The first days after conception, sensations in the abdomen. Favorable period for conception. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after conception?

The moment of conception is the fertilization of the egg by a male sperm, after which, after 6-7 days, it is implanted in the uterus.

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, women may feel tired, moody. Many also experience back pain, constipation, or frequent urination. But these are all the first symptoms of pregnancy, and many are interested in the question - is it possible to feel earlier that conception has occurred?

Is it possible to feel conception in the first days?

Is it possible to intuitively feel the onset of pregnancy? The answer is not certain, as each pregnancy is unique. However, there are signs and symptoms that may indicate that fertilization has taken place. Some women claim to experience early symptoms shortly after the expected date of conception.

If you feel something out of the ordinary and want to know if you are pregnant, the quickest way is to take a home pregnancy test, which is reliable in most cases. Although the test will not be effective immediately after conception, but already on the first day of a missed period or seven days after that for a more reliable result.

When can you feel conception?

Conception begins when the egg is fertilized and proceeds to implant in the uterine wall. This usually happens 6-12 days after fertilization, when hormones prepare the body for pregnancy. Thus, conception can be felt one to two weeks after fertilization. The process is usually completed after 18 weeks, after which a functional placenta develops. The placenta provides nourishment to the fetus from the mother and also serves to remove excreta and toxins.

What are the signs of conception?

You can feel that conception has already occurred by the following symptoms and signs:

1. Delayed menstruation

This is the most obvious sign that encourages women to take a pregnancy test. However, a missed period can be caused by other reasons, such as sudden weight changes, hormonal problems, or stress.

2. Implantation bleeding

A small release of blood can occur a few days after the fertilization of the egg and when trying to attach it to the wall of the uterus - this is called. But this is not always the case, but only in 20-30% of cases. You may also notice some that are the result of increased cell growth in the vaginal mucosa. However, if the discharge is accompanied by other symptoms, such as an unpleasant odor or itching, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

3. Change in breast condition

The level of hormones in the body changes immediately after conception. This can lead to the fact that the chest becomes. The areolas (the area around the nipples) may become darker in color.

4. Fatigue

Reviews of women about the feeling after conception

Below is the personal experience of women, which provides answers to the question: is it possible to feel conception? They are taken from the women's English forum:

I felt my breasts fill up and my nipples began to darken. I also felt a strong sensation in my stomach. It was like a cramp, but the menstruation never started. I also had to go to the toilet during sex. To confirm the doubts, I took a pregnancy test, and it turned out to be positive.

Having been pregnant twice before, I can say that I feel pregnant the next day. I begin to feel sick, so I immediately understand that I am pregnant!

It depends on how much you are in harmony with your body. With my first child, I was completely inattentive. I had, but I knew that the body had changed. So with my second and third kids, I knew I was pregnant before I took the test. I felt more tired, stern, hungry, nausea and cramps were present. However, some of these symptoms can also occur after normal ovulation. Different women have different symptoms. But personally, I know that I am pregnant immediately after conception.

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Any woman planning a pregnancy wants to know as early as possible whether the conception has taken place, because with the advent of this "interesting situation" there is a need to change the usual rhythm of life. As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she begins to take better care of her health, changes her taste habits and tries to protect herself from various kinds of situations that threaten her position. Therefore, in this publication we will try to figure out how to understand that conception did happen?

As we did not want to, but it is not possible to determine with high accuracy the moment when the egg was fertilized. After all, all the processes of fusion of male and female germ cells occur, although inside the female body, but completely autonomously. Therefore, the first sensations after conception, indicating the development of a new life in the womb, appear only after implantation - the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the uterine wall. But first things first.


During ovulation, which occurs from 12 to 24 hours, if unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place, the sperm of a man enters the fallopian tubes and only 1, less often - 2, of them gets to their "target" - to the egg. At this moment, the male and female sets of chromosomes merge, the sex and other characteristics of the child are determined, and active division of cells - blastomeres - begins. At this stage, a woman can only feel signs of ovulation occurring. Therefore, it is not possible from the point of view of physiology to determine at this stage whether conception has taken place or not, relying only on sensations.

When the 3rd day comes after the fertilization of the egg, the embryo already consists of 6-8 cells, less often 10, and at the same time its genetic code is already fully formed. And it is at this stage that the development of twins is laid. At this moment, the synthesis of estrogen increases in the body of the expectant mother, which may be accompanied by a slight unreasonable increase in body temperature and other symptoms of a mild cold.

4 days after conception, the embryo already has 10-16 cells. It is also worth noting that it was at this time that it enters from the fallopian tube directly into the uterine cavity.


In the interval from the 5th to the 7th day, the gestational egg is looking for a place to more securely attach to the uterine wall. At this time, implantation bleeding is possible, which occurs in the process of attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, which may be accompanied by spotting.

You can read more about this in one of our previous articles Embryo implantation: features of the process, signs and precautions for maintaining pregnancy

It is impossible to determine from such secretions that the fetal egg has attached to the wall of the uterus with a 100% guarantee, but, taking into account the additional sensations that arise, it can be determined that a new life has already arisen inside the mother's womb.

After a week after conception, if the implantation was successful, the laying of the chorion, the placental membrane of the embryo, begins. And already on the 8th day, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG - a hormone produced directly by the placenta of the fetus and which is necessary to ensure the full development of the child and its bearing, begins to increase in the woman's body.

It is possible to determine the concentration of gonadotropin as early as 10 days after fertilization of the egg, which can be done either with the help of home pregnancy tests or by donating blood for clinical analysis. As a rule, at this time, a delay in menstruation is already detected. In addition, it is worth noting that hCG appears in the blood earlier than in the urine, so a clinical analysis can be taken after 1-2 days of delay.

How to understand if conception has occurred?

As mentioned earlier, immediately after the fertilization of the egg, it is not possible to determine the fact of conception. The first signs of an "interesting position" appear only after the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. What sensations can the expectant mother feel if the conception was successful?

Signs of pregnancy: what are they

After implantation of the gestational egg to the wall of the uterus, the following signs indicating the onset of pregnancy are possible:

  1. Increase in body temperature. The indicators on the thermometer should not be too high - no more than 37.3-37.5 ° С. This symptom is due to an increased level of hormones in the body of the expectant mother, which is provoked by its active restructuring for more and intensive work. It is also worth saying a few words about the fact that when pregnancy occurs, the indicators of basal temperature also increase. Therefore, if a woman keeps an appropriate calendar, then according to consistently high BT rates - not lower than 37 ° C - she will be able to determine both the onset of ovulation and conception.
  2. In the first days after implantation, physical sensations can also become a sign of conception. For example, a change in gastronomic preferences, bouts of nausea, vomiting. But if the first sign of the above is associated with hormonal changes, then the last two, according to many doctors, are the body's reaction to an increased level of toxic substances in it, to which the fetus reacts very sharply, provoking the notorious toxicosis.
  3. Vaginal discharge. After the onset of pregnancy, their number increases significantly. And if they are not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, then they are considered the norm. Otherwise, a woman is advised to seek the advice of a doctor, because, regardless of the position of the discharge, it should not cause any discomfort.
  4. Stitches in the uterus. This symptom of conception can last for 2 weeks from the moment of implantation of the embryo.

How else can conception manifest itself

In addition to the signs of pregnancy described above, indirect symptoms may also occur, indicating that a new life is actively developing in the woman's body.

So, some time after the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, changes in the mammary glands can be observed: they begin to increase in size, which is accompanied by an increase in their sensitivity. Such a symptom is associated with the same hormonal changes, due to which the breast begins to actively prepare for lactation. New lobes begin to develop in it, the number of cells responsible for milk production increases.

Speaking about the change in the mammary glands, it is worth noting that the onset of pregnancy can also be accompanied by a change in the areola: it acquires a darker shade.

Another sign of conception can be, oddly enough, cystitis. Changes in blood flow in the uterus and pelvis provoke changes in the genitourinary system of a woman. In this case, cystitis does not occur against the background of the development of an infectious and inflammatory process, but is a reaction of the urinary system to a change in the composition of urine, which becomes more acidic. In addition, there may be pressure from the uterus on the bladder and pain during urination.

It is not recommended to regard each symptom individually as a sign of conception, but in combination they will indicate the development of pregnancy.

Why you need to know about the first symptoms?

If a couple is planning a pregnancy, then knowing the fact that it took place will help to rebuild to a more “safe” rhythm of life as soon as possible. What gives early diagnosis of pregnancy:

  • a woman can begin to adhere to some special fortified diet earlier:
  • you can timely abandon complex, exhausting work and switch to easier work;
  • the future mother will try to protect herself from any stresses and other situations that threaten her health and her pregnancy.

In addition, there is another option why you need to know about the first symptoms of conception. It is impossible to say that any pregnancy is desirable, and each of us understands this very well. Some women do not even think about the appearance of children at this stage of their life, which may be due to a number of factors: the banal absence of a permanent partner who would not mind starting a family, lack of financial opportunity, or the pursuit of other goals, for example, career growth, etc.

In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, a woman can decide for herself to terminate it. And the sooner she learns about the fact of conception, the less the risk of developing the consequences of such a procedure. And that is why it is very important to know what are the first signs of conception.


At the end of this post, I would like to sum up a little:

  1. Whether you are pregnant or not, knowing the signs of conception will help you make timely decisions.
  2. How to find out if conception has occurred? You can be guided either by signs indicating the onset of pregnancy, or resort to the help of tests or take an analysis for hCG 1-2 days after a missed period.
  3. It is important to understand that all signs of pregnancy are of an exclusively informative nature and it is not recommended to judge the onset of conception based on them, taking into account only one or another symptom. Only in combination they can give a more or less reliable result.

What do you think about this? Perhaps you know other symptoms that indicate that conception has occurred in the body? Share with us and our readers interesting information that may even become very useful for someone! Leave your comments at the end of the post.

Sensations in the first days after conception do not always appear. Often pregnant women do not understand what is happening to them, mistaking them for premenstrual symptoms.

The first signs of successful conception

In the body after conception, there is a suspension of menstrual flow. Indicates the onset of pregnancy, a feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the uterus.

This is due to increased blood flow to the reproductive organ and its readiness to accept the embryo.

In the first days after conception, the mammary glands swell. Due to hormonal changes, hypersensitivity appears, the breast increases, becomes toned and dense. There may be pain when touching or wearing underwear.

In the first days of fertilization, there is a change in the composition of the vaginal discharge. They become plentiful, acquire a pinkish tint. Similar symptoms appear on the 5th day after conception.

Sometimes there is a discharge with blood impurities, reminiscent of the beginning of the menstrual period.

This signals the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity. During the process of fixing the fetal egg, part of the endometrium is slightly damaged and comes out with vaginal secretions. If they are not plentiful and after 1 - 2 days are over, then do not worry.

Feelings on the 5th day after conception are more like mild premenstrual pain.


If the discharge continues and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Symptoms may indicate detachment of the fetal egg due to rejection of the embryo by the uterus. This occurs at the physiological level, when the body perceives the embryo as a foreign body.

Already in the first days after conception, hormonal changes occur in the body. The female body begins to actively produce - a hormone for maintaining, maintaining pregnancy. There is a sharp change in mood, special gastronomic addictions appear.

Progesterone is produced by the body to prevent uterine contractions. If this hormone is not enough, then there is a high probability of miscarriage.

On the 8-10th day, the basal body temperature rises in women. If it is more than 37 degrees, then this is a sure sign of the implantation period.

After ovulation, the basal temperature drops to 36.6 degrees. Until the next menstruation, in the absence of pregnancy, it is first up to 35.5 degrees.

On days 9-10, there is a slight raising of the abdomen due to changes in blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as a result of which blood stagnates in the venous system.

For 2 weeks, the woman feels weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.

In the first trimester, pressure may decrease, constipation may occur. Often, women experience frequent urination due to improved blood flow, which contributes to the rooted work of the kidneys.

Other symptoms:

  1. The appearance of pigmentation.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Increased salivation.
  4. Emotional instability.
  5. Tingling in the lower abdomen.
  6. Increased appetite.
  7. Heartburn.
  8. Aggressiveness.
  9. Absent-mindedness.
  10. Darkening of the areola.

Fetal development in the first month

Before active growth and formation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, the embryo stays for a week in the fallopian tube. After conception, the embryo begins to slowly move towards the reproductive organ for fixation.

This period in medicine is called implantation, that is, the period of time when, in fact, pregnancy has already occurred, but the embryo has not yet attached to the uterus.

The first month is important for the fetus. During this period, the fetal egg is attached to the endometrium and the laying of the main organs of the future crumbs.

A woman's feelings can change greatly due to changes in the hormonal background and stages of embryo development, so it is especially important for a woman to know what happens to the body after conception by day.

Knowing such information, it will be easier to interpret the causes of discomfort or minor pain.

There are no sensations on the first day after conception. Sometimes there is an increase in vaginal discharge.

On the first day of the fusion of the egg with the sperm, the division of the zygote (cell) begins, then the morula appears - a multicellular organism. This process is called crushing.

On the 3rd day after conception, the morula is transformed into (an early stage of embryo development). The cell migrates through the fallopian tube, constantly dividing.

On the 4th day after conception, the blastocyst is transformed into a fetal egg. During the day, the embryo descends into the uterine cavity. On the 5th day after conception, the fetal egg attaches to the endometrium. The joining process takes 40 hours.

On the 7th - 10th day after conception, active production of progesterone occurs, which prevents the possibility of abortion. Then, within 2 days, the neural tube is formed.

Within 2 weeks, the embryo is completely immersed in the endometrium. From the moment of attachment, he ceases to use his own resources for life, and "feeds" through maternal blood.

At 15-16 days, the formation of the placenta begins, which will last the first trimester of pregnancy.

At week 3, the laying of the organs of the future crumbs takes place, the baby forms a chord - the future spine.

By the end of the first month, the embryo develops the rudiments of arms and legs, a heart, a respiratory system, and a liver.

False pregnancy symptoms

False pregnancy symptoms are more common in women who are unable to conceive.

Psychologists assure that this problem lies in the psycho-emotional mood of the fair sex.

Signs of a false pregnancy are:

  1. Fast fatiguability.
  2. Absence of menstrual flow.
  3. Mood swings.
  4. Flatulence.

Recognizing false symptoms is easy. It is worth contacting a gynecologist, doing a pregnancy test or testing for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin).

If the level of this hormone is growing, then this means the presence of an interesting situation. In the first week of pregnancy, hCG ranges from 25 mU / ml to 156 mU / ml. In non-pregnant women, chorionic gonadotropin does not exceed 5 mU / ml.

Possible individual sensations

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. For many, the next day after conception, no sensations appear, and some note that already on the first day the lower abdomen begins to hurt, mainly on one side.

A woman can partially feel the progress of the fetus along one of the fallopian tubes, so tingling mild pain or slight discomfort may occur in the left or right side of the hip area.

For 2-3 weeks, body temperature may rise and weakness may appear. Often, many women confuse these symptoms with the onset of development.

In the first trimester, many pregnant women experience toxicosis. It goes away after 3 months of pregnancy.

Also, women have an increased libido - an attraction to sexual life, or vice versa, complete apathy and indifference to the opposite sex occurs.


The first sensations appear on the 5th - 6th day, when the ovum is attached. More pronounced symptoms appear after 10 days.

Many pregnant women become irritable, picky, their taste preferences change and a metallic taste in the mouth may appear.

Gynecologists recommend listening to your own body, but not jumping to conclusions. It is better to take tests for hCG or do a pregnancy test after a week of delay in menstrual flow due to a sharp increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin, so it will be much easier to diagnose an interesting situation.

Video: 1 week of pregnancy: signs, sensations, discharge, what happens to the fetus

All women are interested in when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, by what signals it is possible to recognize the onset of an interesting situation at the earliest possible date. It is quite problematic to make sure that the birth of a new life has occurred before the start of the delay. There are a number of conception symptoms, both subjective and diagnosable. Information on how to correctly recognize them and not be deceived by false signs is detailed in this article.

The first signs of pregnancy, for the most part, are not purely specific and largely coincide with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Some of them may appear almost immediately, while others appear after a week or two.

The severity of symptoms depends solely on the characteristics of the body. Each of them individually is not evidence of a new situation, but their combination must certainly alert a woman. Those for whom the state of PMS is uncharacteristic should pay attention to such symptoms of conception, which appear already in the first days, such as:

  • increased basal body temperature and subfebrile body temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness;
  • change in libido;
  • tingling in the uterus, felt during the period of attachment of the fetal egg to its walls;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increased appetite in general or cravings for certain individual foods that were previously absent from the daily diet;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • allergic reactions not observed before;
  • red or brown discharge, indicating that the embryo has attached to the uterus;
  • low blood pressure.

One of the main, and most importantly, reliably diagnosed, signs of conception is an increase in basal temperature. It is necessary to take measurements in the morning, immediately after sleep, since physical activity affects the value of this indicator.

Normally, the value of basal temperature is constantly changing in accordance with the phases of the cycle under the influence of hormones. After the end of menstruation, it should be between 36.5 ° C and 36.9 ° C, which makes the conditions for the maturation of the follicle optimal. On the eve of ovulation, there is a decrease, and then, with the release of the egg, a sharp increase in temperature by 0.4 ° C or more. These indicators are not strict, each woman must independently find out what values ​​\u200b\u200bare characteristic of her body.

Basal temperature rises due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. In case of conception, he continues to work, keeping the value of the basal temperature at over 37.0 ° C. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, the production of estrogen increases, as a result of which the temperature decreases before the onset of menstruation.

Accordingly, if the expected decrease does not occur, this is a significant reason to suspect the onset of pregnancy. Also, if fertilization has occurred, a third phase may appear on the graph, reflecting the end of the period of functioning of the corpus luteum.

Implantation retraction - a one-day decrease in basal temperature against the background of a persistent high level - is one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy that appear in the first days after conception. It is caused by the release of estrogen that accompanies the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus.

Important: fluctuations in basal temperature are the earliest reliable sign of pregnancy. But in order to be able to establish the fact of conception by increasing it, a woman needs to keep a diary of measurements and know the values ​​​​characteristic of her body on different days of the cycle.

How to recognize false signs

The question of whether a woman feels that conception has occurred is debatable. Doctors say that this is impossible, but many young mothers, based on intuition, are convinced of a change in their situation even before medical confirmation.

Despite this, it must be remembered that all symptoms that occur before the onset of a delay in menstruation are unreliable. They can indicate not only pregnancy, but also cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases. Similar symptoms occur with disruption of the intestines and urinary tract infections. The most common false symptoms are nausea, bleeding, and increased urination.

It is important to remember that no signs indicating that fertilization has occurred are 100% reliable, and do not attribute any deterioration in well-being to a possible pregnancy. In the event of ailments, it is necessary, first of all, to pay close attention to health.

In the first days after conception, the expectant mother can only rely on her own feelings. Neither a pharmacy test nor a laboratory blood test will give a reliable result, since the concentration of hormones is still too low. If the delay has not yet begun, and the characteristic symptoms are very obvious, you can try using an electronic test with high sensitivity. A visit to the doctor will also not bring a definite answer. Although the gynecologist will note some increase and friability of the uterus, it can be caused by other reasons.

Beginning of fetal development

The first days and weeks from the moment the zygote appears, when pregnancy has not even been established, are an important stage in the development of the embryo. After the fusion of the egg and sperm, the resulting fetal egg moves through the fallopian tubes for several days. All this time there is an active division of cells. Already from the fourth day, through embryogenesis, the main systems and organs of the unborn child are laid. Blastomeres begin to form - special cells responsible for dissolving the uterine mucosa and attaching the zygote to its wall, which occurs on the fifth day after fertilization.

On the sixth day, the concentration of the hormones hCG and progesterone increases, as a result, the woman's body temperature rises. The development of the embryo is still at the expense of its own resources. By the eighth to tenth days, the development of the neural tube of the fetus and the formation of the placenta begin. On the twelfth day, the child is already provided with full placental nutrition. This event is considered the moment of pregnancy.

Feelings of a pregnant woman

In addition to the measurable and diagnosable signs of conception, in the first days a woman also has purely subjective sensations. In each organism, sensitivity to a new position is manifested by different factors. Most expectant mothers note:

  1. a feeling of heat, followed by chills;
  2. feeling of a cold in the absence of respiratory phenomena;
  3. mood swings;
  4. an unpleasant feeling of heaviness caused by the activation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  5. a sharp change in sensitivity to odors;
  6. persistent feeling of fullness of the bladder;
  7. discomfort in a sitting position;
  8. change in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling, the release of colostrum.

Lifestyle changes

A woman planning a pregnancy needs to completely change her lifestyle even before conception. It is important to give up the use of alcohol and tobacco, eat right and observe the daily routine, remember the benefits of walking in the fresh air and well-chosen physical activity. It is important to avoid stress and emotional overstrain.

It is necessary to try to predict the possible onset of pregnancy according to the changed sensations and not harm the child at the earliest stages of development. If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, it is necessary to abandon the use of drugs that affect the development of the fetus, and also to exclude large doses of caffeine.

The immunity of a pregnant woman is lowered, and any infection is a threat to the unborn child, so it is recommended to prevent hypothermia and overheating, to minimize contact with sick people.

Every woman should understand that there have been certain changes in her condition - pregnancy has come. This is very important, because then you need to adjust your work schedule, go to bed earlier, give up bad habits, alcohol, junk food, and even wear heels less. From the very beginning, it is important to save energy, because they will still be needed in the next 9 months.

Features of the conception process

Almost all women planning children know that the chance of conception increases during ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the month(you can determine the beginning of this process using a thermometer). At this time, the mature egg begins to move towards the uterus. During this movement, fertilization occurs. Further, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After about 7 days, it is fixed and the embryo begins to develop. From this moment, the process of gestation begins.

Methods for determining early pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in the early days are not pronounced. But there are several ways to identify an "interesting position" early on. The choice of one of them depends on the desire of the woman, the urgency and importance of obtaining the most reliable information.

Visiting a gynecologist

After a gynecological examination, the doctor, according to the condition of the cervix and uterus, diagnoses conception and determines the approximate period. A doctor can diagnose a seven-day pregnancy, with one hundred percent probability he will determine a ten-day pregnancy.


The most accurate diagnostic method. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose the fact of conception after 7 days (that is, in fact, at the time of fixing the fertilized egg on the uterus and the beginning of embryo formation).

Test - strips

It is also a very accurate detection method. But the test - the strip must be able to use it correctly. It reacts to a specific hormone that the placenta begins to produce after fertilization - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its concentration in the blood increases gradually (the percentage of hCG increases by an order of magnitude every second day) and reaches the peak required for the test, by day 14 of pregnancy. Therefore, if the pregnancy is planned, then you should not do the test before the second week. Up to this point, the result can only be negative because the concentration of hCG in the blood is too low.

Symptothermal method for determining the day of conception

We can say that this is an ultra-precise method for determining the "interesting position". It is possible to establish the fact of conception already for 2-3 days. But this requires constant and systematic monitoring of the "behavior" of their reproductive system.

The essence of the method is that it is necessary to monitor the basal temperature and condition of the cervix. Record the results of observations in a special table. Temperature drops can mean both ovulation and pregnancy. Thus, a decrease and then an increase in body temperature may be a sign of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

Summarizing the above. You can determine pregnancy in the early stages by choosing one of the following methods:

The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception (5-7 days)

Certain symptoms of pregnancy can be felt as early as 2-3 days after conception. This is due to the fact that even before the moment of fixing the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, the formation of the embryo takes place, the genetic code of the unborn child is “mounted”, and active division of blastomere cells occurs.

During this time, you may experience:

  • slight increase in body temperature (like a mild cold);
  • small spotting (appears after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, slightly damaging the blood vessels).

The first signs of pregnancy after conception (on the 7-10th day)

A woman who is planning a pregnancy (and any other woman) can understand that she is pregnant without any tests and ultrasound as early as 7-14 days after fertilization. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, women may experience these symptoms, How:

Mood swings, drowsiness, temperature changes, dizziness

All these symptoms indicate that hormonal changes are taking place in the body, it is preparing for 9 months of bearing a child. During menstruation, similar symptoms may also appear. But if there is a delay, then they are eloquent evidence that pregnancy has occurred.

Interestingly, all these symptoms disappear 5-6 days after conception, when the body is finally rebuilt. A woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Breast changes

Women can also observe certain changes in the mammary glands during menstruation. But with the onset of pregnancy, these changes are much more pronounced. The breast increases in size, swells, becomes tight. There is a tingling sensation, the nipples become as sensitive as possible.

Change in the appearance of the abdomen

Naturally, the belly does not begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy, but as the uterus reacts to the embryo in it and increases in size, the belly rises a little. This symptom is especially pronounced in thin women with a flat tummy. In the old days they said that the stomach "rose" like dough. This symptom usually appears on the 8-10th day after the onset of pregnancy.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and spotting

Pain in the lower abdomen is not uncommon during menstruation. After conception, they begin at the “wrong” time. It usually lasts for several days. The pain is not very strong, and can be tolerated. After they stop, you need to watch yourself intensely, their repetition can become a “wake-up call” for the expectant mother.

Bloody discharge, small, not abundant, is also a normal symptom of pregnancy. Although it is extremely rare. Allocations occur due to the fact that small vessels burst in the uterus due to the beginning of the growth of the embryo.

Increase in basal body temperature

In the first 10 days after conception, the temperature keeps steadily at around +37. This indicates that pregnancy has occurred (unless, of course, there is an intestinal infection).

Absence of menstruation

For some women, a slight delay is normal. But, if there is suspicion or a planned pregnancy, then the absence of menstruation 14 days after ovulation is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.

The course of pregnancy in the first 2-4 weeks after conception

If pregnancy has occurred, then certain changes and manifestations await the woman (which, by the way, can become additional symptoms for those who are unsure that conception has occurred). In the first month of pregnancy, a woman is expected to:

Interestingly, not all of the changes described above can occur, and symptoms appear in the first days of pregnancy. Some women, for example, do not gain weight at all or even lose it. This is due to stress, workloads and other reasons. Some do not have early toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy, which, however, can still manifest itself in the second and third trimester.

Having a baby is a difficult process. especially in the early days of pregnancy. Much depends on individual characteristics and the general condition of the body. Some women at this time change their taste preferences, others become intolerant of certain smells, others complain of muscle cramps. Do not ignore these symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The fact is that they can talk, for example, about the lack of any trace elements and vitamins in a woman's body.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages) need to adjust the daily routine, reduce physical activity, change the diet, protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia. A woman during this period is very vulnerable, since many medicines (even banal analgin and citramon) are banned. That is why it is so important to focus on the first signs of pregnancy after conception.