Vitamin complex for the face in ampoules. How much do facial injections cost. Hyaluronic acid injections

Vitamin injections can contain both one drug and a whole complex. useful components. For cosmetic purposes vitamin injections usually done subcutaneously, so they deliver beneficial substances to the necessary areas of the body.

Indications for beauty injections

Mesotherapy cocktails contain extracts of medicinal plants, beneficial acids And important trace elements. They accelerate the metabolism in cells and promote their regeneration. Typically, these procedures are minimally invasive and painless.

Injections from vitamins are intended to solve various problems:

  • Tired skin. premature wrinkles, Not healthy color, dryness, inflammation and flaking may result from bad habits, stress, irregular care or adverse climatic conditions.
  • Weak epidermis. Changes in the oval of the face, the appearance of swollen cheeks, violation of contours occur due to age-related changes in the structure of the skin and muscles of the face.
  • Decrease in protective functions. Inflammatory diseases, acne, acne can appear on the skin due to malfunction sebaceous glands. Thus, they signal themselves by worsening metabolism, diseases of the stomach or endocrine system.
  • Dark circles with bags under the eyes. Tired, haggard look can provoke lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, Not proper nutrition.
  • Hair problems. Hair damage is often from exposure to aggressive dyes, ultraviolet light, and bleaching. Injections with vitamins for hair growth help stop their early loss, seborrhea. Injections also help with early gray hair, overdried, brittle split ends.

Rejuvenation injections usually include mesotherapy (including mesotherapy for hair), biorevitalization, contouring, botox. Moisturizing, antioxidant, nutrients are injected under the skin with fine needles. Special techniques allow you to perform injections with lines, frequent dots intersecting lines.


For the first time, this method of rejuvenation appeared in the middle of the last century. Since then, many women regularly receive "beauty injections". Injections with vitamins, even in one session, significantly reduce visibility age-related changes.

Vitamins for prolonging youth

Mini injections can be as in ready-made- ampoules, and be compiled by a cosmetologist immediately before the procedure. For different parts bodies apply different formulations. For example, eliminating orange peel on the hips requires components that relieve swelling and activate lymphatic drainage. In the treatment of rosacea, means are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Mesotherapy helps to activate the production of collagen or elastin. It is their fibers that are responsible for skin turgor. With the help of therapeutic injections, the oval of the face is tightened, the second chin is removed. Typically, such injections for the face are carried out in a course of 8-10 weekly sessions. Each procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. It is enough to carry out such rejuvenation once a year.

Vitamins for hair beauty

Effective course of mesotherapy for diseases of the scalp. Beneficial substances act directly on hair follicles. This maximally activates metabolism, blood circulation and vitaminization.

Hair injections are part of the treatment of baldness, dandruff and the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to consult a trichologist and follow his recommendations. The main components that make up the injection solution are:

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Minerals (magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper).
  • Vitamins.
  • Enzymes.
  • Amino acids.

For the procedure, 2 techniques are used. Manual - these are injections using a conventional syringe. The injection method requires a special tool. The device significantly speeds up the process and accurately doses the injection.

Contour plastic

Hyaluronic acid refers to substances that are produced in the body. With age, this process slows down, sagging, wrinkling of the skin appears. Creases and deep depressions appear in the lips, forehead, nose or eyebrows.

Anti-aging cosmetology has found a way to correct the body and correct the asymmetry of the lips, face, postoperative scars, eyelid lift. By filling such voids with hyaluronic fillers, age-related changes can be successfully hidden.

Drug manufacturers:

  • Swiss Teoxane.
  • Swedish "Q-MED".
  • French Corneal.
  • German "Merz Pharma".
  • Russian «NovoNexus».

Among biogels: Juvederm, Restylane, Surgiderm, Glytone. Of course, the choice always remains with the doctor. Only he is able to correctly assess the type of skin, diagnose the problem and choose the right dosage. Contour plastic consists of one procedure, gives an instant result and keeps it up to 18 months. Facial injections can be combined with others cosmetic methods rejuvenation.


Botulinum toxin refers to organic toxins that cause temporary muscle fixation. This not only allows you to smooth existing wrinkles, but also resist the appearance of new ones. The result is kept for about a year.

Botox injections are indicated in the presence of:

  • Creases on the neck and décolleté.
  • Interbrow wrinkles.
  • Horizontal frontal folds.
  • Goose paws.
  • Wrinkles around the mouth and nose.

The active ingredient is part of the preparations Botox (USA), Xeomin (Germany). The drugs differ only in the content of the active substance. The most concentrated is Botox.


The vitamin complex in the form of injections revitalizes the skin well, it is recommended for women and men. By using hyaluronic acid with trace elements, it will help people under 50 cope with aging skin, uneven relief, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, wrinkles around the eyes.

Preventive programs are designed for early signs of aging. It is enough to conduct 4 courses per year for 2-3 sessions. The therapeutic option is recommended for significant changes (dehydration, loss of elasticity, wrinkles). A course of 3 procedures is carried out, and then a maintenance session every 3 months.

All procedures related to injections require a highly qualified doctor, high-quality drugs, compliance with the venue sanitary standards. You can always ask for a product certificate and a permit for injections. In addition, do not forget about basic security. Among the general contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of dermatological diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Pregnancy, feeding.
  • Endocrine, vascular, oncological, renal diseases.
  • Poor skin clotting.
  • postoperative conditions.
  • Allergy.
  • Component intolerance.
  • Heart failure.

Cosmetic injections can be conditionally called preventive and therapeutic. The first preserve the natural state of the skin. Usually, their components maintain the water and fat balance of the skin. The second restore serious violations functions or are in addition to drug therapy. In any case, you must carefully listen to the recommendations of specialists and choose serious clinics.

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Today many beauty salons offer their customers all the new services to preserve youth and beauty. One of them is the mesotherapy procedure, the essence of which is the subcutaneous injection of therapeutic cocktails. Microdoses of carefully selected preparations act at the cellular level, contributing to the acceleration of metabolism, skin renewal and the elimination of aesthetic imperfections. The procedure can be performed not only on the face or scalp, but also on the body to eliminate stretch marks, cellulite and body fat. Cocktails for mesotherapy are selected for each client individually. Let's find out how they work, what is included in their composition and what effect to expect from the use of miracle drugs.

In cosmetology, it is customary to divide preparations for mesotherapy into several main groups, which makes it easier to choose the right solution for a particular patient. So, therapeutic cocktails are of the following types:

According to the composition, therapeutic cocktails are divided into:

  1. Allopathic. In mesotherapy, such compositions are used most often. They are based on complexes of extracts and extracts of plant or animal origin, artificially synthesized bioactive substances, organic acids, minerals, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and other medicinal components. The set of ingredients that make up the cocktail is largely determined by the problem that has arisen. So, to eliminate edema, diuretics are chosen, to combat cellulite and body fat - lipolytics, to improve the condition of the skin and combat acne- antiseptics.
  2. homeopathic. Medicinal mixtures are based on homeopathic ingredients, microdoses of which should stimulate the body to make an independent decision aesthetic problems. Since the doses of drugs are microscopic and they consist only of natural ingredients(vitamins, herbal extracts, nutrients) their use is considered the safest and most hypoallergenic. The task of such mixtures is to restore, nourish, moisturize the skin and normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Depending on the field of application, meso-cocktails are divided into compositions intended for:

According to the principle of action of drugs, the following varieties are distinguished:


The composition of mesotherapy cocktails includes a wide variety of components, each of which performs a specific function, and in combination, their action provides the desired effect and helps to get rid of many aesthetic problems. Consider the main components that make up preparations for subcutaneous injections.

Included in almost all multi-component cocktails. Any vitamin complex is an ideal nourishment for the skin, it tones, softens and provides not only cosmetic, but also healing effect. The composition of cocktails for the skin includes vitamins A, E, C, D. They exhibit a rejuvenating, brightening, regenerating and antioxidant effect, prevent the formation of free radicals and thereby slow down the aging process. The condition of the hair is especially well affected by B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic and nicotinic acids), which restore their structure and prevent hair loss.

Almost all vitamin cocktails are additionally enriched with minerals (salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc). These trace elements are indispensable in the process of skin rejuvenation, they provide cell nutrition, improve elasticity and tone. skin.

organic acids. Mesotherapy cocktails based on glycolic, polyvine or polylactic acids provide a peeling effect. Only when administered subcutaneously, they act from the inside, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. Active ingredients stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers and thereby help restore skin elasticity and slow down the aging process.

These components are part of almost all certified mesotherapy cocktails, which are used in cosmetology clinics. A wide variety of extracts from natural medicinal and exotic plants allow us to provide desired effect and fix a specific problem.

For example, chamomile extract copes well with allergic reactions and acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Aloe vera extract fights inflammation and exhibits a powerful restorative and healing effect. extract from seaweed- rejuvenates and relieves irritation, green tea extract eliminates swelling and exhibits an antioxidant effect.

Medicinal components. To enhance the anti-aging effect, some medicinal preparations can also be included in the composition of mesococktails:

In addition, the composition of cocktails includes lipolytics, diuretics, antiseptics, drugs with a vasodilating effect.

Extracts of animal origin. First of all, it is collagen and elastin, which have a powerful anti-aging effect. The addition of these components to the composition of the cocktail allows you to quickly tighten the skin, eliminate flabbiness and restore the former elasticity and tone. In addition, cosmetologists actively use formulations with peptides, which are obtained from animal bone, muscle and cartilage tissue. Peptides of animal origin are able to interact with DNA cells, which gives impetus to protein synthesis, slowing down skin aging and accelerating metabolic processes.

The rapid development of biotechnology has made it possible to synthesize new components that have a powerful rejuvenating effect and are included in many varieties of meso-cocktails. This is hyaluronic acid, placentex (preparation from sturgeon fish milk) or AND HP (synthetic analogue of deoxyribonucleic acid).

Thanks to such a variety of cocktails, experts can always choose the best option for any skin type. The composition of one mixture can include from 2 to 50 different components. When preparing cocktails in laboratories, trial tests are required to detect allergic reactions. This approach guarantees the safety of certified funds.

Specialized cosmetology clinics offer a wide range of certified cocktails for mesotherapy procedures. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To have an idea of ​​their purpose and composition, imagine short review the most popular products and their manufacturers:

Let us dwell in more detail on preparations for mesotherapy, and present a short overview of the compositions officially approved for use in Russia.

Facial mesotherapy cocktails

Hair mesotherapy cocktails

To restore the structure of the hair and prevent hair loss, the following drugs are used:

Body mesotherapy cocktails

The body mesotherapy procedure is carried out to eliminate skin flabbiness, cellulite manifestations, stretch marks, excess weight. The preparations used for this purpose contain fat-burning substances (lipolytics), venotonics, lymphatic drainage and vasodilators. The following drugs are especially popular:

In addition, compositions with lymphatic drainage properties are used to eliminate edema, tightening cocktails are used to reduce sagging, and compositions with organic silicon are prescribed to treat stretch marks.

How to turn back time? So that our face does not grow old over time, but younger. Somewhere after all there must be rejuvenating apples. No need to remember fairy tales, where the characters instantly become young, taking advantage of magical secrets. Magic exists in real world you just need to know where to look. Do you want to get rid of wrinkles in just an hour, make your face fresh, radiant, and restore youthfulness to your skin?

Meet Mesotherapy

Cosmetology is a modern beauty laboratory, it is able to create real miracles. Vitamin injections are considered one of the most effective procedures for the return of youth and complete improvement of the skin. Mesotherapy (or vitamin injections for the face) can reduce your “appearance age” by 10-12 years in one session.

Mesotherapy(it is also called "magic injections of youth") - a unique technique aimed at rejuvenating certain areas of the face and body, without affecting the body as a whole.

This is the most popular procedure among modern women. She is famous for her miraculous effect on the epidermis and in her short life has been able to help many women become younger and more beautiful. For the first time, the fair sex got acquainted with mesotherapy in 1958. It was then that the French doctor Michel Pistor came up with this effective methodology alternative medicine and called it "mesotherapy".

Wonderful Opportunities

Injections of vitamins for the face have the widest range of possibilities. They treat everything: from simple inflammations to deep ones. skin changes associated with age. What are you concerned about?

  • Emaciated skin. Constant stress, bad habits, lack of time for full face care leads to dryness, peeling, inflammation and premature wrinkles.
  • Weakness of the epidermis. Over time, the structure of the skin weakens, which is immediately reflected in appearance. A “shar-pei effect” appears on the face, when its oval changes, the face seems to “blur”, losing clear contours.
  • Decrease in protective functions. Due to many factors, disruption of the sebaceous glands occurs, the ability of cells to withstand viral and bacterial attacks decreases. As a result, this leads to the appearance of blackheads, pustular rashes, acne.
  • Bags under the eyes. Where are you gone clear look, now instead of shining eyes we see an extinct look with bruises under the eyes and puffiness. And all because of our crazy life: food hastily, lack of sleep, constant fatigue.

Improve the condition of oily and dry skin, completely heal and rejuvenate the face in the power of this unique methodology. In a matter of minutes, she is able to save you from a network of wrinkles, “ crow's feet". Significantly increase the production of collagen, elastin. Remove the second chin and perfectly tighten the oval of the face.

How does this happen

Vitamin injections for the face are the introduction of vitamin cocktails under the skin, consisting of microdoses of various active substances. The composition of cocktails is developed individually by a cosmetologist, taking into account the existing problems and wishes of clients.

It usually consists of five components, which are prepared immediately before the procedure itself. They can chip the entire area of ​​​​the face or a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bit, which requires direct intervention.

In addition to vitamins, the composition of the cocktail usually includes: extracts of many healing plants (biloba, ginkgo, witch hazel), hyaluronic and glycolic acid, trace elements (zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium), many others medicines and biotechnology products.

Vitamin injections are completely painless and less traumatic. Immediately after the injection, small bruises may appear, which disappear very quickly and do not need additional therapy.

Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 8-10 sessions (the time of each session does not exceed a quarter of an hour). Carry out one procedure per week. You can repeat the course in a year.

Are beauty injections useful for everyone?

According to many leading cosmetologists, it is possible to carry out vitamin injections for the face from the age of 20 (taking into account the peculiarities of the epidermis). But of course there are contraindications. Vitamin injections should not be carried out in case of:

  • chronic in the period of exacerbation;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • postoperative conditions;
  • kidney problems (nephritis, kidney failure);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pregnancy in the last trimester;
  • lactation period;
  • poor blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • oncology, diabetes, heart disease.

In this case, it is better to first treat the existing problems so as not to harm your own body.

Be beautiful!

Individually composed cocktails for mesotherapy allow you to compensate for the lack of vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, collagen or other useful components in the body. Mesotherapy is considered one of the most effective non-surgical methods of face and body rejuvenation; it is successfully used to correct a wide variety of aesthetic defects.

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of special complex preparations or meso-cocktails into the skin, which help to deliver the missing substances to the cells. Cocktails for mesotherapy of the face or body are introduced into minimum quantity in the problem area, where they have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. Injections are performed into the dermis to a depth of 1.5-3.9 mm with a syringe with a thin needle.

Features of mesotherapy

The composition of cocktails for mesotherapy can be different:

  • mineral;
  • moisturizing;
  • on plant extracts;
  • amino acids, etc.

Mesococktails penetrate into the upper layer of the dermis and improve blood microcirculation, accelerate recovery processes and increase tissue elasticity.

A vitamin or other cocktail is prepared immediately before the introduction by the cosmetologist himself or a ready-made preparation is taken.

Indications for mesotherapy may include the following signs:

  • cellulite;
  • hair loss;
  • body fat;
  • dry skin;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • stretch marks;
  • rosacea;
  • pigment formations;
  • decrease in tissue tone.

It is recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy if the pores are enlarged, too oily skin, there are keloid scars or you need to adjust the contours of the body or the oval of the face. You can perform injections before preparing for plastic surgery or during rehabilitation. Mesotherapy goes well with others cosmetic procedures, such as laser resurfacing, peeling or dermabrasion.

Types of cocktails

Cocktails for mesotherapy of the face or body are of the following main types:

  • products prepared by a cosmetologist, no more than three components;
  • monopreparations, one component;
  • ready-made cocktails, up to fifty components.

The best cocktails for mesotherapy are those prepared by the doctor, as they are made taking into account the patient's skin condition and his individual problem: wrinkles, skin folds, dark spots. Therefore, the risk of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the cocktail is excluded and side effects during the rehabilitation period.

Monopreparations are such meso-cocktails, which are based, in most cases, on hyaluronic acid as the main component. This substance provides sufficient hydration of skin cells and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.

Ready-made cocktails contain a vitamin complex, microelements and other substances useful for the body and skin.

In cosmetology, there are such types of injectable preparations for performing the mesotherapy procedure:

  • allopathic;
  • homeopathic.

Allopathic cocktails for mesotherapy usually contain vitamins, glycolic acid, extracts from medicinal plants and minerals.

Homeopathic cocktails consist of medicinal substances that are contained in smaller quantities, but have therapeutic effect. Each meso-cocktail is composed in such a way that the action of all substances in it is interconnected and together they give the maximum healing and rejuvenating result.

Indications for use and action of cocktails

It is recommended to start making injections for women after 25 years, when the first age-related changes are just beginning to appear and decrease. protective properties skin. To eliminate the lungs cosmetic defects usually it is enough to go through several (5 - 6 procedures). With the right cocktail, you can achieve the same effect as when performing plastic surgery: remove mimic wrinkles, align the nasolabial folds, tighten the chin and correct the oval of the face.

According to the method of exposure, all meso-cocktails can be:

  • therapeutic;
  • lipolytic;
  • rejuvenating.

Therapeutic cocktails are used to treat various diseases: acne, cicatricial tissue changes, rosacea, etc. These drugs do not act on the entire body, but only on specific areas of the body or face, depending on where the injection is given. Against the background of the introduction of the cocktail, skin color improves and the process of cell aging stops. Anti-aging preparations help to get rid of age-related changes, tighten tissues and restore the skin to its former beauty.

For the abdominal area and in order to combat:

  • cellulite;
  • fatty deposits;
  • second chin

Special lipolytic formulations are used that help burn fat deposits and vascular preparations that can activate metabolic processes and start lymphatic drainage. Injections only help to correct the shape of the body, but do not completely get rid of more serious cosmetic defects. The minimum course of treatment is 10 procedures.

For the face area, you can use both types of these cocktails to improve blood circulation, eliminate skin flabbiness and other minor defects. The mesotherapy procedure with meso-cocktails is often used to treat alopecia in order to stop pathological hair loss.

Contraindications for injections

It is forbidden to inject cocktails into the skin if there are direct contraindications:

  • reduced immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hemophilia;
  • gallstones in the bladder;
  • allergic reaction to the components of mesococktails;
  • inflammatory processes in organism;
  • the presence of any neoplasms at the injection sites;
  • taking anticoagulants.

This procedure requires strict adherence to the rules for the administration of drugs. If you do not take into account contraindications or incorrectly perform injections, complications of varying severity may develop. Most often, after injections, tissue swelling or slight redness appears. Such side effects of injection mesotherapy do not need special treatment and usually disappear on their own after a while.

More serious consequences of the introduction of cocktails into the skin include allergic reaction for the components used:

  • hives;
  • skin itching;
  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In addition, after the mesotherapy procedure, the patient may develop an infectious process or proliferation of fibrous tissue may occur. Only a doctor should deal with the treatment of such complications.

To avoid undesirable consequences after the mesotherapy procedure, you can, if you strictly follow all the recommendations of the beautician during rehabilitation period. For this purpose, it is undesirable to undergo mesotherapy in summer time or in the spring, when there is a strong activity of ultraviolet rays. Immediately after the introduction of the cocktail, it is forbidden to touch the face with your hands or rub the skin of the body with a washcloth. The first time you can not use a scrub, do professional peeling or go to the sauna, swimming pool, solarium.

Varieties of mesotherapy

The procedure for mesotherapy may vary depending on the technique of injecting the drug into the skin:

  • hardware mesotherapy;
  • injection procedure.

Hardware mesotherapy is carried out using special devices and can be of the following types:

  • oxygen;
  • fractional;
  • nanomesotherapy.

It uses special cocktails designed for this device.

The standard mesotherapy procedure is carried out using injections that are performed manually by a cosmetologist or using a special device. The specialist who will carry out injection mesotherapy must have a special higher medical education and extensive work experience, since the cocktail must be injected strictly into the problem area of ​​the skin.

Each of these types of mesotherapy has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing a rejuvenating technique. The mesotherapy procedure begins with the treatment of the skin with a cleanser and the application of a local anesthetic. After that, the doctor introduces a prepared meso-cocktail using a special technique into a predetermined area on the face or on the body. At the end of the rejuvenating session, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic.

Each of the meso-cocktails used for the anti-aging procedure has unique properties and has various therapeutic effects. To obtain maximum effect from injections, you need to take into account the condition of the skin and possible contraindications Therefore, you should seek help only from a professional cosmetologist.

It is very easy to restore youth and freshness to the skin in our time. With just a few injections of vitamins in the face, you can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also restore its former freshness and radiance. But many people are afraid of the very word “injection”. Should I be afraid?

Features of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the most popular procedure among women. This procedure includes injections of a complex of vitamins that have a wide range opportunities.

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Mesotherapy treats the skin from inflammation, exfoliation and a number of other problems, such as:

  • exhaustion of the skin (from bad habits, improper care for the skin, from stress and inflammatory processes);
  • weak epidermis (weakened skin);
  • a decrease in the protective function of the body (disruption of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the ability of cells to fight viral attacks, the appearance of acne and inflammation of the skin);
  • bags under the eyes (bruising under the eyes due to lack of sleep and fatigue).

It is possible to carry out injections with vitamin complexes from the age of 20, taking into account the characteristics of the skin type. The procedure will take half an hour to complete. visible result it will take about ten sessions.


For injections useful substances in the face, there are several contraindications:

  • chronic skin diseases;
  • third degree hypertension;
  • postoperative period;
  • kidney problems;
  • the period of bearing a baby;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Facial skin needs a large number vitamins she can get through cosmetic masks, proper nutrition or through the introduction vitamin complexes intravenously.

The introduction of such a composition contributes not only to the improvement inner work organism, but also positively displayed on his appearance. This complex brings only benefits to the body. Both sick and healthy people need to take vitamins.

What vitamins are allowed to be injected into the face?

IN modern cosmetology allow the introduction of the following means into the face:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) - fights dry and flaky skin. Promotes the production of collagen, which, in turn, provides skin rejuvenation.
  • Thiamine (B1) - is actively fighting the aging process of the skin.
  • Riboflavin (B2) - gives the skin a healthy color and speeds up the metabolism.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) - quickly and efficiently smoothes wrinkles.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - effective in the fight against skin diseases.
  • Folic acid (B9) - the best remedy from acne.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is a stimulator of collagen production, which will accelerate the healing of microcracks.
  • D - slowing down the aging process of cells and maintaining them in good shape.
  • Biotin (H) is the main stimulator of cells to regenerate.
  • Niacin (PP) - stimulates cells, which serves as a protection for the skin.
  • K is a tool that can fight age spots and freckles. Removes inflammation and swelling of the skin.
  • Tocopherol (E) - promotes cell renewal and skin smoothing. It has a protective function against ultraviolet rays.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - promotes skin renewal, which actually rejuvenates it.

They are the introduction of vitamin complexes under the skin. These complexes consist of many microdoses of various active substances.

Their composition can be different, it is developed by a doctor (beautician) individually for each client, while its composition takes into account all existing problems and wishes. Usually the composition of the complex has five components prepared immediately before the procedure. During the procedure, the entire face or a certain (problem) area is chipped.

Knowing what properties a particular vitamin has, you can tone your skin very quickly and no problem. A certified specialist will help determine the missing component. The introduction of a well-assembled combination of substances into the body will be the most effective guarantor of a healthy and well-groomed skin, and also save her from unwanted beriberi and any diseases.