Oracle is the best time in August. The lunar hair cutting calendar (oracle) is a good time to go to the hairdresser. Haircut on the growing moon

It is advisable to cut your hair according to the Oracle on the auspicious days of December 2018, which are marked in the Oracle table for a month, it is on such August days that a haircut will have a positive effect on you, have a beneficial effect on your inner world, charge you with positive energy, relieve stress, drive away bad thoughts.

In the table for the month of December 2018, you will find all the favorable days for cutting hair in December according to the Oracle, in which of them the Oracle's divination recommends changing the haircut, making adjustments to the hairstyle. You will also learn about the most unfavorable days of hair cutting according to the Oracle, which can adversely affect you if you decide to make adjustments to your appearance, create problems for you, charge you with negative energy.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for December 2018 - favorable days

The oracle lunar calendar is a handy assistant in choosing favorable days for haircuts and hair coloring. The calendar includes auspicious days in December 2018 when cutting and dyeing hair will be safe. Having studied the oracle calendar for December, you can easily choose the best time to visit the salon. Our lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring will indicate all the auspicious days of December 2018. Also, the oracle calendar will tell you which December dates are not suitable for cutting hair.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar for cutting and dyeing hair in December 2018

Our haircut oracle calendar for December 2018 is suitable for all girls and women. It includes data on favorable days in December for cutting and dyeing hair. Using the oracle calendar for December 2018 with auspicious days, you can easily find out when cutting hair is allowed and when cutting hair is prohibited in December 2018.

Date of the month Moon phase Auspicious / unfavorable day
01.12.18 waning
02.12.18 waning Neutral date (cutting or dyeing will not harm, but will not help restore hair)
03.12.18 waning Neutral date.
04.12.18 waning
05.12.18 waning Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
06.12.18 waning The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
07.12.18 New moon Neutral date.
08.12.18 Growing Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
09.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
10.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
11.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
12.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
13.12.18 Growing Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
14.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
15.12.18 First quarter Neutral date.
16.12.18 Growing Any hair care procedures are prohibited. They will cause serious damage to curls, lead to their fragility, loss and loss of a healthy appearance.
17.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
18.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
19.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
20.12.18 Growing Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
21.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
22.12.18 Full moon Neutral date.
23.12.18 waning Neutral date.
24.12.18 waning The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
25.12.18 waning Neutral date.
26.12.18 waning Neutral date.
27.12.18 waning Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
28.12.18 waning Auspicious date for a radical change of image, any haircut or hair coloring.
29.12.18 Last quarter The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
30.12.18 waning Neutral date.
31.12.18 waning The date is suitable for trimming, laminating and dyeing. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.

When to cut and dye your hair in December 2018 according to the oracle - auspicious days of the haircut calendar

Following the oracle calendar for hair coloring and haircuts in December will help rejuvenate your hair. For hair restoration, you can choose a favorable day in the oracle calendar or video hint. They will tell you when it is allowed to cut and dye your hair in December 2018 according to the oracle and the lunar calendar.

Auspicious days for cutting and dyeing hair according to the oracle calendar for December 2018

The following video tells all about the auspicious days of the haircut oracle calendar for December 2018. The video will also tell you when it is better to cut your hair in December according to the oracle calendar and when you can dye your hair in December 2018.

Oracle hair cutting for December 2018 auspicious days: Influence of the zodiac constellations

According to the Oracle, in December 2018 there will be several absolutely unfavorable days for a visit to the hairdresser. On December 2, 7, 23 and 30, you don’t need to cut or dye your hair - the hairstyle will not only come out unsuccessful, but it can also bring trouble to life.

Other days of December, which are not included in the list of favorable and unfavorable dates for cutting and coloring, are called neutral by astrologers. On such days, you can visit a hairdresser, but you need to take into account the result of cutting and coloring predicted by the Oracle, as it may not live up to expectations. The fact is that different zodiac constellations affect hair in different ways, namely:

  • Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus - contribute to the strengthening and growth of hair, make them obedient, shiny and thicker
  • Libra and Gemini - do not affect the health of the hair, but "help" create a lush, airy hairstyle
  • Cancer and Pisces - slow hair growth
  • Sagittarius - strengthens hair, but makes them naughty
  • Scorpio - does not have the best effect on the beauty of hair, but has a positive effect on the result of dyeing
  • Aquarius and Aries - a haircut affects the health of the whole organism.

Our table will help you quickly choose a favorable day for cutting hair and nails in December 2018. The oracle lunar calendar of favorable days for haircuts for December will tell you when you can cut your nails and hair in December 2018, and when hair and nail care according to the oracle calendar is contraindicated.

Table of haircuts for hair and nails according to the lunar oracle calendar for December 2018

A simple calendar with auspicious haircut days for the whole of December 2018 will help you choose a date for cutting your hair, shortening the ends of your hair or cutting your nails. We recommend that you pay attention not only to the favorable days of the oracle calendar for December, but also to the dates of the calendar for December that are prohibited for cutting hair and nails. Cutting hair or nails on the wrong days of the oracle calendar in December will not help protect or restore hair and nails.

Having familiarized yourself with the lunar oracle calendars and tables of auspicious days in December, you can easily choose the perfect time for cutting your hair and nails. Our oracle calendars include auspicious days in December and indicate inappropriate dates for hair care. Also, our lunar haircut calendar for December 2018 will help you choose favorable days for specific procedures: fashionable haircuts and hair dyeing, shortening the length of hair and nails.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Many women find out the phase of the moon before going to the hairdresser. It is believed that this celestial body affects the result of cutting, coloring, curling in different ways. Knowing the position of the satellite relative to the Earth will help you get your dream hairstyle.

When can you cut your hair according to the lunar calendar

The tides of the oceans best demonstrate the power of the Moon's gravitational field on the Earth. The human body is also affected by the lunar cycle: mood, well-being, and energy change depending on the phase. The condition of the hair on the growing or waning moon is different: they react differently to paint, keep their shape and grow.

If you plan important procedures according to the lunar haircut calendar, you can speed up or slow down the follicle growth cycle, increase the effectiveness of care products, and get more lasting color. In addition to the phase, they take into account in which constellation the Moon is located.

Basic rules for choosing a good day to go to the hairdresser:

  1. In order for the hair to grow back faster, it is cut in the growth phase.
  2. The paint lasts longer if the coloring was done on the growing moon.
  3. On the full moon and new moon, it is better to avoid cardinal changes in the image.
  4. During the period of growth of a celestial body, it is necessary to support the hair with restorative procedures.
  5. A haircut made with a waning Moon will grow back longer.

Depending on the day chosen, even trimming the ends can bring good luck, health, or take away vitality. The lunar calendar of haircuts not only helps to improve the appearance, but also affects a person’s life. By cutting your hair, you lose some of the energy - positive or negative. To get rid of negativity, get a beautiful hairstyle and thick hair, it is important to choose the right phase of the moon for each type of procedure.

Is it possible to cut hair on a full moon

On these lunar days, impulsivity increases - there is a desire to make a short haircut or crazy coloring. Restrain impulses, do not make radical decisions, so as not to regret it later. If you cut your hair, it will become thick and healthy, but growth will slow down.

Full moon dates for 2020:

  • January 10;
  • February 9th;
  • 9th of March;
  • April 8;
  • May 7;
  • June 5;
  • 5'th of July;
  • August 3rd;
  • September 2;
  • October 1;
  • October 31;
  • November 30th;
  • December 30th.

Haircut on the growing moon

The first quarter of the lunar cycle is the ideal period to accelerate hair growth. These are good days for haircuts, root strengthening procedures. Trim the ends and give a boost to growth, but avoid drastic changes. At this time, the hair gain strength, grow faster.


The last lunar quarter is important for those suffering from thinning, brittle hair due to vitamin deficiencies or exposure to chemicals. The procedures carried out during this period contribute to the strengthening and restoration of follicles. Do not dye or perm - the paint will wash off faster, curls and curls will not keep their shape well.

Zodiac sign

The location of the Moon in one or another astrological constellation is an important factor in choosing the right time for a haircut:

  1. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo- favorable period. Trimming the tips accelerates growth, reduces the section.
  2. Aries- hair grows quickly, but with a loss of quality. Unfavorable days due to reduced immunity.
  3. Gemini and Libra- a good time for air hairstyles. Growth accelerates without changing the structure.
  4. Aquarius- Avoid haircuts if possible. There is a risk of hair loss and thinning.
  5. Cancer and Pisces- growth slows down, styling keeps worse. A good period for the restoration of brittle, dry strands.
  6. a lion- hair coloring will succeed, the haircut will be beautiful and voluminous.
  7. Sagittarius– the period is not suitable for length correction. The hairstyle does not hold its shape, it does not fit well.
  8. Scorpion- does not affect the health of the hair, but may worsen or improve relations with the second half.

Auspicious days for cutting hair

The purpose of lunar care is to choose good dates for visiting a beauty salon. By cutting your hair on one or another day of the moon cycle, you can affect its condition and appearance. Choose a favorable period, taking into account the existing problems and the desired result.

On different days of the month, a haircut can affect the following parameters:

  • beauty– improves the texture and shine of the hair;
  • root reinforcement- fight against falling out;
  • strengthening- active nutrition of hair follicles and scalp;
  • height- accelerates after a haircut;
  • density- the hair shaft thickens, the bulbs strengthen.

The haircut lunar calendar for 2020 will determine the date of visiting the hairdresser and doing home care.

Strengthening the roots

Density increase



What person does not dream of beautiful hair and a chic hairstyle? Surely everyone dreams about it. Therefore, the question of when to cut hair so that the haircut benefits the hair is quite acute. And very many in this matter entrust their choice to the Oracle. The lunar calendar allows you to choose the most suitable day for the manipulation of hair.

Hairstyle and moon

For many years, hair has been considered and continues to be considered the keepers of power and information about a person and his life. Any changes with them are changes in life. That is why the question of when you can cut your hair so that everything goes only well is quite relevant today.

Astrologers advise to carefully study the lunar calendar so that the hair grows well and life goes on as usual.

The oracle of haircuts is a lunar calendar that takes into account not only the phases of the moon and days, but also the position in the zodiac sign. As for the phases of the month, they have a huge impact on the growth of hair. So, cutting for the growing month guarantees rapid hair growth. Coloring during this period will last longer, and firming masks and other products will be most effective.

If for you visiting a hairdresser is not your favorite pastime, then it is worth giving preference to a waning month. After a haircut at such a time, the hair will grow much more slowly. The same applies to depilation and removal of unwanted vegetation.

Moon calendar

He pays special attention not only to phases, but also to days, each of which can have its own characteristics.

  • First lunar day. The oracle says that in some cases, a haircut can cause deterioration in health.
  • Second. Not the best option, because there may be problems at work, conflict situations.
  • Third. It is better to postpone the manipulation of the hair, so as not to bring on the disease.
  • Fourth. Not the best option.
  • Fifth. A great time when changes in appearance will give confidence to a person.
  • Sixth. Cardinal changes are fraught with a weakening of immunity.
  • Seventh. It is better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser.
  • Eighth. Any changes will improve your mood and improve your health.
  • Ninth. The lunar calendar warns against diseases.
  • Tenth. The lunar calendar classifies the day as not the best.

  • Eleventh. Development of intuition and ingenuity.
  • Twelfth. The oracle warns against injury and misfortune.
  • Thirteenth. Beautiful appearance, happiness and tranquility.
  • Fourteenth. Financial well-being.
  • Fifteenth. It is better to refuse cutting, so that chronic diseases do not worsen, and new diseases do not appear.
  • Sixteenth day. It is worth avoiding working with hair so as not to incur treason or betrayal.
  • Seventeenth. The oracle portends obstacles in business and problem situations.
  • Eighteenth. There may be problems with the hair.
  • Nineteenth. Manipulations with a hairstyle will help to prolong life.
  • Twentieth. Deterioration of mood.

  • Twenty first. You can attract beauty and happiness through a haircut.
  • Twenty second. Growth of wealth and improvement of material condition. However, along with the money, extra pounds of weight can also come.
  • Twenty third. By visiting the hairdresser on this day, you will be able to improve your complexion.
  • Twenty-fourth. Deterioration of well-being and discomfort.
  • Twenty fifth. Vision problems, not the best option for working with a haircut.
  • Twenty sixth. Joy and happiness.
  • Twenty seventh. Changing your hair will help you become more beautiful and happier.
  • Twenty-eighth. Any actions with hair will make a person more attractive.
  • Twenty-ninth. Poor health and hair problems.
  • Thirtieth. This day does not happen in every cycle and it is not recommended to cut your hair so as not to attract problems.

This lunar calendar is considered universal, but to find out for sure when you can cut your hair, you should watch the Oracle by month.

Haircut Oracle

By auspicious days, we mean the ideal time to visit the hairdresser. As for the unfavorable, this is not the best time, and it will be easier to postpone the visit.

Medium - the time when there are some warnings, but if necessary, you can successfully change your appearance by manipulating your hair.

> Haircut oracle for october 2020

Modern man is critical of various fortune-telling and predictions, giving life to the power of the mind and everything rational. Unfortunately, this should be considered as a mistake that does not allow us to fully develop and grow.

At all times, the greatest value was given to information and useful information. It turns out that by discarding a certain part of the factors, people deprive themselves of a complete picture of what is happening and do not understand why everything in life does not turn out the way they wanted.

Lunar haircut calendar by oracle for october 2020

date ...................... moon day ...................... Moon in the sign of the zodiac Moon phase ......................
Moon in Aries Waxing Crescent Not
Moon in Aries Full moon
Moon in Aries Waning moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Taurus Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Taurus Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Gemini Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Gemini Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Gemini Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Cancer Waning moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Cancer third quarter Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
date ...................... moon day ...................... Moon in the sign of the zodiac Moon phase ...................... Auspicious and unfavorable days
Moon in Leo Waning moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Leo Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Virgo Waning moon
Moon in Virgo Waning moon Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Libra Waning moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Libra New moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Scorpio Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Scorpio Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
date ...................... moon day ...................... Moon in the sign of the zodiac Moon phase ...................... Auspicious and unfavorable days
Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Capricorn Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Capricorn Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Capricorn First quarter Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Aquarius Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Aquarius Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Pisces Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Pisces Waxing Crescent Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Aries Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Aries Waxing Crescent Favorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Aries Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair
Moon in Taurus Full moon Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair

It is important to understand that there are forces that do not always lend themselves to logical and critical analysis, but they directly affect every future event. These include the lunar calendar and the Oracle, indicating a favorable and successful day. The first is responsible for the impact of the moon on the psyche and activity of living beings.

But the concept of "oracle" came to us from ancient times, revealing some form of divine prediction of human fate. In ancient times, a special priest announced the truth, but now you can use the oracle haircut calendar for 2020, which will make your destiny as successful and successful as possible.

Many do not believe that a banal haircut and manipulations with curls can not only improve your image, but also radically change your whole destiny. Our ancestors knew about this, who dared to cut the ends only with the permission of the moon and on certain days. They understood that hair served as a kind of connection with cosmic energy.

Going to the salon at the right date opens the channels and gives you additional energy, saves you from irreparable mistakes and directs you to the most prosperous and harmonious path of development. Therefore, use the haircut oracle to find out favorable and unfavorable days for an appointment with a hairdresser for October 2020.

Auspicious days for cutting hair according to the oracle for October 2020

October 5 seems like a great day to change your hairstyle. This is the first quarter with the dominant Capricorn. The sign of the zodiac is distinguished by restraint, but he will gladly allow you to change the hair color, length or dare to perm. Pisces with the growing moon are also open to change, so check the box on the 10th. However, try to focus on naturalness and do not resort to cardinal transformations.

October 18 - the period of lunar waning under Gemini. A haircut will not damage the structure of the curls if you choose an easy option. Do not decorate with massive items. Virgo arrives on the 25th, allowing any procedures. Even simple combing and washing will fill the hair with energy and strength.

Unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the oracle for October 2020

Do not forget that there are also negative periods when you have to stay at a maximum distance from the master and not touch your hair at all. This is October 12 with the ruling Aries. Lunar growth will negatively affect the appearance of curls. Strands can lose their natural shine and become unhealthy greasy. Only a light massage is allowed. The same trends are repeated on the 14th. If you visit a hairdresser, you run the risk of split ends and hair loss problems. The Oracle advises against taking such risks this month.

October 20 seems extremely negative. The waning moon is in the power of Cancer, which makes the hair too naughty. You just can't style, curl, or even cut neatly. In addition, relationships with loved ones can deteriorate. Go around the salon and on the 27th at Libra. The benefits will come exclusively from wellness procedures. The color will not last long.

Remember that the Oracle haircut schedule for 2020 is based on the phases of the moon. The earth satellite changes the level of illumination, and at the same time distributes the energy balance in different ways. Therefore, on certain dates, curls grow faster or split ends, loss, dandruff appear. In addition, a false day can cancel out your efforts in business, ruin your relationship with a loved one, or heat up the atmosphere at work. Focus on the advice of the Oracle to create the most balanced and successful future, in which there is no place for problems and unexpected kicks from the Universe.

Choose a specific month of the moon phase calendar to always be aware of the phases of the moon, favorable and unfavorable days.

Select a specific type of lunar calendar to learn more about the influence of the moon on other matters.

Types of lunar calendars:

What person does not dream of beautiful hair and a chic hairstyle? Surely everyone dreams about it. Therefore, the question of when to cut hair so that the haircut benefits the hair is quite acute. And very many in this matter entrust their choice to the Oracle. The lunar calendar allows you to choose the most suitable day for the manipulation of hair. In this article, we will look at Oracle 2016 and determine the most successful days.

Hairstyle and moon

For many years, hair has been considered and continues to be considered the keepers of power and information about a person and his life. Any changes with them are changes in life. That is why the question of when you can cut your hair so that everything goes only well is quite relevant today. Astrologers advise to carefully study the lunar calendar so that the hair grows well and life goes on as usual.

Haircut Oracle 2016 is a lunar calendar that takes into account not only the phases of the moon and days, but also the position in the zodiac sign. As for the phases of the month, they have a huge impact on the growth of hair. So, cutting for the growing month guarantees rapid hair growth. Coloring during this period will last longer, and firming masks and other products will be most effective. If for you visiting a hairdresser is not your favorite pastime, then it is worth giving preference to a waning month. After a haircut at such a time, the hair will grow much more slowly. The same applies to depilation and removal of unwanted vegetation.

Lunar calendar 2016

He pays special attention not only to phases, but also to days, each of which can have its own characteristics.

This lunar calendar 2016 is considered universal, but to find out for sure when you can cut your hair, you should watch the Oracle by months.