harmful ones.
NINETEENTH LUNAR DAY - on this day, cut your nails and hair, paint them, do perms.
TWENTIETH LUNAR DAY - hair care and coloring with permanent dyes, waving, piercing will be successful on this day.
TWENTY-FIRST LUNAR DAY - also suitable for hair coloring, especially in White color. On this day, bleaching will cause the least damage to the hair. In addition, this is the perfect day to radically change your appearance.
TWENTY SECOND LUNAR DAY - on this day it is good to choose and try on jewelry, do piercings.
TWENTY-THIRD LUNAR DAY - operations are contraindicated, even if it's just the removal of a pimple. Physical exercises that strengthen the spine are useful.
TWENTY-FOUR LUNAR DAY - the day when the attraction to opposite sex. Women are especially feminine and men are especially masculine. This day can be used to choose your fragrance. If you have a date, your spirits will be firmly associated with the chosen one with you.
TWENTY-FIFTH LUNAR DAY - cosmetic cleansing procedures will be effective.
TWENTY-SIXTH LUNAR DAY - this day is suitable for "silence therapy", which is advised by Eastern healers. It is good to reduce moles, warts, smooth wrinkles, cosmetic cleansing procedures will be effective.
TWENTY-SEVENTH LUNAR DAY - nutrition and hydration of the skin, but no more than is necessary for normal care.
TWENTY-EIGHTH LUNAR DAY - a day of treatment and eyes and care for them. You can clean the skin, apply massages, water procedures.
TWENTY-NINTH LUNAR DAY - not suitable for any cosmetic procedures.
Thirtieth Lunar Day - good for relaxation, soothing procedures, thinking about new cosmetic courses.

When caring for the skin, it is better to take into account that cleaning and exfoliation operations are best done on the waning moon. But the procedures aimed at nourishing the skin and moisturizing it are best done with the growing moon.

On the first day of the lunar cycle- it is better to take a day off. It is not recommended to carry out cosmetic procedures on this day. It is believed that at this time everything is updated, and it is better not to interfere in this process.

Waxing Crescent- it is better to carry out procedures aimed at rejuvenation, moisturizing, vitamin, corrective procedures, eyelash extensions, biorevitalization, contouring. All that should remain. Peelings and cleansing procedures will be more effective during this period.

On full moon the body becomes sensitive to external stimuli and is prone to allergic and inflammatory reactions. It is better not to clean during the full moon (traces will take longer to pass).

Full moon, a wonderful time for epilation, eyebrow correction. In the second half of the lunar cycle, it is better to pierce the ears, in general, to do piercing.

It is better to remove pimples, hair and papillomas on waning moon. Also, with a waning moon, anti-cellulite programs work great, it's easier to lose weight. Your skin needs nutrition during this period.

But the coma of these three phases of the moon needs to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac!

For example, when the moon is in Aries and Capricorn, then it is better not to do all surgical procedures on the face and body. And here nourishing care, massage - what you need.

When the moon is in Cancer procedures on the mammary gland are prohibited! But during this period it is good to clean the face, pierce the ears.

When the moon is in Corpuscle- It is good to do procedures aimed at losing weight. Women of earth signs need massage, peeling, wrinkle smoothing. But it is better for fire signs to treat eczema, to do hair removal. But water signs can do electro procedures - microcurrents, thermal masks, paraffin therapy.

IN Gemini procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation, lifting massages are very effective.

When the moon is in a sign lion It is strictly forbidden to clean and pierce the ears, remove blood vessels. It is not recommended to bleach freckles, fight papillomas and warts. Recommended: anti-aging procedures, lifting procedures, peelings, relaxation procedures. Devi may have allergic reactions.

Moon in sign Virgin: Favorable procedures aimed at the legs, good relaxing massages.

Moon in scales: These days you need to drink less liquid. It is good to do eyelash extensions, eyebrow correction, anti-couperose procedures, body massage.

Moon in Sagittarius. Virgos, Cancers and Gemini can do skin cleansing and nourishing procedures, Cancers and Pisces - it is better to refrain from massage and steam baths for face. It is better for women of fire signs to have an eye procedure.

Moon in Capricorn: Suitable for hair removal, wart and age spot removal, face cleansing, ear piercing, piercing. It is good to use tonic preparations and masks in this phase. Perfect for this period massage. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius better pay attention to take time to nourish the skin.

In sign Aquarius good procedures for the prevention of varicose veins. Treatment of cracks in the legs will be successful. Carefully during this period, you need to be with hardware cosmetology. Now anti-stress masks and procedures will be good. Procedures containing vitamins A, C and E.

When the moon is in a sign Pisces: it is better to do draining procedures for the face and body, wraps will be good. Light exfoliating procedures.

With the help of the rhythms of the moon, at any age you can influence beauty, health, inner harmony person. Using the valuable clues of the lunar calendar, it is realistic to determine the best time for cosmetic, wellness procedures, choose the right period for a diet, a radical change in image. Many have already studied such information and actively use it in real life. For example, face care according to the lunar calendar depends on the chosen procedures: it is better to treat acne on a waning moon, and to apply anti-aging masks, on the contrary, on a growing one. There are many such nuances.

What is the lunar calendar of beauty and health

In astrology, there is such a thing as a lunar calendar. It is based on the period of changing the phases of the moon. Using the lunar calendar, you can determine the favorable and unfavorable times for skin care, callus removal, cellulite control and overweight, peeling, plastic surgery. This information helps to transform the appearance with minimal side effects, prolong youth, contribute to the improvement of the body. Not all women are ready for the Moon to interfere in their lives, but those who took advantage of the valuable clues of the Universe did not regret it.

The influence of the rhythms of the moon on the human body

The moon in astrology is heavenly body, which to a greater or lesser extent affects all signs of the zodiac. For example, it controls the consciousness of Taurus, Cancer and Pisces, while the effect on the worldview of Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn is less pronounced. In many cultures, the moon is a symbol of femininity and beauty. Character lunar day reflects human behavior. The degree of activity, vitality, energy state of the body depends on its phase. For example, during the growing phase, a gradual accumulation of energy occurs, while during the decreasing phase, its consumption occurs.

In each month, the new moon, full moon, periods of the growing, waning moon are indicated on the calendar slips. Given such nuances, you can determine which days are suitable for caring for your appearance, and upon the onset of which it is better to refrain from going to a beauty salon, performing home cosmetic procedures. To improve and prolong the result of their work, many manicurists, hairdressers, professional cosmetologists based on the lunar calendar of beauty.

General rules

There are favorable, unfavorable days for performing certain cosmetic procedures. In order not to waste money and time on trips to a beauty salon, and then not be upset by the result, here's what you need to know:

  1. Cosmetic sessions that eliminate visible skin defects are best done on a waning month.
  2. It is advisable to perform masks for nourishing and moisturizing the sensitive dermis for a growing month (so nutrients better absorbed).
  3. To prolong the effect obtained after depilation, the procedure is recommended to be carried out for a decreasing month.
  4. Massage using aromatic essential oils more effective in the growing phase.
  5. It is appropriate to start and carry out effective treatment of nail fungus, warts and papillomas for a waning month.

Cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar

It is important to understand that the result does not always depend on the number of sessions passed and the professionalism of the cosmetologist. People often hear that the Moon is in one or another sign of the zodiac. This moment is important for the design of the schedule for cosmetic and cosmetic procedures. If you follow the recommendations of astrologers, you can avoid unpleasant consequences, complications, side effects arising from any exposure to the skin. This also applies to haircuts, a radical change of image.

Face cleaning

At problematic skin Many women turn to a beautician for help. Before signing up for a session, you need to determine the favorable and unfavorable days for the session. professional cleaning faces. It is important to know that after the procedure performed on the waning moon, there are no scars, and the treated skin pleasantly pleases with its natural beauty. with acne problems and acne regularly encountered not only by women, but also by the stronger sex, adolescents in their transitional age. Here is what the lunar calendar advises in terms of professional skin cleaning:

  • with the waning Moon in Aries or Capricorn, an excellent result is observed, which lasts for several weeks;
  • with the waning moon on other days, you should also not refuse the session, because after cleaning the skin will not leave scars and bumps, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks;
  • with a growing month in Leo or on the full moon, face cleaning according to the lunar calendar is categorically contraindicated, so it is better to postpone a visit to a beautician.


Such a service in a beauty salon and at home is especially popular, it has several varieties (mechanical, ultrasonic, chemical peeling). With its help, you can quickly get rid of keratinized cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, excessive peeling and dryness, even out the overall tone of the face, improve vascular function, eliminate signs of pigmentation, lighten freckles, and noticeably transform your appearance.

It is desirable to perform cleansing masks and wraps for a waning month, but also in this case there are some nuances. In order not to worsen after the session general state skin, the lunar calendar provides the following recommendations:

  • for a waning month, with the exception of the days of Cancer or Pisces, there is a long and positive result peeling;
  • on the waxing or waning Moon under the signs of Cancer and Pisces, it is better not to carry out such superficial cleansing of the skin.

Plastic surgery and salon procedures

If you want to radically change something in yourself or go through a series of salon procedures for external transformation, it is recommended to use the tips of the beauty lunar calendar. It is important to consider the sign of the zodiac in which the Moon is located. Here are the combinations of representatives of the zodiac circle with the Earth's satellite are known:

  1. Aries. It is recommended to carry out different types massage, but exclude any manipulations in the head area, on the face, neck (it is undesirable to do piercing).
  2. Calf. This is a favorable period for liposuction, procedures for nourishing and healing the scalp, face, hair (scrubs, masks).
  3. Twins. It is recommended to visit the pool or sauna, do anti-aging treatments, but do not perform beauty treatments for the hands. Creams with a light texture are especially effective these days.
  4. Cancer. You can continue rejuvenation sessions, but procedures in the chest area during this period will not produce the desired effect. From visits to a chiropractor and a dentist, it is better to refuse altogether.
  5. A lion. A favorable period for plastic surgery of the face, body. In addition, for quick assimilation of vitamins, you can apply nourishing masks to the skin, but do not get carried away with peeling, do not steam the skin.
  6. Virgo. If the Moon is in this sign of the zodiac, you can safely agree to all cosmetic and cosmetic sessions, but aromatherapy is especially effective.
  7. Scales. These are favorable days for cosmetic procedures, any masks, anti-cellulite massage, plastic surgery in the neck and face are especially appropriate. You can visit a dentist, perform gymnastics for the eyes, facial massage.
  8. Scorpion. At this time, it is better not to visit the pool, completely abandon the use of hormonal cosmetics. It is recommended to pay attention to massage using aromatic oils, perform contrast compresses.
  9. Sagittarius. This period is the best for fighting cellulite. To restore the smoothness of the skin, you can use coffee scrub, honey and chocolate masks, cosmetic formulations from sea salt.
  10. Capricorn. With this combination with the Moon, it is required to refrain from any plastic surgery, and devote time to the successful treatment of age spots, moles, warts, scars, keloids.
  11. Aquarius. This is the best time to apply permanent make-up and anti-wrinkle masks, perform foot and hand massages. You can use ointments and lotions with the addition of lemon, orange, but in the absence of an allergy to citrus fruits.
  12. Fish. In such a period, it is better to limit yourself to foot procedures. Any plastic surgery due to the special sensitivity of the skin will not provide desired result. To relieve tension, you can prepare relaxing baths, use creams or aromatic oils.

Sunbathing is best done on a waning moon. In this case, tanning and sun exposure are considered safer. All serious operations cannot be carried out on the days of the full moon, the best option is during the waning moon. Surgical manipulations should be abandoned when the Earth's satellite corresponds to the sign of the zodiac of the operated organ, part of the body. Another prohibition applies to periods when the transit Moon makes a connection to the transit Mars. Otherwise, the rehabilitation period is noticeably prolonged, postoperative complications are not excluded.

Hair cutting lunar calendar for 2019

To create a hair care schedule on whole year, you must use the tips of the lunar calendar. It is important to find out in advance which days are favorable for external transformation, and which are considered the most unsuitable for haircuts. For women, an unsuccessful hairstyle is equated to a tragedy, so the choice of time must be taken with special responsibility. In 2019, it is recommended to contact a hairdresser on such days:

Name of the month

Auspicious days of the month

3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31

4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25

3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30

3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 24

1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30

5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30

1, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27

3, 6, 9, 12,14, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30


3, 5, 9, 10, 17, 21, 23, 24, 29

1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29

6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 30

5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31

Favorable days for depilation

Valuable recommendations of the lunar calendar help to achieve greatest success in the field of beauty, and the removal process extra hair on the face and body (depilation) is no exception. It is recommended to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on the waning moon, then the result of the procedure will delight for several weeks. There are some nuances, since the lunar calendar takes into account not only the phase of the Earth's satellite, but also its position in relation to the representatives of the zodiac circle:

  • it is recommended to carry out depilation on the waning moon in Capricorn;
  • with the decreasing phase of the Earth's satellite in the signs of Aries and Taurus, the result of the procedure will be positive;
  • on the growing Moon and with the waning in the signs of Leo and Virgo, the effect of depilation will not please the client;
  • with a growing phase in the signs of Leo and Virgo, it is advisable to completely refuse depilation, reschedule the session to another day.

Manicure and hand care

Moon calendar recommends performing any procedures and manipulations with nails on the days of Capricorn. This applies not only to manicure, but also to pedicure. The most favorable day is Friday, the time of day is evening. To do flawless manicure or a pedicure, it is very important that these three criteria coincide on the same date. If the Moon is in Pisces, such a period is considered the most unfavorable for bringing beauty to the nails.

Lunar Diet Calendar

To achieve the standard of beauty, a woman is ready for any sacrifice. Sometimes the cause of the inferiority complex lies in overweight. For productive weight loss and external beauty, it is required not only to follow a strict diet, but also not to forget about fasting days and regularly visit Gym. It is necessary to study the lunar calendar and determine favorable days to combat extra pounds. Here are the valuable recommendations of astrologers:

  1. Full moon. A low-calorie, low-salt carbohydrate diet is recommended. Under the ban salty, fried, fatty foods, alcohol, smoked meats, sweets. Lean cereals, low-fat dairy products, vegetable dishes to strengthen immunity, herbal teas are allowed.
  2. New moon. protein diet, intense exercise. Products with high rate carbohydrates. All types of meat and fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, cheeses are allowed. Steamed vegetables are good.
  3. Decreasing phase. Fractional nutrition, drinking plenty of water, intense physical activity. Fast carbohydrates, alcohol, carbonated drinks are prohibited. Recommended to follow the rules proper nutrition daily calorie content up to 1200 kcal.
  4. growing phase. Fasting days with a calorie content of dishes 1,000-1,200 kcal per day, moderate physical activity. Heavy food is prohibited, it is important to limit the intake of salt and alcohol. Vegetables, fruits, small portions of protein dishes without spices are allowed.


The moon influences various processes in human body, so it is not surprising that many of the fair sex look into lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures before visiting the beauty salon.

The moon is not only able to attract water, forming ebbs and flows on the earth, but also to influence every person. Many women noted that they have critical days on a certain lunar day, or the intensity of the passage of menstruation depends on finding this heavenly body in different signs of the zodiac.

The moon directly affects medicine. Even in ancient times, Hippocrates wrote "Do not touch with a scalpel those organs that are ruled by the Moon in the sign of the Zodiac." That is, you should not do surgery on the lungs when the heavenly neighbor of the earth is in the constellation of Gemini.

Lunar calendar for aesthetic medicine

Here are some tips that will help you avoid various complications during the passage of the moon through certain signs Zodiac.

We often hear that the Moon is in one or another sign of the Zodiac. This time is very important for scheduling cosmetic procedures. Astrologers say that it is impossible to affect those organs and systems that depend on these signs of the Zodiac that control the Moon at the moment. They are in every lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures. For example, the constellation Taurus governs the throat and vocal cords. Aries is responsible for what is located in the face and head, so rhinoplasty and acne treatment in the nose area should not be performed if the Moon is in this sign.

New cosmetic procedures are best done on the waning moon. Then you can avoid unpleasant consequences and complications, as well as unwanted effects that can occur with any exposure to the skin.

You do not need to visit a beautician if the Moon is in nutable signs such as:

  • Twins;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Virgo;
  • Fish.
This is the most unfavorable time for any aesthetic procedures. And even more so, you should not agree to plastic surgery at this time. All such manipulations can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Let us consider in more detail the lunar cycle of cosmetic procedures so that you can accurately calculate the time to receive best result from visiting beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics.

bad days

auspicious days

  • Day 2 of the lunar cycle is ideal for changing cosmetics and starting a course of therapeutic masks.
  • Massage will be effective on the 3rd lunar day.
  • Cleansing masks are best applied on the 4th lunar day.
  • Peelings and scrubs made on the sixth day will completely renew the skin.
  • Day 15 is ideal for any type of hair removal and eyebrow shaping.
  • All unpleasant moles and warts will disappear without a trace if they are removed on the 16th or 26th day of the lunar calendar.
  • Cleansing and restoration of the skin is best done on the 18th day., visit the bath, sauna, make a wrap.
  • 20 and 22 better time for ear piercing, permanent makeup and piercing.
  • 25 is the day of cleansing procedures.
  • Days 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 27 and 28 are neutral.

It is impossible to conduct courses of anti-aging procedures if the Moon is without a course. So in astrology they call certain periods when the Moon does not form any configurations with other planets and the operation may fail or give complications. During these periods, the likelihood of misses and errors increases. Such periods can last from a few seconds to 2 days. Unfortunately, the usual lunar calendar does not contain such information, and it is difficult to find out when it is better to refuse cosmetic procedures.

You should not choose to treat acne or remove scars during the periods of a lunar or solar eclipse. At this time, even the slightest mistake and inaccuracy can become fatal. Eclipses are not as common as a regular new or full moon. But eclipses can hurt you, especially if you want to carry out a procedure that requires a lot of painstaking work, increased accuracy and attentiveness of a specialist.

Review the lunar calendar in advance to think carefully and weigh everything.